READ ME File For Dataset for 'In-line polarization controller for hollow core photonic bandgap fiber' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Xi Zhang, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: Oliver Green, Xi Zhang, Eric R. Numkam Fokoua, Meng Ding, Zitong Feng, Yong Chen, Austin Taranta, Francesco Poletti, David John Richardson, Radan Slavik In-line polarization controller for hollow core photonic bandgap fiber , Optics Communications, 2020 Uploaded Archive (ZIP) includes 6 data files that are purely numerical (.xlsx) The figures are as follows: Fig. 2: Fig2_calculated beat length of PBGF-HCF.xlsx Calculated beat-length of the used HC-PBGF as a function of wavelength. Fig. 4: Fig4_measured beat length of PBGF-HCF.xlsx Maximum ellipticity of output State of Polarization (SOP) achieved by rotating an input linear polarization state for various FUT length. Fig.6: Fig6.a_measured polarizaion of PBGF-HCF/space quarter plate.xlsx Evolution of the measured output SOP on the Poincare sphere for (a) Quarter Wave Plate, and (b) Half-wave plate. Fig6.b_measured polarizaion of PBGF-HCF/space half plate.xlsx Fig. 7: Fig7.a_measured polarizaion of SSMF quarter plate.xlsx Evolution of the measured output SOP on the Poincare sphere for standard single-mode fibre-made single-paddle (a) Quarter Wave Plate, and (b) Half-wave plate. Fig7.b_measured polarizaion of SSMF half plate.xlsx Date of data collection: 1/8/2019-1/12/2019 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Licence: Creative Commons Attribution. Related projects: Airguide, RAEng Senior Research Fellowship Date that the file was created: 23 Octorber, 2020