READ ME File For 'Data supporting the thesis Control and performance of small Custer channel wing Unmanned Aircraft' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1808 ReadMe Author: Juraj Mihalik, University of Southampton, ORCID This dataset supports the thesis entitled 'Control and performance of small Custer channel wing Unmanned Aircraft' AWARDED BY: Univeristy of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: 2021 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA - Instructions_manual.pdf contains the thesis Appendix K document - The included files are the supporting files referenced throughout this manual such as: - Custom_module with the custom controller software for the stabilisation - HITL_files for the HITL in X-Plane - Transmitter_model_files for the transmitter backup files - Other files for examples of data log file, last used fly parameters and the PX4 v1.9 documentation backup This is the Custer UAV Flight Dynamics mathematical model implemented in MATLAB according to the thesis Chapter 2 - Load_params(1) loads all the Custer UAV specific parameters - Run_to_trim.m is the lateral trimming routine - Run_A_eigs.m finds the Stability and Control derivatives for the trim points of interest and generates the stability plots - The rest are the supporting files for the above routines - Contains the Custer.xfl XFLR5 Custer UAV model referenced in the thesis custer_tunnel_results_Vmy5.xlsx Excel spreadsheet containing the wind tunnel measurements of the Custer UAV referenced in the thesis and the journal paper 'Custer channel wings for Short Take-off and Landing of Unmanned Aircraft' Licence: CC BY-NC-ND Date that the file was created: March 2021 Funded by EPSRC, grant number EP/L015382/1, project 'The use of channel wings for slow speed UAV flight'