READ ME File For 'Dataset for Highly sensitive operando pressure measurements of Li-ion battery materials with a simply modified Swagelok cell' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1446 ReadMe Author: Nuria Garcia-Araez, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Niamh Ryall, Nuria Garcia-Araez TITLE: Highly sensitive operando pressure measurements of Li-ion battery materials with a simply modified Swagelok cell JOURNAL: Journal of the Electrochemical Society PAPER DOI: 10.1149/1945-7111/ab9e81 This dataset contains the data of the following figures: Figure 3. Operando pressure measurements of a LiFePO4 vs Li cell during C/2 cycling, using a LiFePO4 electrode with loading of 7.59 mg cm-2 deposited on steel mesh. Figure 5. Operando pressure measurements of a graphite vs Li cell during the first two formation cycles at C/20, followed by C/2 cycles, using a graphite electrode with loading of 6.46 mg cm-2 deposited on steel mesh. Figure 6. Operando pressure measurements of a graphite vs Li cell during fast C/2 cycling (after two formation cycles at C/20), using a graphite electrode with loading of 5.59 mg cm-2 deposited on steel mesh. Figure S3a. Comparison of the evolution of experimental pressure measurements and pressure values corrected for temperature fluctuations, for the experiments shown in Figure 3 in the main article. Figure S3b. As in figure S3a but for the experiments shown in Figure 5 in the main article. Figure S3c. As in figure S3a but for the experiments shown in Figure 6 in the main article. Figure S4. Comparison of operando pressure measurements of two cells of LiFePO4 vs Li cell during C/2 cycling, performed with LiFePO4 electrodes deposited on steel mesh with loading of 6.20 mg cm-2 (a) and 7.59 mg cm-2 (b). Figure S5a. Comparison of the evolution of pressure inside the cells containing LiFePO4 electrodes and electrolyte (without any electrochemical cycling) for cells prepared without (a) and with (b) polishing of the inside of the steel cell body to remove corrosion residues. Date of data collection: 01/06/2018 to 19/12/2019 Information about geographic location of data collection: Southampton, UK Licence: CC-BY Related projects: Faraday Institution degradation project (grant EP/S003053/1), EPSRC fellowship awarded to Nuria Garcia-Araez (EP/N024303/1). Date that the file was created: July, 2020