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How can lenders prosper? Comparing machine learning approaches to identify profitable peer-to-peer loan investments

How can lenders prosper? Comparing machine learning approaches to identify profitable peer-to-peer loan investments
How can lenders prosper? Comparing machine learning approaches to identify profitable peer-to-peer loan investments

Successful Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending requires an evaluation of loan profitability from a large universe of loans. Predictions of loan profitability may be useful to rank potential investments. We investigate whether various types of prediction methods and the types of information contained in loan listing features matter for profitable investment. A range of methods and performance metrics are used to benchmark predictive performance, based on a large dataset of P2P loans issued on Lending Club. Robust linear mixed models are used to investigate performance differences between models, according to whether they assume linearity, whether they build ensembles, and which types of predictors they use. The main findings are that: linear methods perform surprisingly well on several (but not all) criteria; whether ensemble methods perform better than individual methods is measure dependent; the use of alternative text-based information does not improve profit scoring outcomes. We conclude that P2P lenders could potentially increase their investment returns by applying linear methods that directly predict the internal rate of return instead of other dependent variables such as loan default.

Credit scoring, Ensemble learning, Investment analysis, P2P Lending, Predictive modelling
Fitzpatrick, Trevor
Mues, Christophe
Fitzpatrick, Trevor
Mues, Christophe

Fitzpatrick, Trevor and Mues, Christophe (2021) How can lenders prosper? Comparing machine learning approaches to identify profitable peer-to-peer loan investments. European Journal of Operational Research, 294 (2), 711-722. (doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2021.01.047).

Record type: Article


Successful Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending requires an evaluation of loan profitability from a large universe of loans. Predictions of loan profitability may be useful to rank potential investments. We investigate whether various types of prediction methods and the types of information contained in loan listing features matter for profitable investment. A range of methods and performance metrics are used to benchmark predictive performance, based on a large dataset of P2P loans issued on Lending Club. Robust linear mixed models are used to investigate performance differences between models, according to whether they assume linearity, whether they build ensembles, and which types of predictors they use. The main findings are that: linear methods perform surprisingly well on several (but not all) criteria; whether ensemble methods perform better than individual methods is measure dependent; the use of alternative text-based information does not improve profit scoring outcomes. We conclude that P2P lenders could potentially increase their investment returns by applying linear methods that directly predict the internal rate of return instead of other dependent variables such as loan default.

EJOR-D-19-00396_R3 - Accepted Manuscript
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More information

Accepted/In Press date: 30 January 2021
e-pub ahead of print date: 10 February 2021
Published date: 16 October 2021
Keywords: Credit scoring, Ensemble learning, Investment analysis, P2P Lending, Predictive modelling


Local EPrints ID: 447873
ISSN: 0377-2217
PURE UUID: d1272d6c-7ddc-4a3b-93fc-17591e0084e8
ORCID for Christophe Mues: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 25 Mar 2021 18:18
Last modified: 06 Jun 2024 04:15

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Author: Trevor Fitzpatrick
Author: Christophe Mues ORCID iD

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