READ ME File For 'Compact picosecond mid-IR PPLN OPO with controllable peak powers' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Yudi Wu, University of Southampton [OPTIONAL add ORCID ID] This dataset supports the publication:Compact picosecond mid-IR PPLN OPO with controllable peak powers AUTHORS: Yudi Wu, Sijing Liang, Qiang Fu, Lin Xu, David J. Richardson TITLE: Compact picosecond mid-IR PPLN OPO with controllable peak powers JOURNAL: OSA Continuum PAPER DOI IF KNOWN This dataset contains experimental data for the paper: The figures are as follows: Fig. 2 MOPA’s (a) optical spectrum, (b) temporal pulse shape and (c) pulse trace under burst mode operation Fig. 4 OPO’s average idler power and conversion efficiency against pump power Fig. 5 (a)Idler optical spectra showing the tunability of the idler from the OPO and (b) a typical idler optical spectrum. Fig. 6 Beam quality measurements at (a) low pump power and (b) at maximum pump power. Fig. 7 OPO’s idler average power and idler peak power. Fig. 8 Burst pulse traces of the residual pump (a) 500 ns and (b) 25 ns burst window times. Date of data collection: 05/01/2020 - 25/03/2020 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Licence:CCBY Related projects: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Programme Grant Airguide Photonics (EP/P030181/1) Date that the file was created: September, 2020