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Wind tunnel test results for a model ship propeller based on a modified Wageningen B4.40

Wind tunnel test results for a model ship propeller based on a modified Wageningen B4.40
Wind tunnel test results for a model ship propeller based on a modified Wageningen B4.40
Freestream (Open Water) propeller tests were carried out in the University of Southampton's 11' x 8' low speed wind tunnel. The four-bladed ship propeller tested had an overall diameter of 800mm and maximum hub diameter of 200mm and profile and sections based on the Wageningen B4.40 series. The ability to vary pitch setting was incorporated in the design. The performance tests were conducted at a range of windspeeds between 5m/s and 20m/s and propeller revolutions between 600 and 3,000rpm. Results are presented in terms of Thrust coefficient(K subscript T), Torque coefficient (K subscript Q) and Efficiency (?) against advance ratio J. A good comparison was found with published data for the four propeller pitch ratio settings tested. Leading edge roughness was applied at a pitch ratio of 0.95 and this was found not to affect significantly the thrust characteristics of the propeller.
University of Southampton
Molland, A.F.
Turnock, S.R.
Molland, A.F.
Turnock, S.R.

Molland, A.F. and Turnock, S.R. (1990) Wind tunnel test results for a model ship propeller based on a modified Wageningen B4.40 (Ship Science Reports, 43) Southampton, UK. University of Southampton 29pp.

Record type: Monograph (Project Report)


Freestream (Open Water) propeller tests were carried out in the University of Southampton's 11' x 8' low speed wind tunnel. The four-bladed ship propeller tested had an overall diameter of 800mm and maximum hub diameter of 200mm and profile and sections based on the Wageningen B4.40 series. The ability to vary pitch setting was incorporated in the design. The performance tests were conducted at a range of windspeeds between 5m/s and 20m/s and propeller revolutions between 600 and 3,000rpm. Results are presented in terms of Thrust coefficient(K subscript T), Torque coefficient (K subscript Q) and Efficiency (?) against advance ratio J. A good comparison was found with published data for the four propeller pitch ratio settings tested. Leading edge roughness was applied at a pitch ratio of 0.95 and this was found not to affect significantly the thrust characteristics of the propeller.

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Published date: 1990
Additional Information: ISSN 0140-3818


Local EPrints ID: 43842
PURE UUID: a0c3955c-ce62-4a9c-93a8-78c6b5afaa88
ORCID for S.R. Turnock: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 05 Feb 2007
Last modified: 10 Jan 2025 02:33

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