READ ME File For 'Getting jammed in all directions: Dynamic shear jamming around a cylinder towed through a dense suspension - Dataset' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1835 ReadMe Author: Olav Rømcke, NTNU This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Olav Rømcke, Ivo R. Peters and R. Jason Hearst TITLE: Getting jammed in all directions: Dynamic shear jamming around a cylinder towed through a dense suspension JOURNAL: Physical Review Fluids This dataset contains: % ----------------------------- (F1a.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 1a: Rheological measurements: Viscosity as a function of shear stress for several volume fractions. DATA.phi list of volume fractions - each entry represents volume fraction DATA.stress list of stress data [Pa] - each entry is an ARRAY of stress data DATA.visc list of viscosity data [Pa s] - each entry is an ARRAY of viscosity data DATA.dvisc list of std(viscosity) data [Pa s] - each entry is an ARRAY of std(viscosity) data % ----------------------------- (F1b.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 1b: Rheological measurements: Viscosity as a function of volume fraction at the LOW and HIGH stress limits. DATA.phi1 list of volume fractions. - each entry represents a volume fraction. DATA.visc1 list of viscosity data. [Pa s] - each entry represents viscosity at LOW stress DATA.dvisc1 list of std(viscosity) data. [Pa s] - each entry represents std(viscosity) at LOW stress DATA.phi0 Volume fractions limit. - this is the LOW stress critical volume fraction DATA.phi2 list of volume fractions. - each entry corresponding to HIGH stress viscosity data DATA.visc2 list of viscosity data. [Pa s] - each entry represents viscosity at HIGH stress DATA.dvisc2 list of std(viscosity) data. [Pa s] - each entry represents std(viscosity) at HIGH stress DATA.phim Volume fractions limit. - this is the HIGH stress critical volume fraction % ----------------------------- (F2c.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 2c: A time series of traverse velocity. DATA.t an ARRAY of time [ms] DATA.Uc an ARRAY of traverse velocity [m/s] % ----------------------------- (F3a.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 3a: Velocity profiles at different instances in time. DATA.Y list of y-positions normalized by cylinder diameter. - each entry is an ARRAY of positions DATA.U list of x-velocities normalized by cylinder velocity. - each entry is an ARRAY of velocities. DATA.t list of time [ms] - each entry is a NUMBER repesenting a time. DATA.Yfront list of front position normalized by cylinder diameter. - each entry is a NUMBER representing front position. % ----------------------------- (F3b.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 3b: Front position timeseries for several experiments DATA.xf list of front positions. - each entry is an ARRAY of front positions [mm]. DATA.time list of times. - each entry is an ARRAY of time [ms]. DATA.t_min time window: Lower bound - a NUMBER representing the lower bound of the window of analysis. DATA.t_min time window: Upper bound - a NUMBER representing the upper bound of the window of analysis. % ----------------------------- (F4a.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 4a: Snapshots of the velocity field with jamming front. DATA.X list of X positions normalized by cylinder diameter. - each entry is a MATRIX of x-positions. DATA.Y list of Y positions normalized by cylinder diameter. - each entry is a MATRIX of y-positions. DATA.U list of snapshot of the x-velocity field normalized by cylinder velocity. - each entry is a MATRIX of velocity data. DATA.V list of snapshot of the y-velocity field normalized by cylinder velocity. - each entry is a MATRIX of velocity data. DATA.xf list of snapshots of jamming front x-position normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is an ARRAY of jammingfront x-positions. DATA.yf list of snapshots of jamming front y-position normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is an ARRAY of jammingfront y-positions. DATA.xc list of cylinder x-position in each snapshot normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is a NUMBER representing cylinder x-position. DATA.xc0 Cylinder start position normalized by cylinder diameter. % ----------------------------- (F4b.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 4b: Snapshots of the shear rate magnitude field with jamming front. DATA.X list of X positions normalized by cylinder diameter. - each entry is a MATRIX of x-positions. DATA.Y list of Y positions normalized by cylinder diameter. - each entry is a MATRIX of y-positions. DATA.SR list of snapshot of the Shear Rate magnitude normalized by cylinder diameter and velocity. - each entry is a MATRIX of Shear Rate magnitude data. DATA.xf list of snapshots of jamming front x-position normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is an ARRAY of jammingfront x-positions. DATA.yf list of snapshots of jamming front y-position normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is an ARRAY of jammingfront y-positions. DATA.xc list of cylinder x-position in each snapshot normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is a NUMBER representing cylinder x-position. DATA.xc0 Cylinder start position normalized by cylinder diameter. % ----------------------------- (F4c.