READ ME File For Dataset780Vecsel Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1584 ReadMe Author: Alan Gray, University of Southampton [ORCID] This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: ALAN C. GRAY, SAM A. BERRY, LEWIS G. CARPENTER, JAMES C. GATES, CORIN B. E. GAWITH, AND PETER G. R. SMITH TITLE: Upconversion detection of 1.25 Gb/s mid-infrared telecommunications using a silicon avalanche photodiode JOURNAL: OSA Optics Express PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: 10.1364/OE.404855 This dataset contains: DatasetUpConTelecoms.xlsx contains data associated with the paper of the given title The spreadsheet contains the data for figures 2,3, 4, and 5, as described below. The figures are as follows: Fig. 1 Schematic of Optical setup Fig. 2a Phasematching spectra of the DFG process Fig. 2b Converted power of the DFG process Fig. 3a Phasematching spectra of the SFG process Fig. 3b Converted power of the SFG process Fig. 4a and b Power stability of the MIR and Vis generation process Fig. 4c and d Zoom in of the above data Fig. 5a BER with respect to detected vis power Fig. 5b 1064 pump power required for the data presented in fig 5a Fig. 6 Eye diagrams of data transfer Fig. 7 RIN of lasers used Date of data collection: 2020 Related projects: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-16-1-0531), Innovate UK (102805, 104000, 104613); Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/M013243/1, EP/M013294/1, EP/M024539/1, EP/T00097X/1)). Licence: CC BY Date that the file was created: December, 2020