READ ME File For 'Dataset for Silicon single-electron random number generator based on random telegraph signals at room temperature' [Revision record] 2020_07_25: This file was initially created. 2020_09_11: Revised as v1.0 for resubmission 2020_10_22: Revised as v1.1 after the paper has been accepted for publication Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Kouta Ibukuro, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Kouta Ibukuro, Fayong Liu, Muhammad Khaled Husain, Moïse Sotto, Joseph Hillier, Zuo Li, Isao Tomita, Yoshishige Tsuchiya, Harvey Rutt, and Shinichi Saito TITLE: Silicon single-electron random number generator based on random telegraph signals at room temperature JOURNAL: AIP advances PAPER DOI: Not given yet All the data were created from 24 Sep 2017 to 28 Jul 2018. This dataset contains: All figures that appear in the publication and dataset used to generate the figures. Fig.1 (fig_1_2.pdf) (a) and (c) are schematics and did not need any experimental data to be generated. (b) is an scanning electron micrograph, which is shown as it is in the figure Fig.2 (fig_2_1.pdf) Following data was used and the data was plotted using MATLAB W4ChipA1X02Y03XX02YY02_RG_TG0_LGfloating_5prober.csv W4ChipA1X02Y03XX02YY02_LG_TG0_RGfloating_5prober.csv W4ChipA1X02Y03XX02YY02_TG_FG1and2_0_5prober.csv Fig.3 (fig_3_1.pdf) Following data were used and the data were plotted using MATLAN SET046 Time sampling TG200mV FG0mV [(1) ; 7_22_2018 4_45_16 AM].csv SET046 Time sampling TG200mV FGn50mV [(1) ; 7_22_2018 5_03_23 AM].csv SET046 Time sampling TG200mV FGn100mV [(1) ; 7_22_2018 5_21_29 AM].csv SET046 Time sampling TG200mV FGn150mV [(1) ; 7_22_2018 5_39_36 AM].csv SET046 Time sampling TG200mV FGn200mV [(1) ; 7_22_2018 5_57_43 AM].csv Fig.4 (fig_4_1.pdf),5 (fig_5_2.pdf) and 6 (fig_6_2.pdf) are schematics and did not need any experimental data to be generated. Fig.7 (fig_7_1.pdf) Following data was used and the data was analysed and plotted using MATLAB SET046 Time sampling TG300mV FGn106mV 18 [(4) ; 7_27_2018 8_55_35 AM].csv Fig.8 (fig_8_2.pdf) is a schematic and did not need any experimental data to be generated. Fig.9 (fig_9_1.pdf) Following data were used and the data were analysed and plotted using MATLAB SET046 Time sampling TG300mV FGn106mV 13 [(4) ; 7_27_2018 5_32_34 AM].csv SET046 Time sampling TG300mV FGn106mV 18 [(4) ; 7_27_2018 8_55_35 AM].csv Fig.10 (fig_10_1.pdf) and 11 (fig_11_1.pdf) Following data were used and the data were analysed and plotted using MATLAB SET046 Time sampling TG300mV FGn106mV 11 [(4) ; 7_27_2018 4_11_22 AM].csv SET046 Time sampling TG300mV FGn106mV 12 [(4) ; 7_27_2018 4_51_58 AM].csv SET046 Time sampling TG300mV FGn106mV 13 [(4) ; 7_27_2018 5_32_34 AM].csv SET046 Time sampling TG300mV FGn106mV 14 [(4) ; 7_27_2018 6_13_10 AM].csv SET046 Time sampling TG300mV FGn106mV 15 [(4) ; 7_27_2018 6_53_47 AM].csv SET046 Time sampling TG300mV FGn106mV 16 [(4) ; 7_27_2018 7_34_23 AM].csv SET046 Time sampling TG300mV FGn106mV 17 [(4) ; 7_27_2018 8_14_59 AM].csv SET046 Time sampling TG300mV FGn106mV 18 [(4) ; 7_27_2018 8_55_35 AM].csv SET046 Time sampling TG300mV FGn106mV 19 [(4) ; 7_27_2018 9_36_11 AM].csv Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects: This work is supported by EPSRC Manufacturing Fellowship (EP/M008975/1), Lloyds Register Foundation International Consortium of Nanotechnology, and the Joint Research Project (e-SI-Amp (15SIB08)). This work is also supported by the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.