Researcher/ creator: Anna Hurley-Wallace ( DOI: Date of data collection:14/09/2020 to 12/11/2020. CC-BY; embargo until publication of corresponding article (embargo until 31/03/2022). Article pending publication in the British Journal of Pain. Article title: 'Trusting in the online ‘community’: An interview study exploring internet use in young people with chronic pain'. Method: qualitative interview study (semi-structured interviews). Filenames labelled with fruits ('orange' etc) are anonymised transcripts of individual participant interviews. There are 24 files (one for each participant). These were transcribed professionally. Demographic data would identify indiviual participants, and is therefore not included in-line with ethical guidelines. Summary demographic data is available in the manuscript corresponding to this work. Other study documents available in this dataset: Research protocol Blank consent form (verbal recorded consent only) Participant information sheet Debrief Interview topic guide (interview schedule) Demographic form (used for data collection) Chronic pain screening tool (used for data collection and to decide eligibility for participation in interview study).