READ ME File For 'Adiabatic higher-order microfibers based on a logarithmic index profile' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1360 ReadMe Author: Yongmin Jung, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: YONGMIN JUNG, KERRIANNE HARRINGTON, STEPHANOS YEROLATSITIS, DAVID J. RICHARDSON, TIM BIRKS TITLE: Adibatic higher-order microfibers based on a logarithmic index profile JOURNAL: Optics Express PAPER DOI: This dataset contains: The raw data for individual figures The figures are as follows: Fig. 1 (b) Measured fiber refractive index profile (FRIP) and idealized refractive index profile of our logarithmic (LOG) fibe Fig. 2 (a) Time-of-flight measurement for pure LP01 and LP11 mode excitation and (b) wavelength dependency of the differential group delay (DGD) in the LOG fiber. Fig. 3 (a) Change in mode field diameters (MFDs) for step-index few mode fiber (FMF) and LOG fiber along the taper Fig. 4 Transmitted power evolution of both (a) step-index FMF and (b) our LOG fiber for pure LP01 and LP11 mode excitation as a funciton of pull length Fig. 5 Coupling ratio evolution of a 2x2 LOG microfiber coupler for pure LP01 and Lp11 modes at 1550nm as a funciton of the pulling length Date of data collection: Jan. 2018- Dec. 2019 Information about geographic location of data collection: Licence: Creative commons: Attribution 4.0 (CC BY) Related projects: This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/N00762X/1, EP/P030181/1). Date that the file was created: July 2020