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Oxford handbook of general practice (5 ed.)

Oxford handbook of general practice (5 ed.)
Oxford handbook of general practice (5 ed.)
The Oxford Handbook of General Practice offers hands-on advice to help with any day-to-day problems that might arise in general practice, and covers the entire breadth and depth of general practice in concise, quick-reference topics. It starts by exploring the definition of general practice, and moves on to practical advice on practice management, consulting with patients, social aspects of primary care, and prescribing and managing medicines. It gives practical advice on all clinical areas of general practice, including minor surgery, healthy living, chronic disease and elderly care, cardiology and vascular disease, respiratory medicine, endocrinology, gastrointestinal medicine, renal medicine and urology, musculoskeletal problems, neurology, dermatology, infectious disease, haematology and immunology, breast disease, gynaecology, sexual health and contraception, pregnancy, child health, ear, nose, and throat medicine, ophthalmology, mental health, cancer care, palliative care, and emergencies in general practice. It is written for general practitioners (GP), GPs in training, medical students, and allied health professionals working in the community
Oxford University Press
Simon, Chantal
Everitt, Hazel
Van Dorp, Francoise
Hussain, Nazia
Nash, Emma C.
Peet, Danielle
Simon, Chantal
Everitt, Hazel
Van Dorp, Francoise
Hussain, Nazia
Nash, Emma C.
Peet, Danielle

Simon, Chantal, Everitt, Hazel, Van Dorp, Francoise, Hussain, Nazia, Nash, Emma C. and Peet, Danielle (2020) Oxford handbook of general practice (5 ed.) , 5th ed. Oxford University Press

Record type: Book


The Oxford Handbook of General Practice offers hands-on advice to help with any day-to-day problems that might arise in general practice, and covers the entire breadth and depth of general practice in concise, quick-reference topics. It starts by exploring the definition of general practice, and moves on to practical advice on practice management, consulting with patients, social aspects of primary care, and prescribing and managing medicines. It gives practical advice on all clinical areas of general practice, including minor surgery, healthy living, chronic disease and elderly care, cardiology and vascular disease, respiratory medicine, endocrinology, gastrointestinal medicine, renal medicine and urology, musculoskeletal problems, neurology, dermatology, infectious disease, haematology and immunology, breast disease, gynaecology, sexual health and contraception, pregnancy, child health, ear, nose, and throat medicine, ophthalmology, mental health, cancer care, palliative care, and emergencies in general practice. It is written for general practitioners (GP), GPs in training, medical students, and allied health professionals working in the community

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e-pub ahead of print date: June 2020


Local EPrints ID: 443196
PURE UUID: 128e52a8-1ca8-4fd5-8ea2-08a9b4914591
ORCID for Hazel Everitt: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 14 Aug 2020 16:30
Last modified: 13 Sep 2024 01:37

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Author: Chantal Simon
Author: Hazel Everitt ORCID iD
Author: Francoise Van Dorp
Author: Nazia Hussain
Author: Emma C. Nash
Author: Danielle Peet

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