READ ME File For 'Participatory flood extent in northern Ghana' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Chengxiu Li, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: Authors: Chengxiu Li, Weiyu Yu, Mawuli Dzodzomenyo, Moses Asamoah, Cathy Kerapetse, Matt Kandel and Jim Wright Title: Growing spatial overlap between dam-related flooding, cropland and domestic water points: a water-energy-food nexus management challenge in Malawi and Ghana Journal: Frontiers in Water doi: 10.3389/frwa.2021.730370 This dataset contains: PgisPolygon_floodWaterSourcesSanitation.tip This is a zip bundle of 4 ESRI Shapefiles generated by participatory flood mapping in Northern region of Ghana, 2020. The dataset contains flood extent draw by local informants, water sources including boreholes, wells and sanitation facilities such as toilets. DataDictionary_ParticipatoryMapping.docx This file explains the ESRI Shapefiles and the variables contained in their attribute tables. Consent Form_ParticipatoryMapping.pdf This file contains consent forms for local informants taking part in the participatory flood mapping study. ParticipantInfoSheet_BrecciaFlood_PartMapping.pdf This file contains a participant information sheet to inform participants why the research is being done and what it will involve. ParticipatoryMappingProtocol_BrecciaFloodingSRP.pdf This file contains procedures (i.e. the series of open-ended questions) for participants drawing flooded areas and water sources on base maps comprising satellite images of each village, similar to those seen in Google Maps. Methodology for participatory flood mapping.docx This file introduces details on how ESRI Shapefiles of flood extent, water sources and toilet were generated. Date of data collection: September 2020 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects: BRECcIA Project NE/P021093/1 Building REsearch Capacity for sustainable water and food security In drylands of sub-saharan Africa (BRECcIA) Date that the file was created: September 2021