READ ME File For Dataset for ''Long-length and thermally stable high-finesse Fabry-Perot interferometers made of hollow core optical fiber ' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1708 ReadMe Author: Meng Ding, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: Meng Ding, Zitong Feng, David Marpaung, Xi Zhang, Matěj Komanec, Dmytro Suslov, Daniel Dousek, Stanislav Zvánovec, E.R. NUMKAM FOKOUA, T.D. BRADLEY, F. POLETTI, D.J. RICHARDSON, and R. SLAVIK Optical fiber delay lines in microwave photonics: sensitivity to temperature and means to reduce it Uploaded Archive (RAR) includes 7 data files that are Excel format (.xlsx) The figures are as follows: Fig. 3: Chromatic dispersion of SSMF at room temperature (2nd column) and chromatic disperiosn at temperature 100 K higher (3rd column) at different wavelength in nm Chromatic dispersion of DCF at room temperature (4th column) and chromatic disperiosn at temperature 100 K higher (5th column) at different wavelength in nm Fig. 7: Transmission signal (2nd column) and error signal (3rd column) before and after the laser wavelength has been locked to a transmission peak of the FP etalon. Fig. 8: Amplitude transfer characteristics of the HCF-based filter at 10 GHz (column A,B), 20 GHz (column C,D), and 40 GHz (column E,F) over spans of 100 MHz. Fig. 9: Detailed amplitude (column B) and phase response (column C) of the hollow core fiber based filter around 40 GHz RF frequency at different frequency offset (column A) Fig.10: Transmission characteristics measured at 25 °C and 26 °C for SSMF-based filter and HCF-based filter measured at 10 GHz, 20 GHz , and 40 GHz. HCF: 10 GHz: 25°C (column A,B); 26 °C (column C,D) 20 GHz: 25°C (column E,F); 26 °C (column G,H) 40 GHz: 25°C (column I,J); 26 °C (column K,L) SSMF: 10 GHz: 25°C (column M,N); 26 °C (column O,P) 20 GHz: 25°C (column Q,R); 26 °C (column S,T) 40 GHz: 25°C (column U,V); 26 °C (column W,X) Fig. 11: Filter characteristics frequency shift at 40 GHz over 10 K temperature change for HCF-based filter (column C) and SSMF-based filter (column B). Fig. 12: Temperature variations (column A,B) in the laboratory and measured transmission peak frequency variations (column C,D,E) for HCF (column E) and SSMF based (column D) filters when subject to laboratory environment over 1 hour. Date of data collection: 1/11/2019-1/7/2020 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Licence: Creative Commons Attribution. Related projects: Airguide, RAEng Senior Research Fellowship, Lightpipe Date that the file was created: 11 Jan, 2021