function R = Roughness(signal,FS) % R = Roughness(x,Fs) % Calculates the roughness of a signal in Asper % % INPUT: % signal - acoustic signal, monophonic (Pa) % FS - sampling frequency (Hz) % % OUTPUT: % R - Roughness of signal in Asper % % INFORMATION: % Adapted from original MATLAB source code % by Matt Flax for the PsySound3 Project % (flatmax @ % and Dik Hermes % contact for the original source code : % % % The PsySound3 project is licensed under a CC BY-SA 3.0 License. % % Based on an algorithm by Daniel and Weber, % "Psychoacoustical Roughness: Implementation of an Optimized Model" % Acta Acustica United with Acustica 83(1)113-123, 1997. % % CONTACT: % Daniel Wallace - ORCID ID: if ~(FS == 44100 || FS == 40960 || FS == 48000) error(['Incorrect sample rate for this roughness algorithm. Please ' ... 're-sample original file to be Fs=44100,40960 or 48000 ' ... 'Hz']); end signal=signal(:)*5; % Fix signal orientation and scale by 5 for calibration overlapRatio = 2/3; N = 8192; % Samples in each signal frame % Form frames frameStartInterval = ceil(N * (1-overlapRatio)); nWindows = (floor((length(signal) - N) / frameStartInterval))+1; shift = ones(N,1)*((0:nWindows-1)*frameStartInterval); idx = (1:N)'*ones(1,nWindows); extract = shift + idx; frames = signal(extract); % Construct window wn = blackman(N) * ones(1,nWindows); % Apply window to frames frames = wn.*frames; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % BEGIN InitAll % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Bark = [0 0 50 0.5 1 100 150 1.5 2 200 250 2.5 3 300 350 3.5 4 400 450 4.5 5 510 570 5.5 6 630 700 6.5 7 770 840 7.5 8 920 1000 8.5 9 1080 1170 9.5 10 1270 1370 10.5 11 1480 1600 11.5 12 1720 1850 12.5 13 2000 2150 13.5 14 2320 2500 14.5 15 2700 2900 15.5 16 3150 3400 16.5 17 3700 4000 17.5 18 4400 4800 18.5 19 5300 5800 19.5 20 6400 7000 20.5 21 7700 8500 21.5 22 9500 10500 22.5 23 12000 13500 23.5 24 15500 20000 24.5]; Bark2 = [sort([Bark(:,2);Bark(:,3)]),sort([Bark(:,1);Bark(:,4)])]; N0 = round(20*N/FS)+1; % low frequency index @ 20 Hz N01 = N0-1; N2 = N/2+1; Ntop = round(20000*N/FS)+1; % high frequency index @ 20 kHz dFs = FS/N; % Make list with Bark number of each frequency bin Barkno = zeros(1,N2); f = N0:1:Ntop; Barkno(f) = interp1(Bark2(:,1),Bark2(:,2),(f-1)*dFs); % Make list of frequency bins closest to Cf's Cf = ones(2,24); for a=1:1:24 Cf(1,a)=round(Bark((a+1),2)*N/FS)+1-N0; Cf(2,a)=Bark(a+1,2); end %Make list of frequency bins closest to Critical Band Border frequencies Bf = ones(2,24); Bf(1,1)=round(Bark(1,3)*N/FS); for a=1:1:24 Bf(1,a+1)=round(Bark((a+1),3)*N/FS)+1-N0; Bf(2,a)=Bf(1,a)-1; end Bf(2,25)=round(Bark((25),3)*N/FS)+1-N0; %Make list of minimum excitation (Hearing Treshold) HTres= [ 0 130 0.01 70 0.17 60 0.8 30 1 25 1.5 20 2 15 3.3 10 4 8.1 5 6.3 6 5 8 3.5 10 2.5 12 1.7 13.3 0 15 -2.5 16 -4 17 -3.7 18 -1.5 19 1.4 20 3.8 21 5 22 7.5 23 15 24 48 24.5 60 25 130]; k = (N0:1:Ntop); MinExcdB = interp1(HTres(:,1),HTres(:,2),Barkno(k)); % Initialize constants and variables zb = sort([Bf(1,:),Cf(1,:)]); MinBf = MinExcdB(zb); ei = zeros(47,N); Fei = zeros(47,N); % BarkNo 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 gr = [ 0,1,2.5,4.9,6.5,8,9,10,11,11.5,13,17.5,21,24; 0,0.35,0.7,0.7,1.1,1.25,1.26,1.18,1.08,1,0.66,0.46,0.38,0.3]; gzi = zeros(1,47); h0 = zeros(1,47); k = 1:1:47; gzi(k) = sqrt(interp1(gr(1,:)',gr(2,:)',k/2)); % calculate a0 a0tab = [ 0 0 10 0 12 1.15 13 2.31 14 3.85 15 5.62 16 6.92 16.5 7.38 17 6.92 18 4.23 18.5 2.31 19 0 20 -1.43 21 -2.59 21.5 -3.57 22 -5.19 22.5 -7.41 23 -11.3 23.5 -20 24 -40 25 -130 26 -999]; a0 = ones(1,N); k = (N0:1:Ntop); a0(k) = 10 .