READ ME File For 'Dataset supporting the paper titled Pragmatic Memory-System Support for Intermittent Computing using Emerging Non-Volatile Memory Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2186 ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- ReadMe Author: Sivert Tvedt Sliper,University of Southampton Date of data collection: 1/7/2021-12/12/2021 Information about geographic location of data collection: Related projects: Wearable and Autonomous Computing for Future Smart Cities - Platform Grant Research Councils › Research Councils Award -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data, or limitations of reuse:CC-BY Recommended citation for the data: This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS:Sliper, S. T., Wang, W., Nikoleris, N., Weddell, A., Savanth, A., Prabhat, P. & Merrett, G., TITLE:Pragmatic Memory-System Support for Intermittent Computing using Emerging Non-Volatile Memory JOURNAL:IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- The following text gives a brief description of each file in this dataset. All files are in csv or ods format, both of which can be opened in spreadsheet programs like Libre Office Sheet or proprietary alternatives such as Microsoft Excel. The symbol * is used as a linux-style wildcard. E.g. 'vsuspend*' means any file whose name begins with 'vsuspend' File(s): vsuspend* Description: Data belonging to Figure 8 in the article, i.e. the figure showing the energy consumption of suspend. The text after the dash in the file name specifies the workload it applies for, i.e. 'vsuspend-ar.csv' is the dataset for the 'ar' workload. File(s): overhead-modmax.ods Description: Dataset used to analyze the overhead of using modmax to limit the number of modified lines in the cache. File(s): icache-epi-* Description: Dataset supporting Figure 6, i.e. the figure showing instruction access energies per executed instruction as well as workload completion times. The text after the dash in the file name specifies the workload it applies for. File(s): dcache-epi-* Description: Dataset supporting Figure 7, i.e. the figure showing data access energies per executed instruction as well as workload completion times. The text after the dash in the file name specifies the workload it applies for. File(s): pv-cell-results.csv Description: Dataset supporting Figure 10, i.e. the figure that shows completion time for the workload ran on the solar-powered system. File(s): endurance.ods Description: Dataset used for analyzing the impact of MEMIC on NVM endurance. --------------------------