ID,Label,Authors,In-Conference References,In-Conference Cited By,Total References,Conference Proceedings,Conference Title,Conference Abbreviation,Conference Year,DOI URL,Author Names,First Author,Article Type,DOI PDF URL,Is Paper,Keywords,Has Citation Link,Abstract 3154184701,"Intentional structures of documents","Saïd & Evrard",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Fabrice Evrard, Tazi Saïd","Tazi Saïd","Short paper","","true","Document structures, Intentional structures, Writing Acts","false","Document structures constitute a means to organize document parts in terms of logical elements (e.g. headings, paragraphs, sections, etc.). Document structures can be looked at in terms of layout and formatting features such as pages, columns, and so on. Despite the wide diversity of document structures, authors intentions are not taken into account. The concept of intentions is considered here as the effects that authors intend to have on their readers. It includes the reasons that led the authors to write the document and to select certain features instead of others. Intentional structures are a set of relations between document fragments that make explicit authors’ intentions. Intentional structures are generally implicit. We want to help authors to make some of their intentions more explicit. This paper presents a new model based on speech act theory dealing with intentional structures and arguments of how it can be used to enhance written communication." 3154184706,"Out of nothing: in-depth hyperfication study","Kouper",3,0,7,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Inna Kouper","Inna Kouper","Short paper","","true","criticism, hyperfiction, linking, literary analysis, patterns","true","Earlier works by G. Landow, J. D. Bolter, S. Moulthrop, E. Aarseth established hypertext literary theory as a valuable part of literary critique. Now it is necessary to go further and to study samples of hyperfiction. In this paper, a study of “I have said nothing” by J. Yellowlees Douglas is suggested. It uses general approach based on a content/form/linking triad. Each element of the triad will be described in connection with others." 3154184713,"Interaction design for Web-based, within-page collection making and management","schraefel & Zhu",3,0,8,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Yuxiang Zhu, m. c. schraefel","m. c. schraefel","Short paper","","true","Collections, Evaluation, Interaction Design","true","A common issue in Web browsing is how to manage information found while browsing or searching. The usual approach is either to bookmark an entire page when perhaps only one element is relevant, or to copy information from the page and paste it into a second application, such as a text editor. Neither approach is sufficient. Bookmarks over capture data; copying and pasting components implies that users must shift task focus from search tasks to information management tasks. This forced divided attention [8] between knowledge discovery and information management generally compromises both tasks. In this paper, we look at our iterative process to determine requirements for a tool to support the gathering process. In particular, we consider how these requirements have raised other issues about this interactive process, and how, by further evaluation, we hope to develop a richer Web-based design heuristics for within-page collections." 3154184719,"Is EOS the dawn of hypertext literature in Korea?","Ryu",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Hyunju Ryu","Hyunju Ryu","Short paper","","true","collaborative writing, hyperlink, hypertext literature, open authorship, wreader","false","The aim of this paper is to describe briefly the Hypertext and Literature project ( and to address the problems of hypertext literature in Korea. The project is named EOS, the goddess of dawn in Greek mythology, in the hope that it will usher in the beginning of this new literature form. The EOS project is a large-scale effort to create a collaborative poetry ‘forest’ (a tree structure of verse) that emerges from a single contribution, or the ‘seed’ poem." 3154184726,"Linearity and multicursality in World Wide Web documentaries","Fagerjord",2,0,38,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Anders Fagerjord","Anders Fagerjord","Full paper","","true","Barthes, Genette, Linearity, Nelson, Web, Web design, disposition, film, focalisation, linking, multicursality, narrative, narratology, nonlinearity, print, rhetoric, semiotics, television, text","true","Are non-fiction Web sites nonlinear like literary hypertexts, or linear like film and print? A study of magazine articles, television documentaries and Web sites by the National Geographic Society reveals that in spite of linking, the Web sites make just as linear reading experiences as the older media, although less creative. The study gives nuance to conceptions of linearity and nonlinearity by studying what linearity really is, thus setting nonlinearity in relief. A number of techniques to tie gaps in the reading line together are identified in films and articles. It is argued that by using these techniques in linking, both better reading experiences and less linearity in Web sites could be achieved." 3154184736,"A review of the benefits of using hypermedia manuals","Crowder et al.",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Gary Wills, Richard Crowder, Richard Greenough, Y. M. Sim","Richard Crowder","Short paper","","true","Hypermedia, Maintenance, electronic manuals, industrial applications","false","The acceptance of a hypermedia system to support maintenance applications is to a large extent dependant on the ability to convince management that the system will prove beneficial. This paper reviews the assessment criteria used by a number of authors, with the objective of providing a common set of criteria that can be applied to very large industrial applications." 3154184738,"Towards the prediction of development effort for hypermedia applications","Mendes, Counsell & Mosley",2,0,25,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Emilia Mendes, Nile Mosley, Steve Counsell","Emilia Mendes","Full paper","","true","case-based reasoning, effort prediction, hypermedia development","true","Accurate estimates of development effort play an important role in the successful management of larger hypermedia development projects. By applying measurement principles to measure characteristics of the applications and their development processes, feedback can be obtained to help understand, control and improve future applications and corresponding processes.####The objective of this paper is to describe the application of case-based reasoning to estimating the effort for developing hypermedia applications. The data used in the estimation process was obtained through an experiment where effort and size metrics were collected.####We have shown that case-based reasoning is a candidate technique to effort estimation and, with the aid of an automated environment, can be applied to hypermedia development effort prediction." 3154184748,"The hypercontext framework for adaptive Hypertext","Staff",3,0,22,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Christopher D Staff","Christopher D Staff","Full paper","","true","Adaptive hypertext, context, user modelling","true","We present HyperContext, a framework for adaptive and adaptable hypertext. Our fundamental premise is that when people encounter the same document, each may interpret the information it contains differently. Usually, the interpretations are not available to future users of the same information. HyperContext permits users to make these interpretations explicit, and provides support to structure hyperspace around interpretations of documents, rather than around the documents themselves. When a user browses through hyperspace, a document’s context is used to determine which interpretation to present to the user. We also derive a user model of the user’s short-term interests, by first representing the user’s interest in the current document as a salient interpretation before combining it with the salient interpretations of other documents accessed by the user on the same path of traversal. This paper describes the adaptive features of the HyperContext framework, and presents the results of an initial evaluation of one of the features." 3154184749,"AHA! the next generation","De Bra et al.",2,0,7,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Ad Aerts, David Smits, Natalia Stash, Paul De Bra","Paul De Bra","Short paper","","true","Adaptive hypermedia, adaptation engine, condition-action rules","true","AHA! is a simple Web-based adaptation engine that was originally developed to support an on-line course. This paper describes AHA! version 2.0, a new major release that aims to significantly increase the adaptive versatility of AHA! without sacrificing AHA!’s simplicity that makes it easy to use. The new features in AHA! are inspired by AHAM [4], a Dexter [6] based reference model for adaptive hypermedia systems." 3154184754,"Graphical notations, narratives and persuasion: a Pliant Systems approach to Hypertext Tool Design","Emmet & Cleland",7,0,26,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","George Cleland, Luke Emmet","Luke Emmet","Full paper","","true","Hypertext argumentation, Pliant systems, field experience, graphical notation, safety cases, safety related systems, technology adoption, usability","true","The Adelard Safety Case Editor (ASCE) is a hypertext tool for constructing and reviewing structured arguments. ASCE is used in the safety industry, and can be used in many other contexts when graphical presentation can make argument structure, inference or other dependencies explicit. ASCE supports a rich hypertext narrative mode for documenting traditional argument fragments. In this paper we document the motivation for developing the tool and describe its operation and novel features. Since usability and technology adoption issues are critical for software and hypertext tool uptake, our approach has been to develop a system that is highly usable and sufficiently “pliant” to support and integrate with a wide range of working practices and styles. We discuss some industrial application experience to date, which has informed the design and is informing future requirements. We draw from this some of the perhaps not so obvious characteristics of hypertext tools which are important for successful uptake in practical environments." 3154184772,"Two implementations of XPointer","Vitali, Folli & Tasso",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Claudio Tasso, Fabio Vitali, Federico Folli","Fabio Vitali","Short paper","","true","XML, XPointer, XSLT","false","We report on two different projects being developed at the University of Bologna, both of which make use of the new XPointer language, for which two different implementations were deemed necessary. The first project is an HTTP proxy for providing external linkbases expressed in XLink. The second is an extension to XSLT to express transformations on string patterns as well as node patterns. Both libraries have been implemented with ease and efficiency, demonstrating the usefulness and reasonableness of the language." 3154184792,"Integrating user operations in multichannel hypermedia","Garzotto & Perrone",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Franca Garzotto, Vito Perrone","Franca Garzotto","Short paper","","true","Conceptual modelling, OCL, UML, Web operations, context, multi-channel, services on the Web","false","Web Applications are progressively becoming multi-channel and cross-channel. The “same” service should be made available in different delivery environments and devices. A user may invoke a service on one device, suspend it, and complete its execution in another one. In this paper we provide the reader with the main concepts and innovative aspects of MC2 a design framework for specifying Multi/Cross Channel web application services. MC2 adopts an high-level, end user perspective and exploits the notion of context, to characterize who, where and how an operation can be invoked." 3154184793,"Pocket News: news contents adaptation for mobile user","Hong et al.",0,0,2,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Hye-Sun Hur, In-Sook Park, Jeong-Taek Ryu, Youn-Sik Hong","Youn-Sik Hong","Short paper","","true","PDA, contents adaptation, mHTML, page splitting, parsing components","false","We have presented a system called Pocket News that transforms web contents in the internet automatically to the contents to be adapted for a mobile terminal, especially PDA. It is adequate for the web sites whose contents have been updated frequently, like as news contents. We have also proposed a page splitting technique to navigate mobile pages with button controls instead of scroll up/down controls. The proposed system also generates mHTML pages for mobile phone which support Mobile Explorer." 3154184803,"Paper chase revisited: a real world game meets hypermedia","Boll, Krösche & Wegener",1,0,3,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Christian Wegener, Jens Krösche, Susanne Boll","Susanne Boll","Short paper","","true","geo-referenced hypermedia documents, location-aware mobile games, physical navigation","true","In this short paper, we present a location aware mobile game which lets users play a paper chase game on a mobile device. By using their physical movement and location in the real world’s space the players navigate in the virtual paper chase game and solve riddles on their way. The game is realized as a hypermedia document in which geo-referenced hyperlinks on a map lead to the hypermedia documents that form the riddles that are to be solved at the different physical checkpoints. Traversal of the document is carried out by physical movement/approaching of the GPS-located player achieving a spatial navigation to the checkpoints of the game. The current state of the players is tracked and monitored by the game server. The game is realized with wireless handheld devices together with GPS receivers in a wireless communication net utilising Web infrastructure." 3154184812,"Do adaptation rules improve web cost estimation?","Mendes, Mosley & Counsell",1,0,48,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Emilia Mendes, Nile Mosley, Steve Counsell","Emilia Mendes","Full paper","","true","Web effort prediction, Web hypermedia, Web hypermedia metrics, case-based reasoning, prediction models","true","Analogy-based estimation has, over the last 15 years, and particularly over the last 7 years, emerged as a promising approach with comparable accuracy to, or better than, algorithmic methods in some studies. In addition, it is potentially easier to understand and apply; these two important factors can contribute to the successful adoption of estimation methods within Web development companies. We believe therefore, analogy-based estimation should be examined further. This paper compares several methods of analogy-based effort estimation. In particular, it investigates the use of adaptation rules as a contributing factor to better estimation accuracy. Two datasets are used in the analysis; results show that the best predictions are obtained for the dataset that first, presents a continuous “cost” function, translated as a strong linear relationship between size and effort, and second, is more “unspoiled” in terms of outliers and collinearity. Only one of the two types of adaptation rules employed generated good predictions." 3154184813,"A visual environment for dynamic web application composition","Ito & Tanaka",5,0,38,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Kimihito Ito, Yuzuru Tanaka","Kimihito Ito","Full paper","","true","Hypermedia, IntelligentPad, Personalization, Web application linkage, Web application wrapping","true","HTML-based interface technologies enable end-users to easily use various remote Web applications. However, it is difficult for end-users to compose new integrated tools of both existing Web applications and legacy local applications such as spreadsheets, chart tools and database. In this paper, the authors propose a new framework where end-users can wrap remote Web applications into visual components called pads, and functionally combine them together through drag & drop-paste operations. The authors use, as the basis, a meme media architecture IntelligentPad that was proposed by the second author. In the IntelligentPad architecture, each visual component called a pad has slots as data I/O ports. By pasting a pad onto another pad users can integrate their functionalities. The framework presented in this paper allows users to visually create a wrapper pad for any Web application by defining HTML nodes within the Web application to work as slots. Examples of such a node include input-forms and text strings on Web pages. Users can directly manipulate both wrapped Web applications and wrapped local legacy tools on their desktop screen to define application linkages among them. Since no programming expertise is required to wrap Web applications or to functionally combine them together, end-users can build new integrated tools of both wrapped Web applications and local legacy applications." 3154184815,"A cooperative hypermedia solution to work management in real-time enterprises","Wang & Lillehagen",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Frank Lillehagen, Weigang Wang","Weigang Wang","Short paper","","true","Cooperative hypermedia, Multiple linked views, Real-time enterprise, Work management","false","Many enterprise resource planning (ERP) and project management systems are geared for monthly planning and analysis. Often, managers could not see what was going on in their businesses until it was too late to react. Real-time enterprises are emerging forms of agile organizations that can detect delays and respond fast. To meet the challenges met in supporting the emerging real-time enterprises, in this work, multiple complementary hypermedia services are developed in a cooperative hypermedia environment to support distributed project teams to create and modify a project plan cooperatively, to carry out the plan, and, more importantly, to monitor, analysis and adapt to changes in real time." 3154184614,"A Computational Hypermedia for the Sergisai Project","Carrara, Musella & Zonno",1,0,4,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","David Musella, Gaetano Zonno, Paola Carrara","Paola Carrara","Short paper","","true","Computational applications, hypermedia","true","The aim of this paper is to describe briefly the main characteristics of the software system of the SERGISAI project, conceived as a hypermedia computational environment to maintain all the advantages of navigation, and to allow the user both to easily fire and control computational components and to access the project data and results." 3154184623,"No Longer Lost in WWW-based Hyperspaces","Kreutz, Euler & Spitzer",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Brigitte Euler, Klaus Spitzer, Reinhard Kreutz","Reinhard Kreutz","Short paper","","true","Document maps, HTML, Java, Link typing, Navigation, WWW, guided tours","false","In this paper a toolbox of Java applets is presented which was designed to solve the known problems of disorientation and increasing cognitive load in hypertexts [l]. It enables the author of HTML hypertexts to explicitly define the document’s underlying structure, guided tours and different link types. The reader’s benefits from these information are a clearly structured hypertext, automatically generated graphical maps that allow direct information access and a reduction of the cognitive load. The latter is achieved by displaying a link type icon behind each link and a “preview” function that gives a brief summarization of the referenced page." 3154184624,"Structure Analysis for Hypertext with Conditional Linkage","Réty",2,0,3,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Jean-Hugues Réty","Jean-Hugues Réty","Short paper","","true","Conditional link, structure analysis","true","We propose a structure analysis and proof framework for hypertext with conditional linkage. This framework can provide hypertext systems with a powerful and simple tool to help the writer to maintain control over the browsing semantics of her hypertext. We briefly present the outline of a possible implementation in PROLOG." 3154184625,"Visualization of Relationships","Kumar & Furuta",2,0,9,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Richard Furuta, Vijay Kumar","Vijay Kumar","Short paper","","true","Timelines, relationship visualisation, spatial hypertext","true","TmViewer allows the flexible graphical display and redisplay of object relationships, as well as the derivation of new relationships from existing ones. In this paper, we describe an extension to tmViewer to enable the implicit specification of relationships. These mechanisms, taken together, enable flexible exploration of the information space." 3154184628,"Abstract Tasks: A Tool for the Inspection of Web Sites and Off-line Hypermedia","Garzotto, Matera & Paolini",2,0,20,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","F. Garzotto, M. Matera, P. Paolini","F. Garzotto","Full paper","","true","EvaluationMethodology, Hypermedia Quality, Usability Inspection","true","This paper discusses a systematic method for inspecting the usability of on-line and off-line hypermedia. The core idea of our approach is the use of an organized list of Abstract Tasks to guide the inspector’s activity. An Abstract Task specifies a pattern of inspection operations that the evaluator is required to perform on some specific features of a hypermedia. Abstract Tasks capture our expertise in usability inspection, and express it in a precise and understandable form, so that it can be easily “reproduced”, communicated, and exploited. They help transferring usability expertise from experienced to inexperienced inspectors, and sharing know-how among different evaluators. Thus, different inspectors who systematically apply the same set of Abstract Tasks are more likely to come up with consistent results, and the overall quality of their inspection (in terms of completeness and accurateness of the findings) is greatly improved.####The paper briefly introduces the background of our approach and explains the rationale of Abstract Tasks. It also provides some examples of Abstract Tasks (out of the 43 currently defined) and of inspection results achieved by applying them to inspect WWW sites and commercial CD-ROMs." 3154184629,"Hypermedia Potentials for Analysis Support Tools","Lange",2,0,5,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Douglas S. Lange","Douglas S. Lange","Short paper","","true","Analysis, Dexter, anchor, knowledge model, navigation, open hypermedia, perspective filtering, semantic network","true"," The analytical process in many domains is one of associating pieces of preexisting data to form new information. Where the individual data elements are multimedia files, database entries, and computer based models, hypermedia architectures provide natural support for such a process. This paper describes aspects of analysis support that dictate particular requirements in a hypermedia based system. Adaptations of techniques from published hypermedia research were indicated by these requirements. Key among these techniques were anchoring as presented in the Dexter model, perspective filtering and navigation from graph-based hypermedia, link typing from rich hypermedia, and the system structure of open hypermedia systems." 3154184638,"Electronic Tools for Dismantling the Master's House: Poststructuralist Feminist Research and Hypertext Poetics","Morgan",3,0,43,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Wendy Morgan","Wendy Morgan","Full paper","","true","audiovisual, content indexing, hypermedia design, ontology, structured documents","true","In recent years poststructuralist feminist researchers in the social sciences have questioned the norms of mainstream research epistemology, methodologies and writing. They have therefore sought alternative forms of text work to enact their concerns about the politics of researching and reporting on, for and with others. (A most radical example of this is Lather and Smithies, Troubling the Angels: Women Living with HIV/AIDS. ) Yet despite such congruneces between feminism and poststructuralism and between hypertext theory and poststructuralism, there have been no examples to date, in theory or practice, of convergence between post-feminist research in the social sciences and a poststructuralist hypertextuality. This paper describes such a hypertextual experiment, a reinscription of Troubling the Angels with additional materials. The point of this experiment is to inquire into the conditions of such writing and reading, and therefore to set an agenda for a future poetics of a poststructuralist feminist research hypertextuality. The paper explores such issues as associative linking, intertextual and intratextual juxtapositions, the unfixing of textual hierarchies in a “rhizomatic” text, non-sequential polylogic, multigeneric collage, and the role of the reader as textual agent." 3154184646,"Automatic Creation of Exercises in Adaptive Hypermedia Learning Systems","Fischer & Steinmetz",1,0,17,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Ralf Steinmetz, Stephan Fischer","Stephan Fischer","Full paper","","true","Adaptive Hypermedia Systems, Hypermedia Learning, Knowledge Engineering, Sequencing of Course Material","true","In the last few years the automatic sequencing of course material became an important research issue, particularly with regard to the standardization of metadata for educational resources. Sequencing can help to generate hypermedia documents which match the learner’s needs at its best. However, the generation of exercises is in most cases done manually. In this paper we propose an approach to generate exercises in an automatic way, exploiting the information which is already included in the knowledge base used in many adaptive hypermedia systems." 3154184660,"Finding Linking Opportunities Through Relationship-based Analysis","Yoo & Beiber",4,0,26,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Joonhee Yoo, Michael Bieber","Joonhee Yoo","Full paper","","true","World Wide Web applications, book store, hypermedia analysis, hypermedia design, relationship analysis, relationship attributes, relationship management","true","Many techniques exist for analyzing information domains in preparation for systems design. No systematic technique exists, however, for analyzing a system or domain in terms of its relationships. This is especially important for hypermedia and World Wide Web applications, which (should) provide a high degree of linking and navigational support. RNA (Relationship Navigation Analysis) provides a systematic way of identifying useful relationships in application domains. Developers can then implement each relationship as a link. Viewing an application domain from the relationship management point of view and modeling from a philosophy of maximum access provides a unique vantage point for application design. We present RNA and its generic relationship taxonomy, focusing upon their use for system analysis. We provide a long example in the domain of an on-line bookstore." 3154184673,"Making a Successful Case for a Hypertextual Doctoral Dissertation","Boese",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Christine Boese","Christine Boese","Short paper","","true","University Microfilms, Xena, Xenaverse, dissertation, electronic scholarship, graduate school, hypertext, library archives, online cultural studies","false","In August, 1998 the first hypertextual dissertation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute was accepted (, a case study applying methods of rhetorical analysis and cultural critique to the online phenomenon called the “Xenaverse,” the cyberspaces devoted to the cult following of the syndicated television program Xena, Warrior Princess. The hypertextual research site, a vital online culture, seemed to demand a new kind of scholarship to describe and analyze it. Still, there were many hurdles to getting such an unorthodox presentation form accepted by the dissertation committee and the Graduate School.####This paper summarizes a few of the justifying arguments that led to the successful acceptance this dissertation, a hypertext that could not be reproduced in any way on paper. In showing how one case for a hypertextual dissertation was successfully argued, I hope to help other scholars make similar cases at other institutions, perhaps leading to further debate on the ways arguments and epistemologies will be defined in the future." 3154184681,"Adaptability in KDAEHS: An Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System Based on Structural Computing","Xu et al.",0,0,2,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Haiyan Xu, Jinfeng Ni, Xuehai Zhou, Zhenxi Zhao","Haiyan Xu","Short paper","","true","adaptive educational hypermedia system, structural computing","false","We have implemented an adaptive educational hypermedia system for the course of Algorithms and Data Structures. The adaptation techniques used for this course allows students to choose their own learning goals, get suggestions for suitable study sequence and proper information units covering the knowledge required to reach these learning goals. Adaptive map presented does a great deal of good to the understanding of the course. In addition, the questionnaire and evaluation of current study and the recommendation for future study are also presented after some period of learning. The student modeling component underlying uses a kind of overlay model which corresponds to the application domain model containing knowledge items and learning dependencies between these knowledge items. For calculation the system’ s belief of a user’ s knowledge on each knowledge items we use a Bayesian network. Structural computing algorithms based on user goals and previous knowledge are the key to support different adaptive strategies." 3154184683,"Navigational Correlates of Comprehension in Hypertext","McEneaney",2,0,7,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","John E. McEneaney","John E. McEneaney","Short paper","","true","comprehension, empirical validation, navigational metrics, navigational patterns, user paths","true","Despite a substantial literature on problems related to user navigation, we know remarkably little about the relationship between navigational strategies and successful use of hypertext. Revealing the complex interactions of navigational decision making and comprehension, however, will require objective, reliable, and empirically significant navigational metrics that go beyond the largely informal and indirect measures that have traditionally been used. The purpose of this paper is to describe a study that replicates and extends earlier work that defines and validates two objective navigational metrics [5]. Results of this study confirm the empirical significance of these metrics, support the reliability of their relationship to hypertext comprehension, and provide indirect support for a model of reading comprehension that postulates greater demands on higher-level processing in hypertext compared to traditional print." 3154184687,"Providing Flexibility Within Hypertext Systems: What We'Ve Learned at HT Workshops, CyberMountain, and Elsewhere","Larsen",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Deena Larsen","Deena Larsen","Short paper","","true","application development, constraints, developers, flexibility, hypertext content, readers, writers","false","Incorporating flexibility in presenting and developing hypertext content is vital to ensure that readers can engage the material on many levels, writers can convey the message in the most appropriate media and atmosphere, and software applications can meet the widest range of needs possible. Based on results from the hypertext writers’ workshops at the Hypertext conferences and CyberMountain 99, this briefing argues for breaking out of system and content constraints to provide flexibility and presents a list of suggestions for developing that flexibility within hypertexts.####[no references]" 1474363726,"Collaborative intensional hypertext","Plaice & Mancilla",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Blanca Mancilla, John Plaice","John Plaice","Short paper","","true","Collaborative Hypertext, Context-aware Programming, Intensional Hypertext, Intensional Programming","false","We introduce a new approach for creating and viewing hypertexts in a collaborative manner. The hypertext is understood to be an intension, in the logical sense, i.e., a mapping from multidimensional contexts to simple texts. Creation and navigation then correspond to moving from one context to another, and links are made relative to the current context. Using an active context called an æther, collaborative hypertexts can be built, in which several users can view the same hypertext together, each with their own preferences. We give a summary of a Web-based infrastructure supporting the use of collaborative, intensional hypertexts." 1474363727,"WiCKEd: a tool for writing in the context of knowledge","Woukeu, Carr & Hall",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Arouna Woukeu, Leslie Carr, Wendy Hall","Arouna Woukeu","Short paper","","true","Document authoring, Semantic Web, knowledge reuse, knowledge writing, semantic annotation","false","This paper introduces WiCKEd, a prototype tool to assist document authoring in a Semantic Web context. The tool builds on Semantic Web technologies and addresses the issues of creating and reusing knowledge-rich documents. WiCKEd allows new content to be created by pulling together relevant and contextual knowledge held in existing background documents, retaining explicit links to these knowledge sources. The consistency and coherence of authored documents are improved because they explicitly assimilate and link to relevant background knowledge instances as well as exposing them for further reuse." 1474363728,"A format design case study: PDF","King",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","James C. King","James C. King","Short paper","","true","Compound Document, Document Format, Electronic Document, File Format, Formatting, HTML, Layout, PDF, SGML","false","We explain how the Portable Document Format was designed based upon some specific design criteria that were developed to make an advance beyond previous technology. The environmental variables (computing power, business climate) that affected the design are also discussed." 1474363754,"Towards a structural diversity space","Hicks, Wiil & Nürnberg",7,0,28,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","David L. Hicks, Peter J. Nürnberg, Uffe Kock Wiil","David L. Hicks","Full paper","","true","structural computing, structural diversity, structure domain","true","One of the most visible and significant effects of the introduction and use of hypermedia technology has been to substantially increase the variety of structures available in computing environments. As research in the hypermedia field has progressed, the pace at which structure evolves has increased. While the rise in diversity of hypermedia structure has generally been regarded as a positive development, as with many phenomena, it is important to examine structural diversity carefully to avoid the problems that excessive diversity can bring, and to ensure the complete spectrum of potentially beneficial forms of diversity is considered. This paper introduces a diversity space that can serve as an important tool in the study of structural diversity in hypermedia. The purposes of the diversity space are manifold including: to serve as a description space in which the structural diversity of a specific computing environment can be completely and concisely described, to highlight and assist in reconciling differences in structural diversity between computing environments, and to serve as a useful design space in which important diversity related decisions can be considered. To demonstrate the usage of the diversity space, it is first used as a tool to examine the way in which structural diversity developed within the hypermedia field. It is then used to characterize and consider the levels of structural diversity found in the class of computing environments that currently exhibit the highest levels of structural diversity: structural computing systems." 1474367005,"Modelling adaptive navigation support techniques using the IMS learning design specification","Berlanga & Garcia",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Adriana J. Berlanga, Francisco J. Garcia","Adriana J. Berlanga","Short paper","","true","Adaptive Educational Hypermedia, Adaptive Navigation Support, IMS LD, Learning Design, Learning Technology Specifications","false","Adaptive Navigation Support techniques aim at manipulating web page links to present relevant and appropriate information for each user. This paper sketches how these techniques can be described using a notational method, the IMS Learning Design specification, and introduces our proposal to depict adaptive techniques using this specification." 1474367009,"The evolving mSpace platform: leveraging the semantic web on the trail of the memex","schraefel et al.",5,0,40,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Alisdair Owens, Alistair Russell, Craig Harris, Daniel A. Smith, Max Wilson, m. c. schraefel","m. c. schraefel","Full paper","","true","Bush, Semantic Web, association, hypertext, mSpace, memex","true","Vannevar Bush proposed the memex as a means to support building knowledge in the way he says the human brain works: by association. Achieving this vision has been a core motivation for hypertext research. In this paper, we suggest first that Bush’s memex reflects an interaction paradigm rather than system design. Second, we propose that Semantic Web promises to provide the mechanisms to enable these interaction requirements. Third, we propose the mSpace framework and architecture as a platform to deploy lightweight Semantic Web applications which foreground associative interaction. We propose this lightweight approach as a means to evaluate both interaction needs and the cost/benefits of using Semantic Web technologies to support them." 1474367002,"Augmented hyperbooks through conceptual integration","Falquet, Nerima & Ziswiler",4,0,6,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Gilles Falquet, Jean-Claude Ziswiler, Luka Nerima","Gilles Falquet","Short paper","","true","Hyperbook, digital library, link inference, ontology, ontology matching, virtual document","true","We describe the automatic transformation of a traditional electronic document into a augmented, virtual document. After converting the content into a “small-scale” hyperbook structure with an ontology and textual fragments, we calculate semantic similarity relations between the concepts of this hyperbook and a reference hyperbook. We finally rebuild the document by involving the retrieved hyperlinks. The aim is to show that the integration process also works without a highly detailed ontological structure of the source document." 1474367004,"Separating XHTML content from navigation clutter using DOM-structure block analysis","Mantratzis, Orgun & Cassidy",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Constantine Mantratzis, Mehmet Orgun, Steve Cassidy","Constantine Mantratzis","Short paper","","true","DOM tree, HTML document, XHTML document, content extraction, hyperlink lists, information retrieval","false","This short paper gives an overview of the principles behind an algorithm that separates the core-content of a web document from hyperlinked-clutter such as text advertisements and long links of syndicated references to other resources. Its advantage over other approaches is its ability to identify both loosely as well as tightly defined “table-like” or “list-like” structures of hyperlinks (from nested tables to simple, bullet-pointed lists) by operating at various levels within the DOM tree. The resulting data can then be used to extract the core-content from a web document for semantic analysis or other information retrieval purposes as well as to aid in the process of “clipping” a web document to its bare essentials for use with hardware-limited devices such as PDAs and cell phones." 1474367008,"Analyzing history in hypermedia collections","Davis, Maslov & Phillips",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Alexey Maslov, Paul Davis, Scott Phillips","Paul Davis","Short paper","","true","Hypertext/hypermedia, Web characterization, Web evolution, Web pages, centroids, content migration, digital archives, digital libraries","false","This paper describes a method to analyze the history of hypermedia collections. We gathered information about documents using the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine. Analysis focused on two key aspects: centroid migration and content migration. The objective is to understand how collections change over time. We developed and applied a tool called HHAT, or Hypertext History Analysis Tool, that visualizes centroids and content migration over time." 1474367012,"An evaluation of look-ahead breadcrumbs for the WWW","Blustein, Ahmed & Instone",0,0,15,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Ishtiaq Ahmed, James Blustein, Keith Instone","James Blustein","Short paper","","true","Information architecture, Navigation, WWW","false","Breadcrumbs have long been a part of hypertext navigation systems. Although the early implementations were true to the breadcrumb metaphor of marking the specific path a user had taken [1], over time the Web convention of using a list of links to represent the location of the current node has become commonplace [5]. Popularized by large directories like Yahoo!, breadcrumbs can reinforce that users are indeed in the “right place”, educate them on the website’s structure, and help them interpret the other links on the page which are contextual to the node’s location. If users feel disoriented [11, 12], they can select one of the breadcrumb links to go to “higher ground” and hopefully proceed with accomplishing their goal. Studies by Bowler et al. [3] and Teng [14] suggest that breadcrumbs are most useful for large and hierarchical sites. The study we report here investigated more powerful breadcrumb navigation constructs within the Open Directory Project. We hope to answer the question if these experimental breadcrumbs can improve performance in key navigation tasks." 1474367014,"On cooperatively creating dynamic ontologies","Gahleitner et al.",0,0,12,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Edgar Weippl, Eva Gahleitner, Jürgen Palkoska, Wernher Behrendt","Eva Gahleitner","Short paper","","true","Cooperative and Collaborative Environments, DynamOnt, Dynamic Ontologies, Terminologies, Upper Level Ontologies","false","Collaborative construction of ontologies is still hampered by immature methodologies and by tools which are insufficient for domain experts who are not at the same time, knowledge engineers. The DynamOnt project has set out to develop a methodology for collaboratively creating group ontologies which evolve over time as well as in space and internal complexity. The project also seeks to identify requirements and specifications for tools which will support the construction of such dynamically evolving ontologies. Major issues are the guidance of knowledge workers towards soundly constructed ontologies with the help of upper level ontologies and an exploration into language issues - in our case the scenario for constructing ontologies, if German is the language of choice for the domain experts. We also investigate the relationship between terminology and ontology, which we view as a bridge between linguistically motivated and IT motivated standardisation of conceptual models. We envisage knowledge workers’ environments of the future to be tightly integrated systems with their hypertextual capabilities being controlled by ontologically sound interaction and navigation models." 1474367027,"Supporting joint modeling by end users","Rubart & Wang",7,0,15,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Jessica Rubart, Weigang Wang","Jessica Rubart","Short paper","","true","Joint modeling, schema-based hypertext, semantic holism, spatial hypertext","true","This paper discusses how semantic holism, spatial hypertext, and schema-based hypertext concepts can support joint modeling by end users. The results are based on experiences with previously developed cooperative hypermedia systems for collaborative modeling." 1474367028,"Syntagmatic- and paradigmatic stretchtext","Skjøtskift",1,0,10,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Tor Brekke Skjøtskift","Tor Brekke Skjøtskift","Short paper","","true","Syntagmatic, hypermedia, narrative, paradigmatic, stretchtext","true","Stretchtext, as conceptualised by Nelson, is a text that can be made more compressed or complex on demand. This paper presents a project where a Sherlock Holmes story is made into stretchtext in text, audio and video. Several narrative challenges are identified, of which two will be discussed in this paper: syntagmatic stretchtext, and paradigmatic stretchtext." 1474368998,"A cognitive and social framework for shared understanding in cooperative hypermedia authoring","Wang & Rubart",1,0,12,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Jessica Rubart, Weigang Wang","Weigang Wang","Short paper","","true","Common ground, cooperative hypermedia, grounding, joint cognition, shared knowledge structure","true","Creating shared knowledge structures using cooperative hypermedia is a joint activity. The knowledge structures created should fit into the real world environment and reflect the common ground reached and evolved in the cooperation process of the knowledge workers. In order to facilitate the development of shared understanding among knowledge workers, Herbert Clark’s theory on language use and Jean Piaget’s cognitive theory are applied to the use of hypermedia language in cooperative work settings. To make the theories easier to apply, a conceptual framework is derived from them, which can inform the design and comparison of cooperative hypermedia systems and the use of hypermedia in cooperative settings." 1474369000,"The evolution of metadata from standards to semantics in E-learning applications","Al-Khalifa & Davis",1,0,19,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Hend S. Al-Khalifa, Hugh C. Davis","Hend S. Al-Khalifa","Short paper","","true","E-learning, Semantic Metadata, Standard Metadata","true","Metadata attempts to describe the content, format, purpose and structure of data. Over the past few years, the IEEE-LOM standard has dominated the metadata world in e-learning applications. However, with the advent of the Semantic Web, e-learning applications are beginning to evolve their metadata representation from these standards by adding semantic structure or by converting entirely to semantic representations of structure. This shift enables the implementation of a range of new tools which can reason over the metadata, providing added value from the stored data. This review paper summarizes this evolution of metadata used in e-learning applications from standards to semantic representation." 3154184797,"Publishing evolving metadocuments on the web","Kerne, Khandelwal & Sundaram",1,0,8,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Andruid Kerne, Madhur Khandelwal, Vikram Sundaram","Andruid Kerne","Short paper","","true","adaptive hypertext, collections, metadocuments, navigation, procedural visual composition, spatial hypertext","true","Metadocuments are documents that consist primarily of references to other documents, and elements within them. Our active browsing web visualization tool generates an evolving series of navigable metadocument snapshots over time. The granularity of browsing is shifted, from documents to the finer grained information elements, which are metadocument constituents. The program conducts expression-directed automatic retrieval of information from the web. It performs procedural visual composition of the information elements to form spatial hypertext. The user can express interest and design intentions through direct manipulation interactions with the visualized information elements. As prior versions of the tool lacked the capabilities of save and load, they were entirely process-oriented. The metadocuments existed only as transient states. This paper is an early report on our new metadocument authoring and publishing capability, and its potential uses. Saved metadocuments can be published on the web. Once published, they can serve both as static navigable metadocuments, and as the jumping off point from which the information space represented by the collected elements can continue to evolve." 3154184806,"Increasing the usage of open hypermedia systems: a developer-side approach","Karousos, Tzagarakis & Pandis",4,0,9,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Ippokratis Pandis, Manolis Tzagarakis, Nikos Karousos","Nikos Karousos","Short paper","","true","Developer Support, Hypermedia Services, Open Hypermedia Systems, Service Discovery, Web Services","true","This paper argues that the existence of a developer support framework is a critical issue to the usage of Open Hypermedia Systems (OHSs). For this reason, the OHS Community would benefit by the adoption of both a service discovery mechanism and a set of standards and tools to approach the development of hypermedia clients in a transparent and methodological manner." 3154184807,"Storm: using P2P to make the desktop part of the web","Fallenstein et al.",5,0,15,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Benja Fallenstein, Hermanni Hyytiälä, Toni Alatalo, Tuomas J. Lukka","Benja Fallenstein","Short paper","","true","content addressable networks, dangling links, location-independent identifiers, peer-to-peer","true","We present Storm, a storage system which unifies the desktop and the public network, making Web links between desktop documents more practical. Storm assigns each document a permanent unique URI when it is created. Using peer-to-peer technology, we can locate documents even though our URIs do not include location information. Links continue to work unchanged when documents are emailed or published on the network. We have extended KDE to understand Storm URIs. Other systems such as GNU Emacs are able to use Storm through an HTTP gateway." 1474363710,"Head-tail display: a lightweight approach to query-dependent document display","Berleant et al.",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","C. Gofron, D. Berleant, J. Brown, J. Miao, K.-H. Lim, L. Elkin, M. Arvold, R. DeVries, T. Drucker","D. Berleant","Short paper","","true","Head-tail display, search engine interfaces","false","The value of showing important, yet separated, parts of a document simultaneously motivates head-tail display. 35% of Web documents tested benefit. A head-tail display provides a query-dependent view of a document using a split window. One subwindow shows the beginning of the document, a particularly important part of many documents. The other subwindow shows the query-relevant document “tail,” starting from the first query term occurrence." 1474363720,"FaceSpace: endo- and exo-spatial hypermedia in the transparent video facetop","Stotts, Smith & Gyllstrom",8,0,35,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","David Stotts, Jason McC. Smith, Karl Gyllstrom","David Stotts","Full paper","","true","Augmented reality, hypermedia, hypertext, transparency, video","true","The Transparent Video Facetop is a novel user interface concept that supports not only single-user interactions with a PC, but also close pair collaborations, such as that found in collaborative Web browsing, in distributed pair programming and in remote medicine. We recently demonstrated the Vis-a-Vid Facetop prototype as a single-user GUI for manipulating the elements of a traditional WIMP desktop [21]. In this paper we introduce FaceSpace, a Facetop-based hypermedia system that combines structure and functionality of both spatial and ubiquitous hypertext. FaceSpace eliminates camera registration errors due to dynamic object tracking and user self-image feedback. FaceSpace had two forms of linking that combine spatial hypermedia with ubiquitous hypermedia: Like an exo-skeleton provides an organism with structure from without, exo-spatial hypertext has the spatial structure applied over the ubiquity of the user’s real-world environment. Endo-spatial hypertext has the spatial structure derived from and attached to the elements of the user’s domain. Endo-spatial hypertext is an integral concept in systems that have been classified as ubiquitous hypertext; exo-spatial is unique to FaceSpace in current hypertext systems." 1474363721,"Display-agnostic hypermedia","Karadkar et al.",0,0,35,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Jin-Cheon Na, Richard Furuta, Selen Ustun, Tolga Ciftci, Unmil P. Karadkar, Vivek Gupta, YoungJoo Park, Yungah Park","Unmil P. Karadkar","Full paper","","true","Display-agnostic Hypermedia, Multi-device Integrated Dynamic Activity Spaces (MIDAS), context-aware Trellis (caT)","false","In the diversifying information environment, contemporary hypermedia authoring and filtering mechanisms cater to specific devices. Display-agnostic hypermedia can be flexibly and efficiently presented on a variety of information devices without any modification of their information content. We augment context-aware Trellis (caT) by introducing two mechanisms to support display-agnosticism: development of new browsers and architectural enhancements. We present browsers that reinterpret existing caT hypertext structures for a different presentation. The architectural enhancements, called MIDAS, flexibly deliver rich hypermedia presentations coherently to a set of diverse devices." 1474363722,"The site browser: catalyzing improvements in hypertext organization","Gibson",3,0,23,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","David Gibson","David Gibson","Full paper","","true","aggregation, overview browsing","true","The Site Browser endeavors to build an overview browsing system for the entire Web. Overview browsing represents an alternative to the search-based view of information work, and does so by providing a consistent set of summary views which can be browsed interactively. The views partition and linearize the corpus for ready understanding and exploration. They show a web site’s relation to other sites, the broad nature of the information it contains and how it is structured, and how it has changed over time. The design challenge is to generate useful summary information in a process which is fast enough to be updated daily. Our current system maintains a continuously updated archive of 46 million sites representing 2.3 billion web pages." 1474363723,"Negotiating access within Wiki: a system to construct and maintain a taxonomy of access rules","Burrow",2,0,11,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Andrew Lincoln Burrow","Andrew Lincoln Burrow","Full paper","","true","collaboration, hyperlink types, order theory","true","A wiki hypertext is typically accessible and editable by all. While this removes impediments to collaboration, it often deters participants who would rather incubate ideas before bringing them to the group. This is especially the case where creative ideas are at stake. Creating additional wikis with restricted access is a costly solution: it requires participants to distinguish between and navigate between wikis; it requires administrators to construct wikis and their access rules; and it does not account for the movement of content from private to public. In this paper, we describe a system that augments the hypertext in order to solve these problems. This system automatically creates and maintains access rules in response to browsing and editing of the wiki hypertext. In doing so, it improves the targeting of documents in the hypertext, and identifies significant collections of documents and participants." 1474363724,"WebDAV-based hypertext annotation and trail system","Kim, Slater & Whitehead",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","E. James Whitehead, Jr., Mark Slater, Sunghun Kim","Sunghun Kim","Short paper","","true","Annotations, Hyper Trail, Hypertext, WebDAV","false","We introduce a WebDAV-based Hypertext Annotation and Trail System (HATS). HATS provides annotation editing, deleting, searching, and sharing using server side WebDAV capabilities. It supports hyper-trail storage and examination. The paper describes the HATS architecture and WebDAV annotation schema. We compare HATS with existing web annotation systems, and discuss the advantages of using WebDAV as an annotation server." 1474363725,"Following your colleagues' footprints: navigation support with trails in shared directories","Gams & Reich",2,0,7,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Erich Gams, Sigi Reich","Erich Gams","Short paper","","true","Intranet, Navigation Support, Shared Directories, Trails","true","Trails are a well-established concept to assist users in navigating through information spaces. However, most existing trail-based systems focus only on the World Wide Web and not on the users’ overall information space, including corporate intranet shares or private file storage. We have adapted the trail approach specifically to fit shared directory scenarios. We describe an already developed prototype and report on results of a first user study, which indicate the usefulness of our approach." 1474363716,"Language-theoretic classification of hypermedia paths","Stotts & Furuta",3,0,5,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","David Stotts, Richard Furuta","David Stotts","Short paper","","true","automata, models, paths, theory","true","Paths are, and have been since the beginning, an important mechanism for organizing hypermedia documents. This note shows how a document defined as a (possibly infinite) collection of paths over content nodes can be succinctly expressed as a formal language. We show the relationship to earlier hypermedia models based on automata. The language-theoretic model can be used to implement path engines as parsers or recognizers. Different levels of path power require different classes of recognizing automata." 1474363718,"Properties of academic paper references","Kim & Whitehead",4,0,10,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","E. James Whitehead, Jr., Sunghun Kim","Sunghun Kim","Short paper","","true","Hyperlink, Paper References","true","We propose a new method to find related papers using an input paper and its hyperlinked citation relationships rather than keywords. Such related papers are especially useful as background reading for researchers new to a research field. In this paper we introduce the background reading paper extractor (BPE), and show various properties of academic paper references." 1474363719,"A linking and interaction evaluation test set for SMIL","Bulterman",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Dick C. A. Bulterman","Dick C. A. Bulterman","Short paper","","true","Linking, SMIL, Test Sets","false","The SMIL 2.0 Language profile support several mechanisms for controlling interactivity in a SMIL 2.0 presentation. Unfortunately, the SMIL standard testset does not verify complex interactions of linking/interaction behavior of SMIL players and applications. This paper describes a linking and interaction test suite that was developed as part of the Ambulant SMIL Player project. We begin with a short review of SMIL’s linking and interaction facilities, then describe aspects of the test suite that have proven to highlight faults in current SMIL players." 1474363732,"Interaction alternatives for linking everyday presentations","Macedo et al.",3,0,7,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Alessandra Alaniz Macedo, Jose Antonio Camacho-Guerrero, Maria da Graca Campos Pimentel, Renan G. Cattelan, Valter R. Inacio, Jr.","Alessandra Alaniz Macedo","Short paper","","true","","true","Live experiences such as meetings and lectures can be captured in instrumented environments towards producing hyperdocuments corresponding to the information presented. Given that a captured presentation is usually related to many others, users can use linking facilities to support the identification of associated contents. We propose that searching and recommending operations be integrated in instrumented environments to support the identification of links among contents of captured sessions during a live session, when the user has the focus of attention on the underlying contents. Moreover, the user should be able to decide when any relevant results should be attached as annotations to the document corresponding to the live session. We present the model and associated implementation that support linking everyday presentations." 1474363738,"Manipulating history in generative hypermedia","Khandelwal,Kerne & Mistrot",1,0,8,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Andruid Kerne, J. Michael Mistrot, Madhur Khandelwal","Madhur Khandelwal","Short paper","","true","generative, history, non-linear, time travel","true","We continue to develop a generative hypermedia system that uses composition for browsing, collecting and organizing information samples from web pages. The system’s generative actions of collecting information samples and composing them visually are conducted iteratively over time, based on an adaptable user model. The system presents the ongoing generation of the composition to the user in an interactive information space. In this space, the user can directly manipulate the composition through interactive design operations, and affect the model by expressing positive or negative interest in each sample. We are developing mechanisms for manipulating the time-based medium of the evolving information space. Interaction design affords linear timeline traversal and non-linear time travel. Extended tape recorder metaphor controls, including jog-shuttle based navigation, provide the user with flexible means for operating the system’s generative functionalities, and linearly traversing session history. We introduce a door-latch metaphor that enables one of several considered forms of non-linear time travel. Users can change history by retroactively locking an information sample in position across time." 1474363745,"Augmenting SCORM manifests with adaptive links","Abdullah, Bailey & Davis",1,0,6,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Christopher Bailey, Hugh Davis, Nor Aniza Abdullah","Nor Aniza Abdullah","Short paper","","true","Adaptive Hypermedia, AuldLinky, FOHM, SCORM","true","This paper describes an experiment to augment SCORM manifests with adaptive links using AuldLinky in order to promote content reusability, interoperability and personalized e-learning. Our technique involves the automatic deduction of a concept map from a manifest and the transformation of its pertinent elements into FOHM (Fundamental Object Hypermedia Model) objects before augmenting the information with complimentary and adaptive links using AuldLinky." 1474363757,"HyperPeer: searching for resemblance in a P2P network","Larsen & Bouvin",2,0,7,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Niels Olof Bouvin, Rene Dalsgaard Larsen","Rene Dalsgaard Larsen","Short paper","","true","Open Hypermedia, Peer-to-peer, Search, WWW","true","This paper presents HyperPeer, a framework for developing peer-to-peer based hypermedia. The distribution of hypermedia structures is handled through a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, allowing for highly scalable sharing between users. A central challenge of all decentralized systems is to locate material of interest and this paper presents the HyperPeer Hierarchy of Resemblance (HR) searching algorithm, which provides an efficient search as well as partitioning of the network into groups of common interest." 1474366988,"Semantically enhanced browsing for blind people in the WWW","Salampasis, Kouroupetroglou & Manitsaris",2,0,5,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Athanasios Manitsaris, Christos Kouroupetroglou, Michail Salampasis","Michail Salampasis","Short paper","","true","Semantic Web, Voice web browser, information seeking","true","The WWW is today the biggest source of information and an essential tool for many activities of daily life. Unfortunately, information seeking in this complex hypermedia environment is generally not an easy task. The potentially complex task of information seeking in the WWW is further complicated when the end-user is blind or visually impaired (VI). Usually, web pages are created without taken accessibility into account and without using HTML markup correctly to express the functional structure of documents. Both facts pose a lot of problems to VI during information seeking in the web. In this paper we discuss problems related to this issue and how the information seeking process in the WWW could become more effective and efficient for the VI. We also present an ongoing research effort, inspired from the idea of Semantic Web, aiming to enhance browsing efficiency as a result of rationalizing the way VI browse the WWW." 1474366991,"Mind the semantic gap","Millard et al.",17,0,30,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Danius T. Michaelides, David E. Millard, Mark J. Weal, Nicholas M. Gibbins","David E. Millard","Full paper","","true","Hypertext Formality, Hypertext Semantics","true","Hypertext can be seen as a logic representation, where semantics are encoded in both the textual nodes and the graph of links. Systems that have a very formal representation of these semantics are able to manipulate the hypertexts in a sophisticated way; for example by adapting them or sculpting them at run-time. However, hypertext systems which require the author to write in terms of structures with explicit semantics are difficult/costly to write in, and can be seen as too restrictive by certain authors because they do not allow the playful ambiguity often associated with literary hypertext. In this paper we present a vector-based model of the formality of semantics in hypertext systems, where the vectors represent the translation of semantics from author to system and from system to reader. We categorise a variety of existing systems and draw out some general conclusions about the profiles they share. We believe that our model will help hypertext system designers analyse how their own systems formalise semantics, and will warn them when they need to mind the Semantic Gap between authors and readers." 1474366993,"As we may perceive: inferring logical documents from hypertext","Dmitriev, Lagoze & Suchkov",5,0,27,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Boris Suchkov, Carl Lagoze, Pavel Dmitriev","Pavel Dmitriev","Full paper","","true","Clustering, Compound Documents, WWW","true","In recent years, many algorithms for the Web have been developed that work with information units distinct from individual web pages. These include segments of web pages or aggregation of web pages into web communities. Such logical information units improve a variety of web algorithms and provide the building blocks for the construction of organized information spaces such as digital libraries. In this paper, we focus on a type of logical information units called “compound documents”. We argue that the ability to identify compound documents can improve information retrieval, automatic metadata generation, and navigation on the Web. We propose a unified framework for identifying the boundaries of compound documents, which combines both structural and content features of constituent web pages. The framework is based on a combination of machine learning and clustering algorithms, with the former algorithm supervising the latter one. We also propose a new method for evaluating quality of clusterings, based on a user behavior model. Experiments on a collection of educational web sites show that our approach can reliably identify most of the compound documents on these sites." 1474366997,"Higher-order rank analysis for web structure","Horie, Yamaguchi & Kashiwabara",6,0,16,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Ikumi Horie, Kazunori Yamaguchi, Kenji Kashiwabara","Ikumi Horie","Full paper","","true","AFA, Link analysis, Web graph, non-well-founded set theory, structural analysis","true","In this paper, we propose a method for the structural analysis of Web sites. The Web has become one of the most widely used media for electronic information because of its great flexibility. However, this flexibility has led to complicated structures. A structure that differs from the typical structures in a Web site might confuse readers, thus reducing the effectiveness of the site. A method for detecting unusual structures would be useful for identifying such structures so that their impact can be studied and ways to improve Web site effectiveness developed. We viewed the Web as a directed graph, and introduced a higher-order rank based on the non-well-founded set theory. We then developed higher-order rank analysis for detecting irregularities, defined as structures which differ from the typical structure of a target site. To test the effectiveness of our method, we applied it to several Web sites in actual use, and succeeded in identifying irregular structures in the sites." 3154184391,"An Object-oriented Scripting Environment for the WEBSs Electronic Book System","Monnard & Boltuck",3,0,13,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","J. Monnard, J. Pasquier Boltuck","J. Monnard","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper presents the scripting facilities built on top of WEBSS, an interactive system for the creation and consultation of electronic books. The scripting environment relies on the same object-oriented software architecture used in the design of the WEBSs application, rendering it consistently integratingwith the other components of the system.####Scripts enhance the application in two ways. First, the ability to combine basic WEBSS actions allows users to easily define new high-level functions like, for example, the automatic creation of tables of contents and indexes. Secondly, the behavior of the objects that constitute an electronic book can be enriched by writing scripts that will be automatically executed each time a triggering object performs a specific action. The main originality of our scripting model resides in the fact that a script maybe attached not only to an individual object, but also to all objects of a specific class, or to all objects in a certain set." 3154184426,"The Knowledge Weasel Hypermedia Annotation System","Lawton & Smith",1,0,6,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Daryl T. Lawton, Ian E. Smith","Daryl T. Lawton","Full paper","","true","Hypermedk Collaborative Annotation, Link-Based Navigation, Query-Based Navigation","true","We describe the organization and implementation of the Knowledge Weasel (KW) Hypermedia Annotation System which we are using to explore knowledge structuring by collaborative annotation. Knowledge Weasel incorporates many useful features: a common record format for representing annotations in different media for uniform access; dynamic user control of the presentation of annotations as a navigational aid global navigation using queries and local navigation using link following; support for collecting related sets of annotations into groups for contextual reference and communication. KW purposely leverages off of free, publicly available software so it doesn’t require building specialized tools and also so it can be freely available. We discuss some of the issues involved with annotating non-textual material such as images and sound and conclude with a brief discussion of ongoing and future work." 3154184434,"Browsing Through Querying: Designing for Electronic Books","Charoenkitkarn et al.",3,0,27,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Gene Golovchinsky, Jim Tam, Mark H. Chignell, Nipon Charoenkitkarn","Nipon Charoenkitkarn","Full paper","","true","Information retrieval, electronic books, hand-held computing, pen-based navigation, relevance feedback, text analysis","true","The emerging technologies of pen-based navigation and hand-held computing pose a number of challenges for hypertext and the development of electronic books. In this paper we explore methods of query-based browsing that meet some of these challenges. We describe an existing prototype (Queries-R-Links) that we have developed and we then discuss an enhanced version of query-based browsing that uses methods of text analysis and related approaches to provide a more focused set of hits (links) during browsing." 1569603629,"Inside Macintosh as Hypertext","Bechtel",5,0,10,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Brian L. Bechtel","Brian L. Bechtel","Full paper","","true","CD-ROM, Inside Macintosh, hypertext","true","SpInside Macintosh is a hypertext compact-disc version of Inside Macintosh, the multi­ volume programmer’s reference work for the Macintosh family of computers. SpInside Macintosh is implemented in HyperCard and distributed on CD-ROM. We describe the design decisions and prin­ciples we followed in creating SpInside Macintosh. We also give user feedback and a retrospective critique of the design." 3154184544,"TourisT—Conceptual Hypermedia Tourist Information","Bullock & Goble",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","C. A. Goble, J. C. Bullock","J. C. Bullock","Short paper","","true","Conceptual hypermedia, Conceptual querying, Ethnographic studies, Tourism information systems, User requirements","false","The TourisT project is developing a prototype conceptual hypermedia tourism information system, using GRAIL, a terminological logic devised at the University of Manchester [1], to maintain the conceptual model. A primary concern of the work is to develop a system which assists the tourist seeking information. The project has thus used the results of ethnographic studies, carried out in tourist information centres, to inform the structure and content of the conceptual model, and to determine what styles of interaction should be supported." 3154184561,"Graphical Multiscale Web Histories: A Study of Padprints","Hightower et al.",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Benjamin B. Bederson, James D. Hollan, Jonathan I. Helfman, Laura T. Ring, Ron R. Hightower","Ron R. Hightower","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, Information Visualization, Multiscale Interfaces, Pad++, Usability, Web Browser, Web Navigation, World Wide Web, Zooming User Interface (ZUI)","false","We have implemented a browser companion called PadPrints that dynamically builds a graphical history-map of visited web pages. PadPrints relies on Pad++, a zooming user interface (ZUI) development substrate, to display the history-map using minimal screen space. PadPrints functions in conjunction with a traditional web browser but without requiring any browser modifications.####We performed two usability studies of PadPrints. The first addressed general navigation effectiveness. The second focused on history-related aspects of navigation. In tasks requiring returns to prior pages, users of PadPrints completed tasks in 61.2% of the time required by users of the same browser without PadPrints. We also observed significant decreases in the number of pages accessed when using PadPrints. Users found browsing with PadPrints more satisfying than using Netscape alone." 3154184572,"XHMBS: A Formal Model to Support Hypermedia Specification","Paulo et al.",2,0,22,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Fabiano B. Paulo, Marcelo Augusto S. Turine, Maria Cristina F. de Oliveira, Paulo C. Masiero","Fabiano B. Paulo","Full paper","","true","Formal Specification, HMBS, Hypercharts, Multimedia/Hypermedia Modeling, Statecharts, Temporal Synchronization, XHMBS","true","This paper introduces XHBMS ( the eXtended Hyperdocument Model Based on Statecharts) to support the formal specification of general hypermedia applications. XHMBS uses a novel formalism called hypercharts as its underlying model for specifying the navigational structure, browsing semantics and synchronization requirements of a hyperdocument. Hypercharts are statecharts extended with additional mechanisms for describing the time sequencing and information synchronization requirements typical of multimedia. The extensions incorporated into hypercharts are based on the major characteristics of some Petri net based multimedia models, and make it an alternative to such models for multimedia and hypermedia specification. XHMBS provides facilities for defining the structure of a hypermedia application in terms of nodes and links and also for describing the temporal behavior of dynamic data streams contained in nodes. The model incorporates presentation and communication channels for describing spatial coordination and distribution of information, and anchor objects for ensuring separation between information structure and content." 3154184573,"Enforcing Strong Object Typing in Flexible Hypermedia","Furtado & Madeira",15,0,23,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","H. Madeira, Pedro Furtado","Pedro Furtado","Full paper","","true","Emergent Structures, Flexibility, Frame Model, Hypermedia, Knowledge Structuring, OODBMS","true","The presentation layer of hypermedia systems could benefit from standard object querying functionality and this is most effective if strong typing is enforced. By strong typing we mean the direct representation of data semantics as object types in an object database as oposed to a “slotted frames” representation. On the other hand, the flexible emergent nature of structure must be considered in the authoring activity and in this sense premature typing and organizing is counterproductive. Reflecting on these apparently contradictory issues and the past proposals to handle the problem, we extend the strongly typed data model of a prototype hypermedia system, WorldView, to support semi-automatic object submission and type metamorphosis. Weak types are also necessary for some constructs, so they coexist with strong types, but these are enforced. We emphasize the benefits available to the presentation layer of keeping a uniform object oriented structure. In particular we implement a dynamic linking capability that uses queries to retrieve the objects related to some object attribute and suggest other improvements. We stress that most object oriented hypermedia systems are frame-based, especially in what concerns user-defined and emergent structure." 3154184578,"Combining Structure Search and Content Search for the World-Wide Web","Kaindl, Kramer & Afonso",8,0,19,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Hermann Kaindl, Luis Miguel Afonso, Stefan Kramer","Hermann Kaindl","Full paper","","true","World-Wide Web, content search, meta-search engine, structure search","true","When searching information in the World-Wide Web (WWW), the currently available search engines typically return too many irrelevant addresses to their users. This is a deep and many-faceted issue and very hard to be generally solved. One of the current problems involved is that these search engines focus on content search and not on structure search as investigated in hypertext research. A prerequisite of full-fledged structure search would be that links are first-class objects. This is obviously not the case for the representation of links in the WWW. So, we introduce a rudimentary form of structure search that is based upon content search. In our application of this approach to searching the WWW, we combine this kind of structure search with content search in a meta-search engine. In this way, we are able to reduce the number of irrelevant addresses returned. As a consequence, we propose this approach for searching the World-Wide Web." 3154184592,"Browsing Hyperdocuments with Multiple Focus+Context Views","Robert & Lecolinet",1,0,5,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Eric Lecolinet, Laurent Robert","Laurent Robert","Short paper","","true","Information visualization, World Wide Web, animation, focus+context, hierarchical representations, multi-view system, zooming interfaces","true","We present an interactive focus+context environment based on zooming and hierarchical representations for browsing large data sets. It gives an overview of the data and provides multiple views for visualizing the content and the local organization of documents of interest. This multi-view system has been applied to the World Wide Web browsing as a first practical demonstration." 3154184595,"Finding Links","Tebbutt",1,0,3,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","John Tebbutt","John Tebbutt","Short paper","","true","Automatic hypertext construction, IR, embedded links, hypertext, information retrieval, installed links","true","Possibilities for the automatic designation of pre-existing text elements as implicitly-typed links through the use of information retrieval technology are discussed. Results of preliminary work in this area are presented, and plans for future research outlined." 3154184596,"Generating Hypertext Explanations for Visual Languages","Dyke",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Neil W. Van Dyke","Neil W. Van Dyke","Short paper","","true","Generated hypertext, dynamic hypertext, education, explanation, visual languages","false","Visual languages with well-defined semantics are used for systems analysis and design, software programming, business process modeling, architectural and mechanical drafting, scientific visualization, and other purposes in a variety of fields. Many of these languages are highly expressive and employ large sets of graphical elements that a reader can find difficult to learn fully.####Hypertext can aid understanding of a given visual language diagram by essentially allowing the reader to point at a use of an unfamiliar language element and ask, “what is this thing here saying?” The system can respond with a dynamically generated natural language text explanation of the language element in terms of the particular usage. The explanation can embed hypertext links to explanations of other elements of the diagram and definitions of language terms." 3154184597,"Grammatron: Filling the Gap?","Wenz",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Karin Wenz","Karin Wenz","Short paper","","true","","false","The aesthetically open and fragmented character of modern and postmodern texts which is based on the technically prescribed linearity of the medium of the book, turns out to be trivial in hypertext as it is the material nature of this new medium. The resulting gap has to be filled in new ways. Some of these new possibilities can be shown in hypertext literature. I have chosen Mark Amerika’s Grammatron, because he develops a kind of reader instruction for the new functions of narrativity." 3154184455,"Adding Networking to Hypertext: Can It Be Done Transparently?","Brown",2,0,11,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Peter Brown","Peter Brown","Full paper","","true","GUIDE, active document, distributed hyperdocument, file, link, storage, wide-area network","true","Networks are becoming increasingly available and hypertext systems with networking capabilities are currently enjoying exponential growth. The vast majority of hypertext systems were not, however, designed to cater for networking. This paper examines whether it is possible to add networking to such systems and, if so, whether it can be done without upsetting existing hyperdocuments, existing authors and existing readers. The examination is done using one specific hypertext system, UNIX Guide, but the lessons are, I hope, more general." 3154184491,"Evaluating HyTime: An Examination and Implementation Experience","Buford",1,0,27,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","John F. Buford","John F. Buford","Full paper","","true","HyTime, hypermedia models, hypermedia standards","true","HyTime defines an extensive meta-language for hypermedia documents, including general representations for links and anchors, a framework for positioning and projecting arbitrary objects in time and space, and a structured document query language. We propose a set of criteria for evaluating the HyTime model. We then review the model with respect to these criteria and describe our implementation experience. Our review indicates both the benefits and limitations of HyTime. These results are relevant to systems and applications designers who are considering HyTime, and also to possible future revisions of the standard." 3154184503,"Logic Programming with the World-Wide Web","Loke & Davison",1,0,24,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Andrew Davison, Seng Wai Loke","Seng Wai Loke","Full paper","","true","Common Client Interface, Mosaic, Prolog, World-Wide Web, mobile code, structured logic programming","true","We introduce Logic Web, an integration of structured logic programming and the World-Wide Web. We show how LogicWeb enables programmable behaviour and state to be incorporated into Web pages, allowing them to be viewed as modules or objects with state. LogicWeb renders a Web page as a live information entity, able to determine its own response to user queries, and modify the behaviour of hyperlinks. This amalgamation of logic and the Web makes it possible to reason with Web pages, state relationships between pages, and dynamically generate pages. A prototype system is described, which extends Mosaic with LogicWeb capabilities using the Common Client Interface. In addition, we outline a client-based search tool written with LogicWeb and compare it with an existing package." 3154184504,"Experiences in Developing Collaborative Applications Using the World Wide Web “Shell”","Girgensohn, Lee & Schueter",1,0,20,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Alison Lee, Andreas Girgensohn, Kevin Schueter","Andreas Girgensohn","Full paper","","true","Design Intent, HTTP server and clients, Portholes, World Wide Web, awareness and familiarization, collaborative application, community of users, forms and scripts, rapid prototyping, work groups","true","The components of the World Wide Web, which we call the World Wide Web Shell, provide a framework for collaborative application development in much the same way as an expert system shell does for expert system development. This development is quick enough to support rapid prototyping. Once the collaborative application is developed, the WWW Shell facilitates the distribution of the application and its data to geographically-separated users on diverse computing platforms. We have developed and deployed two collaborative applications, Design Intent and NYNEX Portholes, using the WWW Shell. These applications are described and our experiences developing them with the WWW Shell are detailed. In the process of developing these applications we discovered limitations of the WWW Shell which we present, along with suggested modifications and extensions to address them." 3154184524,"A Navigation-oriented Hypertext Model Based on Statecharts","Turine, de Oliveira & Masiero",5,0,22,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Marcelo Augusto Santos Turine, Maria Cristina Ferreira de Oliveira, Paul Ceasr Masiero","Marcelo Augusto Santos Turine","Full paper","","true","Browsing Semantics, HMBS, Hierarchical Views, Hypertext Document Model, Statecharts","true","In this paper we present a navigation-oriented model for hyperdocument specification based on statecharts. The HMBS (Hypertext Model Based on Statecharts) model uses the structure and execution semantics of statecharts to specify both the structural organization and the browsing semantics of a hyperdocument. The formal definition of the model is presented, as well as its associated browsing semantics. A short discussion on the model’s capabilities is also provided. A prototype hypertext system which implements HMBS as its underlying model for hyperdocument authoring and browsing is introduced, and some examples are presented that illustrate the application of the model." 3154184281,"The Notes Program: A Hypertext Application for Writing from Source Texts","Neuwirth et al.",0,0,26,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Christine Neuwirth, David Kaufer, Rick Chimera, Terilyn Gillespie","Christine Neuwirth","Full paper","","true","","false","Notes is a hypertext application developed to investigate the effects of computers on the writing process, in particular, on the processes of acquiring and structuring knowledge when writing from source texts. Notes is designed to help writers record their own ideas (e.g., reactions, inferences, plausibility assessments), recover the context for those ideas easily and view ideas from multiple perspectives. In this paper we outline the theoretical basis for the design of the Notes program. Then we briefly describe the program itself and its relation to relevant research. Finally we describe our experience with users." 3154184296,"Developing and Distributing Hypertext Tools: Legal Inputs and Parameter","Jones",0,0,12,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Henry W. Jones, III","Henry W. Jones, III","Full paper","","true","","false","To realize the promise of hypertext, researchers and developers must understand how their work is impacted by copyright, products liability, and other sets of legal rules. Certain key legal problems, and corresponding possible solutions, are analyzed." 3154184314,"Using Hypertext in a Law Firm","Yoder & Wettach",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","E. Yoder, T. C. Wettach","E. Yoder","Full paper","","true","","false","This paper presents an example of how hypertext can be used to support knowledge workers in their everyday work. We describe a long-term project within the law firm of Reed Smith Shaw & McClay to use hypertext for managing knowledge about intellectual Property.####The Intellectual Property group of attorneys provides a demanding environment for an information management system. The attorneys use information that comes from a wide variety of sources and in a wide variety of formats, The end products of the attorneys—legal contracts, patent applications, court briefs and motions, and advice to clients—must be accurate and timely.####To help these attorneys be more effective, we are developing an application system called HyperLex™ that will give them better tools for generating, storing, and accessing information. We are using hypertext as the core technology for the system because we believe it is a good fit with the needs of these attorneys." 3154184672,"Towards the Prediction of Development Effort for Web Applications","Mendes & Hall",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Emilia Mendes, Wendy Hall","Emilia Mendes","Short paper","","true","Effort estimation, Web development, analogy, estimation, hypermedia development","false","To estimate the effort required to develop Web applications can be quite a difficult task, however accurate estimates of development effort play an important part in the successful management of major Web development projects. This paper describes the use of analogy to estimate the development effort of Web applications. Two datasets were used in the estimation process and the results were optimistic. As the estimation by analogy requires a considerable amount of computation, we have used an automated environment – the ANGEL tool - that supports the collection, storage and identification of the most analogous projects in order to estimate the effort for a new project. We have shown that estimating by analogy is a candidate technique and that with the aid of an automated environment it is a practical technique to apply to Web development." 3154184697,"Y-notes: unobtrusive devices for hypermedia annotation","Luz",0,0,2,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Saturnino Luz","Saturnino Luz","Short paper","","true","collaborative annotation, hypertext annotation, navigation aids","false","This paper describes y-notes, a light-weight, unobtrusive system that allows world wide web users to add persistent annotations to web-based hypermedia." 3154184698,"Prototype mobility tools for visually impaired surfers","Harper, Goble & Stevens",3,0,6,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Carole Goble, Robert Stevens, Simon Harper","Simon Harper","Short paper","","true","Mobility, implementation, prototype, visual impairment","true","In [1] we extended the notion of travel to include environment, feedback and the purpose of the current travel task. Specifically, we likened web use to travelling in a virtual space, compared it to travelling in a physical space, and introduced the idea of mobility - the ease of travel - as opposed to travel opportunity. This paper describes our continuing work in building a prototype mobility tool to address some of these issues." 3154184705,"Choice vs. interaction: the case of online Caroline","Cole",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","William Cole","William Cole","Short paper","","true","Choice, Online Caroline, interactive fiction","false","Reader choice among links in hypertext has often been classified as a form of interactiuvity and has sometimes been claimed as empowering the reader. The case of the website Online Caroline, however, shows that it is possible for apparent choice and interaction to serve only to further constrain and dictate the reader’s experience. We must be careful to distinguish meaningful from superficial choice when evaluating “interactive fiction” and its potential." 3154184722,"Extending eductional metadata schemas to describe adaptive learning resources","Conlan et al.",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Cord Hockemeyer, Dietrich Albert, Owen Conlan, Paul Lefrere, Vincent Wade","Owen Conlan","Short paper","","true","Adaptive Hypermedia Services, Adaptivity, Metadata Schemas","false","This paper describes a generic technique for representing Adaptive Learning Resources by extending current metadata schemas. The requirement for the work described here has grown out of the necessity to facilitate accurate discovery and integration of Adaptive Learning Resources, namely Adaptive Hypermedia Services." 3154184733,"Web sites and semantics","Despeyroux & Trousse",0,0,13,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Brigitte Trousse, Thierry Despeyroux","Thierry Despeyroux","Short paper","","true","Web, data mining, data representation, hypertext, semantics, software engineering, syntax","false","A lot of efforts done in the word of the Web aims to facilitate data representation and data mining. This is done most of the time by a syntactic formalisation of knowledge or information using languages such as XML or RDF using an hypertext structure. We claim that this is not sufficient and that we need to provide a way of specifying semantic (global) constraints over Web sites to be able to mechanically perform some verifications and proof-reading during the life time of the site, using some software engineering technics." 3154184756,"How do interactive texts reflect interactive functions?","Laine",3,0,7,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Päivö Laine","Päivö Laine","Short paper","","true","hypertext, interface, linguistics, links, navigation, semantics, usability","true","The purpose of strings of text that are embedded in hyperlinks, buttons and other interactive elements on Web pages is to inform the user of the interactive function and its effects. The explicitness of these i-texts, such as link anchors or button labels, depends on their linguistic structure. I-texts that profile a process and contain a verb are more explicit than labels with a nominal profile. Clicking an i-text, an acteme, may have different interactive effects. The explicitness of the i-text seems to correlate with the impact of the interactive function, but the degree of interaction that the target page requires is not reflected clearly in the linguistic form of the i-text." 3154184762,"Going back in Hypertext","Golovchinsky",1,0,3,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Gene Golovchinsky","Gene Golovchinsky","Short paper","","true","Design, Experimentation, Human Factors","true","Hypertext interfaces typically involve navigation, the act (and interaction) of moving from one piece of information to another. Navigation can be exploratory, or it may involve backtracking to some previously-visited node. While backtracking interfaces are common, they may not reflect differences in readers’ purposes and mental models. This paper draws on some empirical evidence regarding navigation between and within documents to suggest improvements on traditional hypertext navigation, and proposes a time-based view of backtracking." 3154184773,"Supporting distributed meetings using cooperative, visual, process-enabled hypermedia","Wang & Haake",3,0,4,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Joerg M. Haake, Weigang Wang","Weigang Wang","Short paper","","true","","true","This work tries to bring hypermedia out of our multiple research-oriented cooperative hypermedia systems into the kinds of systems people in the real world can use. Meeting support for distributed teams is one of these and process support is another. The practical challenges include how to develop a (whiteboard-like) structure-rich visual hypermedia space that is accessible from the Web, how to integrate Microsoft office applications into the system for managing documents in a (visual hypermedia represented) meeting process, and how to set up A/V and application sharing connections easily for all the meeting participants. The system described in this paper has been used in three use cases and initial feedback indicates that it has successfully addressed several such practical challenges." 3154184774,"Contextualized preview of image map links","Chigona & Strothotte",5,0,28,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Thomas Strothotte, Wallace Chigona","Wallace Chigona","Full paper","","true","Dual-Use of Image Space, Hypertext navigation, Image maps, Link preview, Multiple links, Smooth transition","true","Previewing links in hypertext navigation helps reduce the cognitive overhead associated with deciding whether or not to follow a link. In this paper we introduce a new concept called Dual-Use of Image Space (DUIS) and we show how it is used provide preview information of image map links. In DUIS the pixels in the image space are used both as shading information as well as characters which can be read. This concept provides a mechanism for placing the text information related to images in context, that is, the text is placed within the corresponding objects. Prior to DUIS contextualized preview of links was only possible with text links. The following are the advantages of contextualized preview image map links: (1) Readers can benefit from both the text and the image without making visual saccades between the two. (2) The text does not obstruct the image as is the case in the existing techniques. (3) It is easy for the readers to associate the image and its corresponding image since the two are presented close to each other. The text in the image space may also contain links, and for this reason, it is possible to introduce multiple links for image maps." 3154184779,"Versioned Hypermedia can improve software document management","Nguyen, Gupta & Munson",3,0,12,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Ethan V. Munson, Satish Chandra Gupta, Tien Nguyen","Tien Nguyen","Short paper","","true","hypermedia, software engineering, version control","true","This research was supported by the U. S. Department of Defense and by NSF CAREER award CCR-9734102. The Software Concordance project is addressing the software document management problem by providing a fine-grained version control model for software documents and their relationships using hypermedia versioning. A set of tools needed to maintain, visualize and analyze software documents is being constructed. This short paper presents research issues, initial results and a scheme for using hypermedia versioning and time stamps to automate detection of possible semantic non-conformance among software artifacts." 