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Dataset for: Energy-aware HW/SW Co-modeling of Batteryless Wireless Sensor Nodes

Dataset for: Energy-aware HW/SW Co-modeling of Batteryless Wireless Sensor Nodes
Dataset for: Energy-aware HW/SW Co-modeling of Batteryless Wireless Sensor Nodes
Dataset supporting the paper: Samuel C.B. Wong, Sivert T. Sliper, William Wang, Alex S. Weddell, Stephanie Gauthier, Geoff V. Merrett. "Energy-aware HW/SW Co-modeling of Batteryless Wireless Sensor Nodes". The 8th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting and Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems. Energy harvesting wireless sensor nodes are sensitive to spatial and temporal fluctuations in energy availability. This issue is especially prevalent in batteryless systems, where devices are directly connected to power sources with little or no buffering. The strong coupling of energy supply and demand introduces a new dimension to the problem of designing robust networked sensing systems. We propose a modeling framework for this class of batteryless systems with an emphasis on the interactions between energy and function. The tool models energy harvesters, power management circuitry, energy storage, microcontrollers, sensors, radio modules, environmental models, and is fully extensible. The microcontroller model is based on cycle-accurate instruction set simulators from \emph{Fused}, with various peripheral extensions to enable board-level functionality, such as SPI, DMA, hardware multiplier etc. The tool enables virtual prototyping of self-powered wireless sensor nodes, but is especially useful for studying intermittent operation and developing application specific software, hardware, or combined solutions.The simulator is capable of executing real workloads under realistic conditions and this is demonstrated through a case study where the same compiled binary is executed on a virtual prototype and its corresponding physical wireless sensor system to yield matching digital traces and current profiles.
University of Southampton
Wong, Samuel Chang Bing
Sliper, Sivert Tvedt
Wang, William
Weddell, Alexander
Gauthier, Stephanie
Merrett, Geoffrey
Wong, Samuel Chang Bing
Sliper, Sivert Tvedt
Wang, William
Weddell, Alexander
Gauthier, Stephanie
Merrett, Geoffrey

Wong, Samuel Chang Bing (2020) Dataset for: Energy-aware HW/SW Co-modeling of Batteryless Wireless Sensor Nodes. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1593 [Dataset]

Record type: Dataset


Dataset supporting the paper: Samuel C.B. Wong, Sivert T. Sliper, William Wang, Alex S. Weddell, Stephanie Gauthier, Geoff V. Merrett. "Energy-aware HW/SW Co-modeling of Batteryless Wireless Sensor Nodes". The 8th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting and Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems. Energy harvesting wireless sensor nodes are sensitive to spatial and temporal fluctuations in energy availability. This issue is especially prevalent in batteryless systems, where devices are directly connected to power sources with little or no buffering. The strong coupling of energy supply and demand introduces a new dimension to the problem of designing robust networked sensing systems. We propose a modeling framework for this class of batteryless systems with an emphasis on the interactions between energy and function. The tool models energy harvesters, power management circuitry, energy storage, microcontrollers, sensors, radio modules, environmental models, and is fully extensible. The microcontroller model is based on cycle-accurate instruction set simulators from \emph{Fused}, with various peripheral extensions to enable board-level functionality, such as SPI, DMA, hardware multiplier etc. The tool enables virtual prototyping of self-powered wireless sensor nodes, but is especially useful for studying intermittent operation and developing application specific software, hardware, or combined solutions.The simulator is capable of executing real workloads under realistic conditions and this is demonstrated through a case study where the same compiled binary is executed on a virtual prototype and its corresponding physical wireless sensor system to yield matching digital traces and current profiles.

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Published date: 2020


Local EPrints ID: 451268
PURE UUID: 32b0d859-b6ff-46f4-9ea3-41fc461192e1
ORCID for Sivert Tvedt Sliper: ORCID iD
ORCID for Alexander Weddell: ORCID iD
ORCID for Stephanie Gauthier: ORCID iD
ORCID for Geoffrey Merrett: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 15 Sep 2021 16:34
Last modified: 15 Jan 2025 02:53

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Creator: Samuel Chang Bing Wong
Contributor: Sivert Tvedt Sliper ORCID iD
Research team head: William Wang
Research team head: Alexander Weddell ORCID iD
Research team head: Stephanie Gauthier ORCID iD
Research team head: Geoffrey Merrett ORCID iD

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