Dataset: PIV-based pressure estimation in the canopy of urban-like roughness The present file includes all the relevant data pertaining to the Experiments in Fluids paper entitled "PIV-based pressure estimation in the canopy of urban-like roughness" M. Aguiar Ferreira (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2428-0284) and B. Ganapathisubramani Aerodynamics & Flight Mechanics Research Group Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences Universiy of Southampton, UK 1. The boundary layer flow parameters for C10U and C10R are listed in "flow parameters.xlsx" 2. "C10U/profiles" horizontally-averaged velocity statistics over C10U DESCRIPTION VARIABLE UNITS Velocity statistics - normalised mean streamwise velocity: U_MEAN3.dat normalised by U_infty - inner-scaling mean streamwise velocity: U_plus.dat normalised by U_infty^2 - streamwise turbulent stress: U_VAR3.dat normalised by U_infty^2 - Reynolds shear stress: uv_MEAN3.dat normalised by U_infty^2 - wall-normal coordinates: Y3.dat (mm) - wall-normal coordinates in viscous units: y_plus.dat Pressure statistics - pressure on the downstream of the cube at x/h = 0 P_ds1.dat (Pa) - pressure on the upstream of the cube at x/h = 4 P_us2.dat (Pa) - pressure coefficient RMS downstream cube x/h = 0 Cp_RMS_ds1.dat normalised by the freestream dynamic pressure - pressure coefficient RMS upstream cube x/h = 4 Cp_RMS_ds1.dat normalised by the freestream dynamic pressure - axial pressure difference obtained with 2D_TH PD_TH.dat (Pa) - axial pressure difference obtained with 2D_RANS PD_RANS.dat (Pa) - normalised wall-normal coordinates Ycnpy.dat normalised by the cube height H 3. "C10U/maps" complete velocity and pressure maps taken at the centreline of the cubes DESCRIPTION VARIABLE UNITS - mean steramwise velocity map U_MEAN.dat (m/s) - mean wall-normal velocity map V_MEAN.dat (m/s) - streamwise turbulent stress map uu_VAR.dat (m/s)^2 - wall-normal turbulent stress map vv_VAR.dat (m/s)^2 - Reynolds stress map uv_MEAN.dat (m/s)^2 - mean pressure map obtained with 2D_RANS P_RANS.dat (Pa) - mean pressure map obtained with 2D_TH P_TH.dat (Pa) - pressure RMS map from 2D_TH P_RMS.dat (Pa)^2 - streamwise coordinate vector X.dat (mm) - wall-normal velocity vector Y.dat (mm) - density rho.dat (kg/m^3) - kinematic viscosity nu.dat (m^2/s) 4. "C10R/velocity_profiles" horizontally-averaged velocity statistics over C10R DESCRIPTION VARIABLE UNITS - normalised mean streamwise velocity: U_MEAN3.dat normalised by U_infty - inner-scaling mean streamwise velocity: U_plus.dat - streamwise turbulent stress: U_VAR3.dat normalised by U_infty^2 - Reynolds shear stress: uv_MEAN3.dat normalised by U_infty^2 - wall-normal coordinates: Y3.dat (mm) - wall-normal coordinates in viscous units: y_plus.dat 5. "C10R/pressure_profiles" - in "pressure distribution.xlsx" are axial pressure difference distribution across at each obstacle in C10R (Pa) 6. "C10U/velocity_pressure_maps/y=i" complete velocity and mean pressure maps at each streamwise alignment of C10R DESCRIPTION VARIABLE UNITS - mean steramwise velocity map U_MEAN.dat (m/s) - mean wall-normal velocity map V_MEAN.dat (m/s) - streamwise turbulent stress map uu_VAR.dat (m/s)^2 - wall-normal turbulent stress map vv_VAR.dat (m/s)^2 - Reynolds stress map uv_MEAN.dat (m/s)^2 - mean pressure map obtained with 2D_RANS P_RANS.dat (Pa) - streamwise coordinate vector X.dat (mm) - wall-normal velocity vector Y.dat (mm) - density rho.dat (kg/m^3) - kinematic viscosity nu.dat (m^2/s) Licence: Creative Commonss: Attribution 4.0 (CC BY) Date: March, 2020