3154184458,"Under CoVer: The Implementation of a Contextual Version Server for Hypertext Applications","Haake",5,0,30,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Anja Haake","Anja Haake","Full paper","","true","Versioning, alternatives, implementation techniques, publishing applications, state-oriented versioning, task-oriented versioning","true","At GMD-IPSI we are developing CoVer, a contextual version server for hypertext applications. Another characterization of CoVer is that CoVer integrates state-oriented versioning concepts with task-oriented versioning concepts. While other version models in general support only one of these groups of concepts, we argue that the explicit composition of versions of complex hypertext networks has to be complemented by automatic version creation in the context of tasks or jobs performed while manipulating the hypertext network and vice versa. Regarding the implementation of version models, it turns out that the state-oriented implementation approach—representing every legal state of a hyperdocument explicitly—and the task-oriented implementation approach—computing versions of complex hypertext networks due to changes executed during a task or job—are interchangeable. While the separation of state- and task-oriented concepts at the conceptual level of the version model is desireable to support version creation and selection for different hypertext applications, the implementation of such a dual model can be based on a single implementation approach. This paper discusses both types of implementation with an emphasis to cope with alternative versions that are in particular meaningful for hypertext publishing applications." 3154184461,"Repertory Hypergrids: An Application to Clinical Practice Guidelines","Madigan et al.",7,0,41,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","C. Richard Chapman, David Madigan, John Boose, Jonathan Gavrin, Ole Villumsen","David Madigan","Full paper","","true","Implicit linking, clinical practice guidelines, evolution, link maintenance, repertory grid","true","Creation and maintenance of links in large hypermedia documents is difficult. Motivated by an application to a federal clinical practice guideline for cancer pain management, we have developed and evaluated a repertory grid-based linking scheme we call repertory hypergrids. Harnessing established knowledge acquisition techniques, the repertory hypergrid assigns each “knowledge chunk” a location in “context space”. A chunk links to another chunk if they are both close in context space. To evaluate the scheme, we conducted a protocol analysis. Six users of the guideline addressing typical cancer pain management tasks made 30 explicit links. The repertory hypergrid using a neighborhood size of 16 captures 24 of these links. With optimization, the repertory hypergrid captures 27 of the links with a neighborhood size of 13." 3154184527,"A Large-scale Hypermedia Application Using Document Management and Web Technologies","Balasubramanian, Bashian & Porcher",3,0,17,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Alf Bashian, Daniel Porcher, V. Balasubramanian","V. Balasubramanian","Full paper","","true","Distributed Authoring, Document Management, Information Retrieval, Publishing, Systematic Hypermedia Design, Templates, Views, WWW, Workflow","true","Merrill Lynch has initiated a major effort called the Trusted Global Advisor to provide instantaneous access to current financial information to about 20,000 financial consultants and other professionals across the corporation. As part of this effort, marketing information about products and services will be delivered to financial consultants, clients, and the general public through an intranet and the Internet. A number of researchers have reported on the requirements for industrial strength hypermedia. In this paper, we present a case study on how we have designed a large-scale hypermedia authoring and publishing system using document management and Web technologies to satisfy our authoring, management, and delivery needs. We describe our systematic design and implementation approach to satisfy requirements such as a distributed authoring environment for non-technical authors, templates, consistent user interface, reduced maintenance, access control, version control, concurrency control, document management, link management, work flow, editorial and legal reviews, assembly of different views for different target audiences, and full-text and attribute-based information retrieval. We also report on design tradeoffs due to limitations with current technologies. It is our conclusion that large scale Web development should be carried out only through careful planning and a systematic design methodology." 3154184535,"The World Wide Web: What Cost Simplicity?","Ladd, Capps & Stotts",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Brian C. Ladd, Michael V. Capps, P. David Stotts","Brian C. Ladd","Short paper","","true","Hypertext, World Wide Web, automata, browsing, concurrency, link semantics, synchronization","false","The ubiquity of the World Wide Web owes much to the simplicity of its graph model. Unfortunately that graph model omits powerful features found in traditional hypertext systems: concurrency and synchronization. These shortcomings are addressed in an extensible manner as part of the Multi-head, Multi-head, Multi-client Browsing Project; our research is focused on extending the Web Web through the use of the more powerful link semantics." 3154184543,"Microcosm TNG: A Distributed Architecture to Support Reflexive Hypermedia Applications","Goose et al.",2,0,4,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","David De Roure, Jonathan Dale, Stuart Goose, Wendy Hall","Stuart Goose","Short paper","","true","","true","Microcosm: The Next Generation (TNG) is an open, distributed hypermedia system with a design that represents a significant departure from the Microcosm architecture [2]. This system embodies an alternative model to facilitate the dynamic construction of hierarchies of distributed hypermedia applications. This paper will present the “reflexive model” and provide an appreciation of the Microcosm TNG framework through which this model is realised." 3154184547,"A Task Driven Design Method and Its Associated Tool for Automatically Generating Hypertexts","Fraïssé",1,0,4,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Sylvain Fraïssé","Sylvain Fraïssé","Short paper","","true","","true","Navigation and interaction are the essence of hypertext. Navigation is not simply traveling freely along a messy set of links nor querying a database using dialog boxes, and buttons. Unfortunately, navigating into the WWW often looks so. Navigating efficiently in an information space supposes that a previous authoring effort has prepared a hypertext structure especially designed to make the information access scheme fit with the cognitive constraints of the various contexts of the reading task. Thus the navigation model cannot be a simple isomorphic copy of the data model of the presented information ! It relies on the one side on the data model and on the other side on the task model. Designing a hypertext leads to define a mapping between these two models.####This position paper briefly describes the design method we have developed and an automatic generation tool that we have implemented in JA V A as part of a working environment based on this method. The tool allows to map a hypertext structure specified by the designer as a generation model onto a set of source information described as a SGML file. The result of generation is a set of abstract description of page class instances. Another simple tool turns these descriptions into WWW pages and stores them into a database. The reader of this paper is supposed to be aware of hypertext design methods such as HDM [2], 00HDM [4] or RMM [3]." 3154184569,"TourisT: The Application of a Description Logic Based Semantic Hypermedia System for Tourism","Bullock & Goble",4,0,28,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Carole Goble, Joe Bullock","Joe Bullock","Full paper","","true","Semantic hypermedia, description logics, link services, tourism","true","Web-based Public Information Systems of the kind common in tourism do not satisfy the needs of the customer because they do not offer a sufficiently flexible linking environment capable of emulating the mediation role of a tourist adviser. We present the requirements of a tourism hypermedia system resulting from ethnographic studies of tourist advisers, and conclude that an open semantic hypermedia (SH) approach is appropriate. We present a novel and powerful SH prototype based on the use of a semantic model expressed as a terminology. The terminological model is implemented by a Description Logic, GRAIL, capable of the automatic and dynamic multi-dimensional classification of concepts, and hence the web pages they describe, We show how GRAIL-Link has been used within the TourisT hypermedia system and conclude with a discussion." 3154184584,"Hypertext and Web Engineering","Bieber",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Michael Bieber","Michael Bieber","Short paper","","true","Complex Interfaces, Hypermedia, Linking, Relationship Management, Software Engineering, Web Engineering, World Wide Web","false","We take a two-stage approach to engineering World Wide Web applications. First a Relationship-Navigation Analysis, analyzes an existing or new application specifically in terms of its intra- and inter-relationships. Second, a dynamic hypermedia engine (DHymE), automatically generates links for each relationship and metaknowledge items at run-time. Links and navigation supplement the application’s primary functionality." 3154184590,"Clusters on the World Wide Web: Creating Neighborhoods of Make-believe","Hirtle, Sorrows & Cai",0,0,8,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Guoray Cai, Molly E. Sorrows, Stephen C. Hirtle","Stephen C. Hirtle","Short paper","","true","World Wide Web, navigation, neighborhoods","false","A study is reported on the role of neighborhoods in searching for information on the WWW. Users were asked to search collections of web pages in which the conceptual content of groups of pages was used to assign a specific background color to each group. The results indicate that for collections of web pages with moderately complex topologies, the structured backgrounds were significantly easier to search. The results suggest that neighborhoods can be induced by visual characteristics of the page and that the identification of neighborhoods can improve the overall navigability of the space." 3154184605,"Dynamic Hyperlink Generation for Navigation in Relational Databases","Göschka & Falb",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Jürgen Falb, Karl M. Göschka","Karl M. Göschka","Short paper","","true","","false"," Information processing is the key issue of the 20th Century. Databases are designed to store information and the World Wide Web has turned out to be the place for the gathering and distribution of information. While these two seem to be made for each other, there are inherent difficulties in linking them together due to quite different technologies. Nevertheless, it turned out that most real-life Web applications need an underlying database [l] to be stable, flexible and scalable. Appropriate design methodologies are hence needed to implement complex functionality. Moreover, there already exist databases which people want to connect to the Web with similar functionality as in classic implementations. Most of them rely on the proven technology of relational databases.####This paper introduces a new design methodology for the integration of databases and the Web: The key idea of this approach is to use links to solicit user selections. Control elements are thus constructed of sets of links grouped together and called Passive HTML Controls (PHC). The links of a PHC are called elements. These links (elements) are a means of user interaction, no crossreferences or links for navigation. Each element has two parts: The anchor tag defining the link of the element and the content of the tag defining the output string of the element. This approach is reasonable for a typical Web application where most user interactions consist of browsing and collecting information from the database. The possible values for user input are predefined in these cases. Forms are only used where user input has to be gathered." 3154184611,"Trailblazing the Literature of Hypertext: Author Co-citation Analysis (1989–1998)","Chen & Carr",3,0,17,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Chaomei Chen, Les Carr","Chaomei Chen","Full paper","","true","Author co-citation analysis, factor analysis, information visualisation literature, mapping","true","This paper presents the analysis and modelling of the literature of hypertext based on the ACM Hypertext conference series. This work explores a new paradigm of organising and accessing the vast amount of interrelated information. In the first study, a semantic space is automatically derived and visualised based on all the full papers published in this series (1987-1998). The second study, an author co-citation analysis of nine conference proceedings in the series (1989-1998), maps this substantial literature of hypertext in its entirety and in three evenly distributed sub-periods. Specialties - major research fronts in the field of hypertext - are identified using a factor analysis. Author co-citation maps are automatically generated as virtual worlds on the WWW to help people explore the literary legacy of hypertext " 3154184664,"Text and Hypertext: Always a Binary Relationship?","Calvi",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Licia Calvi","Licia Calvi","Short paper","","true","TEI, paper-based and electronic literature, taxonomies","false","This paper focuses on the relationship between a paper-based text and its electronic counterpart, by addressing the question of whether it is possible to “transliterate” one into the other without altering the original content. A taxonomy of possible relationships can be derived. The paper analyzes a novel that exists in both forms as a case study of this problem." 3154184283,"Content Oriented Relations Between Text Units—a Structural Model for Hypertexts","Hammwöhner & Thiel",0,0,14,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Rainer Hammwöhner, Ulrich Thiel","Rainer Hammwöhner","Full paper","","true","","false","A common feature of various recently developed information systems is the decomposition of linear document structures which are enforced by conventional print media. Instead, a network organization of information units of different forms (textual, graphical, pictorial and even auditive presentation modes may be combined) is provided. Documents organized this way are called “hypertexts”. However, two questions arise immediately when an effort is made to build information systems on the basis of this conception: What are the “units” constituting a hypertext? What sort of links between the units will be provided? Most approaches to hypertext systems impose the task of deciding these questions on the authors of hypertexts, thus the systems are hypertext management devices (e.g. CHRISTODOULAKlS ET AL. 86, WOELK ET AL. 86). The approach taken in this paper leaves a more active role to the software by applying knowledge based techniques. The starting point is the automatic content analysis of machine-readable full-text documents which may be downloaded from a full-text data base. The analysis process results in a partitioning of the document into thematically coherent text passages, which are one kind of node of the hypertextual version of this document. Other nodes contain graphics, tables and summarizations. The content analysis is accomplished by a semantic parser, which has access to an explicit model of the discourse domain. The TOPIC-System (HAHN/REIMER 86) comprises prototypical implementations of these components. Due to the semantic modeling relations between the nodes may be formally defined in order to provide content oriented browsing facilities. The graphical retrieval system TOPOGRAPHIC (THIEL/HAMMWÖHNER 87) employs an already implemented subset of them to guide users to relevant text parts. In this paper we outline a structure model for hypertexts based on partial representations of the meaning of text parts. Formal definitions of content oriented relations between such text units are given in terms of a logic specification language." 3154184392,"Matching Hypertext Models to Hypertext Systems","Caloini",9,0,16,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Andrea Caloini","Andrea Caloini","Full paper","","true","Compilation, HDM, Hypertext Engine, Hypertext Models, Hypertext systems","true","Many authors have proposed sophisticated models to describe hypertext at different levels and for different purposes and have provided in-house developed systems implementing their models. However, hypertext-hypermedia application development is often carried on using commercial hypertext systems based on a very simple model.####This paper presents HCT (Hypertext Compiling Tools), a set of tools to translate hypertext-hypermedia applications designed using a high-level model (HDM, Hypermedia Design Model) into applications implemented by a commercial hypertext system (ToolBook). Although each single tool is specific to either HDM or ToolBook, the approach is presented in a more general way.####Results obtained in application development are summarized." 1474373927,"User-tailored web accessibility evaluations","Vigo et al.",1,0,31,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Alfred Kobsa, Julio Abascal, Markel Vigo, Myriam Arrue","Markel Vigo","Full paper","","true","Web accessibility, assistive technologies, guidelines, personalization, user-tailored evaluation","true","This paper presents a framework and system to evaluate the accessibility of web pages according to the individual requirements of users with disabilities. These requirements not only consist of users’ abilities, but also users’ assistive technologies and the delivery context. In order to ascertain interoperability with other software components, user requirements are specified taking advantage of the extensibility of the W3C CC/PP recommendation and other feature-specification vocabularies. An evaluation tool capable of understanding these specifications generates evaluation reports that are tailored to the user’s individual needs. Quantitative accessibility measures resulting from personalized evaluation reports can be used to improve the web browsing experience for users with disabilities, such as through adaptive navigation support and by sorting the results of search engines according to users’ personal requirements. In addition, developers benefit from personalized evaluations when developing websites for specific audiences." 1474375472,"Making revisions hyper-visible","Kolb",0,0,13,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","David A. Kolb","David A. Kolb","Short paper","","true","Hypertext, links, publication, revising, writing","false","What should a revised edition of a hypertext be? How might revising a hypertext differ from reissuing a printed book? This essay suggests a revision process that is self-reflexive and explicitly made visible, taking advantage of the ability of hypertext to expand the “margins” of a document in new directions. Where the issues are complex enough, the process of revision should be part of what is presented, not just a machine rumbling in the background that issues in a separate product." 1474375481,"A survey of soft skill simulation authoring tools","Gaffney, Dagger & Wade",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Conor Gaffney, Declan Dagger, Vincent Wade","Conor Gaffney","Short paper","","true","Online, authoring, education, simulation, soft skills","false","Soft skill simulations are a convenient and efficient means of delivering engaging educational experiences [1]. Typically these simulations combine hypertext and media files to create a realistic model of real world social situations. However the key impediment to online simulations being adopted as a mainstream approach to teaching soft skills is the complexity involved in their authoring. This paper presents a state of the art survey of existing authoring tools used to compose online soft skill simulations." 1474369003,"Identifying commented passages of documents using implicit hyperlinks","Delort",3,0,31,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Jean-Yves Delort","Jean-Yves Delort","Full paper","","true","Implicit links, passage extraction, weblogs","true","This paper addresses the issue of automatically selecting passages of blog posts using readers’ comments. The problem is difficult because: (i) the textual content of blogs is often noisy, (ii) comments do not always target passages of the posts and, (iii) comments are not equally useful for identifying important passages. We have developed a system for selecting commented passages which takes as input blog posts and their comments and delivers, for each post, the sentences of the post which are the most commented and/or the most discussed. Our approach combines three steps to identify commented passages of a post. The first step is to remove the complexity of processing the contents of posts and comments using heuristics adapted to the language of the blog. The second step is to find useful comments and assigns them a degree of relevance using a model automatically built and validated by an expert. The third step is to identify important passages using relevant comments. We conducted two experiments to evaluate the usefulness and the effectiveness of our approach. The first study show that in only 50% of the posts, the most commented sentence elicited by our approach corresponds to the post extract generated using generic summarization. In the second study, human participants confirmed that, in practice, selected passages are frequently commented passages." 1474369006,"Supporting the design of behaviors in Callimachus","Tzagarakis, Vaitis & Karousos",9,0,19,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Manolis Tzagarakis, Michail Vaitis, Nikos Karousos","Manolis Tzagarakis","Short paper","","true","Structural computing, behavior, models","true","Behaviors play an important role to relationship semantics. In this paper, we present how behavioral aspects of structures are conceived in Callimachus, a structural computing environment. Callimachus supports the definition of behavioral designs called propagation templates that assist in addressing behavioral concerns of structures within structure servers. Propagation templates provide a higher level of abstraction and signify an attempt to move from an atom-based view of behaviors to a system and pattern-based view." 1474373909,"Lesson learnt from a large-scale industrial semantic web application","Wong et al.",3,0,24,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Gary B. Wills, Nigel R. Shadbolt, Richard M. Crowder, Sylvia C. Wong","Sylvia C. Wong","Full paper","","true","Industrial Hypermedia, RDF, SPARQL, SQL, Semantic Web","true","The design and maintenance of an aero-engine generates a significant amount of documentation. When designing new engines, engineers must obtain knowledge gained from maintenance of existing engines to identify possible areas of concern. We developed a Semantic Web based document repository for transferring front-line maintenance knowledge to design. The Semantic Web is an ideal candidate for this application because of the size and distributed nature of an aerospace manufacturer’s operation. The Semantic Web allows us to dynamically cross reference documents with the use of an ontology. However, during the design and implementation of this project, we found deficiencies in the W3C1 recommended Semantic Web query language SPARQL. It is difficult to answer questions our users sought from the document repository using SPARQL. The problem is that SPARQL is designed for handling textual queries. In industrial applications, many common textual and semantic questions also contain a numerical element, be it data summarization or arithmetic operations. In this paper, we generalize the problems we found with SPARQL, and extend it to cover web applications in non-aerospace domains. Based on this analysis, we recommend that SQL-styled grouping, aggregation and variable operations be added to SPARQL, as they are necessary for industrial applications of the Semantic Web. At the moment, to answer the non-textual questions we identified with an RDF store, custom written software is needed to process the results returned by SPARQL. We incorporated the suggested numerical functionalities from SQL for an example query, and achieved a 21.7% improvement to the speed of execution. More importantly, we eliminate the need of extra processing in software, and thus make it easier and quicker to develop Semantic Web applications." 1474373926,"Revealing the hidden rationality of user browsing behaviour","Brown et al.",2,0,17,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Cees van der Eijk, Elizabeth Brown, Tim Brailsford, Tony Fisher","Elizabeth Brown","Full paper","","true","Browsing, bounded rationality, expected user behaviour, learning styles, mode switching, rational choice theory","true","In this paper, we analyse web log data from user trials of the WHURLE-LS adaptive educational hypermedia (AEH) system from a behavioural perspective. This system allows users to switch from one presentational mode to another (visual, verbal or neutral), and this paper investigates users’ choice of mode as they interacted with the system. We present the main findings of the browsing behaviours within the framework of rational choice theory, and discuss why and when switching might have occurred." 1474373928,"Simplifying web traversals by recognizing behavior patterns","Doerr, Dincklage & Diwan",4,0,15,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Amer Diwan, Christian Doerr, Daniel von Dincklage","Christian Doerr","Full paper","","true","behavior pattern recognition, navigation improvement, web usage mining","true","Web sites must often service a wide variety of clients. Thus, it is inevitable that a web site will allow some visitors to find their information quickly while other visitors have to follow many links to get to the information that they need. Worse, as web sites evolve, they may get worse over time so that all visitors have to follow many links to find the information that they need.####This paper describes an extensible system that analyzes web logs to find and exploit opportunities for improving the navigation of a web site. The system is extensible in that the inefficiencies that it finds and eliminates are not predetermined; to search for a new kind of inefficiency, web site admininstrators can provide a pattern (in a language designed specifically for this) that finds and eliminates the new inefficiency." 1474373929,"Assembly lines: web generators as hypertexts","Losh",0,0,51,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Elizabeth M. Losh","Elizabeth M. Losh","Full paper","","true","PHP hacking, Web 2.0, Web generators, hypertext theory, participatory culture","false","" 1474373930,"What is an analogue for the semantic web and why is having one important?","schraefel",1,0,31,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","m. c. schraefel","m. c. schraefel","Full paper","","true","Jourknow, Memex, Semantic Web, Tabulator, hypertext argumentation, interaction design, mSpace, notebooks","true","This paper postulates that for the Semantic Web to grow and gain input from fields that will surely benefit it, it needs to develop an analogue that will help people not only understand what it is, but what the potential opportunities are that are enabled by these new protocols. The model proposed in the paper takes the way that Web interaction has been framed as a baseline to inform a similar analogue for the Semantic Web. While the Web has been represented as a Page + Links, the paper presents the argument that the Semantic Web can be conceptualized as a Notebook + Memex. The argument considers how this model also presents new challenges for fundamental human interaction with computing, and that hypertext models have much to contribute to this new understanding for distributed information systems." 1474373953,"ASSIST: adaptive social support for information space traversal","Farzan et al.",0,0,19,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Barry Smyth, Jill Freyne, Maurice Coyle, Peter Brusilovsky, Rosta Farzan","Rosta Farzan","Full paper","","true","Design, Experimentation, Human Factors","false","Finding relevant information in a hyperspace has been a much studied problem for many years. With the emergence of so called Web 2.0 technologies we have seen the use of social systems for retrieval tasks increasing dramatically. Each system collects and exploits its own pool of community wisdom for the benefit of its users. In this paper we suggest a form of retrieval which exploits the pools of wisdom of multiple social technologies, specifically social search and social navigation. The paper details the added user benefits of merging several sources of social wisdom. We present details of the ASSIST engine developed to integrate social support mechanisms for the users of information repositories. The goal of this paper is to present the main features of the integrated community-based personalization engine that we have developed in order to improve retrieval in the hyperspace of information resources. It also reports the results of an empirical study of this technology." 1474373954,"Annotation consensus: implications for passage recommendation in scientific literature","Bradshaw & Light",1,0,29,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Marc Light, Shannon Bradshaw","Shannon Bradshaw","Full paper","","true","Annotation, annotation consensus, knowledge management, passage recommendation","true","We present a study of the degree to which annotations overlap when several researchers read the same set of scientific articles. Our objective is to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to suggest that information about which passages initial readers tend to annotate might be used to recommend important passages to later readers of the same material. We found that readers exhibit a high degree of overlap in the passages they annotate, that these passages account for a small but significant fraction of the total document, and that such passages are distributed throughout a document rather than concentrated in the same few sections in each paper (e.g., the results section). These findings indicate that work on developing a passage recommendation model based on annotation is warranted." 1474375458,"What can history tell us?: towards different models of interaction with document histories","Jatowt et al.",4,0,20,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Adam Jatowt, Hiroaki Ohshima, Katsumi Tanaka, Yukiko Kawai","Adam Jatowt","Full paper","","true","archiving, document history, past web, time travel, versioning","true","The current Web is a dynamic collection where little effort is made to version pages or to enable users to access historical data. As a consequence, they generally do not have sufficient temporal support when browsing the Web. However, we think that there are many benefits to be obtained from integrating documents with their histories. For example, a document’s history can enable us to travel back through time to establish its trustworthiness. This paper discusses the possible types of interactions that users could have with document histories and it presents several examples of systems that we have implemented for utilizing this historical data. To support our view, we present the results of an online survey conducted with the objective of investigating user needs for temporal support on the Web. Although the results indicated quite low use of Web archives by users, they simultaneously emphasized their considerable interest in page histories." 1474375460,"Kalpana - enabling client-side web personalization","Ankolekar & Vrandečić",0,0,12,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Anupriya Ankolekar, Denny Vrandečić","Anupriya Ankolekar","Short paper","","true","RDF, Semantic Web, Web personalization, browsers, mashups","false","A growing number of websites are recognizing the value of personalization based on a user’s context and social network. As more websites become personalized, the resulting experience for users can be rather fragmented. We aim to facilitate a seamless Web personalization experience across websites by enabling personalization to take place at the client and thus allowing personal information about people to reside locally with people. If websites are to script a personalization experience that draws on information held by the user, it is imperative that this information be easily comprehensible by heterogeneous websites. In this paper, we demonstrate how Semantic Web technologies can be used to realize a vision of client-side Web personalization. The contribution of this paper is an architecture that demonstrates the feasibility of our approach and a prototype implementation that establishes its viability." 1474375463,"Measuring social networks with digital photograph collections","Golder",0,0,16,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Scott Golder","Scott Golder","Short paper","","true","Photographs, Social Networks","false","The ease and lack of cost associated with taking digital photographs have allowed people to amass large personal photograph collections. These collections contain valuable information about their owners’ social relationships. This paper is a preliminary investigation into how digital photo collections can provide useful data for the study of social networks. Results from an analysis of 23 subjects’ photo collections demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. The relationship between perceived closeness and network position, as well as future questions, are also discussed." 1474375465,"Can blog communication dynamics be correlated with stock market activity?","De Choudhury et al.",0,0,10,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Ajita John, Dorée Duncan Seligmann, Hari Sundaram, Munmun De Choudhury","Munmun De Choudhury","Short paper","","true","Blogosphere, Stock market, Support Vector Regression, communication dynamics, information roles, networks, social","false","In this paper, we develop a simple model to study and analyze communication dynamics in the blogosphere and use these dynamics to determine interesting correlations with stock market movement. This work can drive targeted advertising on the web as well as facilitate understanding community evolution in the blogosphere. We describe the communication dynamics by several simple contextual properties of communication, e.g. the number of posts, the number of comments, the length and response time of comments, strength of comments and the different information roles that can be acquired by people (early responders / late trailers, loyals / outliers). We study a “technology-savvy” community called Engadget ( There are two key contributions in this paper: (a) we identify information roles and the contextual properties for four technology companies, and (b) we model them as a regression problem in a Support Vector Machine framework and train the model with stock movements of the companies. It is interestingly observed that the communication activity on the blogosphere has considerable correlations with stock market movement. These correlation measures are further cross-validated against two baseline methods. Our results are promising yielding about 78% accuracy in predicting the magnitude of movement and 87% for the direction of movement." 1474375470,"Information flows and social capital in weblogs: a case study in the Brazilian blogosphere","Recuero",1,0,43,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Raquel da Cunha Recuero","Raquel da Cunha Recuero","Full paper","","true","Information flows, Memes, Social Capital, Social Networks, Weblogs","true","Blogs are tools for publishing information that have become very popular due to the way they facilitate the process of publishing on the Internet. Due to their popularity, blogs influence how information flows in cyberspace. This paper deals with the relations between bloggers’ perceived social capital and motivations with the information they choose to publish. Based on a case study of a network of 48 weblogs, 32 interviews and 988 analyzed memes, we show how, for the studied case, information flow is influenced by bloggers’ motivations and perceptions." 1474375474,"Document similarity based on concept tree distance","Lakkaraju, Gauch & Speretta",0,0,16,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Mirco Speretta, Praveen Lakkaraju, Susan Gauch","Praveen Lakkaraju","Short paper","","true","Document similarity, concept trees, concept vectors, conceptual search, recommender systems, tree-edit distance","false","The Web is quickly moving from the era of search engines to the era of discovery engines. Whereas search engines help you find information you are looking for, discovery engines help you find things that you never knew existed. A common discovery technique is to automatically identify and display objects similar to ones previously viewed by the user. Core to this approach is an accurate method to identify similar documents. In this paper, we present a new approach to identifying similar documents based on a conceptual tree-similarity measure. We represent each document as a concept tree using the concept associations obtained from a classifier. Then, we make employ a tree-similarity measure based on a tree edit distance to compute similarities between concept trees. Experiments on documents from the CiteSeer collection showed that our algorithm performed significantly better than document similarity based on the traditional vector space model." 1474378316,"HMNews: an integrated system for searching and browsing hypermedia news content","Montagnuolo, Ferri & Messina",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Alberto Messina, Marco Ferri, Maurizio Montagnuolo","Maurizio Montagnuolo","Short paper","","true","Data mashup, news retrieval, topic detection and tracking","false","We describe HMNews (Hyper-Media News), a system designed and implemented for the collection, indexing and retrieval of hypermedia news content coming from Digital Television and the Web. The novelty of the approach relies in the ability of providing hierarchical and multi-resolution multimodal indexes based on the application of a novel generalised hybrid clustering technique. The system supports many functionalities: a) bi-directional news conceptual linking; b) relevant topics detection and tracking; c) integrated hypermedia browsing; d) integrated search and retrieval." 1474378317,"The scalable hyperlink store","Najork",0,0,25,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Marc Najork","Marc Najork","Full paper","","true","Web graph, hyperlink database, scalability","false","This paper describes the Scalable Hyperlink Store, a distributed in-memory “database” for storing large portions of the web graph. SHS is an enabler for research on structural properties of the web graph as well as new link-based ranking algorithms. Previous work on specialized hyperlink databases focused on finding efficient compression algorithms for web graphs. By contrast, this work focuses on the systems issues of building such a database. Specifically, it describes how to build a hyperlink database that is fast, scalable, fault-tolerant, and incrementally updateable." 1474378318,"Scholarly research process: investigating the effects of link type and directionality","Alford & Mendes",13,0,41,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Emilia Mendes, Mark Leslie Alford","Mark Leslie Alford","Full paper","","true","Scholarly research process, bi-directional links, hypertext, links, scholarly writing process, typed links","true","Hypertext research has discovered new ways to explore, represent and visualise data and has led to many improvements in the usability and usefulness of systems. However, in the field of scholarly writing research, several studies discuss the need for improving the current state of affairs [18][24][29]. This research aimed to investigate whether typed and/or bi-directional links have an effect on users’ performance and confidence when undertaking a literature survey [18], considered one of the phases of a scholarly writing process [29]. Two empirical studies were conducted - a survey and a formal experiment, and results showed that both typed and bi-directional links had significant effect on users’ performance and confidence when undertaking common early scholarly writing tasks, specifically benefiting tasks relating to surveying existing literature." 1474378319,"Relating web pages to enable information-gathering tasks","Bagchi & Lahoti",0,0,32,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Amitabha Bagchi, Garima Lahoti","Amitabha Bagchi","Full paper","","true","authorities, hubs, information gathering, network flow, related pages, similarity measures","false","We argue that relationships between Web pages are functions of the user’s intent. We identify a class of Web tasks - information-gathering - that can be facilitated by providing links to pages related to the page the user is currently viewing. We define three kinds of intentional relationships that correspond to whether the user is a) seeking sources of information, b) reading pages which provide information, or c) surfing through pages as part of an extended information-gathering process. We show that these three relationships can be mined using a combination of textual and link information and provide three scoring mechanisms that correspond to them: SeekRel, FactRel and SurfRel. These scoring mechanisms incorporate both textual and link information. We build a set of capacitated subnetworks, each corresponding to a particular keyword. Scores are computed by computing flows on these subnetworks. The capacities of the links are derived from the hub and authority values of the nodes they connect, following the work of Kleinberg (1998) on assigning authority to pages in hyperlinked environments. We evaluated our scoring mechanism by running experiments on four data sets taken from the Web. We present user evaluations of the relevance of the top results returned by our scoring mechanisms and compare those to the top results returned by Google’s Similar Pages feature, and the Companion algorithm (Dean and Henzinger, 1999)." 1474378338,"Cross-tagging for personalized open social networking","Stewart et al.",0,0,26,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Alexandros Nanopoulos, Avaré Stewart, Ernesto Diaz-Aviles, Lars Schmidt-Thieme, Leandro Balby Marinho, Wolfgang Nejdl","Avaré Stewart","Full paper","","true","Recommender Systems, Social Media, Tags, Web 2.0","false","The Social Web is successfully established and poised for continued growth. Web 2.0 applications such as blogs, bookmarking, music, photo and video sharing systems are among the most popular; and all of them incorporate a social aspect, i.e., users can easily share information with other users. But due to the diversity of these applications—serving different aims— the Social Web is ironically divided. Blog users who write about music for example, could possibly benefit from other users registered in other social systems operating within the same domain, such as a social radio station. Although these sites are two different and disconnected systems, offering distinct services to the users, the fact that domains are compatible could benefit users from both systems with interesting and multi-faceted information. In this paper we propose to automatically establish social links between distinct social systems through cross-tagging, i.e., enriching a social system with the tags of other similar social system(s). Since tags are known for increasing the prediction quality of recommender systems (RS), we propose to quantitatively evaluate the extent to which users can benefit from cross-tagging by measuring the impact of different cross-tagging approaches on tag-aware RS for personalized resource recommendations. We conduct experiments in real world data sets and empirically show the effectiveness of our approaches." 1474375475,"Llama-b: automatic hyperlink authoring in the blogosphere","Zhou et al.",2,0,16,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Amir Pourabdollah, Dong Zhou, Helen Ashman, Mark Truran, Tim Brailsford","Dong Zhou","Short paper","","true","Hypertext generation, blogosphere, link generation, tagging","true","Viewed collectively, the sum of all blog entries recorded to date (usually referred to as the blogosphere) represents a prodigiously rich collection of commentary and opinion, a dizzying mixture of fact and speculation, subjective opinion and objective data. This paper introduces a hypermedia authoring tool intended to simplify the process of navigating this chaotic environment. The tool works by adding additional hyperlinks to blogs, links which connect blog entries addressing similar topics. These hyperlinks are generated by an algorithm that uses statistical language modeling and graph based analysis to exploit the implicit associative structure of the blogosphere. An evaluative exercise, centred upon the unsupervised labeling of blog articles, confirms the effectiveness of this approach." 1474375479,"Enhancing access to open corpus educational content: learning in the wild","Lawless, Hederman & Wade",0,0,40,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Lucy Hederman, Séamus Lawless, Vincent Wade","Séamus Lawless","Full paper","","true","Information Retrieval, Open Corpus Content, eLearning","false","The World Wide Web (WWW) provides access to a vast array of interconnected educational content on almost every subject imaginable. A great deal of this content is ideal for incorporation into personalised eLearning experiences. However the discovery, harvesting and incorporation of appropriate educational material have proven to be complex and arduous tasks.####Traditional educational hypertext systems are based upon the generation of links and anchors between content objects [1]. However the dynamic incorporation of open corpus educational content in eLearning requires the generation of a relationship between educational concepts and the hypertext documents. One approach to create this overlay between concept and content is to use a Mindmap interface to allow learners to explore and associate hypertext content with knowledge maps of their own creation.####This paper presents the Open Corpus Content Service (OCCS), a framework that uses the hypertext structure of the WWW to provide methods of educational content discovery and harvesting. The OCCS semantically examines linked content on both the WWW and in digital content repositories, and creates concept specific caches of content. The paper also introduces U-CREATe, a novel user-driven Mindmap interface for supporting the exploration and assembly of content cached by the OCCS, in a pedagogically meaningful manner. The combination of these systems benefits both the educator and learner, empowering the learner through ownership of the educational experience and allowing the educator to focus on the pedagogical design of educational offerings rather than content authoring." 1474378308,"Bringing your dead links back to life: a comprehensive approach and lessons learned","Morishima et al.",1,0,30,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Akiyoshi Nakamizo, Atsuyuki Morishima, Hiroyuki Kitagawa, Shigeo Sugimoto, Toshinari Iida","Atsuyuki Morishima","Full paper","","true","Broken links, integrity management","true","This paper presents an experimental study of the automatic correction of broken (dead) Web links focusing, in particular, on links broken by the relocation ofWeb pages. Our first contribution is that we developed an algorithm that incorporates a comprehensive set of heuristics, some of which are novel, in a single unified framework. The second contribution is that we conducted a relatively large-scale experiment, and analysis of our results revealed the characteristics of the problem of finding movedWeb pages. We demonstrated empirically that the problem of searching for moved pages is different from typical information retrieval problems. First, it is impossible to identify the final destination until the page is moved, so the index-server approach is not necessarily effective. Secondly, there is a large bias about where the new address is likely to be and crawler-based solutions can be effectively implemented, avoiding the need to search the entire Web. We analyzed the experimental results in detail to show how important each heuristic is in real Web settings, and conducted statistical analyses to show that our algorithm succeeds in correctly finding new links for more than 70% of broken links at 95% confidence level." 1474378310,"HyperSea: towards a spatial hypertext environment for web 2.0 content","Styliaras & Christodoulou",20,0,34,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Georgios D.P. Styliaras, Sotiris P. Christodoulou","Georgios D.P. Styliaras","Full paper","","true","Hypertext structure, Spatial hypertext, Web 2.0 content","true","In this paper, we present HyperSea, an environment for importing, organizing and interacting with web 2.0 content. The environment is based mainly on previous research on hypertext systems, spatial hypertext and it tries to overcome presentation limitations of today’s popular web 2.0 applications. Content is structured as islands and nodes which may be interlinked and characterized by various levels of visual cues, according to its type and origin. As the resulting content is structured, HyperSea may support alternative views and search operations over it. We present an extensive case-study for illustrating functionality and we organize some future work." 1474378312,"Towards a constructivist approach to learning from hypertext","AlAgha & Burd",1,0,6,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Iyad AlAgha, Liz Burd","Iyad AlAgha","Short paper","","true","Adaptable hypertext, Constructivism, Hypertext layering, Knowledge construction, Meta-cognitive tool, Navigation planning","true","How to help learners construct knowledge from hypertext and plan a navigation process on the Web are important issues in Web based learning. To provide solutions to these issues, this paper presents Knowledge Puzzle, a tool for knowledge construction from the Web. Its main contribution to Web-based learning is the personalization of information structure on the Web to cope with the knowledge structure in the learner’s mind. Self-directed learners will be able to adapt the path of instruction on the Web to their way of thinking, regardless of how the Web content is delivered. The way to achieve that is to provide learners with a meta-cognitive tool that enables them to bring knowledge gained from the Web to the surface and visualize what they have in mind. Once we get the learner’s viewpoint externalized, it will be converted to a hypermedia layer that will be laid over the Web pages visited by the learner. The attached layer adapts the views of Web pages to the learner’s information needs by associating information pieces that are not already linked in hyperspace and attaching the learner’s notes to the page content. Finally, a hypertext version of the whole constructed knowledge is produced to enable fast and easy reviewing." 1474378326,"Extracting semantic annotations from legal texts","Lesmo, Mazzei & Radicioni",0,0,16,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Alessandro Mazzei, Daniele P. Radicioni, Leonardo Lesmo","Leonardo Lesmo","Short paper","","true","Automatic Information Extraction, Legal Hypertext, Semantic Tagging","false","This paper illustrates a system designed to automatically extract semantic annotations of the normative modifications present in legal texts. The work relies on a deep parsing approach. The problem of semantically annotating legal texts is cast to the problem of mapping parse trees to semantic frames representing such modifications. We report a preliminary experimentation along with the dataset employed, and discuss the results to point out future improvements." 1474378333,"Hyperincident connected components of tagging networks","Neubauer & Obermayer",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Klaus Obermayer, Nicolas Neubauer","Nicolas Neubauer","Full paper","","true","Algorithms, Experimentation","false","Data created by social bookmarking systems can be described as 3-partite 3-uniform hypergraphs connecting documents, users, and tags (tagging networks), such that the toolbox of complex network analysis can be applied to examine their properties. One of the most basic tools, the analysis of connected components, however cannot be applied meaningfully: Tagging networks tend to be almost entirely connected. We therefore propose a generalization of connected components, m-hyperincident connected components. We show that decomposing tagging networks into 2-hyperincident connected components yields a characteristic component distribution with a salient giant component that can be found across various datasets. This pattern changes if the underlying formation process changes, for example, if the hypergraph is constructed from search logs, or if the tagging data is contaminated by spam: It turns out that the second to 129th largest components of the spam-labeled Bibsonomy dataset are inhabited exclusively by spam users. Based on these findings, we propose and unsupervised method for spam detection." 1474378335,"Modularities for bipartite networks","Murata",0,0,12,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Tsuyoshi Murata","Tsuyoshi Murata","Short paper","","true","bipartite network, community, modularity","false","Real-world relations are often represented as bipartite networks, such as paper-author networks and event-attendee networks. Extracting dense subnetworks (communities) from bipartite networks and evaluating their qualities are practically important research topics. As the attempts for evaluating divisions of bipartite networks, Guimera and Barber propose bipartite modularities. This paper discusses the properties of these bipartite modularities and proposes another bipartite modularity that allows one-to-many correspondence of communities of different vertex types. Preliminary experimental results for the bipartite modularities are also described." 1474367016,"Adaptive personal information environment based on the semantic web","Maneewatthana, Wills & Hall",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Gary B. Wills, Thanyalak Maneewatthana, Wendy Hall","Thanyalak Maneewatthana","Short paper","","true","Ontology, adaptive hypermedia, link services","false","In order to support knowledge workers throughout their task of searching, locating and manipulating information, a system that provides information suitable for a particular user’s needs, and that is able to facilitate the sharing and reuse of knowledge is essential. This paper presents Adaptive Personal Information Environment (a-PIE); a service-oriented framework using Open Hypermedia and Semantic Web technologies to provide an adaptive Web-based system. a-PIE models the information structures (data and links), context and behaviour as Fundamental Open Hypermedia Model (FOHM) structures which are manipulated by using the Auld Linky contextual link service. a-PIE provides an information environment that enables users to search an information space based on ontologically defined domain concepts. The users can add and manipulate (delete, comment, etc.) information of interests or part of an information structure in their information space, leaving the original published data or information structures unchanged. The a-PIE environment facilitates the shareability and reusability of knowledge according to users’ requirements." 1474367019,"StorySpinner: controlling narrative pace in hyperfiction","Hooper & Weal",4,0,7,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Clare J. Hooper, Mark J. Weal","Clare J. Hooper","Short paper","","true","Hyperfiction, authoring, narratology, sculptural hypertext","true","This paper describes the StorySpinner system, a sculptural hypertext reader used as a test bed for experimenting with the authoring of narrative flow in automatically generated stories. An overview of the system is presented along with discussion and conclusions arising from initial user trials." 1474367021,"Semantically annotated hypermedia services","Pandis, Karousos & Tiropanis",6,0,22,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Ippokratis Pandis, Nikos Karousos, Thanassis Tiropanis","Ippokratis Pandis","Short paper","","true","Hypermedia Services Description Language (HSDL), Hypermedia Systems, Semantic Web technologies","true","Hypermedia systems’ researchers investigate the various approaches in the way documents and resources are linked, navigated and stored in a distributed environment. Unfortunately, those systems fail to provide effortlessly usable discrete services, since it is difficult both to discover and to invoke any of them. This paper proposes the usage of emerging technologies that try to augment the Web resources with semantics in order to provide Hypermedia services that can be easily discovered, and integrated by potential third party developers. In this context, we analyze the benefits for the Hypermedia community upon the adoption of Semantic Web technologies for the description of Hypermedia services, and we implement an initial corresponding ontology." 1474367022,"Audio information retrieval in HyperMedia environment","Gagliardi & Pagliarulo",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Isabella Gagliardi, Patrizia Pagliarulo","Isabella Gagliardi","Short paper","","true","Audio, Clustering, Information Retrieval, Navigation, Similarity","false","The central position of multimedia documents today’s information society and the new instruments offered by digital technologies have promoted the creation of large multimedia databases. A typical sample of this is the AESS, “Archivio di Etnografia e Storia Sociale” (Archive of Ethnography and Social History) of the Lombardy Region. The application designed for the multimodal navigation of the AESS web site illustrates the properties and strengths of tools and methods we have developed for the management and consultation of multimedia ethnographical archives composed of text, images, audios (both songs and spoken documents), and videos." 1474367023,"The 3D sonification of links in physical hypermedia environments","Millard & Ross",3,0,9,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","David E. Millard, Martin Ross","David E. Millard","Short paper","","true","Hypermedia Interfaces, Physical Hypermedia, Sonification","true","Sonification is the technique of generating sounds from complex data in order to represent that data to a human being. With 3d audio it is possible to place these sounds in a 3d soundscape around a listener. In this paper we investigate the possibility of using 3d sonification in physical hypermedia environments. We present our early experiences of developing a 3d sonification simulator based on Open Hypermedia technology." 1474368996,"HyWrite: writing in hypermedia eLearning environments","Bucur",0,0,13,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Johanna Bucur","Johanna Bucur","Short paper","","true","Social Constructionist Pedagogy (SCP), cooperative work, eLearning, hypertext, learning communities, media literacy, spiral curriculum","false","The paper focuses on the practical reality of eLearning in Higher Education with special emphasis on media integration from the perspective of a spiral curriculum.[12] It presents an innovative model of media art education integrated in a creative writing program and concentrates upon the re-design of writing with the help of hypermedia in customized eLearning environments. HyWrite is the name of an authoring tool, an “educational facilitator”, currently being developed at the University of Passau. This tool is meant to be used both in higher education for teacher training purposes and in secondary education as a teacher and student’s hypertext writing assistant. HyWrite is backed by an elaborate didactic design based on students’ active participation and all-round involvement in the learning process. The didactic goals pursued are on the one hand the acquisition of a set of primary skills like for instance essay writing and on the other hand getting acquainted with a host of complementary skills not explicitly mentioned by the curriculum yet presupposed by the Information and Knowledge Society. These skills are dealt with in a systematical approach and reflect the actual state of affairs, namely what “every schoolboy and girl should know”.[3] An overview of the above mentioned competences is available in the core skill cluster below. The skill cluster under discussion covers competences pertaining to four ranges of action: writing techniques, media literacy, aesthetic features combined with ergonomic design from the point of view of accessibility and usability, and — last but not least — the social skills imposed by cooperative work." 1474368997,"Using string-matching to analyze hypertext navigation","Ruddle",1,0,11,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Roy A. Ruddle","Roy A. Ruddle","Short paper","","true","Analysis, Navigation, String-matching","true","A method of using string-matching to analyze hypertext navigation was developed, and evaluated using two weeks of website logfile data. The method is divided into phases that use: (i) exact string-matching to calculate subsequences of links that were repeated in different navigation sessions (common trails through the website), and then (ii) inexact matching to find other similar sessions (a community of users with a similar interest). The evaluation showed how subsequences could be used to understand the information pathways users chose to follow within a website, and that exact and inexact matching provided complementary ways of identifying information that may have been of interest to a whole community of users, but which was only found by a minority. This illustrates how string-matching could be used to improve the structure of hypertext collections." 1474369002,"Hyperlink assessment based on web usage mining","Kazienko & Pilarczyk",0,0,10,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Marcin Pilarczyk, Przemysław Kazienko","Przemysław Kazienko","Short paper","","true","hyperlink assessment, negative association rules, web mining","false","One of the basic methods of web usage mining are association rules that indicate relationships among common use of web pages. Positive and confined negative association rules are the components of the new quality measures: Positive and Negative Quality function, respectively. These functions are used to evaluate the quality of hyperlinks existing on web pages. A number of statistics and the expert validation revealed the usefulness of association rules for the assessment of hyperlink usability." 1474373907,"Experiments toward reverse linking on the web","Yesilada, Lunn & Harper",6,0,27,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Darren Lunn, Simon Harper, Yeliz Yesilada","Yeliz Yesilada","Full paper","","true","Bi-directional Linking, Hypertext, Inbound Links, World Wide Web","true","Multi-headed reverse linking (incoming links) is a fundamental concept of Open Hypermedia Systems. However, this bi-directionality has been lost in the move to the World Wide Web (Web). Here, we suggest a Web based solution for rediscovering these reverse links, and develop a series of experiments to demonstrate our approach. Simply our algorithm involves parsing a Web server’s log file, identifying each Web page viewed and saving an ordered list of referrers within a ‘name-matched’ XML file. This file is then used as a link point within a standard XHTML Web-page using a freely available Javascript library. While we have not performed any comprehensive user evaluation initial qualitative results suggest users are positive regarding our additions and that widespread adoption would increase user satisfaction due to constancy of the browsing experience." 1474394332,"Cross-site personalization: assisting users in addressing information needs that span independently hosted websites","Koidl, Conlan & Wade",0,0,65,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Kevin Koidl, Owen Conlan, Vincent Wade","Kevin Koidl","Full paper","","true","Adaptive Hypermedia, Adaptive Linking, Augmentation, Networked User Engagement, User Experience, User Model Scrutiny and Control, User Privacy, Web Personalization","false","This paper discusses Cross-Site Personalization (CSP) an approach to provide personalized assistance for the user in addressing information needs that span independently hosted websites. This is done by seamlessly personalizing the support offered to each individual user, as they browse across multiple websites, by modeling the user’s interactions and then augmenting information access points, such as links, on each independent website. Cross-Site Personalization is realized as a third-party API offering Personalisation As a Service to ensure cross-site and cross-device usage. The personalized augmentations are provided through module extensions for the Web-based Content Management Systems (WCMS) Drupal. The approach is non-intrusive and does not limit or alter the user’s information access paradigm. This is done by visually augmenting the existing hyperlinks on webpages. The design of the API ensures user’s privacy by not disclosing personal browsing information to the websites. Rather, this approach recommends how each website may adapt their information and navigation structures to meet user’s information needs. Finally, the approach ensures user control and scrutiny. The user can enable/disable CSP at any time and view any information collected. The evaluation of the approach was conducted with a real-world use case. This paper introduces the architecture, a prototype implementation and encouraging evaluation results." 1474397899,"Content Virality on Online Social Networks: Empirical Evidence from Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ on German News Websites","Heimbach et al.",0,0,50,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Benjamin Schiller, Irina Heimbach, Oliver Hinz, Thorsten Strufe","Irina Heimbach","Full paper","","true","Content virality, News articles, Online social networks","false","The virality of content describes its likelihood to be shared with peers. In this work, we investigate how content characteristics impact the sharing likelihood of news articles on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. We examine a random sample of 4,278 articles from the most popular news websites in Germany categorized by human classifiers and text mining tools. Our analysis reveals commonalities and subtle differences between the three networks indicating different sharing patterns of their users." 1474397903,"Machine Classification and Analysis of Suicide-Related Communication on Twitter","Burnap, Colombo & Scourfield",0,0,39,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Jonathan Scourfield, Pete Burnap, Walter Colombo","Pete Burnap","Full paper","","true","","false","The World Wide Web, and online social networks in particular, have increased connectivity between people such that information can spread to millions of people in a matter of minutes. This form of online collective contagion has provided many benefits to society, such as providing reassurance and emergency management in the immediate aftermath of natural disasters. However, it also poses a potential risk to vulnerable Web users who receive this information and could subsequently come to harm. One example of this would be the spread of suicidal ideation in online social networks, about which concerns have been raised. In this paper we report the results of a number of machine classifiers built with the aim of classifying text relating to suicide on Twitter. The classifier distinguishes between the more worrying content, such as suicidal ideation, and other suicide-related topics such as reporting of a suicide, memorial, campaigning and support. It also aims to identify flippant references to suicide. We built a set of baseline classifiers using lexical, structural, emotive and psychological features extracted from Twitter posts. We then improved on the baseline classifiers by building an ensemble classifier using the Rotation Forest algorithm and a Maximum Probability voting classification decision method, based on the outcome of base classifiers. This achieved an F-measure of 0.728 overall (for 7 classes, including suicidal ideation) and 0.69 for the suicidal ideation class. We summarise the results by reflecting on the most significant predictive principle components of the suicidal ideation class to provide insight into the language used on Twitter to express suicidal ideation." 1474397919,"A Long-Term Study of a Crowdfunding Platform: Predicting Project Success and Fundraising Amount","Chung & Lee",0,0,25,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Jinwook Chung, Kyumin Lee","Jinwook Chung","Full paper","","true","crowdfunding, fundraising amount, kickstarter, project success, twitter","false","Crowdfunding platforms have become important sites where people can create projects to seek funds toward turning their ideas into products, and back someone else’s projects. As news media have reported successfully funded projects (e.g., Pebble Time, Coolest Cooler), more people have joined crowdfunding platforms and launched projects. But in spite of rapid growth of the number of users and projects, a project success rate at large has been decreasing because of launching projects without enough preparation and experience. To solve the problem, in this paper we (i) collect the largest datasets from Kickstarter, consisting of all project profiles, corresponding user profiles, projects’ temporal data and users’ social media information; (ii) analyze characteristics of successful projects, behaviors of users and understand dynamics of the crowdfunding platform; (iii) propose novel statistical approaches to predict whether a project will be successful and a range of expected pledged money of the project; and (iv) develop predictive models and evaluate performance of the models. Our experimental results show that the predictive models can effectively predict project success and a range of expected pledged money." 1474397921,"Pairwise Preferences Elicitation and Exploitation for Conversational Collaborative Filtering","Blédaité & Ricci",1,0,23,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Francesco Ricci, Laura Blédaité","Laura Blédaité","Short paper","","true","Pairwise preferences, collaborative filtering, recommender systems","true","The research and development of recommender systems is dominated by models of user’s preferences learned from ratings for items. However, ratings have several disadvantages, which we discuss, and in order to address these issues we analyse another way to articulate preferences, i.e., as pairwise comparisons: item A is preferred to item B. We have developed a recommendation technology that, combining ratings and pairwise preferences, can generate better recommendations than a state of the art solution uniquely based on ratings." 1474397923,"Other Times, Other Values: Leveraging Attribute History to Link User Profiles across Online Social Networks","Jain, Kumaraguru & Joshi",1,0,29,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Anupam Joshi, Paridhi Jain, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru","Paridhi Jain","Full paper","","true","","true","Profile linking is the ability to connect profiles of a user on different social networks. Linked profiles can help companies like Disney to build psychographics of potential customers and segment them for targeted marketing in a cost-effective way. Existing methods link profiles by observing high similarity between most recent (current) values of the attributes like name and username. However, for a section of users observed to evolve their attributes over time and choose dissimilar values across their profiles, these current values have low similarity. Existing methods then falsely conclude that profiles refer to different users. To reduce such false conclusions, we suggest to gather rich history of values assigned to an attribute over time and compare attribute histories to link user profiles across networks. We believe that attribute history highlights user preferences for creating attribute values on a social network. Co-existence of these preferences across profiles on different social networks result in alike attribute histories that suggests profiles potentially refer to a single user. Through a focused study on username, we quantify the importance of username history for profile linking on a dataset of real-world users with profiles on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr. We show that username history correctly links 44% more profile pairs with non-matching current values that are incorrectly unlinked by existing methods. We further explore if factors such as longevity and availability of username history on either profiles affect linking performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that explores viability of using an attribute history to link profiles on social networks." 1474397928,"Random Voting Effects in Social-Digital Spaces: A Case Study of Reddit Post Submissions","Weninger, Johnston & Glenski",0,0,17,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Maria Glenski, Thomas James Johnston, Tim Weninger","Tim Weninger","Short paper","","true","herding effects, social media, voting","false","At a time when information seekers first turn to digital sources for news and opinion, it is critical that we understand the role that social media plays in human behavior. This is especially true when information consumers also act as information producers and editors by their online activity. In order to better understand the effects that editorial ratings have on online human behavior, we report the results of a large-scale in-vivo experiment in social media. We find that small, random rating manipulations on social media submissions created significant changes in downstream ratings resulting in significantly different final outcomes. Positive treatment resulted in a positive effect that increased the final rating by 11.02% on average. Compared to the control group, positive treatment also increased the probability of reaching a high rating >=2000 by 24.6%. Contrary to the results of related work we also find that negative treatment resulted in a negative effect that decreased the final rating by 5.15% on average." 1474393233,"Harnessing linked knowledge sources for topic classification in social media","Cano et al.",0,0,19,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Amparo E. Cano, Andrea Varga, Fabio Ciravegna, Matthew Rowe, Yulan He","Amparo E. Cano","Full paper","","true","emergency response, linked knowledge sources, named entities, semantic concept graphs, violence detection","false","Topic classification (TC) of short text messages offers an effective and fast way to reveal events happening around the world ranging from those related to Disaster (e.g. Sandy hurricane) to those related to Violence (e.g. Egypt revolution). Previous approaches to TC have mostly focused on exploiting individual knowledge sources (KS) (e.g. DBpedia or Freebase) without considering the graph structures that surround concepts present in KSs when detecting the topics of Tweets. In this paper we introduce a novel approach for harnessing such graph structures from multiple linked KSs, by: (i) building a conceptual representation of the KSs, (ii) leveraging contextual information about concepts by exploiting semantic concept graphs, and (iii) providing a principled way for the combination of KSs. Experiments evaluating our TC classifier in the context of Violence detection (VD) and Emergency Responses (ER) show promising results that significantly outperform various baseline models including an approach using a single KS without linked data and an approach using only Tweets." 1474393235,"Challenging information foraging theory: screen reader users are not always driven by information scent","Vigo & Harper",1,0,23,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Markel Vigo, Simon Harper","Markel Vigo","Full paper","","true","Information foraging theory, Web, accessibility, blind users, coping tactics, information scent, low vision, navigation models, screen readers","true","Little is known about the navigation tactics employed by screen reader users when they face problematic situations on the Web. Understanding how these tactics are operationalised and knowing the situations that bring about such tactics paves the way towards modeling navigation behaviour. Modeling the navigation of users is of utmost importance as it allows not only to predict interactive behaviour, but also to assess the appropriateness of the content in a link, the information architecture of a site and the design of a web page. Current navigation models do not consider the extreme adaptations, namely coping tactics, that screen reader users undergo on the Web. Consequently, their prediction power is lessened and coping tactics are mistakenly considered outlying behaviours. We draw from existing navigation models for sighted users to suggest the incorporation of emerging behaviours in navigation models for screen reader users. To do so, we identify the navigation coping tactics screen reader users exhibit on the Web, including deliberately clicking on low scented links, escaping from useless or inaccessible content and backtracking to a shelter. Our findings suggest that, especially in problematic situations, navigation is not driven by information scent or utility, but by the need of increasing autonomy and the need of escaping from the current web patch." 1474393236,"Activity fragmentation in the web: empowering users to support their own webflows","Díaz, De Sosa & Trujillo",0,0,21,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Josune De Sosa, Oscar Díaz, Salvador Trujillo","Oscar Díaz","Full paper","","true","","false","The Web is becoming a main conduit for our daily activities. When an activity expands across different websites, the user is left alone in the effort to aggregate the resources and services required in carrying out these cross-site activities. This results in a lost of focus, and constant switching among websites. The problem is that these webflows tend to be highly personal and hence, difficult to foreseen. Therefore, we advocate for users to be empowered to define these roadmaps upon the websphere. This work introduces CORSET, a Firefox plugin that lets users create their own webflows in the browser side. A corset is defined as a state-transition diagram, and results in “layer hyperlinks” being superimposed upon the participating websites. The expressiveness of CORSET is validated against four webflow patterns: the hub-and-spoke pattern, the guided-tour pattern, the parallel pattern and the interruption pattern. The benefits include (1) mitigation of activity fragmentation, (2) consolidation of webflow knowledge that is now amenable to sharing, (3) reduction in the number of clicks, and (4), alleviation of waiting times through page pre-load." 1474393244,"Graph based techniques for tag cloud generation","Leginus, Dolog & Lage",0,0,21,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Martin Leginus, Peter Dolog, Ricardo Lage","Martin Leginus","Full paper","","true","Graph theory, Tag cloud","false","Tag cloud is one of the navigation aids for exploring documents. Tag cloud also link documents through the user defined terms. We explore various graph based techniques to improve the tag cloud generation. Moreover, we introduce relevance measures based on underlying data such as ratings or citation counts for improved measurement of relevance of tag clouds. We show, that on the given data sets, our approach outperforms the state of the art baseline methods with respect to such relevance by 41 % on Movielens dataset and by 11 % on Bibsonomy data set." 1474393252,"Engagement-based user attention distribution on web article pages","Rokhlenko et al.",1,0,25,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Limor Leibovich, Nadav Golbandi, Oleg Rokhlenko, Ronny Lempel","Oleg Rokhlenko","Short paper","","true","Ads Positioning, User Attention","true","The main monetization vehicle of many Web media sites are display ads located on article pages. Those ads are typically displayed either as banners on top of the page, or on the page’s side bar. Advertiser ROI depends on the quality of ad targeting, as well as on how noticeable those ads are to users reading the article. Focusing on the latter issue, previous work has studied which ad positions are, on aggregate, more noticed by users.####This work takes the first step toward the personalized positioning of ads on article pages. We demonstrate a correlation between the level of attention that users devote to a story, and the position of the most noticeable graphic element on the side bar. In particular, we find that the graphic element most noticed by a user is roughly to the side of the point in the article where the user’s attention waned. We argue that this finding lays the foundation for increasing display advertising effectiveness by tailoring ad positions on each article page impression to the user viewing it." 1474393255,"How annotation styles influence content and preferences","Cheng & Cosley",0,0,22,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Dan Cosley, Justin Cheng","Justin Cheng","Short paper","","true","Tagging, annotation, digital photographs, motivations","false","Photo-tagging web sites provide several methods to annotate photographs. In this paper, we study how people use and respond to three different annotation styles: single-word tags, multi-word tags, and comments. We find significant differences in how annotation styles influence the objectivity, descriptiveness, and interestingness of annotations. Although single-word and multi-word tags are not normally differentiated, users prefer multi-word tags for their combination of descriptiveness and succinctness. We also discover that producers and consumers assess annotation styles differently in terms of ease of use, support for different user goals, and amount of effort required, demonstrating that allowing multiple modes of annotation is generally beneficial, as is considering both tag production and consumption." 1474393256,"A general collaborative filtering framework based on matrix bordered block diagonal forms","Zhang et al.",0,0,38,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Min Zhang, Shaoping Ma, Yiqun Liu, Yongfeng Zhang","Yongfeng Zhang","Short paper","","true","Bordered Block Diagonal Form, Collaborative Filtering, Graph Partitioning","false","Recommender systems based on Collaborative Filtering (CF) techniques have achieved great success in e-commerce, social networks and various other applications on the Web. However, problems such as data sparsity and scalability are still important issues to be investigated in CF algorithms. In this paper, we present a novel CF framework that is based on Bordered Block Diagonal Form (BBDF) matrices attempting to meet the challenges of data sparsity and scalability. In this framework, general and special interests of users are distinguished, which helps to improve prediction accuracy in collaborative filtering tasks. Experimental results on four real-world datasets show that the proposed framework helps many traditional CF algorithms to make more accurate rating predictions. Moreover, by leveraging smaller and denser submatrices to make predictions, this framework contributes to the scalability of recommender systems." 1474393258,"'Tell me what I want to know!': the effect of relationship closeness on the relevance of profile attributes","Guerreiro & Gonçalves",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Daniel Gonçalves, João Guerreiro","João Guerreiro","Short paper","","true","Information Overload, Person Search, Personal Information, Profile Attributes, Relationship Closeness, Social Networking Sites, Social Relationships, User Study","false","The growing amount of personal information on the web raises increasing concerns about what and with whom we share information online. Nevertheless, little effort has been made in determining the relevance of the information shared with us or in filtering it accordingly. We conducted a study to identify the most relevant characteristics when seeking information about people and to scrutinize their differences among relationship types. To achieve that, we asked users to describe people (friends, acquaintances and famous people). Afterwards, we asked them to rate the perceived relevance of a carefully pre-determined set of attributes for each type. Results showed that their relevance varied depending on the relationship. As an outcome, we present the most relevant attributes when seeking information about friends, acquaintances and famous people and the major differences among them. We conclude suggesting how our findings may influence the design of interactive systems where such data is paramount." 1474393259,"From RDF to RSS and atom: content syndication with linked data","Stolz & Hepp",0,0,32,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Alex Stolz, Martin Hepp","Alex Stolz","Short paper","","true","Affiliate Marketing, Atom, Content Syndication, GoodRelations, Microdata, Pipes, RDF, RDFa, RSS","false","For typical Web developers, it is complicated to integrate content from the Semantic Web to an existing Web site. On the contrary, most software packages for blogs, content management, and shop applications support the simple syndication of content from external sources via data feed formats, namely RSS and Atom. In this paper, we describe a novel technique for consuming useful data from the Semantic Web in the form of RSS or Atom feeds. Our approach combines (1) the simplicity and broad tooling support of existing feed formats, (2) the precision of queries against structured data built upon common Web vocabularies like, GoodRelations, FOAF, SIOC, or VCard, and (3) the ease of integrating content from a large number of Web sites and other data sources of RDF in general. We also (4) provide a pattern for embedding RDFa into the feed content in a “viral” way so that the original URIs of entities are included in all Web pages that republish the original content and that those pages will link back to the original content. This helps prevent the proliferation of identifiers for entities and provides a simple means for tracking the document URI at which particular content reappears." 1474394330,"An author-reader influence model for detecting topic-based influencers in social media","Herzig, Mass & Roitman",0,0,25,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Haggai Roitman, Jonathan Herzig, Yosi Mass","Jonathan Herzig","Full paper","","true","Influencers Detection, Social Media","false","This work addresses the problem of detecting topic-based influencers in social media. For that end, we devise a novel behavioral model of authors and readers, where authors try to influence readers by generating “attractive” content, which is both relevant and unique, and readers can become authors themselves by further citing or referencing content made by other authors. The model is realized by means of a content-based citation graph, where nodes represent authors with their generated content and edges represent reader-to-author citations. To find the top influencers for a given topic, we first profile the content of authors (nodes) and citations (edges) and derive topic-based similarity scores to the topic, which further model the unique and relevant topic interests of users. We then present three different extensions of the Topic-Sensitive PageRank algorithm that exploit the similarity scores to find topic-based influencers. We evaluate our solution on a large real-world dataset that was gathered from Twitter by measuring information diffusion in social networks. We show that, overall, our methods outperform several state-of-the-art methods. This work further serves as an evidence that the topic uniqueness aspect in user interests within social media should be considered for the influencers detection task; this is in comparison to previous works that have solely focused on detecting topic-based influencers using the combination of link structure and topic-relevance." 1474394331,"Exploiting the wisdom of the crowds for characterizing and connecting heterogeneous resources","Kawase et al.",0,0,21,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Bernardo Pereira Nunes, Eelco Herder, Patrick Siehndel, Ricardo Kawase, Wolfgang Nejdl","Ricardo Kawase","Full paper","","true","Classification, Comparison, Domain independent, Fingerprints, Wikipedia","false","Heterogeneous content is an inherent problem for cross-system search, recommendation and personalization. In this paper we investigate differences in topic coverage and the impact of topics in different kinds of Web services. We use entity extraction and categorization to create fingerprints that allow for meaningful comparison. As a basis taxonomy, we use the 23 main categories of Wikipedia Category Graph, which has been assembled over the years by the wisdom of the crowds. Following a proof of concept of our approach, we analyze differences in topic coverage and topic impact. The results show many differences between Web services like Twitter, Flickr and Delicious, which reflect users’ behavior and the usage of each system. The paper concludes with a user study that demonstrates the benefits of fingerprints over traditional textual methods for recommendations of heterogeneous resources." 1474400434,"Social Media-Based Collaborative Information Access: Analysis of Online Crisis-Related Twitter Conversations","Tamine et al.",1,0,42,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Camille Roth, Chihab Hanachi, Frederic Amblard, Gilles Hubert, Lamjed Ben Jabeur, Laure Soulier, Lynda Tamine","Lynda Tamine","Full paper","","true","Collaboration, Information Access, Social Networks, Topic Models, Twitter","true","The notion of implicit (or explicit) collaborative information access refers to systems and practices allowing a group of users to unintentionally (respectively intentionally) seek, share and retrieve information to achieve similar (respectively shared) information-related goals. Despite an increasing adoption in social environments, collaboration behavior in information seeking and retrieval is mainly limited to small-sized groups, generally restricted to working spaces. Much remains to be learned about collaborative information seeking within open web social spaces. This paper is an attempt to better understand either implicit or explicit collaboration by studying Twitter, one of the most popular and widely used social networks. We study in particular the complex intertwinement of human interactions induced by both collaboration and social networking. We empirically explore explicit collaborative interactions based on focused conversation streams during two crisis. We identify structural patterns of temporally representative conversation subgraphs and represent their topics using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) modeling. Our main findings suggest that: 1) the critical mass of collaboration is generally limited to small-sized flat networks, with or without an influential user, 2) users are active as members of weakly overlapping groups and engage in numerous collaborative search and sharing tasks dealing with different topics, and 3) collaborative group ties evolve within the time-span of conversations." 1474400435,"Can Disputed Topic Suggestion Enhance User Consideration of Information Credibility in Web Search?","Yamamoto & Shimada",0,0,27,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Satoshi Shimada, Yusuke Yamamoto","Yusuke Yamamoto","Full paper","","true","Web search, behavior analysis, careful information seeking, credibility, decision making","false","During web search and browsing, people often accept misinformation due to their inattention to information credibility and biases. To obtain correct web information and support effective decision making, it is important to enhance searcher credibility assessment and develop algorithms to detect suspicious information. In this paper, we investigate how credibility alarms for web search results affect searcher behavior and decision making in information access systems. This study focuses on disputed topic suggestion as a credibility alarm approach. We conducted an online user study in which 92 participants performed a search task for health information. Through log analysis and user surveys, we confirmed the following. (1) Disputed topic suggestion in a search results list makes participants spend more time browsing pages than ordinary search conditions, thereby promoting careful information seeking. (2) Disputed topic suggestion during web browsing does not change participant behaviors but works as complementary information. This study contributes to system designs to enhance user engagement in critical and careful information seeking." 1474400446,"The Influence of Frequency, Recency and Semantic Context on the Reuse of Tags in Social Tagging Systems","Kowald & Lex",3,0,29,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Dominik Kowald, Elisabeth Lex","Dominik Kowald","Short paper","","true","Boundary objects, Community Q&A, Community management, Online communities","true","In this paper, we study factors that influence tag reuse behavior in social tagging systems. Our work is guided by the activation equation of the cognitive model ACT-R, which states that the usefulness of information in human memory depends on the three factors usage frequency, recency and semantic context. It is our aim to shed light on the influence of these factors on tag reuse. In our experiments, we utilize six datasets from the social tagging systems Flickr, CiteULike, BibSonomy, Delicious, LastFM and MovieLens, covering a range of various tagging settings. Our results confirm that frequency, recency and semantic context positively influence the reuse probability of tags. However, the extent to which each factor individually influences tag reuse strongly depends on the type of folksonomy present in a social tagging system. Our work can serve as guideline for researchers and developers of tag-based recommender systems when designing algorithms for social tagging environments." 1474400456,"A Fuzzy-Based Personalized Recommender System for Local Businesses","Tsai",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Chun-Hua Tsai","Chun-Hua Tsai","Short paper","","true","Fuzzy Logic, Recommender System, Reviewing Network","false","On-line reviewing systems have become prevalent in our society. User-provided reviews of local businesses have provided rich information in terms of users’ preferences regarding businesses and their interactions in reviewing systems; however, little is known about how the reviewing behaviors of users can benefit businesses in terms of suggesting potential collaboration opportunities. In the current study, we aim to build a recommendation system for businesses to provide suggestions for business collaboration. Based on historical data from Yelp that shows two businesses being reviewed by the same users within a same season, we were able to identify businesses that might attract the same customers in the future, and hence provide them with a collaboration suggestion. Our results suggest that the evidence - two businesses sharing reviews from same users - can provide recommendations for businesses to pursue future collaborative marketing opportunities." 1474400458,"Human vs. Automated Text Analysis: Estimating Positive and Negative Affect","Ziemer & Korkmaz",1,0,27,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Gizem Korkmaz, Kathryn Schaefer Ziemer","Kathryn Schaefer Ziemer","Short paper","","true","LIWC, Lasso, automated text analysis, expressive writing, feature selection, human coding, sentiment analysis","true","Automated text analysis (ATA) has been a widely used tool for determining the sentiment of writing samples. However, it is unclear how ATA compares to human ratings of text when estimating affect. There are costs and benefits associated with each method, and comparing the two approaches will help determine which one provides the most useful and accurate results. This study uses 279 journal entries from individuals with chronic pain in order to estimate the positive and negative affect scores reported directly by participants. We use Lasso to select the features that are most predictive of affect. Our results indicate that the model combining human coders and ATA accounts for the most variance in self-reported positive affect scores, resulting in adjusted R-squared=0.36. For negative affect scores, we obtain a lower adjusted R-squared=0.30 with the combined model, however, ATA results in significantly higher adjusted R-squared=0.27 compared to the model using only human coders, R-squared=0.14. This suggests that utilizing human coders may be the most beneficial when the focus is on positive affect, but automated text analysis may be sufficient when studying negative affect." 1513449544,"Entity-centric Data Fusion on the Web","Thalhammer et al.",0,0,34,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Andreas Harth, Andreas Thalhammer, Rudi Studer, Steffen Thoma","Andreas Thalhammer","Full paper","","true","data provenance, data/knowledge fusion, entity data fusion, entity-centric data fusion, linked data, n-ary relations, structured data","false","A lot of current web pages include structured data which can directly be processed and used. Search engines, in particular, gather that structured data and provide question answering capabilities over the integrated data with an entity-centric presentation of the results. Due to the decentralized nature of the web, multiple structured data sources can provide similar information about an entity. But data from different sources may involve different vocabularies and modeling granularities, which makes integration difficult. We present an approach that identifies similar entity-specific data across sources, independent of the vocabulary and data modeling choices. We apply our method along the scenario of a trustable knowledge panel, conduct experiments in which we identify and process entity data from web sources, and compare the output to a competing system. The results underline the advantages of the presented entity-centric data fusion approach." 1513449547,"Estimating Relative User Expertise for Content Quality Prediction on Reddit","Lim, Carman & Wong",0,0,35,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Mark James Carman, Sze-Meng Jojo Wong, Wern Han Lim","Wern Han Lim","Full paper","","true","Information quality, Information retrieval, Knowledge management, Reddit, User expertise","false","Reddit as a social curation site relies on its users to curate content from the World Wide Web (WWW) for the consumption of other users. Content on the site is enriched through user comments, discussions and extensions. This additional content is of varying quality however—ranging from meaningful information to misleading content; depending on the reliability, expertise and intention of the authors. Reddit relies on the Wisdom of the Crowd (WotC) from its community as well as selected moderators to manage its content. We argue that this approach suffers from the cold start in collecting user votes and is at risk of user bias, particularly a group-think mentality. Besides that, managing the large collection of content on Reddit is expensive. In our study, we explore the estimation of relative user expertise through various content-agnostic approaches. We show that it is possible to infer information quality on Reddit using the expertise of the authors. This prediction of content quality could lead to an improved organisation of Reddit content (re-ranking) for user consumption and future information retrieval." 1513523111,"Discovering Typical Histories of Entities by Multi-Timeline Summarization","Duan, Jatowt & Tanaka",0,0,31,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Adam Jatowt, Katsumi Tanaka, Yijun Duan","Yijun Duan","Full paper","","true","Wikipedia, digital history, entity summarization, typicality","false","Categorization is a common solution used for organizing entities. For example, there are over 1.13 million categories in Wikipedia which group various types of entities such as persons, locations, etc. What is however often lacking when it comes to understanding categories is a clear information about the common aspects of the entities in a given category, for example, information on their shared histories. We propose in this paper a novel task of automatically creating summaries of typical histories of entities within their categories (e.g., a typical history of a Japanese city). The output summary is in the form of key representative events together with the information on their average dates. We introduce 4 methods for the aforementioned task and evaluate them on Wikipedia categories containing several types of cities and persons. The summaries we generate can provide information on the common evolution of entities falling into the same category as well as they can be compared with the summaries of related categories for providing contrastive type of knowledge." 