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 4c: Snapshots of the Accumulated Strain field with jamming front and principal strain directions. DATA.X list of X MATERIAL POINT positions normalized by cylinder diameter. - each entry is a MATRIX of x-positions. DATA.Y list of Y MATERIAL POINT positions normalized by cylinder diameter. - each entry is a MATRIX of y-positions. DATA.Es list of snapshot of the accumulated strain. - each entry is a MATRIX of Accumulated Strain data. DATA.Nx1 list of snapshot of the X-COMPONENT of the strain EXPANSION direction. - each entry is a MATRIX of vector x-component. DATA.Ny1 list of snapshot of the Y-COMPONENT of the strain EXPANSION direction. - each entry is a MATRIX of vector y-component. DATA.Nx2 list of snapshot of the X-COMPONENT of the strain COMPRESSION direction. - each entry is a MATRIX of vector x-component. DATA.Ny2 list of snapshot of the Y-COMPONENT of the strain COMPRESSION direction. - each entry is a MATRIX of vector y-component. DATA.xf list of snapshots of jamming front x-position normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is an ARRAY of jammingfront x-positions. DATA.yf list of snapshots of jamming front y-position normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is an ARRAY of jammingfront y-positions. DATA.xc list of cylinder x-position in each snapshot normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is a NUMBER representing cylinder x-position. DATA.xc0 Cylinder start position normalized by cylinder diameter. % ----------------------------- (F4d.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 4d: Snapshots of the Accumulated Strain field with jamming front and principal strain directions. DATA.X list of X MATERIAL POINT positions normalized by cylinder diameter. - each entry is a MATRIX of x-positions. DATA.Y list of Y MATERIAL POINT positions normalized by cylinder diameter. - each entry is a MATRIX of y-positions. DATA.PSI list of snapshot of the rotation angle. - each entry is a MATRIX of rotation angle data. DATA.xf list of snapshots of jamming front x-position normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is an ARRAY of jammingfront x-positions. DATA.yf list of snapshots of jamming front y-position normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is an ARRAY of jammingfront y-positions. DATA.xc list of cylinder x-position in each snapshot normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is a NUMBER representing cylinder x-position. DATA.xc0 Cylinder start position normalized by cylinder diameter. % ----------------------------- (F5.mat) ---------------------------------- % Figure 5: Snapshots of the velocity field (low velocity) with jamming front. DATA.X list of X positions normalized by cylinder diameter. - each entry is a MATRIX of x-positions. DATA.Y list of Y positions normalized by cylinder diameter. - each entry is a MATRIX of y-positions. DATA.U list of snapshot of the x-velocity field normalized by cylinder velocity. - each entry is a MATRIX of velocity data. DATA.V list of snapshot of the y-velocity field normalized by cylinder velocity. - each entry is a MATRIX of velocity data. DATA.xf list of snapshots of jamming front x-position normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is an ARRAY of jammingfront x-positions. DATA.yf list of snapshots of jamming front y-position normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is an ARRAY of jammingfront y-positions. DATA.xc list of cylinder x-position in each snapshot normalized with cylinder diameter. - each entry is a NUMBER representing cylinder x-position. DATA.xc0 Cylinder start position normalized by cylinder diameter. % ----------------------------- (F6.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 6 Snapshots of the normalized jamming front position. DATA.xfL list of x-component of the normalized front position (LEFT FIGURE). - each entry is an ARRAY of normalized x-positions. DATA.yfL list of y-component of the normalized front position (LEFT FIGURE). - each entry is an ARRAY of normalized y-positions. DATA.tL list of normalized time stamps (LEFT FIGURE). - each entry is a NUMBER representing normalized time. DATA.UcL a NUMBER representing the cylinder velocity [m/s] (LEFT FIGURE). DATA.xfL list of x-component of the normalized front position (MIDLE FIGURE). - each entry is an ARRAY of normalized x-positions. DATA.yfL list of y-component of the normalized front position (MIDLE FIGURE). - each entry is an ARRAY of normalized y-positions. DATA.tL list of normalized time stamps (MIDLE FIGURE). - each entry is a NUMBER representing normalized time. DATA.UcL a NUMBER representing the cylinder velocity [m/s] (MIDLE FIGURE). DATA.xfL list of x-component of the normalized front position (RIGHT FIGURE). - each entry is an ARRAY of normalized x-positions. DATA.yfL list of y-component of the normalized front position (RIGHT FIGURE). - each entry is an ARRAY of normalized y-positions. DATA.tL list of normalized time stamps (RIGHT FIGURE). - each entry is a NUMBER representing normalized time. DATA.UcL a NUMBER representing the cylinder velocity [m/s] (RIGHT FIGURE). % ----------------------------- (F7.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 7 MAIN FIGURE: Front propagation factor as a function of angle about the cylinder. DATA.MAIN.kf list of front propagation factors. - each entry is an ARRAY of front propagation factors. DATA.MAIN.a list of angles. - each entry is an ARRAY of angles. DATA.MAIN.Uc list of normalized cylinder velocities (Uc/Uc*-1). - each entry is a NUMBER representing the cylinder velocity. INSET FIGURE: Self-normalized (with peak value) front propagation factor as a function of angle about the cylinder for high cylinder velocities. DATA.MAIN.kfn list of self normalized front propagation factors. - each entry is an ARRAY of normalized front propagation factors. DATA.MAIN.dkfn list of standard deviation of the self front propagation factor. - each entry is an ARRAY of normalized std(kfn). DATA.MAIN.a list of angles. - each entry is an ARRAY of angles. DATA.MAIN.Uc list of normalized cylinder velocities (Uc/Uc*-1). - each entry is a NUMBER representing the cylinder velocity. % ----------------------------- (F8a.