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Numerical modelling of pump-wavelength dependence of high harmonic generation efficiency

Numerical modelling of pump-wavelength dependence of high harmonic generation efficiency
Numerical modelling of pump-wavelength dependence of high harmonic generation efficiency
High harmonic generation (HHG) provides a table-top source of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft x-ray radiation. HHG pump-wavelength dependence is of significant practical interest for laser system design as HHG efficiency scales with pump wavelength to the power of P. First experiments suggested P = -6.5 while theoretical models predict P = -4.7 to -6.0. These investigations exploited single-atom models; insight into efficiencies for full experimental setups will further guide HHG laser designs. We developed a model that simulates the HHG process in full for an argon-filled capillary including all Ti:sapphire pump pulse and XUV propagation effects. With this we compare HHG of two geometries: a thin slice of argon, and an argon-filled capillary. For the thin slice with pump wavelengths 820-1890nm we found P = -4.5 scaling when the harmonic energies were integrated between 16 and 45eV. However, further analysis revealed a dependence of P = -6.4 for longer pump wavelengths (1500-1890nm), but P = -4.0 for shorter wavelengths (820-1500nm). By contrast, HHG in a 7-cm long capillary was found to scale with P = -3.4 (800-1850nm). We attribute this to phase-matching effects over longer propagation distances and nonlinear pump propagation distorting the pulse. Different scaling is observed when the energy of a single harmonic is calculated. In the thin slice the energy in the first harmonic above 20eV yields P = -6.1 (820-1890nm), P = -5.7 (820-1500nm), and P = -7.8 (1500-1890nm). For the whole capillary the corresponding value is P = -4.1 (800-1850nm).High-energy harmonics also exhibit very different scaling with pump wavelength as they cross the classical harmonic cutoff energy. For example, for the first harmonic beyond 41eV no value of P provides a good fit to the simulated HHG efficiencies, neither for the thin slice nor the whole capillary. Our simulations highlight pump-wavelength dependence of HHG efficiency is complex, with many contributing factors such as exact experimental geometry, optical nonlinearity, phase matching, and classical cutoff.
Senior, Samuel, Martin
Brocklesby, William
Horak, Peter
Senior, Samuel, Martin
Brocklesby, William
Horak, Peter

Senior, Samuel, Martin, Brocklesby, William and Horak, Peter (2020) Numerical modelling of pump-wavelength dependence of high harmonic generation efficiency. In Nonlinear Optics and its Applications 2020. vol. 1135815, SPIE.. (doi:10.1117/12.2554554).

Record type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)


High harmonic generation (HHG) provides a table-top source of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft x-ray radiation. HHG pump-wavelength dependence is of significant practical interest for laser system design as HHG efficiency scales with pump wavelength to the power of P. First experiments suggested P = -6.5 while theoretical models predict P = -4.7 to -6.0. These investigations exploited single-atom models; insight into efficiencies for full experimental setups will further guide HHG laser designs. We developed a model that simulates the HHG process in full for an argon-filled capillary including all Ti:sapphire pump pulse and XUV propagation effects. With this we compare HHG of two geometries: a thin slice of argon, and an argon-filled capillary. For the thin slice with pump wavelengths 820-1890nm we found P = -4.5 scaling when the harmonic energies were integrated between 16 and 45eV. However, further analysis revealed a dependence of P = -6.4 for longer pump wavelengths (1500-1890nm), but P = -4.0 for shorter wavelengths (820-1500nm). By contrast, HHG in a 7-cm long capillary was found to scale with P = -3.4 (800-1850nm). We attribute this to phase-matching effects over longer propagation distances and nonlinear pump propagation distorting the pulse. Different scaling is observed when the energy of a single harmonic is calculated. In the thin slice the energy in the first harmonic above 20eV yields P = -6.1 (820-1890nm), P = -5.7 (820-1500nm), and P = -7.8 (1500-1890nm). For the whole capillary the corresponding value is P = -4.1 (800-1850nm).High-energy harmonics also exhibit very different scaling with pump wavelength as they cross the classical harmonic cutoff energy. For example, for the first harmonic beyond 41eV no value of P provides a good fit to the simulated HHG efficiencies, neither for the thin slice nor the whole capillary. Our simulations highlight pump-wavelength dependence of HHG efficiency is complex, with many contributing factors such as exact experimental geometry, optical nonlinearity, phase matching, and classical cutoff.

2003 SPIE-Photonics-EU_TechnicalAbstract_SamuelSenior4 - Accepted Manuscript
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Published date: 6 April 2020
Venue - Dates: SPIE Photonics Europe 2020, , Strasbourg, France, 2020-03-29 - 2020-04-02


Local EPrints ID: 439350
PURE UUID: 31dd0ea4-b371-4aa9-aff3-866c0793ee53
ORCID for Samuel, Martin Senior: ORCID iD
ORCID for William Brocklesby: ORCID iD
ORCID for Peter Horak: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 17 Apr 2020 16:30
Last modified: 07 Sep 2024 01:38

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Author: Samuel, Martin Senior ORCID iD
Author: Peter Horak ORCID iD

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