READ ME File For 'Short Communication: A simple and accurate method of measuring the Zeta-Potential of microfluidic channels' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Raul Fernandez-Mateo, University of Southampton [0000-0003-1413-8046] This dataset supports the publication: Raul Fernandez-Mateo, Pablo Garcia-Sanchez, Victor Calero, Antonio Ramos, Hywel Morgan Short Communication: A simple and accurate method of measuring the Zeta-Potential of microfluidic channels Electrophoresis DOI This dataset contains: the original dataset used to create Figure 2B, Figure 2C and Figure 3 in the paper. It also contains the data for the obtention of the pre-factor of equation (5) for all three conductivities used as well as the error estimation computation of the zeta potential estimation. The figures are as follows: Fig. 1 Figure2B.fig Fig. 2 Figure2C.fig Fig. 3 Figure3.fig There is a zip file named that contains the original images from paper as PDF files. The dataset used for the plots in Figure 3 is included as a Matlab text file named Experimental_dataset.m Date of data collection: 29/10/2020-16/12/2020 (DD/MM/AAAA) Information about geographic location of data collection: Centre for Hybrid Biodevices, Building 85, University of Southampton SO17 1BJ Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.00 International (CC BY) Date that the file was created: October, 2021