READ ME File For 'DATASET for Mid-infrared silicon-on-insulator wavegudes with single-mode propagation over almost an octave of frequency' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Callum J. Stirling, University of Southampton Contact: Callum J. Stirling, This dataset supports the publication: Callum J. Stirling, Wei Cao, Jamie D. Reynolds, Zhibo Qu, Thomas D. Bradley, Lorenzo Mastronardi, Frederic Y. Gardes, Goran Z. Mashanovich, Milos Nedeljkovic. (2021) Mid-infrared silicon-on-insulator wavegudes with single-mode propagation over an octave of frequency Photonics Research #################### Description: The file 'Dataset_for_ESM_waveguides_2021.xlsx' contains all simulation and experimental data (before normalisation) and notes on generating Fig.1, Fig.5 and Fig.6. Fig.1: Simulation data for the modal effective refractive indices of the first three modes in a 1.2um x 0.5um SOI strip waveguide. Fig.3: Simulation data for the modal effective refractive indices of the ESM waveguide mode and the first two TE modes in a 1.2 µm x 0.5 µm SOI strip waveguide. Fig.5: Waveguide cut-back propagation loss measurements for ESM waveguides with the same design at 1.95μm and 3.80μm. Fig.7: Imaged outputs of the ESM, single-mode, and multimode waveguides. (a),(b),(c) show the outputs of the heat map of the output intensity with position and wavelength for the ESM, single-mode and multimode waveguides respectively. Fig.9: Simulation data for the bending loss in the ESM waveguide. Further, the file '' contains the following: - 'IntensityHeatmap.m': a MATLAB script that will generate all figures in Fig.7, using 'EndlesslySingleMode.mat', 'SingleMode.mat' and 'Multimode.mat'. - 'EndlesslySingleMode.mat': a data file, containing a 31x31 pixel image at each wavelength step, centred on the output of the ESM waveguide (cropped from recorded images that were 320x256 pixels) - 'SingleMode.mat': a data file, containing a 31x31 pixel image at each wavelength step, centred on the output of the single-mode waveguide (cropped from recorded images that were 320x256 pixels) - 'Multimode.mat': a data file, containing a 31x31 pixel image at each wavelength step, centred on the output of the multimode waveguide (cropped from recorded images that were 320x256 pixels) - 'laser_spectrum.txt': a data file, containing the laser spectrum as a fraction of its peak output intensity, taken from the manual for the Thorlabs TLK-L1950R using WebPlotDigitizer ( ######################################### Geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, UK Date of data collection 2020-06-01 to 2021-07-31 Related projects: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) EP/N013247/1, EP/N00762X/1, EP/V047663/1 Royal Academy of Engineering (RF201617/16/33) Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. Date: November 2021