Dataset for Non-volatile programmable silicon photonics using an ultralow-loss Sb2Se3 phase change material Structure of dataset: Data are contained in subfolders with name of corresponding figure. Each folder has a separate README file. Content of dataset: /Figure1 Figure 1B,C,D Contains the x,y,z coordinates for each mesh cell, Followed by the full data set all the fields of the first mode. The Ex(real), Ey(real) and Ez(real) are individually squared, then summed and square rooted to give the e-field shown in the figure. /Figure2 Figure2A - data set for 2pi shift. Wavelength vs transmission for each column, with the first row being the number of switched pixels (corresponding to the successive plots in fig 2a) Figure2B - data set for 10 pi shift. Format is same as above, with 11 collumns from 0 up to 200 amophizations. Figure2C - data set for single wavelength tuning. Column 1 is data point, column 2 signal of detector in volts, column 3 signal in dB Figure2D - data set for endurance testing. Column 1 is index in full cycles (write-reset). Column 2 is signal in dB, column 3 is signal of detector in volts, column 4 is 50-point smoothed curve, column 5 is ratio of signal to smoothed curve /Figure3 is Python script to generate the figure from raw data files. efield_unperturbed.txt electric field simulations efield_perturbed.txt electric field simulations Final_pattern_750nm_3_pass.txt binary pattern simulated_results.txt simulated writing process transmission_1.lvm experimental data write transmission_2.lvm experimental data reset /Figure4 is Python script to generate the figure from raw data files. Figure4.txt experimental transmission: column 1 is data point, column 2 is top output signal in mV, column 3 is bottom output signal in mV /Figure5 /FigureS2_S3 is Python script to generate the figures from raw data files. FigureS2S3.csv is comma-separated file containing transmission spectra of straight waveguides (SWG) and Mach Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) devices /FigureS4 Figure4.txt is data set for endurance testing. Column 1 is index in full cycles (write-reset). Column 2 is signal in dB, column 3 is signal of detector in volts, column 4 is 50-point smoothed curve, column 5 is ratio of signal to smoothed curve /FigureS6 is Python script to generate the figure from raw data files. transmission_1.lvm experimental data transmission_2.lvm experimental data transmission_3.lvm experimental data transmission_4.lvm experimental data transmission_5.lvm experimental data transmission_6.lvm experimental data