READ ME File For Dataset for: Exceptional polarization purity in antiresonant hollow-core optical fibres Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1183 ReadMe Author: Seyed Mohammad Abokhamis Mousavi, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS:Taranta, A., Numkam Fokoua, E., Abokhamis Mousavi, S. et al. TITLE:Exceptional polarization purity in antiresonant hollow-core optical fibres. JOURNAL:Nat. Photonics PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: This dataset contains the data for the figures are as follows: Fig. 1 Polarization mode coupling at 1,550 nm among solid- and hollow-core fibres and Table S1 Overview of fibre structures and polarization performance at 1550nm Fig. 2 Broadband crossed-polarizer measurements in nodeless ARF1. Fig. 3 Polarization properties of ARF1 over thermal excursion. Fig. 4 Attenuation and polarization properties of NANF1. Fig. S2 Finite element modelling of intrinsic phase birefringence in ARF1 without bending. Fig. S3 Influence of bending on birefringence in ARF1 Fig. S4 Polarization alignment to wavelength-dependent birefringent axes in NANF. Date of data collection: 2019 Information about geographic location of data collection: Licence: none Related projects: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) through the project Lightpipe (grant agreement no. 682724) and was co-sponsored by Honeywell Aerospace Advanced Technology. We gratefully acknowledge insightful conversations with D. Payne at the University of Southampton and with G. Sanders and W. Williams from Honeywell. E.N.F and G.T.J. acknowledge support from the Royal Academy of Engineering through personal research fellowships. Date that the file was created: May, 2010