^ (0.05*(interp1(a0tab(:,1),a0tab(:,2),Barkno(k))));%db2amp; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % END InitAll % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % BEGIN Hweights % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % weights for freq. bins < N/2 DCbins = 2; H2 = [ 0 0 17 0.8 23 0.95 25 0.975 32 1 37 0.975 48 0.9 67 0.8 90 0.7 114 0.6 171 0.4 206 0.3 247 0.2 294 0.1 358 0 ]; H5 = [ 0 0 32 0.8 43 0.95 56 1 69 0.975 92 0.9 120 0.8 142 0.7 165 0.6 231 0.4 277 0.3 331 0.2 397 0.1 502 0 ]; H16 = [ 0 0 23.5 0.4 34 0.6 47 0.8 56 0.9 63 0.95 79 1 100 0.975 115 0.95 135 0.9 159 0.85 172 0.8 194 0.7 215 0.6 244 0.5 290 0.4 348 0.3 415 0.2 500 0.1 645 0 ]; H21 = [ 0 0 19 0.4 44 0.8 52.5 0.9 58 0.95 75 1 101.5 0.95 114.5 0.9 132.5 0.85 143.5 0.8 165.5 0.7 197.5 0.6 241 0.5 290 0.4 348 0.3 415 0.2 500 0.1 645 0 ]; H42 = [ 0 0 15 0.4 41 0.8 49 0.9 53 0.965 64 0.99 71 1 88 0.95 94 0.9 106 0.85 115 0.8 137 0.7 180 0.6 238 0.5 290 0.4 348 0.3 415 0.2 500 0.1 645 0 ]; Hweight = zeros(47,N); % weighting function H2 last = floor((358/FS)*N) ; k = DCbins+1:1:last; f = (k-1)*FS/N; Hweight(2,k) = interp1(H2(:,1),H2(:,2),f(k-DCbins)); % weighting function H5 last = floor((502/FS)*N); k = DCbins+1:1:last; f = (k-1)*FS/N; Hweight(5,k) = interp1(H5(:,1),H5(:,2),f(k-DCbins)); % weighting function H16 last = floor((645/FS)*N); k = DCbins+1:1:last; f = (k-1)*FS/N; Hweight(16,k) = interp1(H16(:,1),H16(:,2),f(k-DCbins)); % weighting function H21 Hweight(21,k) = interp1(H21(:,1),H21(:,2),f(k-DCbins)); % weighting function H42 Hweight(42,k) = interp1(H42(:,1),H42(:,2),f(k-DCbins)); % H1-H4 Hweight(1,:) = Hweight(2,:); Hweight(3,:) = Hweight(2,:); Hweight(4,:) = Hweight(2,:); % H5-H15 for l = 6:1:15 Hweight(l,:) = Hweight(5,:); end % H17-H20 for l = 17:1:20 Hweight(l,:) = Hweight(16,:); end % H22-H41 for l = 22:1:41 Hweight(l,:) = Hweight(21,:); end % H43-H47 for l = 43:1:47 Hweight(l,:) = Hweight(42,:); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % END Hweights % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% leveldB = 75; % Was 80 - I adjusted to give roughness = 1 for supplied signal; AmpCal = 10 .^ (0.05*leveldB)*2/(N*mean(blackman(N, 'periodic'))); % Calibration between wav-level and loudness-level (assuming % blackman window and FFT will follow) Chno = 47; % number of channels Cal = 0.25; % calibration factor - this is only applied to the Roughnesses. designed to compensate for signal level... %q = 1:1:N; %indices up to signal length qb = N0:1:Ntop; freqs = (qb+1)*FS/N; hBPi = zeros(Chno,N); hBPrms = zeros(1,Chno); mdept = zeros(1,Chno); ki = zeros(1,Chno-2); ri = zeros(1,Chno); Rframe = zeros(1,nWindows); for i = 1:nWindows % for each frame dataIn = frames(:,i); % get correct frame %%%%% Calculate Excitation Patterns %%%%% TempIn = dataIn*AmpCal; [rt,~]=size(TempIn); % columns in temp not currently used [r,~]=size(a0); % columns in a0 not currently used if rt~=r; TempIn=TempIn'; end TempIn = a0.