README file for: '3D cyclorama for digital unrolling and visualisation of deformed tubes' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1407 README Author: Charalambos Rossides, University of Southampton [ORCID: 0000-0002-7547-0256] This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Charalambos Rossides Sylvia L.F. Pender Philipp Schneider TITLE: 3D cyclorama for digital unrolling and visualisation of deformed tubes JOURNAL: Scientific Reports PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: - This dataset contains: Figures of the main manuscript: - Figure 1: Colonic histology - Figure 2: Generation of 3D cycloramas through electrostatic fields - Figure 3: Linear mapping of 3D re-slicing surfaces - Figure 4: 3D cycloramas for the study of murine colons - Figure 5: Budding crypt identification and 3D segmentation Figures of the supplementary document: - Figure S1: 2D grid template and slices of the 3D cyclorama after unrolling of the digital phantom - Figure S2: Cross sections of the 3D digital phantom - Figure S3: Mathematical description of the 3D digital phantom - Figure S4: Verification of the cyclorama method using a digital 3D phantom - Figure S5: 3D cyclorama to segment placental microvilli - Figure S6: 3D cyclorama to unroll a pharmaceutical film Supporting videos: video_1_99128_201901251137_Cyclorama_Side_200to500_idx_cropped.avi video_2_99164_201906121810_Cyclorama_Side_30to330_idx_cropped_8bit.avi video_3_201903051259_Cyclorama_Side_1to901_idx_cropped.avi * The moving frames of the supporting videos are sequential slices of 3D cycloramas. The file naming is as follows: video____Cyclorama_Side__....avi where: ScanID - The unique identifier of the synchrotron micro-CT dataset. CycloramaTimestamp - A unique identifier of the 3D cyclorama file arranged as