1513523116,"Leveraging Followee List Memberships for Inferring User Interests for Passive Users on Twitter","Piao & Breslin",0,0,32,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Guangyuan Piao, John G. Breslin","Guangyuan Piao","Full paper","","true","Passive users, Personalization, Twitter, User modeling","false","User modeling for inferring user interests from Online Social Networks (OSNs) such as Twitter has received great attention in the user modeling community with the growing popularity of OSNs. The focus of previous works has been on analyzing user-generated content such as tweets to infer user interests. Therefore, these previous studies were limited to active users who have been actively generating content. On the other hand, with the percentage of passive use of OSNs on the rise, some researchers investigated different types of information about followees (i.e., people that a user is following) such as tweets, usernames, and biographies to infer user interests for passive users who use OSNs for consuming information from followees but who do not produce any content. Although different types of information about followees have been exploited, list memberships (a topical list which other Twitter users can freely add a user into) of followees have not yet been investigated extensively for inferring user interests.####In this paper, we investigate list memberships of followees, to infer interest profiles for passive users. To this end, we propose user modeling strategies with two different weighting schemes as well as a refined interest propagation strategy based on previous work. In addition, we investigate whether the information from biographies and list memberships of followees can complement each other, and thus improve the quality of inferred interest profiles for passive users. Results show that leveraging list memberships of followees is useful for inferring user interests when the number of followees is relatively small compared to using biographies of followees. In addition, we found that combining the two different types of information (list memberships and biographies) of followees can improve the quality of user interest profiles significantly compared to a state-of-art method in the context of link recommendations on Twitter." 1474394349,"Balancing diversity to counter-measure geographical centralization in microblogging platforms","Graells-Garrido & Lalmas",2,0,25,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Eduardo Graells-Garrido, Mounia Lalmas","Eduardo Graells-Garrido","Short paper","","true","Geolocation, Information Diversity, Information Filtering","true","We study whether geographical centralization is reflected in the virtual population of microblogging platforms. A consequence of centralization is the decreased visibility and findability of content from less central locations. We propose to counteract geographical centralization in microblogging timelines by promoting geographical diversity through: 1) a characterization of imbalance in location interaction centralization over a graph of geographical interactions from user generated content; 2) geolocation of microposts using imbalance-aware content features in text classifiers, and evaluation of those classifiers according to their diversity and accuracy; 3) definition of a two-step information filtering algorithm to ensure diversity in summary timelines of events. We study our proposal through an analysis of a dataset of Twitter in Chile, in the context of the 2012 municipal political elections." 1474394350,"Inferring nationalities of Twitter users and studying inter-national linking","Huang, Weber & Vieweg",0,0,23,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Ingmar Weber, Sarah Vieweg, Wenyi Huang","Wenyi Huang","Short paper","","true","Qatar, Twitter, nationality inference, user classification","false","Twitter user profiles contain rich information that allows researchers to infer particular attributes of users’ identities. Knowing identity attributes such as gender, age, and/or nationality are a first step in many studies which seek to describe various phenomena related to computational social science. Often, it is through such attributes that studies of social media that focus on, for example, the isolation of foreigners, become possible. However, such characteristics are not often clearly stated by Twitter users, so researchers must turn to other means to ascertain various categories of identity. In this paper, we discuss the challenge of detecting the nationality of Twitter users using rich features from their profiles. In addition, we look at the effectiveness of different features as we go about this task. For the case of a highly diverse country—Qatar—we provide a detailed network analysis with insights into user behaviors and linking preference (or the lack thereof) to other nationalities." 1474394354,"Finding mr and mrs entity in the city of knowledge","Garcia et al.",1,0,30,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Martin Stephenson, Pierpaolo Tommasi, Spyros Kotoulas, Vanessa Lopez Garcia","Vanessa Lopez Garcia","Short paper","","true","","true","More and more urban data is published every day, and consequently, consumers want to take advantage of this body of knowledge. Unfortunately, metadata and schema information around this content is sparse. To effectively fulfill user information needs, systems must be able to capture user intent and context in order to evolve beyond current search and exploration techniques. A Linked Data approach is uniquely positioned to surface information and provide interoperability across a diversity of information sources, from consumer data residing in the original enterprise systems, to relevant open city data in tabular form. We present a prototype for contextual knowledge mining that enables federated access and querying of entities across hundreds of enterprise and open datasets pertaining to cities. The proposed system is able to (1) lift raw tabular data into a connected and meaningful structure, contextualized within the Web of Data, and (2) support novel search and exploration tasks, by identifying closely related entities across datasets and models. Our user experiments and prototype show how semantics, used to consolidate city information and reuse assets from the Web of Data, improve dataset search and provide users effective means to explore related entities and content to fit their information needs." 1474394356,"On the choice of data sources to improve content discoverability via textual feature optimization","Santos-Neto et al.",0,0,29,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Elizeu Santos-Neto, Jussara Almeida, Matei Ripeanu, Tatiana Pontes","Elizeu Santos-Neto","Short paper","","true","peer-production, social tagging, video popularity","false","A large portion of the audience of video content items on the web currently comes from keyword-based search and/or tag-based navigation. Thus, the textual features of this content (e.g., the title, description, and tags) can directly impact the view count of a particular content item, and ultimately the advertisement generated revenue. More importantly, the textual features can generally be optimized to attract more search traffic. This study makes progress on the problem of automating tag selection for online video content with the goal of increasing viewership. It brings two key insights: first, based on evidence that existing tags for YouTube videos can be improved by an automated tag recommender, even for a sample of well curated movies, it explores the impact of using information mined from repositories created by different production modes (e.g., peer- and expert-produced); second, this study performs a preliminary characterization of the factors that impact the quality of the tag recommendation pipeline for different input data sources." 1474394358,"Twitter in academic conferences: usage, networking and participation over time","Wen et al.",0,0,25,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Christoph Trattner, Denis Parra, Xidao Wen, Yu-Ru Lin","Xidao Wen","Short paper","","true","Twitter, academic conferences, interactions, retention, usage","false","Twitter is often referred to as a backchannel for conferences. While the main conference takes place in a physical setting, attendees and virtual attendees socialize, introduce new ideas or broadcast information by microblogging on Twitter. In this paper we analyze the scholars’ Twitter use in 16 Computer Science conferences over a timespan of five years. Our primary finding is that over the years there are increasing differences with respect to conversation use and information use in Twitter. We studied the interaction network between users to understand whether assumptions about the structure of the conversations hold over time and between different types of interactions, such as retweets, replies, and mentions. While ‘people come and people go,’ we want to understand what keeps people staying engaged with the conference on Twitter. By casting the problem as a classification task, we find different factors that contribute to the continuing participation of users to the online Twitter conference activity. These results have implications for research communities to implement strategies for continuous and active participation among members." 1474397896,"Did You Expect Your Users to Say This?: Distilling Unexpected Micro-reviews for Venue Owners","Chong, Dia & Lim",0,0,32,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Bing Tian Dai, Ee-Peng Lim, Wen-Haw Chong","Wen-Haw Chong","Full paper","","true","Foursquare, Micro-review, ranking, tip, unexpected","false","With social media platforms such as Foursquare, users can now generate concise reviews, i.e. micro-reviews, about entities such as venues (or products). From the venue owner’s perspective, analysing these micro-reviews will offer interesting insights, useful for event detection and customer relationship management. However not all micro-reviews are equally important, especially since a venue owner should already be familiar with his venue’s primary aspects. Instead we envisage that a venue owner will be interested in micro-reviews that are unexpected to him. These can arise in many ways, such as users focusing on easily overlooked aspects (by the venue owner), making comparisons with competitors, using unusual language or mentioning rare venue-related events, e.g. a dish being contaminated with bugs. Hence in this study, we propose to discover unexpected information in micro-reviews, primarily to serve the needs of venue owners.####Our proposed solution is to score and rank micro-reviews, for which we design a novel topic model, Sparse Additive Micro-Review (SAMR). Our model surfaces micro-review topics related to the venues. By properly offsetting these topics, we then derive unexpected micro-reviews. Qualitatively, we observed reasonable results for many venues. We then evaluate ranking accuracy using both human annotation and an automated approach with synthesized data. Both sets of evaluation indicate that our novel topic model, Sparse Additive Micro-Review (SAMR) has the best ranking accuracy, outperforming baselines using chi-square statistics and the vector space model." 1474397898,"Breaking Bad: Understanding Behavior of Crowd Workers in Categorization Microtasks","Gadiraju et al.",1,0,12,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Besnik Fetahu, Patrick Siehndel, Ricardo Kawase, Ujwal Gadiraju","Ujwal Gadiraju","Short paper","","true","Behavior, Categorization, Crowdsourcing, Incentives, Microtasks, Task Length, Workers","true","Crowdsourcing systems are being widely used to overcome several challenges that require human intervention. While there is an increase in the adoption of the crowdsourcing paradigm as a solution, there are no established guidelines or tangible recommendations for task design with respect to key parameters such as task length, monetary incentive and time required for task completion. In this paper, we propose the tuning of these parameters based on our findings from extensive experiments and analysis of categorization tasks. We delve into the behavior of workers that consume categorization tasks to determine measures that can make task design more effective." 1474400424,"Guiding Users through Asynchronous Meeting Content with Hypervideo Playback Plans","Girgensohn et al.",3,0,29,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Andreas Girgensohn, Frank Shipman, Jennifer Marlow, Lynn Wilcox","Andreas Girgensohn","Full paper","","true","Hypervideo, interactive video, videoconferencing, visualization","true","We previously created the HyperMeeting system to support a chain of geographically and temporally distributed meetings in the form of a hypervideo. This paper focuses on playback plans that guide users through the recorded meeting content by automatically following available hyperlinks. Our system generates playback plans based on users’ interests or prior meeting attendance and presents a dialog that lets users select the most appropriate plan. Prior experience with playback plans revealed users’ confusion with automatic link following within a sequence of meetings. To address this issue, we designed three timeline visualizations of playback plans. A user study comparing the timeline designs indicated that different visualizations are preferred for different tasks, making switching among them important. The study also provided insights that will guide research of personalized hypervideo, both inside and outside a meeting context." 1474400429,"Comparing Community-based Information Adoption and Diffusion Across Different Microblogging Sites","Liu et al.",1,0,45,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Johan Bollen, Tian Xia, Xiaozhong Liu, Xing Yu, Zheng Gao","Xiaozhong Liu","Full paper","","true","Information Comparison, Information Diffusion, Social Media","true","The proliferation of social media is bringing about significant changes in how people make sense of their world and adopt new information. However, social, cultural and political divisions continue to separate users and information into different social media systems. Twitter and Facebook, for example, are strictly forbidden in mainland China. As a result, 21.97% of all world-wide Internet users are thus excluded from participating in these platforms. In this study, we investigate whether the dynamics of information diffusion, modeled as the adoption patterns of topical hashtags, differ between the communities of the mentioned social media sites as a result of this separation. Specifically, we compare Weibo and Twitter, the two largest micro-blogging sites serving respectively the Chinese population and the rest of the world, by exploring the similarities and differences of how their respective users adopt new information. By leveraging sophisticated community detection algorithms and heterogeneous graph mining methods, we investigate and compare how the different characteristics of these communities influence information diffusion and adoption. Experimental results show that while community-specific information influences topic diffusion and adoption in both environments, novel features, extracted from heterogeneous graph based communities, have a greater effect on Weibo information adoption than Twitter. We also find that users sharing hashtags is an important factor in information diffusion on both Twitter and Weibo, whereas user mentions are important for Weibo, but less so for Twitter. Overall, we conclude that Weibo and Twitter differ sharply in how their users adopt information in response to similar factors." 1474380670,"Speak the same language with your friends: augmenting tag recommenders with social relations","Liu, Fang & Zhang",0,0,13,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Binxing Fang, Kaipeng Liu, Weizhe Zhang","Kaipeng Liu","Short paper","","true","personalization, social tagging, tag recommendation","false","Many existing tag recommendation approaches ignore the social relations between users. In this paper, we investigate the role of such additional information for the task of personalized tag recommendation. We inject the social relations between users and the content similarities between resources, along with the social annotations made by collaborative users, into a graph representation. To fully explore the structure of this graph, we exploit the methodology of random-walk computation of similarities between all the objects. We develop a personalized collaborative filtering algorithm that combines both the collaborative information and the personalized tag preferences. Experiments on Delicious data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods." 1474380671,"Connecting users and items with weighted tags for personalized item recommendations","Liang et al.",2,0,27,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Huizhi Liang, Richi Nayak, Xiaohui Tao, Yue Xu, Yuefeng Li","Huizhi Liang","Full paper","","true","Personalization, Recommender systems, Tags, Web 2.0","true","Tags are an important information source in Web 2.0. They can be used to describe users’ topic preferences as well as the content of items to make personalized recommendations. However, since tags are arbitrary words given by users, they contain a lot of noise such as tag synonyms, semantic ambiguities and personal tags. Such noise brings difficulties to improve the accuracy of item recommendations. To eliminate the noise of tags, in this paper we propose to use the multiple relationships among users, items and tags to find the semantic meaning of each tag for each user individually. With the proposed approach, the relevant tags of each item and the tag preferences of each user are determined. In addition, the user and item-based collaborative filtering combined with the content filtering approach are explored. The effectiveness of the proposed approaches is demonstrated in the experiments conducted on real world datasets collected from and citeULike website." 1474380675,"Provenance meets adaptive hypermedia","Knutov, De Bra & Pechenizkiy",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Evgeny Knutov, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Paul De Bra","Evgeny Knutov","Short paper","","true","W7 provenance model, adaptation questions, adaptive hypermedia, provenance","false","In this paper we consider provenance modelling in Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (AHS). We revisit adaptation and data provenance questions and bring up new and complementary aspects of adaptation and provenance, showing similar and supplementing characteristics. We also scrutinize the provenance importance and issues in Adaptive Hypermedia (AH). The aim of this paper is to extend the conventional AH classification questions with the notion of data lineage which essentially plays an important role in adaptation." 1474380695,"Capturing implicit user influence in online social sharing","Yeung & Iwata",1,0,30,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Ching-man Au Yeung, Tomoharu Iwata","Ching-man Au Yeung","Full paper","","true","Algorithms, Experimentation, Human Factors","true","Online social sharing sites are becoming very popular nowadays among Web users, who use these sites to share their favourite items and to discover interesting and useful items from other users. While an explicit social network is not necessarily present in these sites, it is still possible that users influence one another in the process of item adoption through various implicit mechanisms. In this paper, we study how we can capture the implicit influences among the users in a social sharing site. We propose a probabilistic model for user adoption behaviour, where we assume that when user adopts an item, he would pick a user and choose from the set of items that this user has adopted. By using the model, we estimate the probability that one user influences another user in the course of item adoption, based on the temporal adoption pattern of the users. We carry out empirical studies of the model on Delicious, a popular social bookmarking site. Experiments show that our model can be used to predict item adoption more accurately than using collaborative filtering techniques. We find that the strength of implicit influence various across different topics. We also show that our method is able to identify the influential users who are more likely to possess items interested by other users. Our model can be used to study the dynamics in a social sharing site and to complement collaborative filtering in recommendation systems." 1474386017,"Social capital increases efficiency of collaboration among Wikipedia editors","Nemoto, Gloor & Laubacher",0,0,35,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Keiichi Nemoto, Peter Gloor, Robert Laubacher","Keiichi Nemoto","Full paper","","true","Collaboration, Community governance, Open source projects, Social capital, Social media, Social network analysis, Social networks, Time-to-market, Wikipedia","false","In this study we measure the impact of pre-existing social capital on the efficiency of collaboration among Wikipedia editors. To construct a social network among Wikipedians we look to mutual interaction on the user talk pages of Wikipedia editors. As our data set, we analyze the communication networks associated with 3085 featured articles - the articles of highest quality in the English Wikipedia, comparing it to the networks of 80154 articles of lower quality. As the metric to assess the quality of collaboration, we measure the time of quality promotion from when an article is started until it is promoted to featured article. The study finds that the higher pre-existing social capital of editors working on an article is, the faster the articles they work on reach higher quality status, such as featured articles. The more cohesive and more centralized the collaboration network, and the more network members were already collaborating before starting to work together on an article, the faster the article they work on will be promoted or featured." 1474386023,"An algorithm to generate engaging narratives through non-linearity","Chilukuri & Indurkhya",0,0,22,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Bipin Indurkhya, Vinay Chilukuri","Vinay Chilukuri","Full paper","","true","cognitive model, engagement, event-indexing model, narrative comprehension, narrative generation, non-linear narrative, processing load","false","The order in which the events of a story are presented plays an important role in story-telling. In this paper, we present an algorithm that generates narratives of different presentation orders for a story by taking its plan representation and the desired amount of non-linearity as input. We use the principles of event-indexing model, a cognitive model of narrative comprehension, to generate narratives without affecting the ease of comprehension. We hypothesize that a narrative deviated from its chronological order and presented without affecting the ease of comprehension might lead to cognitive engagement. Empirical evaluation of the system was conducted to test this hypothesis along with the amount of non-linearity that could be introduced in a story without affecting the ease of comprehension." 1474388355,"Revisiting reverts: accurate revert detection in wikipedia","Flöck, Vrandečić & Simperl",0,0,16,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Denny Vrandečić, Elena Simperl, Fabian Flöck","Fabian Flöck","Full paper","","true","Wikipedia, collaboration systems, community-driven content creation, editing behavior, revert detection, social dynamics, user modeling","false","Wikipedia is commonly used as a proving ground for research in collaborative systems. This is likely due to its popularity and scale, but also to the fact that large amounts of data about its formation and evolution are freely available to inform and validate theories and models of online collaboration. As part of the development of such approaches, revert detection is often performed as an important pre-processing step in tasks as diverse as the extraction of implicit networks of editors, the analysis of edit or editor features and the removal of noise when analyzing the emergence of the content of an article. The current state of the art in revert detection is based on a rather naive approach, which identifies revision duplicates based on MD5 hash values. This is an efficient, but not very precise technique that forms the basis for the majority of research based on revert relations in Wikipedia. In this paper we prove that this method has a number of important drawbacks - it only detects a limited number of reverts, while simultaneously misclassifying too many edits as reverts, and not distinguishing between complete and partial reverts. This is very likely to hamper the accurate interpretation of the findings of revert-related research. We introduce an improved algorithm for the detection of reverts based on word tokens added or deleted to adresses these drawbacks. We report on the results of a user study and other tests demonstrating the considerable gains in accuracy and coverage by our method, and argue for a positive trade-off, in certain research scenarios, between these improvements and our algorithm’s increased runtime." 1474388359,"Foundations of traversal based query execution over linked data","Hartig & Freytag",0,0,19,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Johann-Christoph Freytag, Olaf Hartig","Olaf Hartig","Full paper","","true","Linked Data, Web of Data, computability, link traversal based query execution, query semantics","false","Query execution over the Web of Linked Data has attracted much attention recently. A particularly interesting approach is link traversal based query execution which proposes to integrate the traversal of data links into the creation of query results. Hence - in contrast to traditional query execution paradigms - this does not assume a fixed set of relevant data sources beforehand; instead, the traversal process discovers data and data sources on the fly and, thus, enables applications to tap the full potential of the Web.####While several authors have studied possibilities to implement the idea of link traversal based query execution and to optimize query execution in this context, no work exists that discusses theoretical foundations of the approach in general. Our paper fills this gap.####We introduce a well-defined semantics for queries that may be executed using a link traversal based approach. Based on this semantics we formally analyze properties of such queries. In particular, we study the computability of queries as well as the implications of querying a potentially infinite Web of Linked Data. Our results show that query computation in general is not guaranteed to terminate and that for any given query it is undecidable whether the execution terminates. Furthermore, we define an abstract execution model that captures the integration of link traversal into the query execution process. Based on this model we prove the soundness and completeness of link traversal based query execution and analyze an existing implementation approach." 1474550076,"Short links under attack: geographical analysis of spam in a URL shortener network","Klein & Strohmaier",0,0,13,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Florian Klien, Markus Strohmaier","Florian Klien","Short paper","","true","URL Shortener, link analysis, spam","false","URL shortener services today have come to play an important role in our social media landscape. They direct user attention and disseminate information in online social media such as Twitter or Facebook. Shortener services typically provide short URLs in exchange for long URLs. These short URLs can then be shared and diffused by users via online social media, e-mail or other forms of electronic communication. When another user clicks on the shortened URL, she will be redirected to the underlying long URL. Shortened URLs can serve many legitimate purposes, such as click tracking, but can also serve illicit behavior such as fraud, deceit and spam. Although usage of URL shortener services today is ubiquituous, our research community knows little about how exactly these services are used and what purposes they serve. In this paper, we study usage logs of a URL shortener service that has been operated by our group for more than a year. We expose the extent of spamming taking place in our logs, and provide first insights into the planetary-scale of this problem. Our results are relevant for researchers and engineers interested in understanding the emerging phenomenon and dangers of spamming via URL shortener services." 1474380665,"Is this a good title?","Klein, Shipman & Nelson",1,0,37,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Jeffery Shipman, Martin Klein, Michael L. Nelson","Martin Klein","Full paper","","true","Digital Preservation, Web Page Discovery, Web Page Titles","true","Missing web pages, URIs that return the 404 “Page Not Found” error or the HTTP response code 200 but dereference unexpected content, are ubiquitous in today’s browsing experience. We use Internet search engines to relocate such missing pages and provide means that help automate the rediscovery process. We propose querying web pages’ titles against search engines. We investigate the retrieval performance of titles and compare them to lexical signatures which are derived from the pages’ content. Since titles naturally represent the content of a document they intuitively change over time. We measure the edit distance between current titles and titles of copies of the same pages obtained from the Internet Archive and display their evolution. We further investigate the correlation between title changes and content modifications of a web page over time. Lastly we provide a predictive model for the quality of any given web page title in terms of its discovery performance. Our results show that titles return more than 60% URIs top ranked and further relevant content returned in the top 10 results. We show that titles decay slowly but are far more stable than the pages’ content. We further distill stop titles than can help identify insufficiently performing search engine queries." 1474380666,"Parallel browsing behavior on the web","Huang & White",0,0,19,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Jeff Huang, Ryen W. White","Jeff Huang","Short paper","","true","Parallel browsing, log mining, tabs","false","Parallel browsing describes a behavior where users visit Web pages in multiple concurrent threads. Web browsers explicitly support this by providing tabs. Although parallel browsing is more prevalent than linear browsing online, little is known about how users perform this activity. We study the use of parallel browsing through a log-based study of millions of Web users and present findings on their behavior. We identify a power law distribution in browser metrics comprising “outclicks” and tab switches, which signify the degree of parallel browsing. We find that users switch tabs at least 57.4% of the time, but user activity, measured in pageviews, is split among tabs rather than increasing overall activity. Finally, analysis of a subset of the logs focused on Web search shows that while the majority of users do not branch from search engine result pages, the degree of branching is higher for non-navigational queries. Our findings have design implications for Web sites and browsers, search interfaces, and log analysis." 1474380672,"Providing resilient XPaths for external adaptation engines","Paz & Díaz",0,0,21,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Iñaki Paz, Oscar Díaz","Iñaki Paz","Full paper","","true","XPath, change resilence, evolution, external adaptation","false","Approaches to Web application adaptation can be classified based on whether the application is aware of the adaptation or not. In the latter case, adaptation is referred to as external. External adaptation requires the use of addressing patterns that locate the target portion/data on the application pages to be adapted. Unfortunately, changes on the application normally also require updates to the addressing patterns. This raises pattern robustness as a main concern. This papers focuses on the (semi) automatic generation of change-resilience XPath patterns. Two different categories of changes are addressed, i.e. in space (e.g., different personalizations of a page) and in time (e.g., site upgrades), by exploiting two different techniques: induction and simulated annealing. These techniques permit to obtain XPath patterns “resilient-enough” to a “controlled set of page designs”. SiSy, a tool that assists the user in obtaining resilient XPath expressions, was born out of this approach. The approach is tested for two websites ( and, identifying 23 updates to which XPath expressions were resilient to 62% of the undertaken changes." 1474380673,"The influence of adaptation on hypertext structures and navigation","Ramos & De Bra",2,0,13,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Paul M.E. de Bra, Vinicius Faria Culmant Ramos","Vinicius Faria Culmant Ramos","Short paper","","true","Adaptive Hypermedia, Evaluation, Navigation, Structural Analysis","true","In adaptive hypertexts the user is guided in two ways: through the existence of link and through link annotation or hiding. Link structures have been investigated, starting with Botafogo et al, and the effect of link annotation has been studied, for instance by Brusilovsky et al. This paper studies the combined effect of link structure and annotation/hidin on the navigation patterns of users. It defines empirical hubs and studies their correlation with hubs as defined by Kleinberg without considering adaptation. The data for the analysis have been extracted from the logs of the course “Hypermedia Structures and Systems,” an online adaptive course offered at the Eindhoven University of Technology." 1474380680,"Link prediction applied to an open large-scale online social network","Corlette & Shipman",0,0,10,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Dan Corlette, Frank M. Shipman, III","Dan Corlette","Short paper","","true","link prediction, network dynamics, social networks","false","In this paper, we describe experiments examining the practicality of applying link prediction to an open large-scale online social network. We rely on metrics that are strictly topological, making use of one previously identified metric and one of our own. We directly address the open nature of the network through a study of the linking dynamics over time between users and the effect the openness of the network (i.e. users entering/leaving the network) has on our ability to predict new friendship links. We follow users from the time they enter the network to 10 months after joining and examine the effect of applying link prediction at different points. Analysis shows that prediction results are best shortly after users have entered the network and that the precision and recall of link prediction results diminish the longer users have been members of the network. To the best of our knowledge, our analysis is the most comprehensive in terms of analyzing link prediction in an open large-scale online social network." 1474380682,"Social networks and interest similarity: the case of CiteULike","Lee & Brusilovsky",0,0,14,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Danielle H. Lee, Peter Brusilovsky","Danielle H. Lee","Short paper","","true","Citeulike, Information Sharing, Social Networks","false","In collaborative filtering recommender systems, there is little room for users to get involved in the choice of their peer group. It leaves users defenseless against various spamming or “shilling” attacks. Other social Web-based systems, however, allow users to self-select peers and build a social network. We argue that users’ self-defined social networks could be valuable to increase the quality of recommendation in CF systems. To prove the feasibility of this idea we examined how similar are interests of users connected by self-defined relationships in a collaborative tagging systems Citeulike. Interest similarity was measured by similarity of items and meta-data they share and tags they use. Our study shows that users connected by social networks exhibit significantly higher similarity on all explored levels (items, meta-data, and tags) than non-connected users. This similarity is the highest for directly connected users and decreases with the increase of distance between users. Among other interesting properties of information sharing is the finding that between-user similarity in social connections on the level of metadata and tags is much larger than similarity on the level of items. Overall, our findings support the feasibility of social network based recommender systems and offer some good hints to the prospective authors of these systems." 1474380687,"A narrative-based alternative to tagging","Tomás et al.",1,0,9,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Daniel Gonçalves, Joaquim A. Jorge, Nuno Tomás, Tiago Guerreiro","Nuno Tomás","Short paper","","true","Digital Media, Narrative-based interfaces, Tagging","true","The enormous dissemination of multimedia information over the past few years has led to mechanisms to support its organization, cataloging and search through descriptions or keywords. A popular way of associating such descriptions to content is tagging as can be found in popular sites such as Flickr (for images) or Delicious (bookmarks). This method allows users to associate tags to media, richly describing its content and may help in its retrieval at a later time. However, the process is mostly unstructured, leading to several problems. Nothing guarantees that the tags used are the most appropriate or the same tags are used in similar situations, making retrieval difficult.####Our approach relies on narrative-based interfaces which use stories as an organizing principle for tagging media. Given that humans have used stories to communicate since the dawn of time, narrative is a natural form of interaction. By inter-relating bits of information into a coherent whole, stories convey data in a rich, structured way. A study carried out with 40 users over a period of three months shows that users convey almost six times more information when using narratives to describe their media than what is typical of traditional methods. Furthermore, our pilot study saw narratives increasing tag reuse to 94%. Finally, other problems found in tagging such as synonyms and polysemy were notably absent from story-generated tags." 1474388368,"Understanding factors that affect response rates in twitter","Comarela et al.",0,0,25,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Fabricio Benevenuto, Giovanni Comarela, Mark Crovella, Virgilio Almeida","Giovanni Comarela","Full paper","","true","Social Networks, Twitter, timeline","false","In information networks where users send messages to one another, the issue of information overload naturally arises: which are the most important messages? In this paper we study the problem of understanding the importance of messages in Twitter. We approach this problem in two stages. First, we perform an extensive characterization of a very large Twitter dataset which includes all users, social relations, and messages posted from the beginning of the service up to August 2009. We show evidence that information overload is present: users sometimes have to search through hundreds of messages to find those that are interesting to reply or retweet. We then identify factors that influence user response or retweet probability: previous responses to the same tweeter, the tweeter’s sending rate, the age and some basic text elements of the tweet. In our second stage, we show that some of these factors can be used to improve the presentation order of tweets to the user. First, by inspecting user activity over time, we construct a simple on-off model of user behavior that allows us to infer when a user is actively using Twitter. Then, we explore two methods from machine learning for ranking tweets: a Naive Bayes predictor and a Support Vector Machine classifier. We show that it is possible to reorder tweets to increase the fraction of replied or retweeted messages appearing in the first p positions of the list by as much as 50-60%." 1474388369,"Graph and matrix metrics to analyze ergodic literature for children","Kontopoulou et al.",3,0,36,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Efstratios Gallopoulos, Eugenia-Maria Kontopoulou, Maria Predari, Thymios Kostakis","Eugenia-Maria Kontopoulou","Full paper","","true","Algorithms, Experimentation, Human Factors, Measurement","true","What can graph and matrix based mathematical models tell us about ergodic literature? A digraph of storylets connected by links and the corresponding adjacency matrix encoding is used to formulate some queries regarding hypertexts of this type. It is reasoned that the Google random surfer provides a useful model for the behavior of the reader of such fiction. This motivates the use of graph and Web based metrics for ranking storylets and some other tasks. A dataset, termed childif, based on printed books from three series popular with children and young adults and its characteristics are described. Two link-based metrics, SMrank and versions of PageRank, are described and applied on childif to rank storylets. It is shown that several characteristics of these stories can be expressed as and computed with matrix operations. An interpretation of the ranking results is provided. Results on some acyclic digraphs indicate that the rankings convey useful information regarding plot development. In conclusion, using matrix and graph theoretic techniques one can extract useful information from this type of ergodic literature that would be harder to obtain by simply reading it or by examining the underlying digraph." 1474388371,"TrustSplit: usable confidentiality for social network messaging","Fahl et al.",0,0,29,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Marian Harbach, Matthew Smith, Sascha Fahl, Thomas Muders","Sascha Fahl","Full paper","","true","Confidentiality, Privacy, Social Networks, Symmetric Encryption, Usability","false","It is well known that online social networking sites (OSNs) such as Facebook pose risks to their users’ privacy. OSNs store vast amounts of users’ private data and activities and therefore subject the user to the risk of undesired disclosure. The regular non tech-savvy Facebook user either has little awareness of his privacy needs or is not willing or capable to invest much extra effort into securing his online activities.####In this paper, we present a non-disruptive and easy to-use service that helps to protect users’ most private information, namely their private messages and chats against the OSN provider itself and external adversaries. Our novel Confidentiality as a Service paradigm was designed with usability and non-obtrusiveness in mind and requires little to no additional knowledge on the part of the users. The simplicity of the service is achieved through a novel trust splitting approach integrated into the Confidentiality as a Service paradigm. To show the feasibility of our approach we present a fully-working prototype for Facebook and an initial usability study. All of the participating subjects completed the study successfully without any problems or errors and only required three minutes on average for the entire installation and setup procedure." 1474388380,"Predicting semantic annotations on the real-time web","Khabiri, Caverlee & Kamath",0,0,30,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Elham Khabiri, James Caverlee, Krishna Y. Kamath","Elham Khabiri","Full paper","","true","hashtag prediction, social media","false","The explosion of the real-time web has spurred a growing need for new methods to organize, monitor, and distill relevant information from these large-scale social streams. One especially encouraging development is the self-curation of the real-time web via user-driven linking, in which users annotate their own status updates with lightweight semantic annotations—or hashtags. Unfortunately, there is evidence that hashtag growth is not keeping pace with the growth of the overall real-time web. In a random sample of 3 million tweets, we find that only 10.2% contain at least one hashtag. Hence, in this paper we explore the possibility of predicting hashtags for un-annotated status updates. Toward this end, we propose and evaluate a graph-based prediction framework. Three of the unique features of the approach are: (i) a path aggregation technique for scoring the closeness of terms and hashtags in the graph; (ii) pivot term selection, for identifying high value terms in status updates; and (iii) a dynamic sliding window for recommending hashtags reflecting the current status of the real-time web. Experimentally we find encouraging results in comparison with Bayesian and data mining-based approaches." 1474388382,"Using the overlapping community structure of a network of tags to improve text clustering","Cravino, Devezas & Figueira",1,0,16,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","José Devezas, Nuno Cravino, Álvaro Figueira","Nuno Cravino","Short paper","","true","Text clustering, network of co-occurrence of tags, news clips, overlapping community structure, user-defined tags","true","Breadcrumbs is a folksonomy of news clips, where users can aggregate fragments of text taken from online news. Besides the textual content, each news clip contains a set of metadata fields associated with it. User-defined tags are one of the most important of those information fields. Based on a small data set of news clips, we build a network of co-occurrence of tags in news clips, and use it to improve text clustering. We do this by defining a weighted cosine similarity proximity measure that takes into account both the clip vectors and the tag vectors. The tag weight is computed using the related tags that are present in the discovered community. We then use the resulting vectors together with the new distance metric, which allows us to identify socially biased document clusters. Our study indicates that using the structural features of the network of tags leads to a positive impact in the clustering process." 1474393239,"How big is the crowd?: event and location based population modeling in social media","Liang et al.",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","James Caverlee, Krishna Y. Kamath, Yuan Liang, Zhiyuan Cheng","Yuan Liang","Full paper","","true","","false","In this paper, we address the challenge of modeling the size, duration, and temporal dynamics of short-lived crowds that manifest in social media. Successful population modeling for crowds is critical for many services including location recommendation, traffic prediction, and advertising. However, crowd modeling is challenging since 1) user-contributed data in social media is noisy and oftentimes incomplete, in the sense that users only reveal when they join a crowd through posts but not when they depart; and 2) the size of short-lived crowds typically changes rapidly, growing and shrinking in sharp bursts. Toward robust population modeling, we first propose a duration model to predict the time users spend in a particular crowd. We propose a time-evolving population model for estimating the number of people departing a crowd, which enables the prediction of the total population remaining in a crowd. Based on these population models, we further describe an approach that allows us to predict the number of posts generated from a crowd. We validate the crowd models through extensive experiments over 22 million geo-location based check-ins and 120,000 event-related tweets." 1474393243,"Whom should I follow?: identifying relevant users during crises","Kumar et al.",0,0,19,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Fred Morstatter, Huan Liu, Reza Zafarani, Shamanth Kumar","Shamanth Kumar","Full paper","","true","Crisis Monitoring, Microblogging, Twitter, User Identification, User Relevance Measurement","false","Social media is gaining popularity as a medium of communication before, during, and after crises. In several recent disasters, it has become evident that social media sites like Twitter and Facebook are an important source of information, and in cases they have even assisted in relief efforts. We propose a novel approach to identify a subset of active users during a crisis who can be tracked for fast access to information. Using a Twitter dataset that consists of 12.9 million tweets from 5 countries that are part of the “Arab Spring” movement, we show how instant information access can be achieved by user identification along two dimensions: user’s location and the user’s affinity towards topics of discussion. Through evaluations, we demonstrate that users selected by our approach generate more information and the quality of the information is better than that of users identified using state-of-the-art techniques." 1474393248,"Mainstream media behavior analysis on Twitter: a case study on UK general election","Wei et al.",0,0,8,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Binyang Li, Kam-Fai Wong, Lanjun Zhou, Wei Gao, Yulan He, Zhongyu Wei","Zhongyu Wei","Short paper","","true","Social Media Analysis","false","With the development of social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter, mainstream media organizations including newspapers and TV media have played an active role in engaging with their audience and strengthening their influence on the recently emerged platforms. In this paper, we analyze the behavior of mainstream media on Twitter and study how they exert their influence to shape public opinion during the UK’s 2010 General Election. We first propose an empirical measure to quantify mainstream media bias based on sentiment analysis and show that it correlates better with the actual political bias in the UK media than the pure quantitative measures based on media coverage of various political parties. We then compare the information diffusion patterns from different categories of sources. We found that while mainstream media is good at seeding prominent information cascades, its role in shaping public opinion is being challenged by journalists since tweets from them are more likely to be retweeted and they spread faster and have longer lifespan compared to tweets from mainstream media. Moreover, the political bias of the journalists is a good indicator of the actual election results." 1474393249,"On commenting behavior of Facebook users","Nasim et al.",0,0,19,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Aimal Rextin, Mehwish Nasim, Muhammad U. Ilyas, Nazish Nasim","Mehwish Nasim","Short paper","","true","Facebook, commenting behavior, communities, homophily","false","Facebook treats friends as a single homogeneous group even though people on Facebook are possibly acquainted with diverse group of individuals and perceive their friends as representatives of different groups. It is a common observation that people tend to select friends with similar characteristics or individuals are likely to change their attributes to conform to their friends. In this measurement study we quantify the extension of this behavior on Facebook. We measure the probability with which a friend belonging to a particular group of friends will or will not comment on a post that has already received comments from other friends belonging/not belonging to his own circle of friends. To this end we collected an original data set of Facebook profiles of 50 volunteers. Our data analysis shows that Facebook users are influenced in their choice of posting comments on friends’ wall posts, based on whether or not they are acquainted with the people that left earlier comments. Identification of such behavioral nuances can be helpful in improving the user interface design of online social networks." 1474393250,"Adaptive hypertext narrative as city planning","Kolb",1,0,23,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","David Kolb","David Kolb","Short paper","","true","Design, Experimentation, Human Factors","true","This essay explores an analogy that might offer new ideas for the construction of adaptive hypertext narrative systems. The analogy is not with the production of a literary work but with city planning, in particular Christopher Alexander’s iterative model for gradual change. In this model, there is no overall plan for the city; instead there are multiple local interventions guided by local insufficiencies and a library of spatial patterns. Applied to narrative hypertext this model would stress multiple local additions to a growing landscape of nodes and links. The results should provide more kinds of novelty and surprise than with conventional authoring software, but would have to deal with problems of narrative unity and closure." 1474393263,"Community detection algorithm based on centrality and node distance in scale-free networks","Jarukasemratana, Murata & Liu",0,0,16,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Sorn Jarukasemratana, Tsuyoshi Murata, Xin Liu","Sorn Jarukasemratana","Short paper","","true","Centrality value, Community detection, Node distance, Scale-free network","false","In this paper, we present a method for detecting community structures based on centrality value and node distance. Many real world networks possess a scale-free property and this property makes community detection difficult especially on algorithms that are based on modularity optimization. However, in our algorithm, communities are formed from hub nodes. Thus communities with scale-free property can be identified correctly. The method does not contain any random element, nor requires any pre-determined value such as the number of communities. Our experiments have shown that our algorithm is better than those based on modularity optimization in both real world and computer generated datasets." 1474394327,"Recognizing skill networks and their specific communication and connection practices","Chelaru et al.",0,0,20,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Eelco Herder, Kaweh Djafari Naini, Patrick Siehndel, Sergiu Chelaru","Sergiu Chelaru","Full paper","","true","connections, content, expertise, sentiment, skills, social networks, topics","false","Social networks are a popular medium for building and maintaining a professional network. Many studies exist on general communication and connection practices within these networks. However, studies on expertise search suggest the existence of subgroups centered around a particular profession. In this paper, we analyze commonalities and differences between these groups, based on a set of 94,155 public user profiles. The results confirm that such subgroups can be recognized. Further, the average number of connections differs between groups, as a result of differences in intention for using social media. Similarly, within the groups, specific topics and resources are discussed and shared, and there are interesting differences in the tone and wording the group members use. These insights are relevant for interpreting results from social media analyses and can be used for identifying group-specific resources and communication practices that new members may want to know about." 1474394340,"Automatic discovery of global and local equivalence relationships in labeled geo-spatial data","Thomee & Morales",0,0,45,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Bart Thomee, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales","Bart Thomee","Full paper","","true","Flickr, Geotagged data, folksonomy, geo-spatial analysis, relationship discovery","false","We propose a novel algorithmic framework to automatically detect which labels refer to the same concept in labeled spatial data. People often use different words and synonyms when referring to the same concept or location. Furthermore these words and their usage vary across culture, language, and place. Our method analyzes the patterns in the spatial distribution of labels to discover equivalence relationships. We evaluate our proposed technique on a large collection of geo-referenced Flickr photos using a semi-automatically constructed ground truth from an existing ontology. Our approach is able to classify equivalent tags with a high accuracy (AUC of 0.85), as well as providing the geographic extent where the relationship holds." 1474380692,"The value of adaptive link annotation in e-learning: a study of a portal-based approach","Hsiao et al.",0,0,13,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Alvaro Ortigosa, I-Han Hsiao, Michael Yudelson, Peter Brusilovsky","I-Han Hsiao","Short paper","","true","adaptive hypermedia, e-learning, motivation, navigation support, open corpus adaptive hypermedia, portal self-assessment","false","Adaptive link annotation is one of the most popular adaptive educational hypermedia techniques. It has been widely studied and demonstrated its ability to help students to acquire knowledge faster, improve learning outcomes, reduce navigation overhead, increase motivation, and encourage the beneficial non-sequential navigation. However, almost all studies of adaptive link annotation have been performed in the context of dedicated adaptive educational hypermedia systems. The role of this technique in the context of widely popular learning portals has not yet been demonstrated. In this paper, we attempt to fill this gap by investigating the value of adaptive navigation support embedded into the learning portal. We compare the effect of portal-based adaptive navigation support to both the effect of the adaptive navigation support in adaptive educational hypermedia systems and to non-adaptive learning portals." 1474385998,"Personalised rating prediction for new users using latent factor models","Seroussi, Bohnert & Zukerman",0,0,29,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Fabian Bohnert, Ingrid Zukerman, Yanir Seroussi","Yanir Seroussi","Full paper","","true","Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Latent Factor Models, Matrix Factorization, New Users, Rating Prediction, Recommender Systems","false","In recent years, personalised recommendations have gained importance in helping users deal with the abundance of information available online. Personalised recommendations are often based on rating predictions, and thus accurate rating prediction is essential for the generation of useful recommendations. Recently, rating prediction algorithms that are based on matrix factorisation have become increasingly popular, due to their high accuracy and scalability. However, these algorithms still deliver inaccurate rating predictions for new users, who submitted only a few ratings.####In this paper, we address the new user problem by introducing several extensions to the basic matrix factorisation algorithm, which take user attributes into account when generating rating predictions. We consider both demographic attributes, explicitly supplied by users, and attributes inferred from user-generated texts. Our results show that employing our text-based user attributes yields personalised rating predictions that are more accurate than our baselines, while not requiring users to explicitly supply any information about themselves and their preferences." 1474386008,"A generic approach for on-the-fly adding of context-aware features to existing websites","Van Woensel, Casteleyn & De Troyer",2,0,42,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Olga De Troyer, Sven Casteleyn, William Van Woensel","William Van Woensel","Full paper","","true","Mobile web, client-side adaptation, context-aware, semantic web","true","More and more, mobile devices act as personal information managers and are able to obtain rich contextual information on the user’s environment. Mobile, context-aware web applications can exploit this information to better address the needs of mobile users. Currently, such websites are either developed separately from their associated desktop-oriented version, or both versions are created simultaneously by employing methodologies that support multi-platform context-aware websites, requiring an extensive engineering effort. While these approaches provide a solution for developing new websites, they go past the plethora of existing websites. To address this issue, we present an approach for enhancing existing websites on-the-fly with context-aware features. We first discuss the requirements for such an adaptation process, and identify applicable adaptation methods to realize context-aware features. Next, we explain our generic approach, which is grounded in the use of semantic information extracted from existing websites. Finally, we present a concrete application of our approach that is based on the SCOUT framework for mobile and context-aware application development." 1474386012,"Modeling the structure and evolution of discussion cascades","Gómez, Kappen & Kaltenbrunner",0,0,26,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Hilbert J. Kappen, Vicenç Gómez","Vicenç Gómez","Full paper","","true","Slashdot, Wikipedia, conversations, discussion cascades, maximum likelihood, preferential attachment, threads","false","We analyze the structure and evolution of discussion cascades in four popular websites: Slashdot, Barrapunto, Meneame and Wikipedia. Despite the big heterogeneities between these sites, a preferential attachment (PA) model with bias to the root can capture the temporal evolution of the observed trees and many of their statistical properties, namely, probability distributions of the branching factors (degrees), subtree sizes and certain correlations. The parameters of the model are learned efficiently using a novel maximum likelihood estimation scheme for PA and provide a figurative interpretation about the communication habits and the resulting discussion cascades on the four different websites." 1474386018,"Individual behavior and social influence in online social systems","Papagelis, Murdock & van Zwol",2,0,39,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Manos Papagelis, Roelof van Zwol, Vanessa Murdock","Manos Papagelis","Full paper","","true","Behavior, Diffusion, Geotagging, Influence, Social Networks","true","The capacity to collect and analyze the actions of individuals in online social systems at minute-by-minute time granularity offers new perspectives on collective human behavior research. Macroscopic analysis of massive datasets raises interesting observations of patterns in online social processes. But working at a large scale has its own limitations, since it typically doesn’t allow for interpretations on a microscopic level. We examine how different types of individual behavior affect the decisions of friends in a network. We begin with the problem of detecting social influence in a social system. Then we investigate the causality between individual behavior and social influence by observing the diffusion of an innovation among social peers. Are more active users more influential? Are more credible users more influential? Bridging this gap and finding points where the macroscopic and microscopic worlds converge contributes to better interpretations of the mechanisms of spreading of ideas and behaviors in networks and offer design opportunities for online social systems." 1474388358,"Moving beyond SameAs with PLATO: partonomy detection for linked data","Jain et al.",0,0,33,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Amit P. Sheth, Kunal Verma, Pascal Hitzler, Peter Z. Yeh, Prateek Jain","Prateek Jain","Full paper","","true","Linked Open Data Cloud, Mereology, Part of Relation","false","The Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud has gained significant traction over the past few years. With over 275 interlinked datasets across diverse domains such as life science, geography, politics, and more, the LOD Cloud has the potential to support a variety of applications ranging from open domain question answering to drug discovery.####Despite its significant size (approx. 30 billion triples), the data is relatively sparely interlinked (approx. 400 million links). A semantically richer LOD Cloud is needed to fully realize its potential. Data in the LOD Cloud are currently interlinked mainly via the owl:sameAs property, which is inadequate for many applications. Additional properties capturing relations based on causality or partonomy are needed to enable the answering of complex questions and to support applications.####In this paper, we present a solution to enrich the LOD Cloud by automatically detecting partonomic relationships, which are well-established, fundamental properties grounded in linguistics and philosophy. We empirically evaluate our solution across several domains, and show that our approach performs well on detecting partonomic properties between LOD Cloud data." 1474388376,"Content vs. context for sentiment analysis: a comparative analysis over microblogs","Aisopos et al.",0,0,35,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Fotis Aisopos, George Papadakis, Konstantinos Tserpes, Theodora Varvarigou","Fotis Aisopos","Full paper","","true","N-gram Graphs, Sentiment Analysis, Social Context","false","Microblog content poses serious challenges to the applicability of traditional sentiment analysis and classification methods, due to its inherent characteristics. To tackle them, we introduce a method that relies on two orthogonal, but complementary sources of evidence: content-based features captured by n-gram graphs and context-based ones captured by polarity ratio. Both are language-neutral and noise-tolerant, guaranteeing high effectiveness and robustness in the settings we are considering. To ensure our approach can be integrated into practical applications with large volumes of data, we also aim at enhancing its time efficiency: we propose alternative sets of features with low extraction cost, explore dimensionality reduction and discretization techniques and experiment with multiple classification algorithms. We then evaluate our methods over a large, real-world data set extracted from Twitter, with the outcomes indicating significant improvements over the traditional techniques." 1474388377,"Evaluation of a domain-aware approach to user model interoperability","Walsh, O'Connor & Wade",1,0,31,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Alexander O'Connor, Eddie Walsh, Vincent Wade","Eddie Walsh","Full paper","","true","Integration, Personalization, User Modeling, eLearning","true","It is becoming increasingly important to facilitate the integrated management of user information. Exchanging user information across heterogeneous systems has many benefits, particularly in enhancing the quality and quantity of user information available for personalization. One common approach to user model interoperability is the use of mapping tools to manually build rich executable mappings between user models. A key problem with existing approaches is that the mapping tools are often too generic for these specialized tasks and do not provide any support to an administrator mapping in a specific domain such as user models. This paper presents a novel approach to user model interoperability which lowers the complexity and provides support to administrators in completing user model mappings. The domain-aware approach to user model interoperability incorporates interchangeable domain knowledge directly into the integration tools. This approach was implemented in a system called FUMES which is a mapping creation and execution environment that includes two domain-aware mechanisms; a canonical user model and user model mapping types. FUMES was deployed in an integration of existing user models and the domain-aware approach was then evaluated in a user study. The evaluation consisted of a direct comparison with a generic approach to user model interoperability which was applied using the commercial mapping tool, Altova Mapforce. The results of this evaluation demonstrate improvements in mapping accuracy and usability when using the domain-aware approach compared to the generic mapping approach." 1594849430,"Matching User Preferences and Behavior for Mobility","Basile et al.",0,0,48,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Cristian Consonni, Ludovico Boratto, Matteo Manca, Silvia Basile","Silvia Basile","Full paper","","true","behavior, mobility, preferences, user modeling","false","Understanding user mobility is central to develop better transport systems that answer users’ needs. Users usually plan their travel according to their needs and preferences; however, different factors can influence their choices when traveling. In this work, we model users’ preferences, and we match their actual transport use. We use data coming from a mobility platform developed for mobile devices, whose aim is to understand the value of users’ travel time. Our first goal is to characterize the perception that users have of their mobility by analyzing their general preferences expressed before their travel time. Our approach combines dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques to provide interpretable profiles of users. Then, we perform the same task after monitoring users’ travels by doing a matching between users’ preferences and their actual behavior. Our results show that there are substantial differences between users’ perception of their mobility and their actual behavior: users overestimate their preferences for specific mobility modes, that in general, yield a lower return in terms of the worthwhileness of their trip." 1594849431,"Understanding Targeted Video-Ads in Children's Content","Figueiredo et al.",0,0,40,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Fabricio Benevenuto, Felipe Giori, Flavio Figueiredo, Guilherme Soares, Jussara M. Almeida, Mariana Arantes","Flavio Figueiredo","Full paper","","true","advertising, children, ethics and law, video streaming","false","As the volume of online video entertainment via streaming increases, ever so more are users targeted by online advertisement algorithms. Nevertheless, this rise in targeting and revenue does not come without any concerns. That is, even though the online advertising business model has is very successful, nowadays, rising societal concerns regarding the ethics and extent to which such algorithms agree with the laws of different countries are also present. Motivated by the dichotomy above, we here explore how targeted video-ads meet the regulatory policies regarding children advertising in Brazil and Canada. To perform our study, we create synthetic user personas that watch YouTube videos daily. Our personas are tailored to stream children’s content while controlling for several variables (e.g., gender, country, and type of content streamed). With the data gathered, our analyses reveal statistical evidence of algorithmic targeting in videos geared towards children. Also, some of the advertised products (e.g., alcoholic beverages and fast-food) go directly against the regulations of the studied countries. With advertisements being matched to users by machine learning algorithms, it is impossible to state whether regulations are not followed on purpose (e.g., advertisers gaming the system). Nevertheless, our findings and discussion do raise a flag that regulations may not be sufficient, and content providers may still need to audit systems to meet the regulations." 1594891980,"Personalizing Information Exploration with an Open User Model","Rahdari, Brusilovsky & Babichenko",4,0,37,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Behnam Rahdari, Dmitriy Babichenko, Peter Brusilovsky","Behnam Rahdari","Full paper","","true","exploratory search, information exploration, intelligent interface, knowledge graph, open user model, recommender system","true","Over the past two decades, several information exploration approaches were suggested to support a special category of search tasks known as exploratory search. These approaches creatively combined search, browsing, and information analysis steps shifting user efforts from recall (formulating a query) to recognition (i.e., selecting a link) and helping them to gradually learn more about the explored domain. More recently, a few projects demonstrated that personalising the process of information exploration with models of user interests can add value to information exploration systems. However, the current model-based information exploration interfaces are very sophisticated and focus on highly experienced users. The project presented in this paper attempted to assess the value of open user modeling in supporting personalized information exploration by novice users. We present an information exploration system with an open and controllable user model, which supports undergraduate students in finding research advisors. A controlled study of this system with target users demonstrated its advantage over a traditional search interface and revealed interesting aspects of user behavior in a model-based interface." 1594891984,"Simulating the Impact of Recommender Systems on the Evolution of Collective Users' Choices","Hazrati, Elahi & Ricci",0,0,21,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Francesco Ricci, Mehdi Elahi, Naieme Hazrati","Naieme Hazrati","Short paper","","true","choice behaviour, recommender systems, simulation","false","The major focus of recommender systems (RSs) research is on improving the goodness of the generated recommendations. Less attention has been dedicated to understand the effect of an RS on the actual users’ choices. Hence, in this paper, we propose a novel simulation model of users’ choices under the influence of an RS. The model leverages real rating/choice data observed up to a point in time in order to simulate next, month-by-month, choices of the users. We have analysed choice diversity, popularity and utility and found that: RSs have different effects on the users’ choices; the behaviour of new users is particularly important to understand collective choices; and the users’ previous knowledge, i.e., their “awareness” of the item catalogue greatly affects choice diversity." 1594892752,"Learning about Queer Representation through Mods: Reviewing Past Challenges and Outlining Ideas About Future Approaches","Howard",0,0,16,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Kenton Howard","Kenton Howard","Short paper","","true","education, interactive fiction, modding, queerness","false","In this paper I outline an idea that I am researching more fully in my PhD dissertation: using modification of video games as an educational method to explore queer representation. This paper primarily focuses on educational concerns related to that approach: I first review discussions about the challenges surrounding game-based learning approaches and claim that some common points of skepticism in these discussions actually highlight the effectiveness of games for learning about queer representation. I also suggest that, as a genre, choice-based interactive fiction is ideal for exploratory learning about queer representation in comparison to other kinds of games. I then analyze educational uses of video game modification, noting that one of the most common approaches is educators modifying popular games for the classroom. I claim that approach could work especially well as a way to explore problems with representation in video games. I close the article with a short discussion about expanding upon this approach by building an easily-modifiable interactive fiction game to address issues with portrayals of queerness in mainstream games, a method I examine more fully in my PhD dissertation and through an associated digital game prototype. Overall, I argue that interactive fiction works are very well-suited to dealing with issues of representation and that modifiable interactive fiction games are an effective way to learn more about problems with representation in video games." 1594892779,"Visually-Aware Video Recommendation in the Cold Start","Elahi et al.",0,0,42,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Christoph Trattner, Farshad B. Moghaddam, Mehdi Elahi, Mohammad H. Rimaz, Reza Hosseini","Mehdi Elahi","Short paper","","true","cold start, content-based filtering, multimedia, tag recommendation, video recommendation, visual features, visual tags","false","Recommender Systems have become essential tools in any modern video-sharing platform. Although, recommender systems have shown to be effective in generating personalized suggestions in video-sharing platforms, however, they suffer from the so-called New Item problem. New item problem, as part of Cold Start problem, happens when a new item is added to the system catalogue and the recommender system has no or little data available for that new item. In such a case, the system may fail to meaningfully recommend the new item to the users.####In this paper, we propose a novel recommender system that is based on visual tags, i.e., tags that are automatically annotated to videos based on visual description of the videos. Such visual tags can be used in an extreme cold start situation, where neither any rating, nor any tag is available for the new video. The visual tags could also be used in the moderate cold start situation when the new video might have been annotated with few tags. This type of content features can be extracted automatically without any human involvement and have been shown to be very effective in representing the video content.####We have used a large dataset of videos and shown that automatically extracted visual tags can be incorporated into the cold start recommendation process and achieve superior results compared to the recommendation based on human-annotated tags." 1630361724,"DECIFE: Detecting Collusive Users Involved in Blackmarket Following Services on Twitter","Dutta, Aggarwal & Chakraborty",0,0,41,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Hridoy Sankar Dutta, Kartik Aggarwal, Tanmoy Chakraborty","Hridoy Sankar Dutta","Full paper","","true","Followers, OSNs, Twitter, blackmarket, collusion","false","The popularity of Twitter has fostered the emergence of various fraudulent user activities - one such activity is to artificially bolster the social reputation of Twitter profiles by gaining a large number of followers within a short time span. Many users want to gain followers to increase the visibility and reach of their profiles to wide audiences. This has provoked several blackmarket services to garner huge attention by providing artificial followers via the network of agreeable and compromised accounts in a collusive manner. Their activity is difficult to detect as the blackmarket services shape their behavior in such a way that users who are part of these services disguise themselves as genuine users. In this paper, we propose DECIFE, a framework to detect collusive users involved in producing 'following' activities through blackmarket services with the intention to gain collusive followers in return. We first construct a heterogeneous user-tweet-topic network to leverage the follower/followee relationships and linguistic properties of a user. The heterogeneous network is then decomposed to form four different subgraphs that capture the semantic relations between the users. An attention-based subgraph aggregation network is proposed to learn and combine the node representations from each subgraph. The combined representation is finally passed on to a hypersphere learning objective to detect collusive users. Comprehensive experiments on our curated dataset are conducted to validate the effectiveness of DECIFE by comparing it with other state-of-the-art approaches. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to detect collusive users involved in blackmarket 'following services' on Twitter." 1630361726,"Structack: Structure-based Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks","Hussain et al.",0,0,34,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Denis Helic, Elisabeth Lex, Hussain Hussain, Markus Strohmaier, Roman Kern, Tomislav Duricic","Hussain Hussain","Full paper","","true","Graph neural networks, adversarial attacks, network centrality, network similarity","false","Recent work has shown that graph neural networks (GNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial attacks on graph data. Common attack approaches are typically informed, i.e. they have access to information about node attributes such as labels and feature vectors. In this work, we study adversarial attacks that are uninformed, where an attacker only has access to the graph structure, but no information about node attributes. Here the attacker aims to exploit structural knowledge and assumptions, which GNN models make about graph data. In particular, literature has shown that structural node centrality and similarity have a strong influence on learning with GNNs. Therefore, we study the impact of centrality and similarity on adversarial attacks on GNNs. We demonstrate that attackers can exploit this information to decrease the performance of GNNs by focusing on injecting links between nodes of low similarity and, surprisingly, low centrality. We show that structure-based uninformed attacks can approach the performance of informed attacks, while being computationally more efficient. With our paper, we present a new attack strategy on GNNs that we refer to as Structack. Structack can successfully manipulate the performance of GNNs with very limited information while operating under tight computational constraints. Our work contributes towards building more robust machine learning approaches on graphs." 1630361727,"Improving Diversity in Engineering: A Data-Driven Approach to Support Resource Mobilization and Participation in Hashtag Activism Campaigns","Karbasian, Purohit & Johri",0,0,82,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Aditya Johri, Habib Karbasian, Hemant Purohit","Habib Karbasian","Full paper","","true","Engineering Diversity, Hashtag Activism","false","A critical barrier facing engineering is inclusiveness of women in the profession. In recent years, engineering diversity advocates have taken to social media platforms to raise awareness of the issue and redress this problem. A recurring challenge for their initiatives though is attracting and mobilizing participants efficiently. For a successful mobilization campaign, organizers need real-time information about their users and also need to understand what messaging works to attract and mobilize them. We hypothesize that participants in any given campaign related to engineering diversity will also be interested in other campaigns related to that issue. Furthermore, since the primary signal for a social media campaign is a hashtag, by using clustering patterns of various co-occurring hashtags along with relevant topics and relatable sentiments, we can better understand participation and also mobilize users for the target campaign.####To empirically examine our hypothesis, we study two diversity hashtag activism campaigns on Twitter (#ILookLikeAnEngineer and #WomenInEngineering) using a real-time predictive analytics framework. We design and evaluate the framework with a set of novel features that uses retweetability as an indicator of participation.####Our result analysis for topical features found that monetary gain and advertisement-oriented content were less likely to be propagated in the campaigns whereas messaging aligned directly with the issue at hand such as breaking stereotypes in engineering was deemed more retweetable and engaging.####In terms of sentiments, informal tone in the messages were considered desirable whereas short-form messaging were not very popular in either movements.####These analytical insights can inform activists in effective resource mobilization through message content design, in order to expand the reach of an activism campaign. Our work shows how data-driven techniques can assist in increasing the participation of women in engineering education and the workforce." 1630361728,"CrisisBERT: A Robust Transformer for Crisis Classification and Contextual Crisis Embedding","Liu et al.",0,0,51,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Junhua Liu, Kristin L. Wood, Kwan Hui Lim, Lucienne T.M. Blessing, Trisha Singhal","Junhua Liu","Full paper","","true","Crisis Classification, Social Computing, Social Networks, Twitter, Word Embedding","false","Detecting crisis events accurately is an important task, as it allows the relevant authorities to implement necessary actions to mitigate damages. For this purpose, social media serve as a timely information source due to its prevalence and high volume of first-hand accounts. While there are prior works on crises detection, many of them do not perform crisis embedding and classification using state-of-the-art attention-based deep neural networks models, such as Transformers and document-level contextual embeddings. In contrast, we propose CrisisBERT, an end-to-end transformer-based model for two crisis classification tasks, namely crisis detection and crisis recognition, which shows promising results across accuracy and F1 scores. The proposed CrisisBERT model demonstrates superior robustness over various benchmarks, and it includes only marginal performance compromise while extending from 6 to 36 events with a mere 51.4% additional data points. We also propose Crisis2Vec, an attention-based, document-level contextual embedding architecture, for crisis embedding, which achieves better performance than conventional crisis embedding methods such as Word2Vec and GloVe." 1630361730,"Exploring User Concerns about Disclosing Location and Emotion Information in Group Recommendations","Najafian et al.",1,0,37,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Francesco Barile, Jie Yang, Marko Tkalcic, Nava Tintarev, Shabnam Najafian, Tim Draws","Shabnam Najafian","Full paper","","true","explanation, group recommendation, information privacy, privacy concern","true","Recent research has shown that explanations serve as an important means to increase transparency in group recommendations while also increasing users' privacy concerns. However, it is currently unclear what personal and contextual factors affect users' privacy concerns about various types of personal information. This paper studies the effect of users' personality traits and preference scenarios ---having a majority or minority preference--- on their privacy concerns regarding location and emotion information. To create natural scenarios of group decision-making where users can control the amount of information disclosed, we develop TouryBot, a chat-bot agent that generates natural language explanations to help group members explain their arguments for suggestions to the group in the tourism domain. We conducted a user study in which we instructed 541 participants to convince the group to either visit or skip a recommended place. Our results show that users generally have a larger concern regarding the disclosure of emotion compared to location information. However, we found no evidence that personality traits or preference scenarios affect privacy concerns in our task. Further analyses revealed that task design (i.e., the pressure on users to convince the group) had an effect on participants' emotion-related privacy concerns. Our study also highlights the utility of providing users with the option of partial disclosure of personal information, which appeared to be popular among the participants." 1630361731,"What Is Unclear? Computational Assessment of Task Clarity in Crowdsourcing","Nouri et al.",0,0,58,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Gregor Engels, Henning Wachsmuth, Ujwal Gadiraju, Zahra Nouri","Zahra Nouri","Full paper","","true","BERT-based binary classification, Crowdsourcing, Feature-based binary classification, Task clarity assessment, Task design, Unclear task descriptions","false","Designing tasks clearly to facilitate accurate task completion is a challenging endeavor for requesters on crowdsourcing platforms. Prior research shows that inexperienced requesters fail to write clear and complete task descriptions which directly leads to low quality submissions from workers. By complementing existing works that have aimed to address this challenge, in this paper we study whether clarity flaws in task descriptions can be identified automatically using natural language processing methods. We identify and synthesize seven clarity flaws in task descriptions that are grounded in relevant literature. We build both BERT-based and feature-based binary classifiers, in order to study the extent to which clarity flaws in task descriptions can be computationally assessed, and understand textual properties of descriptions that affect task clarity. Through a crowdsourced study, we collect annotations of clarity flaws in 1332 real task descriptions. Using this dataset, we evaluate several configurations of the classifiers. Our results indicate that nearly all the clarity flaws in task descriptions can be assessed reasonably by the classifiers. We found that the content, style, and readability of tasks descriptions are particularly important in shaping their clarity. This work has important implications on the design of tools to help requesters in improving task clarity on crowdsourcing platforms. Flaw-specific properties can provide for valuable guidance in improving task descriptions.####" 1630362026,"Towards Enhancing Blind Users' Interaction Experience with Online Videos via Motion Gestures","Lee & Ashok",0,0,28,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Hae-Na Lee, Vikas Ashok","Hae-Na Lee","Short paper","","true","Accessibility, Blind, Mobile Interaction, Motion Gesture, Screen Reader, Smartphone, Video, Visually Impaired","false","Blind users interact with smartphone applications using a screen reader, an assistive technology that enables them to navigate and listen to application content using touch gestures. Since blind users rely on screen reader audio, interacting with online videos can be challenging due to the screen reader audio interfering with the video sounds. Existing solutions to address this interference problem are predominantly designed for desktop scenarios, where special keyboard or mouse actions are supported to facilitate 'silent' and direct access to various video controls such as play, pause, and progress bar. As these solutions are not transferable to smartphones, suitable alternatives are desired. In this regard, we explore the potential of motion gestures in smartphones as an effective and convenient method for blind screen reader users to interact with online videos. Specifically, we designed and developed YouTilt, an Android application that enables screen reader users to exploit an assortment of motion gestures to access and manipulate various video controls. We then conducted a user study with 10 blind participants to investigate whether blind users can leverage YouTilt to properly execute motion gestures for video-interaction tasks while simultaneously listening to video sounds. Analysis of the study data showed a significant improvement in usability by as much as 43.3% (avg.) with YouTilt compared to that with default screen reader, and overall a positive attitude and acceptance towards motion gesture-based video interaction." 1630362651,"Reductio ad absurdum?: From Analogue Hypertext to Digital Humanities","Nurmikko-Fuller & Pickering",1,0,32,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Paul Pickering, Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller","Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller","Short paper","","true","Australian history, Linked Data, hypertext, information aggregation, political history","true","In this paper we report on a complex and complete archive of historical primary sources that map the political landscape of the anglophone world in the mid-to late 1800s. The ruthless pragmatism applied to the construction of the initial Humanities dataset resulted in an analogue equivalent of a hypertext system, which has already resulted in published academic books and articles. Here, we describe the processes of a current project, which consists of the translation of this analogue information aggregation system into a graph database using Linked Data and semantic Web technologies." 1630362984,"A Simple Language Independent Approach for Distinguishing Individuals on Social Media","Piao",0,0,21,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Guangyuan Piao","Guangyuan Piao","Short paper","","true","Account Classification, Deep Learning, Social Media Analysis","false","Nowadays, the large-scale human activity traces on social media platforms such as Twitter provide new opportunities for various research areas such as mining user interests, understanding user behaviors, or conducting social science studies in a large scale. However, social media platforms contain not only individual accounts but also other accounts that are associated with non-individuals such as organizations or brands. Therefore, distinguishing individuals out of all accounts is crucial when we conduct research such as understanding human behavior based on data retrieved from those platforms. In this paper, we propose a language-independent approach for distinguishing individuals from non-individuals with the focus on leveraging their profile images, which has not been explored in previous studies. Extensive experiments on two datasets show that our proposed approach can provide competitive performance with state-of-the-art language-dependent methods, and outperforms alternative language-independent ones." 1630364515,"Back to the Future: Bringing Original Hypermedia and Cross-Media Concepts to Modern Desktop Environments","Signer et al.",3,0,24,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Beat Signer, Brent Willems, Reinout Roels, Robert van Barlingen","Beat Signer","Short paper","","true","cross-media spaces, file management, hypermedia, hypertext","true","Over the last few decades, we have seen massive improvements in computing power, but nevertheless we still rely on digital documents and file systems that were originally created by mimicking the characteristics of physical storage media with all its limitations. This is quite surprising given that even before the existence of the computer, Information Science visionaries such as Vannevar Bush described more powerful information management solutions. We therefore aim to improve the way information is managed in modern desktop environments by embedding a hypermedia engine offering rich hypermedia and cross-media concepts at the level of an operating system. We discuss the resource-selector-link (RSL) hypermedia metamodel as a candidate for realising such a general hypermedia engine and highlight its flexibility based on a number of domain-specific applications that have been developed over the last two decades. The underlying content repository will no longer rely on monolithic files, but rather contain a user's data in the form of content fragments, such as snippets of text or images, which are structurally linked to form the corresponding documents, and can be reused in other documents or even shared across computers. By increasing the scope to a system-wide hypermedia engine, we have to deal with fundamental challenges related to granularity, interoperability or context resolving. We strongly believe that computing technology has evolved enough to revisit and address these challenges, laying the foundation for a wide range of innovative use cases for efficiently managing cross-media content in modern desktop environments." 1569338372,"Users' Traces for Enhancing Arabic Facebook Search","Badache",0,0,32,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Ismail Badache","Ismail Badache","Short paper","","true","Facebook Search, Sentiment Analysis, User Generated Content","false","This paper proposes an approach on Facebook search in Arabic, which exploits several users’ traces (e.g. comment, share, reactions) left on Facebook posts to estimate their social importance. Our goal is to show how these social traces (signals) can play a vital role in improving Arabic Facebook search. Firstly, we identify polarities (positive or negative) carried by the textual signals (e.g. comments) and non-textual ones (e.g. the reactions love and sad) for a given Facebook post. Therefore, the polarity of each comment expressed on a given Facebook post, is estimated on the basis of a neural sentiment model in Arabic language. Secondly, we group signals according to their complementarity using features selection algorithms. Thirdly, we apply learning to rank (LTR) algorithms to re-rank Facebook search results based on the selected groups of signals. Finally, experiments are carried out on 13,500 Facebook posts, collected from 45 topics in Arabic language. Experiments results reveal that Random Forests combined with ReliefFAttributeEval (RLF) was the most effective LTR approach for this task." 1569338374,"Identifying Biases in Politically Biased Wikis through Word Embeddings","Knoche et al.",1,0,18,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Florian Lemmerich, Markus Knoche, Markus Strohmaier, Radomir Popović","Markus Knoche","Short paper","","true","Bias, Conservapedia, Embeddings, RationalWiki, Stereotypes, WEAT","true","With the increase of biased information available online, the importance of analysis and detection of such content has also significantly risen. In this paper, we aim to quantify different kinds of social biases using word embeddings. Towards this goal we train such embeddings on two politically biased MediaWiki instances, namely RationalWiki and Conservapedia. Additionally we included Wikipedia as an online encyclopedia, which is accepted by the general public. Utilizing and combining state-of-the-art word embedding models with WEAT and WEFAT, we display to what extent biases exist in the above-mentioned corpora. By comparing embeddings we observe interesting differences between different kinds of wikis." 1594762186,"The 'Fairness Doctrine' lives on?: Theorizing about the Algorithmic News Curation of Google's Top Stories","Kawakami et al.",0,0,25,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Anna Kawakami, Dongchen Huang, Eni Mustafaraj, Khonzoda Umarova","Anna Kawakami","Full paper","","true","algorithmic news curation, elections, google, media bias, survey","false","When one searches for political candidates on Google, a panel composed of recent news stories, known as Top stories, is commonly shown at the top of the search results page. These stories are selected by an algorithm that chooses from hundreds of thousands of articles published by thousands of news publishers. In our previous work, we identified 56 news sources that contributed 2/3 of all Top stories for 30 political candidates running in the primaries of 2020 US Presidential Election. In this paper, we survey US voters to elicit their familiarity and trust with these 56 news outlets. We find that some of the most frequent outlets are not familiar to all voters (e.g. The Hill or Politico), or particularly trusted by voters of any political stripes (e.g. Washington Examiner or The Daily Beast). Why then, are such sources shown so frequently in Top stories? We theorize that Google is sampling news articles from sources with different political leanings to offer a balanced coverage. This is reminiscent of the so-called “fairness doctrine” (1949-1987) policy in the United States that required broadcasters (radio or TV stations) to air contrasting views about controversial matters. Because there are fewer right-leaning publications than center or left-leaning ones, in order to maintain this “fair” balance, hyper-partisan far-right news sources of low trust receive more visibility than some news sources that are more familiar to and trusted by the public." 