READ ME File For 'Dataset for: Measures of space-time non-separability of electromagnetic pulses' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1726 ReadMe Author: Yijie Shen, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: "Measures of space-time nonseparability of electromagnetic pulses" by Y. Shen, A. Zdagkas, N. Papasimakis, and N. I. Zheludev in Physical Review Research 2021. Dr Yijie Shen University of Southampton Authors Y. Shen, A. Zdagkas, N. Papasimakis, N. I. Zheludev, Journal Physical Review Research 2021. Date of data collection: ADD IN COLLECTION DATES Information about geographic location of data collection: Licence: Related projects: The authors acknowledge the supports of the MOE Singa-pore (MOE2016-T3-1-006), the UKs Engineering and Physi-cal Sciences Research Council (grant EP/M009122/1, FunderId:, the EuropeanResearch Council (Advanced grant FLEET-786851, FunderId:, and the De-fense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) underthe Nascent Light Matter Interactions program. Contents +++++++++ - Fig. 1a presents plots of the real part of Equation (1) at ±20% of the amplitude for q2=100q1 and t=-50q1/c, 0 and 50q1/c. - Fig. 1b presents plots of the intense spectrum of the Fourier transformation of Equation (1) at ±20% of the amplitude for q2=100q1 and t=-50q1/c, -25q1/c, 0, 25q1/c, and 50q1/c. - Fig. 2a presents the radial distributions of various monochromatic components of the spectrum of Equation (1) for the cases of λ/q1 from 1 to 20. - Fig. 2b presents the axial-radial distributions of various monochromatic components of the spectrum of Equation (1) for the cases of λ/q1 from 1 to 20. - Fig. 2c presents the axial-radial distributions of the radial ratios of various monochromatic components of the spectrum of Equation (1) for the cases of λ/q1 from 1 to 20. -Fig. 2d presents the axial-radial distributions of the intensity values of various monochromatic components of the spectrum of Equation (1) for the cases of λ/q1 from 1 to 20. -Fig. 3d presents the axial-radial distributions of various monochromatic components of a wide-band LG beam, which are calculated by the equation in Supplementary Note 1 for the cases of λ/q1 from 1 to 20. File list: - Fig1a1.mat: The 600x150x150 matrix for plotting the profile of the pulse at t=-50q1/c in Fig1a. - Fig1a2.mat: The 600x150x150 matrix for plotting the profile of the pulse at t=0 in Fig1a. - Fig1a3.mat: The 600x150x150 matrix for plotting the profile of the pulse at t=50q1/c in Fig1a. - Fig1bRxz.mat: The 100x200 matrix containing the red channel of the false colour image at x-z plane in Fig1b. - Fig1bGxz.mat: The 100x200 matrix containing the red channel of the false colour image at x-z plane in Fig1b. - Fig1bBxz.mat: The 100x200 matrix containing the red channel of the false colour image at x-z plane in Fig1b. - Fig1bRxy.mat: The 400x400 matrix containing the red channel of the false colour image at x-y plane in the in set of Fig1b. - Fig1bGxy.mat: The 400x400 matrix containing the red channel of the false colour image at x-y plane in the in set of Fig1b. - Fig1bBxy.mat: The 400x400 matrix containing the red channel of the false colour image at x-y plane in the in set of Fig1b. - Fig2a.txt: 21 1000-element arrays containing the x (the first array) and z (the other arrays) coordinates of the colored curves corresponding to cases of λ/q1 from 1 to 20. - Fig2br.txt: 20 1200-element arrays containing the r coordinates of the colored curves corresponding to cases of λ/q1 from 1 to 20. - Fig2bz.txt: 20 1200-element arrays containing the |z| coordinates of the colored curves corresponding to cases of λ/q1 from 1 to 20. - Fig2c.mat: The 1200x80 matrix containing the plot data of ξ Fig1b. - Fig2d.mat: The 1200x80 matrix containing the plot data of |E|^2 Fig1b. - Fig3dr1.text: 20 1000-element arrays containing the r coordinates of the spatial states (the progressive brown curves) corresponding to cases of λ/q1 from 1 to 20. - Fig3dr2.text: 20 1000-element arrays containing the r coordinates of the spectral states (the colorful curves) corresponding to cases of λ/q1 from 1 to 20. - Fig3dz.text: 1000-element arrays containing the z coordinates for plotting the curves. February 2021