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 8a MAIN FIGURE Normalized (with curve fit parameters) front propagation as a function of cylinder velocity DATA.A.MAIN.a list of angles. - each entry is a NUMBER representing angle. DATA.MAIN.Uc list of normalized cylinder velocity (Uc/Uc*-1). - each entry is an ARRAY of normalized cylinder velocity. DATA.MAIN.kf list of normalized front propagation factors (kf/kf*). - each entry is an ARRAY of normalized front propagation factors. DATA.MAIN.dkf list of normalized standard deviation of front propagation factors (std(kf)/kf*). - each entry is an ARRAY of normalized standard deviation of front propagation factors. DATA.MAIN.rms maximum normalized rms from the curve fit (max(rms)/kf*). - A NUMBER representing the maximum normalized Root Mean Square from the curve fit. INSET FIGURE front propagation as a function of cylinder velocity for two angles DATA.A.MAIN.a list of angles. - each entry is a NUMBER representing angle. DATA.MAIN.Uc list of cylinder velocity [m/s]. - each entry is an ARRAY of cylinder velocity. DATA.MAIN.kf list of front propagation factors. - each entry is an ARRAY of front propagation factors. DATA.MAIN.dkf list of standard deviation of front propagation factors (std(kf)). - each entry is an ARRAY of standard deviation of front propagation factors. DATA.MAIN.rms list of rms from the curve fit. - each entry is a NUMBER representing the Root Mean Square from the curve fit. % ----------------------------- (F8b.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 8b Curve fit parameters DATA.A.MAIN.a list of angles. - each entry is a NUMBER representing angle. DATA.MAIN.Ucs list of jamming onset velocity [m/s]. - each entry is a NUMBER representing onset velocity. DATA.MAIN.kfs list of high velocity limit front propagation factors. - each entry is a NUMBER representing high velocity limit front propagation factors. % ----------------------------- (F9a.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 9a Defining onset strain: time series of accumulated strain and velocity at a material point DATA.t an ARRAY of times [ms]. - each entry is a NUMBER representing time. DATA.u an ARRAY of velocity normalized with cylinder velocity. - each entry is a NUMBER representing normalized velocity at material point. an ARRAY of accumulated strain. - each entry is a NUMBER representing accumulated strain at material point. % ----------------------------- (F9b.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 9b The value of onset strain: onset strain for cases where cylinder velocity is larger than 0.07 m/s. DATA.a0 an ARRAY of angles the material point has with the cylinder at t=0. - each entry is a NUMBER representing angle. an ARRAY of onset strain. - each entry is a NUMBER representing local average onset strain. DATA.dec an ARRAY of standard deviation of onset strain. - each entry is a NUMBER representing standard deviation of the onset strain. DATA.ec_g a NUMBER representing the global average onset strain. - this is the global average of onset strain for all angles and all cases (Uc > 0.07 m/s). DATA.dec_g a NUMBER representing the global standard deviation of onset strain. - this is the global std of onset strain for all angles and all cases (Uc > 0.07 m/s). % ----------------------------- (F10.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 10 Stretch and compression lines DATA.XStretchLine list of x-positions of the lines of principle stretch - each entry is an ARRAY of x-positions normalized with cylinder diameter. DATA.YStretchLine list of y-positions of the lines of principle stretch - each entry is an ARRAY of y-positions normalized with cylinder diameter. DATA.XCompressionLine list of x-positions of the lines of principle compression - each entry is an ARRAY of x-positions normalized with cylinder diameter. DATA.YCompressionLine list of y-positions of the lines of principle compression - each entry is an ARRAY of y-positions normalized with cylinder diameter. % ----------------------------- (F11a.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 11a Fore-Aft Velocity asymetry DATA.Udiff list of x-velocity difference - each entry is a MATRIX of x-velocities normalized with cylinder velocity. DATA.X list of x-positions. - each entry is a MATRIX of x-positions normalized with cylinder diameter. DATA.Y list of y-positions. - each entry is a MATRIX of x-positions normalized with cylinder diameter. % ----------------------------- (F11b.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 11b Fore-Aft Strain rate asymetry DATA.SRdiff list of Strain Rate magnitude difference - each entry is a MATRIX of strain rate magnitude difference normalized with cylinder velocity and diameter. DATA.X list of x-positions. - each entry is a MATRIX of x-positions normalized with cylinder diameter. DATA.Y list of x-positions. - each entry is a MATRIX of y-positions normalized with cylinder diameter. % ----------------------------- (F11c.mat) --------------------------------- % Figure 11c Fore-Aft Strain asymetry DATA.Sdiff list of accumulated strain difference - each entry is a MATRIX of accumulated strain difference normalized with cylinder velocity. DATA.X list of x-positions. - each entry is a MATRIX of x-positions normalized with cylinder diameter. DATA.Y list of y-positions. - each entry is a MATRIX of x-positions normalized with cylinder diameter. Licence: CC-BY Date that the file was created: May, 2021