1594849416,"Unsupervised Fake News Detection: A Graph-based Approach","Gangireddy et al.",0,0,46,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Cheng Long, Deepak P, Siva Charan Reddy Gangireddy, Tanmoy Chakraborty","Siva Charan Reddy Gangireddy","Full paper","","true","fake news detection, graph mining, social media, unsupervised learning","false","Fake news has become more prevalent than ever, correlating with the rise of social media that allows every user to rapidly publish their views or hearsay. Today, fake news spans almost every realm of human activity, across diverse fields such as politics and healthcare. Most existing methods for fake news detection leverage supervised learning methods and expect a large labelled corpus of articles and social media user engagement information, which are often hard, time-consuming and costly to procure. In this paper, we consider the task of unsupervised fake news detection, which considers fake news detection in the absence of labelled historical data. We develop GTUT, a graph-based approach for the task which operates in three phases. Starting off with identifying a seed set of fake and legitimate articles exploiting high-level observations on inter-user behavior in fake news propagation, it progressively expands the labelling to all articles in the dataset. Our technique draws upon graph-based methods such as biclique identification, graph-based feature vector learning and label spreading. Through an extensive empirical evaluation over multiple real-world datasets, we establish the improved effectiveness of our method over state-of-the-art techniques for the task." 1594849417,"How to Assess the Exhaustiveness of Longitudinal Web Archives: A Case Study of the German Academic Web","Paris & Jäschke",2,0,22,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Michael Paris, Robert Jäschke","Michael Paris","Short paper","","true","dataset, exhaustive, focused web crawl, longitudinal, web archive","true","Longitudinal web archives can be a foundation for investigating structural and content-based research questions. One prerequisite is that they contain a faithful representation of the relevant subset of the web. Therefore, an assessment of the authority of a given dataset with respect to a research question should precede the actual investigation. Next to proper creation and curation, this requires measures for estimating the potential of a longitudinal web archive to yield information about the central objects the research question aims to investigate. In particular, content-based research questions often lack the ab-initio confidence about the integrity of the data. In this paper we focus on one specifically important aspect, namely the exhaustiveness of the dataset with respect to the central objects. Therefore, we investigate the recall coverage of researcher names in a longitudinal academic web crawl over a seven year period and the influence of our crawl method on the dataset integrity. Additionally, we propose a method to estimate the amount of missing information as a means to describe the exhaustiveness of the crawl and motivate a use case for the presented corpus." 1594849424,"Addressing the Skies of the Future of Text: A Call for Continuous Improvement in Infrastructures","Hegland",0,0,1,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Frode Hegland","Frode Hegland","Short paper","","true","hci, infrastructure, meta, visual-meta","false","The idiom ‘blue sky’ refers to ‘thinking not grounded or in touch with the way things are’. If we extrapolate far enough into blue sky thinking we can wish for buttons marked ‘Do Work’ , ‘Education’ and ‘Understand me’. These are all (absolutely worthy) desired results but the interaction entirely removes the human from the equation-even another machine could have pushed the button. To honestly address these wished for improvements in work, education and communication, we need to accept that there will be no magic bullet, pill or machine. These areas are not end-result type areas, such as pill which cures an ailment, they are processes which needs the human’s active integration in order to have value. If a button can be pressed to do your work, you no longer have a job." 1594891982,"You Do Not Decide for Me! Evaluating Explainable Group Aggregation Strategies for Tourism","Najafian et al.",0,0,28,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Daniel Herzog, Nava Tintarev, Oana Inel, Shabnam Najafian, Sihang Qiu","Shabnam Najafian","Full paper","","true","explainable aggregation strategies, group recommendation, human-centered computing user studies","false","Most recommender systems propose items to individual users. However, in domains such as tourism, people often consume items in groups rather than individually. Different individual preferences in such a group can be difficult to resolve, and often compromises need to be made. Social choice strategies can be used to aggregate the preferences of individuals. We evaluated two explainable modified preference aggregation strategies in a between-subject study (n=200), and compared them with two baseline strategies for groups that are also explainable, in two scenarios: high divergence (group members with different travel preferences) and low divergence (group members with similar travel preferences). Generally, all investigated aggregation strategies performed well in terms of perceived individual and group satisfaction and perceived fairness. The results also indicate that participants were sensitive to a dictator-based strategy, which affected both their individual and group satisfaction negatively (compared to the other strategies)." 1594898074,"NesTPP: Modeling Thread Dynamics in Online Discussion Forums","Ling, Tong & Chen",0,0,30,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Chen Ling, Guangmo Tong, Mozi Chen","Chen Ling","Full paper","","true","information dynamics, online discussion forum, temporal point process","false","Online discussion forum creates an asynchronous conversation environment for online users to exchange ideas and share opinions through a unique thread-reply communication mode. Accurately modeling information dynamics under such a mode is important, as it provides a means of mining latent spread patterns and understanding user behaviors. In this paper, we design a novel temporal point process model to characterize information cascades in online discussion forums. The proposed model views the entire event space as a nested structure composed of main thread streams and their linked reply streams, and it explicitly models the correlations between these two types of streams through their intensity functions. Leveraging the Reddit data, we examine the performance of the designed model in different applications and compare it with other popular methods. The experimental results have shown that our model can produce competitive results, and it outperforms state-of-the-art methods in most cases." 1594899024,"Tell Me What You Want: Embedding Narratives for Movie Recommendations","Eberhard, Walk & Helic",0,0,15,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Denis Helic, Lukas Eberhard, Simon Walk","Lukas Eberhard","Short paper","","true","empirical analysis, narrative-driven recommendations, recommender systems","false","Recommender systems are efficient exploration tools providing their users with valuable suggestions about items, such as products or movies. However, in scenarios where users have more specific ideas about what they are looking for (e.g., they provide describing narratives, such as “Movies with minimal story, but incredible atmosphere, such as No Country for Old Men”), traditional recommender systems struggle to provide relevant suggestions. In this paper, we study this problem by investigating a large collection of such narratives from the movie domain. We start by empirically analyzing a dataset containing free-text narratives representing movie suggestion requests from reddit users as well as community suggestions to those requests. We find that community suggestions are frequently more diverse than requests, making a recommendation task a challenging one. In a prediction experiment, we use embedding algorithms to assess the importance of request features including movie descriptions, genres, and plot keywords, by computing recommendations. Our findings suggest that, in our dataset, positive movies and keywords have the strongest, whereas negative movie features have the weakest predictive power. We strongly believe that our new insights into narratives for recommender systems represent an important stepping stone towards novel applications, such as interactive recommender applications." 1630361716,"Hate Speech in Political Discourse: A Case Study of UK MPs on Twitter","Agarwal et al.",1,0,65,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Edward Wood, Margarita Amaxopoulou, Nishanth Sastry, Noel Dempsey, Oliver Hawkins, Pushkal Agarwal","Pushkal Agarwal","Full paper","","true","hate-speech, politics, topics, twitter","true","Online presence is becoming unavoidable for politicians worldwide. In countries such as the UK, Twitter has become the platform of choice, with over 85% (553 of 650) of the Members of Parliament (MPs) having an active online presence. Whereas this has allowed ordinary citizens unprecedented and immediate access to their elected representatives, it has also led to serious concerns about online hate towards MPs. This work attempts to shed light on the problem using a dataset of conversations between MPs and non-MPs over a two month period. Deviating from other approaches in the literature, our data captures entire threads of conversations between Twitter handles of MPs and citizens in order to provide a full context for content that may be flagged as 'hate'. By combining widely-used hate speech detection tools trained on several widely available datasets, we analyse 2.5 million tweets to identify hate speech against MPs and we characterise hate across multiple dimensions of time, topics and MPs' demographics. We find that MPs are subject to intense 'pile on' hate by citizens whereby they get more hate when they are already busy with a high volume of mentions regarding some event or situation. We also show that hate is more dense with regard to certain topics and that MPs who have an ethnic minority background and those holding positions in Government receive more hate than other MPs. We find evidence of citizens expressing negative sentiments while engaging in cross-party conversations, with supporters of one party (e.g. Labour) directing hate against MPs of another party (e.g. Conservative)." 1630361717,"Death and Transmediations: Manuscripts in the Age of Hypertext","Antonini et al.",5,0,53,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Alessio Antonini, Edmund King, Francesca Benatti, Jonathan Gibson, Nicola Watson","Alessio Antonini","Full paper","","true","Digital Authoring, Digital Editions, Digital Humanities, Digital Manuscripts","true","Has Hypertext killed off both the form and value of manuscript? Digital authoring first and web authoring later have changed drastically the availability and type of traces that reflect both creative and editorial processes. In this view, the consolidated approaches on manuscript studies involving the analysis of material artefacts are challenged. While new methodologies such as digital “forensics” and “virtual desks” are emerging, the nature and relations of native-digital manuscripts are yet to be fully investigated. This contribution accounts digital artefacts within the field of manuscript studies, identifying parallels between material manuscripts and hypertext features in their value as documents. The mapping between digital and material artefacts outlines a theory of manuscript “transmediations” identifying where and how manuscripts cues are reflected in digital technologies. This theory is developed through case studies and analyses of digital transitions. In a discussion, we highlight key challenges and future directions for scholarly editions of digital manuscripts. Lastly, we elaborate the requirements of a hypertext “genre” for digital manuscripts that supports reconciling the open-ended collaborative process of curation with the need for a coherent narrative addressed to the broader public.####" 1630361718,"Debiasing Multilingual Word Embeddings: A Case Study of Three Indian Languages","Bansal et al.",0,0,21,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Animesh Mukherjee, Ayush Suhane, Srijan Bansal, Vishal Garimella","Srijan Bansal","Full paper","","true","Debiasing Indian languages, Debiasing multilingual embeddings, Gender bias","false","In this paper, we advance the current state-of-the-art method for debiasing monolingual word embeddings so as to generalize well in a multilingual setting. We consider different methods to quantify bias and different debiasing approaches for monolingual as well as multilingual settings. We demonstrate the significance of our bias-mitigation approach on downstream NLP applications. Our proposed methods establish the state-of-the-art performance for debiasing multilingual embeddings for three Indian languages - Hindi, Bengali, and Telugu in addition to English. We believe that our work will open up new opportunities in building unbiased downstream NLP applications that are inherently dependent on the quality of the word embeddings used." 1630361719,"Rotten and Possessed: Control and Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice as Models of Outmersive Game Design","Berge",0,0,51,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","P. S. Berge","P. S. Berge","Full paper","","true","coinhabited avatar, embodiment, immersion, outmersion","false","Control (Remedy Entertainment) and Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (Ninja Theory) demonstrate the potential for game design that defies expectations of immersive gameplay and embodied avatars. Building on game scholarship that recognizes 'immersion' as a “double-axis of incorporation” [8] consisting of a “complex interplay of actual and virtual worlds as perceived through a dually embodied player” [26,p. 73], we can see how these games achieve powerful moments of coattention through outmersive game design-deliberately alienating the player from an embodied avatar experience. Outmersion,a term coined by Gonzalo Frasca, offers a broader categorization for games that procedurally engender “critical distance” by directing player attention to and outside of the game itself [16]. This article uses close-play to explore how the characters of Jesse Faden in Control and Senua in Hellblade make use of the 'coinhabited avatar' trope-in which the avatar is possessed by non-player entities. This article identifies shared outcomes in the outmersive design of these characters, namely that they: 1) directly invoked the player 2) complicated the player's place in the avatar body 3) deceived the player 4) took agency from the player and 5) referenced game structures directly. Through outmersion, these games created provocative moments of player attention and reflection, simultaneously interrogating assumptions of power, rules, and embodiment. This article advocates for further exploration of outmersive game and interactive narrative design to challenge dominant presumptions about player-avatar interactions." 1630361721,"Road to the White House: Analyzing the Relations Between Mainstream and Social Media During the U.S. Presidential Primaries","Brookhouse et al.",0,0,47,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Aaron Brookhouse, H. Russell Bernard, Hamid Karimi, Jiliang Tang, Tyler Derr","Aaron Brookhouse","Full paper","","true","2020 Presidential Election, Mainstream News, Online Social Media","false","Information is crucial to the function of a democratic society where well-informed citizens can make rational political decisions. While in the past political entities primarily utilized newspapers and later radio and television to inform the public, the political arena has transformed into a more complex structure with the rise of the Internet and online social media. Now, more than ever, people express themselves online while mainstream news agencies attempt to utilize the power of the Internet to spread their articles as much as possible. To grasp the political coexistence of mainstream media and online social media, in this paper, we analyze these two sources of information in the context of the U.S. 2020 presidential election. In particular, we collected data during the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries pertaining to the candidates, and, by analyzing this data, we highlight similarities and differences between these two main types of sources, detect the potential impact they have on each other, and understand how this impact relationship can change over time." 1630361723,"You too Brutus! Trapping Hateful Users in Social Media: Challenges, Solutions & Insights","Das et al.",0,0,47,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Animesh Mukherjee, Binny Mathew, Mithun Das, Pawan Goyal, Punyajoy Saha, Ritam Dutt","Mithun Das","Full paper","","true","Gab, Hate Speech, Hateful Users, Twitter","false","Hate speech is regarded as one of the crucial issues plaguing the online social media. The current literature on hate speech detection leverages primarily the textual content to find hateful posts and subsequently identify hateful users. However, this methodology disregards the social connections between users. In this paper, we run a detailed exploration of the problem space and investigate an array of models ranging from purely textual to graph based to finally semi-supervised techniques using Graph Neural Networks (GNN) that utilize both textual and graph-based features. We run exhaustive experiments on two datasets -- Gab, which is loosely moderated and Twitter, which is strictly moderated. Overall the AGNN model achieves 0.791 macro F1-score on the Gab dataset and 0.780 macro F1-score on the Twitter dataset using only 5% of the labeled instances, considerably outperforming all the other models including the fully supervised ones. We perform detailed error analysis on the best performing text and graph based models and observe that hateful users have unique network neighborhood signatures and the AGNN model benefits by paying attention to these signatures. This property, as we observe, also allows the model to generalize well across platforms in a zero-shot setting. Lastly, we utilize the best performing GNN model to analyze the evolution of hateful users and their targets over time in Gab." 1630361729,"Towards Understanding Complex Known-Item Requests on Reddit","Meier et al.",0,0,67,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Florian Meier, Line Ebdrup Thomsen, Maria Gäde, Toine Bogers","Florian Meier","Full paper","","true","Known-item needs, Reddit, casual leisure, complex search, information needs, re-finding, relevance","false","Given the important role of search engines in our everyday lives, a better understanding of the information needs that guide our information seeking behavior is essential. Known-item needs form a particular type of information need and occur when a user has a limited but concrete description of an existing object and would like to (re-)find it. Most studies of know-item needs have focused on the short query representations of these needs as they occur in search engine logs. In this article, we focus on richer, more complex known-item need representations posted to six dedicated Reddit discussion forums in the casual leisure domain. An analysis of 462 known-item requests from these subreddits revealed 33 different relevance aspects of items in a variety of different domains. Some of these aspects are highly domain-specific, while others are broadly applicable across domains. The domain %of the item sought also has a strong influence on the length of the known-item requests. Our findings can be used to prioritize efforts to help existing search engines better support known-item needs, both by highlighting which aspects are easier to classify automatically and by determining which information sources should be added to a search engine's index." 1630361734,"Federated Multi-task Learning for Complaint Identification from Social Media Data","Singh et al.",0,0,43,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Apoorva Singh, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Sriparna Saha, Tanmay Sen","Apoorva Singh","Full paper","","true","Complaint Identification, Deep Multitask learning, Federated Learning","false","Complaining is a speech act that is often used by consumers to signify a breach of expectation, i.e., an expression of displeasure on a consumer's behalf towards an organization, product, or event. Complaint identification has been previously analyzed based on extensive feature engineering in centralized settings, disregarding the non-identically independently distributed (non-IID), security, and privacy-preserving characteristics of complaints that can hamper data accumulation, distribution, and learning. In this work, we propose a Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) based multi-task framework that aims to learn two closely related tasks,viz. complaint identification (primary task) and sentiment classification (auxiliary tasks) concurrently under federated-learning settings. Extensive evaluation on two real-world datasets shows that our proposed framework surpasses the baselines and state-of-the-art framework results by a significant margin." 1630361735,"Genre-bending on an Academic Platform: Three Creative Works on Scalar","Ackermans",4,0,13,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Hannah Ackermans","Hannah Ackermans","Short paper","","true","Scalar, academic platform, electronic literature, genre, multilinearity, multimodality","true","This paper investigates genre and media specificity of electronic literature created in Scalar. Scalar is a platform and authoring tool created specifically for humanities scholars to enable multimodal and multilinear publications. Besides scholarly work, Robert Budac's The Scalar Conspiracy [4], Steven Wingate's daddylabyrinth: a digital lyric memoir [12] and micha cárdenas' Redshift & Portalmetal [5] are all works of electronic literature created in Scalar. I demonstrate that all three of these works use Scalar to create genre-bending texts that build on and subvert the technological affordances as well as the contextual connotations that Scalar provides. The Scalar Conspiracy parodies the counter-intuitive user interface elements by making the reader investigate the text's different hidden messages. daddylabyrinth: a digital lyric memoir destabilizes the genre of the (auto)biography by promoting documentation and research while continuously showing how these processes fall short during the writing and reading process. Redshift & Portalmetal favors experience over documentation to create a work that is both immersive and theory-building. These Scalar fictions are characterized by the premise that the platform's academic context strengthens the narrative. Researching the multimodality and academic context as integral parts of the narrative structure opens up the opportunity to reckon with the platform-specificity across genres." 1630361736,"Cross-lingual Capsule Network for Hate Speech Detection in Social Media","Jiang & Zubiaga",0,0,41,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Aiqi Jiang, Arkaitz Zubiaga","Aiqi Jiang","Short paper","","true","Capsule Network, Cross-lingual Learning, Hate Speech Detection, Social Media","false","Most hate speech detection research focuses on a single language, generally English, which limits their generalisability to other languages. In this paper we investigate the cross-lingual hate speech detection task, tackling the problem by adapting the hate speech resources from one language to another. We propose a cross-lingual capsule network learning model coupled with extra domain-specific lexical semantics for hate speech (CCNL-Ex). Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on benchmark datasets from AMI@Evalita2018 and AMI@Ibereval2018 involving three languages: English, Spanish and Italian, outperforming state-of-the-art baselines on all six language pairs." 1630361737,"Profiling Fake News Spreaders on Social Media through Psychological and Motivational Factors","Karami, Nazert & Liu",0,0,55,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Huan Liu, Mansooreh Karami, Tahora H. Nazer","Mansooreh Karami","Short paper","","true","Fake News, Fake News Spreader, Psychological Theories, Social Media, Social and Behavioral Studies","false","The rise of fake news in the past decade has brought with it a host of consequences, from swaying opinions on elections to generating uncertainty during a pandemic. A majority of methods developed to combat disinformation either focus on fake news content or malicious actors who generate it. However, the virality of fake news is largely dependent upon the users who propagate it. A deeper understanding of these users can contribute to the development of a framework for identifying users who are likely to spread fake news. In this work, we study the characteristics and motivational factors of fake news spreaders on social media with input from psychological theories and behavioral studies. We then perform a series of experiments to determine if fake news spreaders can be found to exhibit different characteristics than other users. Further, we investigate our findings by testing whether the characteristics we observe amongst fake news spreaders in our experiments can be applied to the detection of fake news spreaders in a real social media environment." 1630363169,"RIP Emojis and Words to Contextualize Mourning on Twitter","Xu, Manrique & Nunes",0,0,51,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Bernardo Pereira Nunes, Ruben Manrique, Xinyuan Xu","Xinyuan Xu","Short paper","","true","BERT, classification models, emojis, social media mourning","false","This paper aims to investigate the use of emojis to contextualize mourning on Twitter. Specifically, we seek to determine (i) whether an emoji is sufficient to contextualize expressions of grief; (ii) which emojis most accurately represent mourning; (iii) whether only words are used to contextualize mourning; (iv) which words are used to characterize mourning in tweets; and, (v) if there are differences in the expression of mourning in different languages. For this, we use a multi-stage method to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the manifestations of grieving behavior on Twitter, and created machine learning models to classify expressions of mourning in tweets. The main contributions from this work are (1) a gold standard of manually annotated mourning tweets; (2) classification models produced using machine learning ensemble methods and BERT contextual embeddings; and, (3) an extensive analysis of our findings opening up opportunities for new research. The results of this paper reveal emojis alone are insufficient for identifying expressions of mourning in tweets, and the combination of both emojis and words is the most effective strategy for contextualizing mourning online -- the models achieved the 84.8%-97% F1 score in all datasets. Although words alone are capable of characterizing mourning contexts correctly, the English vocabulary is limited, and the contribution of RIP - the abbreviation for “rest in peace” - is highly decisive. Our results have also shown that the most relevant emojis for this context were emotional ones, such as \includegraphics[width=1em]twitter_brokenheart.png, and emojis are used in a uniform fashion in both Spanish and English." 1630363886,"International Teaching and Research in Hypertext","Atzenbeck & Cheon",14,0,38,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Claus Atzenbeck, Jaesook Cheong","Claus Atzenbeck","Short paper","","true","Historic Hypertext Project, INTR/HT, didactic, distance teaching, hypertext, hypertext community, hypertext systems, projects, research, university teaching","true","This paper presents a way for the hypertext community to gain strength and contribute to other fields of research by joining forces. It discusses the challenges that need to be addressed with respect to geographically scattered students and scholars, interdisciplinary courses, and students with various foreknowledge. We propose the INTR/HT project, a platform that aims for bringing hypertext scholars and students together worldwide. The interdisciplinary approach fosters creativity in the context of hypertext and is valuable for educating and supporting the next generation of hypertext scholars and researchers.####" 1513523117,"Evaluating Navigational RDF Queries over the Web","Baier et al.",0,0,37,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Dietrich Daroch, Domagoj Vrgoč, Jorge Baier, Juan L. Reutter","Jorge Baier","Full paper","","true","Linked Data, RDF, evaluation algorithms, property paths","false","Semantic Web, and its underlying data format RDF, lend themselves naturally to navigational querying due to their graph-like structure. This is particularly evident when considering RDF data on the Web, where various separately published datasets reference each other and form a giant graph known as the Web of Linked Data. And while navigational queries over singular RDF datasets are supported through SPARQL property paths, not much is known about evaluating them over Linked Data. In this paper we propose a method for evaluating property path queries over the Web based on the classical AI search algorithm A*, show its optimality in the open world setting of the Web, and test it using real world queries which access a variety of RDF datasets available online and that are not necessarily known in advance." 1513523118,"Linking Content Information with Bayesian Personalized Ranking via Multiple Content Alignments","Peska",0,0,26,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Ladislav Peska","Ladislav Peska","Full paper","","true","BPR, Cold-start problem, Recommender systems, content alignment","false","In many application domains of recommender systems, content-based information are available for users, objects or both. Such information can be processed during recommendation and significantly decrease the cold-start problem. However, content information may come from several, possibly external, sources. Some sources may be incomplete, less reliable or less relevant for the purpose of recommendation. Thus, each content source or attribute possess different level of informativeness, which should be taken into consideration during the process of recommendation. In this paper, we propose a multiple content alignments extension to the Bayesian Personalized Ranking Matrix Factorization (BPR-MCA). The proposed method incorporates multiple sources of content information in the form of user-to-user or object-to-object similarity matrices and aligns users’ and items’latent factors ac-cording to these similarities. During the training phase, BPR-MCA also learns the relevance weight of each similarity matrix. BPR-MCA was evaluated on the MovieLens 1M dataset, extended by the content information from IMDB, DBTropes and ZIP code statistics. The experiment shows that BPR-MCA can help to significantly improve recommendation w.r.t. nDCG and AUPR over standard BPR under several cold-start scenarios." 1513523122,"Bumps and Bruises: Mining Presidential Campaign Announcements on Twitter","Le et al.",0,0,45,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","G.R. Boynton, Huyen Le, Padmini Srinivasan, Yelena Mejova, Zubair Shafiq","Huyen Le","Full paper","","true","Sentiment Analysis, Social Media Analysis, Twitter","false","Online social media plays an increasingly significant role in shaping the political discourse during elections worldwide. In the 2016 U.S. presidential election, political campaigns strategically designed candidacy announcements on Twitter to produce a significant increase in online social media attention. We use large-scale online social media communications to study the factors of party, personality, and policy in the Twitter discourse following six major presidential campaign announcements for the 2016 U.S. presidential election. We observe that all campaign announcements result in an instant bump in attention, with up to several orders of magnitude increase in tweets. However, we find that Twitter discourse as a result of this bump in attention has overwhelmingly negative sentiment. The bruising criticism, driven by crosstalk from Twitter users of opposite party affiliations, is organized by hashtags such as #NoMoreBushes and #WhyImNotVotingForHillary. We analyze how people take to Twitter to criticize specific personality traits and policy positions of presidential candidates." 1513523123,"Eatery: A Multi-Aspect Restaurant Rating System","Panchendrarajan et al.",1,0,39,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Akila Pemasiri, Brunthavan Murugaiah, Nazick Ahamed, Prakhash Sivakumar, Rrubaa Panchendrarajan, Surangika Ranathunga","Rrubaa Panchendrarajan","Full paper","","true","Rating system, aspect-level opinion mining, implicit aspect detection, text categorisation","true","This paper presents Eatery, a multi-aspect restaurant rating system that identifies rating values for different aspects of a restaurant by means of aspect-level sentiment analysis. Eatery uses a hierarchical taxonomy that represents relationships between various aspects of the restaurant domain that enables finding the sentiment score of an aspect as a composite sentiment score of its sub-aspects. The system consists of a word co-occurrence based technique to identify multiple implicit aspects appearing in a sentence of a review. An improved version of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to obtain weights specific to a restaurant by utilizing the relationships between aspects, which allows finding the composite sentiment score for each aspect in the taxonomy. The system also has the ability to rate individual food items and food categories. An improved version of Single Pass Partition Method (SPPM) is used to categorise food names to obtain food categories." 1513523124,"SENA: Preserving Social Structure for Network Embedding","Hong et al.",0,0,37,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Ghaith Husari, Noseong Park, Sanghyun Hong, Sungjin Ahn, Tanmoy Chakraborty","Sanghyun Hong","Full paper","","true","Community Detection, Link Prediction, Network Embedding","false","[Network embedding transforms a network into a continuous feature space. Network augmentation, on the other hand, leverages this feature representation to obtain a more informative network by adding potentially plausible edges while removing noisy edges. Traditional network embedding methods are often inefficient in capturing - (i) the latent relationship when the network is sparse (the network sparsity problem), and (ii) the local and global neighborhood structure of vertices (structure preserving problem).####We propose SENA, a structural embedding and network augmentation framework for social network analysis. Unlike other embedding methods which only generate vertex features, SENA generates features for both vertices and relations (edges) by minimizing a well-designed objective function composed of a loss function and a regularization. The loss function reduces the network-sparsity problem by learning from both the edges present (true edges) and absent (false edges) in the network; whereas the regularization term preserves the structural properties of the network by efficiently considering - (i) the local neighborhood of vertices and edges, and (ii) the network spectra, i.e., eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix representing the network.####We compare SENA with four baseline network embedding methods, namely DeepWalk, SE, SME and TransE. We demonstrate the efficacy of SENA through a task-based evaluation setting on different real-world networks. We consider the state-of-the-art algorithms for (i) community detection, (ii) link prediction and (iii) knowledge graph query answering, and show that with SENA’s representation, these algorithms achieve up to 10%, 9% and (surprisingly) 108% higher accuracy respectively compared to the best baseline embedding methods." 1513523125,"A Hypervideo Model for Learning Objects","Busson et al.",1,0,36,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","André Luiz de B. Damasceno, Antonio José G. Busson, Carlos de Salles Soares Neto, Roberto G. de A. Azevedo, Sérgio Colcher, Thacyla de Sousa Lima","Antonio José G. Busson","Full paper","","true","Hypervideos, Learning Objects, SceneSync","true","Learning Objects (LOs) are entities that can be used, reused, or referred during the teaching process. They are commonly embedded into documents that establish spatial and temporal relationships on their contents. Hypervideos LOs allow students to individualize their learning experience with non-linear browsing mechanisms and content adaptation. This paper presents a survey of features for a set of documents representing such LOs as well as desirable aspects that should be expressed during the authoring phase. Also, this paper presents a conceptual model that fits such requirements. The model is implemented by SceneSync, a domain specific language focused on the synchronization and temporal behavior of LOs. As a result of the work, we present a set of LOs specified in SceneSync and a discussion about the identified features, which confirm the expressiveness and applicability of the model." 1513523126,"Engaging Neighbors: The Double-Edged Sword of Mobilization Messaging in Hyper-Local Online Forums","López, Farzan & Lin",0,0,29,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Claudia López, Rosta Farzan, Yu-Ru Lin","Claudia López","Full paper","","true","hyper-local, mobilizations, neighborhoods, social capital","false","Information technologies for local communities can augment the relationships among neighbors and reduce barriers for collective action, thus increasing social capital. However, the benefits arise only if enough residents are engaged with the technology. Based on a six-year dataset of messages among neighbors on 35 online discussion forums, we examined the relationship of different kinds of content shared on the forums and user engagement. We leveraged text analysis to automatically classify over 32,000 posts shared in these hyper-local forums. Our findings suggest that neighbors use the forums largely for social capital mobilization, requesting both active and passive actions. Nevertheless, a balance between these two kinds of content is crucial for attracting new users and retaining current ones in order to keep a thriving stream of content. These results advance the understanding of the role of content on sustainability and impact of hyper-local technologies." 1531046416,"IntelliEye: Enhancing MOOC Learners' Video Watching Experience through Real-Time Attention Tracking","Robal et al.",0,0,30,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Christoph Lofi, Claudia Hauff, Tarmo Robal, Yue Zhao","Tarmo Robal","Full paper","","true","IntelliEye, MOOCs, online learning","false","Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have become an attractive opportunity for people around the world to gain knowledge and skills. Despite the initial enthusiasm of the first wave of MOOCs and the subsequent research efforts, MOOCs today suffer from retention issues: many MOOC learners start but do not finish. A main culprit is the lack of oversight and directions: learners need to be skilled in self-regulated learning to monitor themselves and their progress, keep their focus and plan their learning. Many learners lack such skills and as a consequence do not succeed in their chosen MOOC. Many of today’s MOOCs are centered around video lectures, which provide ample opportunities for learners to become distracted and lose their attention without realizing it. If we were able to detect learners’ loss of attention in real-time, we would be able to intervene and ideally return learners’ attention to the video. This is the scenario we investigate: we designed a privacy-aware system (IntelliEye) that makes use of learners’ Webcam feeds to determine—in real-time—when they no longer pay attention to the lecture videos. IntelliEye makes learners aware of their attention loss via visual and auditory cues. We deployed IntelliEye in a MOOC across a period of 74 days and explore to what extent MOOC learners accept it as part of their learning and to what extent it influences learners’ behaviour. IntelliEye is open-sourced at" 1531046422,"Penny Auctions are Predictable: Predicting and Profiling User Behavior on DealDash","Zhang et al.",0,0,23,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Ben Y. Zhao, Haitao Zheng, Shawn Shan, Shiliang Tang, Xinyi Zhang","Xinyi Zhang","Short paper","","true","clustering, online auctions, sequence prediction, user behavior","false","We study user behavior and the predictability of penny auctions, auction sites often criticized for misrepresenting themselves as low-price auction marketplaces. Using a 166-day trace of 134,568 auctions involving 174 million bids on DealDash, the largest penny auction site in service, we show that a) both the timing and source of bids are highly predictable, and b) users are easily classified into clear behavioral groups by their bidding behavior, and such behaviors correlate highly with the eventual profitability of their bidding strategies. This suggests that penny auction sites are vulnerable to modeling and adversarial attacks." 1531052854,"Narrative Plot Comparison Based on a Bag-of-actors Document Model","Srivatsa & Srinivasa",0,0,24,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Sharath Srivatsa, Srinath Srinivasa","Sharath Srivatsa","Full paper","","true","bag of actors model, narrative document model, narrative storage and ranked retrieval, narratives, plot comparison algorithm","false","Comparing documents based on their semantic plot structure or narrative is an important problem in several application areas. Approaches based on information retrieval methods, latent semantic indexing, sentence embedding, and topic modeling are inadequate to capture the structural elements of the narrative. In this work, we present an abstract “bag-of-actors” document model, meant for comparing, indexing and retrieving documents based on their narrative structures. This model is based on resolving the main entities or actors in the plot, and the corresponding actions associated with them. We use this to compare movie plot summaries from IMDB (Internet Movie Database) to identify movie plots that are remakes or were inspired by one another. Evaluation over a wide range of movie plots from different genres, show encouraging results." 1531053712,"Securing Social Media User Data: An Adversarial Approach","Beigi et al.",1,0,37,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Ghazaleh Beigi, Huan Liu, Kai Shu, Yanchao Zhang","Ghazaleh Beigi","Full paper","","true","","true","Social media users generate tremendous amounts of data. To better serve users, it is required to share the user-related data among researchers, advertisers and application developers. Publishing such data would raise more concerns on user privacy. To encourage data sharing and mitigate user privacy concerns, a number of anonymization and de-anonymization algorithms have been developed to help protect privacy of social media users. In this work, we propose a new adversarial attack specialized for social media data. We further provide a principled way to assess effectiveness of anonymizing different aspects of social media data. Our work sheds light on new privacy risks in social media data due to innate heterogeneity of user-generated data which require striking balance between sharing user data and protecting user privacy." 1531053718,"Learning to Rank Social Bots","Perna & Tagarelli",0,0,36,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Andrea Tagarelli, Diego Perna","Diego Perna","Full paper","","true","Twitter data, bot detection, social bot analysis","false","Software robots, or simply bots, have often been regarded as harmless programs confined within the cyberspace. However, recent events in our society proved that they can have important effects on real life as well. Bots have in fact become one of the key tools for disseminating information through online social networks (OSNs), influencing their members and eventually changing their opinions. With a focus on classification, social bot detection has lately emerged as a major topic in OSN analysis; nevertheless more research is needed to enhance our understanding of such automated behaviors, particularly to unveil the characteristics that better differentiate legitimate accounts from bots. We argue that this demands for learning behavioral models that should be trained using a large and heterogeneous set of behavioral features, so to detect and characterize OSN accounts according to their status as bots. Within this view, in this work we push forward research on bot analysis by proposing a machine-learning framework for identifying and ranking OSN accounts based on their degree of bot relevance. Our framework exploits the most known existing methods on bot detection for enhanced feature extraction, and state-of-the-art learning-to-rank methods, using different optimization and evaluation criteria. Results obtained on Twitter data show the significance and effectiveness of our approach in detecting and ranking bot accounts." 1531053730,"Stance Classification through Proximity-based Community Detection","Fraisier et al.",0,0,44,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Guillaume Cabanac, Mohand Boughanem, Ophélie Fraisier, Romaric Besançon, Yoann Pitarch","Ophélie Fraisier","Full paper","","true","Computational Social Science, Political discourse, Social media, Stance detection","false","Numerous domains have interests in studying the viewpoints expressed online, be it for marketing, cybersecurity, or research purposes with the rise of computational social sciences. Current stance detection models are usually grounded on the specificities of some social platforms. This rigidity is unfortunate since it does not allow the integration of the multitude of signals informing effective stance detection. We propose the SCSD model, or Sequential Community-based Stance Detection model, a semi-supervised ensemble algorithm which considers these signals by modeling them as a multi-layer graph representing proximities between profiles. We use a handful of seed profiles, for whom we know the stance, to classify the rest of the profiles by exploiting like-minded communities. These communities represent profiles close enough to assume they share a similar stance on a given subject. Using datasets from two different social platforms, containing two to five stances, we show that by combining several types of proximity we can achieve excellent results. Moreover, we compare the proximities to find those which convey useful information in term of stance detection." 1474400432,"Summarizing Situational Tweets in Crisis Scenario","Rudra et al.",1,0,32,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Koustav Rudra, Muhammad Imran, Niloy Ganguly, Pawan Goyal, Prasenjit Mitra, Siddhartha Banerjee","Koustav Rudra","Full paper","","true","Disaster events, Twitter, classification, situational information, summarization","true","During mass convergence events such as natural disasters, microblogging platforms like Twitter are widely used by affected people to post situational awareness messages. These crisis-related messages disperse among multiple categories like infrastructure damage, information about missing, injured, and dead people etc. The challenge here is to extract important situational updates from these messages, assign them appropriate informational categories, and finally summarize big trove of information in each category. In this paper, we propose a novel framework which first assigns tweets into different situational classes and then summarize those tweets. In the summarization phase, we propose a two stage summarization framework which first extracts a set of important tweets from the whole set of information through an Integer-linear programming (ILP) based optimization technique and then follows a word graph and content word based abstractive summarization technique to produce the final summary. Our method is time and memory efficient and outperforms the baseline in terms of quality, coverage of events, locations et al., effectiveness, and utility in disaster scenarios." 1474400437,"Cross-system Recommendation: User-modelling via Social Media versus Self-Declared Preferences","Alanazi, Goulding & McAuley",0,0,28,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Derek McAuley, James Goulding, Sultan Alanazi","Sultan Alanazi","Short paper","","true","","false","It is increasingly rare to encounter a Web service that doesn’t engage in some form of automated recommendation, with Collaborative Filtering (CF) techniques being virtually ubiquitous as the means for delivering relevant content. Yet several key issues still remain unresolved, including optimal handling of cold starts and how best to maintain user-privacy within that context. Recent work has demonstrated a potentially fruitful line of attack in the form of cross-system user modelling, which uses features generated from one domain to bootstrap recommendations in another. In this paper we evidence the effectiveness of this approach through direct real-world user feedback, deconstructing a cross-system news recommendation service where user models are generated via social media data. It is shown that even when a relatively naive vector-space approach is used, it is possible to automatically generate user-models that provide statistically superior performance than when items are explicitly filtered based on a user’s self-declared preferences. Detailed qualitative analysis of why such effects occur indicate that different models are capturing widely different areas within a user’s preference space, and that hybrid models represent fertile ground for future research." 1474400438,"Identifying Knowledge Anchors in a Data Graph","Al-Tawil et al.",1,0,34,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Brandon Bennett, Dhavalkumar Thakker, Marwan Al-Tawil, Vania Dimitrova","Marwan Al-Tawil","Short paper","","true","Data graphs, basic level objects, exploratory search, knowledge utility","true","The recent growth of the Web of Data has brought to the fore the need to develop intelligent means to support user exploration through big data graphs. To be effective, approaches for data graph exploration should take into account the utility from a user’s point of view. We have been investigating knowledge utility—how useful the trajectories in a data graph are for expanding users’ knowledge. Following the theory for meaningful learning, according to which new knowledge is developed starting from familiar entities (anchors) and expanding to new and unfamiliar entities, we propose here an approach to identify knowledge anchors in a data graph. Our approach is underpinned by the Cognitive Science notion of basic level objects in domain taxonomies. Several metrics for extracting knowledge anchors in a data graph, and the corresponding algorithms, are presented. The metrics performance is examined, and a hybridization approach that combines the strengths of each metric is proposed." 1474400439,"The Effect of Synonym Substitution on Search Results","Antunovic, Lee & Ashman",2,0,25,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Helen Ashman, Ivan Lee, Michael Antunovic","Michael Antunovic","Short paper","","true","Web search, query substitution, synonym discovery","true","Synonyms or other semantic associations can be used in web search in query substitution to improve or augment the query to retrieve more relevant search results. The value of substitution depends on how well the synonyms preserve semantic meaning, as any attrition in meaning can result in semantic drift of query results. Many synonyms are not synonyms in the traditional, thesaurus sense, but are semantic associations discovered automatically from online data, with the risk of semantic drift in substitution. This discovery of synonyms or other semantic associations arises from different methods applied over web search logs, and in this paper we review the candidate synonym pairs of words or phrases generated from three different methods applied over the same web search logs. The suitability of the candidate synonym pairs for the purpose of query substitution is evaluated in an experiment where 68 subjects assessed the search results generated by both the original query and the substituted query. It was found that two of the discovery methods returned significantly worse results with the substitution than were returned by the original query for the majority of queries, with only around 20-22% of substituted queries generating either improved or equally-relevant results. The third method however returned a very similar level of superior results as the original query, and saw over 71% of substituted queries generating either improved or equally-relevant results. These results indicate that even when candidate synonym pairs are confirmed as being semantically associated using other methods, they still may not be suitable for query substitution, depending on the method of synonym discovery." 1513449546,"Hyperlocal Home Location Identification of Twitter Profiles","Poulston, Stevenson & Bontcheva",1,0,43,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Adam Poulston, Kalina Bontcheva, Mark Stevenson","Adam Poulston","Full paper","","true","User geo-location, data mining, geographic clustering, home location identification","true","Knowledge of user’s location provides valuable information that can be used to build region-specific models (e.g. language used in a particular region and map-based visualisations of social media posts). Determining a user’s home location presents a challenge. Current approaches make use of geo-located tweets or textual cues but are often only able to predict location to a coarse level of granularity (e.g. city level), while many applications require finer-grained (hyperlocal) predictions.####A novel approach for hyperlocal home location identification, based on clustering of geo-located tweets, is presented. A gold-standard data set for home location identification is developed by making use of indicative phrases in geo-located tweets. We find that the cluster-based approaches outperform current techniques for hyperlocal location prediction." 1513449549,"Place-Type Detection in Location-Based Social Networks","Hasanuzzaman & Way",0,0,44,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Andy Way, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman","Mohammed Hasanuzzaman","Full paper","","true","Location-Based Social Networks, POI recommendation, Place-type tagging","false","Determining the type of places in location-based social networks will contribute to the success of various downstream tasks such as POI recommendation, location search, automatic place name database creation, and data cleaning.####In this paper, we propose a multi-objective ensemble learning framework that (i) allows the accurate tagging of places into one of the three categories: public, private, or virtual, and (ii) identifying a set of solutions thus offering a wide range of possible applications. Based on the check-in records, we compute two types of place features from (i) specific patterns of individual places and (ii) latent relatedness among similar places. The features extracted from specific patterns (SP) are derived from all check-ins at a specific place. The features from latent relatedness (LR) are computed by building a graph of related places where similar types of places are connected by virtual edges. We conduct an experimental study based on a dataset of over 2.7M check-in records collected by crawling Foursquare-tagged tweets from Twitter. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to this new problem and show the strength of taking various methods into account in feature extraction. Moreover, we demonstrate how place type tagging can be beneficial for place name recommendation services." 1513523119,"Does Personality Matter?: A Study of Personality and Situational Effects on Consumer Behavior","Liu et al.",0,0,63,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Anbang Xu, Jalal Mahmud, Jerald Schoudt, Rama Akkiraju, Yi Wang, Zhe Liu","Zhe Liu","Full paper","","true","Big five personality, Consumption behavior, Income, Needs, Personality traits","false","Personality traits have long been shown to contribute to consumer behaviors. Besides the main effect of personality, it seems also plausible that other factors may impact this relationship. To understand such situational effects, in this study we analyze two possible variables, namely, income and needs. We conduct extensive analysis on a large industry dataset across over 100 product categories. For each category, we build a prediction model for consumption decision based on the derived personality features. We experiment with our prediction models under different conditions segmented by both situational factors. Our results suggest that personality’s decisive power on consumer behavior varies significantly among different income levels, but non-significantly between consumer needs. Together, income and needs also have significant effect on the association between individual’s personality and consumption behavior. We conclude this work by discussing the implications of our experiments and how our finding can benefit the design of more personalized recommender systems in real-world settings." 1513523120,"Demographics of News Sharing in the U.S. Twittersphere","Reis et al.",1,0,45,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Fabrício Benevenuto, Haewoon Kwak, Jisun An, Johnnatan Messias, Julio C.S. Reis","Julio C.S. Reis","Full paper","","true","Demographics, News Sharing, Online News, Social Media, Twitter","true","The widespread adoption and dissemination of online news through social media systems have been revolutionizing many segments of our society and ultimately our daily lives. In these systems, users can play a central role as they share content to their friends. Despite that, little is known about news spreaders in social media. In this paper, we provide the first of its kind in-depth characterization of news spreaders in social media. In particular, we investigate their demographics, what kind of content they share, and the audience they reach. Among our main findings, we show that males and white users tend to be more active in terms of sharing news, biasing the news audience to the interests of these demographic groups. Our results also quantify differences in interests of news sharing across demographics, which has implications for personalized news digests." 1513523121,"Detection of Trending Topic Communities: Bridging Content Creators and Distributors","Recalde et al.",0,0,22,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","David F. Nettleton, Lorena Recalde, Ludovico Boratto, Ricardo Baeza-Yates","Lorena Recalde","Full paper","","true","Trending topics, Twitter, community detection, content creators, content distributors","false","The rise of a trending topic on Twitter or Facebook leads to the temporal emergence of a set of users currently interested in that topic. Given the temporary nature of the links between these users, being able to dynamically identify communities of users related to this trending topic would allow for a rapid spread of information. Indeed, individual users inside a community might receive recommendations of content generated by the other users, or the community as a whole could receive group recommendations, with new content related to that trending topic. In this paper, we tackle this challenge, by identifying coherent topic-dependent user groups, linking those who generate the content (creators) and those who spread this content, e.g., by retweeting/reposting it (distributors). This is a novel problem on group-to-group interactions in the context of recommender systems. Analysis on real-world Twitter data compare our proposal with a baseline approach that considers the retweeting activity, and validate it with standard metrics. Results show the effectiveness of our approach to identify communities interested in a topic where each includes content creators and content distributors, facilitating users’ interactions and the spread of new information." 1513523127,"Tags, Titles or Q&As?: Choosing Content Descriptors for Visual Recommender Systems","Mutlu, Veas & Trattner",1,0,30,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Belgin Mutlu, Christoph Trattner, Eduardo Veas","Belgin Mutlu","Full paper","","true","Recommending visualizations, information theory, personalization, user modeling","true","In today’s digital age with an increasing number of websites, social/learning platforms, and different computer-mediated communication systems, finding valuable information is a challenging and tedious task, regardless from which discipline a person is. However, visualizations have shown to be effective in dealing with huge datasets: because they are grounded on visual cognition, people understand them and can naturally perform visual operations such as clustering, filtering and comparing quantities. But, creating appropriate visual representations of data is also challenging: it requires domain knowledge, understanding of the data, and knowledge about task and user preferences. To tackle this issue, we have developed a recommender system that generates visualizations based on (i) a set of visual cognition rules/guidelines, and (ii) filters a subset considering user preferences. A user places interests on several aspects of a visualization, the task or problem it helps to solve, the operations it permits, or the features of the dataset it represents. This paper concentrates on characterizing user preferences, in particular: i) the sources of information used to describe the visualizations, the content descriptors respectively, and ii) the methods to produce the most suitable recommendations thereby. We consider three sources corresponding to different aspects of interest: a title that describes the chart, a question that can be answered with the chart (and the answer), and a collection of tags describing features of the chart. We investigate user-provided input based on these sources collected with a crowd-sourced study. Firstly, information-theoretic measures are applied to each source to determine the efficiency of the input in describing user preferences and visualization contents (user and item models). Secondly, the practicability of each input is evaluated with content-based recommender system. The overall methodology and results contribute methods for design and analysis of visual recommender systems. The findings in this paper highlight the inputs which can (i) effectively encode the content of the visualizations and user’s visual preferences/interest, and (ii) are more valuable for recommending personalized visualizations." 1513523128,"Linguistic Diversities of Demographic Groups in Twitter","Vikatos et al.",1,0,31,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Fabrício Benevenuto, Johnnatan Messias, Manoel Miranda, Pantelis Vikatos","Pantelis Vikatos","Full paper","","true","Demographic Aspects, Linguistics, Twitter Analysis","true","The massive popularity of online social media provides a unique opportunity for researchers to study the linguistic characteristics and patterns of user’s interactions. In this paper, we provide an in-depth characterization of language usage across demographic groups in Twitter. In particular, we extract the gender and race of Twitter users located in the U.S. using advanced image processing algorithms from Face++. Then, we investigate how demographic groups (i.e. male/female, Asian/Black/White) differ in terms of linguistic styles and also their interests. We extract linguistic features from 6 categories (affective attributes, cognitive attributes, lexical density and awareness, temporal references, social and personal concerns, and interpersonal focus), in order to identify the similarities and differences in particular writing set of attributes. In addition, we extract the absolute ranking difference of top phrases between demographic groups. As a dimension of diversity, we also use the topics of interest that we retrieve from each user. Our analysis unveils clear differences in the writing styles (and the topics of interest) of different demographic groups, with variation seen across both gender and race lines. We hope our effort can stimulate the development of new studies related to demographic information in the online space." 1513523130,"Review Recommendation for Points of Interest's Owners","Prado & Moro",2,0,36,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Mirella M. Moro, Thiago R.P. Prado","Thiago R.P. Prado","Full paper","","true","Review Recommendation, Social Networks","true","Websites that provide reviews for services and products deal with big volumes of data (many users writing many reviews for many items). Then, recommendation algorithms come to the rescue in matching reviews to the consumers who are reading them. Such online review applications usually recommend the most useful reviews for consumers to read. In this work, we propose a new perspective to this problem: how to evaluate the helpfulness of a review from the business owner’s perspective. Our solution uses the review’s aspects and sentiments, and ranks the most helpful ones seeking to assist establishment owners improve their businesses. Our experimental evaluations consider experts opinion and show that our solution is very close to the ideal ranking." 1513523131,"Multi-part Representation Learning For Cross-domain Web Content Classification Using Neural Networks","J et al.",0,0,34,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Ganesh J, Himanshu Sharad Bhatt, Manjira Sinha, Shourya Roy","Ganesh J","Full paper","","true","Domain Adaptation, Neural Networks, Text Classification, Transfer Learning","false","Owing to the tremendous increase in the volume and variety of user generated content, train-once-apply-forever models are insufficient for supervised learning tasks. The need is to develop algorithms that can adapt across domains by leveraging labeled data from source domain(s) and efficiently perform the task in the unlabeled target domain. Towards this, we present a novel two-stage neural network learning algorithm for domain adaptation which learns a multi-part hidden layer where individual parts contribute differently to the tasks in source and target domains. The multiple parts of the representation (i.e. hidden layer) are learned while being cognizant of what characteristics to transfer across domains and what to preserve within domains for enhanced performance. The first stage embroils around learning a two-part representation i.e. source specific and common representations in a manner such that the former do not detract the ability of the later to represent the target domain. In the second stage, the generalized common representation is further iteratively extended with discriminating target specific characteristics to adapt to the target domain. We empirically demonstrate that the learned representations, in different arrangements, outperform existing domain adaptation algorithms in the source classification as well as the cross-domain classification tasks on the user generated content from different domains on the web." 1531002417,"Joint Distributed Representation of Text and Structure of Semi-Structured Documents","Laddha et al.",0,0,23,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Abhishek Laddha, Salil Joshi, Sameep Mehta, Samiulla Shaikh","Abhishek Laddha","Full paper","","true","Classification and Clustering, Document structure, Semantic Document Representation, Text mining","false","Majority of textual data over web is in the form of semi-structured documents. Thus, structural skeleton of such documents plays important role in determining the semantics of the data content. Presence of structure sometimes allows us to write simple rules to extract such information, but it may not be always possible due to flexibility in the structure and the frequency with which such structures are altered. In this paper, we propose a joint modeling of text and the associated structure to effectively capture the semantics of the semi-structure documents. The model simultaneously learns the dense continuous representation for word tokens and the structure associated with them. We utilize the context of structures for projection such that similar structures containing semantically similar topics are close to each other in vector space. We explore two semantic text mining tasks over web data to test the effectiveness of our representation viz., document similarity, and table semantic component identification. In context of traditional rule-based approaches, both these tasks demand rich, domain-specific knowledge sources, homogeneous schema for the documents, and rules that capture the semantics. On the other hand, our approach is unsupervised and resource conscious in nature. Despite of working without knowledge resources and large training data, it performs at par with state-of-the-art rule based and other unsupervised approaches." 1531002418,"As Stable As You Are: Re-ranking Search Results using Query-Drift Analysis","Roitman, Rabinovich & Shalom",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Ella Rabinovich, Haggai Roitman, Oren Sar Shalom","Haggai Roitman","Short paper","","true","","false","This work studies the merits of using query-drift analysis for search re-ranking. A relationship between the ability to predict the quality of a result list retrieved by an arbitrary method, as manifested by its estimated query-drift, and the ability to improve that method’s initial retrieval by re-ranking documents in the list based on such prediction is established. A novel document property, termed “aspect-stability”, is identified as the main enabler for transforming the output of an aspect-level query-drift analysis into concrete document scores for search re-ranking. Using an evaluation with various TREC corpora with common baseline retrieval methods, the potential of the proposed re-ranking approach is demonstrated." 1569269514,"Multi-Modal Citizen Science: From Disambiguation to Transcription of Classical Literature","Foradi et al.",0,0,30,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Gregory R. Crane, Jan Kaßel, Johannes Pein, Maryam Foradi","Maryam Foradi","Full paper","","true","citizen science, computer assisted language learning (CALL), smart texts, user experience design","false","The engagement of citizens in the research projects, including Digital Humanities projects, has risen in prominence in recent years. This type of engagement not only leads to incidental learning of participants but also indicates the added value of corpus enrichment via different types of annotations undertaken by users generating so-called smart texts. Our work focuses on the continuous task of adding new layers of annotation to Classical Literature. We aim to provide more extensive tools for readers of smart texts, enhancing their reading comprehension and at the same time empowering the language learning by introducing intellectual tasks, i.e., linking, tagging, and disambiguation. The current study adds a new mode of annotation-audio annotations-to the extensively annotated corpus of poetry by the Persian poet Hafiz. By proposing tasks with three different difficulty levels, we estimate the users’ ability of providing correct annotations in order to rate their answers in further stages of the project, where no ground truth data is available. While proficiency in Persian is beneficial, annotators with no knowledge of Persian are also able to add annotations to the corpus." 1569278524,"Using Multimodal and Hyperlinked Representations of Knowledge as Academic Writing Aids","Gómez-Zará, Chiuminatto & Nussbaum",5,0,39,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Diego Gómez-Zará, Miguel Nussbaum, Pablo Chiuminatto","Diego Gómez-Zará","Short paper","","true","Hypermedia, information visualization, multimodality, text production, transmediation process","true","Representing knowledge in written papers may be one of the biggest challenges that students face in higher education. This study analyzes how hypermedia structures can facilitate students’ critical reflection on their papers by using multimodal resources. By converging academic writing, knowledge representation, and multimedia resources, we designed a hypermedia system that enables the visualization and representation of students’ papers using text, images, audio, hyperlinks, and videos. To test the system, we conducted a pilot study in which we instructed 160 undergraduate students to write a paper in the following three-step exercise: First, students submitted an initial draft of their papers. Then, they used the system to translate the papers’ content into different multimodal resources. Finally, they rewrote their papers with insights gained from the process. In a concluding survey, students reported that translating text to multimodal resources deepened their understanding of their papers’ content and improved their topic organization." 1569278533,"Understanding User Search Behavior Across Varying Cognitive Levels","Kalyani & Gadiraju",1,0,31,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Rishita Kalyani, Ujwal Gadiraju","Rishita Kalyani","Full paper","","true","","true","The ubiquitous accessibility of the world-wide web has led people to increasingly use web search to learn or acquire new knowledge. Recent research efforts have targeted the optimization of web search to satisfy learning related needs. However, there is little known about how one’s search interactions differ across varying cognitive levels that correspond to one’s learning. In this paper, we address this knowledge gap by investigating how the search interactions of 150 users vary across 6 search tasks corresponding to distinct cognitive levels. We also analyze how users’ knowledge gain varies across the cognitive levels. Our findings suggest that the cognitive learning level of a user in a search session has a significant impact on the user’s search behavior and knowledge gain. Estimating the cognitive level of users during their interactions with search systems will allow us to construct and improve learning experiences for the users. For example, learners can be served content that corresponds to their current cognitive level within their learning process." 1569278535,"Role of the Website Structure in the Diversity of Browsing Behaviors","Morales et al.",1,0,52,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Christophe Prieur, Lionel Tabourier, Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, Sylvain Ung","Pedro Ramaciotti Morales","Full paper","","true","diversity, filter bubbles, log analysis, web-browsing patterns","true","The quantitative measurement of the diversity of information consumption has emerged as a prominent tool in the examination of relevant phenomena such as filter bubbles. This paper proposes an analysis of the diversity of the navigation of users inside a website through the analysis of server log files. The methodology, guided and illustrated by a case study, but easily applicable to other cases, establishes relations between types of users’ behavior, site structure, and diversity of web browsing. Using the navigation paths of sessions reconstructed from the log file, the proposed methodology offers three main insights: 1) it reveals diversification patterns associated with the page network structure, 2) it relates human browsing characteristics (such as multi-tabbing or click frequency) with the degree of diversity, and 3) it helps identifying diversification patterns specific to subsets of users. These results are in turn useful in the analysis of recommender systems and in the design of websites when there are diversity-related goals or constrains." 1569278536,"On the right track! Analysing and Predicting Navigation Success in Wikipedia","Koopmann et al.",1,0,30,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Alexander Dallmann, Andreas Hotho, Lena Hettinger, Thomas Niebler, Tobias Koopmann","Tobias Koopmann","Full paper","","true","","true","Understanding and modeling user navigation behaviour in the web is of interest for different applications. For example, e-commerce portals can be adjusted to strengthen customer engagement or information sites can be optimized to improve the availability of relevant content to the user. In web navigation, the users goal and whether she reached it, is typically unknown. This makes navigation games particularly interesting to researchers, since they capture human navigation towards a known goal and allowbuilding labelled datasets suitable for supervised machine learning models. In this work, we show that a recurrent neural network model can predict game success from a partial click trail without knowledge of the users navigation goal. We evaluate our approach on data from WikiSpeedia and WikiGame, two well known navigation games and achieve an AUC of 86% and 90%, respectively. Furthermore, we show that our model outperforms a baseline that leverages the navigation goal on the WikiSpeedia dataset. A detailed analysis of both datasets with regards to structural and content related properties reveals significant differences in navigation behaviour, which confirms the applicability of our approach to different settings." 1569283729,"Understanding Worker Moods and Reactions to Rejection in Crowdsourcing","Gadiraju & Demartini",0,0,58,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Gianluca Demartini, Ujwal Gadiraju","Ujwal Gadiraju","Full paper","","true","","false","Requesters on crowdsourcing platforms typically exercise the power to decide the fate of tasks completed by crowd workers. Rejecting work has a direct impact on workers; (i) they may not be rewarded for the work completed and for their effort that has been exerted, and (ii) rejection affects worker reputation and may limit their access to future work opportunities. This paper presents a comprehensive study that aims to understand worker moods and how workers react to rejections in microtask crowdsourcing. We experimentally investigate the effect of the mood of workers on their performance, and the interaction of their moods with their reactions to rejection. Finally, we explore techniques such as presenting social comparative explanations to foster positive reactions to rejection. We found that workers in pleasant moods significantly outperform those in unpleasant moods. Workers whose work is rejected due to narrowly failing pre-screening tests exhibited the most negative emotional responses." 1594732955,"Mediation as Calibration: A Framework for Evaluating the Author/Reader Relation","Antonini & Brooker",2,0,45,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Alessio Antonini, Samuel Brooker","Alessio Antonini","Full paper","","true","author-reader interaction, collaborative technologies, hypertext, media experience","true","Emerging communication technologies remediate and redefine relations between reader and author, but a comprehensive progressive framework for assessing this dynamic during the process of preparation, transmission, reception, and consumption of media remains elusive. Such a framework is of consequence for hypertext (and first generation electronic literature in particular). Speculative claims for its utility and equally reductive rejections of the reading experience it offers call for a model which assesses the calibration of the reader/author relationship from within the medium itself. This paper presents a first framework for assessing these dynamics both at the stage of authoring and reading. Within this analysis framework we identify eleven remediating factors conceived as scales between opposing tensions, and implement this model with reference to first generation electronic literature." 1594732956,"On Links To Be: Exercises in Style '2","Antonini, Benatti & Blackburn-Daniels",3,0,25,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Alessio Antonini, Francesca Benatti, Sally Blackburn-Daniels","Alessio Antonini","Full paper","","true","annotation, marginalia, paratext","true","Conversion between different adaptive hypermedia systems has barely been proposed, yet alone tested in realistic settings. This paper presents the evaluation of the interoperability of two adaptive (educational) hypermedia systems, MOT and WHURLE. The evaluation is performed with the help of a class of thirty-one students enrolled in the fourth year of the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, who were taking a one-week intensive course on Adaptive Hypermedia. This paper describes and interprets our first experiments of the “write once, deliver many” paradigm of adaptive hypermedia creation." 1594732958,"Keeping People Playing: The Effects of Domain News Presentation on Player Engagement in Educational Prediction Games","Dzodom et al.",0,0,21,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Akshay Kulkarni, Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman, Gabriel Dzodom","Gabriel Dzodom","Short paper","","true","data analysis skills, educational games, fantasy sports, player engagement, prediction games, serious games","false","Educational prediction games use the popularity and engagement of fantasy sports as a success model to promote learning in other domains. Fantasy sports motivate players to stay up-to-date with relevant news and explore large statistical data sets, thereby deepening their domain understanding while potentially honing their data analysis skills. We conducted a study of fantasy sports players, and discovered that while some participants performed sophisticated data analysis to support their gameplay, far more relied on news and published commentary. We used results from this study to design a prototype prediction game, Fantasy Climate, which helps players move from intuitions and advice to consuming news and analyzing data by supporting a variety of activities essential to gameplay. Because news is a key component of Fantasy Climate, we evaluated two link-based interfaces to domain-related news, one geospatial and the other organized as a list. The evaluation revealed that news presentation has a strong effect on players’ engagement and performance: players using the geospatial interface not only were more engaged in the game; they also made better predictions than players who used the list-based presentation." 1594849419,"Analyzing the Effects of 'People also ask' on Search Behaviors and Beliefs","Pothirattanachaikul et al.",0,0,47,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Suppanut Pothirattanachaikul, Takehiro Yamamoto, Yusuke Yamamoto","Suppanut Pothirattanachaikul","Full paper","","true","behavior analysis, confirmation bias, web search","false","This study investigates the impact of collective questions and answers displayed on Search engine result pages (SERP), known as People also ask on searchers’ behaviors and beliefs. Two experiments were conducted in which participants were asked to perform health-related search tasks. In both experiments, items in People also ask were manipulated. Experiment 1 focused on the effect of question, answer, and answer’s opinion. Experiment 2 focused on the effect of the alternative question, i.e., a question related to the solution that can achieve the same goal as a query. The results revealed the following. (i) Participants issued fewer queries and spent less time on a SERP when People also ask were presented. (ii) Participants were less likely to interact with a SERP when they first encounter a belief-inconsistent answer. (iii) We could not confirm the effect of People also ask on beliefs at the current state. The findings suggest that People also ask might not help mitigate confirmation bias as participants are likely to spend less effort on the search process (i.e., issue fewer queries) when they first encounter a belief-inconsistent answer unlike when they encounter a belief-inconsistent document within the search results. An additional experiment is required to validate that participants who first encounter a belief-inconsistent answer are more likely to alter their beliefs as the number of such participants was inadequate." 1594849423,"Games/Hypertext","Millard",12,0,37,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","David E. Millard","David E. Millard","Short paper","","true","digital narrative, hypermedia, hypertext, interactive fiction, transmedia","true","The relationship between hypertext research and games design is not clear, despite the striking similarity between literary hypertexts and narrative games. This matters as different communities are now exploring hypertext, interactive fiction, electronic literature, and narrative games from different perspectives - but lack a common critical vocabulary or shared body of work with which they can communicate. In this paper I attempt to deconstruct the relationship between literary hypertext and narrative games. I do this through two lenses. Firstly, by looking at Hypertext as Games; with a specific set of mechanics based around textual lexia and link-following (but with a tradition of exploring alternative Strange Hypertext approaches) resulting in a dynamic of exploration and puzzle solving depending on whether agency is expressed at the level of Syuzhet or Fabula. Secondly, by looking at Games as Hypertexts; that depend heavily on textual content, use guard fields, patterns, and sculptural hypertext models to manage agency, that experiment with aporia and epiphany, and that take place within a wider interlinked transmedia experience. This analysis reveals that Narrative Games are both more and less than Hypertext, with a wider set of mechanics and interfaces, but possessed of a core hypertextuality and situated within a greater hypertext context. This suggests that there is much value to be gained from interactions between the communities invested in interactive narrative, and significant potential in the cross-pollination of ideas." 1531046400,"The Utility Problem of Web Content Popularity Prediction","Moniz & Torgo",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Luís Torgo, Nuno Moniz","Nuno Moniz","Short paper","","true","Machine learning, Social networking sites, Social recommendation","false","The ability to generate and share content on social media platforms has changed the Internet. With the growing rate of content generation, efforts have been directed at making sense of such data. One of the most researched problem concerns predicting web content popularity. We argue that the evolution of state-of-the-art approaches has been optimized towards improving the predictability of average behaviour of data: items with low levels of popularity. We demonstrate this effect using a utility-based framework for evaluating numerical web content popularity prediction tasks, focusing on highly popular items. Additionally, it is demonstrated that gains in predictive and ranking ability of such type of cases can be obtained via naïve approaches, based on strategies to tackle imbalanced domains learning tasks." 1531046405,"Know Thy Neighbors, and More!: Studying the Role of Context in Entity Recommendation","Bhatia & Vishwakarma",0,0,51,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Harit Vishwakarma, Sumit Bhatia","Sumit Bhatia","Full paper","","true","contextual entity recommendation, contextual exploration, entity Search, entity recommendation, entity retrieval, information discovery, knowledge graph exploration","false","Knowledge Graphs capture the semantic relations between real-world entities and can thus, allow end-users to explore different aspects of an entity of interest by traversing through the edges in the graph. Most of the state-of-the-art methods in entity recommendation are limited in the sense that they allow users to search only in the immediate neighborhood of the entity of interest. This is majorly due to efficiency reasons as the search space increases exponentially as we move further away from the entity of interest in the graph. Often, users perform the search task in the context of an information need and we investigate the role this context can play in overcoming the scalability issue and improving knowledge graph exploration. Intuitively, only a small subset of entities in the graph are relevant to a users’ interest. We show how can we efficiently select this sub-set by utilizing contextual clues and using graph-theoretic measures to further re-rank this set to offer highly relevant graph exploration capabilities to end-users." 1531053720,"An Approximately Optimal Bot for Non-Submodular Social Reconnaissance","Smith, Kuhnle & Thai",0,0,27,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Alan Kuhnle, J. David Smith, My T. Thai","J. David Smith","Full paper","","true","adaptive algorithms, discrete optimization, privacy, social networks","false","The explosive growth of Online Social Networks in recent years has led to many individuals relying on them to keep up with friends & family. This, in turn, makes them prime targets for malicious actors seeking to collect sensitive, personal data. Prior work has studied the ability of socialbots, i.e. bots which pretend to be humans on OSNs, to collect personal data by befriending real users. However, this prior work has been hampered by the assumption that the likelihood of users accepting friend requests from a bot is non-increasing—a useful constraint for theoretical purposes but one contradicted by observational data. We address this limitation with a novel curvature based technique, showing that an adaptive greedy bot is approximately optimal within a factor of 1 - 1/e1/δ ~0.165. This theoretical contribution is supported by simulating the infiltration of the bot on OSN topologies. Counter-intuitively, we observe that when the bot is incentivized to befriend friends-of-friends of target users it out-performs a bot that focuses on befriending targets." 1531053726,"Dynamics and Prediction of Clicks on News from Twitter","Ramachandran, Wang & Chaintreau",0,0,32,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Arthi Ramachandran, Augustin Chaintreau, Lucy Wang","Arthi Ramachandran","Short paper","","true","","false","Social networks are a major gateway to access news content. It is estimated that a third of all web visits originate on social media, and about half of users rely on those to keep up-to-date with world events. Strangely, no model has been proposed and validated to study how to reproduce and interpolate clicks created by social media. Here we study news posted on Twitter, leveraging public information as well as private data from a popular online publisher. We propose and validate a simple two-step model of information diffusion that can be easily interpreted and applied using only public information to determine current and future clicks." 1531053729,"To Post or Not to Post: Using Online Trends to Predict Popularity of Offline Content","Abbar, Castillo & Sanfilippo",0,0,21,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Antonio Sanfilippo, Carlos Castillo, Sofiane Abbar","Sofiane Abbar","Short paper","","true","","false","Predicting the popularity of online content has attracted much attention in the past few years. In news rooms, for instance, journalists and editors are keen to know, as soon as possible, the articles that will bring the most traffic into their website. In this paper, we propose a new approach for predicting the popularity of news articles before they go online. Our approach complements existing content-based methods, and is based on a number of observations regarding article similarity and topicality. First, the popularity of a new article is correlated with the popularity of similar articles of recent publication. Second, the popularity of the new article is related to the recent historical popularity of its main topic. Based on these observations, we use time series forecasting to predict the number of visits an article will receive. Our experiments, conducted on a real data collection of articles in an international news website, demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method." 1569104449,"Expanding the Web of Knowledge: One Textbook at a Time","Alpizar-Chacon & Sosnovsky",0,0,45,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Isaac Alpizar-Chacon, Sergey Sosnovsky","Isaac Alpizar-Chacon","Full paper","","true","DBpedia, Knowledge Extraction, Named Entity Disambiguation, Semantic Linking, Textbook","false","Textbooks are educational documents created, structured and formatted in a way that facilitates understanding. Most digital textbooks are released as mere digital copies of their printed counterparts. We present a mechanism that extracts knowledge models from textbooks and enriches their content with additional links (both internal and external). The textbooks essentially become hypertext documents where individual pages are annotated with important concepts in the domain. We also show that extracted models can be automatically connected to the Linked Open Data cloud, which helps further facilitate access, discovery, enrichment, and adaptation of textbook content. Integrating multiple textbooks from the same domain increases the coverage of the composite model while keeping its accuracy relatively high. The overall results of the evaluation show that the proposed approach can generate models of good quality and is applicable across multiple domains." 1569170866,"From NoteCards to Notebooks: There and Back Again","Bouvin",20,0,69,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Niels Olof Bouvin","Niels Olof Bouvin","Full paper","","true","computational literacy, computational notebooks, end user programming, hypermedia, open hypermedia, world wide web","true","Fifty years since the beginning of the Internet, and three decades of the Dexter Hypertext Reference Model [38, 39] and the World Wide Web [6, 7] mark an opportune time to take stock and consider how hypermedia has developed, and in which direction it might be headed.####The modern Web has on one hand turned into a place where very few, very large companies control all major platforms with some highly unfortunately consequences. On the other hand, it has also led to the creation of a highly flexible and nigh ubiquitous set of technologies and practices, which can be used as the basis for future hypermedia research with the rise of computational notebooks as a prime example of a new kind of collaborative and highly malleable applications." 1569278528,"Exploring the Relationship Between Game Content and Culture-based Toxicity: A Case Study of League of Legends and MENA Players","Sengün et al.",0,0,35,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Bernard Jansen, Joni Salminen, Peter Mawhorter, Sercan Sengün, Soon-gyo Jung","Sercan Sengün","Full paper","","true","Gaming culture, League of Legends, Middle East, Online toxicity","false","We examine culture- and racial-based toxicity and hate speech in player communities and explore how this toxicity might be informed and affected by the design of the game elements and content. To illustrate these effects, we used a mixed method approach to analyze the experiences of players from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regions within the League of Legends (LoL) community as a case study. By qualitatively and quantitatively analyzing more than 2 million lines of in-game chats from 30,000 game sessions on 2 LoL servers and also 89 forum discussions containing hundreds of lines of text, we find that despite the world and characters of LoL being fictional, they are recognized by the player base as having connections to the real-world cultures and, accordingly, they affect the way that players communicate. We provide specific examples of both negative and positive inspirations to elaborate on how the design of certain regions and characters affects the way that the MENA players and issues are received or addressed. Additional analysis of in-game chat data describes other topics where toxic behavior emerges and how these topics correlate." 1569283721,"SocialTree: Socially Augmented Structured Summaries of News Stories","Poghosyan & Ifrim",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Georgiana Ifrim, Gevorg Poghosyan","Gevorg Poghosyan","Full paper","","true","association rules, news summarizarion, social indexing","false","News story understanding entails having an effective summary of a related group of articles that may span different time ranges, involve different topics and entities, and have connections to other stories. In this work, we present an approach to efficiently extract structured summaries of news stories by augmenting news media with the structure of social discourse as reflected in social media in the form of social tags. Existing event detection, topic-modeling, clustering and summarization methods yield news story summaries based only on noun phrases and named entities. These representations are sensitive to the article wording and the keyword extraction algorithm. Moreover, keyword-based representations are rarely helpful for highlighting the inter-story connections or for reflecting the inner structure of the news story because of high word ambiguity and clutter from the large variety of keywords describing news stories. Our method combines the news and social media domains to create structured summaries of news stories in the form of hierarchies of keywords and social tags, named SocialTree. We show that the properties of social tags can be exploited to augment the construction of hierarchical summaries of news stories and to alleviate the weaknesses of existing keyword-based representations. In our quantitative and qualitative evaluation the proposed method strongly outperforms the state-of-the-art with regard to both coverage and informativeness of the summaries." 1569283722,"Ranking on Very Large Knowledge Graphs","Desouki, Röder & Ngomo",0,0,25,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Abdelmoneim Amer Desouki, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Michael Röder","Abdelmoneim Amer Desouki","Full paper","","true","Knowledge Graphs, Random Surfer Model, Ranking RDF","false","Ranking plays a central role in a large number of applications driven by RDF knowledge graphs. Over the last years, many popular RDF knowledge graphs have grown so large that rankings for the facts they contain cannot be computed directly using the currently common 64-bit platforms. In this paper, we tackle two problems: Computing ranks on such large knowledge bases efficiently and incrementally. First, we present D-HARE, a distributed approach for computing ranks on very large knowledge graphs. D-HARE assumes the random surfer model and relies on data partitioning to compute matrix multiplications and transpositions on disk for matrices of arbitrary size. Moreover, the data partitioning underlying D-HARE allows the execution of most of its steps in parallel. As very large knowledge graphs are often updated periodically, we tackle the incremental computation of ranks on large knowledge bases as a second problem. We address this problem by presenting I-HARE, an approximation technique for calculating the overall ranking scores of a knowledge without the need to recalculate the ranking from scratch at each new revision. We evaluate our approaches by calculating ranks on the 3 × 109 and 2.4 × 109 triples from Wikidata resp. LinkedGeoData. Our evaluation demonstrates that D-HARE is the first holistic approach for computing ranks on very large RDF knowledge graphs. In addition, our incremental approach achieves a root mean squared of less than 10−7 in the best case. Both D-HARE and I-HARE are open-source and are available at:" 1569283724,"Internet Fraud: The Case of Account Takeover in Online Marketplace","Kawase et al.",0,0,27,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Francesca Diana, Manuela Faust, Markus Schüler, Mateusz Czeladka, Ricardo Kawase","Ricardo Kawase","Full paper","","true","Online marketplaces, account takeover, compromised accounts, fraud detection, fraud prevention, internet fraud, mutual two-factor authentication","false","Account takeover is a form of online identity theft where a fraudster gains unauthorized access to an individual’s account in a given system. Depending on the system, this unauthorized access can lead to severe consequences of privacy breach and financial loss to the victims, to the companies that maintain the system and to other users. In this paper, we present the work done in order to prevent and detect account takeovers at, an online vehicle marketplace. To tackle the prevention problem, we first present a behavioral analysis of how fraudsters operate, and implemented a mutual two-factor authentication that achieved a reduction of 43% of account takeovers. To tackle the detection problem, we introduce a concept drift sensitive machine learning training approach that was able to improve our baseline methods by 18% in detection rates. The automatic detection reduced the exposure of fraudulent listings by 69%, resulting in a safer marketplace for buyers and sellers." 