READ ME File For 'Modelling of vibration and noise behaviour of embedded tram tracks using a wavenumber domain method' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: David Thompson, University of Southampton, ORCID: 0000-0002-7964-5906 This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Wenjing Sun, David Thompson, Martin Toward, Zhaoran Zeng TITLE: Modelling of vibration and noise behaviour of embedded tram tracks using a wavenumber domain method JOURNAL: Journal of Sound and Vibration PAPER DOI: This dataset contains: Data relating to all figures The data from each figure is given in a separate sheet Each curve is listed as a separate column The figures are as follows: Figure 4. Dispersion curve of embedded track structure without concrete. (a) Reduced density embedding material; (b) Normal density embedding material. The solid line is the dispersion curve of acoustic waves in air. Figure 6. Mobility magnitude and phase of rail from embedded tracks in Figure 2. (a) Calculation result of different models for force position F1. (b) Comparison between measurement results and calculation for groove rail and embedding material for force position F2. Figure 7. Vertical track decay rates in one-third octave bands. (a) Comparison between calculation for rail and embedding material only and measurement with excitation point at F2; (b) Calculation results of different models with excitation point at wheel/rail contact point, F1. Figure 8. Sound radiation from embedded track for unit force excitation. (a) Sound power; (b) radiation efficiency. Figure 9. Mean square velocity of upper surfaces of the rail and the concrete in two models. Figure 10. The influence of the ground impedance on the radiation efficiency of the embedded rail. (a) Groove rail with embedding material; (b) model with concrete. Figure 11. Excitation of wheel/rail system. (a) Rail roughness of tram track and wheel roughness; (b) Contact filter effect. Frequency axis corresponds to a speed of 56 km/h. Figure 12. Mobility magnitude of rail, wheel and contact zone. (a) Vertical; (b) lateral. Figure 13. The influence of tramcar bogie cavity. (b) insertion loss of bogie cavity. Figure 14. A-weighted sound pressure spectra calculated using different track models. (a) Track noise component; (b) total noise. Figure 15. Rolling noise for embedded rail in concrete on grass ground; (a) Comparison of prediction and measured noise; (b) contributions to the predicted noise from wheel and track. Figure 17. Comparison of dynamic properties of embedded track with narrow and wide filling. (a) Mobility magnitude; (b) track decay rate. Figure 18. Comparison of sound radiation of embedded track with narrow and wide filling. (a) Sound power for a unit force; (b) mean squared velocity; (c) radiation efficiency. Figure 19. Sound radiation of rail with and without radiation from the embedding material, for the groove rail with wide filling. (a) Sound power for a unit force; (b) radiation efficiency. Figure 21. A-weighted sound pressure levels at 7.5 m from track centreline for different embedded rail designs based on ISO 3095:2013 roughness spectrum at 56 km/h. (a) Track noise; (b) total noise. Date of data collection: March 2019 - December 2019 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K.; Dublin, Rep. of Ireland Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Related projects: None Date that the file was created: December 2019