READ ME File For 'Characterizing the surface texture of a dense suspension undergoing dynamic jamming - Dataset' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1973 ReadMe Author: Olav Rømcke, NTNU This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Olav Rømcke, Ivo R. Peters and R. Jason Hearst TITLE: Characterizing the surface texture of a dense suspension undergoing dynamic jamming JOURNAL: Experiments in Fluids The data is in .mat format accessible in matlab. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ---------------------------------------- Figure 2 ------------------------------------- % % ------------------------------------ Figure2Data.mat ---------------------------------- % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Fig2 - Figure 2 % Row 1: .a - axis (a) .I - Image intensity .b - axis (b) .I - Image intensity .c - axis (c) .I - Image intensity .d - axis (d) .I - Image intensity % Row 2: .e - axis (e) .x - x position .y - y position .u - x velocity .fx - jammingfront x position .fy - jammingfront y position .vecX - Vector x position .vecY - Vector y position .vecU - Vector u velocity .vecV - Vector v velocity .f - axis (f) .x - x position .y - y position .u - x velocity .fx - jammingfront x position .fy - jammingfront y position .vecX - Vector x position .vecY - Vector y position .vecU - Vector u velocity .vecV - Vector v velocity .g - axis (g) .x - x position .y - y position .u - x velocity .fx - jammingfront x position .fy - jammingfront y position .vecX - Vector x position .vecY - Vector y position .vecU - Vector u velocity .vecV - Vector v velocity .h - axis (h) .x - x position .y - y position .u - x velocity .fx - jammingfront x position .fy - jammingfront y position .vecX - Vector x position .vecY - Vector y position .vecU - Vector u velocity .vecV - Vector v velocity % Row 3: .i - axis (i) .x - x position .y - y position .s - accumulated strain .fx - jammingfront x position .fy - jammingfront y position .vecX - Strain Eigenvector x position .vecY - Strain Eigenvector y position .n1x - Stretch x component .n1y - Stretch y component .n2x - Compression x component .n2y - Compression y component .j - axis (j) .x - x position .y - y position .s - accumulated strain .fx - jammingfront x position .fy - jammingfront y position .vecX - Strain Eigenvector x position .vecY - Strain Eigenvector y position .n1x - Stretch x component .n1y - Stretch y component .n2x - Compression x component .n2y - Compression y component .k - axis (k) .x - x position .y - y position .s - accumulated strain .fx - jammingfront x position .fy - jammingfront y position .vecX - Strain Eigenvector x position .vecY - Strain Eigenvector y position .n1x - Stretch x component .n1y - Stretch y component .n2x - Compression x component .n2y - Compression y component .l - axis (l) .x - x position .y - y position .s - accumulated strain .fx - jammingfront x position .fy - jammingfront y position .vecX - Strain Eigenvector x position .vecY - Strain Eigenvector y position .n1x - Stretch x component .n1y - Stretch y component .n2x - Compression x component .n2y - Compression y component % Row 4: .m - axis (m) .x - x position .y - y position .I - Image intensity .n - axis (n) .x - x position .y - y position .I - Image intensity .o - axis (o) .x - x position .y - y position .I - Image intensity .p - axis (p) .x - x position .y - y position .I - Image intensity %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ---------------------------------------- Figure 3 ------------------------------------- % % ------------------------------------ Figure3Data.mat ---------------------------------- % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Fig3 - Figure 3 .x - x position (main image) .y - y position (main image) .I - Intensity (main image) .xA - x coordinate (window A) .yA - y coordinate (window A) .IA - Intensity (window A) .xB - x coordinate (window B) .yB - y coordinate (window B) .IB - Intensity (window B) .xC - x coordinate (window C) .yC - y coordinate (window C) .IC - Intensity (window C) .xD - x coordinate (window D) .yD - y coordinate (window D) .ID - Intensity (window D) .ki - Image wavenumber i .kj - Image wavenumber j .PSA - logarithm of Power spectra (window A) .PSB - logarithm of Power spectra (window B) .PSC - logarithm of Power spectra (window C) .PSD - logarithm of Power spectra (window D) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ---------------------------------------- Figure 5a ------------------------------------ % % ------------------------------------ Figure5aData.mat --------------------------------- % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Fig5a - Figure 5a .ki - Image wavenumber i .kj - Image wavenumber j .PS - Logarithm of Power spectra .Overlap - Precent overlap (sector