READ ME File For 'Data for Polariton spin jets through optical control' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1778 Licence: CC BY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucinda Pickup & Julian Töpfer & Helgi Sigurdsson - Hybrid Photonics Group University of Southampton Building 46 Physics and Astronomy University Rd Southampton SO17 1BJ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Publication Title: Polariton spin jets through optical control Journal: Physical Review B DOI: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Figure 2 Fig2a.txt: Description: Non-polarisation resolved real-space photoluminescence from a polariton dyad with a separation of ~12.5um between pump centres and co-circularly polarised pumps. Scaling: 0.2805um per px Fig2b.txt: Description: Non-polarisation resolved real-space photoluminescence from a polariton dyad with a separation of ~12.5um between pump centres and cross-circularly polarised pumps. Scaling: 0.2805um per px Fig2c.txt: Description: Non-polarisation resolved momentum-space photoluminescence from a polariton dyad with a separation of ~12.5um between pump centres and co-circularly polarised pumps. Scaling: 0.0392264um^(-1) per px Fig2d.txt: Description: Non-polarisation resolved momentum-space photoluminescence from a polariton dyad with a separation of ~12.5um between pump centres and cross-circularly polarised pumps. Scaling: 0.0392264um^(-1) per px ~~~~~~~~~ Figure 3 Fig3a_spinUp.txt: Description: Real part of the potential from simulation along the dyad axis felt by spin-up polaritons when the pumps are co-circularly polarised with a dyad separation ~12.5um. Scaling: 0.5um per px Fig3a_spinDown.txt: Description: Real part of the potential from simulation along the dyad axis felt by spin-down polaritons when the pumps are co-circularly polarised with a dyad separation ~12.5um. Scaling: 0.5um per px Fig3b_spinUp.txt: Description: Real part of the potential from simulation along the dyad axis felt by spin-up polaritons when the pumps are cross-circularly polarised with a dyad separation ~12.5um. Scaling: 0.5um per px Fig3b_spinDown.txt: Description: Real part of the potential from simulation along the dyad axis felt by spin-down polaritons when the pumps are cross-circularly polarised with a dyad separation ~12.5um. Scaling: 0.5um per px There are two files for each figure panel 3c to 3f, one contains the right circularly polarised (RCP) photoluminescence and the other contains the left circularly polarised (LCP) photoluminescence. These are the data used to calculate the degree of circular polarisation shown in Fig. 3c - 3f. Fig3c_RCP.txt: Description: Right circularly polarised real-space photoluminescence from a polariton dyad with a separation of ~12.5um between pump centres and co-circularly polarised pumps. Scaling: 0.2805um per px Fig3c_LCP.txt: Description: Left circularly polarised real-space photoluminescence from a polariton dyad with a separation of ~12.5um between pump centres and co-circularly polarised pumps. Scaling: 0.2805um per px Fig3d_RCP.txt: Description: Right circularly polarised real-space photoluminescence from a polariton dyad with a separation of ~12.5um between pump centres and cross-circularly polarised pumps. Scaling: 0.2805um per px Fig3d_LCP.txt: Description: Left circularly polarised real-space photoluminescence from a polariton dyad with a separation of ~12.5um between pump centres and cross-circularly polarised pumps. Scaling: 0.2805um per px Fig3e_RCP.txt: Description: Right circularly polarised momentum-space photoluminescence from a polariton dyad with a separation of ~12.5um between pump centres and co-circularly polarised pumps. Scaling: 0.0392264um^(-1) per px Fig3e_LCP.txt: Description: Left circularly polarised momentum-space photoluminescence from a polariton dyad with a separation of ~12.5um between pump centres and co-circularly polarised pumps. Scaling: 0.0392264um^(-1) per px Fig3f_RCP.txt: Description: Right circularly polarised momentum-space photoluminescence from a polariton dyad with a separation of ~12.5um between pump centres and cross-circularly polarised pumps. Scaling: 0.0392264um^(-1) per px Fig3f_LCP.txt: Description: Left circularly polarised momentum-space photoluminescence from a polariton dyad with a separation of ~12.5um between pump centres and cross-circularly polarised pumps. Scaling: 0.0392264um^(-1) per px ~~~~~~~~~ Figure 4 Fig4a.txt: Description: Time integrated real-space degree of circular polarisation (Sz) from a 2D GPE simulation of a dyad with a separation of 12.5um between pump centres where the pumps are cross-circularly polarised and the spin-relaxation in the reservoirs is set to zero. Scaling: 0.5um per px Fig4b.txt: Description: Time integrated real-space degree of circular polarisation (Sz) from a 2D GPE simulation of