READ ME File For 'Data for Engineering photon statistics in a spinor polariton condensate' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2098 ReadMe Author: Helgi Sigurdsson, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: S. Baryshev, A. Zasedatelev, H. Sigurdsson, I. Gnusov, A. Askitopoulos, and P. G. Lagoudakis Engineering photon statistics in a spinor polariton condensate Physical Review Letters This dataset contains: Description of the data to plot all the figures in main manuscript and supplemental material The figures are as follows: Fig.2(a)-col.A vs col.P, col.B vs col.P - for P=Pth and P=1.31Pth g2(tau) data Fig.2(b)-col.D vs col.P, col.E vs col.Q, col.F vs col.R - for LC, RC and LCxRC g2(tau) data Fig.2(c)-col.H vs col.P, col.I vs col.Q, col.J vs col.R - for H, V and HxV g2(tau) data Fig.2(d)-col.L vs col.P, col.M vs col.Q, col.N vs col.R - for D, AD and DxAD g2(tau) data Fig.3(a)-col.A vs col.D, col.B vs col.D, col.C vs col.D - for the experimental g2(0) data -col.F vs col.I, col.G vs col.I, col.H vs col.I - for the simulated g2(0) data Fig.4-col.A vs col.G, col.B vs col.G, col.C vs col.G, col.D vs col.G, col.E vs col.G, col.F vs col.G - for g2(tau) data, with different ellipticity of excitation (0, 0.007, 0.021, 0.028, 0.098, 0.361 respectively) Fig.5(a)-col.A vs col.D, col.B vs col.E, col.C vs col.F - for H, V and HxV data g2(tau) data (c)-col.H vs col.I, col.J vs col.K - for g2 function oscillation frequency, energy splitting data (d)-col.M vs col.O, col.N vs col.O - for experimental g2(0) values versus excitaion ellipticity (d)-col.Q vs col.S, col.R vs col.S - for simulated g2(0) values versus excitaion ellipticity Fig.S1-col.A vs col.C, col.B vs col.C - for time series data for H and V polarized light respectively Fig.S2-col.A vs col.D, col.B vs col.E, col.C vs col.F - for H, V and HxV g2(tau) data Fig.S3(a)-col.A vs col.D, col.B vs col.E, col.C vs col.E - for S1 parameter, H and V g2(0) data respectively Fig.S3(b)-col.G vs col.H - for DOP parameter Fig.S4(a)-col.A vs col.D, col.B vs col.D, col.C vs col.D - for experimental H,V and HxV g2(0) values -col.F vs col.I, col.G vs col.I, col.H vs col.I - for simulated H,V and HxV g2(0) values, with no ellipticity -col.K vs col.N, col.L vs col.N, col.M vs col.N - for simulated H,V and HxV g2(0) values, with small ellipticity (b)-col.P vs col.V, col.Q vs col.V, col.R vs col.V - for simulated S1, S2, S3 Stokes parameters with no ellipticity -col.S vs col.V, col.T vs col.V, col.U vs col.V - for simulated S1, S2, S3 Stokes parameters with small ellipticity Date of data collection: 2020-2021 Information about geographic location of data collection: Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia. Related projects: Hybrid Polaritonics - EPSRC Programme Grant Date that the file was created: February 2022