READ ME File For 'Dataset for: 10nm SiO2 TM Slot Mode in Laterally Mismatched Asymmetric Fin-Waveguides' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1607 ReadMe Author: James Byers, Institution: University of Southampton Department: Electronics and Computer Science This dataset supports the paper entitled: "10nm SiO2 TM Slot Mode in Laterally Mismatched Asymmetric Fin-Waveguides" by Byers, James; Debnath, Kapil; Arimoto, Hideo; Husain, Muhammed K.; Sotto, Moise; Hillier, Joseph; Kiang, Kian; Thomson, David J.; Reed, Graham T.; Charlton, Martin; Saito, Shinichi DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA This dataset contains: simulation and experimental data for paper "10nm SiO2 TM Slot Mode in Laterally Mismatched Asymmetric Fin-Waveguides". Each folder contains data relating to the corresponding figure as follows: Fig2_and_3 – 2D finite difference eigenmode field profiles of Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy, Hz components for TE mode (“mode 1”) and TM mode (“mode 2). This data also used to calculate Stokes parameters for Figure 3. Fig4 – Dispersion relations for kz = 0.3 – 0.4 * 2λ/Δ sweeps for fin-waveguide with mismatch parameter (m) = 0.0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5 Fig5 – 3D field profile data for Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy, Hz, Px, Py, Pz from finite difference time domain simulation of fin-waveguide with m = 0.5, kz = 0.43 * 2λ/Δ. This dataset also contains the raw bandstructure calculated for this simulation. Fig6 – SEM image used in Figure 5. Fig7 – Raw transmission spectra for 250 μm long fin-waveguide devices with m = 0.0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5. Also included is the raw transmission spectra for 250 μm long reference (strin-waveguide) device. Fig8 – Raw transmission spectra for 250 μm long fin-waveguide devices with m = 0.0, 0.5 Fig9 – Raw transmission spectra three Mach-Zehnder interferometer devices. One with strip-waveguide geometry on both arms (“Fin-wg_MZI_reference”), one with a 500 μm m = 0.0 fin-waveguide on one arm (“Fin-wg_MZI_mism_000”) and one with a 500 μm m = 0.5 fin-waveguide on one arm (“Fin-wg_MZI_mism_500”) Date of data collection: December 2019 – January 2020 Geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, Southampton, UK Licence: Creative Commons Attributions Related projects/Funders: EPSRC Standard Grant (EP/M009416/1) EPSRC Standard Grant (EP/S034242/1) EPSRC Manufacturing Fellowship (EP/M008975/1) EPSRC Platform Grant (EP/N013247/1) The University of Southampton Zepler Institute Research Collaboration Stimulus Fund Research Output: [provisionally accepted] Date that the file was created: April, 2021