1569283725,"Isolating the Effects of Web Page Visual Appearance on the Perceived Credibility of Online News among College Students","Wobbrock et al.",0,0,44,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Anya K. Hsu, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Marijn A. Burger, Michael J. Magee","Jacob O. Wobbrock","Full paper","","true","Believability, content, credibility, fonts, images, online news, trust, video, visual appearance, visual presentation, web page","false","Online news sources have transformed civic discourse, and much has been made of their credibility. Although web page credibility has been investigated generally, most work has focused on the credibility of web page content. In this work, we study the isolated appearance of news-like web pages. Specifically, we report on a laboratory experiment involving 31 college students rating the perceived credibility of news-like web pages devoid of meaningful content. These pages contain only “lorem ipsum” text, indistinct videos and images, non-functional links, and various font settings. Our findings show that perceived credibility is indeed affected by some purely presentational factors. Specifically, video presence increased credibility, while large fonts and having no images reduced credibility. Having a few, but not too many, images increased credibility for short articles, especially in the presence of large fonts. We also conducted follow-up interviews, which revealed that participants noticed images, videos, and font sizes when making credibility judgments, corroborating our quantitative experimental results." 1569283731,"Media Bias Characterization in Brazilian Presidential Elections","Sales, Balby & Veloso",1,0,38,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Adriano Veloso, Allan Sales, Leandro Balby","Allan Sales","Full paper","","true","association, brazilian presidential elections, coverage, media bias, news outlets, subjectivity, text processing","true","News media bias is commonly associated with framing information so as to influence readers judgments. One way to expose such bias is to compare different news outlets on the same stories and look for divergences. In this paper, we investigate news media bias in the context of Brazilian presidential elections by comparing four popular news outlets during three consecutive election years (2010, 2014, and 2018). We analyse the textual content of news stories in search for three kinds of bias: coverage, association, and subjective language. Coverage bias has to do with differences in mention rates of candidates and parties. Association bias occurs when, for example, one candidate is associated with a negative concept while another not. Subjective bias, in turn, has to do with wording that attempts to influence the readers by appealing to emotion, stereotypes, or persuasive language. We perform a thorough analysis on a large scale news data set where several of such biases are exposed." 3154184515,"“Our Words Were the Form We Entered”: A Model of World Wide Web Hypertext","Glazier",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Loss Pequeño Glazier","Loss Pequeño Glazier","Short paper","","true","","false","Poetry has entered the electronic landscape. Even if such a landscape suggests images of electronic video games or machine-readable iambics swooning under the influence of a science fiction lexicon, the fact is that the electronic world is a world predominantly of writing. Though this writing often seems eclipsed by its mode of transmission (electronic mail and the World Wide Web as primary instances), in this it is not unlike all previous writing, which has also been eclipsed by modes of transmission. (For example, the book, the stone tablet, the scroll.) Electronic writing, like previous instances of writing, equally engages the double “mission” of writing: to varying degrees, writing is about a subject, but also about the medium through which it is transmitted. “Transmission,” then, suggests both the circulation of texts and the cross-purpose (“tram” = across or to cross + “mission” = purpose or intention) of inscription." 3154184517,"Designing Model Hypermedia Applications","Garzotto, Mainetti & Paolini",2,0,17,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Franca Garzotto, Luca Mainetti, Paolo Paolini","Franca Garzotto","Full paper","","true","hypermedia application design, hypermedia models, modal interaction, usability","true","Different users of a hypermedia application may require different combinations of modes, i.e., different ways of perceiving the content or different ways of interaction. Multimodality—intended as the coexistence of multiple combinations of modes in the same application-can improve application richness and can accommodate the needs of different categories of users. On the other hand, multimodality increases complexity and may affect usability, since a variety of different interaction styles may be disorienting for the users. Designing an effective multimode hypermedia is a difficult problem. This paper discusses this issue, presenting a taxonomy of different kinds of modes in hypermedia applications and introducing the concept of modal hypermedia interaction. Modal interaction means that the semantics of normal application commands are dependent not only on the application state, as usual, but also on mode setting. We introduce a formal model for modal hypermedia interaction that helps us to analyse more precisely design alternatives and their impact on usability. We illustrate our approach by examples from a museum hypermedia called “Polyptych” that we actually built." 3154184540,"Collective Phenomena in Hypertext Networks","Chelnokov & Zephyrova",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Valery M. Chelnokov, Victoria L. Zephyrova","Valery M. Chelnokov","Short paper","","true","Internet, SMISC, clusters of meaning formed by hypertext nodes, coherent navigation, collective phenomena in populations of hypertext nodes, depth-first search, discourse microstructure, discourse semantic coherence, hypertext statics and dynamics, hypertext-node macrostatus, spreading-activation search","false","A large hypertext net with node-to-node links can be interesting as a system of unities of meaning formed by node clusters, such that nodes in each of them are orderable into a coherent discourse. To access this collective behavior of nodes, a form of graph searching combined with some calculation of node positions is used." 3154184608,"Team-and-role-based Organizational Context and Access Control for Cooperative Hypermedia Environments","Wang",3,0,19,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Weigang Wang","Weigang Wang","Full paper","","true","Cooperative hypermedia, coordination workflow, groupware, process support, role-based access control","true","Access control needs to be more flexible and fine-grained to support cooperative tasks and processes performed by dynamic teams. This can be done by applying state-of-the-art role-based access control (RBAC) technology. This paper examines how to integrate RBAC in a team-based organization context and how to apply such access control to hypermedia structures. Based on the analysis of these issues, a team-and-role-based access control model is proposed, which describes various aspects of role-based access control in cooperative hypermedia environments. The model has been implemented in CHIPS, a cooperative hypermedia-based process support system. Application examples demonstrate that its organizational context management and access permission authorization retain the simplicity of RBAC. Our extensions provide effective and flexible access control for managing various kinds of shared workspaces, especially shared process spaces, where access control is not only used for managing security, but also for supporting coordination." 3154184718,"Hypertext and comics: towards an aesthetics of hypertext","Calvi",3,0,9,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Licia Calvi","Licia Calvi","Short paper","","true","comics, hypertext theory, word and image","true","The paper aims at understanding how comic art rhetoric can be used to better understand hypertext, in an attempt to develop an aesthetics of hypertext." 3154184626,"Improving Hypermedia Development: A Reference Model-based Process Assessment Method","Lowe, Bucknell & Webby",1,0,16,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Andrew J. Bucknell, David B. Lowe, Richard G. Webby","David B. Lowe","Full paper","","true","Hypermedia, assessment, development, evaluation, improvement, methodology, process","true","If we are to improve our ability to reliably and consistently create high quality hypermedia applications then we need to improve our understanding of the development process and its relationship to the quality of the end applications. An important aspect in achieving this understanding is the ability to assess the process. This is in turn best facilitated by the use of a suitable process model. In this paper we discuss a model-based approach to the assessment of the development process of hypermedia applications. We propose a hypermedia development process reference model which guides the identification of suitable process quality attributes and subsequent assessment activities. We look at how this process assessment can be applied in improving development processes and hence hypermedia applications. We provide some examples that demonstrate the validity of the approach. The result is a technique which is capable of providing significant improvement in the development process and hence the quality of the applications which result from this process." 1474373945,"Towards better understanding of folksonomic patterns","Al-Khalifa & Davis",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Hend S. Al-Khalifa, Hugh C. Davis","Hend S. Al-Khalifa","Short paper","","true","Collaborative tagging, Folksonomy, Social bookmarking","false","Folksonomies provide a free source of keywords describing web resources; however, these keywords are free form and their semantics spans multiple contextual dimension. In this paper, we present a pragmatic experiment that analyzes folksonomies using three classification categories: Personal, Factual and Subjective, in order to gain more understanding of the types of tags used in the social tagging process. The rational for this work was to measure the potential portion of folksonomy tags that might be helpful when considering the creation of structured metadata." 1474375459,"User defined structural searches in mediawiki","Albertsen & Bouvin",1,0,7,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Johannes Albertsen, Niels Olof Bouvin","Johannes Albertsen","Short paper","","true","MediaWiki, Wiki, Wikipedia, structural search","true","Wikipedia has been the poster child of user contributed content using the space of MediaWiki as the canvas on which to write. While well suited for authoring simple hypermedia documents, MediaWiki does not lend itself easily to let the author create dynamically assembled documents, or create pages that monitor other pages. While it is possible to create such “special” pages, it requires PHP coding and thus administrative rights to the MediaWiki server. We present in this paper work on a structural query language (MediaWiki Query Language - MWQL) to allow users to add dynamically evaluated searches to ordinary wiki-pages." 1474375464,"Dynamic prediction of communication flow using social context","De Choudhury et al.",0,0,10,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Ajita John, Dorée Seligmann, Hari Sundaram, Munmun De Choudhury","Munmun De Choudhury","Short paper","","true","","false","In this paper, we develop a temporally evolving representation framework for context that can efficiently predict communication flow in social networks between a given pair of individuals. The problem is important because it facilitates determining social and market trends as well as efficient information paths among people. We describe communication flow by two parameters: the intent to communicate and communication delay. To estimate these parameters, we design features to characterize communication and social context. Communication context refers to the attributes of current communication. Social context refers to the patterns of participation in communication (information roles) and the degree of overlap of friends between two people (strength of ties). A subset of optimal features of the communication and social context is chosen at a given time instant using five different feature selection strategies. The features are thereafter used in a Support Vector Regression framework to predict the intent to communicate and the delay between a pair of individuals. We have excellent results on a real world dataset from the most popular social networking site, We observe interestingly that while context can reasonably predict intent, delay seems to be more dependent on the personal contextual changes and other latent factors characterizing communication, e.g. ‘age’ of information transmitted and presence of cliques among people." 1474375466,"The very small world of the well-connected","Shi et al.",0,0,32,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Anna C. Gilbert, Lada A. Adamic, Matthew Bonner, Xiaolin Shi","Xiaolin Shi","Full paper","","true","Graph synopsis, graph compression","false","Online networks occupy an increasingly larger position in how we acquire information, how we communicate with one another, and how we disseminate information. Frequently, small sets of vertices dominate various graph and statistical properties of these networks and, because of this, they are relevant for structural analysis and efficient algorithms and engineering. For the web overall, and specifically for social linking in blogs and instant messaging, we provide a principled, rigorous study of the properties, the construction, and the utilization of subsets of special vertices in large online networks. We show that graph synopses defined by the importance of vertices provide small, relatively accurate portraits, independent of the importance measure, of the larger underlying graphs and of the important vertices. Furthermore, they can be computed relatively efficiently." 1474375471,"We're all stars now: reality television, web 2.0, and mediated identities","Stefanone, Lackaff & Rosen",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Derek Lackaff, Devan Rosen, Michael A. Stefanone","Michael A. Stefanone","Short paper","","true","Facebook, photo sharing, reality television, social cognitive theory, social network sites","false","Social cognitive theory suggests a likely relationship between the rising popularity of both reality television and social networking sites. This research utilized a survey (N=456) of young adults to determine the extent to which reality television consumption explains user behavior in the context of social network sites. Results show a consistent relationship between reality television consumption on the length of time spent logged on to these sites, the size of user’s networks, the proportion of friends not actually met face to face, and photo sharing frequency while controlling for age, gender and education. Other categories of television viewing like news, fiction, and educational programming were not related to user’s online behavior." 1474375476,"Extracting and ranking viral communities using seeds and content similarity","Lee, Borodin & Goldsmith",0,0,27,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Allan Borodin, Hyun Chul Lee, Leslie Goldsmith","Hyun Chul Lee","Full paper","","true","Community, Extraction, Ranking, Similarity","false","We study the community extraction problem within the context of networks of blogs and forums. When starting from a small set of known seed nodes, we argue that the use of content information (beyond explicit link information) plays an essential role in the identification of the relevant community. Our approach lends itself to a new and insightful ranking scheme for members of the extracted community and an efficient algorithm for inflating/deflating the extracted community. Using a considerably large commercial data set of blog and forum sites, we provide experimental evidence to demonstrate the utility, efficiency, and stability of our methods." 1474378314,"Comparing the performance of US college football teams in the web and on the field","Klein, Hunsicker & Nelson",0,0,17,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Martin Klein, Michael L. Nelson, Olena Hunsicker","Martin Klein","Full paper","","true","Correlation, Ranking, Real World Objects, Search Engines","false","In previous research it has been shown that link-based web page metrics can be used to predict experts’ assessment of quality. We are interested in a related question: do expert rankings of real-world entities correlate with search engine (SE) rankings of corresponding web resources? To answer this question we compared rankings of college football teams in the US with rankings of their associated web resources. We looked at the weekly polls released by the Associated Press (AP) and USA Today Coaches Poll. Both rank the top 25 teams according to the aggregated expertise of sports writers and college football coaches. For the entire 2008 season (8/2008 – 1/2009), we compared the ranking of teams (top 10 and top 25) according to the polls with the rankings of one to eight URLs associated with each team in Google, Live Search and Yahoo. We found moderate to high correlations between the final rankings of 2007 and the SE ranking in mid 2008 but the correlation between the polls and the SEs steadily decreased as the season went on. We believe this is because the rankings in the web graph (as reported via SEs) have “inertia” and do not rapidly fluctuate as do the teams’ on the field fortunes." 1474367001,"Evaluation of adaptive hypermedia systems' conversion","Cristea et al.",1,0,8,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Alexandra Cristea, Craig Stewart, Helen Ashman, Paul Cristea","Alexandra Cristea","Short paper","","true","adaptive hypermedia, authoring, evaluation, interoperability","true","Conversion between different adaptive hypermedia systems has barely been proposed, yet alone tested in realistic settings. This paper presents the evaluation of the interoperability of two adaptive (educational) hypermedia systems, MOT and WHURLE. The evaluation is performed with the help of a class of thirty-one students enrolled in the fourth year of the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, who were taking a one-week intensive course on Adaptive Hypermedia. This paper describes and interprets our first experiments of the “write once, deliver many” paradigm of adaptive hypermedia creation." 1474367026,"Bulk loading large collections of hyperlinked resources","Rafiei",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Davood Rafiei","Davood Rafiei","Short paper","","true","Web graph, bulk loading, larges graphs","false","The problem of loading large collections of hyperlinked resources into a relational database is complicated with inter-node references when these references cannot be indexed. We show that this scenario can arise in many real life hyperlinked resources and propose several solutions to address the problem. We run some experiments over a graph of the Web with 178 million nodes and around 1 billion edges and report our results." 1474368992,"Wiki means more: hyperreading in Wikipedia","Zhang",1,0,14,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Yuejiao Zhang","Yuejiao Zhang","Short paper","","true","Hyperreading, Web 2.0, collaborative authoring, encyclopedia, information system, linking, open-sourcing, wiki","true","Based on the open-sourcing technology of wiki, Wikipedia has initiated a new fashion of hyperreading. Reading Wikipedia creates an experience distinct from reading a traditional encyclopedia. In an attempt to disclose one of the site’s major appeals to the Web users, this paper approaches the characteristics of hyperreading activities in Wikipedia from three perspectives. Discussions are made regarding reading path, user participation, and navigational apparatus in Wikipedia." 1474373922,"Real users, real results: examining the limitations of learning styles within AEH","Brown, Fisher & Brailsford",1,0,32,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Elizabeth Brown, Tim Brailsford, Tony Fisher","Elizabeth Brown","Full paper","","true","Adaptive educational hypermedia, DEUS, learning styles, real users, user modelling, user trials","true","This paper examines the current state of AEH (adaptive educational hypermedia) research into explicit learning style modelling for user personalisation. It addresses the problem of non-naïve test subjects, who are often in user trials, thus contributing to experimental bias. Instead, the authors suggest using real people, i.e. users with a range of backgrounds and abilities, in order to gain a truer insight into evidence-based research.####We report on a study carried out with No statistically significant differences were found between experimental groups, learning style preferences or learning environments. We discuss the significance of this, and then critically analyse the use of learning styles in relation to this study and also in the wider context.real users: around 80 children at a UK primary school. The study investigated sequential and global learning styles as a personalisation mechanism in an AEH system. The user trial involved matching and mismatching users and learning environments to see if learning improved. The AEH system used by the children was DEUS, a new e-learning platform that is conceptually similar to WHURLE, an AEH that also used learning styles as its user model.####No statistically significant differences were found between experimental groups, learning style preferences or learning environments. We discuss the significance of this, and then critically analyse the use of learning styles in relation to this study and also in the wider context." 1474373925,"Clustering as an approach to support the automatic definition of semantic hyperlinks","Camacho-Guerrero et al.",1,0,11,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Alessandra A. Macedo, Alex A. Carvalho, Ethan V. Munson, José A. Camacho-Guerrero, Maria G. C. Pimentel","José A. Camacho-Guerrero","Short paper","","true","Document Clustering, Textual Linking","true","We propose the use of clustering to support the automatic definition of semantic hyperlinks. We present a linking service that relates documents pertaining to a specific cluster created by a clustering process. The results of preliminary experiments are positive and illustrate our contribution in terms of creating hyperlinks considering the homogeneous contents represented by clusters." 1474378329,"Games with a purpose for social networking platforms","Rafelsberger & Scharl",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Arno Scharl, Walter Rafelsberger","Walter Rafelsberger","Short paper","","true","Games with a purpose, application framework, sentiment detection, social networking platforms","false","The online games market has matured in recent years. It is now a multi-billion dollar business with hundreds of millions players worldwide. At the same time, social networking platforms have witnessed unprecedented growth rates and increasingly offer developer interfaces to leverage and extend their built-in core functionality. Benefiting from these trends, games with a purpose are a proven way of leveraging the wisdom of the crowds to address tasks that are trivial for humans but still not solvable by computer algorithms in a satisfying manner. This paper presents an application framework to develop interactive games with a purpose on top of social networking platforms, suitable for deployment in both mobile and Web-based environments. A set of analytic tools helps to evaluate the results and to pre-process the gathered data for use in external applications." 1474378331,"Context-based ranking in folksonomies","Abel et al.",3,0,27,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Cristina Baroglio, Daniel Krause, Fabian Abel, Matteo Baldoni, Nicola Henze, Viviana Patti","Fabian Abel","Full paper","","true","Adaptation, Context, Folksonomies, Ranking, Search, Social Media","true","With the advent of Web 2.0 tagging became a popular feature. People tag diverse kinds of content, e.g. products at Amazon, music at, images at Flickr, etc. Clicking on a tag enables the users to explore related content. In this paper we investigate how such tag-based queries, initialized by the clicking activity, can be enhanced with automatically produced contextual information so that the search result better fits to the actual aims of the user. We introduce the SocialHITS algorithm and present an experiment where we compare different algorithms for ranking users, tags, and resources in a contextualized way." 1474378332,"RichVSM: enRiched vector space models for folksonomies","Abbasi & Staab",0,0,20,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Rabeeh Abbasi, Steffen Staab","Rabeeh Abbasi","Full paper","","true","Folksonomies, Information Retrieval, Search, Smoothing, Sparseness Reduction, Tagging, Vector Space Model, Vector Space Models","false","People share millions of resources (photos, bookmarks, videos, etc.) in Folksonomies (like Flickr, Delicious, Youtube, etc.). To access and share resources, they add keywords called tags to the resources. As the tags are freely chosen keywords, it might not be possible for users to tag their resources with all the relevant tags. As a result, many resources lack sufficient number of relevant tags. The lack of relevant tags results into sparseness of data, and this sparseness of data makes many relevant resources unsearchable against user queries.####In this paper, we explore two dimensions of semantic relationships between tags, based on the context and the distribution of tags. We exploit semantic relationships between tags to reduce sparseness in Folksonomies and propose different enriched vector space models. We also propose a vector space model Best of Breed which utilizes appropriate enrichment method based on the type of the query. We evaluate the proposed methods on a large dataset of 27 million resources, 92 thousand tags and 94 million tag assignments. Experimental results show that the enriched vector space models help in improving search, especially for the rare queries which have few relevant resources in the sparse data." 1474378334,"Statistical properties of inter-arrival times distribution in social tagging systems","Capocci et al.",2,0,19,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Andrea Baldassarri, Andrea Capocci, Vito D.P. Servedio, Vittorio Loreto","Andrea Capocci","Short paper","","true","folksonomies, semiotic dynamics, semiotics, small worlds","true","Folksonomies provide a rich source of data to study social patterns taking place on the World Wide Web. Here we study the temporal patterns of users’ tagging activity. We show that the statistical properties of inter-arrival times between subsequent tagging events cannot be explained without taking into account correlation in users’ behaviors. This shows that social interaction in collaborative tagging communities shapes the evolution of folksonomies. A consensus formation process involving the usage of a small number of tags for a given resources is observed through a numerical and theoretical analysis of some well-known folksonomy datasets." 1474378341,"Comparing Chinese and German blogs","Mandl",1,0,33,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Thomas Mandl","Thomas Mandl","Full paper","","true","Blogs, Culture Models, Internationalization, Social Software","true","Blogs in different countries do not only differ in the language of their texts but in many other aspects as well. This study explores how these differences can be identified and related to known cultural differences. A thorough intellectual analysis of several hundreds of blog pages from China and Germany revealed culturally diverse patterns. Chinese blogs are more graphically oriented. They emphasize the communication between bloggers and commentators. Especially, the distinction between high and low context communication in both cultures seems to have a large impact on the blog communication." 1474378343,"Social network analysis in virtual environments","Rosen & Corbit",0,0,15,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Devan Rosen, Margaret Corbit","Devan Rosen","Short paper","","true","","false","Multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) allow users to navigate and explore the environment as well as interact with other users. The interaction within these environments is often text-based using Internet relay chat (IRC) and related systems. IRC poses a difficulty for researchers looking to analyze and interpret the communicative interaction since data is stored in the form of chatlogs. The current research proposes and applies methodological procedures for the representation and analysis of interaction in MUVEs as social networks. A case study on SciCentr programs from Cornell University is used to elaborate methods and related findings." 1474380668,"The impact of bookmarks and annotations on refinding information","Kawase et al.",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Eelco Herder, George Papadakis, Ricardo Kawase, Wolfgang Nejdl","Ricardo Kawase","Short paper","","true","User study, Web annotation, evaluation, information refinding","false","Refinding information has been interwoven with web activity since its early beginning. Even though all common web browsers were equipped with a history list and bookmarks early enough to facilitate this need, most users typically use search engines to refind information. However, both bookmarks and search based tools have significant limitations that impact their usability: the former are known to be hard to manage over the course of time, whereas the latter require the user to recall a specific combination of keywords or context. Most importantly, though, both are particularly inappropriate in cases where a piece of information is contained within an unstructured web page. In this paper, we present in-context annotation as a more efficient alternative to these methodologies. To verify this claim, we conducted a study in which we compare the performance of experienced users in all three approaches while revisiting specific pieces of information in the web after a long period of time. The outcomes suggest that in-context annotation clearly outperforms both traditional strategies." 1474373947,"Does it matter who contributes: a study on featured articles in the german wikipedia","Stein & Hess",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Claudia Hess, Klaus Stein","Klaus Stein","Short paper","","true","Wikipedia, collaborative working, measures of quality and reputation, statistical analysis of Wikipedia, wiki","false","The considerable high quality of Wikipedia articles is often accredited to the large number of users who contribute to Wikipedia’s encyclopedia articles, who watch articles and correct errors immediately. In this paper, we are in particular interested in a certain type of Wikipedia articles, namely, the featured articles - articles marked by a community’s vote as being of outstanding quality. The German Wikipedia has the nice property that it has two types of featured articles: excellent and worth reading. We explore on the German Wikipedia whether only the mere number of contributors makes the difference or whether the high quality of featured articles results from having experienced authors contributing with a reputation for high quality contributions. Our results indicate that it does matter who contributes." 1474375484,"Where did the researchers go?: supporting social navigation at a large academic","Farzan & Brusilovsky",0,0,16,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Peter Brusilovsky, Rosta Farzan","Rosta Farzan","Full paper","","true","Community Wisdom, Explicit Feedback, Social Navigation","false","Dealing with the information overload is an important challenge. Over the last decade researchers have tried to tackle that problem using social technologies. We present a social information access system that helps researchers attending a large academic conference to plan talks they wish to attend. More specifically, we have tried to address the problem of collecting reliable feedback from the community of users. Following “do it for yourself” approach, the system encourages users to add interesting talks to their individual schedules and uses scheduling information for social navigation support. We also report results of evaluation of the system at the ELearn 2007 conference." 1474378313,"Supporting daily scrum meetings with change structure","Rubart & Freykamp",4,0,12,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Frank Freykamp, Jessica Rubart","Jessica Rubart","Short paper","","true","Change Link, Change Structure, Cooperative Hypermedia, Daily Scrum Meeting, Knowledge Management, Scrum, Spatial Hypertext, Task Board, Task Management","true","A flexible cooperative task board for supporting daily scrum meetings is described as an application of different hypermedia domains. In addition, change structure is introduced as a means to explicitly model changes in task management. It helps the scrum development team in a sprint retrospective to improve their planning." 1474378323,"Collaborative time-based case work","Bohøj & Bouvin",3,0,8,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Morten Bohøj, Niels Olof Bouvin","Morten Bohøj","Short paper","","true","temporal hypermedia, timeline","true","We explore in this paper using timelines to represent bureaucratic processes in a municipal setting. The system described herein enables citizens and case workers to collaborate over the application for and configuration of parental leave, which is a highly involved process under Danish law." 1474378339,"Jorn Barger, the Newspage Network and the Emergence of the Weblog Community","Ammann",1,0,115,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Rudolf Ammann","Rudolf Ammann","Full paper","","true","blog, community, network, news, remediation, weblog","true","Working from archival sources, this paper aims to reconstruct the emergence at Jorn Barger’s initiative of the weblog community from a predecessor known as the NewsPage Network." 1474381660,"Topic-based personalized recommendation for collaborative tagging system","Guo & Joshi",0,0,13,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","James B.D. Joshi, Yanhui Guo","Yanhui Guo","Short paper","","true","Collaborative Tagging, Latent Topic Models, Personalization, Recommendation","false","Collaborative tagging has become a very popular way to share, annotate, and discover online resources in Web 2.0. Yet as the number of resources in Collaborative tagging system grows over time, sifting through the large amounts of resources and finding the right resources to recommend to the right user is becoming a challenging problem. In this paper, we investigate a probabilistic generative model for collaborative tagging, explore the implicit semantic connections in the sparse and noisy information space of heterogeneous users and unsupervised tagging. First, a modified Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model is used to cluster the tags and users simultaneously. The generalization of resource description and user could alleviate the tag noise and data sparseness of recommendation effectively. And then, considering that topic-based recommendation only takes the users’ global interest into consideration without the capability of distinguishing users’ interest in detail, we combine the global interests with the individual interest and community interest. Experimental results demonstrate the topic-based personalized recommendation method, which integrate both the commonality factor among users and the specialties of individuals, could alleviate data sparsity and provide a more flexible and effective recommendation than previous methods." 3154184735,"A hypertext metric based on huffman coding","Coulston & Vitolo",1,0,4,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Chris Coulston, Theresa M. Vitolo","Chris Coulston","Short paper","","true","Hypertext metric, user navigation","true","Current research has established a relationship between user navigation behavior and outcome measures. This paper presents a metric designed to compare the depth of user navigation against a theoretically optimum behavior; measured using Huffman codes. The application of the metric to an example problem is presented." 3154184761,"Microsoft smart tags: support, ignore or condemn them?","Hughes & Carr",4,0,5,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Gareth Hughes, Leslie Carr","Gareth Hughes","Short paper","","true","Adaptation, Context, Generic links, Link Services, Microsoft Smart Tags, Open Hypermedia","true","This paper describes the latest instantiation of the open hypermedia concept of the generic link as it appears in Microsoft&153; Office products - the Smart Tag. We review the background to generic linking and the technology involved in Smart Tags and discuss the reaction to this application in the computing press. Recommendations are made on how the system design could be improved for our purposes." 3154184798,"Multi-layered cross-media linking","Signer & Norrie",1,0,6,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Beat Signer, Moira C. Norrie","Beat Signer","Short paper","","true","Augmented Paper, Cross-Media Linking","true","The integration of printed paper and digital information enables new forms of enhanced reading. We present digitally augmented paper as a specific application of our more general Integration Server (iServer) architecture for cross-media information management. Multi-layered linking is introduced as a way to manage the granularity of link anchors and an application making active use of multi-layered links is presented. Furthermore, we point out how the concept of supporting multiple layers in link management can be applied to other media such as, for example, XHTML in combination with the XML Linking Language (XLink)." 3154184800,"Simplifying annotation support for real-world-settings: a comparative study of active reading","Obendorf",3,0,10,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Hartmut Obendorf","Hartmut Obendorf","Short paper","","true","Active Reading, Annotation, User Study","true","Despite the multitude of existing interfaces for annotation, little is known about their influence on the created annotations. In this paper, first findings of a comparative video-supported study of active reading are presented. The support for active reading offered by traditional paper-and-pencil vs. two existing annotation tools for the World Wide Web is examined and possible implications for annotation systems are drawn. An immediate conclusion is the existence of a strong need for simplicity and the importance of generic tools that can be adapted to the user’s task at hand." 3154184814,"Configuration management in a hypermedia-based software development environment","Nguyen, Munson & Boyland",2,0,15,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Ethan V. Munson, John T. Boyland, Tien N. Nguyen","Tien N. Nguyen","Short paper","","true","configuration management, hypermedia, software engineering, version control","true","Several researchers have explored the use of hypermedia technology in software development environments (SDEs). However, existing hypermedia-based SDEs have only limited support for the evolutionary aspects of software projects. On the other hand, commercial software configuration management systems (SCMs) have had noticeable success in helping developers manage system evolution. While researchers in the hypermedia community acknowledged the need for strong version control support in their systems, they are still far from achieving this goal. The Software Concordance (SC) project is developing a SDE to experiment with the use of versioned hypermedia services for managing software documents and their logical relationships. This paper describes our versioned hypermedia framework in which hypermedia services are built on top of a SCM system and provides uniform version control supports for both software documents and their relationships." 1474363709,"Extending the role of the digital library: computer support for creating articles","Carr et al.",2,0,22,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Christopher Bailey, Gary Wills, Guillermo Power, Leslie Carr, Simon Grange, Timothy Miles-Board, Wendy Hall","Leslie Carr","Full paper","","true","E-Science, EPrints, Grid, Orthopaedics, Virtual Universities","true","A digital library, together with its users and its contents, does not exist in isolated splendour; nor in hypertext terms is it merely the intertextual relationships between its texts. There is a cycle of activities which provides the context for the library’s existence, and which the library supports through its various roles of information access, discovery, storage, dissemination and preservation. This paper describes the role of digital library systems in the undertaking of science, and in particular in the context of the recent developments of the Grid for computer-supported scientific collaboration and Virtual Universities for computer-supported education. This paper focuses on a specific framework, the Dynamic Review Journal, which supports the development and dissemination of documents by assisting authors in collating and analysing experimental results, organising internal project discussions, and producing papers. By bridging the gap between the undertaking of experimental work and the dissemination of its results through electronic publication, this work addresses the cycle of activity in which a digital library rests." 1474363733,"An anatomy of anchors","Larsen & Higgason",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Deena Larsen, Richard E. Higgason","Deena Larsen","Short paper","","true","Anchor, aesthetic, design, efferent, link, literature, navigation, reading strategies, semiotics, taxonomy","false","While much attention is paid to defining and examining interactions with links, little is paid to the front end: the anchor. We examine what an anchor is, describe six anchor properties (density, location, function, decoration, format, and uniformity), and present examples of these properties. This paper describes the state-of-practice-anchors not as they may be or should be but as they are in 67 sites and works. Efferent (informational and promotional) and aesthetic (literary) works tend to use anchors in different ways. Anchor property combinations affect the way readers interpret content and navigate.####[no references]" 1474363736,"The end-point is not enough","Martin, Truran & Ashman",4,0,12,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Duncan Martin, Helen Ashman, Mark Truran","Duncan Martin","Short paper","","true","Link activators, link markers, triggers","true","The traditional definition of a link object is a collection of end-points, and link activation is achieved by selecting an end-point in some way. This model excludes links where the link activator is distinct from any end-point of the link. In this paper we introduce an extension to link modelling that allows for separate link activators. collapse" 1474363747,"Hypertext versioning for embedded link models","Pan, Whitehead & Ge",5,0,18,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","E. James Whitehead, Jr., Guozheng Ge, Kai Pan","Kai Pan","Full paper","","true","Containment model, HTML versioning, SCM, hypertext versioning, link versioning, structure versioning, version control system","true","In this paper, we describe Chrysant, a hypertext version control system for embedded link models. Chrysant provides general-purpose versioning capability to hypertext systems with an embedded link model. To apply Chrysant for a specific hypertext system, we require the containment model for this system’s data model, the containment model of the version repository for this system, the hypertext role definition, the versioning role definition, and the filesystem mapping definition. Additionally, a specific parser that retrieves the link targets from the hypertext resources is needed. Hypertext versioning is different from versioning an individual resource in the traditional way, in that both the content of a hypertext resource and the relationships between it and other resources related by hypertext links are versioned. In Chrysant, the structure container and the content of a hypertext resource are versioned separately. We describe the architecture of Chrysant, and explain the procedure of the check-in and check-out functions. An AF-BTU algorithm is introduced in the paper to check in the hypertext network of a hypertext resource. As a case study, the application of Chrysant for HTML content is introduced. We create necessary definition specifications for the HTML system and a parser to retrieve link targets from a HTML document. Some examples of HTML versioning with Chrysant are shown." 1474363748,"Automatic generation of hypertext system repositories: a model driven approach","Whitehead, Ge & Pan",7,0,28,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","E. James Whitehead, Jr., Guozheng Ge, Kai Pan","E. James Whitehead, Jr.","Full paper","","true","Automatic code generation, Containment Modeling Framework, Hypertext data models, Model-driven development, Open Hyperbase","true","In this paper, we present a model-driven methodology and toolset for automatic generation of hypertext system repositories. Our code generator, called Bamboo, is based on a Containment Modeling Framework (CMF) that uniformly describes data models for hypertext systems. CMF employs a lightweight modeling approach in which entities (system abstractions) and containment relationships are used to model hypertext system repositories. Given a description of a system repository data model using CMF, as well as a specification of the mapping between the domain specific roles (link, version history, etc.) and the entity definitions, Bamboo can generate an open hypertext repository that matches the specification. The benefits of this approach include a shorter development cycle, lower design and implementation costs, fewer design faults, a standard repository API, and extensibility for adding new features. We validate our approach by automatically generating repositories in accordance with the models of five existing hypertext systems. We also demonstrate the extensibility of our approach by quickly building a GUI client on top of a repository, and then subsequently adding version control capabilities by altering the containment model and regenerating the system." 3154184688,"Providing Hypertextual Functionalities with XML","Bompani",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Fabio Vitali, Luca Bompani","Luca Bompani","Short paper","","true","XML, displets, hypertext functionalities","false","Hypertext functionalities represent a form of the distilled wisdom of the hypermedia community. Given the peculiar nature of the World Wide Web, it is very difficult to successfully propose functionalities that become widely accepted. XMLC is a prototype of an XML browser that, given its modular architecture and general scope, can be proposed as the basis for implementing sophisticated hypertext functionalities on the Web." 3154184666,"Visualizing Interaction History on a Collaborative Web Server","Dieberger & Lönnqvist",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Andreas Dieberger, Peter Lönnqvist","Andreas Dieberger","Short paper","","true","History Enriched Environments, Social Navigation, Visualizing Interaction Histories","false","A CoWeb is a collaborative Web space that allows people to modify content and create new pages in a very easy fashion. We modified the original CoWeb to visualize interaction history information in an effort to make it a more social space and to allow users to engage in social navigation." 3154184667,"Context-aware Hypermedia in a Dynamically-changing Environment, Supported by a High-level Petri Net","Na & Furuta",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Jin-Cheon Na, Richard Furuta","Jin-Cheon Na","Short paper","","true","context-aware hypertext system, fuzzy logic, high-level Petri net","false","In modern hypertext systems, adaptation support for users in dynamically-changing environments will be essential to meet the needs of mobile users. In this paper, we introduce context-aware Trellis (caT), which supports flexible user (or agent) adaptation to a changing environment by incorporating both high-level Petri net features, such as structured tokens, and user modeling. It also integrates a fuzzy logic tool to support fuzzy (or uncertain) knowledge representation." 3154184668,"A User Interface Combining Navigation Aids","Hascoët",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Mountaz Hascoët","Mountaz Hascoët","Short paper","","true","Bookmarks, Browsing, History, Navigation, User Interface, Visualization, WWW","false","This paper describes how four independent navigational aids can be smoothly integrated in a unified graphical user interface. Our aim is to improve user performance in most web related tasks through integration of navigational aids. The navigational aids considered are (1) a short term history (the six last visited pages), (2) a personal “BestOf”, (the six most visited web pages), (3) an area of unclassified web pages stored to be read later and (4) an overview of an organized collection of bookmarks." 3154184679,"Creation of Interactive Media Content by the Reuse of Images","Miyasato",0,0,2,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Tsutomu Miyasato","Tsutomu Miyasato","Short paper","","true","Interactive media, presentation software, video clip","false","By using video clips taken from a “Japanese sumo wrestling digest” TV program, we introduces an example of interactive media content production on the viewer side." 3154184680,"Generating Instructional Hypermedia with APHID","Thomson, Greer & Cooke",1,0,3,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Jim Greer, John Cooke, Judi R. Thomson","Judi R. Thomson","Short paper","","true","XML, concept maps, instructional hypermedia, instructional patterns","true","We propose a method (APHID) that assists an instructional designer to define format, structure and sequence within an instructional hypermedia application. Our method uses concept maps and instructional patterns, as well as data, navigation, and presentation models to support partial automation for creating instructional hypermedia." 3154184737,"Improvement of Web retrieval by the use of contextual information of pages","Aguiar & Beigbeder",1,0,3,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Fernando Aguiar, Michel Beigbeder","Fernando Aguiar","Short paper","","true","Hypertext Information Retrieval, Link Analysis, Web Search Engines","true","This work suggests a new model of Information Retrieval System for searching information in hypertexts representing web sites. The model is based on the construction of a 2-component index. One component concerns the HTML pages individually. The other one concerns the context of the pages. The assumed premise is that the textual content of a HTML page is not sufficient for a indexing process to extract the information that the page conveys. By the use of both local and complementary content when indexing pages, the quality of their index is improved and so is the effectiveness of the search engine." 1474367011,"Queries as anchors: selection by association","Amitay et al.",3,0,22,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Adam Darlow, David Konopnicki, Einat Amitay, Uri Weiss","Einat Amitay","Full paper","","true","Index enhancement, Reformulation analysis, document expansion","true","This paper introduces a new method for linking the world view of the search engine user community with that of the search engine itself. This new method is based on collecting and aggregating associative query trails in the form of query reformulation sessions. Those associative query trails are then used to expand the documents indexed by the search engine. Our method is shown to reduce the time spent searching the index, reduce the need to reformulate queries, and also increase the proportion of queries which fulfill the user’s information need. Our work provides a mere glimpse into a new field of study by introducing new types of linking between documents and users’ world views. Such links from world views have never previously been considered content that can be indexed and searched over." 1474367015,"Fragment identifiers for plain text files","Wilde & Baschnagel",1,0,6,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Erik Wilde, Marcel Baschnagel","Erik Wilde","Short paper","","true","Firefox, Plain Text, URI, XLink","true","Hypermedia systems like the Web heavily depend on their ability to link resources. One of the key features of the Web’s URIs is their ability to not only specify a resource, but to also identify a subresource within that resource, by using a fragment identifier. Fragment identification enables user to create better hypermedia. We present a proposal for fragment identifiers for plain text files, which makes it possible to identify character or line ranges, or subresources identified by regular expressions. Using these fragment identifiers, it is possible to create more specific hyperlinks, by not only linking to a complete plain text resource, but only the relevant part of it. Along with this proposal, a prototype implementation is described which can be used both as a server-side testbed and as a client-side extension for the Firefox browser." 1474373908,"User-assisted similarity estimation for searching related web pages","Li et al.",0,0,28,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Kulwadee Somboonviwat, Lin Li, Masaru Kitsuregawa, Zhenglu Yang","Lin Li","Full paper","","true","clustering, graph partitioning, similarity search","false","To utilize the similarity information hidden in the Web graph, we investigate the problem of adaptively retrieving related Web pages with user assistance. Given a definition of similarities between pages, it is intuitive to estimate that any similarity will propagate from page to page, inducing an implicit topical relatedness between pages. In this paper, we extract connected subgraphs from the whole graph that consists of all pairs of pages whose similarity scores are above a given threshold, and then sort the candidates of related pages by a novel rank measure which is based on the combination distances of a flexible hierarchical clustering. Moreover, due to the subjectivity of similarity values, we dynamically supply the ordering list of related pages according to a parameter adjusted by users. We show our approach effectively handles a set of pages originating from three related categories of Web hierarchies, such as Google Directory. The experiments with three similarity measures demonstrate that using in-link information is favorable while using a combination measure of in-links and out-links lowers the precision of identifying similar pages." 1474373923,"HSTP: hyperspeech transfer protocol","Agarwal et al.",2,0,17,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Amit Anil Nanavati, Arun Kumar, Dipanjan Chakraborty, Nitendra Rajput, Sheetal K. Agarwal","Sheetal K. Agarwal","Full paper","","true","HTTP, Hypermedia, call transfer, telephony applications","true","HTTP provides a mechanism to connect web sites. Almost all sites have a large amount of hypertext content that provides connection to other sites in the World Wide Web. The success of the WWW can be partly attributed to the seamlessly browsable web that is formed through this connectivity. However, navigation of hypermedia content through non-visual interfaces has not received as much attention. Specifically, telephony voice applications offer immense usability and penetration benefits and can act as alternate information access and delivery mechanisms. Connectivity across voice applications poses interesting and novel challenges. In this paper, we define Hyperspeech as a voice fragment in a voice application that is a hyperlink to a voice fragment in another voice application. Further, we present Hyperspeech Transfer Protocol (HSTP) - a protocol to seamlessly connect telephony voice applications. HSTP enables the users to browse across voice applications by navigating the Hyperspeech content in a voice application. HSTP can also be used for developing cross-enterprise applications that allow a user to transact across two or more voice applications." 3154184770,"Policies for cooperative hypermedia systems: concepts and prototype implementation","Tata, Godart & Wiil",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Claude Godart, Samir Tata, Uffe K. Wiil","Samir Tata","Short paper","","true","Cooperative hypermedia framework, cooperation policies","false","The objective of this work is to develop a cooperative hypermedia framework that enables actors to cooperatively create, use, and modify versioned hypermedia documents. A rich set of cooperation policies, based on hypermedia documents, access rights, and synchronization contracts, have been defined to support flexible cooperation control." 1474363715,"Automatic categorization of web sites based on source types","Roy, Joshi & Krishnapuram",1,0,4,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Raghu Krishnapuram, Sachindra Joshi, Shourya Roy","Shourya Roy","Short paper","","true","Classification, Site Interaction, Source Categorization, Web Site Categorization","true","An important issue with the Web is verification of the accuracy, currency and authenticity of the information associated with Web sites. One way to address this problem is to identify the “source” or “sponsor” of the Web site. However, source identification is non-trivial because the source of a Web site cannot always be determined by the URL or content of the site. In this paper, we propose a method for source identification that uses various types of inbound, outbound and internal interactions that arise due to hyperlinks between and within Web sites." 1474363730,"Domestic hypermedia: mixed media in the home","Petersen & Grønbæk",1,0,6,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Kaj Grønbæk, Marianne Graves Petersen","Marianne Graves Petersen","Short paper","","true","Ubiquitous hypermedia, augmented reality, context awareness, domestic technology, multimedia, physical hypermedia","true","This paper analyses the potentials for use of hypermedia in homes based on empirical studies. The use of physical materials is characterized by collaborative spatial organization and persistent visual awareness. Qualities that are currently not well supported for digital materials. However, domestic materials, such as photos, music, messages. become digitized. Based on the analyses we propose a Domestic Hypermedia infrastructure combining spatial, context-aware and physical hypermedia to support collaborative structuring and ambient presentation of materials in homes." 1474363739,"Experiences migrating microcosm learning materials","Davis & Bacon",2,0,5,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","H. C. Davis, R. A. Bacon","H. C. Davis","Short paper","","true","Authoring, Hypertext for Education, Microcosm","true","Microcosm was an open hypertext system that evolved in the early 1990s, before the advent of the Web. Apart from its success as a research platform it was widely used for presenting interactive educational materials. Since the commercial version of the product ceased to be supported it became necessary for users to migrate their educational materials, generally to the Web. However, the SToMP consortium chose to implement their own environment copying parts of the functionality of Microcosm in order to achieve their educational objectives. This paper examines the motivations of this work in order to understand whether there were features that were available in Microcosm that were not replicated in current Web based solutions. collapse" 1474366986,"A tactile web browser for the visually disabled","Rotard, Knödler & Ertl",2,0,29,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Martin Rotard, Sven Knödler, Thomas Ertl","Martin Rotard","Full paper","","true","Adaptive Hypertext, Multi-modal Interfaces, Tactile Graphics, Universal Access","true","The dissemination of information available through the World Wide Web makes universal access more and more important and supports visually disabled people in their everyday life. In this paper we present a new approach for visually disabled people to browse and interact with web pages. Up to now graphical information is mostly ignored in transformations for visually disabled people. We propose a web browser, which uses a transformation schema to render web pages on a tactile graphics display. Bitmap images and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) can be explored in a special mode, in which filters can be applied and zooming is possible. Mathematical expressions encoded in the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) are transformed into LaTeX or into a notation for visually disabled people. The web browser supports voice output to read text paragraphs and to provide feedback on interactions to the users." 1474394326,"Scalable learning of users' preferences using networked data","Abbasi, Tang & Liu",1,0,37,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Huan Liu, Jiliang Tang, Mohammad Ali Abbasi","Mohammad Ali Abbasi","Full paper","","true","Homophily, Preference Prediction, Relational Learning, Social Media Mining","true","Users’ personal information such as their political views is important for many applications such as targeted advertisements or real-time monitoring of political opinions. Huge amounts of data generated by social media users present opportunities and challenges to study these preferences in a large scale. In this paper, we aim to infer social media users’ political views when only network information is available. In particular, given personal preferences about some of the social media users, how can we infer the preferences of unobserved individuals in the same network? There are many existing solutions that address the problem of classification with networked data problem. However, networks in social media normally involve millions and even hundreds of millions of nodes, which make the scalability an important problem in inferring personal preferences in social media. To address the scalability issue, we use social influence theory to construct new features based on a combination of local and global structures of the network. Then we use these features to train classifiers and predict users’ preferences. Due to the size of real-world social networks, using the entire network information is inefficient and not practical in many cases. By extracting local social dimensions, we present an efficient and scalable solution. Further, by capturing the network’s global pattern, the proposed solution, balances the performance requirement between accuracy and efficiency." 1474394333,"A linked data approach to care coordination","Kotoulas et al.",0,0,22,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Marco Luca Sbodio, Martin Stephenson, Pierpaolo Tommasi, Pol Mac Aonghusa, Spyros Kotoulas, Vanessa Lopez","Spyros Kotoulas","Full paper","","true","","false","The success of a society is often judged by its ability to support the most vulnerable. Supporting the most vulnerable individuals is extremely challenging from an information needs perspective, since it requires data from numerous domains and systems, including Social Care, Healthcare, Public Safety and Juridical systems. Information sharing on this scale gives rise to scientific and technical challenges with regard to data representation, access, integration and retrieval granularity. This is a practice-oriented paper presenting a Linked Data-based approach that is uniquely positioned to access and surface information across domains and data sources using a combination of vulnerability indexes and contextual exploration. We apply this approach on a set of enterprise systems from IBM to develop an information sharing architecture and prototype for Care Coordination with a focus on Social Care and Healthcare. We report on expert feedback and user studies that indicate that our approach indeed reduces the time required to gain some business insight while maintaining the flexibility of a Linked Data-based integration approach." 1474394609,"A study of age gaps between online friends","Liao et al.",0,0,25,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Ee-Peng Lim, Heyan Huang, Jing Jiang, Lizi Liao","Lizi Liao","Full paper","","true","Age Prediction, Homophily, Social Network Analysis","false","User attribute extraction on social media has gain considerable attention, while existing methods are mostly supervised which suffer great difficulty in insufficient gold standard data. In this paper, we validate a strong hypothesis based on homophily and adapt it to ensure the certainty of user attribute we extracted via weakly supervised propagation. Homophily, the theory which states that people who are similar tend to become friends, has been well studied in the setting of online social networks. When we focus on age attribute, based on this theory, online friends tend to have similar age. In this work, we take a step further and study the hypothesis that the age gap between online friends become even smaller in a larger friendship clique. We empirically validate our hypothesis using two real social network data sets. We further design a propagation-based algorithm to predict online users’ age, leveraging the clique-based hypothesis. We find that our algorithm can outperform several baselines. We believe that this method could work as a way to enrich sparse data and the hypothesis we validated would shed light on exploring the proximity of other user attributes such as education as well." 1474394335,"Understanding and controlling the filter bubble through interactive visualization: a user study","Nagulendra & Vassileva",0,0,36,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Julita Vassileva, Sayooran Nagulendra","Sayooran Nagulendra","Full paper","","true","Filter Bubble, Online Social Networks, Recommender Systems, Visualization","false","The “filter bubble” is a term which refers to people getting encapsulated in streams of data such as news or social network updates that are personalized to their interests. While people need protection from information overload and maybe prefer to see content they feel familiar or agree with, there is the danger that important issues that should be of concern for everyone will get filtered away and people will lack exposure to different views, living in “echo-chambers”, blissfully unaware of the reality. We have proposed a design of an interactive visualization, which provides the user of a social networking site with awareness of the personalization mechanism (the semantics and the source of the content that is filtered away), and with means to control the filtering mechanism. The visualization has been implemented in a peer-to-peer social network, called MADMICA, and we present here the results of a large scale lab study with 163 crowd-sourced participants. The results demonstrate that the visualization leads to increased users’ awareness of the filter bubble, understandability of the filtering mechanism and to a feeling of control over their data stream." 1474394339,"Is distrust the negation of trust?: the value of distrust in social media","Tang, Hu & Liu",0,0,42,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Huan Liu, Jiliang Tang, Xia Hu","Jiliang Tang","Full paper","","true","A New Dimension of Trust, Added Value of Distrust, Distrust, The Negation of Trust","false","Trust plays an important role in helping online users collect reliable information, and has attracted increasing attention in recent years. We learn from social sciences that, as the conceptual counterpart of trust, distrust could be as important as trust. However, little work exists in studying distrust in social media. What is the relationship between trust and distrust? Can we directly apply methodologies from social sciences to study distrust in social media? In this paper, we design two computational tasks by leveraging data mining and machine learning techniques to enable the computational understanding of distrust with social media data. The first task is to predict distrust from only trust, and the second task is to predict trust with distrust. We conduct experiments in real-world social media data. The empirical results of the first task provide concrete evidence to answer the question, “is distrust the negation of trust?” while the results of the second task help us figure out how valuable the use of distrust in trust prediction." 1474394346,"How you post is who you are: characterizing google+ status updates across social groups","Cunha et al.",0,0,28,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","César Cambraia, Evandro Cunha, Gabriel Magno, Marcos André Gonçalves, Virgilio Almeida","Evandro Cunha","Short paper","","true","Google+, Internet linguistics, Microtext analysis, OSNs","false","The analysis of user-generated content on the Web provides tools to better understand users’ behavior and to the development of improved Web services. Here, we consider a large dataset of Google+ status updates to evaluate linguistic features among members of distinct social groups. Our study reveals that groups hold linguistic particularities - such as a tendency to use professional vocabulary, suggesting that Google+ might be employed, by certain users, for professional activities, or that members do not dissociate from their jobs when interacting in this environment. To illustrate a possible application of our outcomes, we present a classification experiment aiming to infer users’ social information through the analysis of their posts, with satisfactory preliminary results. Our findings help to understand not only collective peculiarities of online social media users, but also important characteristics of the textual genre ‘post’, being one of the first and most comprehensive studies on this topic." 1474397900,"A Dynamical Model of Twitter Activity Profiles","Huynh, Legara & Monterola",0,0,25,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Christopher Monterola, Erika Fille Legara, Hoai Nguyen Huynh","Hoai Nguyen Huynh","Full paper","","true","Social networks, information diffusion, modelling","false","The advent of the era of Big Data has allowed many researchers to dig into various socio-technical systems, including social media platforms. In particular, these systems have provided them with certain verifiable means to look into certain aspects of human behavior. In this work, we are specifically interested in the behavior of individuals on social media platforms—how they handle the information they get, and how they share it. We look into Twitter to understand the dynamics behind the users’ posting activities—tweets and retweets—zooming in on topics that peaked in popularity. Three mechanisms are considered: endogenous stimuli, exogenous stimuli, and a mechanism that dictates the decay of interest of the population in a topic. We propose a model involving two parameters η* and λ describing the tweeting behaviour of users, which allow us to reconstruct the findings of Lehmann et al. (2012) on the temporal profiles of popular Twitter hashtags. With this model, we are able to accurately reproduce the temporal profile of user engagements on Twitter. Furthermore, we introduce an alternative in classifying the collective activities on the socio-technical system based on the model." 1474397904,"Detecting Changes in Suicide Content Manifested in Social Media Following Celebrity Suicides","Kumar et al.",0,0,63,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Glen Coppersmith, Mark Dredze, Mrinal Kumar, Munmun De Choudhury","Mrinal Kumar","Full paper","","true","Reddit, Werther effect, mental health, social media, suicide","false","The Werther effect describes the increased rate of completed or attempted suicides following the depiction of an individual’s suicide in the media, typically a celebrity. We present findings on the prevalence of this effect in an online platform: r/SuicideWatch on Reddit. We examine both the posting activity and post content after the death of ten high-profile suicides. Posting activity increases following reports of celebrity suicides, and post content exhibits considerable changes that indicate increased suicidal ideation. Specifically, we observe that post-celebrity suicide content is more likely to be inward focused, manifest decreased social concerns, and laden with greater anxiety, anger, and negative emotion. Topic model analysis further reveals content in this period to switch to a more derogatory tone that bears evidence of self-harm and suicidal tendencies. We discuss the implications of our findings in enabling better community support to psychologically vulnerable populations, and the potential of building suicide prevention interventions following high-profile suicides." 1474397909,"Text, Topics, and Turkers: A Consensus Measure for Statistical Topics","Morstatter et al.",0,0,29,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Fred Morstatter, Huan Liu, Jürgen Pfeffer, Katja Mayer","Fred Morstatter","Full paper","","true","Text Analysis, Text Mining, Topic Analysis, Topic Modeling","false","Topic modeling is an important tool in social media analysis, allowing researchers to quickly understand large text corpora by investigating the topics underlying them. One of the fundamental problems of topic models lies in how to assess the quality of the topics from the perspective of human interpretability. How well can humans understand the meaning of topics generated by statistical topic modeling algorithms? In this work we advance the study of this question by introducing Topic Consensus: a new measure that calculates the quality of a topic through investigating its consensus with some known topics underlying the data. We view the quality of the topics from three perspectives: 1) topic interpretability, 2) how documents relate to the underlying topics, and 3) how interpretable the topics are when the corpus has an underlying categorization. We provide insights into how well the results of Mechanical Turk match automated methods for calculating topic quality. The probability distribution of the words in the topic best fit the Topic Coherence measure, in terms of both correlation as well as finding the best topics." 1474397912,"Twitter-based Election Prediction in the Developing World","Prasetyo & Hauff",0,0,37,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Claudia Hauff, Nugroho Dwi Prasetyo","Nugroho Dwi Prasetyo","Full paper","","true","Twitter, election forecasting, microblogs","false","Elections are the main instrument of democracy. Citizens decide which entity or entities (a political party or a particular politician) should represent them. Traditionally, pre-election polls have been used to learn about trends and likely election outcomes. Predicting an election outcome based on user activity on Twitter has been shown to be a cheap alternative. While past research has focused on election prediction in the developed world (where its use is debatable), in this paper we provide a comprehensive argument for the use of Twitter-based election forecasting in the developing world. For our use case of Indonesia’s presidential elections 2014, the most basic Twitter-predictor outperforms the majority of traditional polls, while the best performing predictor outperforms all traditional polls on the national level." 1474397913,"Language, Twitter and Academic Conferences","Gavilanes et al.",1,0,13,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Christoph Trattner, Denis Parra Santander, Diego Gomez, Eduardo Graells, Ruth Olimpia G. Gavilanes","Ruth Olimpia G. Gavilanes","Short paper","","true","Twitter, academic conferences, culture, language","true","Using Twitter during academic conferences is a way of engaging and connecting an audience inherently multicultural by the nature of scientific collaboration. English is expected to be the lingua franca bridging the communication and integration between native speakers of different mother tongues. However, little research has been done to support this assumption. In this paper we analyzed how integrated language communities are by analyzing the scholars’ tweets used in 26 Computer Science conferences over a time span of five years. We found that although English is the most popular language used to tweet during conferences, a significant proportion of people also tweet in other languages. In addition, people who tweet solely in English interact mostly within the same group (English monolinguals), while people who speak other languages interact more with different lingua groups. Finally, we also found higher interaction between people tweeting in different languages. These results suggest a relation between the number of languages a user speaks and their interaction dynamics in online communities." 1474397915,"Cultures in Community Question Answering","Kayes et al.",0,0,39,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Adriana Iamnitchi, Daniele Quercia, Francesco Bonchi, Imrul Kayes, Nicolas Kourtellis","Imrul Kayes","Full paper","","true","Community question answering, crowdsourcing, cultures","false","CQA services are collaborative platforms where users ask and answer questions. We investigate the influence of national culture on people’s online questioning and answering behavior. For this, we analyzed a sample of 200 thousand users in Yahoo Answers from 67 countries. We measure empirically a set of cultural metrics defined in Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and Robert Levine’s Pace of Life and show that behavioral cultural differences exist in community question answering platforms. We find that national cultures differ in Yahoo Answers along a number of dimensions such as temporal predictability of activities, contribution-related behavioral patterns, privacy concerns, and power inequality." 1474397918,"Predicting Answering Behaviour in Online Question Answering Communities","Burel et al.",1,0,23,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Grégoire Burel, Harith Alani, Paul Mulholland, Yulan He","Grégoire Burel","Full paper","","true","online communities, social Q&A platforms, social media, user behaviour","true","The value of Question Answering (Q&A) communities is dependent on members of the community finding the questions they are most willing and able to answer. This can be difficult in communities with a high volume of questions. Much previous has work attempted to address this problem by recommending questions similar to those already answered. However, this approach disregards the question selection behaviour of the answers and how it is affected by factors such as question recency and reputation. In this paper, we identify the parameters that correlate with such a behaviour by analysing the users’ answering patterns in a Q&A community. We then generate a model to predict which question a user is most likely to answer next. We train Learning to Rank (LTR) models to predict question selections using various user, question and thread feature sets. We show that answering behaviour can be predicted with a high level of success, and highlight the particular features that influence users’ question selections." 1474397920,"Analyzing Book-Related Features to Recommend Books for Emergent Readers","Pera & Ng",0,0,29,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Maria Soledad Pera, Yiu-Kai Ng","Maria Soledad Pera","Full paper","","true","Book recommendations, K-3, emergent readers","false","We recognize that emergent literacy forms a foundation upon which children will gage their future reading. It is imperative to motivate young readers to read by offering them appealing books to read so that they can enjoy reading and gradually establish a reading habit during their formative years that can aid in promoting their good reading habits. However, with the huge volume of existing and newly-published books, it is a challenge for parents/educators (young readers, respectively) to find the right ones that match children’s interests and their read-ability levels. In response to the needs, we have developed K3Rec, a recommender which applies a multi-dimensional approach to suggest books that simultaneously match the interests/preferences and reading abilities of emergent (i.e., K-3) readers. K3Rec considers the grade levels, contents, illustrations, and topics, besides using special properties, such as length and writing style, to distinguish K-3 books from other books targeting more mature readers. K3Rec is novel, since it adopts an unsupervised strategy to suggest books for K-3 readers which does not rely on the existence of personal social media data, such as personal tags and ratings, that are seldom, if ever, created by emergent readers. Further-more, unlike existing book recommenders, K3Rec explicitly analyzes book illustrations, which is of special significance for emergent readers, since illustrations assist these readers in understanding the contents of books. K3Rec focuses on a niche group of readers that has not been explicitly targeted by existing book recommenders. Empirical studies conducted using data from and Amazon’s Mechanical Turk have verified the effectiveness of K3Rec in making book recommendations for emergent readers." 1474393261,"Exploring temporal proximity and spatial distribution of terms in web-based search of event-related images","Ruocco & Ramampiaro",0,0,22,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Heri Ramampiaro, Massimiliano Ruocco","Massimiliano Ruocco","Short paper","","true","Event Retrieval, Image Clustering, Relevance Feedback","false","importance of exploring the possibility of applying spatial, as well as the temporal dimensions in searching event-related pictures. Specifically, we propose extended query expansion models that exploit the information about the temporal neighbourhoods among pictures in a collection and leverage on the spatio-temporal distribution of the candidate expansion terms to re-weight and expand the initial query. To evaluate our approach, we conduct extensive experiments on a large dataset consisting of 88 million pictures from Flickr. The results from these experiments demonstrate the viability and effectiveness of our method with respect to retrieval performance, considering both a large dataset and query pictures with restricted size of terms." 1474394329,"Scalable, generic, and adaptive systems for focused crawling","Gouriten, Maniu & Senellart",0,0,16,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Georges Gouriten, Pierre Senellart, Silviu Maniu","Georges Gouriten","Full paper","","true","focused crawling, graph exploration, multi-armed bandits","false","Focused crawling is the process of exploring a graph iteratively, focusing on parts of the graph relevant to a given topic. It occurs in many situations such as a company collecting data on competition, a journalist surfing the Web to investigate a political scandal, or an archivist recording the activity of influential Twitter users during a presidential election. In all these applications, users explore a graph (e.g., the Web or a social network), nodes are discovered one by one, the total number of exploration steps is constrained, some nodes are more valuable than others, and the objective is to maximize the total value of the crawled subgraph. In this article, we introduce scalable, generic, and adaptive systems for focused crawling. Our first effort is to define an abstraction of focused crawling applicable to a large domain of real-world scenarios. We then propose a generic algorithm, which allows us to identify and optimize the relevant subsystems. We prove the intractability of finding an optimal exploration, even when all the information is available.####Taking this intractability into account, we investigate how the crawler can be steered in several experimental graphs. We show the good performance of a greedy strategy and the importance of being able to run at each step a new estimation of the crawling frontier. We then discuss this estimation through heuristics, self-trained regression, and multi-armed bandits. Finally, we investigate their scalability and efficiency in different real-world scenarios and by comparing with state-of-the-art systems." 1474394341,"Evaluating the helpfulness of linked entities to readers","Yamada et al.",0,0,27,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Hideaki Takeda, Ikuya Yamada, Shinnosuke Usami, Shinsuke Takagi, Tomotaka Ito, Yoshiyasu Takefuji","Ikuya Yamada","Full paper","","true","Entity linking, Wikipedia, knowledge base","false","When we encounter an interesting entity (e.g., a person’s name or a geographic location) while reading text, we typically search and retrieve relevant information about it. Entity linking (EL) is the task of linking entities in a text to the corresponding entries in a knowledge base, such as Wikipedia. Recently, EL has received considerable attention. EL can be used to enhance a user’s text reading experience by streamlining the process of retrieving information on entities. Several EL methods have been proposed, though they tend to extract all of the entities in a document including unnecessary ones for users. Excessive linking of entities can be distracting and degrade the user experience. In this paper, we propose a new method for evaluating the helpfulness of linking entities to users. We address this task using supervised machine-learning with a broad set of features. Experimental results show that our method significantly outperforms baseline methods by approximately 5.7%-12% F1. In addition, we propose an application, Linkify, which enables developers to integrate EL easily into their web sites." 1474394345,"Understanding mass cooperation through visualization","Cazabet & Takeda",0,0,22,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Hideaki Takeda, Remy Cazabet","Remy Cazabet","Short paper","","true","Complex networks, Dynamic analysis, Mass cooperation, Visualization","false","We present a new type of visualization designed to help the understanding of inner mechanisms of mass cooperation. This type of cooperation is ubiquitous nowadays, not only in Online Social Networks, but also in many other situations, such as scientific research on a worldwide scale. Mass cooperation is also at the source of most complex systems. One problem to which researchers are confronted to when they study such cooperation is to build an intuitive representation of what is happening. Many tools and metrics exist to study the results of the cooperation, but sometimes, these metrics can be misleading if one doesn’t really observe what the cooperation process really looks like. The main proposition of this paper is a visualization of the cooperation flow. The novelty of our approach is to represent the internal structure of the cooperation in a longitudinal perspective. Through examples, we present how one can form a rich understanding of what form the cooperation takes in a given context, and how this understanding can help to formulate hypothesis which can consequently be studied with appropriate tools such as statistical analysis." 1474394353,"A behavior analytics approach to identifying tweets from crisis regions","Kumar, Hu & Liu",1,0,22,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Huan Liu, Shamanth Kumar, Xia Hu","Shamanth Kumar","Short paper","","true","crisis tweets, situational awareness, user behavior in tweets","true","The growing popularity of Twitter as an information medium has allowed unprecedented access to first-hand information during crises and mass emergency situations. Due to the sheer volume of information generated during a disaster, a key challenge is to filter tweets from the crisis region so their analysis can be prioritized. In this paper, we introduce the task of identifying whether a tweet is generated from crisis regions and formulate it as a decision problem. This problem is challenging due to the fact that only ~1% of all tweets have location information. Existing approaches tackle this problem by predicting the location of the user using historical tweets from users or their social network. As collecting historical information is not practical during emergency situations, we investigate whether it is possible to determine that a tweet originates from the crisis region through the information in the tweet and the publishing user’s profile." 1474394355,"Self-adaptive filtering using pid feedback controller in electronic commerce","Noorian, Mohkami & Vassileva",0,0,30,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Julita Vassileva, Mohsen Mohkami, Zeinab Noorian","Zeinab Noorian","Short paper","","true","Credibility mechanism, Honesty Threshold, Reputation systems, Trust modeling, e-commerce","false","The performance of e-marketplaces plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining buyers. For example, a variation in the delivered Quality of Services (QoS) can frustrate buyers and they leave the e-marketplace, causing revenue loss. The inherent uncertainties of open marketplaces motivate the design of reputation systems to facilitate buyers in finding honest feedback from other buyers (advisers). Defining the threshold for acceptable level of honesty of advisers is very important, since inappropriately set thresholds would filter away possibly good advice, or the opposite - allow malicious buyers to badmouth good services. However, currently, there is no systematic approach for setting the honesty threshold. We propose a self-adaptive honesty threshold management mechanism based on PID feedback controller. Experimental results show that adaptively tuning the honesty threshold to the market performance enables honest buyers to obtain higher quality of services in comparison with static threshold values defined by intuition and used in previous work." 1474394357,"On the predictability of talk attendance at academic conferences","Scholz et al.",1,0,27,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Christoph Scholz, Gerd Stumme, Jens Illig, Martin Atzmueller","Christoph Scholz","Short paper","","true","","true","This paper focuses on the prediction of real-world talk attendances at academic conferences with respect to different influence factors. We study and discuss the predictability of talk attendances using real-world face-to-face contact data and user interests extracted from the users’ previous publications. For our experiments, we apply RFID-tracked talk attendance information captured at the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia 2011. We find that contact and similarity networks achieve comparable results, and that combining these networks helps to a limited extent to improve the prediction quality." 1474397897,"Sentiment-based User Profiles in Microblogging Platforms","Gutierrez & Poblete",0,0,30,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Barbara Poblete, Francisco J. Gutierrez","Francisco J. Gutierrez","Full paper","","true","Sentiment polarity, Twitter, data analysis, social media, user modeling","false","Twitter has become one of the major platforms for self-expression in the Social Web, mostly due to its adoption by mobile users and its short message format. This presents endless possibilities for social behavior researchers that, for the first time, have access to massive amounts of data generated by humans. Nevertheless, most of the current research on emotions in social platforms focuses on reactions to particular events, or crowd behavior. In this article we present our research in the identification and characterization of user sentiment profiles in online social media. By analyzing a dataset of more than 36,000 users, we identify several distinctive groups, according to similarities in their sentiment behavior. We study differences and similarities between these profile clusters and present detailed statistics. We found that a large number of Twitter users can be grouped in nine distinct profiles according to the strength and polarity of their sentiment. Researchers and practitioners can benefit from our approach to characterize Twitter users in several scenarios, such as social recommendation, and mood estimation." 1474397905,"A Human-annotated Dataset for Evaluating Tweet Ranking Algorithms","Rout & Bontcheva",0,0,19,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Dominic Rout, Kalina Bontcheva","Dominic Rout","Short paper","","true","Human Factors","false","Social media monitoring is now an essential part of brand management, political science, and news production. Automatic tweet ranking and content recommendation methods are required, in order to support human analysts in deriving useful insights from large-scale social media data. To facilitate the development and comparative evaluation of tweet ranking methods, a task for which re-tweets do not form a reliable gold standard, a new, openly available Twitter corpus has been created. A number of results for several popular recommendation algorithms are presented for this corpus.####garcia" 1474397907,"Examining Personalization in Academic Web Search","Salehi, Du & Ashman",0,0,31,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Helen Ashman, Jia Tina Du, Sara Salehi","Sara Salehi","Full paper","","true","Academic Web search, Google, Measurement, Personalized search, University Students","false","Personalization promises to improve the accuracy of Web search and has been drawing much research attention recently. Some evidence indicates that for educational purposes, the disadvantages of personalized search are not justified by its benefits. The potential issues with search personalization, especially in an educational context, include loss of serendipity and capability, commercialization of education and the “Filter Bubble” effect where users are denied information if search engine algorithms decide it is irrelevant to them. The majority of students in higher education make use of general-purpose search engines to find academic information, however we have little knowledge about the effects of personalization on learners’ experience and achievements. This observation motivates the research in this paper. First, we surveyed 120 university students to investigate which research sources, including search engines they predominately use and how much they depend on each for educational purposes. We learned that the majority of students prefer Google to other search engines; indeed sometimes it is their primary or only information-seeking tool. Additionally, about 80% of them use search engines for educational purposes on daily basis. Second, we measured the difference between personalized and non-personalized search results for 120 academic search queries divided equally into four categories: Education, IT, Health sciences and Business. Our results showed that on average only 53% of links appear, not necessarily in the same order, in both personalized and non-personalized search results. Interestingly, we observed only slight differences in the extent of personalization based on academic topics." 1474397922,"Surpassing the Limit: Keyword Clustering to Improve Twitter Sample Coverage","Sampson et al.",0,0,23,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Fred Morstatter, Huan Liu, Justin Sampson, Ross Maciejewski","Justin Sampson","Full paper","","true","Clustering, Social Media, Text Processing","false","Social media services have become a prominent source of research data for both academia and corporate applications. Data from social media services is easy to obtain, highly structured, and comprises opinions from a large number of extremely diverse groups. The microblogging site, Twitter, has garnered a particularly large following from researchers by offering a high volume of data streamed in real time. Unfortunately, the methods in which Twitter selects data to disseminate through the stream are either vague or unpublished. Since Twitter maintains sole control of the sampling process, it leaves us with no knowledge of how the data that we collect for research is selected. Additionally, past research has shown that there are sources of bias present in Twitters dissemination process. Such bias introduces noise into the data that can reduce the accuracy of learning models and lead to bad inferences. In this work, we take an initial look at the efficiency of Twitter limit track as a sample population estimator. After that, we provide methods to mitigate bias by improving sample population coverage using clustering techniques." 1474397925,"Opportunistic Layered Hypernarrative","Goranson",0,0,36,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Harold T. Goranson","Harold T. Goranson","Short paper","","true","Narrative structure, Ontology graphs, Two-sorted logic","false","We are designing a system to model narrative structures as expressed in lightly formalized text-centric chunks. The system is novel in shifting much of the organizational complexity to a categoric reasoning system in a two sorted logic. We optimize for two goals. One goal is to grow a pool of stored insights concerning complex narrative constructions, learned by aggregating crowd-sourced insights. These emphasize qualities that escape capture by existing methods, and include deliberate ambiguities, poetic allusions, irony, self reference, dynamic reinterpretation and cinematic devices. A second goal, described here, is to present suggested, machine generated narrative paths for an unskilled user, generated on the fly and informed by developing insights of multiple narrative situations. The narrative paths may follow the target video’s narrative, annotative machine constructed essays or some synthesis of these." 1474397927,"Build Emotion Lexicon from Microblogs by Combining Effects of Seed Words and Emoticons in a Heterogeneous Graph","Song et al.",1,0,36,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Chengqi Zhang, Daling Wang, Kaisong Song, Ling Chen, Shi Feng, Wei Gao","Kaisong Song","Full paper","","true","emoticon, emotion lexicon, heterogeneous graph, microblogs, seed word","true","As an indispensable resource for emotion analysis, emotion lexicons have attracted increasing attention in recent years. Most existing methods focus on capturing the single emotional effect of words rather than the emotion distributions which are helpful to model multiple complex emotions in a subjective text. Meanwhile, automatic lexicon building methods are overly dependent on seed words but neglect the effect of emoticons which are natural graphical labels of fine-grained emotion. In this paper, we propose a novel emotion lexicon building framework that leverages both seed words and emoticons simultaneously to capture emotion distributions of candidate words more accurately. Our method overcomes the weakness of existing methods by combining the effects of both seed words and emoticons in a unified three-layer heterogeneous graph, in which a multi-label random walk (MLRW) algorithm is performed to strengthen the emotion distribution estimation. Experimental results on real-world data reveal that our constructed emotion lexicon achieves promising results for emotion classification compared to the state-of-the-art lexicons." 1474397932,"Language Innovation and Change in On-line Social Networks","Kershaw, Rowe & Stacey",0,0,36,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Daniel Kershaw, Matthew Rowe, Patrick Stacey","Daniel Kershaw","Consortium Abstract","","true","Change, Evolution, Innovation, Language, OSN","false","Language is fundamental to human communication - throughout the course of history language has constantly evolved. This can currently be seen in the changing forms of colloquial language in various on-line social networks (OSNs). These innovations in language are even appearing in every day life with the recent induction of ‘lol’ and ‘rofl’ into modern dictionaries. Changes and varying forms of language pose challenges to both academics and people in business when attempting to assess and communicate with different communities.####In this Ph.D, we aim to forecast online language change through the use of predictive and descriptive methodologies. Through using data sets mined from a number of OSNs, we aim to develop generalizable models and theories for assessing and predicting such language changes. We philosophically frame this work by drawing on structuration theory which helps us structure our analysis of the dynamics of language (re)production - i.e. by the agent (user), the social structure and their interplay. We draw on state-of-the-art work and methods, including the development of neural nets to analyse language usage, along with network and community classification too uncover social structures within language. Preliminary results have identified statistically significant innovations usage across communities across a number of OSN’s, this was done by operationalizing known linguistic models of innovation acceptance." 