READ ME File For 'Compact chirped-pulse amplification systems based on highly Tm3+ doped germanate fiber ' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1807 ReadMe Author: Fedia Ben Slimen, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS:ZHENGQI REN, FEDIA BEN SLIMEN,JORIS LOUSTEAU,NICHOLAS WHITE,YONGMIN JUNG,JONATHAN H. V. PRICE, DAVID J. RICHARDSON,FRANCESCO POLETTI TITLE:Compact chirped-pulse amplification systems based on highly Tm3+ doped germanate fiber JOURNAL:Optics Letters PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: This dataset contains: The figures are as follows: Fig. 1 (left) Cross sectional view of the extruded hexagonal inner cladding with the core rod extending outwards from the front face. (right) Optical microscope image of the fabricated Tm doped germanate LMA single mode fiber. Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of the CPA system. DsS-dissipative soliton, NDF-normal dispersion fiber, WDM-wavelength-division multiplexer, PC-polarization controller, EDFL Er doped fiber laser. Fig. 3 (a) Measured average output power after the cladding-pumped power amplifier and compressor gratings versus launched pump power. (b) Long term stability test at the highest output power and the measured M2 value (M2~1.1). Fig. 4 Output spectra from the power amplifier and autocorrelation traces after the compressor. (a) and (c), Spectra at the maximum amplifier output power of 20 W and 3.2 W for cladding pumping and core pumping respectively. (b) and (d), Autocorrelation trace at the maximum output power of 14.1 W and 2.3 W after the compressor for cladding pumping and core pumping respectively. (e) Spectrum at a higher amplifier output power of 3.6 W for core pumping. (f) Autocorrelation trace at an output power of 2.55 W after the compressor for core pumping illustrating the deleterious impact of nonlinearity in the final stage amplifier. Date of data collection: from January 2017 to April 2021 Information about geographic location of data collection: University Of Southampton, UK Licence:CC BY Related projects: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/P030181/1, EP/P027644/1, EP/P012248/1) ERC project Lightpipe (grant agreement n° 682724) Date that the file was created: April, 2021