READ ME File For 'Investigation of acoustic transmission beneath a railway vehicle by using statistical energy analysis and an equivalent source model' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1552 ReadMe Author: David Thompson, University of Southampton, ORCID: 0000-0002-7964-5906 This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS:HUI LI; David Thompson; Giacomo Squicciarini; Xiaowan Liu; Martin Rissmann; Francisco D Denia; Juan Giner-Navarro. TITLE:Investigation of acoustic transmission beneath a railway vehicle by using statistical energy analysis and an equivalent source model JOURNAL:Mechanical system and signal processing PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: This dataset contains: Data relating to figures The figures are as follows: Figure 1. Sound power of rolling noise obtained from TWINS model. Figure 3. Decay rate of the rail for the parameters in Table 2. Figure 5. (a) Absorption of ballast, measured data from [19], (b) mean absorption coefficient in each subsystem. Figure 6. Loss factors of the subsystems in the middle region beneath the train, the index i referring to the subsystems 2-6. Figure 7. (a) Power input to each segment in the SEA system due to one wheel and associated track vibration, (b) stored energy in each subsystem of the SEA system (x=0 is the end of the carriage). Figure 8. Direct sound pressure level on the train floor due to one wheel/rail contact, dB re 2.0×10^(-5) Pa. (a) 200 Hz; (b) 800 Hz; (c) 3150 Hz. Figure 9. Incident sound pressure levels along the centreline of the train floor in example one-third octave bands, dB re 2.0×10^(-5) Pa. (a) 200 Hz, (b) 400 Hz, (c) 800 Hz, (d) 1600 Hz, (e) 3150 Hz. Figure 10. Comparison of the direct and reverberant sound in each subsystem, dB re 2.0×10^(-5) Pa. (a) Subsystem 1, (b) subsystem 2, (c) subsystem 4, (d) subsystem 7. Figure 11. Relative contributions of direct and reverberant sound to the overall sound power incident on the train floor. Figure 13. Comparison of sound pressure levels on the train floor obtained from the numerical simulation and experiment (x = 0 is the source location): (a) 1250 Hz; (b) 2000 Hz; (c) 3150 Hz; (d) 5000 Hz. Figure 16. Comparison of sound pressure levels between predictions and field measurements on stationary train. (a) 160 Hz; (b) 315 Hz; (c) 630 Hz; (d) 1250 Hz; (e) 2500 Hz; (f) 5000 Hz. Figure 18. Rolling noise sound power representing the field test. Figure 19. Comparison of sound pressure levels between predictions and field measurements. (a) Comparisons at the bogie area; (b) comparison at point 1003; (c) comparison at point 1012; (d) comparison at point 1013. Date of data collection: February 2018 ~ August 2019 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Licence:Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Related projects: The associated paper received funding from China Scholarship Council and the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 777564). Date that the file was created: 16/09, 2020