READ ME File For 'Dataset for: Domain-Specific Scenarios for Refinement-based Methods' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1026 Related projects: This work was supported, in part, by the HICLASS project, funded by the AerospaceTechnology Institute and Innovate UK, as project number 113213. # JSA - Journal of Systems Architecture This dataset supports our paper: "Domain-Specific Scenarios for Refinement-based Methods" which is an extended, journal version of our DETECT 2019 workshop paper with the same title. This extended version is published in The Journal of Systems Architecture. There are two archives on the dataset: - **: Event-B model for Tokeneer case study. - **: Event-B model for Hybrid Level 3 case study. Installation ============ The developments can be imported into a Rodin platform. Rodin 3.4.0 can be downloaded from Some of the plug-ins are under development at the Soton Prototype Update Site ( The following Rodin plug-ins are also required to fully browse the models. - Atelier B Provers 2.2.1 (Atelier-B Update Site) - SMT Solvers 1.4.0 (Rodin Update Site) - ProB for Rodin3 3.0.10 (ProB Update Site) - IUML-B Class Diagrams 2.1.0 (Soton Prototype Update Site) - IUML-B State-Machine Diagrams 4.0.1 (Soton Prototype Update Site) - IUML-B State-Machines Animation 2.5.0 (Soton Prototype Update Site) - UML-B Simulator (Scenario Checker) 0.0.0 (Soton Prototype Update Site) The following installation instruction for Cucumber Event-B. Groovy 2.4.5 ------------ - Groovy 2.4.5 binary ( - Setting the path environment so that groovy 2.4.5 is available. Cucumber JVM ------------ The following available from - gherkin-2.12.2.jar: Gherkin - gherkin-jvm-deps-1.0.3.jar: Gherkin JVM dependencies - cucumber-core-1.2.5.jar: Cucumber core - cucumber-groovy-1.2.5.jar: Cucumber Groovy backend - cucumber-jvm-deps-1.0.5.jar: Cucumber JVM dependencies - cucumber-html-0.2.6.jar: Cucumber plugin HTML formatter (optional) Setting the CUCUMBER_JVM_HOME environment to the folder containing the above jars. ProB2 ----- - Extract the zip package available at - Setting PROB_HOME environment to the folder containing *lib* folder inside the ProB2 library. Running the Cucumber DSL Scenarios ================================== - Developments *Tokeneer2_JSA_200403* and *HL3* (in *models* folder) have been setup with scenarios. The scenarios are stored in the *features* folder of each development, clearly suffixed. An utiltiy script has been setup for running the scenario for each model. For example, ```` ./ m0 ```` will run the scenarios for *m0* in Tokeneer model.