READ ME File For 'Time-Resolved Non-Invasive Metabolomic Monitoring of Microfluidic Spheroid And Monolayer Cell Cultures By NMR' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1329 ReadMe Author: Marcel Utz, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: B. Patra, M. Sharma, W. Hale, and Marcel Utz TITLE:Time-Resolved Non-Invasive Metabolomic Monitoring of Microfluidic Spheroid And Monolayer Cell Cultures By NMR JOURNAL: submitted PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: This dataset contains: all raw data for the figures in the above manuscript The files are organised into a folder for each of the figures. Micrograph images are in jpeg format, NMR primary data files are in Varian VNMRJ and Bruker TopSpin formats. Information about geographic location of data collection: Southampton, UK Licence:CC-NC-ND Related projects: TISuMR Date that the file was created: 4/2020