READ ME File For 'Dataset for [Simulation of 2-Coil and 4-Coil Magnetic Resonance Wearable WPT Systems]' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1716 ReadMe Author: Yixuan Sun, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Yixuan Sun, Stephen Beeby TITLE: Simulation of 2-Coil and 4-Coil Magnetic Resonance Wearable WPT Systems JOURNAL: open access MDPI Proceedings PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: 10.3390/proceedings2021068013 This dataset contains: The figures are as follows: Fig. 5 Simulated coils in the magnetic field (left) and the coil separation study at a resonance of 5 MHz (right). Fig. 6 Transfer efficiency of the two-coil system analyzed in a frequency domain at a separation of 4 cm (left) and 6 cm (right). Fig. 7 The MR-WPT efficiency of the four-coil system analyzed in frequency domain at a separation of (left) 4 cm, 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm. Fig. 8 (a) Power efficiency against coil separation after the frequency was tuned. (b) Power efficiency at 12 cm of coil separation studied in axial misalignments. (c) Receiver rotating around the transmitter. (d) Receiver rotating around itself (self-spinning). Date of data collection: 01 October 2020 Information about geographic location of data collection: Licence: CC BY Related projects: Date that the file was created: 30 December 2020