READ ME File For 'DBpedia entity classification' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1316 ReadMe Author: Qiong Bu, University of Southampton [] This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Qiong Bu, Elena Simperl, Sergej Zerr and Yunjia Li TITLE: Using microtasks to crowdsource DBpediaentity classification: A study in workflowdesign JOURNAL: Semantic Web Journal PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: 10.3233/SW-170261 This dataset contains: The dataset contains classifications collected from the crowd (from FigureEight platform) for 120 previously un-typed entities from DBpedia. The files covers the experiments we did for three different workflows, with automated predictor, hybrid predictor (free-text for initial classification, then using tools to extract top-categories), and completely human-based predictor. The categories are based on the DBpedia ontology. The purpose is to classify the entity to its most specific category. Date of data collection: 2015-2016 Information about geographic location of data collection: The data is collected from online crowdsourcing platform Figure Eight, previously known as CrowdFlower Licence:CC-BY Related projects: N/A Date that the file was created: April 2020