READ ME File For 'Datasets Supporting article entitled "Immunofluorescence-guided segmentation of three-dimensional features in micro-computed tomography datasets of human lung tissue"' Dataset DOI: Author: Matthew J. Lawson, University of Southampton, This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Matthew J Lawson, Orestis L Katsamenis, David S Chatelet, Aiman Alzetani, Oliver Larkin, Ian Haig, Philipp Schneider, Peter Lackie and Jane Warner TITLE:Immunofluorescence-guided segmentation of three-dimensional features in micro-computed tomography datasets of human lung tissue JOURNAL: Royal Society Interface PAPER DOI:Currently Unknown This dataset contains: Data supporting Paper of Title: Immunofluorescence-guided segmentation of three-dimensional features in micro-computed tomography datasets of human lung tissue The Image data are as follows: 2x 16-bit processed micro-CT data files Contact for access to micro-CT raw Data files- 2x. 3x H&E Histology Tiff files 2x Blood vessel segmentation files 33x processed Ck18 immunofluorescence tiff files (image stacks contianing 3x 16-bit greyscale images in order FITC channel, Ck18 IF channel, DAPI channel; all cropped and rotated) Contact for access to raw immunofluorescence files- 33x. 2x Input folders for automated warping script (compressed as .zip files) 2x output folders from automated warping script (compressed as .zip files) 2x 16-bit processed micro-CT data files (section volume) 2x Interpolated Ck18 segmentation files (section volume) 2x Blood vessel segmentation files (section volume) Contact for access to Avizo visualisation projects- 2x. 2x Supplementary Videos illustrating 3D visualistations The script files for ImageJ(Fiji) are as follows: 1x 'Automated warping script file' 1x Weka Classifier for bubble artefact segmentation Note: Lung1 is also named HL093 and Lung2 is also named HL098 Date of data collection: 2016-2020 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Read Me file created: September 2020