READ ME File For 'Dataset for: Electrochemical Dynamics Investigated by Small Angle Scattering' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Gilles E. Moehl, University of Southampton [] This dataset supports the thesis: AUTHORS: Gilles Ernest Heinrich Karl Moehl TITLE: Electrochemical Dynamics Investigated by Small Angle Scattering This dataset contains all data supporting this thesis except the one measured in the context of awarded beam-time ( or already published ( The data consists of cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry, small angle x-ray scattering, scanning electron microscopy. The folders correspond to the data related to specific figures as indicated by their names. Electrochemical data was recorded on Biologic SP-150 and VMP potentiostats, or Metrohm Autolab potentiostats. X-ray data were recorded on a RIGAKU Smartlab and XENOCS XEUSS 2.0. SEM data were recorded on a JEOL JSM-6500F in Southampton except those in Figures 4.6 and 4.23 by Yisong Han at Warwick university. Date of data collection: 2017/10/01-2020/12/09 Information about geographic location of data collection: Licence:CC-BY Related projects: ADEPT Date that the file was created: 09, 2021