READ ME File For 'Figures for Dynamic mode decomposition-based reconstructions for fluid-structure interactions: An application to membrane wings' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1751 ReadMe Author: D W CARTER, University of Southampton [0000-0001-8675-1849] This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: E. Rodrigues-Lopez, D. W. Carter, B. Ganapathisubramani TITLE: Dynamic mode decomposition-based reconstructions for fluid-structure interactions: An application to membrane wings JOURNAL: Journal of Fluids and Structures DOI: [TBD] This dataset contains: Figure files stored in MATLAB's .fig file format numbered corresponding to the figure numbers in the published article. The figures are as follows: Fig. 2 Mean stream-wise/vertical velocty fields Fig. 3 Local peak strouhal frequency of velocity fields Fig. 4 Coherence spectra of membrane deformation and velocity fields methodology Fig. 5 Cuts of coherence spectra for u' and v' for fixed \hat{x} Fig. 6 Damping and amplitudes of velocity fields for various DMD methodologies Fig. 7 Damping and amplitudes of displacement fields for various DMD methodologies Fig. 8 Characteristic flow mode for various DMD methodologies Fig. 9 Vertical velocity reconstruction at arbitrary location for various DMD methodologies Fig. 10 Null-damped vertical velocity reconstruction at arbitrary location for various DMD methodologies Fig. 11 Correlation maps between original and reconstructed velocity fields Fig. 12 Correlation maps between original and reconstructed displacement fields Fig. 13 Correlation maps between original and reconstructed velocity fields via combined DMDho Fig. 14 Average correlations for various DIC domain sizes Related projects: PIV/DIC Data originally presented by: AUTHORS: R. Bleischwitz, R. de Kat, B. Ganapathisubramani TITLE: Aeromechanics of membrane and rigid wings in and out of ground-effect at moderate Reynolds numbers JOURNAL: Journal of Fluids and Structures DOI: License: CC BY Date that the file was created: February, 2021