1474400422,"Seven Words You Can't Say on Answerbag: Contested Terms and Conflict in a Social Q&A Community","Gazan",0,0,42,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Rich Gazan","Rich Gazan","Full paper","","true","Boundary objects, Community Q&A, Community management, Online communities","false","On a social Q&A site with thousands of transactions per day, what constitutes inappropriate content is not always obvious. In virtual communities such as this, users largely define and continuously renegotiate what constitutes appropriate participation, and moderators must allow healthy debate while curbing conflict. This paper presents an empirical analysis of Answerbag, a social Q&A site where moderators combined content analysis and transaction log analysis with information retrieval principles to identify non-obvious words associated with reported and unreported instances of conflict on the site. Content and transaction log analysis revealed the processes by which Answerbag users negotiated the meaning of contested terms, and suggested instances when conflict was a positive force for the community." 1474400423,"Assessing the Navigational Effects of Click Biases and Link Insertion on the Web","Geigl et al.",1,0,32,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Denis Helic, Florian Geigl, Kristina Lerman, Markus Strohmaier, Simon Walk","Florian Geigl","Full paper","","true","Click Biases, Link Insertion, Random Surfer, Stationary Distribution","true","Websites have an inherent interest in steering user navigation in order to, for example, increase sales of specific products or categories, or to guide users towards specific information. In general, website administrators can use the following two strategies to influence their visitors’ navigation behavior. First, they can introduce click biases to reinforce specific links on their website by changing their visual appearance, for example, by locating them on the top of the page. Second, they can utilize link insertion to generate new paths for users to navigate over. In this paper, we present a novel approach for measuring the potential effects of these two strategies on user navigation. Our results suggest that, depending on the pages for which we want to increase user visits, optimal link modification strategies vary. Moreover, simple topological measures can be used as proxies for assessing the impact of the intended changes on the navigation of users, even before these changes are implemented." 1474400443,"Mining Interaction Patterns in the Design of Web Applications for Improving User Experience","Gkantouna, Tsakalidis & Tzimas",1,0,23,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Athanasios Tsakalidis, Giannis Tzimas, Vassiliki Gkantouna","Vassiliki Gkantouna","Short paper","","true","CMS, Design Evaluation, Design Patterns, Design Quality, Interaction Patterns, Web Applications","true","The key success factor for modern web applications is their acceptance by the end-users which heavily depends on the quality of the user experience that they offer to them. Users require applications designed in such a way that it enables them to learn the supported functionalities easily, so that they can quickly find the information that they are looking for. Therefore, the usability and the overall design quality of an application can determine its success or failure. In this paper, we analyze the conceptual model of CMS-based web applications in terms of the incorporated design fragments that support the various user interaction processes. We consider these fragments as recurrent interaction patterns occurring in the application model, consisting of a configuration of front-end interface components that interrelate each other and interact with the user to achieve certain functionality. We have developed a methodology that automatically extracts the conceptual model of a web application and subsequently performs a pattern-based analysis of the model in order to identify the occurrences of all the recurrent interaction patterns. Finally, we calculate evaluation metrics revealing whether these patterns are used consistently throughout the application design. By utilizing these patterns, developers can produce more consistent and predictable designs, improving the ease of use of web applications." 1474400444,"Issue-Focused Documentaries versus Other Films: Rating and Type Prediction based on User-Authored Reviews","Jiang & Diesner",0,0,39,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Jana Diesner, Ming Jiang","Ming Jiang","Short paper","","true","Documentary films, Rating prediction, Social impact, Type prediction","false","User-authored reviews offer a window into micro-level engagement with issue-focused documentary films, which is a critical yet insufficiently understood topic in media impact assessment. Based on our data, features, and supervised learning method, we find that ratings of non-documentary (feature film) reviews can be predicted with higher accuracy (73.67%, F1 score) than ratings of documentary reviews (68.05%). We also constructed a classifier that separates reviews of documentaries from reviews of feature films with an accuracy of 71.32%. However, as our goal with this paper is not to improve the accuracy of predicting the rating and type or genre of film reviews, but to advance our understanding of the perception of documentaries in comparison to feature films, we also identified commonalities and differences between these two types of films as well as between low versus high ratings. We find that in contrast to reviews of feature films, comments on documentaries are shorter but composed of longer sentences, are less emotional, contain less positive and more negative terms, are lexically more concise, and are more focused on verbs than on nouns and adjectives. Compared to low-rated reviews, comments with a high rating are shorter, are more emotional and contain more positive than negative sentiment, and have less question marks and more exclamation points. Overall, this work contributes to advancing our understanding of the impact of different types of information products on individual information consumers." 1474400445,"Approximate Contagion Model of Common Knowledge on Facebook","Korkmaz et al.",0,0,23,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Chris J. Kuhlman, Fernando Vega-Redondo, Gizem Korkmaz, S.S. Ravi","Gizem Korkmaz","Short paper","","true","approximate models, common knowledge, contagion processes, coordination, modeling, simulation","false","Computational modeling of information exchange over social media is important for understanding coordination in online environments. Many contagion dynamics models that have been used to model Twitter, Facebook, and blog information transmission are polynomial-time computable, and hence can be efficiently simulated on networked populations. Game-theoretic models of collective action (i.e., coordination problems that require common knowledge among agents), however, have dynamics that are controlled in part by specific network structures such as cliques and bicliques. Contagion dynamics with these models cannot be efficiently computed because finding all bicliques in a graph, for example, is an NP-hard problem. We investigate a recent model of common knowledge dynamics that represents information spread on Facebook in which the biclique is the characterizing structure and convert the model into an efficiently computable one by using an approximation. We demonstrate this through experiments on seven different graphs for a total of 168 sets of conditions, including a 4-order of magnitude span in dynamics parameter values. Our approach speeds computations in two ways: (i) it obviates the need to find all bicliques in a social network, which is a very time-onsuming task (computations can take 30 to 120 hours or more of wall clock time), and (ii) it reduces the time of simulation computations, in some cases by well over an order of magnitude. Our method also enables evaluation of much larger networks that are being mined from social media." 1474400447,"Understanding and Predicting Online Food Recipe Production Patterns","Kusmierczyk, Trattner & Nørvåg",1,0,18,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Christoph Trattner, Kjetil Nørvåg, Tomasz Kusmierczyk","Tomasz Kusmierczyk","Short paper","","true","creational patterns, food recommender systems, ingredient usage, online food recipes, predictive modeling, recipe creation","true","Studying online food patterns has recently become an active field of research. While there are a growing body of studies that investigate how online food in consumed, little effort has been devoted yet to understand how online food recipes are being created. To contribute to this lack of knowledge in the area, we present in this paper the results of a large-scale study that aims at understanding how historical, social and temporal factors impact on the online food creation process. Several experiments reveal the extent to which various factors are useful in predicting future recipe production." 1474400449,"Using Online Controlled Experiments to Examine Authority Effects on User Behavior in Email Campaigns","Lim et al.",0,0,30,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Binyan Jiang, Ee-Peng Lim, Kwan Hui Lim, Palakorn Achananuparp","Kwan Hui Lim","Short paper","","true","A/B Testing, Authority, Behavioral Analysis, Email, Marketing, Online Controlled Experiments","false","Authority users often play important roles in a social system. They are expected to write good reviews at product review sites; provide high quality answers in question answering systems; and share interesting content in social networks. In the context of marketing and advertising, knowing how users react to emails and messages from authority senders is important, given the prevalence of email in our everyday life. Using a real-life academic event, we designed and conducted an online controlled experiment to determine how email senders of different types of authority (department head, event organizer and a general email account) affect the range of response behavior of recipients, which includes opening the email, browsing the event website, and registering for the event. In addition, we proposed a systematic approach to analyze the user response behavior to email campaigns from the time the user receives the email till he/she browses the website in a seamless manner." 1474400454,"Exploring Maintenance Practices in Crowd-Mapping","Quattrone, Dittus & Capra",1,0,36,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Giovanni Quattrone, Licia Capra, Martin Dittus","Giovanni Quattrone","Short paper","","true","Collective Intelligence, DPN, Failure Detection, Network Control, SNSs, Telephony Failures, Twitter","true","Crowd-mapping is a form of collaborative work that empowers users to gather and share geographic knowledge. OpenStreetMap is one of the most successful examples of such paradigm, where the goal of building a global map of the world is collectively performed by over 2M contributors. Despite geographic information being intrinsically evolving, little research has so far gone into analysing maintenance practices in these domains. In this paper, we perform a preliminary exploration to quantitatively capture maintenance dynamics in geographic crowd-sourced datasets, in terms of: the extent to which different maintenance actions are taking place, the type of spatial information that is being maintained, and who engages in these practices. We apply this method to 117 countries in OSM, over one year of mapping activity. Our findings reveal that, although maintenance practices vary substantially from country to country in terms of how widespread they are, strong commonalities exist in terms of what metadata is being maintained and by whom." 1474400455,"Classification of Twitter Accounts into Targeting Accounts and Non-Targeting Accounts","Takemura & Tajima",1,0,16,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Hikaru Takemura, Keishi Tajima","Hikaru Takemura","Short paper","","true","microblog, social network, target diversity, target specificity, target users, user intention","true","In this paper, we propose a method for classifying Twitter accounts into non-targeting accounts, which post messages to the general public, and targeting accounts, which post messages to specific people. For example, an account posting general news information is a non-targeting account, while an account posting announcements to members of a specific organization is a targeting account. An account posting information on very specific minor topic, and an account used for communication with friends, are also targeting accounts. Our method finds some properties that are common to most followers of a given account, and calculate how much a user set with such a consistency deviates from a random sample from the given universe of users (e.g., the set of all Twitter users in some country). If it largely deviates, the account is a targeting account. We use two types of properties of followers: (1) terms in their metadata and (2) their followees. The result of our experiment shows that one of our methods, which computes two scores based on these two types of properties and combines them using SVM, achieves the accuracy 0.944, and outperforms the baselines." 1474400457,"Search Tactics of Images' Textual Descriptions","Lin et al.",0,0,24,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","I-Han (Sharon) Hsiao, Ren-Yi Hong, Wen-Lin Lan, Yi-Ling Lin","Yi-Ling Lin","Short paper","","true","Web search, eye tracking, information retrieval, user behavior, user studies","false","The images’ textual descriptions from experts and the general public, subject headings and social tags, are provided to facilitate image search process. Search tactics represents a series of search choices and actions with the textual descriptions provided on the systems during the search process. However, integration of different textual descriptions for image finding have rarely been investigated. This study investigates whether and how two types of different textual descriptions in relation to subject headings and social tags affect users’ search tactics. Thirty-six participants were recruited for this study. Multiple methods were employed to collect data, including questionnaires, interviews, and eye-tracking analysis. Eliciting participants’ viewing behaviors, this study benefit benefits our understanding of different search tactics of various users and provide adaptive mechanisms to fulfill their search needs. The results of this study provided four guidelines for practitioners when designing adaptive image search interface to fulfill users search tactics." 1513449548,"Hate is not Binary: Studying Abusive Behavior of 'GamerGate on Twitter","Chatzakou et al.",0,0,36,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Athena Vakali, Despoina Chatzakou, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Gianluca Stringhini, Jeremy Blackburn, Nicolas Kourtellis","Despoina Chatzakou","Full paper","","true","","false","Over the past few years, online bullying and aggression have become increasingly prominent, and manifested in many different forms on social media. However, there is little work analyzing the characteristics of abusive users and what distinguishes them from typical social media users. In this paper, we start addressing this gap by analyzing tweets containing a great amount of abusiveness. We focus on a Twitter dataset revolving around the Gamergate controversy, which led to many incidents of cyberbullying and cyberaggression on various gaming and social media platforms. We study the properties of the users tweeting about Gamergate, the content they post, and the differences in their behavior compared to typical Twitter users.####We find that while their tweets are often seemingly about aggressive and hateful subjects, “Gamergaters” do not exhibit common expressions of online anger, and in fact primarily differ from typical users in that their tweets are less joyful. They are also more engaged than typical Twitter users, which is an indication as to how and why this controversy is still ongoing. Surprisingly, we find that Gamergaters are less likely to be suspended by Twitter, thus we analyze their properties to identify differences from typical users and what may have led to their suspension. We perform an unsupervised machine learning analysis to detect clusters of users who, though currently active, could be considered for suspension since they exhibit similar behaviors with suspended users. Finally, we confirm the usefulness of our analyzed features by emulating the Twitter suspension mechanism with a supervised learning method, achieving very good precision and recall." 1474397911,"Characterizing Smoking and Drinking Abstinence from Social Media","Tamersoy, De Choudhury & Chau",0,0,37,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Acar Tamersoy, Duen Horng Chau, Munmun De Choudhury","Acar Tamersoy","Full paper","","true","Reddit, abstinence, addiction, drinking, health, smoking, social media, well-being","false","Social media has been established to bear signals relating to health and well-being states. In this paper, we investigate the potential of social media in characterizing and understanding abstinence from tobacco or alcohol use. While the link between behavior and addiction has been explored in psychology literature, the lack of longitudinal self-reported data on long-term abstinence has challenged addiction research. We leverage the activity spanning almost eight years on two prominent communities on Reddit: StopSmoking and StopDrinking. We use the self-reported “badge” information of nearly a thousand users as gold standard information on their abstinence status to characterize long-term abstinence. We build supervised learning based statistical models that use the linguistic features of the content shared by the users as well as the network structure of their social interactions. Our findings indicate that long-term abstinence from smoking or drinking (~one year) can be distinguished from short-term abstinence (~40 days) with 85% accuracy. We further show that language and interaction on social media offer powerful cues towards characterizing these addiction-related health outcomes. We discuss the implications of our findings in social media and health research, and in the role of social media as a platform for positive behavior change and therapy." 1474397916,"Mining Affective Context in Short Films for Emotion-Aware Recommendation","Orellana-Rodriguez, Diaz-Aviles & Nejdl",3,0,38,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Claudia Orellana-Rodriguez, Ernesto Diaz-Aviles, Wolfgang Nejdl","Claudia Orellana-Rodriguez","Full paper","","true","Computational Social Science, Sentiment Analysis, Social Media Analytics, YouTube","true","Emotion is fundamental to human experience and impacts our daily activities and decision-making processes where, e.g., the affective state of a user influences whether or not she decides to consume a recommended item - movie, book, product or service. However, information retrieval and recommendation tasks have largely ignored emotion as a source of user context, in part because emotion is difficult to measure and easy to misunderstand. In this paper we explore the role of emotions in short films and propose an approach that automatically extracts affective context from user comments associated to short films available in YouTube, as an alternative to explicit human annotations. We go beyond the traditional polarity detection (i.e., positive/negative), and extract for each film four opposing pairs of primary emotions: joy-sadness, anger-fear, trust-disgust, and anticipation-surprise. Finally, in our empirical evaluation, we show how the affective context extracted automatically can be leveraged for emotion-aware film recommendation." 1474397917,"An Investigation into the Use of Logical and Rhetorical Tactics within Eristic Argumentation on the Social Web","Blount, Millard & Weal",0,0,20,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","David E. Millard, Mark J. Weal, Tom Blount","Tom Blount","Short paper","","true","argumentation, dialectic, eristic, logic, rhetoric, social web","false","Argumentation is a key aspect of communications and can broadly be broken down into problem solving (dialectic) and quarrelling (eristic). Techniques used within argumentation can likewise be classified as fact-based (logical), or emotion/audience-based (rhetorical). Modelling arguments on the social web is a challenge for those studying computational argumentation as formal models of argumentation tend to assume a logical argument, whereas argumentation on the social web is often largely rhetorical. To investigate the application of logical versus rhetorical techniques on the social web, we bring together two ontologies used for modelling argumentation and online communities respectively, the Argument Interchange Format and the Semantic Interlinked Online Communities project. We augment these with our own ontology for modelling rhetorical argument, the Argumentation on the Social Web Ontology, and trial our additions by examining three case studies following argumentation on different categories of social media. Finally, we present examples of how rhetorical argumentation is used in the context of the social web and show that there are clear markers present that can allow for a rudimentary estimate for the classification of a social media post with regards to its contribution to a discussion." 1474400420,"Extracting Social Structures from Conversations in Twitter: A Case Study on Health-Related Posts","Al-Rubaye & Menezes",0,0,22,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Abduljaleel Al-Rubaye, Ronaldo Menezes","Abduljaleel Al-Rubaye","Full paper","","true","Conversational Data, Social Network Structures, Twitter","false","Online Social Networks (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) have dramatically grown in usage and popularity in recent years. In addition to keeping track of friends and acquaintances, these networks provide powerful means of exchanging and sharing information on many different topics of interest (e.g., sports, religion, politics, health concerns, etc.). Moreover, the use of these networks has introduced a completely new way of collaboration among people, virtually creating spheres of friends who generally feel comfortable discussing a variety of subjects and even helping each other to grow in knowledge about certain subjects. In this work, we built and analyzed networks of social groups on Twitter related to the top leading causes of death in the United States. Due to space limitations, we present results for the state of Florida and only for the top four leading causes of death. We show that using a concept of time window in the creation of relations between users, we can reconstruct social networks for these conversations and these networks have characteristics that are similar to typical social networks. The argument is that social network information can be extracted even in cases where users are not directly talking to each other (as it is the case in most of Twitter)." 1474400421,"Trends in Eye Tracking Scanpaths: Segmentation Effect?","Eraslan, Yesilada & Harper",0,0,27,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Simon Harper, Sukru Eraslan, Yeliz Yesilada","Sukru Eraslan","Full paper","","true","eye tracking, scanpath, segmentation, trend analysis, visual elements, web pages","false","Eye tracking has been widely used to investigate user interactions with the Web to improve user experience. In our previous work, we developed an algorithm called Scanpath Trend Analysis (STA) that analyses eye movement sequences (i.e., scanpaths) of multiple users on a web page and identifies their most commonly followed path in terms of the visual elements of the page. These visual elements are mainly the segments of a page generated by automated segmentation approaches. In our previous work, we also showed that the STA algorithm performs better than other existing algorithms in terms of providing the most representative scanpath of users. However, we did not know whether the validity of the algorithm is limited to a particular segmentation approach. In this paper, we investigate the effect of two different segmentation approaches on the STA algorithm. The results suggest that the validity of the algorithm is not affected by the segmentation approach used. Specifically, the resulting scanpath of the STA algorithm is the most representative scanpath of users in comparison with the resulting scanpaths of other existing algorithms regardless of the segmentation approach used." 1474400426,"Teens Engage More with Fewer Photos: Temporal and Comparative Analysis on Behaviors in Instagram","Jang et al.",1,0,46,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Dongwon Lee, Haiyan Jia, Jin Yea Jang, Kyungsik Han, Patrick C. Shih","Jin Yea Jang","Full paper","","true","Instagram, Teens, age difference, comparative analysis","true","Research has suggested that teens are more active and engaged than adults on social media. Most of such observations, however, have been made through the analysis of limited ethnographic or cross-sectional data. Using a temporally extended, large-scale dataset and comparative analyses to remedy this shortcoming, we examined how and why the age difference in the behaviors of users in Instagram might have occurred through the lenses of social cognition, developmental psychology, and human-computer interaction. We proposed two hypotheses—teens as digital natives and the need for social interactions—as the theoretical framework for understanding the factors that help explain the behavioral differences. Our computational analysis identified the following novel findings: (1) teens post fewer photos than adults; (2) teens remove more photos based on the number of Likes the photos received; and (3) teens have less diverse photo content. Our analysis was also able to confirm prior ethnographic accounts that teens are more engaged in Liking and commenting, and express their emotions and social interests more than adults. We discussed theoretical and practical interpretations and implications as well as future research directions from the results. Our datasets are available at:" 1474400427,"Friendship Maintenance and Prediction in Multiple Social Networks","Lee & Lim",0,0,23,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Ee-Peng Lim, Ka-Wei Roy Lee","Ka-Wei Roy Lee","Full paper","","true","Instagram, Link Prediction, Multiple Social Networks, Twitter","false","Due to the proliferation of online social networks (OSNs), users find themselves participating in multiple OSNs. These users leave their activity traces as they maintain friendships and interact with other users in these OSNs. In this work, we analyze how users maintain friendship in multiple OSNs by studying users who have accounts in both Twitter and Instagram. Specifically, we study the similarity of a user’s friendship and the evenness of friendship distribution in multiple OSNs. Our study shows that most users in Twitter and Instagram prefer to maintain different friendships in the two OSNs, keeping only a small clique of common friends in across the OSNs. Based upon our empirical study, we conduct link prediction experiments to predict missing friendship links in multiple OSNs using the neighborhood features, neighborhood friendship maintenance features and cross-link features. Our link prediction experiments shows that unsupervised methods can yield good accuracy in predicting links in one OSN using another OSN data and the link prediction accuracy can be further improved using supervised method with friendship maintenance and others measures as features." 1474400428,"Where is the Goldmine?: Finding Promising Business Locations through Facebook Data Analytics","Lin et al.",0,0,25,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Adrian Vu, Agus Kwee, Casey Vu, Ee-Peng Lim, Jovian Lin, Richard Oentaryo","Jovian Lin","Full paper","","true","Facebook, Location analytics, feature extraction, machine learning","false","If you were to open your own cafe, would you not want to effortlessly identify the most suitable location to set up your shop? Choosing an optimal physical location is a critical decision for numerous businesses, as many factors contribute to the final choice of the location. In this paper, we seek to address the issue by investigating the use of publicly available Facebook Pages data-which include user “check-ins”, types of business, and business locations-to evaluate a user-selected physical location with respect to a type of business. Using a dataset of 20,877 food businesses in Singapore, we conduct analysis of several key factors including business categories, locations, and neighboring businesses. From these factors, we extract a set of relevant features and develop a robust predictive model to estimate the popularity of a business location. Our experiments have shown that the popularity of neighboring business contributes the key features to perform accurate prediction. We finally illustrate the practical usage of our proposed approach via an interactive web application system." 1474400431,"Download and Cache Management for HTML5 Hypervideo Players","Meixner & Einsiedler",1,0,42,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Britta Meixner, Christoph Einsiedler","Britta Meixner","Full paper","","true","Cache, Download, HTML5, Hypervideo, Media Source Extensions, Pre-fetching, Quality of Experience","true","Web videos are becoming more and more popular. Current web technologies make it simpler than ever to both stream videos and create complex constructs of interlinked videos with additional information (video, audio, images, and text); so called hypervideos. When viewers interact with hypervideos by clicking on links, new content has to be loaded. This may lead to excessive waiting times, interrupting the presentation - especially when videos are loaded into the hypervideo player. In this work, we propose hypervideo pre-fetching strategies, which can be implemented in players to minimize waiting times. We examine the possibilities offered by the HTML5" 1474400436,"The Role of Comments' Controversy in Large-Scale Online Discussion Forums","Aggarwal, López & Hsiao",0,0,15,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Adithya Aggarwal, Claudia López, I-Han Hsiao","Adithya Aggarwal","Short paper","","true","Constructive Learning, Content Controversy, Discussion Forum, Programming, Q&A, StackOverflow","false","In this paper, we examine the value of comments in large-scale of discussion forums. We survey the relevant literature and employ the key content quality identification features. We then construct comment semantics features and build several regression models to explore the value of comment semantics dynamics. The results reconfirm the usefulness of several essential quality predictors, including time, reputation, length, and editorship. We also found that comment semantics are valuable to shape the answer quality. Specifically, the diversity of comments significantly contributes to the answer quality. In addition, when searching for good quality answers, it is important to look for global semantics dynamics (diversity), rather than observe local differences (disputable content). Finally, the presence of comments shepherd the community to revise the posts by attracting attentions to the posts and eventually facilitate the editing process." 1474400450,"What Happens Offline Stays Offline?: Examining Sustainability of a Hybrid Social System","Farzan, Lu & Lin",0,0,30,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Di Lu, Rosta Farzan, Yu-Ru Lin","Rosta Farzan","Short paper","","true","Archival study, Hybrid communities, Meetup, Online and offline traces, Sustainability","false","The emergence of social Web has gone beyond connecting people and documents online to further connecting people, places, and artifacts both online and offline. A variety of online platforms with the specific goal of supporting offline connections have been attracting the attention of practitioners and users of social Web systems. Such hybrid platforms have been shown to contribute to online and offline prosperity of connections and engagements of people. In this work, we present a study of hybrid social Web systems in terms of factors contributing to their sustainability. Our results suggests that emphasis on online interactions and online representation of offline activities can lead to higher level of sustainability. Based on our results, we provide a set of design guidelines to address the challenges of sustaining user activities in hybrid social Web systems." 1474400451,"Development of Failure Detection System for Network Control using Collective Intelligence of Social Networking Service in Large-Scale Disasters","Maru et al.",0,0,29,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Akihiro Nakao, Chihiro Maru, Masato Oguchi, Miki Enoki, Saneyasu Yamaguchi, Shu Yamamoto","Chihiro Maru","Short paper","","true","Collective Intelligence, DPN, Failure Detection, Network Control, SNSs, Telephony Failures, Twitter","false","When the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred in 2011, it was difficult to immediately grasp all telecommunications network conditions using only information from network monitoring devices because the damage was considerably heavy and a severe congestion control state occurred. Moreover, at the time of the earthquake, telephone and e-mail services could not be used in many cases-although social networking services (SNSs) were still available. In an emergency, such as an earthquake, users proactively convey information on telecommunications network conditions through SNSs. Therefore the collective intelligence of SNSs is suitable as a means of information detection complementary to conventional observation through network monitoring devices. In this paper, we propose a network failure detection system that detects telephony failures with a high degree of accuracy by using the collective intelligence of Twitter, one of the most widely used SNSs. We also show that network control can be performed automatically and autonomically using information on telecommunications network conditions detected with our system." 1474400453,"There is Something Beyond the Twitter Network","Pacuk et al.",0,0,21,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Andrzej Pacuk, Karol Wegrzycki, Piotr Sankowski, Piotr Wygocki","Andrzej Pacuk","Short paper","","true","Cascades Size Distribution, Information Diffusion, Social Network Analysis, Social networks, Twitter","false","How information spreads through a social network? Can we assume, that the information is spread only through a given social network graph? What is the correct way to compare the models of information flow? These are the basic questions we address in this work. We focus on meticulous comparison of various, well-known models of rumor propagation in the social network. We introduce the model incorporating mass media and effects of absent nodes. In this model the information appears spontaneously in the graph. Using the most conservative metric, we showed that the distribution of cascades sizes generated by this model fits the real data much better than the previously considered models." 1513523113,"Negative Link Prediction and Its Applications in Online Political Networks","Ozer, Yildirim & Davulcu",0,0,29,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Hasan Davulcu, Mehmet Yigit Yildirim, Mert Ozer","Mert Ozer","Full paper","","true","Negative Link Prediction, Online Political Networks, Sentiment Analysis, Social Media Mining","false","Disagreements, oppositions and negative opinions are indispensable parts of online political debates. In social media, people express their beliefs and attitudes not only on issues but also about each other through both their conversations and platform-specifc interactions such as like, share in Facebook and retweet in Twitter. While there are explicit “like” features in these platforms, there is no explicit “dislike” feature. Many network analysis tasks, such as detecting communities and monitoring their dynamics (i.e. polarization patterns) require information about both positive and negative linkages. Hence, predicting negative links between users is an important task and a challenging problem. In this study, we propose an unsupervised framework to predict the negative links between users by utilizing explicit positive interactions and sentiment cues in conversations. We show the effectiveness of the proposed framework on a political Twitter dataset annotated through Amazon MTurk crowdsourcing platform. Our experimental results show that the proposed framework outperforms other well-known methods and proposed baselines. To illustrate the contribution of the predicted negative links, we compare the community detection accuracies using signed and unsigned user networks. Experimental results using predicted negative links show superiority on three political datasets where the camps are known a priori. We also present qualitative evaluations related to the polarization patterns (i.e. rivalries and coalitions) between the detected communities which is only possible in the presence of negative links." 1513523115,"Quantifying Location Sociality","Pang & Zhang",1,0,43,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Jun Pang, Yang Zhang","Jun Pang","Full paper","","true","Online social networks, data mining, friendship prediction, location recommendation, location-based social networks","true","The emergence of location-based social networks provides an unprecedented chance to study the interaction between human mobility and social relations. This work is a step towards quantifying whether a location is suitable for conducting social activities, and the notion is named location sociality. Being able to quantify location sociality creates practical opportunities such as urban planning and location recommendation. To quantify a location’s sociality, we propose a mixture model of HITS and PageRank on a heterogeneous network linking users and locations. By exploiting millions of check-in data generated by Instagram users in New York and Los Angeles, we investigate the relation between location sociality and several location properties, including location categories, rating and popularity. We further perform two case studies, i.e., friendship prediction and location recommendation, experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of our quantification." 1474380681,"Community-based ranking of the social web","Kashoob, Caverlee & Kamath",0,0,45,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","James Caverlee, Krishna Kamath, Said Kashoob","Said Kashoob","Full paper","","true","Community, Ranking, Social, Tagging","false","The rise of social interactions on the Web requires developing new methods of information organization and discovery. To that end, we propose a generative community-based probabilistic tagging model that can automatically uncover communities of users and their associated tags. We experimentally validate the quality of the discovered communities over the social bookmarking system Delicious. In comparison to an alternative generative model (Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), we find that the proposed community-based model improves the empirical likelihood of held-out test data and discovers more coherent interest-based communities. Based on the community-based probabilistic tagging model, we develop a novel community-based ranking model for effective community-based exploration of socially-tagged Web resources. We compare community-based ranking to three state-of-the-art retrieval models: (i) BM25; (ii) Cluster-based retrieval using K-means clustering; and (iii) LDA-based retrieval. We find that the proposed ranking model results in a significant improvement over these alternatives (from 7% to 22%) in the quality of retrieved pages." 1474380688,"UrbanWeb: a platform for mobile context-awaresocial computing","Hansen & Grønbæk",3,0,25,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Frank Allan Hansen, Kaj Grønbæk","Frank Allan Hansen","Short paper","","true","Context-awareness, Geo-spatial Hypermedia, Mobile Web, Multimedia Blogging, Physical Hypermedia, Social Computing, Urban Computing","true","UrbanWeb is a novel Web-based context-aware hypermedia platform. It provides essential mechanisms for mobile social computing applications: the framework implements context as an extension to Web 2.0 tagging and provides developers with an easy to use platform for mobile context-aware applications. Services can be statically or dynamically defined in the user’s context, data can be precached for data intensive mobile applications, and shared state supports synchronization between running applications such as games. The paper discusses how UrbanWeb acquires cues about the user’s context from sensors in mobile phones, ranging from GPS data, to 2D barcodes, and manual entry of context information, as well as how to utilize this context in applications. The experiences show that the UrbanWeb platform efficiently supports a rich variety of urban computing applications in different scales of user populations." 1474385997,"Automatic mining of cognitive metadata using fuzzy inference","Sah & Wade",1,0,21,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Melike Sah, Vincent Wade","Melike Sah","Full paper","","true","Automatic metadata extraction, IEEE LOM, cognitive metadata, fuzzy inference, personalization","true","Personalized search and browsing is increasingly vital especially for enterprises to able to reach their customers. Key challenge in supporting personalization is the need for rich metadata such as cognitive metadata about documents. As we consider size of large knowledge bases, manual annotation is not scalable and feasible. On the other hand, automatic mining of cognitive metadata is challenging since it is very difficult to understand underlying intellectual knowledge about documents automatically. To alleviate this problem, we introduce a novel metadata extraction framework, which is based on fuzzy information granulation and fuzzy inference system for automatic cognitive metadata mining. The user evaluation study shows that our approach provides reasonable precision rates for difficulty, interactivity type, and interactivity level on the examined 100 documents. In addition, proposed fuzzy inference system achieves improved results compared to a rule-based reasoner for document difficulty metadata extraction (11% improvement)." 1474386002,"Evaluating significance of historical entities based on tempo-spatial impacts analysis using Wikipedia link structure","Takahashi et al.",0,0,20,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Hiroaki Ohshima, Hirotoshi Iwasaki, Katsumi Tanaka, Mitsuo Yamamoto, Satoshi Oyama, Yuku Takahashi","Yuku Takahashi","Full paper","","true","Historical entities, Historical entity importance, PageRank, Wikipedia structure analysis","false","We propose a method to evaluate the significance of historical entities (people, events, and so on.). Here, the significance of a historical entity means how it affected other historical entities. Our proposed method first calculates the tempo-spacial impact of historical entities. The impact of a historical entity varies according to time and location. Historical entities are collected from Wikipedia. We assume that a Wikipedia link between historical entities represents an impact propagation. That is, when an entity has a link to another entity, we regard the former is influenced by the latter. Historical entities in Wikipedia usually have the date and location of their occurrence. Our proposed iteration algorithm propagates such initial tempo-spacial information through links in the similar manner as PageRank, so the tempo-spacial impact scores of all the historical entities can be calculated. We assume that a historical entity is significant if it influences many other entities that are far from it temporally or geographically. We demonstrate a prototype system and show the results of experiments that prove the effectiveness of our method." 1474386006,"Hypertext structures for investigative teams","Petersen & Wiil",9,0,35,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Rasmus Rosenqvist Petersen, Uffe Kock Wiil","Rasmus Rosenqvist Petersen","Full paper","","true","Acquisition, cooperation, counterterrorism, dissemination, investigative journalism, policing, sense-making, synthesis","true","Investigations such as police investigations, intelligence analysis, and investigative journalism involves a number of complex knowledge management tasks. Investigative teams collect, process, and analyze information related to a specific target to create products that can be disseminated to their customers. This paper presents a novel hypertext-based tool that supports a human-centered, target-centric model for investigative teams. The model divides investigative tasks into five overall processes: acquisition, synthesis, sense-making, dissemination, and cooperation. The developed tool provides more comprehensive support for synthesis and sense-making tasks than existing tools." 1474386016,"Social networks of Wikipedia","Massa",0,0,21,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Paolo Massa","Paolo Massa","Full paper","","true","Wikipedia, empirical analysis, open source, social network, wiki","false","Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia anyone can edit, is a live social experiment: millions of individuals volunteer their knowledge and time to collective create it. It is hence interesting trying to understand how they do it. While most of the scholar attention focused on article pages, a less investigated share of activities happen on user talk pages, Wikipedia pages where a message can be left for the specific user. This public conversations can be studied from a Social Network Analysis perspective in order to highlight the structure of the “talk” network. In this paper we focus on this preliminary extraction step by proposing different algorithms. We then empirically validate the differences in the networks they generate on the Venetian Wikipedia with the real network of conversations extracted manually by coding every message left on all user talk pages. The comparisons show that both the algorithms and the manual process contain inaccuracies that are intrinsic in the freedom and unpredictability of Wikipedia syntax and practices. Nevertheless, a precise description of the involved issues allows to make informed decisions and to base empirical findings on reproducible evidence. Our goal is to lay the foundation for a solid computational sociology of wikis. For this reason we release the scripts encoding our algorithms as open source and also some datasets extracted out of Wikipedia conversations, in order to let other researchers replicate and improve our initial effort." 1474386022,"Entity set expansion in opinion documents","Zhang & Liu",0,0,32,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Bing Liu, Lei Zhang","Lei Zhang","Full paper","","true","Entity extraction, set expansion, text mining","false","Opinion mining has been an active research area in recent years. The task is to extract opinions expressed on entities and their attributes. For example, the sentence, “I love the picture quality of Sony cameras,” expresses a positive opinion on the picture quality attribute of Sony cameras. Sony is the entity. This paper focuses on mining entities (e.g., Sony). This is an important problem because without knowing the entity, the extracted opinion is of little use. The problem is similar to the classic named entity recognition problem. However, there is a major difference. In a typical opinion mining application, the user wants to find opinions on some competing entities, e.g., competing or relevant products. However, he/she often can only provide a few names as there are too many of them. The system has to find the rest from a corpus. This implies that the discovered entities must be of the same type/class. This is the set expansion problem. Classic methods for solving the problem are based on distributional similarity. However, we found this method is inaccurate. We then employ a learning-based method called Bayesian Sets. However, directly applying Bayesian Sets produces poor results. We then propose a more sophisticated way to use Bayesian Sets. This method, however, causes two major problems: entity ranking and feature sparseness. For entity ranking, we propose a re-ranking method to solve the problem. For feature sparseness, we propose two methods to re-weight features and to determine the quality of features. These methods help improve the mining results substantially. Additionally, like any learning algorithm, Bayesian Sets requires the user to engineer a set of features. We design some generic features based on part-of-speech tags of words for learning, which thus does not need to engineer features for each specific domain. Experimental results using 10 real-life datasets from diverse domains demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed technique." 1474386024,"Succinct summaries of narrative events using social networks","de Goede et al.",7,0,26,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Arjan Nusselder, Bart de Goede, Justin van Wees, Maarten Marx","Bart de Goede","Short paper","","true","XML, smmarization","true","This paper addresses the following research aim: provide a useful but succinct summary of long narrative events involving the interaction of several speakers. The summary should enable users to navigate to specific parts of the event using hyperlinks.####Our solution is based on a representation of the main actors of the event and their interactions as a social network. The solution is applicable to events in which these interactions are more or less formally structured and detectable. This includes theatre and radio plays, recordings of a scientific workshop, proceedings of parliament and meetings notes in general." 1474386027,"Vladimir Nabokov's pale fire: the lost 'father of all hypertext demos'?","Rowberry",3,0,38,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Simon Rowberry","Simon Rowberry","Short paper","","true","Hypertext, Intertextuality, Literature, Narrative, Networks, Structure, Ted Nelson, Vladimir Nabokov","true","In the mid-sixties, Ted Nelson worked at Brown University on an early hypertext system. In 1969, IBM wanted to show the system at a conference, and Nelson gained permission to use Vladimir Nabokov’s highly unconventional and hypertextual novel, Pale Fire (1962) as a technical demonstration of hypertext’s potential. Unfortunately, the idea was dismissed in favor of a more technical-looking presentation, and thus was never demonstrated publicly. This paper re-considers Pale Fire’s position in hypertext history, and posits that if it was used in this early hypertext demonstration, it would have been the ‘father of all hypertext demonstrations’ to complement Douglas Engelbart’s ‘Mother of All Demos’ in 1968. In order to demonstrate the significance of Pale Fire’s hypertextuality and Nelson’s ambitions to use it, this paper will explore its hypertextual structure, the implication thereof for the novel and evaluate its success as a hypertext compared to electronic systems." 1474380677,"Analysis of graphs for digital preservation suitability","Cartledge & Nelson",0,0,33,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Charles L. Cartledge, Michael L. Nelson","Charles L. Cartledge","Full paper","","true","resilience, robustness, small world","false","We investigate the use of autonomically created small-world graphs as a framework for the long term storage of digital objects on the Web in a potentially hostile environment. We attack the classic Erdos-Renyi random, Barabási and Albert power law, Watts-Strogatz small world and our Unsupervise. Small World (USW) graphs using different attacker strategies and report their respective robustness. Using different attacker profiles, we construct a game where the attacker is allowed to use a strategy of his choice to remove a percentage of each graph’s elements. The graph is then allowed to repair some portion of its self. We report on the number of alternating attack and repair turns until either the graph is disconnected, or the game exceeds the number of permitted turns. Based on our analysis, an attack strategy that focuses on removing the vertices with the highest betweenness value is most advantageous to the attacker. Power law graphs can become disconnected with the removal of a single edge; random graphs with the removal of as few as 1% of their vertices, small-world graphs with the removal of 14% vertices, and USW with the removal of 17% vertices. Watts-Strogatz small-world graphs are more robust and resilient than random or power law graphs. USW graphs are more robust and resilient than small world graphs. A graph of USW connected WOs filled with date could outlive the individuals and institutions that created the data in an environment where WOs are lost due to random failures or directed attacks." 1474380684,"Of kings, traffic signs and flowers: exploring navigation of tagged documents","Gwizdka",1,0,18,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Jacek Gwizdka","Jacek Gwizdka","Short paper","","true","Information Space Metaphors, Pivot browsing, Tag clouds","true","Many popular Web 2.0 sites support navigation of tagged web resources. The tag-based navigation has been described as a lightweight reorientation of view on tags and the associated web resources. But is this navigation really lightweight? This paper briefly presents an interface created to support navigation of tagged documents. The paper then describes a study that explored users’ understanding of the tag-based navigation process and the underlying information space. The results point to difficulties in promoting correct understanding of complex relationships between documents and tags and to the need for creating interfaces that support navigation continuity." 1474380689,"Hyperorders and transclusion: understanding dimensional hypertext","Goulding, Brailsford & Ashman",5,0,28,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Helen L. Ashman, James O. Goulding, Timothy J. Brailsford","James O. Goulding","Full paper","","true","ZigZag, hypermedia structure, hyperorder, hyperstructure, set theory, transclusion","true","ZigZag is a unique hyperstructural paradigm designed by the hypertext pioneer Ted Nelson. It has piqued a lot of interest in the hypertext community in recent years because of its aim of revolutionizing electronic access to information and knowledge bases. In ZigZag information is stored in cells that are arranged into lists organized along unlimited numbers of intersecting sets of associations called dimensions. To this infrastructure a mechanism of transclusion is added, allowing the data stored in cells to span, and hence be utilized, in different contexts. Proponents of ZigZag claim that it is a flexible and universal structure for information representation, and yet the system has not been widely adopted and has been implemented even more rarely. In this paper we address the question of whether there are intrinsic theoretical reasons as to why this is the case.####While the basic features and specifications of ZigZag are well known, we delve in to the less understood area of its theoretical underpinnings to tackle this question. By modeling ZigZag within the framework of set theory we reveal a new class of hyperstructure that contains no referencable link objects whatsoever, instead grouping non-referencable binary associations into disjunct but parallel sets of common semantics (dimensions). We go on to further specialize these “dimensional models” into sets of finite partial functions, which are closed over a single domain, isolating the new class of hyperstructures we are calling hyperorders. This analysis not only sheds light on the benefits and limitations of the ZigZag hypermedia system, but also provides a framework to describe and understand a wider family of possible hyperstructure models of which it is an early example. Characteristics of Zigzag’s transclusion mechanisms are also investigated, highlighting a previously unrecognized distinction, and potential irrevocable conflict, between two distinct uses of content reuse: instance and identity transclusion." 1474380693,"Agents, bookmarks and clicks: a topical model of web navigation","Meiss et al.",2,0,16,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Alessandro Flammini, Bruno Gonçalves, Filippo Menczer, José J. Ramasco, Mark R. Meiss","Mark R. Meiss","Short paper","","true","BookRank, PageRank, Web links, agent-based model, back button, bookmarks, browsing, clicks, entropy, interest, navigation, sessions, topicality, traffic","true","Analysis has shown that the standard Markovian model of Web navigation is a poor predictor of actual Web traffic. Using empirical data, we characterize several properties of Web traffic that cannot be reproduced with Markovian models but can be explained by an agent-based model that adds several realistic browsing behaviors. First, agents maintain bookmark lists used as teleportation targets. Second, agents can retreat along visited links, a branching mechanism that can reproduce behavior such the back button and tabbed browsing. Finally, agents are sustained by visiting pages of topical interest, with adjacent pages being related. This modulates the production of new sessions, recreating heterogeneous session lengths. The resulting model reproduces individual behaviors from empirical data, reconciling the narrowly focused browsing patterns of individual users with the extreme heterogeneity of aggregate traffic measurements, and leading the way to more sophisticated, realistic, and effective ranking and crawling algorithms." 1474385995,"Bridging link and query intent to enhance web search","Dai, Qi & Davison",0,0,25,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Brian D. Davison, Na Dai, Xiaoguang Qi","Na Dai","Full paper","","true","Anchor text, Kronecker product, Link intent, Query intent, Term weighting","false","Understanding query intent is essential to generating appropriate rankings for users. Existing methods have provided customized rankings to answer queries with different intent. While previous methods have shown improvement over their non-discriminating counterparts, the web authors’ intent when creating a hyperlink is seldom taken into consideration. To mitigate this gap, we categorize hyperlinks into two types that are reasonably comparable to query intent, i.e., links describing the target page’s identity and links describing the target page’s content. We argue that emphasis on one type of link when ranking documents can benefit the retrieval for that type of query. We start by presenting a link intent classification approach based on the link context representations that captures evidence from anchors, target pages, and their associated links, and then introduce our enhanced retrieval model that incorporates link intent into the estimation of anchor text importance. Comparative experiments on two large scale web corpora demonstrate the efficacy of our approaches." 1474385996,"Beyond the usual suspects: context-aware revisitation support","Kawase et al.",2,0,39,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Eelco Herder, George Papadakis, Ricardo Kawase, Wolfgang Nejdl","Ricardo Kawase","Full paper","","true","Contextual Support, Revisitation Prediction, Web behavior","true","A considerable amount of our activities on the Web involves revisits to pages or sites. Reasons for revisiting include active monitoring of content, verification of information, regular use of online services, and reoccurring tasks. Browsers support for revisitation is mainly focused on frequently and recently visited pages. In this paper we present a dynamic browser toolbar that provides recommendations beyond these usual suspects, balancing diversity and relevance. The recommendation method used is a combination of ranking and propagation methods. Experimental outcomes show that this algorithm performs significantly better than the baseline method. Further experiments address the question whether it is more appropriate to recommend specific pages or rather (portal pages of) Web sites. We conducted two user studies with a dynamic toolbar that relies on our recommendation algorithm. In this context, the outcomes confirm that users appreciate and use the contextual recommendations provided by the toolbar." 1474385999,"Little search game: term network acquisition via a human computation game","Simko, Tvarozek & Bielikova",0,0,15,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Jakub Simko, Maria Bielikova, Michal Tvarozek","Jakub Simko","Short paper","","true","games with a purpose, human computing, term network","false","Semantic structures, ranging from ontologies to flat folksonomies, are widely used on the Web despite the fact that their creation in sufficient quality is often a costly task. We propose a new approach for acquiring a lightweight network of related terms via the Little Search Game - a competitive browser game in search query formulation. The format of game queries forces players to express their perception of term relatedness. The term network is aggregated using “votes” from multiple players playing the same problem instance. We show that nearly 91% of the relationships produced by Little Search Game are correct and also elaborate on the game’s unique ability to discover term relations, that are otherwise hidden to typical corpora mining methods." 1474386003,"Tags vs shelves: from social tagging to social classification","Zubiaga, Körner & Strohmaier",4,0,28,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Arkaitz Zubiaga, Christian Körner, Markus Strohmaier","Arkaitz Zubiaga","Full paper","","true","Classification, Folksonomies, Libraries, Tagging","true","Recent research has shown that different tagging motivation and user behavior can effect the overall usefulness of social tagging systems for certain tasks. In this paper, we provide further evidence for this observation by demonstrating that tagging data obtained from certain types of users - so-called Categorizers - outperforms data from other users on a social classification task. We show that segmenting users based on their tagging behavior has significant impact on the performance of automated classification of tagged data by using (i) tagging data from two different social tagging systems, (ii) a Support Vector Machine as a classification mechanism and (iii) existing classification systems such as the Library of Congress Classification System as ground truth. Our results are relevant for scientists studying pragmatics and semantics of social tagging systems as well as for engineers interested in influencing emerging properties of deployed social tagging systems." 1474386009,"Semantic similarity in heterogeneous ontologies","Chiabrando et al.",0,0,20,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Claudia Picardi, Daniele Theseider Dupré, Elisa Chiabrando, Ilaria Lombardi, Silvia Likavec","Elisa Chiabrando","Full paper","","true","Ontology, Semantic Similarity, Social Semantic Web","false","Recent extensive usage of ontologies as knowledge bases that enable rigorous representation and reasoning over heterogenous data poses certain challenges in their construction and maintenance. Many of these ontologies are incomplete, containing many dense sub-ontologies. A need arises for a measure that would help calculate the similarity between the concepts in these kinds of ontologies. In this work, we introduce a new similarity measure for ontological concepts that takes these issues into account. It is based on conceptual specificity, which measures how much a certain concept is relevant in a given context, and on conceptual distance, which introduces different edge lengths in the ontology graph. We also address the problem of computing similarity between concepts in the presence of implicit classes in ontologies. The evaluation of our approach shows an improvement over Leacock and Chodorow’s distance based measure. Finally, we provide two application domains which can benefit when this similarity measure is used." 1474388356,"Leveraging editor collaboration patterns in wikipedia","Rad et al.",0,0,34,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Aibek Makazhanov, Davood Rafiei, Denilson Barbosa, Hoda Sepehri Rad","Hoda Sepehri Rad","Full paper","","true","Admin Election, Controversial Articles, Social Interactions, Wikipedia","false","Predicting the positive or negative attitude of individuals towards each other in a social environment has long been of interest, with applications in many domains. We investigate this problem in the context of the collaborative editing of articles in Wikipedia, showing that there is enough information in the edit history of the articles that can be utilized for predicting the attitude of co-editors. We train a model using a distant supervision approach, by labeling interactions between editors as positive or negative depending on how these editors vote for each other in Wikipedia admin elections. We use the model to predict the attitude among other editors, who have neither run nor voted in an election. We validate our model by assessing its accuracy in the tasks of predicting the results of the actual elections, and identifying controversial articles. Our analysis reveals that the interactions in co-editing articles can accurately predict votes, although there are differences between positive and negative votes. For instance, the accuracy when predicting negative votes substantially increases by considering longer traces of the edit history. As for predicting controversial articles, we show that exploiting positive and negative interactions during the production of an article provides substantial improvements on previous attempts at detecting controversial articles in Wikipedia." 1474388360,"Building enriched web page representations using link paths","Weninger, Zhai & Han",0,0,26,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","ChengXiang Zhai, Jiawei Han, Tim Weninger","Tim Weninger","Full paper","","true","Web, anchor text, document indexing, link paths, record linkage","false","Anchor text has a history of enriching documents for a variety of tasks within the World Wide Web. Anchor texts are useful because they are similar to typical Web queries, and because they express the document’s context. Therefore, it is a common practice for Web search engines to incorporate incoming anchor text into the document’s standard textual representation. However, this approach will not suffice for documents with very few inlinks, and it does not incorporate the document’s full context. To mediate these problems, we employ link paths, which contain anchor texts from paths through the Web ending at the document in question. We propose and study several different ways to aggregate anchor text from link paths, and we show that the information from link paths can be used to (1) improve known item search in site-specific search, and (2) map Web pages to database records. We rigorously evaluate our proposed approach on several real world test collections. We find that our approach significantly improves performance over baseline and existing techniques in both tasks." 1474388365,"Story/story","Kolb",1,0,26,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","David A. Kolb","David A. Kolb","Short paper","","true","Complex pages, Hypertext, Levels, Links, Metafiction, Metanarrative, Metastory, Narrative, Story","true","This paper starts with an introductory essay stating the issues and discussing the notion of metafiction. Then it continues in an online hypertext narrative demonstration of the interweaving of story and meta-story. The hypertext attempts to show in action how seemingly unified narratives and narrative voices are surrounded and influenced by other voices and meta-stories. No narrative is un-mediated and no narrative voice is alone. The hypertext concludes with some musings on the complexities of narrative reading and writing, also with counterpoint voices. Throughout, the text comments on issues about the reading and writing of hypertext narratives." 1474388367,"Evaluating tag-based information access in image collections","Trattner et al.",2,0,39,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Christoph Trattner, Denis Parra, Peter Brusilovsky, William Real, Yi-ling Lin, Zhen Yue","Christoph Trattner","Full paper","","true","Tag Navigation, Tag-Based Search Interfaces, Tagging Systems","true","The availability of social tags has greatly enhanced access to information. Tag clouds have emerged as a new “social” way to find and visualize information, providing both one-click access to information and a snapshot of the “aboutness” of a tagged collection. A range of research projects explored and compared different tag artifacts for information access ranging from regular tag clouds to tag hierarchies. At the same time, there is a lack of user studies that compare the effectiveness of different types of tag-based browsing interfaces from the users point of view. This paper contributes to the research on tag-based information access by presenting a controlled user study that compared three types of tag-based interfaces on two recognized types of search tasks—lookup and exploratory search. Our results demonstrate that tag-based browsing interfaces significantly outperform traditional search interfaces in both performance and user satisfaction. At the same time, the differences between the two types of tag-based browsing interfaces explored in our study are not as clear." 1474388372,"Maximizing circle of trust in online social networks","Shen et al.",0,0,17,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Dung T. Nguyen, My T. Thai, Yilin Shen, Yu-Song Syu","Yilin Shen","Full paper","","true","Approximation Algorithms, Circle of Trust, Computational Complexity, Online Social Networks","false","As an imperative channel for fast information propagation, Online Social Networks(OSNs) also have their defects. One of them is the information leakage, i.e., information could be spread via OSNs to the users whom we are not willing to share with. Thus the problem of constructing a circle of trust to share information with as many friends as possible without further spreading it to unwanted targets has become a challenging research topic but still remained open.####Our work is the first attempt to study the Maximum Circle of Trust problem seeking to share the information with the maximum expected number of poster’s friends such that the information spread to the unwanted targets is brought to its knees. First, we consider a special and more practical case with the two-hop information propagation and a single unwanted target. In this case, we show that this problem is NP-hard, which denies the existence of an exact polynomial-time algorithm. We thus propose a Fully Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme (FPTAS), which can not only adjust any allowable performance error bound but also run in polynomial time with both the input size and allowed error. FPTAS is the best approximation solution one can ever wish for an NP-hard problem. We next consider the number of unwanted targets is bounded and prove that there does not exist an FPTAS in this case. Instead, we design a Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS) in which the allowable error can also be controlled. Finally, we consider a general case with many hops information propagation and further show its #P-hardness and propose an effective Iterative Circle of Trust Detection (ICTD) algorithm based on a novel greedy function. An extensive experiment on various real-word OSNs has validated the effectiveness of our proposed approximation and ICTD algorithms." 1474388373,"Cheap, easy, and massively effective viral marketing in social networks: truth or fiction?","Dinh, Nguyen & Thai",0,0,27,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Dung T. Nguyen, My T. Thai, Thang N. Dinh","Thang N. Dinh","Full paper","","true","Social media, approximation algorithm, hardness proof, influence propagation, power-law networks","false","Online social networks (OSNs) have become one of the most effective channels for marketing and advertising. Since users are often influenced by their friends, “word-of-mouth” exchanges so-called viral marketing in social networks can be used to increases product adoption or widely spread content over the network. The common perception of viral marketing about being cheap, easy, and massively effective makes it an ideal replacement of traditional advertising. However, recent studies have revealed that the propagation often fades quickly within only few hops from the sources, counteracting the assumption on the self-perpetuating of influence considered in literature. With only limited influence propagation, is massively reaching customers via viral marketing still affordable? How to economically spend more resources to increase the spreading speed?####We investigate the cost-effective massive viral marketing problem, taking into the consideration the limited influence propagation. Both analytical analysis based on power-law network theory and numerical analysis demonstrate that the viral marketing might involve costly seeding. To minimize the seeding cost, we provide mathematical programming to find optimal seeding for medium-size networks and propose VirAds, an efficient algorithm, to tackle the problem on large-scale networks. VirAds guarantees a relative error bound of O(1) from the optimal solutions in power-law networks and outperforms the greedy heuristics which realizes on the degree centrality. Moreover, we also show that, in general, approximating the optimal seeding within a ratio better than O(log n) is unlikely possible." 1474388385,"An evaluation of tailored web materials for public administration","Colineau, Paris, & Vander Linden",0,0,17,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Cécile Paris, Keith Vander Linden, Nathalie Colineau","Nathalie Colineau","Full paper","","true","Natural Language Generation, Public Administration, Tailored Information Delivery","false","Public Administration organizations generally write their citizen-focused, informational materials for generic audiences because they don’t have the resources to produce personalized materials for everyone. The goal of this project is to replace these generic materials, which must include careful discussions of the conditions distinguishing the various constituencies within the generic audience, with tailored materials, which can be automatically personalized to focus on the information relevant to an individual reader. Two key questions must be addressed. First, are the automatically produced, tailored forms more effective than the generic forms they replace, and second, is the time the reader spends specifying the demographic information on which the tailoring is based too costly to be worth the effort. This paper describes an adaptive hypermedia application that produces tailored materials for students exploring government educational entitlement programs, and focuses in particular on the effectiveness of the generated tailored material." 1474388386,"Early detection of buzzwords based on large-scale time-series analysis of blog entries","Nakajima et al.",0,0,16,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Jianwei Zhang, Reyn Nakamoto, Shinsuke Nakajima, Yoichi Inagaki","Shinsuke Nakajima","Full paper","","true","Blogger community, Buzzword detection, Time-series analysis","false","In this paper, we discuss a method for early detection of “gradual buzzwords” by analyzing time-series data of blog entries. We observe the process in which certain topics grow to become major buzzwords and determine the key indicators that are necessary for their early detection. From the analysis results based on 81,922,977 blog entries from 3,776,154 blog websites posted in the past two years, we find that as topics grow to become major buzzwords, the percentages of blog entries from the blogger communities closely related to the target buzzword decrease gradually, and the percentages of blog entries from the weakly related blogger communities increase gradually. We then describe a method for early detection of these buzzwords, which is dependent on identifying the blogger communities which are closely related to these buzzwords. Moreover, we verify the effectiveness of the proposed method through experimentation that compares the rankings of several buzzword candidates with a real-life idol group popularity competition." 1474388387,"Semantics + filtering + search = twitcident. exploring information in social web streams","Abel et al.",0,0,23,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Claudia Hauff, Fabian Abel, Geert-Jan Houben, Ke Tao, Richard Stronkman","Fabian Abel","Full paper","","true","Algorithms, Design, Experimentation","false","Automatically filtering relevant information about a real-world incident from Social Web streams and making the information accessible and findable in the given context of the incident are non-trivial scientific challenges. In this paper, we engineer and evaluate solutions that analyze the semantics of Social Web data streams to solve these challenges. We introduce Twitcident, a framework and Web-based system for filtering, searching and analyzing information about real-world incidents or crises. Given an incident, our framework automatically starts tracking and filtering information that is relevant for the incident from Social Web streams and Twitter particularly. It enriches the semantics of streamed messages to profile incidents and to continuously improve and adapt the information filtering to the current temporal context. Faceted search and analytical tools allow people and emergency services to retrieve particular information fragments and overview and analyze the current situation as reported on the Social Web.####We put our Twitcident system into practice by connecting it to emergency broadcasting services in the Netherlands to allow for the retrieval of relevant information from Twitter streams for any incident that is reported by those services. We conduct large-scale experiments in which we evaluate (i) strategies for filtering relevant information for a given incident and (ii) search strategies for finding particular information pieces. Our results prove that the semantic enrichment offered by our framework leads to major and significant improvements of both the filtering and the search performance. A demonstration is available via:" 1474393246,"Tweeting across hashtags: overlapping users and the importance of language, topics, and politics","Bastos, Puschmann & Travitzki",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Cornelius Puschmann, Marco Toledo Bastos, Rodrigo Travitzki","Marco Toledo Bastos","Short paper","","true","Activism, Hashtags, Language, Public Space, Twitter, Users","false","In this paper we investigate the activity of 1 million users tweeting under 455 different hashtags related to a wide range of topics (political activism, health, technology, sports, Twitter-idioms). We find that 70% of users in the sample tweet across multiple information streams, frequently engaging in what could be described as serial activism. We furthermore determined the dominant language in each hashtag to trace which users overlap between the thematic and linguistic communities delineated by different information streams. Although social media is frequently assumed to bring together people of different nationalities and cultures to discuss a wide range of controversial issues, our results indicate that the underlying social network that connects hashtags through overlapping users is heavily limited to linguistic and content-oriented communities. Information streams are clustered around linguistic communities, and hashtags within the same language group are clustered around well-defined topics, such as health, entertainment and politics. The only information streams that transcend language barriers are activism-related hashtags, which cluster information streams in different languages. Contrasting with the assumption that social media acts as the enabler of a globalized public debate, our results indicate a linear relationship between users who are very active in political hashtags and users who tweet across multiple political hashtags. The results suggest that activist campaigns based on social media are driven by a relatively small number of highly-active, politically engaged users." 1474393254,"MeSoOnTV: a media and social-driven ontology-based TV knowledge management system","Antonini et al.",0,0,17,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Alessio Antonini, Claudio Schifanella, Luca Vignaroli, Maria Luisa Sapino, Ruggero G. Pensa","Alessio Antonini","Short paper","","true","","false","Searching, browsing and analyzing web contents is today a challenging problem when compared to early Internet ages. This is due to the fact that web content is multimedial, social and dynamic. Moreover, concepts referred by videos, news, comments, posts, are implicitly linked by the fact that people on the Web talks about something, somewhere at some time and these connections may change as the perception of users on the Web changes over time. We define a model for the integration of the heterogeneous and dynamic data coming from different knowledge sources (broadcasters’ archives, online newspapers, blogs, web encyclopedias, social media platforms, social networks, etc.). We use a knowledge graph to model all the heterogenous aspects of the information in an homogeneous way. Through a case study on social TV, we provide a non trivial cross-domain analysis scenario on real data gathered from YouTube and Twitter, and related to an Italian TV talk show on politics, broadcasted by RAI, the Italian public-service broadcasting organization." 1474393257,"Using personality to adjust diversity in recommender systems","Wu, Chen & He",0,0,15,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Li Chen, Liang He, Wen Wu","Wen Wu","Short paper","","true","Personality-based recommender systems, diversity, user evaluation","false","Nowadays, although some approaches have been proposed to enhance the diversity in online recommendations, they neglect the user’s spontaneous needs that might be possibly influenced by her/his personality. Previously, we did a user survey that showed some personality dimensions (such as conscientiousness which is one of personality factors according to the big-five factor model) have significant impact not only on users’ diversity preference over items’ individual attributes, but also on their overall diversity needs when all attributes are combined. Motivated by the findings, in the current work, we propose a strategy that explicitly embeds personality, as a moderating factor, to adjust the diversity degree within multiple recommendations. Moreover, we performed a user evaluation on the developed system. The experimental results demonstrate an effective solution to generate personality-based diversity in recommender systems." 1474386011,"All liaisons are dangerous when all your friends are known to us","Avello",0,0,19,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Daniel Gayo Avello","Daniel Gayo Avello","Full paper","","true","Online Social Networks, Twitter, graph labeling, privacy","false","Abstract Online Social Networks (OSNs) are used by millions of users worldwide. Academically speaking, there is little doubt about the usefulness of demographic studies conducted on OSNs and, hence, methods to label unknown users from small labeled samples are very useful. However, from the general public point of view, this can be a serious privacy concern. Thus, both topics are tackled in this paper: First, a new algorithm to perform user profiling in social networks is described, and its performance is reported and discussed. Secondly, the experiments—conducted on information usually considered sensitive—reveal that by just publicizing one’s contacts privacy is at risk and, thus, measures to minimize privacy leaks due to social graph data mining are outlined." 1474386013,"Reactive tags: associating behaviour to prescriptive tags","Iturrioz, Díaz & Azpeitia",0,0,16,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Iker Azpeitia, Jon Iturrioz, Oscar Díaz","Jon Iturrioz","Full paper","","true","ECA rules, RULE-ML, SIOC, Tagging, interoperability","false","Social tagging is one of the hallmarks of Web2.0. The most common role of tags is descriptive. However, tags are being used for other purposes such as to indicate some actions to be conducted on the resource (e.g. ‘toread’). This work focuses on ‘prescriptive tags’ that have associated some implicit behaviour in the user’s mind. So far, little support is given for the automation of this “implicit behaviour”, more to the point, if this behaviour is outside the tagging site. This paper introduces the notion of ‘reactive tags’ as a means for tagging to impact sites other than the tagging site itself. The operational semantics of reactive tags is defined through event-condition-action rules. Events are the action of tagging. Conditions check for additional data. Finally, rule’s actions might impact someone else’s account in a different website. The specification of this behaviour semantics is hidden through a graphical interface that permits users with no programming background to easily associate ‘reactions’ to the act of tagging. A working system, TABASCO, is presented as proof of concept." 1474386015,"Extracting the mesoscopic structure from heterogeneous systems","Liu & Murata",1,0,34,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Tsuyoshi Murata, Xin Liu","Xin Liu","Full paper","","true","bipartite network, community detection, social tagging, tripartite hypernetwork","true","Heterogeneous systems in nature are often characterized by the mesoscopic structure known as communities. In this paper, we propose a framework to address the problem of community detection in bipartite networks and tripartite hypernetworks, which are appropriate models for many heterogeneous systems. The most important advantage of our method is that it is competent for detecting both communities of one-to-one correspondence and communities of many-to-many correspondence, while state of the art techniques can only handle the former. We demonstrate this advantage and show other desired properties of our method through extensive experiments in both synthetic and real-world datasets." 1474386019,"A community question-answering refinement system","Pera & Ng",0,0,31,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Maria Soledad Pera, Yiu-Kai Ng","Maria Soledad Pera","Full paper","","true","Community question answering, answer ranking, question matching, word similarity measure","false","Community Question Answering (CQA) websites, which archive millions of questions and answers created by CQA users to provide a rich resource of information that is missing at web search engines and QA websites, have become increasingly popular. Web users who search for answers to their questions at CQA websites, however, are often required to either (i) wait for days until other CQA users post answers to their questions which might even be incorrect, offensive, or spam, or (ii) deal with restricted answer sets created by CQA websites due to the exact-match constraint that is employed and imposed between archived questions and user-formulated questions. To automate and enhance the process of locating high-quality answers to a user’s question Q at a CQA website, we introduce a CQA refinement system, called QAR. Given Q, QAR first retrieves a set of CQA questions QS that are the same as, or similar to, Q in terms of its specified information need. Thereafter, QAR selects as answers to Q the top-ranked answers (among the ones to the questions in QS) based on various similarity scores and the length of the answers. Empirical studies, which were conducted using questions provided by the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) and Text Analysis Conference (TAC), in addition to more than four millions questions (and their corresponding answers) extracted from Yahoo! Answers, show that QAR is effective in locating archived answers, if they exist, that satisfy the information need specified in Q. We have further assessed the performance of QAR by comparing its question-matching and answer-ranking strategies with their Yahoo! Answers’ counterparts and verified that QAR outperforms Yahoo! Answers in (i) locating the set of questions QS that have the highest degrees of similarity with Q and (ii) ranking archived answers to QS as answers to Q." 1474386021,"A transfer approach to detecting disease reporting events in blog social media","Stewart, Smith & Nejdl",0,0,17,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Avaré Stewart, Matthew Smith, Wolfgang Nejdl","Avaré Stewart","Full paper","","true","Automatic Labeling, Epidemic Intelligence, Transfer Learning","false","Event-Based Epidemic Intelligence (e-EI) has arisen as a body of work which relies upon different forms of pattern recognition in order to detect the disease reporting events from unstructured text that is present on the Web. Current supervised approaches to e-EI suffer both from high initial and high maintenance costs, due to the need to manually label examples to train and update a classifier for detecting disease reporting events in dynamic information sources, such as blogs.####In this paper, we propose a new method for the supervised detection of disease reporting events. We tackle the burden of manually labelling data and address the problems associated with building a supervised learner to classify frequently evolving, and variable blog content. We automatically classify outbreak reports to train a supervised learner, and the knowledge acquired from the learning process is then transferred to the task of classifying blogs. Our experiments show that with the automatic classification of training data, and the transfer approach, we achieve an overall precision of 92% and an accuracy of 78.20%." 1474386025,"The Victorian Web and the Victorian Course Wiki: Comparing the Educational Effectiveness of Identical Assignments in Web 1.0 and Web 2.0","Landow",2,0,13,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","George P. Landow","George P. Landow","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, assignments, connectivity, education, evaluation, expository writing, hypermedia, student-centered discussion, student-led discussion, the Victorian Web, web 2.0, wiki","true","In September 2008, the author delivered a keynote at WikiSym2008, in Porto, Portugal entitled “When a Wiki is not a Wiki: Twenty Years of the Victorian Web” in which he argued that the 45,000 documents that then made up function as a moderated wiki and that, therefore, Web 1.0 can function for educational purposes much as Web 2.0 - and has done so for many years. Challenged to employ an actual wiki, Landow taught the same course with the same weekly student assignments in successive years (2009, 2010), the first using the website, the second a closed, password-protected wiki. After briefly describing the composition, history, and authorship of the Victorian Web, key parts of which have existed in multiple hypermedia environments since their creation in 1988 for the Brown University Intermedia project, it presents the assignment, explains its goals, and then sets forth the results of this experience, listing advantages and disadvantages of using the wiki for instructors, students, and the related website." 1474386028,"Automatic generation of video narratives from shared UGC","Zsombori et al.",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Dick C.A. Bulterman, Ian Kegel, Marian Florin Ursu, Michael Frantzis, Pablo Cesar, Rodrigo Laiola Guimaraes, Roland Craigie, Vilmos Zsombori","Vilmos Zsombori","Full paper","","true","NSL, SMIL, ShapeShifting media, computational narrativity, digital storytelling, interactive narrative, interactive storytelling, interactive television, media share, user generated content, video","false","This paper introduces an evaluated approach to the automatic generation of video narratives from user generated content gathered in a shared repository. In the context of social events, end-users record video material with their personal cameras and upload the content to a common repository. Video narrative techniques, implemented using Narrative Structure Language (NSL) and ShapeShifting Media, are employed to automatically generate movies recounting the event. Such movies are personalized according to the preferences expressed by each individual end-user, for each individual viewing. This paper describes our prototype narrative system, MyVideos, deployed as a web application, and reports on its evaluation for one specific use case: assembling stories of a school concert by parents, relatives and friends. The evaluations carried out through focus groups, interviews and field trials, in the Netherlands and UK, provided validating results and further insights into this approach." 1474388366,"The paradox of rereading in hypertext fiction","Mitchell & McGee",4,0,33,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Alex Mitchell, Kevin McGee","Alex Mitchell","Full paper","","true","empirical studies, hypertext fiction, interactive stories, reader response, rereading","true","Rereading often involves reading the same thing again to see something new. This paradox becomes more pronounced in an interactive story, where a reader’s choices can literally change what the reader sees in each reading. There has been some discussion of rereading in both non-interactive and interactive stories. There has not, however, been any detailed study of what readers think they are doing as they reread hypertext fiction that changes dynamically as the result of reader choice. An understanding of this would help authors/designers of hypertext fiction create better hypertext that is explicitly intended to encourage rereading.####To explore this issue, we conducted semi-structured interviews with participants who repeatedly read a complex hypertext fiction. Participants had trouble describing what they were doing as “rereading”, and were looking for either the text, or their understanding of the story, to remain constant between readings. This difficulty highlights the paradoxical nature of rereading in interactive stories, and suggests the need for further research into this phenomenon." 1474388374,"Graph data partition models for online social networks","Chairunnanda, Forsyth & Daudjee",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Khuzaima Daudjee, Prima Chairunnanda, Simon Forsyth","Prima Chairunnanda","Short paper","","true","Distributed graph database, Graph representation","false","Online social networks have become important vehicles for connecting people for work and leisure. As these networks grow, data that are stored over these networks also grow, and management of these data becomes a challenge. Graph data models are a natural fit for representing online social networks but need to support distribution to allow the associated graph databases to scale while offering acceptable performance. We provide scalability by considering methods for partitioning graph databases and implement one within the Neo4j architecture based on distributing the vertices of the graph. We evaluate its performance in several simple scenarios and demonstrate that it is possible to partition a graph database without incurring significant overhead other than that required by network delays. We identify and discuss several methods to reduce the observed network delays in our prototype." 1474388378,"Learning user characteristics from social tagging behavior","Schöfegger et al.",0,0,15,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Christian Körner, Karin Schöfegger, Michael Granitzer, Philipp Singer","Karin Schöfegger","Short paper","","true","social software, tagging, user background","false","In social tagging systems the tagging activities of users leave a huge amount of implicit information about them. The users choose tags for the resources they annotate based on their interests, background knowledge, personal opinion and other criteria. Whilst existing research in mining social tagging data mostly focused on gaining a deeper understanding of the user’s interests and the emerging structures in those systems, little work has yet been done to use the rich implicit information in tagging activities to unveil to what degree users’ tags convey information about their background. The automatic inference of user background information can be used to complete user profiles which in turn supports various recommendation mechanisms. This work illustrates the application of supervised learning mechanisms to analyze a large online corpus of tagged academic literature for extraction of user characteristics from tagging behavior. As a representative example of background characteristics we mine the user’s research discipline. Our results show that tags convey rich information that can help designers of those systems to better understand and support their prolific users - users that tag actively - beyond their interests." 1474388379,"Detecting overlapping communities in folksonomies","Chakraborty, Ghosh & Ganguly",1,0,15,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Abhijnan Chakraborty, Niloy Ganguly, Saptarshi Ghosh","Abhijnan Chakraborty","Short paper","","true","Folksonomy, link clustering, overlapping community, tripartite hypergraph","true","Folksonomies like Delicious and LastFm are modeled as tripartite (user-resource-tag) hypergraphs for studying their network properties. Detecting communities of similar nodes from such networks is a challenging problem. Most existing algorithms for community detection in folksonomies assign unique communities to nodes, whereas in reality, users have multiple topical interests and the same resource is often tagged with semantically different tags. The few attempts to detect overlapping communities work on projections of the hypergraph, which results in significant loss of information contained in the original tripartite structure. We propose the first algorithm to detect overlapping communities in folksonomies using the complete hypergraph structure. Our algorithm converts a hypergraph into its corresponding line-graph, using measures of hyperedge similarity, whereby any community detection algorithm on unipartite graphs can be used to produce overlapping communities in the folksonomy. Through extensive experiments on synthetic as well as real folksonomy data, we demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can detect better community structures as compared to existing state-of-the-art algorithms for folksonomies." 1474388384,"Diversity dynamics in online networks","Kunegis et al.",0,0,26,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Damien Fay, Felix Schwagereit, Jérôme Kunegis, Sergej Sizov","Jérôme Kunegis","Full paper","","true","Gini coefficient, Social networks, controllability, diversity, entropy, matrix rank, network evolution","false","Diversity is an important characterization aspect for online social networks that usually denotes the homogeneity of a network’s content and structure. This paper addresses the fundamental question of diversity evolution in large-scale online communities over time. In doing so, we study different established notions of network diversity, based on paths in the network, degree distributions, eigenvalues, cycle distributions, and control models. This leads to five appropriate characteristic network statistics that capture corresponding aspects of network diversity: effective diameter, Gini coefficient, fractional network rank, weighted spectral distribution, and number of driver nodes of a network. Consequently, we present and discuss comprehensive experiments with a broad range of directed, undirected, and bipartite networks from several different network categories—including hyperlink, interaction, and social networks. An important general observation is that network diversity shrinks over time. From the conceptual perspective, our work generalizes previous work on shrinking network diameters, putting it in the context of network diversity. We explain our observations by means of established network models and introduce the novel notion of eigenvalue centrality preferential attachment." 