a dyad with a separation of 12.5um between pump centres where the pumps are cross-circularly polarised and there is non-zero spin-relaxation in the reservoirs. Scaling: 0.5um per px Fig4c.txt: Description: Spin-up component of the time integrated real-space density distribution from a 2D GPE simulation of a dyad with a separation of 12.5um between pump centres where the pumps are cross-circularly polarised and the spin-relaxation in the reservoirs is set to zero. Scaling: 0.5um per px Fig4d.txt: Description: Spin-up component of the time integrated real-space density distribution from a 2D GPE simulation of a dyad with a separation of 12.5um between pump centres where the pumps are cross-circularly polarised and there is non-zero spin-relaxation in the reservoirs. Scaling: 0.5um per px Fig4e.txt: Description: Spin-down component of the time integrated real-space density distribution from a 2D GPE simulation of a dyad with a separation of 12.5um between pump centres where the pumps are cross-circularly polarised and the spin-relaxation in the reservoirs is set to zero. Scaling: 0.5um per px Fig4f.txt: Description: Spin-down component of the time integrated real-space density distribution from a 2D GPE simulation of a dyad with a separation of 12.5um between pump centres where the pumps are cross-circularly polarised and there is non-zero spin-relaxation in the reservoirs. Scaling: 0.5um per px Fig4c_LineProfile.txt: Description: Real part of the potential from simulation along the dyad axis felt by spin-up polaritons when the pumps are cross-circularly polarised with a dyad separation ~12.5um and the reservoir spin-relaxation is set to zero. Scaling: 0.5um per px Fig4d_LineProfile.txt: Description: Real part of the potential from simulation along the dyad axis felt by spin-up polaritons when the pumps are cross-circularly polarised with a dyad separation ~12.5um and the reservoir spin-relaxation is non-zero. Scaling: 0.5um per px Fig4e_LineProfile.txt: Description: Real part of the potential from simulation along the dyad axis felt by spin-down polaritons when the pumps are cross-circularly polarised with a dyad separation ~12.5um and the reservoir spin-relaxation is set to zero. Scaling: 0.5um per px Fig4f_LineProfile.txt: Description: Real part of the potential from simulation along the dyad axis felt by spin-down polaritons when the pumps are cross-circularly polarised with a dyad separation ~12.5um and the reservoir spin-relaxation is non-zero. Scaling: 0.5um per px ~~~~~~~~~ Figure 5 Fig5a.txt: Description: Energy resolved momentum-space (k_y=0) of the right circularly polarised photoluminescence from a polariton dyad with a separation ~10.5um and cross-circularly polarised pumps. Scaling: x-scale (um^(-1)) given in file 'Fig5a_xScaling.txt', y-scale (eV) given in 'Fig5a_yScaling.txt' Fig5b.txt: Description: The ratio of the left and right propagating spin-up polaritons for different degrees of circular polarisation of the right pump whilst maintaing a fixed degree of circular polarisation for the left pump. The file contains three labelled columns, the first contains the x co-ordinates which are the degree of circular polarisation of the right pump (Sz_R), the second and third columns contain the y co-ordinates of the data points shown by green squares and black triangles in the figure respectively. Fig5c.txt: Description: The imaginary components of the calculated energies from Equation 8 in the paper for different values of Sz_R. The file contains eight labelled columns, the first contains the x co-ordinates which are the degree of circular polarisation of the right pump (Sz_R), the second and third columns contain the y co-ordinates of the data points for the green squares and black triangles in the figure respectively and the remaining columns contain the y co-ordinates for each of the gray branches. Fig5d.txt: Description: The real components of the calculated energies from Equation 8 in the paper for different values of Sz_R. The file contains eight labelled columns, the first contains the x co-ordinates which are the degree of circular polarisation of the right pump (Sz_R), the second and third columns contain the y co-ordinates of the data points for the green squares and black triangles in the figure respectively and the remaining columns contain the y co-ordinates for each of the gray branches. Fig5e.txt: Description: The calculated ratio of outwardly propagating waves to the right and left in the asymmetric barrier problem as calculated by Equation 9 in the paper. The file contains three labelled columns, the first contains the x co-ordinates which are the degree of circular polarisation of the right pump (Sz_R), the second and third columns contain the y co-ordinates of the data points shown by green squares and black triangles in the figure respectively.