READ ME File For 'Data set for "Acoustofluidic phase microscopy in a tilted segmentation-free configuration' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/10.5258/SOTON/D1697 ReadMe Author: Peter Glynne-Jones, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS:Julian Mejia Morales, Bjorn Hammarstrom, Gian Luca Lippi, Massimo Vassalli, Peter Glynne-Jones TITLE: Acoustofluidic phase microscopy in a tilted segmentation-free configuration JOURNAL: Biomicrofluidics PAPER DOI : This dataset contains: The attached files are multi-image tiff files that contain the image stack data which were processed to create the figures in the paper. To view the images the open source program ImageJ could be used. Licence: CC BY-NC Date that the file was created: 6th Jan 2020