*fft(TempIn); Lg = abs(TempIn(qb)); % get absolute value of fourier transform for % indices in range of human hearing LdB = 20*log10(Lg); % convert to dB (20*log10(Lg)) whichL = find(LdB>MinExcdB); % extract indices where FFT magnitudes % exceed excitation threshold sizL = length(whichL); % get number of frequencies where this holds % steepness of slopes (Terhardt) S1 = -27; S2 = zeros(1,sizL); % preallocate for w = 1:1:sizL % loop w over frequency indices above threshold % Steepness of upper slope [dB/Bark] in accordance with Terhardt steep = -24-(230/freqs(w))+(0.2*LdB(whichL(w))); if steep < 0 S2(w) = steep; % set S2 with steepness value calculated earlier end end whichZ = zeros(2,sizL); % preallocate qd = 1:1:sizL; % indices of frequencies above excitation threshold whichZ(1,:) = floor(2*Barkno(whichL(qd)+N01)); % get bark band numbers whichZ(2,:) = ceil(2*Barkno(whichL(qd)+N01)); %preallocate ExcAmp = zeros(sizL,47); Slopes = zeros(sizL,47); for k=1:1:sizL %loop over freq indices above threshold Ltmp = LdB(whichL(k)); % copy FFT magnitude (in dB) above threshold Btmp = Barkno(whichL(k)+N01); % and the bark number associated for l = 1:1:whichZ(1,k) % loop up to floored bark number of freq index k Stemp = (S1*(Btmp-(l*0.5)))+Ltmp; % Excitation level? % -27(units)?*bark band + |FFT| if Stemp>MinBf(l) % provided this excitation is above the threshold Slopes(k,l)= 10 .^ (0.05*Stemp);%db2amp(); % critical filterbank lower side end end for l = whichZ(2,k):1:47 % loop up to ceil'd bark number Stemp = (S2(k)*((l*0.5)-Btmp))+Ltmp; if Stemp>MinBf(l) Slopes(k,l) = 10 .^ (0.05*Stemp);%db2amp(); % critical filterbank upper side end end end for k=1:1:47 % loop over each channel etmp = zeros(1,N); for l=1:1:sizL % for each l index of fft bin in human hearing freq range N1tmp = whichL(l); % get freq index of bin N2tmp = N1tmp + N01; if (whichZ(1,l) == k) ExcAmp(N1tmp, k) = 1; elseif (whichZ(2,l) == k) ExcAmp(N1tmp, k) = 1; elseif (whichZ(2,l) > k) ExcAmp(N1tmp,k) = Slopes(l,k+1)/Lg(N1tmp); else ExcAmp(N1tmp,k) = Slopes(l,k-1)/Lg(N1tmp); end etmp(N2tmp) = ExcAmp(N1tmp,k)*TempIn(N2tmp); end % this is the excitation pattern % ifft to get time domain blocks of signal ei(k,:) = N*real(ifft(etmp)); etmp = abs(ei(k,:)); h0(k) = mean(etmp); Fei(k,:) = fft(etmp-h0(k)); hBPi(k,:) = 2*real(ifft(Fei(k,:).*Hweight(k,:))); hBPrms(k) = rms(hBPi(k,:)); % get modulation depth according to Eq. 7 in D+W if h0(k)>0 mdept(k) = hBPrms(k)/h0(k); if mdept(k)>1 mdept(k)=1; % clip limit modulation depth end else mdept(k)=0; end end % find cross-correlation coefficients for k=1:1:45 cfac = cov(hBPi(k,:),hBPi(k+2,:)); den = diag(cfac); den = sqrt(den*den'); if den(2,1)>0 ki(k) = cfac(2,1)/den(2,1); else ki(k) = 0; end end % Calculate specific roughness ri and total roughness R % Eq. 8 in D+W ri(1) = (gzi(1)*mdept(1)*ki(1))^2; ri(2) = (gzi(2)*mdept(2)*ki(2))^2; for k = 3:1:45 ri(k) = (gzi(k)*mdept(k)*ki(k-2)*ki(k))^2; end ri(46) = (gzi(46)*mdept(46)*ki(44))^2; ri(47) = (gzi(47)*mdept(47)*ki(45))^2; Rframe(i) = Cal*sum(ri); % roughness for this frame end R = mean(Rframe); % average roughness over all frames end