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Dietary patterns and chronic kidney disease outcomes: a systematic review

Dietary patterns and chronic kidney disease outcomes: a systematic review
Dietary patterns and chronic kidney disease outcomes: a systematic review

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a serious public health problem and its prevalence is growing in many countries, often related to issues resulting from the lifestyle in growing economies and the population's life expectancy. Nutritional therapy is a beneficial but still neglected strategy for preventing CKD and delaying disease progression. The aim of this study was to assess the association of dietary patterns with CKD development and progression. Observational studies conducted in adult humans and the correlation between the adopted dietary pattern and prevalent and incident cases of CKD were assessed. A significant association was observed between unhealthy dietary patterns and an increased risk of developing or worsening CKD, as well as an adverse effect. Whereas healthy eating patterns characterized by the consumption of fruit, vegetables and dietary fibre showed nephroprotective outcomes.

chronic renal failure, diet therapy, kidney disease, nutrition, systematic review
Quintela, Bárbara
Carioca, Antônio
de Oliveira, Juliana
Fraser, Simon
Silva Junior, Geraldo
Quintela, Bárbara
Carioca, Antônio
de Oliveira, Juliana
Fraser, Simon
Silva Junior, Geraldo

Quintela, Bárbara, Carioca, Antônio, de Oliveira, Juliana, Fraser, Simon and Silva Junior, Geraldo (2021) Dietary patterns and chronic kidney disease outcomes: a systematic review. Nephrology, 26 (7), 603-612. (doi:10.1111/nep.13883).

Record type: Article


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a serious public health problem and its prevalence is growing in many countries, often related to issues resulting from the lifestyle in growing economies and the population's life expectancy. Nutritional therapy is a beneficial but still neglected strategy for preventing CKD and delaying disease progression. The aim of this study was to assess the association of dietary patterns with CKD development and progression. Observational studies conducted in adult humans and the correlation between the adopted dietary pattern and prevalent and incident cases of CKD were assessed. A significant association was observed between unhealthy dietary patterns and an increased risk of developing or worsening CKD, as well as an adverse effect. Whereas healthy eating patterns characterized by the consumption of fruit, vegetables and dietary fibre showed nephroprotective outcomes.

Systematic Review CKD and diet_FINAL_revised - Accepted Manuscript
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Accepted/In Press date: 14 April 2021
e-pub ahead of print date: 17 April 2021
Published date: July 2021
Additional Information: Funding Information: We are grateful to the Edson Queiroz Foundation for their support for this research. We also thank the Brazilian Agencies CNPq, CAPES and FUNCAP for a research grant provided to GBSJ, postdoctoral grant to BCSF, and doctoral grant to JGRDO, respectively. GBSJ and AAFC are supported by a fellowship (422 721/2018?2) from CNPq, and BCSFQ is supported by fellowships from CAPES, respectively (#88887.343280/2019?00). JGRO is supported by fellowships from FUNCAP. Funding Information: We are grateful to the Edson Queiroz Foundation for their support for this research. We also thank the Brazilian Agencies CNPq, CAPES and FUNCAP for a research grant provided to GBSJ, postdoctoral grant to BCSF, and doctoral grant to JGRDO, respectively. GBSJ and AAFC are supported by a fellowship (422 721/2018–2) from CNPq, and BCSFQ is supported by fellowships from CAPES, respectively (#88887.343280/2019–00). JGRO is supported by fellowships from FUNCAP. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology.
Keywords: chronic renal failure, diet therapy, kidney disease, nutrition, systematic review


Local EPrints ID: 448336
ISSN: 1440-1797
PURE UUID: 696390f9-1d22-49d5-a23f-ad3a7c37bd34
ORCID for Simon Fraser: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date deposited: 20 Apr 2021 16:33
Last modified: 17 Mar 2024 06:30

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Author: Bárbara Quintela
Author: Antônio Carioca
Author: Juliana de Oliveira
Author: Simon Fraser ORCID iD
Author: Geraldo Silva Junior

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