average) .Bins - Number of bins (sector average) .f - Sector average curves .Theta - Sector orientation .ShapeFactor - shape factor of sector average curves %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ---------------------------------------- Figure 5b ------------------------------------ % % ------------------------------------ Figure5bData.mat --------------------------------- % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Fig5b - Figure 5b .ki - Image wavenumber i .kj - Image wavenumber j .PS - Logarithm of Power spectra .Overlap - Precent overlap (sector average) .Bins - Number of bins (sector average) .f - Sector average curves .Theta - Sector orientation .ShapeFactor - shape factor of sector average curves %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ---------------------------------------- Figure 6 ------------------------------------- % % ------------------------------------ Figure6Data.mat ---------------------------------- % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Fig6 - Figure 6 .Background - Background images .x - x coordinate (background image) .y - y coordinate (background image) .I - image intensity .a - subfigure a .x - x coordinate (shape factor overlay) .y - y coordinate (shape factor overlay) .ShapeFactor - Shape factor overlay .b - subfigure b .vecX - x coordinate (peak vector overlay) .vecY - y coordinate (peak vector overlay) .npx - Peak vector overlay x component (rotated 90 degrees) .npy - Peak vector overlay y component (rotated 90 degrees) .ShapeFactor - Shape factor (peak vector overlay) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ---------------------------------------- Figure 7 ------------------------------------- % % ------------------------------------ Figure7Data.mat ---------------------------------- % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Fig7 - Figure 7 .a - subfigure a .yShapeFactor - y coordinate (shape factor profile) .ShapeFactor - Shape factor profile .yVelProfile - y coordinate (velocity profile) .VelProfile - Velocity profile x-component .b - subfigure b .Threshold - shapefactor threshold values .CylPos - Cylinder positions .FrontPos - texture front position .FrontPosStDev - texture front position, standard deviation .c - subfigure c .Threshold - shapefactor threshold values .kappa - slope (front speed) .Chi - Root Mean square error of linefit %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ---------------------------------------- Figure 8 ------------------------------------- % % ------------------------------------ Figure8Data.mat ---------------------------------- % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Fig8 - Figure 8 .u - Velocity x- component .ShapeFactor - Shape factor .Hist - Histogram value [%] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ---------------------------------------- Figure 9 ------------------------------------- % % ------------------------------------ Figure9Data.mat ---------------------------------- % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Fig9 - Figure 9 .a - subfigure a .u - Velocity x- component .ShapeFactor - Shape factor .Hist - Histogram value [%] .b - subfigure b .x - x coordinates background image .y - y coordinates background image .I - Intensity background image .TexFrontX - x coordinates Texture front (Q1-Q2 separation) .TexFrontY - y coordinates Texture front (Q1-Q2 separation) .JamFrontX - x coordinates Jamming front (Q2-Q3 separation) .JamFrontY - y coordinates Jamming front (Q2-Q3 separation) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ---------------------------------------- Figure 10 ------------------------------------ % % ------------------------------------ Figure10Data.mat --------------------------------- % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Here n1= stretch eigenvector, n2= compression egenvector, np= texture peak vecor Fig10 - Figure 10: .Q1 - bottom subfigure, slow moving texture free region .acos_n1np - arccos(|n1 dot np|), x-axis .PDF_n1np - probability density function of arccos(|n1 dot np|), y-axis .acos_n2np - arccos(|n2 dot np|), x-axis .PDF_n2np - probability density function of arccos(|n2 dot np|), y-axis .Q2 - middle subfigure, slow moving textured region .acos_n1np - arccos(|n1 dot np|), x-axis .PDF_n1np - probability density function of arccos(|n1 dot np|), y-axis .acos_n2np - arccos(|n2 dot np|), x-axis .PDF_n2np - probability density function of arccos(|n2 dot np|), y-axis .Q3 - top subfigure, fast moving textured region .acos_n1np - arccos(|n1 dot np|), x-axis .PDF_n1np - probability density function of arccos(|n1 dot np|), y-axis .acos_n2np - arccos(|n2 dot np|), x-axis .PDF_n2np - probability density function of arccos(|n2 dot np|), y-axis Licence: CC-BY Date that the file was created: September, 2021