1474393234,"Structural and cognitive bottlenecks to information access in social networks","Kang & Lerman",0,0,30,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Jeon-Hyung Kang, Kristina Lerman","Jeon-Hyung Kang","Full paper","","true","","false","Information in networks is non-uniformly distributed, enabling individuals in certain network positions to get preferential access to information. Social scientists have developed influential theories about the role of network structure in information access. These theories were validated through numerous studies, which examined how individuals leverage their social networks for competitive advantage, such as a new job or higher compensation. It is not clear how these theories generalize to online networks, which differ from real-world social networks in important respects, including asymmetry of social links. We address this problem by analyzing how users of the social news aggregator Digg adopt stories recommended by friends, i.e., users they follow. We measure the impact different factors, such as network position and activity rate; have on access to novel information, which in Digg’s case means set of distinct news stories. We show that a user can improve his information access by linking to active users, though this becomes less effective as the number of friends, or their activity, grows due to structural network constraints. These constraints arise because users in structurally diverse position within the follower graph have topically diverse interests from their friends. Moreover, though in most cases user’s friends are exposed to almost all the information available in the network, after they make their recommendations, the user sees only a small fraction of the available information. Our study suggests that cognitive and structural bottlenecks limit access to novel information in online social networks." 1474393245,"Examining social media use among older adults","Bell et al.",0,0,24,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Cara Fausset, Caroline Bell, Julie Nguyen, Linda Harley, Sarah Farmer, W. Bradley Fain","Caroline Bell","Short paper","","true","Facebook, Social media, loneliness, older adults, social connectedness, social satisfaction, user behavior","false","Social media is a powerful tool that can connect family and friends across long distances as well as link people with similar interests. Social media has been widely adopted by younger adults, but older adults have been less likely to use such applications. A survey of 142 older adults (Mage=72 years, SD=11; range: 52-92) living in the metropolitan Atlanta area was conducted to understand the characteristics of older adults who do and do not use Facebook, a popular and wide-spread social media application. The present study examined the relationship between Facebook use and loneliness, social satisfaction, and confidence with technology. Demographic relationships were also examined, such as gender and age. Fifty-nine participants (42%) identified themselves as current Facebook users; 83 participants (58%) were not Facebook users. Non-Facebook users were significantly older (Mage= 75.3 years) than Facebook users (Mage= 66.5 years). Counter to expectations, there was not a significant difference in loneliness between Facebook users and non-users for this sample. However, Facebook users did score higher on assessments of social satisfaction and confidence with technology than did non-users. These preliminary results suggest that many older adults do use Facebook and they primarily use it to stay connected with family. As adults enter into older adulthood, maintaining social connectedness may become more difficult due to mobility limitations, chronic diseases, and other age-related issues, thus decreasing physical connectedness with friends, family, and community. For these reasons, social media may begin to play a more active role in keeping this population socially connected. Therefore, understanding the factors that influence social media use in older adults is becoming more critical." 1474393247,"Reading tweeting minds: real-time analysis of short text for computational social science","Wang, Quercia & Ó Séaghdha",0,0,8,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Daniele Quercia, Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha, Zhe Wang","Zhe Wang","Short paper","","true","Algorithms, Experimentation, Human Factors","false","Twitter status updates (tweets) have great potential for unobtrusive analysis of users’perceptions in real time, providing a way of investigating social patterns at scale. Here we present a tool that performs textual analysis of tweets mentioning a topic of interest and outputs words statistically associated with it in the form of word lists and word graphs. Such a tool could be of value for helping social scientists to navigate the overwhelming amounts of data that are produced on Twitter. To evaluate our tool, we select three concepts of interest to social scientists (i.e., privacy, serendipity, and Occupy Wall Street), build ground truths for each concept using the Grounded Theory approach, and perform a quantitative assessment based on two widely-used information retrieval metrics. To then offer qualitative assessments complementary to the quantitative ones, we run a user study involving 32 individuals. We find that simple information-theoretic association measures are more accurate than frequency-based measures. We also spell out under which conditions these metrics tend to work best." 1474393262,"On the topology of the web of data","Luczak-Rösch & Tolksdorf",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Markus Luczak-Rösch, Robert Tolksdorf","Markus Luczak-Rösch","Short paper","","true","Algorithms, Experimentation, Measurement","false","The Web of Data consists of the open accessible structured data on the Web. This includes the evolving number of Linked Open Data data sets but also the structured data which is embedded in Web pages. In this paper we address questions related to a unified definition of distinct data sets and factors that influence different network representations of structured Web data. The contributions are (1) an algorithm to generate a data set linking structure of the embedded structured data sourcing from (a) the Billion Triples Challenge corpus (b) the Web Data Commons corpus, and (c) the sindice crawl, (2) a discussion on the issue of identifying distinct data sets in a generic fashion, and (3) a high level visual abstraction of the current Web of Data topology." 1513523129,"Interactive Concert Programs for Live Performances: A Presentation Software Integrating Slideshow and Hypertext Concepts","Cipriano",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Raffaele Cipriano","Raffaele Cipriano","Full paper","","true","augmented performance, concert, hypertext, interaction, presentation, slideshow, theater","false","Concerts and live shows are usually better appreciated when additional information about the exhibition and the performers are provided. For centuries, printed pamphlets or booklets have been the common way to provide the audiences with this information. Unfortunately, printed programs are not always the most efficient solution: they typically contain too much data to be read in a few minutes preceding the show, and after the performance they are usually thrown away. More crucial, printed information cannot be synchronized with the ongoing show, and the spectator has to constantly connect the data on the paper with what is happening on the stage. Technology can overcome this problem. Interactive Concert Programs (ICP) is a software that allows the streaming of digital information (such as text, images, or links) to the mobile devices of an audience in real time. Data can be triggered at a specific moment, according to what is performed. Moreover, any spectator can autonomously navigate the information streamed, using his/her device. ICP combines the characteristics of a slideshow software such as PowerPoint, and of a hypertext, such as HTML pages. There are several advantages of using ICP instead of printed programs. The listening experience can be guided with relevant information through all the duration of the show. Multilingual translations can be easily provided, as well as explaining texts for the Deaf. Users can save and share on social media the most interesting information, thus engaging new potential public. Lastly, the editing process of concert programs would be drastically simplified, and with a remarkable saving of printed paper. In this historical moment when performing arts can be difficult to understand and be appreciated, ICP can easily and inexpensively turn any theater or stage into a big lecture room, providing a new effective way for artists to tell the audience their artistic vision and the story behind the artwork performed. The audience would assimilate information more easily, with a better understanding and appreciation of the shows." 1531002415,"Mining and Forecasting Career Trajectories of Music Artists","Arakelyan et al.",1,0,42,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Aram Galstyan, Emilio Ferrara, Fred Morstatter, Margaret Martin, Shushan Arakelyan","Shushan Arakelyan","Full paper","","true","art and music, multidisciplinary topics and applications, networks","true","Many musicians, from up-and-comers to established artists, rely heavily on performing live to promote and disseminate their music. To advertise live shows, artists often use concert discovery platforms that make it easier for their fans to track tour dates. In this paper, we ask whether digital traces of live performances generated on those platforms can be used to understand career trajectories of artists. First, we present a new dataset we constructed by cross-referencing data from such platforms. We then demonstrate how this dataset can be used to mine and predict important career milestones for the musicians, such as signing by a major music label, or performing at a certain venue. Finally, we perform a temporal analysis of the bipartite artist-venue graph, and demonstrate that high centrality on this graph is correlated with success." 1531002419,"Embedding Networks with Edge Attributes","Goyal et al.",0,0,29,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Aram Galstyan, Emilio Ferrara, Homa Hosseinmardi, Palash Goyal","Palash Goyal","Short paper","","true","Deep Learning, Graph Embedding, Network Representation","false","Predicting links in information networks requires deep understanding and careful modeling of network structure. Network embedding, which aims to learn low-dimensional representations of nodes, has been used successfully for the task of link prediction in the past few decades. Existing methods utilize the observed edges in the network to model the interactions between nodes and learn representations which explain the behavior. In addition to the presence of edges, networks often have information which can be used to improve the embedding. For example, in author collaboration networks, the bag of words representing the abstract of co-authored paper can be used as edge attributes. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, which uses the edges and their associated labels to learn node embeddings. Our model jointly optimizes higher order node neighborhood, social roles and edge attributes reconstruction error using deep architecture which can model highly non-linear interactions. We demonstrate the efficacy of our model over existing state-of-the-art methods on two real world data sets. We observe that such attributes can improve the quality of embedding and yield better performance in link prediction." 1531002421,"Privacy-Aware Tag Recommendation for Image Sharing","Tonge, Caragea & Squicciarini",2,0,33,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Anna Squicciarini, Ashwini Tonge, Cornelia Caragea","Ashwini Tonge","Short paper","","true","Image tagging, Image’s privacy, Privacy-aware tag recommendation","true","Image tags are very important for indexing, sharing, searching, and surfacing images with private content that needs protection. As the tags are at the sole discretion of users, they tend to be noisy and incomplete. In this paper, we present a privacy-aware approach to automatic image tagging, which aims at improving the quality of user annotations, while also preserving the images’ original privacy sharing patterns. Precisely, we recommend potential tags for each target image by mining privacy-aware tags from the most similar images of the target image obtained from a large collection. Experimental results show that privacy-aware approach is able to predict accurate tags that can improve the performance of a downstream application on image privacy prediction. Crowd-sourcing predicted tags exhibit the quality of the recommended tags." 1531053723,"A Deep Joint Network for Session-based News Recommendations with Contextual Augmentation","Zhang, Liu & Gulla",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Jon Atle Gulla, Lemei Zhang, Peng Liu","Lemei Zhang","Full paper","","true","Convolutional neural networks, deep learning, recurrent neural networks, session-based recommendation","false","Session-based recommendations have drawn more and more attention in many recommendation settings of modern online services. Unlike many other domains such as books and music, news recommendations suffer from new challenges of fast updating rate and recency issues of news articles and lack of user profiles. In this paper, we proposed a method that combines user click events within session and news contextual features to predict next click behavior of a user. The model consists of two different kinds of hierarchical neutral networks to learn article contextual properties and temporal sequential patterns in streams of clicks. Character-level embedding over input features is adopted to allow integrating different types of data and reduce engineering computation. Besides, we also introduced a time-decay method to compute the freshness of news articles within a time slide. Experimental results on two real-world datasets show significant improvements over several baselines and state-of-the-art methods on session-based neural networks.####[no references]" 1569278527,"Novella 2.0: A Hypertextual Architecture for Interactive Narrative in Games","Green, Hargood, & Charles",10,0,31,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Charlie Hargood, Daniel Green, Fred Charles","Daniel Green","Full paper","","true","interactive narrative, narrative modeling, video games","true","The hypertext community has a history of research in Interactive Digital Narrative (IDN), including experimental works and systems to support authoring. Arguably the most prevalent contemporary form of IDN is within the world of computer games where a mixture of large-scale commercial works and smaller indie experimental pieces continue to develop new forms of interactive storytelling. We can explore these pieces through the lens of hypertextual theory and support them with hypertextual architectures, but there are unique challenges within modern game-based storytelling that these frameworks sometimes struggle to capture on a content level, leaving us in some cases with insufficient models and vocabulary. In this paper, we build upon previous work by presenting a discussion on techniques of modeling video game narrative. This is followed by thorough presentation and demonstration of our game-centric theoretical model of interactive narrative, Novella 2.0, which builds upon our previous contributions. This model is then positioned within a novel architecture for the authoring, interchange, integration, and simulation of video game narrative. We present alongside the architecture four key innovations towards supporting game narrative. We include support for Discoverable Narrative and other game narrative content alongside structural features in a deference of responsibility to game engines and our own approach to mixing calligraphic and sculptural hypertext structure." 1569283723,"Tracking Temporal Evolution of Graphs using Non-Timestamped Data","Chhetri, Goyal & Canedo",0,0,27,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Arquimedes Canedo, Palash Goyal, Sujit Rokka Chhetri","Sujit Rokka Chhetri","Full paper","","true","Dataset, Dynamic Graph Embedding, Machine Learning, Social Network Analysis","false","Datasets to study the temporal evolution of graphs are scarce. To encourage the research of novel dynamic graph learning algorithms we introduce YoutubeGraph-Dyn (available at, an evolving graph dataset generated from YouTube real-world interactions. YoutubeGraph-Dyn provides intra-day time granularity (with 416 snapshots taken every 6 hours for a period of 104 days), multi-modal relationships that capture different aspects of the data, multiple attributes including timestamped, non-timestamped, word embeddings, and integers. Our data collection methodology emphasizes the creation of time evolving graphs from non-timestamped data. In this paper, we provide various graph statistics of YoutubeGraph-Dyn and test state-of-the-art graph clustering algorithms to detect community migration, and time series analysis and recurrent neural network algorithms to forecast non-timestamped data." 1513449551,"The Nature of Real and Perceived Bias in Chilean Media","Elejalde, Ferres & Herder",2,0,31,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Eelco Herder, Erick Elejalde, Leo Ferres","Erick Elejalde","Full paper","","true","Media bias, bias characterization, political quiz","true","News consumers expect news outlets to be objective and balanced in their reports of events. However, there is a body of evidence of bias in the media caused by underlying political and socio-economic viewpoints. Previous studies have tried to classify the partiality of the media, sometimes giving a quantitative evaluation, but there is little reported on its nature. The vast amount of content in the social media enables us to quantify the inclination of the press to either side of the political spectrum. To describe such tendencies, we use tweets to automatically compute a news outlet’s political and socio-economic orientation. We show that the media have a measurable bias, and illustrate this by showing the favoritism of Chilean media for the ruling political parties in this country. We also found that the nature of the bias is reflected in the vocabulary used and the entities mentioned by different news outlets. A survey conducted among news consumers confirms that media bias has an impact on the coverage of controversial topics and that this is perceivable by the general audience. Having a more accurate method to measure and characterize media bias will clarify to the readers where outlets stand within the socio-economic landscape, even when a self-declared position is stated. This will empower readers to better reflect on the content provided by their news outlets of choice." 1513523114,"Multiple Images of the City: Unveiling Group-Specific Urban Perceptions through a Crowdsourcing Game","Candeia et al.",0,0,41,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Daniele Quercia, David Candeia, Flavio Figueiredo, Nazareno Andrade","David Candeia","Full paper","","true","Crowdsourcing, Urban Informatics, Urban Perception","false","Our perceptions of public spaces are central for our experience in the city. Understanding which factors shape this perception informs both urban planners, that aim at improving city life, as well as computational models that help us navigate in urban spaces. To understand cities at scale, crowdsourcing games have been employed successfully to evaluate citizens’ opinions about cities and urban scenes. By analyzing human perceptions from residents of a mid-sized Brazilian city, this work brings three novel contributions. First, we consider theories from urban design to explore through crowdsourcing which high and low level features in an urban space are linked to perceptions of safety and pleasantness. Secondly, this paper leverages theory from urban sociology and anthropology to show how the sociodemographic profile of the citizens significantly mediate their perception of safeness and pleasantness of places. Finally, we show that features of the urban form proposed by urbanists can be combined with sociodemographics to improve the accuracy of machine learning models that predict which scene a person will find more safe or pleasant. This last result paves the road for more personalized recommendations in cold-start scenarios." 1531046397,"Studying the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Small-Scale Events in Twitter","Mousset, Pitarch & Tamine",1,0,34,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Lynda Tamine, Paul Mousset, Yoann Pitarch","Paul Mousset","Full paper","","true","Small-scale event, entropy, focus, geo-tagged tweets","true","Small-scale events are emerging as attractive objects of research. On Twitter, small-scale events represent weak sensors that report things happening in specific times and places. While previous work addressed the issue of detecting such events, very little is known so far about their inherent properties. In this paper, our main objective was to analyse the spatio-temporal peculiarities of small-scale events w.r.t different levels of location granularity, and to understand the general trend of their propagation along their lifetimes. Our findings suggest that (1) users involved in small-scale events mostly gravitate not significantly far from the geographical focus; (2) events do not exhibit major peaks; and (3) there exists distinct events that we can identify from users’ posts that significantly differ from topic distribution, focus concentration and propagation distance perspectives across time." 1531002420,"Collaborative Filtering Method for Handling Diverse and Repetitive User-Item Interactions","Shalom et al.",0,0,32,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Alexandros Karatzoglou, Amihood Amir, Haggai Roitman, Oren Sar Shalom","Oren Sar Shalom","Full paper","","true","","false","Most collaborative filtering models assume that the interaction of users with items take a single form, e.g., only ratings or clicks or views. In fact, in most real-life recommendation scenarios, users interact with items in diverse ways. This in turn, generates complex usage data that contains multiple and diverse types of user feedback. In addition, within such a complex data setting, each user-item pair may occur more than once, implying on repetitive preferential user behaviors. In this work we tackle the problem of building a Collaborative Filtering model that takes into account such complex datasets. We propose a novel factor model, CDMF, that is capable of incorporating arbitrary and diverse feedback types without any prior domain knowledge. Moreover, CDMF is inherently capable of considering user-item repetitions. We evaluate CDMF against state of-the-art methods with highly favorable results." 1531002422,"Recommending Teammates with Deep Neural Networks","Goyal, Sapienza & Ferrara",0,0,24,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Anna Sapienza, Emilio Ferrara, Palash Goyal","Palash Goyal","Short paper","","true","deep neural network, graph factorization, link prediction, multiplayer online games, recommendation system, team formation","false","The effects of team collaboration on performance have been explored in a variety of settings. Online games enable people with significantly different skills to cooperate and compete within a shared context. Players can affect teammates’ performance either via direct communication or by influencing teammates’ actions. Understanding such effects can help us provide insights into human behavior as well as make team recommendations. In this work, we aim at recommending teammates to each individual player for maximal skill growth. We study the effect of collaboration in online games using a large dataset from Dota 2, a popular Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game. To this aim, we construct an online co-play teammate network of players, whose links are weighted based on the gain in skill achieved due to team collaboration. We then use the performance network to devise a recommendation system based on a modified deep neural network autoencoder method." 1531046412,"Modeling Semantics between Programming Codes and Annotations","Lu & Hsiao",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","I-Han Hsiao, Yihan Lu","Yihan Lu","Short paper","","true","Coding concept detection, Programming semantics, Semantic modeling, Text based classification","false","It is a common practice for programmers to leave annotations during program development. Most of the annotated documentations are predominantly being used as the archive of the coding events for limited developers. We hypothesize that these annotations captured mass amount of valuable information which can be utilized to identify similar codes or to examine code quality. However, due to the annotating behaviors vary and the language composition can be complex, this work sets out to investigate a systematic method to examine the annotation semantics and their relations with codes. We designed a semantic parser to extract concepts from codes and the corresponding annotations. Additionally, text mining techniques are applied to summarize linguistic features from the annotations. We then build models to predict concepts in programming code annotations. Results show that the proposed semantic modeling method achieved a higher performance compared to a random guessed baseline." 1531046419,"SimilarHITs: Revealing the Role of Task Similarity in Microtask Crowdsourcing","Aipe & Gadiraju",2,0,27,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Alan Aipe, Ujwal Gadiraju","Alan Aipe","Full paper","","true","Crowdsourcing, Microtasks, Performance, Task Similarity, Workers","true","Workers in microtask crowdsourcing systems typically consume different types of tasks. Task consumption is driven by the self-selection of workers in the most popular platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk and CrowdFlower. Workers typically complete tasks one after another in a chain. Prior works have revealed the impact of ordering tasks while considering aspects such as task complexity. However, little is understood about the benefits of considering task similarity in microtask chains. In this paper, we investigate the role of task similarity in microtask crowdsourcing and how it affects market dynamics. We identified different dimensions that affect the perception of task similarity among workers, and propose a supervised machine learning model to predict the overall task similarity of a task pair. Leveraging task similarity, we studied the effects of similarity on worker retention, satisfaction, boredom and fatigue. We reveal the impact of chaining tasks according to their similarity on worker accuracy and their task completion time. Our findings enrich the current understanding of crowd work and bear important implications on structuring workflow." 1531052865,"Understanding Privacy Dichotomy in Twitter","Khazaei et al.",0,0,35,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Atif Khan, Lu Xiao, Robert E. Mercer, Taraneh Khazaei","Taraneh Khazaei","Full paper","","true","Preference detection, Social network analysis, Social privacy","false","Balancing personalization and privacy is one of the challenges marketers commonly face. The privacy dilemmas associated with personalized services are particularly concerning in the context of social networking websites, wherein the privacy dichotomy problem is widely observed. To prevent potential privacy violations, businesses need to employ multiple safeguards beyond the current privacy settings of users. As a possible solution, companies can utilize user social footprints to detect user privacy preferences. To take a step towards this goal, we first ran a series of experiments to examine if the privacy preference attribute is homophilous in social media. As a result, we found a set of clues that users’ privacy preferences are similar to the privacy behaviour of their social contacts, signaling that privacy homophily exists in social networks. We further studied users located in different neighbourhoods with varying degrees of privacy and found a set of characteristics that are specific to public users located in private neighbourhoods. These identified features can be used in a predictive model to identify public user accounts that are intended to be private, supporting companies to make an informed decision whether or not to exploit one’s publicly available data for personalization purposes." 1531053715,"Search Rank Fraud De-Anonymization in Online Systems","Rahman et al.",0,0,36,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Bogdan Carbunar, Duen Horng Chau, Mizanur Rahman, Nestor Hernandez","Mizanur Rahman","Full paper","","true","Fraud de-anonymization, search rank fraud","false","We introduce the fraud de-anonymization problem, that goes beyond fraud detection, to unmask the human masterminds responsible for posting search rank fraud in online systems. We collect and study search rank fraud data from Upwork, and survey the capabilities and behaviors of 58 search rank fraudsters recruited from 6 crowdsourcing sites. We propose Dolos, a fraud de-anonymization system that leverages traits and behaviors extracted from these studies, to attribute detected fraud to crowdsourcing site fraudsters, thus to real identities and bank accounts. We introduce MCDense, a min-cut dense component detection algorithm to uncover groups of user accounts controlled by different fraudsters, and leverage stylometry and deep learning to attribute them to crowdsourcing site profiles. Dolos correctly identified the owners of 95% of fraudster-controlled communities, and uncovered fraudsters who promoted as many as 97.5% of fraud apps we collected from Google Play. When evaluated on 13,087 apps (820,760 reviews), which we monitored over more than 6 months, Dolos identified 1,056 apps with suspicious reviewer groups. We report orthogonal evidence of their fraud, including fraud duplicates and fraud re-posts." 1531053740,"As We May Hear: Our Slaves of Steel II","Bernstein",3,0,23,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Short paper","","true","Hypertext, design, education, ethics, fiction, history of computing, hypermedia, implementation, literature","true","Our slaves of steel [4] explored some moral questions that arise from narrative with persistent digital agents. If we propose to her on the holodeck, can Ophelia conceivably consent to marry us? Here, we propose simple audio agents that are well within the capacity of current technology, and we explore the reader’s responsibility, if any, to care for persistent agents." 1569283726,"How Dependable are 'First Impressions' to Distinguish between Real and Fake NewsWebsites?","Huang, Zhu & Mustafaraj",0,0,26,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Dongchen Huang, Eni Mustafaraj, Yige Zhu","Dongchen Huang","Full paper","","true","advertising, experimental study, fake news websites, first impression, halo effect, real news websites, web literacy, website credibility","false","In an increasingly information-dense web, how do we ensure that we do not fall for unreliable information? To design better web literacy practices for assessing online information, we need to understand how people perceive the credibility of unfamiliar websites under time constraints. Would they be able to rate real news websites as more credible and fake news websites as less credible? We investigated this research question through an experimental study with 42 participants (mean age = 28.3) who were asked to rate the credibility of various “real news” (n = 14) and “fake news” (n = 14) websites under different time conditions (6s, 12s, 20s), and with a different advertising treatment (with or without ads). Participants did not visit the websites to make their credibility assessments; instead, they interacted with the images of website screen captures, which were modified to remove any mention of website names, to avoid the effect of name recognition. Participants rated the credibility of each website on a scale from 1 to 7 and in follow-up interviews provided justifications for their credibility scores. Through hypothesis testing, we find that participants, despite limited time exposure to each website (between 6 and 20 seconds), are quite good at the task of distinguishing between real and fake news websites, with real news websites being overall rated as more credible than fake news websites. Our results agree with the well-known theory of “first impressions” from psychology, that has established the human ability to infer character traits from faces. That is, participants can quickly infer meaningful visual and content cues from a website, that are helping them make the right credibility evaluation decision." 1569283730,"Fake News Reading on Social Media: An Eye-tracking Study","Simko et al.",1,0,24,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Jakub Simko, Maria Bielikova, Martina Hanakova, Matus Tomlein, Patrik Racsko, Robert Moro","Jakub Simko","Full paper","","true","eye tracking, fake news, misinformation, reading, social media, user study","true","The online spreading of fake news (and misinformation in general) has been recently identified as a major issue threatening entire societies. Much of this spreading was enabled by new media formats, namely social networks and online media sites. Researchers and practitioners have been trying to answer this by characterizing the fake news and devising automated methods for detecting them. The detection methods had so far only limited success, mostly due to the complexity of the news content and context and lack of properly annotated datasets. One possible way to boost the efficiency of automated misinformation detection methods, is to imitate the detection work of humans. In a broader sense of dealing with fake news spreading, it is also important to understand the news consumption behavior of online users. In this paper, we present an eye-tracking study, in which we let 44 participants to casually read through a social media feed containing posts with news articles. Some of the presented articles were fake. In a second run, we asked the participants to decide on the truthfulness of these articles. We present the description of the study, characteristics of the resulting dataset (which we hereby publish) and several findings." 1569338375,"A Characterization of Political Communities on Reddit","Soliman, Hafer, & Lemmerich",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Ahmed Soliman, Florian Lemmerich, Jan Hafer","Ahmed Soliman","Short paper","","true","","false","The social news aggregator Reddit is among the most popular websites on the internet. Many online users use the platform to anonymously share and discuss (mostly US-centric) political content. In this ongoing work, we perform a comparative large-scale analysis of political subcommunities (subreddits) on Reddit using a dataset of more than 100 million posts from around 5 million users. In particular, we investigate these communities with respect to (1) the content posted, (2) their relationships to other subreddits, and (3) the distribution of attention received in these subcommunities. We find that left-leaning communities use derogatory language less often than right-leaning communities, but are more focused on news sources reflecting their own political leaning. We also observe that right-leaning communities are more interconnected with right-leaning subreddits on European politics. Finally, the attention of individual submissions (as measured by their number of up-votes or comments received) is spread more evenly in right-leaning communities. The social news aggregator Reddit is among the most popular websites on the internet. Many online users use the platform to anonymously share and discuss (mostly US-centric) political content. In this ongoing work, we perform a comparative large-scale analysis of political subcommunities (subreddits) on Reddit using a dataset of more than 100 million posts from around 5 million users. In particular, we investigate these communities with respect to (1) the content posted, (2) their relationships to other subreddits, and (3) the distribution of attention received in these subcommunities. We find that left-leaning communities use derogatory language less often than right-leaning communities, but are more focused on news sources reflecting their own political leaning. We also observe that right-leaning communities are more interconnected with right-leaning subreddits on European politics. Finally, the attention of individual submissions (as measured by their number of up-votes or comments received) is spread more evenly in right-leaning communities." 1594732957,"Hacking Droids and Casting Spells: Locative Augmented Reality Games and the Reimagining of the Theme Park","Eddy et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Anastasia Salter, Carissa Baker, John Murray, Ray Eddy, Robert Macy","Ray Eddy","Full paper","","true","alternate reality game (arg), augmented reality (ar), disruptive technology, immersion, mixed reality, theme parks, transparent interface, transportation","false","Locative play and augmented reality games are a growing part of consumer games, thanks to successful mobile experiments such as Niantic’s Ingress and Pokemon GO. However, while experiments in using locative play to transform a space have been ongoing in the context of campuses, libraries, national parks, and other tourist destinations, such games reach a limited audience and are still viewed as novelties. The growing movement to bring this type of play into theme parks has the potential to change that, as locative augmented reality games such as Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge experience and Play Disney app gesture to a broader commercial future for locative interactive narrative. In this essay, we document how these commercial games experiences are transforming both guest expectations of theme parks, and broader understandings of locative play.####[no references]" 1594763015,"Anonymity Effects: A Large-Scale Dataset from an Anonymous Social Media Platform","Mondal, Correa & Benevenuto",0,0,23,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Denzil Correa, Fabrício Benevenuto, Mainack Mondal","Mainack Mondal","Short paper","","true","anonymity, hate speech, pattern recognition, public dataset, social media, whisper","false","Today online social media sites function as the medium of expression for billions of users. As a result, aside from conventional social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, platform designers introduced many alternative social media platforms (e.g., 4chan, Whisper, Snapchat, Mastodon) to serve specific userbases. Among these platforms, anonymous social media sites like Whisper and 4chan hold a special place for researchers. Unlike conventional social media sites, posts on anonymous social media sites are not associated with persistent user identities or profiles. Thus, these anonymous social media sites can provide an extremely interesting data-driven lens into the effects of anonymity on online user behavior. However, to the best of our knowledge, currently there are no publicly available datasets to facilitate research efforts on these anonymity effects.####To that end, in this paper, we aim to publicly release the first ever large-scale dataset from Whisper, a large anonymous online social media platform. Specifically, our dataset contains 89.8 Million Whisper posts (called “whispers”) published between a 2-year period from June 6, 2014 to June 6, 2016 (when Whisper was quite popular). Each of these whispers contained both post text and associated metadata. The metadata contains information like coarse-grained location of upload and categories of whispers. We also present preliminary descriptive statistics to demonstrate a significant language and categorical diversity in our dataset. We leverage previous work as well as novel analysis to demonstrate that the whispers contain personal emotions and opinions (likely facilitated by a disinhibition complex due to anonymity). Consequently, we envision that our dataset will facilitate novel research ranging from understanding online aggression to detect depression within online populace." 1594849422,"Thoughts Reflection Machine","Atzenbeck & Roßner",10,0,24,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Claus Atzenbeck, Daniel Roßner","Claus Atzenbeck","Short paper","","true","ai, augmentation, context, cooperation, hypertext, infrastructure, intellect, intelligence, man-machine, structures, thinking","true","This blue sky paper presents the Thoughts Reflection Machine (TRM) which combines hypertext technologies and intelligent components. Using hypertext, the TRM provides means to its users to express or communicate their thoughts and ideas. Furthermore, the machine suggests relevant information that trigger users’ creative thinking. The TRM is an approach towards a tight cooperation between human and machine supporting both in their specific tasks in which they are most excellent in: creative problem solving respective computation of huge data sets." 1594891981,"Text2SceneVR: Generating Hypertexts with VAnnotatoR as a Pre-processing Step for Text2Scene Systems","Abrami et al.",5,0,85,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Alexander Henlein, Alexander Mehler, Attila Kett, Giuseppe Abrami","Giuseppe Abrami","Full paper","","true","3d annotations, spatial hypertext, text2scene, vannotator, virtual reality","true","The automatic generation of digital scenes from texts is a central task of computer science. This task requires a kind of text comprehension, the automation of which is tied to the availability of sufficiently large, diverse and deeply annotated data, which is freely available. This paper introduces Text2SceneVR, a system that addresses this bottleneck problem by allowing its users to create a sort of spatial hypertexts in Virtual Reality (VR). We describe Text2SceneVR’s data model, its user interface and a number of problems related to the implicitness of natural language in the manifestation of spatial relations that Text2SceneVR aims to address while trying to remain language independent. Finally, we present a user study with which we evaluated Text2SceneVR." 1594891983,"Calibration in Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems: a User-Centered Analysis","Lin et al.",0,0,36,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Bamshad Mobasher, Kun Lin, Nasim Sonboli, Robin Burke","Kun Lin","Full paper","","true","algorithmic bias, bias amplification, calibration, fairness, recommendation algorithms","false","Recommender systems learn from past user preferences in order to predict future user interests and provide users with personalized suggestions. Previous research has demonstrated that biases in user profiles in the aggregate can influence the recommendations to users who do not share the majority preference. One consequence of this bias propagation effect is miscalibration, a mismatch between the types or categories of items that a user prefers and the items provided in recommendations. In this paper, we conduct a systematic analysis aimed at identifying key characteristics in user profiles that might lead to miscalibrated recommendations. We consider several categories of profile characteristics, including similarity to the average user, propensity towards popularity, profile diversity, and preference intensity. We develop predictive models of miscalibration and use these models to identify the most important features correlated with miscalibration, given different algorithms and dataset characteristics. Our analysis is intended to help system designers predict miscalibration effects and to develop recommendation algorithms with improved calibration properties." 1594892756,"Docuverse Despatch: Information Farming for the Collective","Anderson",7,0,33,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Mark W. R. Anderson","Mark W. R. Anderson","Short paper","","true","collaborative working, docusphere, hypertext, information farming, knowledge management, linkbases, links, metadata, trails, transclusion, wikipedia, wikis","true","Since the 1993 paper on Information Farming[5], hypertext has grown in scale and in the degree of its collective editing and use. This paper reflects on what these changes in scale and volume mean for the task of the information farmer and asks if we understand the skills and tools needed for the task of sustaining the docusphere." 1594898668,"Noise-Enhanced Community Detection","Abdolazimi, Jin & Zafarani",0,0,46,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Reyhaneh Abdolazimi, Reza Zafarani, Shengmin Jin","Reyhaneh Abdolazimi","Full paper","","true","community detection, graph mining, noise-enhanced methods","false","Community structure plays a significant role in uncovering the structure of a network. While many community detection algorithms have been introduced, improving the quality of detected communities is still an open problem. In many areas of science, adding noise improves system performance and algorithm efficiency, motivating us to also explore the possibility of adding noise to improve community detection algorithms. We propose a noise-enhanced community detection framework that improves communities detected by existing community detection methods. The framework introduces three noise methods to help detect communities better. Theoretical justification and extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets show that our framework helps community detection methods find better communities." 1594899009,"Off-line vs. On-line Evaluation of Recommender Systems in Small E-commerce","Peska & Vojtas",0,0,30,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Ladislav Peska, Peter Vojtas","Ladislav Peska","Full paper","","true","on-line vs. off-line evaluation, recommender systems, small e-commerce","false","In this paper, we present our work towards comparing on-line and off-line evaluation metrics in the context of small e-commerce recommender systems. Recommending on small e-commerce enterprises is rather challenging due to the lower volume of interactions and low user loyalty, rarely extending beyond a single session. On the other hand, we usually have to deal with lower volumes of objects, which are easier to discover by users through various browsing/searching GUIs.####The main goal of this paper is to determine applicability of off-line evaluation metrics in learning true usability of recommender systems (evaluated on-line in A/B testing). In total 800 variants of recommenders were evaluated off-line w.r.t. 18 metrics covering rating-based, ranking-based, novelty and diversity evaluation. The off-line results were afterwards compared with on-line evaluation of 12 selected recommender variants and based on the results, we tried to learn and utilize an off-line to on-line results prediction model.####Off-line results shown a great variance in performance w.r.t. different metrics with the Pareto front covering 64% of the approaches. Furthermore, we observed that on-line results are considerably affected by the seniority of users. On-line metrics correlates positively with ranking-based metrics (AUC, MRR, nDCG) for novice users, while too high values of novelty had a negative impact on the on-line results for them." 1630361720,"Are Word Embedding Methods Stable and Should We Care About It?","Borah, Barman & Awekar",0,0,30,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Amit Awekar, Angana Borah, Manash Pratim Barman","Angana Borah","Full paper","","true","NLP, stability evaluation, word embedding","false","A representation learning method is considered stable if it consistently generates similar representation of the given data across multiple runs. Word Embedding Methods (WEMs) are a class of representation learning methods that generate dense vector representation for each word in the given text data. The central idea of this paper is to explore the stability measurement of WEMs using intrinsic evaluation based on word similarity. We experiment with three popular WEMs: Word2Vec, GloVe, and fastText. For stability measurement, we investigate the effect of five parameters involved in training these models. We perform experiments using four real-world datasets from different domains: Wikipedia, News, Song lyrics, and European parliament proceedings. We also observe the effect of WEM stability on two downstream tasks: Clustering and Fairness evaluation. Our experiments indicate that amongst the three WEMs, fastText is the most stable, followed by GloVe and Word2Vec." 1630361722,"'A Virus Has No Religion': Analyzing Islamophobia on Twitter During the COVID-19 Outbreak","Chandra et al.",0,0,51,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Arun Balaji Buduru, Manvith Reddy, Mohit Chandra, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Saurabh Gupta, Shradha Sehgal","Mohit Chandra","Full paper","","true","data mining, social media, social network analysis, web mining","false","The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted people's lives driving them to act in fear, anxiety, and anger, leading to worldwide racist events in the physical world and online social networks. Though there are works focusing on Sinophobia during the COVID-19 pandemic, less attention has been given to the recent surge in Islamophobia. A large number of positive cases arising out of the religious Tablighi Jamaat gathering has driven people towards forming anti-Muslim communities around hashtags like #coronajihad, #tablighijamaatvirus on Twitter. In addition to the online spaces, the rise in Islamophobia has also resulted in increased hate crimes in the real world. Hence, an investigation is required to create interventions. To the best of our knowledge, we present the first large-scale quantitative study linking Islamophobia with COVID-19.####In this paper, we present CoronaBias dataset which focuses on anti-Muslim hate spanning four months, with over 410,990 tweets from 244,229 unique users. We use this dataset to perform longitudinal analysis. We find the relation between the trend on Twitter with the offline events that happened over time, measure the qualitative changes in the context associated with the Muslim community, and perform macro and micro topic analysis to find prevalent topics. We also explore the nature of the content, focusing on the toxicity of the URLs shared within the tweets present in the CoronaBias dataset. Apart from the content-based analysis, we focus on user analysis, revealing that the portrayal of religion as a symbol of patriotism played a crucial role in deciding how the Muslim community was perceived during the pandemic. Through these experiments, we reveal the existence of anti-Muslim rhetoric around COVID-19 in the Indian sub-continent." 1630361733,"This Item Might Reinforce Your Opinion: Obfuscation and Labeling of Search Results to Mitigate Confirmation Bias","Rieger et al.",0,0,59,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Alisa Rieger, Mariët Theune, Nava Tintarev, Tim Draws","Alisa Rieger","Full paper","","true","Cognitive Bias Mitigation, Confirmation Bias, Nudging, Obfuscation, Warning Labels, Web Search","false","During online information search, users tend to select search results that confirm previous beliefs and ignore competing possibilities. This systematic pattern in human behavior is known as confirmation bias. In this paper, we study the effect of obfuscation (i.e., hiding the result unless the user clicks on it) with warning labels and the effect of task on interaction with attitude-confirming search results. We conducted a preregistered, between-subjects crowdsourced user study (N=328) comparing six groups: three levels of obfuscation (targeted, random, none) and two levels of task (joint, two separate) for four debated topics. We found that both types of obfuscation influence user interactions, and in particular that targeted obfuscation helps decrease interaction with attitude-confirming search results. Future work is needed to understand how much of the observed effect is due to the strong influence of obfuscation, versus the warning label or the task design. We discuss design guidelines concerning system goals such as decreasing consumption of attitude-confirming search results, versus nudging users toward a more analytical mode of information processing. We also discuss implications for future work, such as the effects of interventions for confirmation bias mitigation over repeated exposure. We conclude with a strong word of caution: measures such as obfuscations should only be used for the benefit of the user, e.g., when they explicitly consent to mitigating their own biases." 1630362318,"Regularity Versus Novelty of Users' Multimodal Comment Patterns and Dynamics as Markers of Social Media Radicalization","Necaise et al.",2,0,35,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Aaron Necaise, Aneka Williams, Hana Vrzakova, Mary Jean Amon","Aaron Necaise","Short paper","","true","Emergent patterns, Multidimensional Recurrence Quantification Analysis, Multimodal, Nonlinear dynamical systems theory, Radicalization, Sexism, Social Media","true","Although the internet is a means for disseminating information and facilitating social interactions, these benefits are limited due to individuals' propensity for engaging within a narrow range of communities that share similar beliefs. A portion of these online communities facilitate radicalist viewpoints, including toward marginalized populations, contributing to misbehavior and exacerbating social inequalities. Although a variety of theories propose to explain the processes of online radicalization, less work has empirically examined how users' communication patterns change over time, especially in terms of novelty versus regularity of user comment features. The present research demonstrates a new modeling approach for examining the extent to which low-level, multimodal comment patterns evolve as users communicate within a Reddit forum well-known for its extreme misogynism. Our results confirm that low-level comment patterns predict high-level features of radicalization, aligning with theory on attitude polarization and contributing to literature on detection and interventions to mitigate extremism." 1630363585,"Weakly Supervised Cross-platform Teenager Detection with Adversarial BERT","Yi & Zubiaga",0,0,33,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Arkaitz Zubiaga, Peiling Yi","Peiling Yi","Short paper","","true","Age detection, BERT, Deep transfer learning, Natural language processing","false","Teenager detection is an important case of the age detection task in social media, which aims to detect teenage users to protect them from negative influences. The teenager detection task suffers from the scarcity of labelled data, which exacerbates the ability to perform well across social media platforms. To further research in teenager detection in settings where no labelled data is available for a platform, we propose a novel cross-platform framework based on Adversarial BERT. Our framework can operate with a limited amount of labelled instances from the source platform and with no labelled data from the target platform, transferring knowledge from the source to the target social media. We experiment on four publicly available datasets, obtaining results demonstrating that our framework can significantly improve over competitive baseline models on the cross-platform teenager detection task." 1594732954,"What Authors Think about Hypertext Authoring","Kitromilli, Jordan & Millard",4,0,29,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","David E. Millard, James Jordan, Sofia Kitromili","Sofia Kitromili","Full paper","","true","authoring, authoring tools, authors, digital interactive narratives, digital interactive storytelling, hypertext fiction, interactive fiction","true","Despite significant research into authoring tools for interactive narratives and a number of established authoring platforms, there is still a lack of understanding around the authoring process itself, and the challenges that authors face when writing hypertext and other forms of interactive narratives. This has led to a monolithic view of authoring, which has hindered tool design, resulting in tools that can lack focus, or ignore important parts of the creative process. In order to understand how authors practise writing, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 20 interactive narrative authors. Using a qualitative analysis, we coded their comments to identify both processes and challenges, and then mapped these against each other in order to understand where issues occurred during the authoring process. In our previous work we were able to gather together a set of authoring steps that were relevant to interactive narratives through a review of the academic literature. Those steps were: Training/Support, Planning, Visualising/Structuring, Writing, Editing, and Compiling/Testing. In this work we discovered two additional authoring steps, Ideation and Publishing that had not been previously identified in our reviews of the academic literature - as these are practical concerns of authors that are invisible to researchers. For challenges we identified 18 codes under 5 themes, falling into 3 phases of development: Pre-production, where issues fall under User/Tool Misalignment and Documentation; Production, adding issues under Complexity and Programming Environment; and Post-production, replacing previous issues with longer term issues related to the narrative’s Lifecycle. Our work shows that the authoring problem goes beyond the technical difficulties of using a system, rather it is rooted in the common misalignment between the authors’ expectations and the tools capabilities, the fundamental tension between expressivity and complexity, and the invisibility of the edges of the process to researchers and tool builders. Our work suggests that a less monolithic view of authoring would allow designers to create more focused tools and address issues specifically at the places in which they occur." 1594849420,"Towards Personalized Annotation of Webpages for Efficient Screen-Reader Interaction","Lee & Ashok",0,0,32,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Hae-Na Lee, Vikas Ashok","Hae-Na Lee","Short paper","","true","transcoding, web accessibility, web screen-reading","false","To interact with webpages, people who are blind use special-purpose assistive technology, namely screen readers that enable them to serially navigate and listen to the content using keyboard shortcuts. Although screen readers support a multitude of shortcuts for navigating over a variety of HTML tags, it has been observed that blind users typically rely on only a fraction of these shortcuts according to their personal preferences and knowledge. Thus, a mismatch between a user’s repertoire of shortcuts and a webpage markup can significantly increase browsing effort even for simple everyday web tasks. Also, inconsistent usage of ARIA coupled with the increased adoption of styling and semantic HTML tags (e.g.,
, ) for which there is limited screen-reader support, further make interaction arduous and frustrating for blind users.####To address these issues, in this work, we explore personalized annotation of webpages that enables blind users to efficiently navigate webpages using their preferred shortcuts. Specifically, our approach automatically injects personalized ‘annotation’ nodes into the existing HTML DOM such that blind users can quickly access certain semantically-meaningful segments (e.g., menu, search results, filter options, calendar widget, etc.) on the page, using their preferred screen-reader shortcuts. Using real shortcut profiles collected from 5 blind screen-reader users doing representative web tasks, we observed that with personalized annotation, the interaction effort can be potentially reduced by as much as 48 (average) shortcut presses." 1594892762,"Bad Character: Who do We Want our Hypertexts to Be?","Bernstein",3,0,32,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Short paper","","true","hypertext, literature fiction agents design","true","We frequently assume that adaptive hypertexts ought to adopt the customs, habits and inclinations of the reader, that our computational assistants ought to act as reliable servants, and that users - even new users - ought to like the hypertextual artifacts we create. This might be a mistake." 1594898446,"Scalable Heterogeneous Social Network Alignment through Synergistic Graph Partition","Ren, Meng & Zhang",0,0,30,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Jiawei Zhang, Lin Meng, Yuxiang Ren","Yuxiang Ren","Full paper","","true","heterogeneous network, network alignment, synergistic partition","false","Social network alignment has been an important research problem for social network analysis in recent years. With the identified shared users across networks, it will provide researchers with the opportunity to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of users’ social activities both within and across networks. Social network alignment is a very difficult problem. Besides the challenges introduced by the network heterogeneity, the network alignment can be reduced to a combinatorial optimization problem with an extremely large search space. The learning effectiveness and efficiency of existing alignment models will be degraded significantly as the network size increases. In this paper, we focus on studying the scalable heterogeneous social network alignment problem and propose to address it with a novel two-stage network alignment model, namely Scalable Heterogeneous Network Alignment (SHNA). Based on a group of intra- and inter-network meta diagrams, SHNA first partitions the social networks into a group of sub-networks synergistically. Via the partially known anchor links, SHNA can extract the partitioned sub-network correspondence relationships. Instead of aligning the complete input network, SHNA proposes to identify the anchor links between the matched sub-network pairs, while those between the unmatched sub-networks will be pruned to effectively shrink the search space. Extensive experiments have been done to compare SHNA with the state-of-the-art baseline methods on a real-world aligned social networks dataset. The experimental results have demonstrated both the effectiveness and efficiency of SHNA in addressing the problem." 1594898898,"Probabilistic Model of Narratives Over Topical Trends in Social Media: A Discrete Time Model","Oghaz et al.",0,0,41,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Ece Çiğdem Mutlu, Ivan Garibay, Jasser Jasser, Niloofar Yousefi, Toktam A. Oghaz","Toktam A. Oghaz","Full paper","","true","extractive text summarization, graphical models, narrative extraction, online social media, topic detection and tracking, topic modeling","false","Online social media platforms are turning into the prime source of news and narratives about worldwide events. However, a systematic summarization-based narrative extraction that can facilitate communicating the main underlying events is lacking. To address this issue, we propose a novel event-based narrative summary extraction framework. Our proposed framework is designed as a probabilistic topic model, with categorical time distribution, followed by extractive text summarization. Our topic model identifies topics’ recurrence over time with a varying time resolution. This framework not only captures the topic distributions from the data, but also approximates the user activity fluctuations over time. Furthermore, we define significance-dispersity trade-off (SDT) as a comparison measure to identify the topic with the highest lifetime attractiveness in a timestamped corpus. We evaluate our model on a large corpus of Twitter data, including more than one million tweets in the domain of the disinformation campaigns conducted against the White Helmets of Syria. Our results indicate that the proposed framework is effective in identifying topical trends, as well as extracting narrative summaries from text corpus with timestamped data." 1630361725,"Queerness and Modification in Mainstream and Indie Games: Examining Problems with Queer Representation in Video Games and Exploring Design Solutions","Howard",0,0,38,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Kenton Taylor Howard","Kenton Taylor Howard","Full paper","","true","Indie Games, Modding, Queer Games","false","In this paper I address a problem related to video game culture with which modding has often engaged: the way queerness is portrayed in video games. I examine how mainstream games, indie games, and fan-created modifications relate to issues with queerness in video games. My goal is to analyze the ways in which modification can help players explore some of the problems surrounding portrayals of queerness in mainstream games. I also focus on the lessons that game designers and modders can learn from more positive portrayals of queerness in indie games. Overall, I suggest that considerations about a game's mainstream or indie status influence how both developers and players relate to queerness in games and argue that modding is a powerful way for players to engage with and explore issues with queerness found in mainstream games." 1630361732,"Incorporating the Measurement of Moral Foundations Theory into Analyzing Stances on Controversial Topics","Rezapour, Dinh & Diesner",0,0,57,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Jana Diesner, Ly Dinh, Rezvaneh Rezapour","Rezvaneh Rezapour","Full paper","","true","Moral Foundations Theory, controversial topics, social media, stance analysis, text analysis","false","This paper investigates the correlation between moral foundations and the expression of opinions in the form of stance on different issues of public interest. This work is based on the assumption that the formation of values (personal and societal) and language are interrelated, and that we can observe differences in points of view in user-generated text data. We leverage the Moral Foundations Theory to expand the scope of stance analysis by examining the narratives in favor or against several topics. Applying an expanded version of the Moral Foundations Dictionary to a benchmark dataset for stance analysis, we capture and analyze the relationships between moral values and polarized online discussions. Using this enhanced methodology, we find that each social issue has different “moral and lexical profiles.” While some social issues project more authority related words (Donald Trump), others consists of words related to care and purity (abortion and feminism). Our correlation analysis of stance and morality revealed notable associations between stances on social issues and various types of morality, such as care, fairness, and loyalty, hence demonstrating that there are certain morality types that are more attributed to stance classification than others. Overall, our analysis highlights the usefulness of considering morality when studying stance. The differences observed in various viewpoints and stances highlights linguistic variation in discourse, which may assist in analyzing cultural values and biases in society." 3154184691,"Most Linkless","Hall",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Wendy Hall","Wendy Hall","Keynote","","false","","false","Readers familiar with the works of Douglas Adams will get the joke! This presentation will explore what has happened to hypermedia since the advent of the World Wide Web. In particular we will consider why there is so little use of hypermedia in the Web. Associative linking is at best added value and at worst irrelevant to most Web sites. Search engines are the dominant means of finding information, but everyone is aware of their limitations. This is all set to change as we move into the world of pervasive computing and increasingly access the internet through hand-held devices. Agent technology will become the dominant means of building distributed information management systems. This together with the development of the Semantic Web will enable us to build environments which provide users with highly personalized and adaptive global information spaces to navigate through. The presentation will consider the role of hypermedia in such environments will there be more links or less? The answer is of course 42.####[no references]" 1615390271,"Compendium: A Hypertext Approach for Participatory, Real Time, Hybrid Knowledge Capture & Publishing","Conklin et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Albert Selvin, Jeff Conklin, Maarten Sierhuis, Simon Buckingham Shum","Jeff Conklin","Demo","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390272,"Fluid Annotations on the Web with Open Hypermedia","Bouvin et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Henning Jehøj, Jock Mackinlay, Niels Olof Bouvin, Polle T. Zellweger","Niels Olof Bouvin","Demo","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390283,"Jun-ART: A Component Library for Building Interactive Spatial Hypermedia Systems","Nakakoji, Yamamoto & Aoki",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Atsushi Aoki, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Yasuhiro Yamamoto","Kumiyo Nakakoji","Demo","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390285,"Observations of a Science Team Becoming Hypertext-Aware","Barkstrom & Welch",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Bruce R. Barkstrom, Charlene H. Welch","Bruce R. Barkstrom","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390286,"Link and Paratext in Hypertextual Narrative","Mielniczuk & Palacios",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Luciana Mielniczuk, Marcos Palacios","Luciana Mielniczuk","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390298,"Hypermedia in the Kimura System Using Spatial, Temporal, & Navigational Relationships to Support Multitasking and Background Awareness","Hansen et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Blair MacIntyre, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Joe Tullio, Klaus Marius Hansen, Steve Voida","Klaus Marius Hansen","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 3154184694,"Fluid annotations in an open world","Zellweger et al.",12,6,37,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Henning Jehøj, Jock D. Mackinlay, Niels Olof Bouvin, Polle T. Zellweger","Polle T. Zellweger","Full paper","","true","Arakne, Fluid Documents, Open Hypermedia, Web augmentation with open hypermedia","true","Fluid Documents use animated typographical changes to provide a novel and appealing user experience for hypertext browsing and for viewing document annotations in context. This paper describes an effort to broaden the utility of Fluid Documents by using the open hypermedia Arakne Environment to layer fluid annotations and links on top of arbitrary HTML pages on the World Wide Web. Changes to both Fluid Documents and Arakne are required." 3154184702,"Card shark and thespis: exotic tools for hypertext narrative","Bernstein",9,22,36,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Full paper","","true","Storyspace, fiction, hypertext systems, narrative","true","Card Shark and Thespis are two newly-implemented hypertext systems for creating hypertext narrative. Both systems depart dramatically from the tools currently popular for writing hypertext fiction, and these departures may help distinguish between the intrinsic nature of hypertext and the tendencies of particular software tools and formalisms. The implementation of these systems raises interesting questions about assumptions underlying recent discussion of immersive, interactive fictions, and suggests new opportunities for hypertext research." 3154184704,"Hypertext structure as the event of connection","Miles",12,10,49,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Adrian Miles","Adrian Miles","Full paper","","true","Links, cinema, context, excess, hypertext structure, pragmatics, rhetoric","true","This paper proposes that within the practice of writing small scale, local hypertext, critical questions of relevance to all hypertext researchers are foregrounded, in particular problems of excess, context, and teleological interpretation." 3154184708,"Multiple open services: a new approach to service provision in open hypermedia systems","Wiil, Hicks & Nürnberg",14,8,31,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","David L. Hicks, Peter J. Nürnberg, Uffe Kock Wiil","Uffe Kock Wiil","Full paper","","true","Construct, component technology, component-based open hypermedia systems, hypermedia, middleware services, open service provision","true","Over the past decade, hypermedia systems have become increasingly open, distributed, and modular. As a direct result of this, open hypermedia systems have been increasingly successful in providing middleware services such as linking to a large set of clients. This paper presents a new approach to service provision in open hypermedia systems based on the concept of multiple open services. The overall idea with multiple open services is to rethink the way in which services are provided to clients. The goal is to split up services into components, each of which provides a general, scalable, and functionally independent (orthogonal) service. This results in a highly flexible architectural framework that can serve as a vehicle to further investigate many of the open issues relating to open hypermedia systems. The approach can be viewed as a natural next step in the evolution towards more open, distributed, and modular hypermedia systems. The concept of multiple open services is described in detail, and a proof of concept implementation called Construct is presented." 3154184710,"Creating a Web community chart for navigating related communities","Toyoda & Kitsuregawa",1,3,12,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Masaru Kitsuregawa, Masashi Toyoda","Masashi Toyoda","Full paper","","true","Link analysis, Related web communities, Web community, World Wide Web","true","Recent research on link analysis has shown the existence of numerous web communities on the Web. A web community is a collection of web pages created by individuals or any kind of associations that have a common interest on a specific topic. In this paper, we propose a technique to create a web community chart, that connects related web communities, from thousands of seed pages. This allows the user to navigate through related web communities, and can be used for a ‘What’s Related Community’ service that provides not only the web community including a given page but also related web communities. Our technique is based on a related page algorithm that gives related pages to a given page using only link analysis. We show that the algorithm can be used for creating the chart by applying the algorithm to each seed, then using similarities of the results to classify seeds into clusters and to deduce their relationships. We perform experiments to create a web community chart of companies and organizations from thousands of seed pages. First, we improve the precision of an existing related page algorithm, Companion, and evaluated the improved version, Companion-, by an user study. Then the chart is created using Companion-. The result chart consists of web communities including related pages, and paths between related web communities. From the chart, we can find many web communities of companies classified by their category of business, and relationships between the communities." 3154184711,"The visual knowledge builder: a second generation spatial hypertext","Shipman et al.",4,22,16,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Frank M. Shipman III, Haowei Hsieh, J. Michael Moore, Preetam Maloor","Frank M. Shipman III","Full paper","","true","distributed hypertext, history, hypertext applications, link types, navigation, spatial hypertext","true","The development of spatial hypertext systems was driven by the need to lower users’ effort of expression. Users express categories and interrelationships through the visual similarity and co-location of information objects. The ease of changing a visual property or moving an object makes spatial hypertext better suited to tasks where the information continually evolves. But the implicit nature of the structure poses challenges for tasks in which the authors and readers are not the same set of people. The Visual Knowledge Builder (VKB) includes the ease of expression of earlier spatial hypertexts while adding greater support for long-term collaboration and tasks requiring explicit links. VKB includes a history mechanism that records the evolution of the spatial hypertext and local, global, and historical links for explicit navigational connections between chunks of information. The mechanisms added to VKB make spatial hypertext applicable in a much wider variety of tasks. In particular, VKB’s global links enable wide-area distributed spatial hypertext using the existing infrastructure of the Internet. Versions of VKB have been in use for two years in tasks including note taking, writing, project management, and conference organization." 3154184715,"Hypermedia by coincidence","Thompson & De Roure",3,3,5,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","David C. De Roure, Mark K. Thompson","Mark K. Thompson","Short paper","","true","Dynamic Link Services, Open Hypermedia, Peer to Peer systems, Pervasive Computing, Transient Web","true","We introduce an approach to linking hypermedia documents dynamically in a decentralised, peer-to-peer manner using resources that are available by coincidence, without explicit configuration. The particular approach presented utilises an open platform in combination with Distributed Link Service technology enabling dynamic hypertext generation." 3154184747,"Map-based horizontal navigation in educational Hypertext","Brusilovsky & Rizzo",6,3,31,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Peter Brusilovsky, Riccardo Rizzo","Peter Brusilovsky","Full paper","","true","Horizontal navigation, Self Organizing Map, concept-based navigation, electronic textbook, map-based navigation, similarity navigation","true","This paper discusses the problem of horizontal (non-hierarchical) navigation in modern educational courseware. We will look at why horizontal links disappear, how to support horizontal navigation in modern hyper-courseware, and our earlier attempts to provide horizontal navigation in Web-based electronic textbooks. Here, we present map-based navigation - a new approach to support horizontal navigation in open corpus educational courseware that we are currently investigating. We will describe the mechanism behind this approach, present a system KnowledgeSea that implements this approach, and provide some results of a classroom study of this system." 3154184751,"Semantics happen: knowledge building in spatial hypertext","Shipman et al.",12,10,40,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Frank Shipman, Haowei Hsieh, J. Michael Moore, Preetam Maloor, Raghu Akkapeddi","Frank Shipman","Full paper","","true","incremental formalization, mixed-initiative dialogs, spatial hypertext, spatial parser, suggestion-based interfaces, visual language","true","Hypertext represents ideas through chunks of text or other media interconnected by relations, typically navigational links. The similarity to knowledge representations such as frames and semantic nets has led to much effort in using hypertext systems for knowledge representation and extending hypertext systems to make them able to express more. This work has met with limited success due to difficulties including the tacit and situated nature of much knowledge. Instead of viewing knowledge expression as an all at once event, we view it as a constructive process, i.e. knowledge building. The Visual Knowledge Builder (VKB) lets users express content via visual or textual means and later formalize that content in the form of attributes, values, types, and relations. VKB proactively supports this process through a set of suggestion agents whose interaction with the user is mediated by the suggestion manager. Preliminary evaluation of the suggestion manager and suggestion agents yields positive results but further confirms that there is no “silver bullet” for knowledge engineering—semantic expression is most likely to happen during, and is driven by, task performance." 3154184752,"Spatial Hypertext for linear-information authoring: Interaction design and system development based on the ART Design principle","Yamamoto, Nakakoji & Aoki",3,3,27,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Atsushi Aoki, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Yasuhiro Yamamoto","Yasuhiro Yamamoto","Full paper","","true","Spatial hypertext, cognitive models, external representations, instrumental interaction, interaction design, the ART (Amplifying Representational Talkback) principle","true","We have developed a series of spatial hypertext systems that support early stages of linear-information authoring, such as paper writing and movie editing. They are designed based on the ART (Amplifying Representational Talkback) principle, which emphasizes the importance of visual interaction and the power of external representations. The systems use spatial hypertext not as a medium for representing final artifacts but as a means of interacting with linear information during an authoring process. This paper first describes the role and the effect of the spatial hypertext representation plays in support of early stages of authoring linear information, and explains the ART interaction model for the approach. The ART#001 system, which supports early stages of writing, is described in detail and the other three ART systems are used to illustrate the essential aspects of our approach. The paper concludes with a discussion on the semiotic interpretation of spatial hypertext as a representation, and on the innovative use of spatial hypertext as an instrument to compose information, rather than as an information medium." 3154184744,"Chain saws for sculptural Hypertext","Rosenberg et al.",0,1,0,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Cathy Marshall, David Millard, Frank Shipman, Jim Rosenberg, Mark Bernstein, Paul de Bra","Jim Rosenberg","Panel","","false","","true","The term “Sculptural Hypertext”, coined by Mark Bernstein in his Hypertext ’01 paper “Card Shark and Thespis,” refers to a style of writing hypertext where the document author starts with a massively connected structure, and the task of authoring links consists of cutting away those links that are not wanted, much as someone sculpting in stone in the traditional way starts with a block of stone and forms an image by cutting away the “excess” material. The opposing term, “Calligraphic Hypertext,” refers to the more familiar method of finely authoring each link. This panel seeks to address questions pertaining to authorship and tools for the sculptural approach to hypertext. Among the questions we want to address are: How does one write a sculptural hypertext? How does this concept scale - or is it only suited to small works? What differences are there for the reader of a sculptural hypertext vs. a calligraphic hypertext? How does the “subtractive” concept work with other models of hypertext than the node-link model, e.g. spatial hypertext? What are the differences in requirements for tool designers of sculptural vs. calligraphic hypertext systems.####[no references]" 3154184769,"Open hypermedia in a peer-to-peer context","Bouvin",10,3,18,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Niels Olof Bouvin","Niels Olof Bouvin","Short paper","","true","Open Hypermedia, Peer-to-Peer","true","This paper revisits the general hypermedia architecture based on a perspective of peer-to-peer (P2P) networking and pervasive computing, and argues that P2P has much to offer open hypermedia." 3154184791,"Finding the story: broader applicability of semantics and discourse for hypermedia generation","Rutledge et al.",3,3,28,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Lloyd Rutledge, Martin Alberink, Mettina Veenstra, Rogier Brussee, Stanislav Pokraev, William van Dieten","Lloyd Rutledge","Full paper","","true","Clustering, Concept Lattices, Discourse, Hypermedia, Narrative, RDF, SMIL, Semantics","true","Generating hypermedia presentations requires processing constituent material into coherent, unified presentations. One large challenge is creating a generic process for producing hypermedia presentations from the semantics of potentially unfamiliar domains. The resulting presentations must both respect the underlying semantics and appear as coherent, plausible and, if possible, pleasant to the user. Among the related unsolved problems is the inclusion of discourse knowledge in the generation process. One potential approach is generating a discourse structure derived from generic processing of the underlying domain semantics, transforming this to a structured progression and then using this to steer the choice of hypermedia communicative devices used to convey the actual information in the resulting presentation. This paper presents the results of the first phase of the Topia project, which explored this approach. These results include an architecture for this more domain-independent processing of semantics and discourse into hypermedia presentations. We demonstrate this architecture with an implementation using Web standards and freely available technologies." 3154184794,"AHA! The adaptive hypermedia architecture","De Bra et al.",2,17,11,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Ad Aerts, Barend de Lange, Bart Berden, Brendan Rousseau, David Smits, Natalia Stash, Paul De Bra, Tomi Santic","Paul De Bra","Short paper","","true","Adaptive hypermedia, adaptive navigation support, adaptive presentation, authoring support","true","AHA!, the “Adaptive Hypermedia Architecture”, was originally developed to support an on-line course with some user guidance through conditional (extra) explanations and conditional link hiding. This paper describes the many extensions and tools that have turned AHA! into a versatile adaptive hypermedia platform. It also shows how AHA! can be used to add different adaptive “features” to applications such as on-line courses, museum sites, encyclopedia, etc. The architecture of AHA! is heavily inspired by the AHAM reference model." 3154184795,"Untangling compound documents on the web","Eiron & McCurley",3,3,25,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Kevin S. McCurley, Nadav Eiron","Nadav Eiron","Full paper","","true","","true","Most text analysis is designed to deal with the concept of a “document”, namely a cohesive presentation of thought on a unifying subject. By contrast, individual nodes on the World Wide Web tend to have a much smaller granularity than text documents. We claim that the notions of “document” and “web node” are not synonymous, and that authors often tend to deploy documents as collections of URLs, which we call “compound documents”. In this paper we present new techniques for identifying and working with such compound documents, and the results of some large-scale studies on such web documents. The primary motivation for this work stems from the fact that information retrieval techniques are better suited to working on documents than individual hypertext nodes." 3154184796,"Browsing intricately interconnected paths","Dave et al.",15,4,35,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Frank Shipman, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Pratik Dave, Richard Furuta, Suvendu Dash, Unmil P. Karadkar, Zubin Dalal","Pratik Dave","Full paper","","true","Directed paths, Navigation metaphors, Path Engine, Path-centric browsing, Walden’s Paths","true","Graph-centric and node-centric browsing are the two commonly identified hypertext-browsing paradigms. We believe that path-centric browsing, the browsing behavior exhibited by path interfaces, is an independent browsing paradigm that combines useful aspects of the two commonly supported cases. Paths have long been recognized as an effective medium for aggregating and communicating information and have been included in various hypermedia systems as alternate metaphors or supporting tools. The Walden’s Paths project promotes path-centric traversal as the primary browsing mechanism over Web-based materials. This paper expands the notion of our paths to include more generalized structures and interconnections across paths. We present an architecture for describing complex networks of such paths. Finally, we discuss the design and present a prototype implementation of the Path Engine, a tool that provides a linear interface for browsing intricately interconnected paths." 3154184802,"Combining spatial and navigational structure in the hyper-hitchcock hypervideo editor","Shipman, Girgensohn & Wilcox",3,2,6,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Andreas Girgensohn, Frank Shipman, Lynn Wilcox","Frank Shipman","Short paper","","true","Hypervideo, Interactive Video, Spatial hypertext","true","Existing hypertext systems have emphasized either the navigational or spatial expression of relationships between objects. We are exploring the combination of these modes of expression in Hyper-Hitchcock, a hypervideo editor. Hyper-Hitchcock supports a form of hypervideo called “detail-on-demand video” due to its applicability to situations where viewers need to take a link to view more details on the content currently being presented. Authors of detail-on-demand video select, group, and spatially arrange video clips into linear sequences in a two-dimensional workspace. Hyper-Hitchcock uses a simple spatial parser to determine the temporal order of selected video clips. Authors add navigational links between the elements in those sequences. This combination of navigational and spatial hypertext modes of expression separates the clip sequence from the navigational structure of the hypervideo. Such a combination can be useful in cases where multiple forms of inter-object relationships must be expressed on the same content." 3154184809,"AHA! meets Auld Linky: integrating designed and free-form hypertext systems","Millard et al.",4,4,23,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","David Millard, Hugh Davis, Koen Aben, Mark Weal, Paul De Bra","David Millard","Full paper","","true","","true","In this paper we present our efforts to integrate two adaptive hypermedia systems that take very different approaches. The Adaptive Hypermedia Architecture (AHA!) aims to establish a consistently organized, strictly designed form of hypertext while Auld Linky takes an open and potentially sculptural approach, producing more freeform, less deterministic hypertexts. We describe the difficulties in reconciling the two approaches. This leads us to draw a number of conclusions about the benefits and disadvantages of both and the concessions that are required to combine them successfully." 3154184811,"Is simple sequencing simple adaptive hypermedia?","Abdullah & Davis",1,1,7,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Hugh Davis, Nor Aniza Abdullah","Nor Aniza Abdullah","Short paper","","true","Adaptive Hypermedia, Learning Objects, Simple Sequencing","true","In this paper, we explore the differences between the Adaptive Hypermedia and IMS Simple Sequencing approaches. Both approaches provide learning material tailored for the learner’s current context. Understanding the difference between the approaches enables us to identify the best features of each, and thus to identify research agendas for the improvement of adaptive hypermedia and of Web-based Learning Management Systems." 3154184816,"Refinement of TF-IDF schemes for web pages using their hyperlinked neighboring pages","Sugiyama et al.",1,3,26,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Kazunari Sugiyama, Kenji Hatano, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Shunsuke Uemura","Kazunari Sugiyama","Full paper","","true","Hyperlink, Information retrieval, TF-IDF scheme, WWW","true","In IR (information retrieval) systems based on the vector space model, the TF-IDF scheme is widely used to characterize documents. However, in the case of documents with hyperlink structures such as Web pages, it is necessary to develop a technique for representing the contents of Web pages more accurately by exploiting the contents of their hyperlinked neighboring pages. In this paper, we first propose several approaches to refining the TF-IDF scheme for a target Web page by using the contents of its hyperlinked neighboring pages, and then compare the retrieval accuracy of our proposed approaches. Experimental results show that, generally, more accurate feature vectors of a target Web page can be generated in the case of utilizing the contents of its hyperlinked neighboring pages at levels up to second in the backward direction from the target page." 3154184818,"Link analysis for collaborative knowledge building","Wu et al.",2,2,8,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Harris Wu, Kurt DeMaagd, Michael D. Gordon, Nathan Bos","Harris Wu","Short paper","","true","Navigation analysis, knowledge management, link analysis","true","We present an ongoing research project utilizing navigation and hyperlink data to aid collaborative knowledge building. We allow collaborators to personally organize documents and other research resources and make references to them. We combine their personal organizations and references to develop a unified, hierarchical categorization of these resources. We analyze collaborators’ navigations to identify prominent research activities as well as the key documents related to these activities. We examine prominence over time to identify research trends." 3154184819,"'Common' web paths in a group adaptive system","Barra, Malandrino & Scarano",0,1,8,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Delfina Malandrino, Maria Barra, Vittorio Scarano","Maria Barra","Short paper","","true","Adaptive Hypermedia, Recommendation Systems","true","In this paper we describe how we use a group of users’ accesses and interactions with web pages to discover and recommend relevant common navigation paths to other users. We collect data using a social navigation environment called GAS (Group Adaptive System) that we developed and are currently integrating the common path navigation tool into the system. The goal is to use the common path of a subset of users in the system as a recommendation for other users." 3154184615,"Control Choices and Network Effects in Hypertext Systems","Whitehead",9,4,28,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","E. James Whitehead, Jr.","E. James Whitehead, Jr.","Full paper","","true","WWW, architectural control choices, monolithic hypertext, network effects, open hypertext","true","When the utility of a hypertext system depends on the number of users and amount of data in the system, the system exhibits network effects. This paper examines how the core differences in control assumptions between monolithic hypertext systems, open hypermedia systems, and the Web, lead to different incentive structures for readers and content providers and hence varying levels of network effects.####Significant results of this analysis are as follows. First, lack of control over the data in a hypermedia system, combined with a large-scale distribution infrastructure is a key aspect of achieving network effects, since this control choice affords large numbers of readers. Second, examination of network effects from the Web and monolithic hypermedia systems suggests that control over the user interface is a key contributor to network effects, since it provides a more pleasant experience for readers, and allows for more control over the presentation by content providers. Finally, control over the hypermedia structure provides a negative contribution to network effects, since the control point limits scalability, thus capping the total number of readers." 3154184616,"What Was the Question? Reconciling Open Hypermedia and World Wide Web Research","Nürnberg & Ashman",14,4,35,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Helen Ashman, Peter J. Nürnberg","Peter J. Nürnberg","Full paper","","true","OHS, WWW, World Wide Web, open hypertext systems","true","This paper considers some of the issues surrounding the relationship between open hypermedia systems research and World Wide Web research. Both areas claim to address advanced hypermedia systems issues, but do so in quite different ways. Although there has been some cooperation between members of these fields, there is significant room for improvement. With both fields using much different approaches in what is ostensibly the same area, researchers often feel more need to justify their approach over others instead of looking for ways to synthesize their results. In this paper, we consider two “extremist” positions that caricature/characterize points of view held by some members of these fields, allowing each field to “make its case” as the “true” home of hypermedia systems research. We then reconcile these radically different perspectives, and in doing so, propose a framework that makes more apparent the contributions of each field and that we feel forms a basis for more fruitful cooperation." 3154184617,"Unifying Strategies for Web Augmentation","Bouvin",17,11,48,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Niels Olof Bouvin","Niels Olof Bouvin","Full paper","","true","Collaboration on the Web, Common Reference Architecture for open hypermedia systems, Java, Open Hypermedia Protocol, Open Hypermedia Systems, Unifying interfaces, Web Integration","true","Since the beginning of the WWW, tools have been developed to augment the functionality of the Web. This paper provides an investigation of hypermedia tools and systems integrating the World Wide Web with focus on functionality and the techniques used to achieve this functionality. Similarities are found and based on this, a new framework, the Arakne framework, for developing and thinking about Web augmentation is presented. The Arakne framework is flexible and supports most kinds of Web augmentation. Finally an implementation of the Arakne framework is described and discussed." 3154184618,"“Lector in Rebus”: The Role of the Reader and the Characteristics of Hyperreading","Calvi",2,7,25,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Licia Calvi","Licia Calvi","Full paper","","true","hyperreading, the reading agreement, the role of the reader, the “garbage axiom”, the “labyrinth challenge”","true","The paper focusses on the characteristics of reading and on the role of the reader in hyperfiction in order to determine whether the hyperreader is fundamentally different from the traditional reader and, if so, what form such a difference may take. Once we have identified which elements of hypertext rhetoric may have fostered reading, we could indeed start to better understand the intimate nature of a hypertext ecology.####Following Umberto Eco’s analysis “Six Walks in the Fictional Woods”, the paper focusses on a sample collection of hyperfictions, in order to determine whether hypertext exploits the same rhetorical concepts and techniques adopted in paper-based texts to foster reading. In particular, we want to examine hypertext structure in the light of a combinatorial calculus. Such a combinatorial calculus is what postmodcrn fiction has drawn from Borges’s original idea of the labyrinth and the interconnection of multiple paths. It determines the multiple potential ways to connect lexias and the reading agreement between reader and author which results from such a combinatorial structuring. Ultimately, the author’s writing strategy is revealed by this combinatorial embedding." 3154184619,"Piecing Together and Tearing Apart: Finding the Story in Afternoon","Walker",1,18,13,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Jill Walker","Jill Walker","Full paper","","true","Criticism, hyperreading, hypertext fiction, hypertext structure, rhetoric, theory","true","This paper is a reading of a classic of hypertext narrative: Michael Joyce’s afternoon, a story. Several writers have discussed afternoon previously [I, 3, 4, 91. However I have chosen to explore afternoon from a different angle by using theories of narratology, especially Genette. In this reading, I explore ways in which the text confuses the reader but also the many stabilising elements that aid the reader to piece together a story." 3154184620,"Towards the Recognitiion of the Shell As a Integral Part of the Digital Text","Rau",0,2,7,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Anja Rau","Anja Rau","Short paper","","true","computer games, digital literature, hyperfiction, metatext, paratext","true","Although the theory of hypertext fiction does not regard the Shell as a text, writers of digital fiction, have long started to blurr the boundaries between the Reader and the “main” text. Both interpreters of (fictional) hypertexts and programmers of hypertext-environments need to acknowledge this fact in order to accomodate current writing practices." 3154184621,"Beyond Location: Hypertext Workspaces and Non-linear Views","Shipman, Marshall & LeMere",4,4,17,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman, III, Mark LeMere","Frank M. Shipman, III","Full paper","","true","VIKI, analysis, fisheye views, information workspaces, interpretation, reduced document representations, visual languages, visualization","true","With the growth of the Web as a public information resource, users need workspaces to support the collection, evaluation, organization, and annotation of the materials they retrieve. These analytic workspaces should be designed for both the casual and professional analyst, keeping in mind that different environments may be appropriate for each type of use. In this paper, we derive a set of requirements from observations and reports on the use of information workspaces, coupled with observations of people performing analytical tasks. These workspace requirements include: (1) support for performing multiple simultaneous tasks; (2) a variety of activity-based connections to information resources; (3) tailorable and manipulable reduced document representations; and (4) visualizations to help users manage screen space. We explore the trade-offs implied by these requirements using our implementation of multiple focus fisheye views as we have integrated them into the VIKI workspace." 