%% Baseline characteristics d = 0.05; %delta a = 0.33; %RF-DC Conversion efficiency T_db =-20; % Thresh power in dBm T = 10.^((T_db/10)-3); %% Variants of characteristics and plot styles variants = 5; alp = [2.6,2.6,2.6,3.0,3.4]; %alpha P_db =[30,25,20,20,20]; % BS Tx power in dBm P = 10.^((P_db/10)-3); plot_args=[{':b'} {'--b'} {'k'} {'--r'} {':r'}]; %% figure; title('p(Wu) variation with common parameter changes of \alpha and \frac{aP}{T}') set(gca,'XScale', 'log'); xlabel('Tx Probability and Density, \delta\lambda') ylabel('p(Wu)'); hold on; %%Lambda variation samples_n = 100; max_lam = log10(0.2); min_lam = log10(2e-4); lam = logspace(min_lam,max_lam,samples_n); %lambda err_stem = zeros([1 samples_n]); legend_str = []; for i=1:variants [P_Fu,P_Fl, P_W, P_Sl, P_Su] = wake_bounds(lam,d,alp(i),a,P(i),T, 'Tidy'); err_stem = or(err_stem, ~isfinite(P_W)); plot(lam*d, P_W, plot_args{i}); legend_str = [legend_str;{[num2str(10*log10(P(i)*a/T), '\\frac{aP}{T}= %.0fdB,') num2str(alp(i),'\\alpha= %.2f')]}]; hold on; end legend(legend_str,'Location','NorthWest','Interpreter','latex'); ylim([0 1]);