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Missing links in the study of solute and particle exchange between the sea floor and water column

Missing links in the study of solute and particle exchange between the sea floor and water column
Missing links in the study of solute and particle exchange between the sea floor and water column
factors, which are identified in this review and may be moderated by others, such as currents, granulometry, nutrient and matter inputs, as well as living organisms. In turn, the occurrence of exchanges can influence adjacent environments and organisms. Major gaps in the present knowledge include the temporal and spatial variation in many of the processes driving benthic/pelagic exchange processes and the variability in the relative importance of individual processes caused by this variation. Furthermore the accurate assessment of some anthropogenic impacts is deemed questionable due to a lack of baseline data, and long-term effects of anthropogenic actions are often unknown. It is suggested that future research should be transdisciplinary and at ecosystem level wherever possible, and that baseline surveys should be implemented and long-term observatories established in order to fill the current knowledge gaps.
Ruhl, Saskia
Thompson, Charlotte
Queirós, Ana M.
Widdicombe, Steve
Ruhl, Saskia
Thompson, Charlotte
Queirós, Ana M.
Widdicombe, Steve

Ruhl, Saskia, Thompson, Charlotte, Queirós, Ana M. and Widdicombe, Steve (2020) Missing links in the study of solute and particle exchange between the sea floor and water column. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77 (5), 1602–1616. (doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsaa060).

Record type: Article


factors, which are identified in this review and may be moderated by others, such as currents, granulometry, nutrient and matter inputs, as well as living organisms. In turn, the occurrence of exchanges can influence adjacent environments and organisms. Major gaps in the present knowledge include the temporal and spatial variation in many of the processes driving benthic/pelagic exchange processes and the variability in the relative importance of individual processes caused by this variation. Furthermore the accurate assessment of some anthropogenic impacts is deemed questionable due to a lack of baseline data, and long-term effects of anthropogenic actions are often unknown. It is suggested that future research should be transdisciplinary and at ecosystem level wherever possible, and that baseline surveys should be implemented and long-term observatories established in order to fill the current knowledge gaps.

ICES-JMS_Review_RuhlEtAl_RevisedVersion - Accepted Manuscript
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Accepted/In Press date: 15 March 2020
e-pub ahead of print date: 25 May 2020
Published date: 1 September 2020


Local EPrints ID: 438864
ISSN: 1054-3139
PURE UUID: 310f04d8-88bd-4e35-b5bf-b62c9953e440
ORCID for Saskia Ruhl: ORCID iD
ORCID for Charlotte Thompson: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date deposited: 25 Mar 2020 17:36
Last modified: 17 Mar 2024 05:25

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Author: Saskia Ruhl ORCID iD
Author: Ana M. Queirós
Author: Steve Widdicombe

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