READ ME File For: Calbration curves for a Semi-infinite gas cell for high harmonic generation Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2083 ReadMe Author: Briony Downes-ward, University of Southampton ORCID ID:0000-0003-4018-6092 This dataset supports the thesis entitled: Generation of XUV Photons and their Applicatio to Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectrscopy AWARDED BY: Univeristy of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: 2022 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA With in each folder there folders labeled with the date (dd-mm-yy) the results were recorded with these folders there is an "info.txt" file with the infomation about detector voltages, camera settings and type of scan being preformed. The laser focus folder contains the images of the laser spot at differenent focus positions. The position of the lens associated with each image is recored in the MATLAB structure called results. 02-12-20_V3 shows the full focus while the other files are recorded before different experiments to allow lens position to be changed to focus position. (camera was 10 mm before final cell exit) For the results from the harmonics of production of the Semi-infinte gas cell: each date folder contains files label 'image(n1)_(n2).txt' n1 is the data point while n2 is the image number at the data point. images with the same n1 can be combined. The cell conditions related to each data point is saved in the matlab structure labeled 'results' Filter folder contains the results taken with and without a tin filter to calbrated the spectrometer. And 400nm is the data obtained with a 400 nm driving laser. Date that the file was created: 2019-2021 Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K.