READ ME File For 'Dataset for: Wakes of wall bounded turbulent flows past patches of circular cylinders' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1274 Date of data collection: 15/3/2020 Licence: CC BY-NC-ND Related projects: EP/P021476/1 Those .txt files contain data to reproduce figures of "Wakes of wall-bounded turbulent flows past patches of circular cylinders", doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.102, C. Nicolai , S. Taddei, C. Manes and B. Ganapathisubramani If you use this data, please cite this paper and the previous one "Characterisation of drag and wake properties of canopy patches immersed in turbulent boundary layers" S. Taddei, C. Manes and B. Ganapathisubramani, DOI: Files are named after figures, for instance file "figure17b.txt" contains data to reproduce figure 17b. At the beginning of each file, a few lines explain and define all quantities, variables and constants. This is the header of file "figure17b.txt" Data to reproduce figure 17b of Wakes of wall-bounded patches of circular cylinders Nicolai C., Taddei S.,Manes C., Ganapathisubramani B. QUANTITIES = Du0_C20/U_H/2 normalized wake half width and [(x-x0)/(CD*D)]^(-0.5) scaling law for half width for patch C20, same for quantities are provided for C39 C64 and C95, respectively. x0/D = (3.9, 3.9, 3.1, 3.27), while CD = (0.2350 0.3060 0.3680 0.3820), U_H/2 = 12.0315 m/s VARIABLES = Du0_C20/U_H/2, [(x-x0)/(CD*D)]^(-0.5) _____________________DATA FOLLOW_______________________________________________