READ ME File For 'Research data - The influence of sleeper material characteristics on railway track behaviour: concrete vs composite sleeper' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1260 ReadMe Author: Louis Le Pen, University of Southampton [0000-0002-4362-3895] This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: E. FERRO, J. HARKNESS, L. LE PEN TITLE: The influence of sleeper material characteristics on railway track behaviour: concrete vs composite sleeper JOURNAL: Transportation Geotechnics PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: 10.1016/j.trgeo.2020.100348 This dataset contains: Data behind the graphs shown in this publication The figures are as follows: Fig. 3 Flexural rigidity of the composite and concrete sleeper Fig. 6 Lab tests, distribution of the resilient deflections along the sleepers at key numbers of load cycles Fig. 7 Lab tests, sleeper resilient deflections vs number of load cycles Fig. 8 Lab tests, sleeper settlement vs number of load cycles Fig. 12 BOEF, sleeper resilient deflections in the short term (uniform support) Fig. 13 BOEF, ballast pressures in the short-term (uniform support) Fig. 14 Sleeper long-term flexural behaviour (voided sleeper ends) Fig. 16 Indenter model, load vs indentation depth relationship for loading and unloading/reloading Fig. 18 DEM simulations, sleeper displacement in the first load cycles Fig. 19 DEM simulations, sleeper settlement vs number of load cycles Fig. 20 DEM simulations, percentage of total vertical load taken by the particles grouped by vertical force at maximum load at 300 load cycles Date of data collection: from September 2017 to December 2017 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom Licence: Creative Commons Attribution Related projects: In2Rail H2020-MG-2014, 635900 Track to the Future (EP/M025276/1) Date that the file was created: February, 2020