READ ME File For 'The influence of track design on the rolling noise from trams' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: David Thompson, University of Southampton, ORCID: 0000-0002-7964-5906 This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Wenjing Sun, David Thompson, Martin Toward, Marcus Wiseman, Evangelos Ntotsios, Stephen Byrne TITLE: The influence of track design on the rolling noise from trams JOURNAL: Applied Acoustics PAPER DOI: This dataset contains: Data relating to all figures The data from each figure is given in a separate text file Each curve is listed as a separate column The figures are as follows: Figure 2. Rail roughness measured on different types of tram track and wheel roughness. Figure 3. Measured track decay rates on ballast, slab, grass track and slab track with rail damper. (a) Vertical; (b) lateral. Figure 5. Rail point mobilities at mid-span of ballasted track from calculation and measurement. (a) Vertical; (b) lateral. Figure 6. Track decay rates of ballasted track from calculation and measurement. (a) Vertical; (b) lateral. Figure 7. Rail point mobilities at mid-span of slab track from calculation and measurement. (a) Vertical; (b) lateral. Figure 8. Track decay rates of slab track from calculation and measurement. (a) Vertical; (b) lateral. Figure 10. Comparison between measurement and calculation of embedded tracks. (a) Mobility; (b) track decay rate. Figure 11. Mobility magnitude of resilient wheel. (a) Radial; (b) axial. Figure 12. Sound power normalised by the squared velocity of rail of different tracks. Figure 13. The influence of tramcar bogie cavity. (b) insertion loss of bogie cavity for different tracks. Figure 14. Rolling noise of ballasted tramway track; (a) Comparison of TWINS prediction and measured noise; (b) contributions to the predicted noise from different components noise. Figure 15. Rolling noise of slab tramway track; (a) Comparison of TWINS prediction and measured noise; (b) contributions to the predicted noise from different components. Figure 16. Rolling noise of grass tramway track; (a) Comparison of prediction and measured noise; (b) contributions to the predicted noise from wheel and track. Figure 17. Noise spectra for different tram tracks after normalizing to the same roughness and the same speed. (a) Measurement results; (b) calculation results. Figure 19. Mobility magnitude and phase of slab track measured at mid span with and without rail dampers. (a) Vertical; (b) lateral. Figure 20. Measured rail vibration velocity of slab tracks with and without rail dampers for tram pass-bys at speed of around 55 km/h. (a) Vertical; (b) lateral. Figure 21. Noise measurement result normalized to the same slab track roughness at speed 56.2 km/h. Date of data collection: March 2019 - February 2020 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K.; Dublin, Rep. of Ireland Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Related projects: Track to the Future Date that the file was created: July 2020