README File For 'SBM flow statistics over a grit-blasted surface' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1411 ReadMe Author: F. Alves Portela, University of Southampton [ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4693-2378] This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: F. Alves Portela and N. D. Sandham TITLE: A DNS/URANS approach for simulating rough-wall turbulent flows JOURNAL: International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow PAPER DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2020.108627 This dataset contains: - Flow statistics obtained with SBM over a grit-blasted surface as well as data generated for validation of the SBM. - Mean velocity profiles and turbulent statistics (see individual README files in each directory) for different flow configurations. - The height maps of the two surfaces discussed in the paper are also included. The figures are as follows: - Fig. 5 Mean velocity profiles for configuration A (see table 1) at Re_\tau = 180. - Fig. 6 Turbulent intensities for configuration A (see table 1) at Re_\tau = 180. See fig. 5 for legend. - Fig. 7 Mean velocity profiles for smooth wall turbulence at Re_\tau = 360 (see table 1). - Fig. 8 Mean velocity profiles for smooth wall turbulence at Re_\tau = 720 (see table 1). The DNS - (ref) profile was extracted from Hu et al. [12] and corresponds to a full scale DNS. - Fig. 9 Turbulent statistics for smooth wall at Re_\tau = 720. See fig. 8 for legend. - Fig. 12 Comparison of mean velocity profiles between cases C and E (Re_\tau = 360), using DNS and SBM respectively. The different pairs of curves correspond to smooth wall (sm) and parametric forcing (pf). - Fig. 13 On the left, the scanned surface along with the large sub-sample studied by Thakkar et al. [22], highlighted by the dashed line, and the smaller sub-sample studied here, highlighted by the full line. On the right, a perspective view of the small sub-sample (full line on the left). - Fig. 14 Mean velocity profiles of flow over a grit-blasted surface (gb) and smooth wall (sm). - Fig. 15 Roughness functions for the small (S) and large (L) sub-samples shown in table 2 from the DNS of Thakkar et al. [22], Thakkar [21] and SBM (see table 4). On the left k+ is equal to k+5x5, on the right, k+ is re-scaled to Nikuradse’s data (indicated by the full line) through expression (6.5.9) from Cebeci & Bradshaw [6]. For the small sample, computed both with SBM and DNS (SBM - S and DNS - S), ks=k5x5 = 2.1; for the large sample computed with DNS (DNS - L) ks/k5x5 = 0.87. - Fig. 16 Mean velocity profiles of flow over a grit-blasted surface for increasing Re_\tau (and k+). Only the curves obtained in the finest grids from table 4 are shown. DNS results were obtained by Thakkar et al. [22] on the large sub-sample whereas SBM results were obtained on the small sub-sample (recall fig. 13 and table 2). Date of data collection: - 2019 Information about geographic location of data collection: - UK Licence: - Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 (CC BY) licence Related projects: - Surface-specific Moody-diagrams: A new paradigm to predict drag penalty of realistic rough surfaces with applications to maritime transport - UK Turbulence Consortium Date that the file was created: - June, 2020