READ ME File For Dataset 'Reconfigurable structured light generation in a multicore fibre amplifier' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1442 ReadMe Author: Di Lin, Fibre & Systems Group, Zepler Institute for Photonics & Nanoelectronics, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHOR: Di Lin, Joel Carpenter, Yutong Feng, Saurabh Jain, Yongmin Jung, Yujun Feng, Michalis N. Zervas, David J. Richardson TITLE: Reconfigurable structured light generation in a multicore fibre amplifier JOURNAL:Nature Communications PAPER DOI IF KNOWN This dataset contains: all originally measured and calcuated data for plotting figures within the article and supplementary infomration The figures are as follows: Figure 1 Calculation of coherently combined modes from a 6-core MCF Figure 2 Schematic of the experimental setup Figure 3 Experimental demonstrations of depolarization and phase mismatch in a MCF amplifier and the requirement for active input control to generate a linearly polarized Gaussian beam Figure 4 Scalar LP mode generation Figure 5 HOPS beams Figure 6 OAM beams Figure 7 Long-term stability. Supplementary Figure 3£º The normalized merit value vs optimisation time Supplementary Figure 4 Calculated beam combination efficiency as a function of z/f; and the one-dimensional normalized amplitude of electric field Supplementary Figure 5 Calcualted beam combination efficiency of the shifted OV beams Date of data collection: 2019 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects: Laser Technologies for Future Manufacturing, EPSRC(EP/P027644/1) AirGuide Photonics, EPSRC(EP/P030181/1) ENERGY RESILIENT MANUFACTURING 2: SPATIO-TEMPORAL BEAM TAILORED FIBRE LASERS FOR ENERGY RESILIENT MANUFACTURING, EPSRC(EP/P012248/1) National Hub in High Value Photonic Manufacturing, EPSRC(EP/N00762X/1) Australian Research Council(ARC), Discovery program DP170101400, DE180100009 Date that the file was created: June 2020