3154184622,"Navigation Scheme for Interactive Movies with Linear Narrative","Vardi",1,1,8,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Guy Vardi","Guy Vardi","Short paper","","true","digital video, hypermedia, interactive movie, navigation model, non-linear video","true","The article introduces an interactive movie navigation model, focused on some cinematic aspects of the movie, such as camera position, movement, and angle. The model preserves the linear structure of the narrative and creates a context-based navigation scheme. The interactive dimension of the project enables the viewer to explore the story through the characteristics of several points of view. The user‘s interaction is used to affect some cinematic conventions, while it does not interfere with the development of the plot." 3154184630,"Individual Tables of Contents in Web-based Learning Systems","Seeberg et al.",0,1,3,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Achim Steinacker, Cornelia Seeberg, Klaus Reichenberger, Ralf Steinmetz, Stephan Fischer","Cornelia Seeberg","Short paper","","true","adaptive hypermedia systems, domain models, guided tours, learning environment, multimedia, navigation","true","The iTeach project of the Darmstadt University of Technology builds a webbased adaptive hypermedia teaching and learning environment for multimedia and communication technology. Hereby, the demands of diverse user groups, user levels and especially of diverse learning strategies are taken into account. Besides information gained from the interaction with the user, the system uses standardized content relations and meta-information to adaptively compile a selection from the set of available information units (media bricks). A subset of the meta-information represents the compiled lesson on a high level and is presented to the learner as a dynamically generated table of contents. Subjects which are topics in one scenario can be subtopic in the next or not occur at all. Our approach can help closing the gap between free navigation and static guidance in an adaptive hypermedia system." 3154184633,"Audiovisual-based Hypermedia Authoring: Using Structured Representations for Efficient Access to AV Documents","Auffret et al.",6,3,38,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Bruno Bachimont, Gwendal Auffret, Jean Carrive, Olivier Chevet, Rémi Ronfard, Thomas Dechilly","Gwendal Auffret","Full paper","","true","audiovisual, content indexing, hypermedia design, ontology, structured documents","true","In this article we introduce the notion of audiovisual-based hypermedia authoring systems, i.e. systems mainly using documents from digital audiovisual (AV) archives as a source for hypermedia authoring. After showing that traditional hypermedia models are ill-designed for specific constraints implied by such systems, we propose a change of approach. We present a model based on formal structured representations of the content of documents as it is done in the field of structured documents. Since a specific mode1 for the representation of AV content is needed. we introduce Audiovisual Event Description Inter$ace (AEDI), which provides a model for the description of AV documents. and an XML-based syntax for the exchange of such descriptions. We describe AEDI’s main concepts, how it can be related to a formal specification of the domain knowledge - called ontology - which allows efficient dynamic hyperlinking among elements. Finally, we describe the implementation of this mode1 for the production of AV based hypermedia at INA‘s production department." 3154184631,"Mix'N'Match: Exchangeable Modules of Hypermedia Style","Rutledge et al.",1,1,26,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Dick C. A. Bulterman, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Lloyd Rutledge, Lynda Hardman","Lloyd Rutledge","Full paper","","true","Adaptable hypermedia, IMMPSs, presentation specification","true"," Making hypermedia adaptable for multiple forms of presentation involves enabling multiple distinct specifications for how a given collection of hypermedia can have its presentation generated. The Standard Reference Model for Intelligent Multimedia Presentation Systems describes how the generation of hypermedia presentation can be divided into distinct but cooperating layers. Earlier work has described how specifications for generating presentations can be divided into distinct modules of code corresponding to these layers. This paper explores how the modules for each layer of a presentation specification can be exchanged for another module encoded for that layer and result in the whole specification remaining well functioning. This capability would facilitate specifying presentation generation by allowing for the use of pre-programmed modules, enabling the author to focus on particular aspects of the presentation generation process. An example implementation of these concepts that uses current and developing Web standards is presented to illustrate how wide-spread modularized presentation generation might be realized in the near future." 3154184632,"Do You Have the Time? Composition and Linking in Time-based Hypermedia","Hardman et al.",2,3,20,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Dick C. A. Bulterman, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, K. Sjoerd Mullender, Lloyd Rutledge, Lynda Hardman","Lynda Hardman","Full paper","","true","Amsterdam Hypermedia Model, SMIL, Time-based hypermedia, composition, links","true"," Most hypermedia models and systems do not incorporate time explicitly. This prevents authors from having direct control over the temporal aspects of a presentation. In this paper we discuss the concept of presentation time - the timing of the individual parts of a presentation and the temporal relations among them. We argue why time is necessary from a presentation perspective, and discuss its relationship with other temporal views of a presentation. We discuss the requirements and present our solution for incorporating temporal and linking information in a model of time-based hypermedia." 3154184634,"Writers and Designers (Panel): Crossing the Chasm","Lowe et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Cathy Marshall, David B. Lowe, Deena Larsen, Lawrence J. Clark, Mark Bernstein, Paolo Paolini, Susana Pajares Tosca, Wendy Hall","David B. Lowe","Panel","","false","","false","Several ‘chasms’ separate the various camps (in John Leggett’s terms) involved in developing hypertexts (or hypertext applications). Two of the most noticeable are the chasms between authors and system developers and between authors and designers.####For example, there is still a gap between writer’s expectations of the functionality of hypertext systems and the concepts that developers design into hypermedia systems. Similarly, there is a major difference in perception between literary hypertext authors and the developers of large scale information management applications (especially many website developers). These differences need to be addressed to ensure hypermedia systems that work.####This panel will look at what these camps can learn from each other and will determine:####1. The extent to which these chasms really do exist####2. The nature of these chasms (Do they reflect valid, fundamental differences or simply communication difficulties between different camps)####3. Ways to bridge these chasms.####[no references]" 3154184635,"Adaptive Hypermedia (Panel): Purpose, Methods, and Techniques","De Bra et al.",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Alfred Kobsa, John Eklund, Paul De Bra, Peter Brusilovsky, Wendy Hall","Paul De Bra","Panel","","false","","false"," Adaptive hypermedia is a fairly new research filed, established on the cross-road between hypermedia systems and adaptive user-interfaces. In adaptive hypermedia, like in every hypermedia application, there exists a structure of nodes and links. But unlike most other hypermedia applications, an adaptive hypermedia system maintains a user model and changes the content and presentation of the information contained in the nodes on the fly, as well as the presentation of link anchors.#### An important first question that arises is: Are “adaptive hypermedia applications” “hypermedia applications”?#### Shneiderman and Kearsley [SK891 define a hypertext as a database that has active cross-references and allows the reader to “jump” to other parts of the database as desired. Adaptive hypermedia applications satisfy this definition even more than non-adaptive ones, because the adaptation is intended to increase the chances of letting the reader jump to desired places. Indeed, adaptation tries to guide the user towards interesting, relevant information, and shields the user from uninteresting, non-relevant stuff.####This panel will discuss some methods and techniques in adaptive hypermedia. The aim of this discussion is to highlight strong and weak points of different adaptive approaches. The discussion may refer to empirical evidence which panelists have gathered while experimenting with prototype adaptive hypermedia systems." 3154184636,"Interoperability Between Hypermedia Systems: The Standardisation Work of the OHSWG","Davis et al.",5,11,18,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","D. E. Millard, H. C. Davis, K. Anderson, K. Grønbæk, L. Sloth, N. Bouvin, P. J. Nürnberg, S. Reich, U. K. Wiil","H. C. Davis","Technical Briefing","","false","Open hypermedia protocol navigational inter-face (OHP-Nav), interoperability, open hypermedia system (OHS), open hypermedia systems working group (OHSWG), reference architecture","true","The Open Hypermedia Systems Working Group (OHSWG) was formed at the second workshop on open hypermedia systems (OHS), held in April, 1996, in Washington, DC, in conjunction with the 1996 ACM Conference on Hypertext. The original purpose of defining an open hypermedia protocol for OHS clients has evolved into an effort to standardise general hypermedia systems work. This broader effort is driven by the desire to maximise the applicability of the last decade of hypermedia systems and infrastructure research.####This technical briefing will provide attendees with an overview of the state of the art of the OHSWG standardisation effort. This covers important areas such as communication interfaces (protocols), reference architectures and data models.####The OHSWG is proposing a set of services for different hypermedia domains, published as interface specifications. Several prototypic implementations for retrieving and navigating hypermedia objects using a standardised set of services (named the Open Hypermedia Protocol Navigational Interface, or simply OHP-Nav), are already operable. A first demonstration of interoperability was presented at the ACM Hypertext ‘98 Conference in Pittsburgh.#### The aim of this technical briefing is to be present the most recent work of this effort including support for collaboration and dynamic service discovery and invocation allowing multi-user and/or computational systems." 3154184637,"The Application of a Hypermedia Research System in Industry","Heath et al.",2,0,5,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Gary Wills, Ian Heath, Richard Crowder, Wendy Hall","Ian Heath","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","The requirement for industrial strength hypermedia is well known [5]. If hypermedia is to be used in such an environment, then a great deal of work is required in integrating with the factory practices. This means any proposed model must be simple to maintain and implement whilst providing a real benefit for the organization as a whole. This technical briefing presents a new model for developing large scale, industrial hypermedia applications." 3154184639,"The Lyrical Quality of Links","Tosca",3,4,8,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Susana Pajares Tosca","Susana Pajares Tosca","Short paper","","true","Link, hypertext fiction, lyrical text","true","This paper argues that hypertext might be a lyric rather that a narrative form. It proposes the close examination of explicit links as the starting point for a study of hyperfiction rhetoric." 3154184641,"The Travails of Visually Impaired Web Travellers","Goble, Harper & Stevens",3,6,27,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Carole Goble, Robert Stevens, Simon Harper","Carole Goble","Full paper","","true","hypertext, mobility, navigation, travel, usability, visual impairment, web","true","This paper proposes the inclusion of travel and mobility in the usability metrics of web design. Hypertext design and usability has traditionally concentrated upon navigation and/or orientation. The notion of travel extends navigation and orientation to include environment, mobility and the purpose of the travel task. The presence of travel aids are important for all users, but particularly so for those with a visual impairment. This paper presents the ground work for including travel into web design and usability metrics by presenting a framework for identifying travel objects and registering them as either cues to aid travel or obstacles that hinder travel for visually impaired users. The aim is to maximise cues and minimise obstacles to give high mobility as measured by the mobility index. This framework is based upon a model of real world travel by both sighted and visually impaired people, where travel objects are used for orientation, navigation, route planning and survey knowledge. Knowledge of the differences in travel between visually impaired and sighted people will enable the model to be used in assisting the design of better user agents and web content for visually impaired and other users." 3154184642,"An Orthogonal Taxonomy for Hyperlink Anchor Generation in Video Streams Using OvalTine","Smith, Stotts & Kum",12,6,23,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","David Stotts, Jason McC. Smith, Sang-Uok Kum","Jason McC. Smith","Full paper","","true","Hypervideo, automated anchor generation, collaboration, digital video, streaming video","true","As dynamically linked content follows the progression of statically linked media into the realm of video, new opportunities for link creation become apparent. In this paper we describe a real-time video hypermedia system with user-definable linkage areas, in a distributed collaborative environment. We also investigate the extension of such a system to automated link creation in video streams. In the process, we identify and describe orthogonal issues of hypervideo anchor creation. An example system, OvalTine, has been produced to illustrate several potential uses through configuration of an extended video conferencing application on the SGI O2 platform." 3154184647,"Integrating Infrastructure: Enabling Large-Scale Client Integration","Anderson et al.",18,1,37,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Christian Och, Kenneth M. Anderson, Richard M. Osborne, Roger King","Kenneth M. Anderson","Full paper","","true","client-integration-in-the-large, infrastructure integration, open hypermedia","true","The open hypermedia community has addressed issues of client integration—providing hypermedia services in third-party applications—over the past decade. As a result, a set of models and techniques has emerged to guide developers in the task of integrating hypermedia services into their applications. We argue that the logical next step for the open hypermedia community is to develop techniques for integrating massive numbers of clients in tandem. Our approach consists of integrating existing infrastructure mechanisms that are already used by numerous applications. We believe that integrating an underlying infrastructure can provide a basic level of hypermedia functionality to client applications while reducing the level of effort required of application developers. We present issues encountered in performing client-integration-in-the-large, discuss an experimental prototype of a specific infrastructure integration, and describe related work in this area." 3154184648,"Investigating Link Service Infrastructures","De Roure, Walker & Carr",5,2,22,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","David C. De Roure, Leslie A. Carr, Nigel G. Walker","David C. De Roure","Full paper","","true","LDAP, Whois++, directory services, distributed link service, link service, open hypermedia, query routing","true","Variations on the Distributed Link Service have now been deployed across a spectrum of hypermedia and multimedia projects. Although some implementations have utilised standard database technologies and hypermedia tools behind the scenes, most of the network services have been proprietary implementations. In this paper we discuss the motivation and requirements for a large scale, dynamic and open distributed link service using third party components, and explore the use of off-the-shelf services to provide the distributed infrastructure for link services. In particular we investigate HTTP, LDAP and Whois++ as candidate technologies." 3154184649,"A Pragmatics of Links","Tosca",8,7,32,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Susana Pajares Tosca","Susana Pajares Tosca","Full paper","","true","context, hypertext, inferences, linguistics, link, movement of meaning, pragmatics","true","This paper applies the linguistic theory of relevance to the study of the way links work, insisting on the lyrical quality of the link-interpreting activity. It is argued that such a pragmatic approach can help us understand hypertext readers’ behavior, and thus be useful for authors and tool-builders alike." 3154184650,"Arguments in Hypertext: A Rhetorical Approach","Carter",4,6,31,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Locke M. Carter","Locke M. Carter","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, argumentation, discourse, rhetoric","true","The qualities of non-sequentiality that make hypertext so appealing to writers and readers of informative and literary texts are also those that problematize arguments in the same settings. For a hypertextual argument to succeed, it should clearly employ the fundamentals of giving good reasons and ample evidence. But such an essay should also deal with the loss of control over order by making use of recent developments in rhetoric and argument theory. Specifically, the author presents concepts of informal logic, stasis theory, primacy/recency/repetition effects, spatial metaphors, and textual coherence as a starting point for building a rhetorical understanding of argumentation strategies in hypertext." 3154184654,"Defining Logical Domains in a Web Site","Li et al.",3,1,14,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Hajime Takano, Okan Kolak, Quoc Vu, Wen-Syan Li","Wen-Syan Li","Full paper","","true","Logical domain, WWW, domain boundary, link structures, site map","true","Each URL identifies a unique Web page; thus, it is viewed as a natural choice to use for organizing Web query results. Web search results may be grouped by domain and presented to users as clusters for ease of visualization. However, it has a drawback: dealing with large Web sites, such as Geocities, W3C, and Large Web sites tend to yield many matches that leads to a few large, flat structured, and unorganized clusters. As a matter of fact, these sites contain Web sites of other entities, such as projects and people. Many pages in these sites are actually “logical domains” by themselves. For example, Web sites for projects at a university or the XML section at W3C could be viewed as “logical domains”. In this paper, we propose the concept of logical domain with respect to physical domain which is identified simply by domain name. We have developed and implemented a set of rules based on link structure, path information, document metadata, and citation to identify logical domain entry pages and their corresponding boundaries. Experiments on real Web data have been conducted to validate the usefulness of this technique." 3154184655,"Organizing Topic-specific Web Information","Mukherjea",5,1,25,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Sougata Mukherjea","Sougata Mukherjea","Full paper","","true","Abstraction Hierarchy, Graph Algorithms, Information Visualization, Topic Management, World-Wide Web","true","With the explosive growth of the World-Wide Web, it is becoming increasingly difficult for users to collect and organize Web pages that are relevant to a particular topic. To address this problem we are developing WTMS, a system for Web Topic Management. In this paper we explain how WTMS collects Web pages for a topic and organizes them at various levels of abstraction. We also introduce the user interface of the system that smoothly integrates querying and browsing. Moreover, we present the various views of the interface that allow the user to navigate through the information space." 3154184656,"Clustering Hypertext with Applications to Web Searching","Modha & Spangler",6,2,26,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Dharmendra S. Modha, W. Scott Spangler","Dharmendra S. Modha","Full paper","","true","cluster annotation, dimensional data, feature combination, hyperlinks, sparse data, toric k-means algorithm, vector space model","true","Clustering separates unrelated documents and groups related documents, and is useful for discrimination, disambiguation, summarization, organization, and navigation of unstructured collections of hypertext documents. We propose a novel clustering algorithm that clusters hypertext documents using words (contained in the document), out-links (from the document), and in-links (to the document). The algorithm automatically determines the relative importance of words, out-links, and in-links for a given collection of hypertext documents. We annotate each cluster using six information nuggets: breakthrough, review, keywords, citation, and reference. These nuggets constitute high-quality information resources that are representatives of the content of the clusters, and are extremely effective in compactly summarizing and navigating the collection of hypertext documents. We employ web searching as an application to illustrate our results." 3154184657,"The Pleasure Principle: Immersion, Engagement, Flow","Douglas & Hargadon",4,4,68,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Andrew Hargadon, Yellowlees Douglas","Yellowlees Douglas","Full paper","","true","aesthetics, hypertext fiction, interactive narratives, reading","true","While few critics writing on readers and hypertext have focused on the affective pleasures of reading hypertext fiction or interactive narratives like Myst, those who assess the experience of reading them tend to assume interactive texts should be either immersive or engaging. This study uses schema theory to define the characteristics of immersion and engagement in both conventional and new media. After examining how readers’ experiences of these two different aesthetics may be enhanced or diminished by interface design, options for navigation, and other features, the essay concludes by looking beyond immersion and engagement to “flow, ” a state in which readers are both immersed and engaged." 3154184661,"Ontology-supported and Ontology-driven Conceptual Navigation on the World Wide Web","Crampes & Ranwez",9,2,33,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Michel Crampes, Sylvie Ranwez","Michel Crampes","Full paper","","true","Adaptive hypertext, WWW, XML, conceptual navigation, metadata, narration, ontology, time optimization","true","This paper presents the principles of ontology-supported and ontology-driven conceptual navigation. Conceptual navigation realizes the independence between resources and links to facilitate interoperability and reusability. An engine builds dynamic links, assembles resources under an argumentative scheme and allows optimization with a possible constraint, such as the user’s available time. Among several strategies, two are discussed in detail with examples of applications. On the one hand, conceptual specifications for linking and assembling are embedded in the resource meta-description with the support of the ontology of the domain to facilitate meta-communication. Resources are like agents looking for conceptual acquaintances with intention. On the other hand, the domain ontology and an argumentative ontology drive the linking and assembling strategies." 3154184662,"Automatically Generated Hypertext Versions of Scholarly Articles and Their Evaluation","Blustein",5,2,40,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","James Blustein","James Blustein","Full paper","","true","Automated linking, Browsing, Digital library, Electronic journal, Evaluation, Hypertext, Information retrieval, Usability, World Wide Web","true","The overall objective of this work is to develop and evaluate ways of automatically incorporating hypertext links into pre-existing scientific articles. Some readers like hypertext even when it is not as useful to them as the linear document from which it was generated. Hypertexts must therefore be evaluated for usefulness and acceptability. We describe rules for making links and an experiment using two methods of applying those rules, to show how such rules should be evaluated, and to see if they truly help people. In addition to measures of performance we also collected measures of preference. The effectiveness of these links was evaluated by testing with people. Performance was determined by measuring the accuracy and inclusiveness of answers to questions about the article, and written summaries. Readers judged the quality of links (and thereby the quality of the rules used to forge them) and the overall effectiveness of the hypertext. Most readers did not read the entire articles in the time allotted. Readers had no preference for articles with or without novel link types, but they did have a strong preference for definition and structural links over (novel) semantic links. Readers of documents with only structural links had comprehension scores that were inversely proportional to their satisfaction ratings. No performance difference was detected." 3154184674,"Structure Problems in Hypertext Mysteries","Willerton",1,1,9,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Chris Willerton","Chris Willerton","Short paper","","true","Hypertext, detective, hyperfiction, mystery, navigation patterns","true","Detective or mystery stories have always depended on linear storytelling. Can hypertext be nonlinear and still present a detective or mystery story? This paper analyzes how mystery stories work, examines one feasible structure for a hypertext mystery, and suggests hypertext opportunities for mystery writers. It concludes that the mystery reader’s expectations (rather than assumptions about hypertext) should determine structure." 3154184676,"A Semiotic Analysis of iMarketing Tools","Neumüller",1,1,8,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Moritz Neumüller","Moritz Neumüller","Short paper","","true","Internet, Marketing, Semiotics, eCommerce","true","This paper tries to point out current developments in the commercialization of the Internet and its various effects on the World Wide Web. Approaching Hypertext Theory from of the viewpoint of applied Semiotics, the author analyzes recently developed Internet Marketing Tools such as Banner Ad Keying and Keywords in Discussion Groups." 3154184677,"Analysis of the Authoring Process of Hypertext Documents","Pohl & Purgathofer",3,1,8,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Margit Pohl, Peter Purgathofer","Margit Pohl","Short paper","","true","Hypertext authoring, concept maps, information visualization","true","This paper discusses the hypertext authoring process. The main focus lies in finding the kinds of activities authors of hypertext documents concentrate on. We describe a method to visualize the strategies and priorities of authors while creating a hypertext document, based upon protocol data." 3154184682,"Personal Information Everywhere (PIE)","Carmeli, Cohen & Wecker",0,1,3,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Alan J. Wecker, Benjamin Cohen, Boaz Carmeli","Boaz Carmeli","Short paper","","true","PDA, XML, client/server hypermedia system, mobile, pervasive computing","true","We present some of the issues in the design of a mobile hypermedia system with display on PDAs." 3154184684,"Irresistible Forces and Immovable Objects","Grudin",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Jonathan Grudin","Jonathan Grudin","Keynote","","false","","false","We cannot predict the future, but we don’t want to design it entirely by trial and error. Our imaginations encompass everything from utopia to nightmare; we need to constrain the space of possibilities.####Earlier technologies led to a mix of deterministic outcomes and individual or social choices in their use. I am of the persuasion that the Web and wireless technologies are “irresistible forces” that will merge and transform the world more than all but a handful of past technologies. But not everything is possible. The most immovable of objects is human biology: basic human perceptual, cognitive, affective, and social psychology, the product of millions of years of evolution. In addition, present-day social organization, the result of thousands of years of evolution, has become extremely complex.####Evolution is not over in either case, but it will occur very slowly. Human psychology and existing social organization will strongly constrain the use of new technologies. Technology interacting with hard psychological and social realities will create both liberating and conservative pressures. By understanding the interplay of these expansive and constraining forces, we can better identify the space in which we can work to make a difference.####[no references]" 3154184685,"Achieving Practical Development-merging Skill Bases (Panel Session)","Lowe et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Bill Bly, David Lowe, Deena Larsen, Lawrence Clark, Les Carr, Peter Nürnberg, Robert Kendall","David Lowe","Panel","","false","","false","Most hypertexts—especially large-scale web-based applications—address multiple needs, are used for many purposes, and require diverse sets of skills to develop. A panel at last year’s hypertext conference considered the issue of the gaps in understanding between different “camps”—and in particular investigated the differing perceptions that exist.####This panel proposal follows on from the previous panel, but focuses more squarely on the practical issues that need to be overcome. In particular, we again consider the merging of differing skills sets in creating a composite application, but focus on getting the panelists to address concrete questions about developing large scale hypertext applications. Issues such as maintaining consistency in a diverse context, how the various skills are managed, keeping up with technological changes, are all considered.####This panel will follow the successful format used in last year’s panel—it uses a hypothetical scenario that is developed by the moderators and evolves over the course of the panel. This scenario provides a concrete foundation on which the panelists can base their answers and discussions.####As with last year’s panel, it is intended that the panel bring together diverse viewpoints and skills. In particular, it shall combine hypertext authors, application developers, technologists, and practitioners.####[no references]" 3154184690,"Information architecture: a new discipline for organizing hypertext","Kahn",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Paul Kahn","Paul Kahn","Keynote","","false","","false","Hypertext has always been about allowing us to connect information in creative and useful ways. Anything can be linked to anything. This is the promise and problem of hypertext. It is possible to link things well but far easier to link things badly. The result is spaghetti writing to go with our spaghetti code, masses of senseless trails and tunnels where the reader loses all sense of attention and purpose. The computer science community responded to this diet of pasta with new practices, promoting interoperable, repeatable, reusable, object-oriented programming tools.####[no references]" 1474363729,"Integrating the web and the world: contextual trails on the move","Hansen et al.",2,6,31,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Bent G. Christensen, Frank Allan Hansen, Jevgenij Gagach, Kaj Grønbæk, Niels Olof Bouvin, Torben Bach Pedersen","Frank Allan Hansen","Full paper","","true","Context aware Hypermedia, Open Hypermedia, SVG, XLink","true","This paper presents applications of HyCon, a framework for context aware hypermedia systems. The HyCon framework encompasses annotations, links, and guided tours associating locations and RFID- or Bluetooth-tagged objects with maps, Web pages, and collections of resources. The user-created annotations, links and guided tours, are represented as XLink structures, and HyCon introduces the use of XLink for the representation of recorded geographical paths with annotations and links. The HyCon architecture extends upon earlier location based hypermedia systems by supporting authoring in the field and by providing access to browsing and searching information through a novel geo-based search (GBS) interface for the Web. Interface-wise, the HyCon prototype utilizes SVG on an interface level, for graphics as well as for user interface widgets on tablet PCs and mobile phones." 1474363731,"Navigational hypertext models For physical hypermedia environments","Millard et al.",4,2,7,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Danius T. Michaelides, David C. De Roure, David E. Millard, Mark J. Weal, Mark K. Thompson","David E. Millard","Short paper","","true","","true","In this paper we identify a common aim between ubiquitous computing and hypertext systems: the desire to present navigable, located and structured information. We propose that existing navigational hypertext models might be valuable as a formalisation of ubiquitous information and explore the challenges of applying standard hypertext operations, such as anchor resolution, display and link traversal, to links that have physical anchors." 1474363735,"What hypertext is","Wardrip-Fruin",1,4,6,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Noah Wardrip-Fruin","Noah Wardrip-Fruin","Short paper","","true","Hypertext, hyperfilm, hypergram, hypermedia, stretchtext","true","Over the past couple decades, as the term “hypertext” has gained a certain popular currency, a question has been raised repeatedly: “What is hypertext?” Our most respected scholars offer a range of different, at times incompatible, answers. This paper argues that our best response to this situation is to adopt the approach taken with other terms that are central to intellectual communities (such as “natural selection,” “communism,” and “psychoanalysis”), a historical approach. In the case of “hypertext” the term began with Theodor Holm (“Ted”) Nelson, and in this paper two of his early publications of “hypertext” are used to determine its initial meaning: the 1965 “A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing, and the Indeterminate” and the 1970 “No More Teachers’ Dirty Looks.” It is concluded that hypertext began as a term for forms of hypermedia (human-authored media that “branch or perform on request”) that operate textually. This runs counter to definitions of hypertext in the literary community that focus solely on the link. It also runs counter to definitions in the research community that privilege tools for knowledge work over media. An inclusive future is envisioned." 1474363740,"Practical applitudes: case studies of applications of the ZigZag hypermedia system","Moore et al.",2,2,9,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Adam Moore, Helen Ashman, James Goulding, Tim Brailsford","Adam Moore","Full paper","","true","Application, Applitude, Bioinformatics, Case Studies, PIM, ZigZag","true","ZigZag is a paradigm of hypermedia that consists of a multidimensional system of principled interconnections. Its basic features and specifications are now well known, but despite this, very few practical applications have been described or discussed. This paper examines two projects as case studies. These projects both use the unique properties of ZigZag in order to solve real-world problems. One of these case studies is a personal information management system for mobile phones, and the other is a bioinformatics visualization system. Although superficially extremely different, these areas both make use of information that is loosely structured and deeply interconnected." 1474363741,"A comparison of hyperstructures: zzstructures, mSpaces, and polyarchies","McGuffin & schraefel",5,2,27,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Michael J. McGuffin, m. c. schraefel","Michael J. McGuffin","Full paper","","true","Connective structures, ZigZag, edge-coloured graphs, mSpace, multitrees, polyarchies, zzstructures","true","Hypermedia applications tend to use simple representations for navigation: most commonly, nodes are organized within an unconstrained graph, and users are presented with embedded links or lists of links. Recently, new data structures have emerged which may serve as alternative models for both the organization, and presentation, of hypertextual nodes and links. In this paper, we consider zzstructures, mSpaces, and polyarchies from the perspective of graph theory, and compare these models formally. The novel aspects of this work include: providing a sound, graph-theoretic analysis of zzstructures; the identification of a new class of polyarchies associated with mSpaces; and the comparison and classification of these and other structures within a taxonomy. The taxonomy that results from our comparison allows us to consider, first; what the distinct characteristics of each model are at a fundamental level, and second; what model or attributes of a model may be most appropriate for the design goals of a given hypermedia application.####[Special Research Distinction for Excellent Presentation of Theoretical Concepts]" 1474363742,"Adaptivity in hyperfiction","Calvi",5,2,26,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Licia Calvi","Licia Calvi","Full paper","","true","Adaptive hyperfiction, conditional linking","true","Despite the announced “death of the author” that seemed to be perpetrated by the advent of a hypertext narrative, a closer look at existing hyperfictions and in particular at the theoretical analysis of its foundations (that demonstrates the existence of a distinction between a shallow text and a deep text, both of which represent the distinct space of activity of readers and authors) shows that this is by far not the case. If we accept this separation, we are also forced to accept the possibility for the author to exercise a wider power and stronger control on the text than she used to do before. This opens up a wider spectrum of possibilities of intervention if the author exploits adaptive techniques in hypertext narrative. The paper intends to investigate how adaptivity is used in hyperfiction and to propose an interpretative grid for better understanding and future use." 1474363749,"Towards 'cinematic' hypertext","Mancini & Buckingham Shum",10,1,34,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Clara Mancini, Simon Buckingham Shum","Clara Mancini","Full paper","","true","Cinematic Language, Cognitive Coherence Relations, Discourse Patterns, Dynamic Visual Patterns, Hypertext Discourse Coherence, Hypertext Languages, Visual Languages","true","This paper proposes the paradigm of ‘Cinematic’ Hypertext (CH), in which discourse form is represented following principles that underpin the expression of narrative patterns in cinema. Primarily tackling hypertext discourse coherence in the non-linear medium, CH is conceived as a way of thinking the hypertext medium that is consistent with its characteristics. CH envisages the consistent and concurrent use of the medium’s formal features, grounded in structuring principles, in order to allow the emergence of a local language. Relational primitives based on Cognitive Coherence Relations are proposed as a structuring principle to define hypertext links, while the use the medium’s graphic features is proposed to render these relational primitives as patterns that will take shape during navigation. Taking scholarly hypertext as a domain, this paper articulates the theoretical basis for cinematic hypertext, presents the elements of a prototype visual language to express a sub-set of CCR, provides experimental evidence of its significance, and finally envisages the realisation of a cinematic hypertext environment." 1474363750,"Integrating information seeking and structuring: exploring the role of spatial hypertext in a digital library","Buchanan et al.",4,5,21,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Ann Blandford, George Buchanan, Harold Thimbleby, Matt Jones","George Buchanan","Full paper","","true","Spatial hypertext, digital libraries, information retrieval","true","This paper presents Garnet, a novel spatial hypertext interface to a digital library. Garnet supports both information structuring - via spatial hypertext - and traditional information seeking - via a digital library. A user study of Garnet is reported, together with an analysis of how the organizing work done by users in a spatial hypertext workspace could support later information seeking. The use of Garnet during the study is related to both digital library and spatial hypertext research. Spatial hypertexts support the detection of implicit document groups in a user’s workspace. The study also investigates the degree of similarity found in the full text of documents within such document groups." 1474363751,"WARP: a web-based dynamic spatial hypertext","Francisco-Revilla & Shipman",1,6,3,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Frank M. Shipman, III, Luis Francisco-Revilla","Luis Francisco-Revilla","Short paper","","true","Adaptive, Dynamic, Multiple models, Spatial Hypertext","true","WARP is a Web-based dynamic spatial hypertext that runs in a Web browser. WARP includes the ability to transclude other spatial hypertexts as collections. WARP also enables annotation and other content manipulation to be preserved in personal reading sessions. WARP uses a variety of presentation adaptations to contextualize the spatial hypertext’s display. In particular WARP uses a variable number of models to guide adaptation in response to multiple relevant factors. Behaviors in WARP help preserve perceptual structures that may be lost due to adaptation and user interaction." 1474363752,"Managing conflict in multi-model adaptive hypertext","Francisco-Revilla & Shipman",1,1,4,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Frank M. Shipman, III, Luis Francisco-Revilla","Luis Francisco-Revilla","Short paper","","true","Adaptive, Dynamic, Multiple models, Spatial Hypertext","true","Adaptive hypermedia has the goal of contextualizing the display of a hypertext to suit the user and their situation. A variety of aspects of the context can influence the appropriate adaptation. For knowledge engineering and privacy reasons, systems are moving towards having multiple independent models influencing adaptation. But these multiple models may disagree, resulting in a need for systems to manage the resulting conflicts. This paper presents an approach that combines conflict avoidance, conflict detection, and conflict resolution. This approach is presented within the context of multi-model adaptive spatial hypertext." 1474366983,"Hyperlink analysis on the world wide web","Henzinger",1,0,24,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Monika Henzinger","Monika Henzinger","Keynote","","false","","true","We give a short survey of the use of hyperlink analysis in web search engine ranking and sketch other applications of hyperlink analysis in the web space." 1474366984,"Hypermedia technology for knowledge workers: a vision of the future","Wiil",4,3,14,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Uffe Kock Wiil","Uffe Kock Wiil","Keynote","","false","","true","Hypermedia is about structure. Right from the beginning in 1945 when Vannevar Bush described the Memory Extender (Memex), hypermedia researchers have envisioned the use of hypermedia technology to help support knowledge workers in their knowledge organization tasks. Although much has been achieved since 1945, there is still a long way to go before we have achieved the full potential of hypermedia technology for knowledge workers. This paper presents a quick view of the history of hypermedia technology for knowledge workers, identifies some issues with respect to the current work, and presents a vision of the future as well as a call for a joint community effort." 1474366985,"Philadelphia fullerine: a case study in three-dimensional hypermedia","Matias",6,1,13,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","J. Nathan Matias","J. Nathan Matias","Full paper","","true","Authoring, Gzz, Tinderbox, ZigZag, creative nonfiction, directional links, hypermedia topology, implicit structure, information triage, sculptural hypertext, sculpture, spatial hypertext, transclusion, zzstructure","true","Philadelphia Fullerine, a geodesic hypermedia sculpture designed by the author, is about ethnic and lower class life in mid-19th century Philadelphia. Each of the 60 faces presents primary image material and a short audio documentary. Adjacent faces are linked conceptually. This geodesic sphere has full rotational freedom. Viewers are encouraged to begin anywhere and follow any path of adjacency. This paper examines the underlying theory, design methods, and structure of the sculpture as a case study in the applications and challenges of creating, storing, and navigating three-dimensional hyperstructures with spatial hypertext software and GZigZag." 1474366995,"Searching a file system using inferred semantic links","Bhagwat & Polyzotis",2,1,5,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Deepavali Bhagwat, Neoklis Polyzotis","Deepavali Bhagwat","Short paper","","true","Eureka, File System, Ranking, Search Engine","true","We describe Eureka, a file system search engine that takes into account the inherent relationships among files in order to improve the rankings of search results. The key idea is to automatically infer semantic links within the file system, and use the structure of the links to determine the importance of different files and essentially bias the result rankings. We discuss the inference of semantic links and describe the design of the Eureka search engine." 1474366999,"What is the space for?: the role of space in authoring hypertext representations","Yamamoto et al.",9,1,40,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Kumiyo Nakakoji, Mitsuhiro Asada, Ryouichi Matsuda, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Yoshiyuki Nishinaka","Yasuhiro Yamamoto","Full paper","","true","Spatial hypertext, amplifying representational talkback, creative knowledge work, interaction design, separation of means from end","true","This paper describes our approach of using spatial hypertext as a means separated from an end representation for hypertext authoring. By taking advantage of the power of rich interpretation and constant grounding capabilities of a spatial hypertext representation, ART001, ART006, and ART014 use spatial hypertext as a means for authoring linear, hierarchical, and network structures, respectively. The role of the space of the tools includes controlling a structure and annotating a structure. The three prototyped tools have been developed to demonstrate what visual interaction design concerns need to be taken into account to integrate a spatial hypertext as a means with another structural representation as an end. The paper concludes with a discussion of what it means to separate representations as a means from those as an end in hypertext authoring." 1474367000,"High-level translation of adaptive hypermedia applications","Ramp, De Bra & Brusilovsky",2,2,10,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Ewald Ramp, Paul De Bra, Peter Brusilovsky","Ewald Ramp","Short paper","","true","Authoring, adaptation, conversion","true","In the early years of the adaptive hypermedia research a large number of special-purpose adaptive hypermedia systems (AHS) have been developed, to illustrate research ideas, or to serve a single application. Many of these systems are now obsolete. In this paper we propose to bring new life to these applications by means of translation to a general purpose adaptive hypermedia architecture. We illustrate that this approach can work by showing a high-level translation from InterBook [2] to AHA! [5]. Such a translation consists of three parts: the structure of concepts and concept relationships needs to be translated, the adaptive behavior for these concept relationships must be defined, and the layout and presentation of the source application must be “simulated”. Our high-level translation covers all three parts." 1474367006,"A system for visualizing and analyzing the evolution of the web with a time series of graphs","Toyoda & Kitsuregawa",2,1,19,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Masaru Kitsuregawa, Masashi Toyoda","Masashi Toyoda","Full paper","","true","Visualization, Web graph, evolution, link analysis, link spamming","true","We propose WebRelievo, a system for visualizing and analyzing the evolution of the web structure based on a large Web archive with a series of snapshots. It visualizes the evolution with a time series of graphs, in which nodes are web pages, and edges are relationships between pages. Graphs can be clustered to show the overview of changes in graphs. WebRelievo aligns these graphs according to their time, and automatically determines their layout keeping positions of nodes synchronized over time, so that the user can keep track pages and clusters. This visualization enables us to understand when pages appeared, how their relationships have evolved, and how clusters are merged and split over time. Current implementation of WebRelievo is based on six Japanese web archives crawled from 1999 to 2003. The user can interactively browse those graphs by changing the focused page and by changing layouts of graphs. Using WebRelievo we can answer historical questions, and to investigate changes in trends on the Web. We show the feasibility of WebRelievo by applying it to tracking trends in P2P systems and search engines for mobile phones, and to investigating link spamming." 1474367013,"Extending the text: digital editions and the hypertextual paradigm","Riva & Zafrin",0,1,9,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Massimo Riva, Vika Zafrin","Massimo Riva","Short paper","","true","Humanities computing, Virtual Humanities Lab, collaborative research, digital editions, knowledge production, knowledge transmission","true","This paper explains some of the theoretical underpinnings informing the framework of the Virtual Humanities Lab [9] at Brown University. We argue that humanists can and should perform research collaboratively online, provided the availability of tools that suit their individual and collective needs. VHL’s implementation of some such tools is extendable to treating a variety of primary sources. In its first year of development, VHL enables scholars to participate in the editing and annotation of a diverse typology of semantically encoded texts from Early Modern Italy." 1474367020,"Advene: active reading through hypervideo","Aubert & Prié",8,1,36,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié","Olivier Aubert","Full paper","","true","Advene, Annotation, Audiovisual Information Visualisation, Document Template, Hypervideo, Sharing, Time and synchronisation","true","Active reading and hypermedia usage are an integral part of scholar daily practices, but the full exploitation of their potentialities still lies far ahead. In the search for new methods and tools, we focus in this article on the use of audiovisual material in a scholar context. One of the results of active reading applied to audiovisual material can be hypervideos, that we define as views on audiovisual documents associated with an annotation structure. The notion of hypervideo is useful to analyse existing video-based hypermedia systems as well as building new systems. The Advene project proposes an implementation of hypervideos through a framework that allows experimentations of new visualisation and interaction modalities for enriched videos." 1474367024,"RSS as a distribution medium for geo-spatial hypermedia","Hansen, Christensen & Bouvin",3,1,10,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Bent Guldbjerg Christensen, Frank Allan Hansen, Niels Olof Bouvin","Frank Allan Hansen","Short paper","","true","Geo-spatial Hypermedia, HyCon, Moblogs, RSS, Weblogs","true","This paper describes how the XML based RSS syndication formats used in weblogs can be utilized as the distribution medium for geo-spatial hypermedia, and how this approach can be used to create a highly distributed multi-user annotation system for geo-spatial hypermedia. It is demonstrated, how the HyCon annotation model [2] can be formulated as a RSS 2.0 feed and how such feeds allow annotation threads to be distributed across multiple weblogs and servers." 1474367029,"Editing Stretchfilm","Fagerjord",4,0,30,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Anders Fagerjord","Anders Fagerjord","Demo","","false","","true","[Abstract from HTML download, per author’s instruction]####Stretchfilm. As an experiment, two home videos were edited as stretchfilm, meaning they could become longer or shorter as the viewer clicked on hyperlinks.####Experiments. Of the two films, test users preferred the one that offered extra material at select points only rather than the film that allowed the user to stretch or shrink at any point. The reason for this is a combination of interface and overall structure.####Stretchfilm Interface. It is not visible in the movie frame how long a film is, so stretchfilm requires an extra visualization of how stretched out or shrunk the film currently is.####Structure and Cognition. Stretchfilm is only easy to use if the editing makes the user understand what will come next, so he or she can choose to stretch or shrink based on this understanding.####Other Genres. Stretchfilm could also be used with good effect for news and fiction film, but these genres require different structures and interfaces.####Conclusion and Future Research. Stretchfilm could be a popular form of hyperfilm, given the right production tools." 1474367034,"Generalized semantics-to-document derivation","Rutledge et al.",1,0,3,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Lloyd Rutledge, Lynda Hardman, Martin Alberink, Meetina Veenstra","Lloyd Rutledge","Poster","","false","","true","This poster presents a general clustering-based algorithm for deriving presentation structure from semantic structure. Domain-independent presentation generation results from this algorithm. expand" 1474367038,"Vox populi: a tool for automatically generating video documentaries","Bocconi, Nack & Hardman",1,0,1,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Frank Nack, Lynda Hardman, Stefano Bocconi","Stefano Bocconi","Demo","","false","","true","Vox Populi is a system that automatically generates video documentaries. Our application domain is video interviews about controversial topics. Via a Web interface the user selects one of the possible topics and a point of view she would like the generated sequence to present, and the engine selects and assembles video material from the repository to satisfy the user request." 1474367039,"WARP for re-engineering of web applications","Bochicchio & Fiore",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Mario Bochicchio, Nicola Fiore","Mario Bochicchio","Demo","","false","","false","Recently the need for reengineering of Web Applications has increased significantly due to the failure of the most important investments. The demand by all business sectors to adapt their applications to the Web characteristics has created a tremendous need for methods, tools, and infrastructures to evolve and exploit existing applications efficiently and cost-effectively. Our demo introduces an environment specifically tailored for the design and the rapid prototyping of Web applications. The environment, named WARP (Web Application Rapid Prototyping), offers a set of online software tools, which assist the designer and the user browsing of a Web application, in all its different aspects according to the W2000 methodology. To support the re-engineering, WARP uses WGrab that maps the W2000 schema onto the legacy data sources, in order to integrate the existing content into the application production process." 1474367040,"Creating and sharing hypervideos with advene","Aubert & Prié",1,1,3,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié","Olivier Aubert","Demo","","false","","true","The Advene project aims at developing an open-source framework for hypervideo engineering, that allows to 1/ annotate audiovisual documents, i.e. to associate information to specific fragments of a video; 2/ provide augmented visualisations of the video that use the annotation structure; 3/ exchange the annotations and their associated visualisation modes independently from the original video, as documentary units called packages.####The goal of the project is to foster innovative uses of audiovisual material, allowing users to quickly experiment with new ideas, based on existing or specifically created meta-data. For this, we acknowledge the tremendous importance of metadata and focus our reflection on it and its uses: creation, visualisation and exchange." 1474368991,"A social hypertext model for finding community in blogs","Chin & Chignell",0,2,39,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Alvin Chin, Mark Chignell","Alvin Chin","Full paper","","true","Blogs, hypertext, sense of community, social networks, virtual community","true","Blogging has become the newest communication medium for creating a virtual community, a set of blogs linking back and forth to one another’s postings, while discussing common topics. In this paper, we examine how communities can be discovered through interconnected blogs as a form of social hypertext [14]. We propose a method and model that detects structures of community in the social network of blogs by integrating McMillan and Chavis’ sense of community [26] along with network analysis [8, 11]. From the model, we measure community in the blogs by aligning centrality measures from social network analysis [17] with measures of sense of community obtained using behavioural surveys. We then illustrate the use of this approach with a case study built around an independent music blog. The strength of community measures were found to be well aligned with the network structure, based on centrality measures. Even though the sample size from the case study was small, once the structure and measure of communities are calibrated according to our social hypertext model, communities can be automatically found and measured for other blogs without the need for behavioural surveys." 1474368994,"HT06, tagging paper, taxonomy, Flickr, academic article, to read","Marlow et al.",1,12,26,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Cameron Marlow, Danah Boyd, Marc Davis, Mor Naaman","Cameron Marlow","Short paper","","true","Flickr, Tagging systems, categorization, classification, folksonomy, incentives, models, research, social networks, social software, tagsonomy, taxonomy","true","In recent years, tagging systems have become increasingly popular. These systems enable users to add keywords (i.e., “tags”) to Internet resources (e.g., web pages, images, videos) without relying on a controlled vocabulary. Tagging systems have the potential to improve search, spam detection, reputation systems, and personal organization while introducing new modalities of social communication and opportunities for data mining. This potential is largely due to the social structure that underlies many of the current systems. Despite the rapid expansion of applications that support tagging of resources, tagging systems are still not well studied or understood. In this paper, we provide a short description of the academic related work to date. We offer a model of tagging systems, specifically in the context of web-based systems, to help us illustrate the possible benefits of these tools. Since many such systems already exist, we provide a taxonomy of tagging systems to help inform their analysis and design, and thus enable researchers to frame and compare evidence for the sustainability of such systems. We also provide a simple taxonomy of incentives and contribution models to inform potential evaluative frameworks. While this work does not present comprehensive empirical results, we present a preliminary study of the photo-sharing and tagging system Flickr to demonstrate our model and explore some of the issues in one sample system. This analysis helps us outline and motivate possible future directions of research in tagging systems." 1474368999,"Hyperstories and social interaction in 2D and 3D edutainment spaces for children","Garzotto & Forfori",1,1,45,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Franca Garzotto, Matteo Forfori","Franca Garzotto","Full paper","","true","Collaborative Storytelling, Edutainment, Hypernarrative, IDC (Interaction Design and Children), Social Interaction, Story Grammar","true","This paper presents FaTe2, an edutainment environment for children that combines a variety of paradigms: storytelling, hypertext, games, collaborative learning, and social interaction. FaTe2 provides a web based, multi-user, multi-dimension hyperspace, where children (aged 8-11) can meet, chat, play, and perform storytelling activities in collaboration. Small groups of kids—working both shoulder to shoulder and remotely—can explore together multimedia interactive stories rendered by means of 2D and 3D scenes; they can perform a variety of educational games and narrative activities; they can personalize scene elements and collaboratively create their own narrative flows, generating a multidimensional (i.e., 2D and 3D) hyperstory from the linear multimedia stories that are built-in in the system. The paper describes the background of FaTe2, its “child-centered” design (informed by field studies on kids’ storytelling), and its implementation approach. We finally discuss how kids represent a challenging “category of target users” who may open new perspectives for hypertext practice and research." 1474369001,"Implementation and evaluation of a quality-based search engine","Mandl",0,1,39,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Thomas Mandl","Thomas Mandl","Full paper","","true","Quality search, Web design, Web metrics, quality models","true","In this paper, an approach for the implementation of a quality-based Web search engine is proposed. Quality retrieval is introduced and an overview on previous efforts to implement such a service is given. Machine learning approaches are identified as the most promising methods to determine the quality of Web pages. Features for the most appropriate characterization of Web pages are determined. A quality model is developed based on human judgments. This model is integrated into a meta search engine which assesses the quality of all results at run time. The evaluation results show that quality based ranking does lead to better results concerning the perceived quality of Web pages presented in the result set. The quality models are exploited to identify potentially important features and characteristics for the quality of Web pages." 3154184785,"'Physical hypermedia': organising collections of mixed physical and digital material","Grønbæk et al.",4,8,32,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Jannie F. Kristensen, Kaj Grønbæk, Mette Agger Eriksen, Peter Ørbæk","Kaj Grønbæk","Full paper","","true","Spatial hypermedia, augmented reality, collections of materials, physical and digital, tagging","true","This paper addresses the problem of organizing material in mixed digital and physical environments. It presents empirical examples of how people use collectional artefacts and organize physical material such as paper, samples, models, mock-ups, plans, etc. in the real world. Based on this material, we propose concepts for collectional actions and meta-data actions, and present prototypes combining principles from augmented reality and hypermedia to support organising and managing mixtures of digital and physical materials. The prototype of the tagging system is running on digital desks and walls utilizing Radio Frequency IDentifier (RFID) tags and tag-readers. It allows users to tag important physical materials, and have these tracked by antennas that may become pervasive in our work environments. We work with three categories of tags: simple object tags, collectional tags, and tooltags invoking operations such as grouping and linking of physical material. Our primary application domain is architecture and design, thus we discuss use of augmented collectional artefacts primarily for this domain." 3154184787,"Extracting evolution of web communities from a series of web archives","Toyoda & Kitsuregawa",2,3,17,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Masaru Kitsuregawa, Masashi Toyoda","Masashi Toyoda","Full paper","","true","Link analysis, Web, evolution, web community","true","Recent advances in storage technology make it possible to store a series of large Web archives. It is now an exciting challenge for us to observe evolution of the Web. In this paper, we propose a method for observing evolution of web communities. A web community is a set of web pages created by individuals or associations with a common interest on a topic. So far, various link analysis techniques have been developed to extract web communities. We analyze evolution of web communities by comparing four Japanese web archives crawled from 1999 to 2002. Statistics of these archives and community evolution are examined, and the global behavior of evolution is described. Several metrics are introduced to measure the degree of web community evolution, such as growth rate, novelty, and stability. We developed a system for extracting detailed evolution of communities using these metrics. It allows us to understand when and how communities emerged and evolved. Some evolution examples are shown using our system." 3154184788,"The connectivity sonar: detecting site functionality by structural patterns","Amitay et al.",3,3,39,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Adam Darlow, Aya Soffer, David Carmel, Einat Amitay, Ronny Lempel","Einat Amitay","Full paper","","true","Web IR, Web graphs, link analysis","true","Web sites today serve many different functions, such as corporate sites, search engines, e-stores, and so forth. As sites are created for different purposes, their structure and connectivity characteristics vary. However, this research argues that sites of similar role exhibit similar structural patterns, as the functionality of a site naturally induces a typical hyperlinked structure and typical connectivity patterns to and from the rest of the Web. Thus, the functionality of Web sites is reflected in a set of structural and connectivity-based features that form a typical signature. In this paper, we automatically categorize sites into eight distinct functional classes, and highlight several search-engine related applications that could make immediate use of such technology. We purposely limit our categorization algorithms by tapping connectivity and structural data alone, making no use of any content analysis whatsoever. When applying two classification algorithms to a set of 202 sites of the eight defined functional categories, the algorithms correctly classified between 54.5% and 59% of the sites. On some categories, the precision of the classification exceeded 85%. An additional result of this work indicates that the structural signature can be used to detect spam rings and mirror sites, by clustering sites with almost identical signatures." 3154184789,"Automatically sharing web experiences through a hyperdocument recommender system","Macedo et al.",5,2,37,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Alessandra Alaniz Macedo, José Antonio Camacho-Guerrero, Khai N. Truong, Maria da GraÇa Pimentel","Alessandra Alaniz Macedo","Full paper","","true","Information Retrieval, Open Hypermedia, Recommender Systems, Semantic Structures, Web","true","As an approach that applies not only to support user navigation on the Web, recommender systems have been built to assist and augment the natural social process of asking for recommendations from other people. In a typical recommender system, people provide suggestions as inputs, which the system aggregates and directs to appropriate recipients. In some cases, the primary computation is in the aggregation; in others, the value of the system lies in its ability to make good matches between the recommenders and those seeking recommendations. In this paper, we discuss the architectural and design features of WebMemex, a system that (a) provides recommended information based on the captured history of navigation from a list of people well-known to the users—including the users themselves, (b) allows users to have access from any networked machine, (c) demands user authentication to access the repository of recommendations and (d) allows users to specify when the capture of their history should be performed." 3154184790,"Which semantic web?","Marshall & Shipman",2,10,41,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman","Catherine C. Marshall","Full paper","","true","Digital Libraries, Hypertext, Information Systems, Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Representation, Semantic Web","true","Through scenarios in the popular press and technical papers in the research literature, the promise of the Semantic Web has raised a number of different expectations. These expectations can be traced to three different perspectives on the Semantic Web. The Semantic Web is portrayed as: (1) a universal library, to be readily accessed and used by humans in a variety of information use contexts; (2) the backdrop for the work of computational agents completing sophisticated activities on behalf of their human counterparts; and (3) a method for federating particular knowledge bases and databases to perform anticipated tasks for humans and their agents. Each of these perspectives has both theoretical and pragmatic entailments, and a wealth of past experiences to guide and temper our expectations. In this paper, we examine all three perspectives from rhetorical, theoretical, and pragmatic viewpoints with an eye toward possible outcomes as Semantic Web efforts move forward." 3154184799,"Decentering the dancing text: from dance intertext to hypertext","Miles-Board et al.",6,2,35,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Deveril, Janet Lansdale, Leslie Carr, Timothy Miles-Board, Wendy Hall","Timothy Miles-Board","Full paper","","true","Dance Analysis, Hypertextuality, Intertextuality","true","This paper explains and draws together two projects from different disciplines: dance studies and hypertext writing. Each project sets out to examine the processes and practices of hypertextuality, and to develop new ways of writing using electronic technology and the Internet. The dance studies project seeks to link the critical theory of intertextuality (as a means of dance interpretation) with the theoretical and practical concerns of hypertextuality. It hopes to show a convergence of the two into a working system for analysing dance in a network of people, institutions and information. The Associative Writing Framework (AWF) project seeks to explore how writers could best be supported in representing and exploring hypertextuality in a Web environment, and in producing new hypertexts which integrate or “glue together” existing Web resources (ideas, concepts, data, descriptions, experiences, claims, theories, suggestions, reports, etc.). Following the combining of the two projects we report on some initial evaluation of the AWF system by dance experts, and discuss where the relationship might lead and potential future outcomes of the collaboration." 3154184801,"Collage, composites, construction","Bernstein",5,13,9,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Short paper","","true","Collage, Composites, Hypertext Systems, Patterns of Hypertext, Spatial Hypertext, Storyspace, Tinderbox, Weblogs","true","Tinderbox, a hypertext tool for making, analyzing, and sharing notes, explores the use of collage to build and share linked conceptual structures. Adopting a simple, regular data structure that exploits prototype inheritance and transclusion, Tinderbox helps build malleable, personal documents that are partially self-organizing." 3154184804,"IUHM: a hypermedia-based model for integrating open services, data and metadata","Nanard, Nanard & King",10,8,25,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Jocelyne Nanard, Marc Nanard, Peter King","Marc Nanard","Full paper","","true","Hypertext structure, metadata, open hypermedia system, semantics, service integration, structural computing","true","This paper discusses a new hypermedia-based model known as IUHM (Information Unit Hypermedia Model). IUHM emerged as a result of the development of the OPALES system, a collaborative environment for exploring and indexing video archives in a digital library. A basic design requirement of OPALES is that it must permit and support the integration of new services throughout its life cycle. Thus, IUHM depends heavily upon the notions of extensibility and openness. Support for openness, extensibility and late binding of services is provided in the IUHM model by a single reflexive mechanism. This uniform mechanism is used for describing all relationships between arbitrary system entities, including services, data and metadata. The mechanism in question consists of a generic, computable hypertext structure with typed links, known as the Information Unit (IU), and is the minimal structural scheme to which all encapsulated entities comply. We describe and justify the design of the Information Unit, as well as the semantics of its four link types, namely role, type, owner, relative. We further describe the minimal kernel of the runtime layer responsible for the dynamic behaviour specified by the IUHM compliant hypertext network. We discuss the mechanisms involved in the dynamic binding of services and service composition. We illustrate these notions by real-world examples of the integration of metadata services within the OPALES system." 3154184805,"Structure and behavior awareness in themis","Anderson, Sherba & Lepthien",6,4,24,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Kenneth M. Anderson, Susanne A. Sherba, William V. Lepthien","Kenneth M. Anderson","Full paper","","true","Themis, awareness, behavior, structural computing, structure","true","Structural computing provides techniques and tools to ease the task of developing application infrastructure; infrastructure that provides common services such as persistence, naming, distribution, navigational hypermedia, etc., over a set of application-specific or domain-specific structures. Within structural computing, “structure” refers to a combination of data together with relationships pertaining to that data. Structure servers support the specification and manipulation of structures. One important aspect of structural computing is the power and flexibility it provides application developers constructing new applications. A large part of this power is due to structural computing’s ability to provide awareness services for both structure and behavior. We define this concept and describe the awareness services provided by the Themis structural computing environment. The utility of these services are demonstrated by presenting the impact they have had on the InfiniTe information integration environment. In particular, these services help to increase the efficiency and reduce the size of domain-specific applications built using structural computing technology. We conclude by discussing how these services might influence the open hypermedia field and the development of new hypermedia services." 3154184808,"User-controlled link adaptation","Tsandilas & schraefel",2,3,32,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Theophanis Tsandilas, m. c. schraefel","Theophanis Tsandilas","Full paper","","true","Adaptable hypertext, direct manipulation, history visualization, hyperlink annotation, navigation assistance","true","This paper introduces an adaptable hypermedia approach applied to adaptive link annotation techniques. This approach suggests that the combination of direct manipulation with automated link annotation affords greater user control over page adaptation. In turn, this direct control better supports user focus in information discovery tasks. Unlike adaptive-only systems, our approach lets users both define multiple topics of interest and then manipulate how these topics’ associated links are presented in a page. We discuss how the approach can be applied both to pages viewed as well as to the user’s history list, thereby relieving users from the task of either adding to or organizing bookmarks. We describe the prototype developed to support these manipulations, as well as the adaptive architecture developed to support these controls." 1474363707,"Augmenting society's collective IQs","Engelbart",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Douglas Engelbart","Douglas Engelbart","Keynote","","false","","false","The complexity and urgency of the problems faced by us earth-bound humans are increasing much faster than are our aggregate capabilities for understanding and coping with them. This is a very serious problem; and there are strategic actions we can take, collectively.####Consider a community’s “Collective IQ” to represent its capability for dealing with complex, urgent problems—i.e., to understand them adequately, to unearth the best candidate solutions, to assess resources and operational capabilities and select appropriate solution commitments, to be effective in organizing and executing the selected approach, to monitor the progress and be able to adjust rapidly and appropriately to unforeseen complications, etc.####I contend that a strategy for “facilitating the evolution” of our organizations’ Collective IQs will be the optimum approach. Hypertext will be of basic importance, and SIGWeb ought to be a leader.####“Collective IQ” is a special set of collective capabilities, built upon our basic human capabilities, such as sensory, perceptual, cognitive, motor, etc. Any significant collective capability is achieved by “augmenting” such basic human capabilities by means of training, enculturation, etc. in operational use of: (a) appropriately coordinated systems of artifacts and tools (the “Tool System”); and (b) vocabulary, conventions, roles, organizational structures, rules of conduct, methods of cooperation and education, etc. (the “Human System”). Together the Tool and Human Systems comprise the “Augmentation System.”####[no references]" 1474363713,"The mystery of 'lust'","Higgason",2,1,16,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Richard E. Higgason","Richard E. Higgason","Full paper","","true","Arnold, fiction, literary hypertexts, mysteries, narrative, “Lust”","true","Mark Bernstein has stated that there are no really good hypertext mysteries. This is a puzzling remark since reading hypertext often seems to require “detective work” on the part of the reader to first ferret out the clues/pieces of the work and then put them together in a reasonable order to form an understanding. While demonstrating a close reading of Mary Kim Arnold’s hypertext story, “Lust,” this essay explores how the concept of “mystery” applies to the act of reading hypertext and how that affects the role reader (now a “reader-detective”) who must search both content nodes and pathways in order to bring cohesion and a sense of completeness to the reading experience. As a close reading, this essay looks at the characters and events described in “Lust” and finally stresses the need to consider the links and paths while reading the hypertext." 1474363714,"Lust, touch, metadata: meaning and the limits of adaptation","Bernstein",6,1,12,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Short paper","","true","Metadata, literary hypertext, semantic web","true","Adding and removing links carries great rhetorical weight. Modern hypertext tools often treat links as metadata and use metadata to provide navigational access. To view links or metadata as extrinsic information applied to an underlying document may no longer be a viable strategy." 3154184782,"What is hypertext?","Nürnberg",0,3,0,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Peter J. Nürnberg","Peter J. Nürnberg","Keynote","","false","","true","The most fundamental possible question that can be posed at a conference on hypertext, but one that is nonetheless difficult to answer, is: what is hypertext? Our answers to this question are not mere matters of definition, but define our community and the coherence of our message to others. We live in an age in which hypertext as a technology has become pervasive, and yet research interest in hypertext as such seems to be waning. How can this be explained? By looking into how we answer the question of what hypertext is, we may move toward an explanation of this trend.####[no references]" 1474363717,"Structural analysis for web documentation using the non-well-founded set","Horie & Yamaguchi",0,1,4,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Ikumi Horie, Kazunori Yamaguchi","Ikumi Horie","Short paper","","true","Link analysis, World Wide Web, hypertext structure, non-well-founded set theory, structural analysis","true","We propose a method for the structural analysis of Web documentation. Employing the non-well-founded set theory, we have developed a means of reduction analysis to detect irregularities in the structures of target documents. To test this method’s effectiveness, we applied it to Web-based educational materials in actual use and succeeded in identifying structural errors in the documents." 1474363737,"Saving private hypertext: requirements and pragmatic dimensions for preservation","Marshall & Golovchinsky",6,1,39,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Catherine C. Marshall, Gene Golovchinsky","Catherine C. Marshall","Full paper","","true","Archiving, Digital preservation, Hypertext","true","The preservation of literary hypertexts presents significant challenges if we are to ensure continued access to them as the underlying technology changes. Not only does such an effort involve standard digital preservation problems of representing and refreshing metadata, any constituent media types, and structure; hypertext preservation poses additional dimensions that arise from the work’s on-screen appearance, its interactive behavior, and the ways a reader’s interaction with the work is recorded. In this paper, we describe aspects of preservation introduced by literary hypertexts such as the need to reproduce their modes of interactivity and their means of capturing and using records of reading. We then suggest strategies for addressing the pragmatic dimensions of hypertext preservation and discuss their status within existing digital preservation schemes. Finally, we examine the possible roles various stakeholders within and outside of the hypertext community might assume, including several social and legal issues that stem from preservation. collapse" 1474363744,"A genetic algorithm approach to interactive narrative generation","Ong & Leggett",0,2,3,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","John J. Leggett, TeongJoo Ong","TeongJoo Ong","Short paper","","true","Storytelling engines, genetic algorithms, interactive narrative","true","We discuss the design of the Hybrid Evolutionary-Fuzzy Time-based Interactive (HEFTI) storytelling engine. HEFTI uses genetic algorithms at its core to recombine and evaluate story components generated from a set of story templates. The system allows authors to rely on HEFTI to perform recombination, mutation and selection operations that generate logically congruent variants of the original story via traversal, generation and deletion of (links in) the story elements." 1474363756,"When open hypermedia meets peer-to-peer computing","Zhou, Hall & De Roure",1,1,8,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","David De Roure, Jing Zhou, Wendy Hall","Jing Zhou","Short paper","","true","Open hypermedia, Peer-to-peer, Re-organisation","true","We describe the extension to our previous work on a Web-based peer-to-peer open hypermedia system, the DDLS. We enrich the peer model by introducing query history, and propose the use of the naive estimator which utilises the local knowledge of peers to estimate future information needs they would encounter. Our simulation proves that this statistical technique helps re-organise the DDLS peer network to enhance the performance of resource discovery." 1474363758,"We the media: technology empowers a new grassroots journalism","Gillmor",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Dan Gillmor","Dan Gillmor","Keynote","","false","","false","Grassroots journalists are dismantling Big Media’s monopoly on the news, transforming it from a lecture to a conversation. Not content to accept the news as reported, these readers-turned-reporters are publishing in real time to a worldwide audience via the Internet. The impact of their work is just beginning to be felt by professional journalists, the newsmakers they cover and especially the former audience, which is now part of the process. The tools are still in the early stages, however, creating substantial needs - and opportunities - for technologist and the new grassroots journalists.####[no references]" 1474366987,"Spotlight browsing of resource archives","Mulholland, Collins & Zdrahal",5,1,29,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Paul Mulholland, Trevor Collins, Zdenek Zdrahal","Paul Mulholland","Full paper","","true","Digital collections, browsing behavior, content structuring, narrative, ontologies, resource archives","true","Many organizations, particularly in the heritage sector, have large archives of digital content that they could make available to the general public or special interest groups if they had the appropriate mechanisms. Currently, these organizations can develop pre-crafted web sites, simple database-driven web sites or search facilities for accessing the content. However, none of these can be expected to appropriately present this content or scaffold its effective use. Our proposed solution is an approach to navigation that we term spotlight browsing. It has the following key features: (i) Users can select a collection of resources from the archive, shining a spotlight on this area of the archive; (ii) The collection is structured in a number of ways to support its exploration and convey interesting properties of the collection; (iii) Users can see what is on the periphery of their current collection in order to encourage further exploration; (iv) Users can redefine the collection in order to move their spotlight to another area of the archive; (v) Any item viewed while browsing can be bookmarked into a personal collection that can be built up using resources from many different spotlights. The approach has been implemented and tested using an archive of content from a heritage institution." 1474366990,"Feral hypertext: when hypertext literature escapes control","Walker",6,7,46,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Jill Walker","Jill Walker","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, domestication, emergence, ethnoclassification, fiction, folksonomy, history, links, literature, semantic web","true","This paper presents a historical view of hypertext looking at pre-web hypertext as a domesticated species bred in captivity, and arguing that on the web, some breeds of hypertext have gone feral. Feral hypertext is no longer tame and domesticated, but is fundamentally out of our control. In order to understand and work with feral hypertext, we need to accept this and think more as hunter-gatherers than as the farmers we have been for domesticated hypertext. The paper discusses hypertext in general with an emphasis on literary and creative hypertext practice." 1474366996,"Distributed, real-time computation of community preferences","Lutkenhouse, Nelson & Bollen",4,2,32,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Johan Bollen, Michael L. Nelson, Thomas Lutkenhouse","Thomas Lutkenhouse","Full paper","","true","Buckets, Link Computation, Smart Objects, Traversal Patterns","true","We describe the integration of smart digital objects with Hebbian learning to create a distributed, real-time, scalable approach to adapting to a community’s preferences. We designed an experiment using popular music as the subject matter. Each digital object corresponded to a music album and contained links to other music albums. By dynamically generating links among digital objects according to user traversal patterns, then hierarchically organizing these links according to shared metadata values, we created a network of digital objects that self-organized in real-time according to the preferences of the user community. Furthermore, the similarity between user preferences and generated link structure was more pronounced between collections of objects aggregated by shared metadata values." 1474366998,"Parsing and interpreting ambiguous structures in spatial hypermedia","Francisco-Revilla & Shipman",10,5,22,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Frank Shipman, Luis Francisco-Revilla","Luis Francisco-Revilla","Full paper","","true","Spatial Hypertext, spatial parsers","true","When reflecting on information, spatial hypermedia users express their understanding of the information’s structure visually. In order to facilitate this process, spatial hypermedia uses spatial parsers that enable systems to infer the structure of information based on the implicit relationships between components of the representation. This paper describes the two main purposes of spatial parsers in spatial hypermedia systems and how particular parsing approaches and features influence their effectiveness and responsiveness. An alternative approach that provides better support for ambiguity and adaptability is instantiated in FLAPS, an adaptive spatial parser that uses fuzzy-logic in order to infer the implicit structure of spatial hypermedia. The comparison of FLAPS to other parsers reveals benefits of supporting ambiguous structures by computing multiple possible interpretations and identifies limitations that provide goals for future spatial parsers." 3154184363,"Hypertext and Structured Object Representation: An Unifying View","Kaindl & Snaprud",5,5,40,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Hermann Kaindl, Mikael Snaprud","Hermann Kaindl","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, frames, knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, knowledge-based systems","true","This paper addresses combining hypertext with knowledge representation as used in knowledge-based systems. Hypertext imposes explicit structure on text, whereas certain knowledge representation formalisms of AI are designed for structuring knowledge. We propose a way of tightly integrating hypertext and structured object representation, using (AI) frames for the basic representation of hypertext nodes. Moreover, we allow for the additional option of explicit representation of structure using partitions of hypertext nodes, which are realized as slots. In order to make the text more dynamic, our approach facilitates some aspects of object-oriented programming using message passing from the text in the browser.####The proposed tight integration is useful for design tasks, in particular for building knowledge-based systems. According to our experience, hypertext provides a useful intermediary representation of knowledge between informal and formal. Based on a level of basic hypertext functionality, we provide several features useful for supporting knowledge acquisition. As an example of our results of using this method of knowledge acquisition, we illustrate the strategic knowledge in our application domain. In addition, tight integration supports important aspects of software engineering and the user interface. Moreover, we discuss several advantages from a hypertext point of view. In particular, the partitions of hypertext nodes can be useful for selective inheritance of text. In summary, both AI and hypertext will benefit from such a tight integration." 3154184368,"The Role of Hypertext for CSCW Applications","Streltz et al.",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Chris Neuwirth, Frank Halasz, Gary Olson, Hiroshi Ishii, Norbert Streltz, Tom Malone","Norbert Streltz","Panel","","false","","false","Hypertext and CSCW are both growing fields of research and development that should converge by providing each other with complementary results. Features and concepts inherent to hypertext like the ability to create modules of information, combine them in a flexible way, reuse existing material, define views for different targets and user groups, and annotate multimedia material address many CSCW tool requirements. Furthermore, domains where hypertext already plays an important role (e.g., document preparation, idea management, design problem solving, decision making and argumentation, teaching and training) are or will soon become high priority topics for CSCW applications. There is no doubt that hypertext systems have to become multi-user systems and have to be extended by appropriate capabilities (e.g. shared screens, locking mechanisms in the hyperdocument base, versioning, knowledge-based components for monitoring access and changes by different users and reporting this on the basis of defined rules, etc.). On the other hand, CSCW is lacking a clear concept about which types of “document” structures and formats are needed as an appropriate communication medium for cooperation and collaboration.####The goal of this panel is to provide an interactive forum to discuss the relationship between hypertext as it is conceived and implemented today and requirements of current and future CSCW situations and applications. Panelists from both communities will provide their differing perspectives on the relationship between the fields and their mutual impact. In order to address a number of specific issues within this general framework, the moderator suggested the following seven sets of questions and posed them to the panelists." 3154184374,"Applications Navigator: Using Hypertext to Support Effective Scientific Information Exchange","Bassetti, Pagani & Smyth",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Daniele Pagani, Maryney Smyth, Ottavia Bassetti","Ottavia Bassetti","Technical Briefing","","false","","false","The Applications Navigator is a hypertext publishing solution adopted by a supercomputer manufacturer for circulating scientific information amongst its user community. Hypertext is the preferred medium for delivering complex and dynamic information because it provides a self-explanatory interface, facilitates direct searching and also encourages more general exploration, via browsing facilities. However the hypertext systems currently available do not provide proper tools for administrators of larger databases. Thus, we designed and implemented a system comprising two components: a relational back-end database and an hypertextual front-end. The back-end is designed to address the needs of database administrators: a robust and fast database management engine for data entry and update with consistency checks, flexible reporting and printing, and multiuser access. The front-end is published and distributed periodically via floppy disk to users, who need a fast, easy-to-install and easy-to-use read-only environment for browsing and searching information.####[no references]" 3154184375,"The Virtual Notebook System: An Architecture for Collaborative Work","Long & Gorry",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","G. Anthony Gorry, Kevin Brook Long","Kevin Brook Long","Video","","false","","false","Developed at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, the VNS is a multiuser, workstation-based software architecture designed to enhance productivity among collaborative work groups. Written in the X Window System, the VNS/X (demonstrated here) was originally designed around the metaphor of the lab researcher’s notebook. VNS manages notebooks and pages which hold information objects. Objects may be images, text, audio, pointers to programs and other files, and links to other pages and notebooks. Text and images can be captured from arty other window or program on the user’s display and placed on a notebook page. The VNS supports the simultaneous manipulation of pages and real-time conferencing.####The hypermedia nature of the VNS allows users to create navigational links between notebook pages and action links from notebook pages to external programs. Thus, notebook pages are not limited to sequential order, but may be interconnected in any fashion to forma web of information or knowledge. Action links perform tasks external to the notebook, such as launching external programs which may display in windows next to the VNS, playing audio files, controlling video equipment, etc. A key feature of the VNS is its ability to capture data from other windows. Data may be interchanged among the external programs and notebook pages with simple copy and paste operations.####[no references]" 3154184376,"Hypermedia Applied to Manufacturing Environments","Gertley & Magee",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Burke R. Magee, Glenna G. Gertley","Glenna G. Gertley","Video","","false","","false","Many of today’s hypermedia systems are designed for single user application domains, such as presentation aides or training applications, but hypermedia technology shows even greater potential to address limitations in today’s corporate computing environment. Hypermedia technology allows logical association of information contained within corporate legacy systems while minimally disrupting the application and information environments.####[no references]" 3154184378,"SAL: A Hypermedia System","Eubanks & Yamagishi",0,0,1,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Curtis Eubanks, Yasuaki Yamagishi","Curtis Eubanks","Video","","false","","false","SAL (Super Active Literature) is a hypermedia prototype system developed at Sony Corporation’s Information Systems and Telecommunications Research Laboratory for the Sony News workstation. More detailed information on SAL can be found in [Lundeberg 91].####As a research project, the goal of SAL is to find a way of presenting multimedia information gathered from a variety of sources. The current prototype version of SAL emphasizes Sony’s hardware products, such as CD ROM drive and laserdisk player, can be integrated and controlled using the computer.####SAL is a navigation system based on the node and link model. A node is a unit of information, containing data such as a piece of text, picture or sound data. A logical connection between two related nodes can be made by the use of a link. In SAL, the source of a link is an arbitrarily sized rectangular part of a node, whereas the destination is an entire node. SAL supports text (ASCII and Japanese), still images, sound (CD and digitized) and video (from a laserdisk)." 3154184381,"Virtual Reality and the Future of Hypertext (Abstract)","Bolter",0,3,0,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Jay David Bolter","Jay David Bolter","Keynote","","false","","true","Virtual Reality has been largely conceived in terms of the visual. Other senses, sound and touch, although given roles, are clearly quite secondary. What VR presents to the user is images, not texts. What role might text play in Virtual Reality? This is particularly important for exponents of hypertext, because VR threatens to become the hot new topic, and perhaps to diminish interest and research in hypertext. One could convincingly argue there is no real direct competition: VR and hypertext can evolve side by side for different purposes. VR is useful for simulation and training, for medical imaging, for telepresence, and so on. Hypertext serves for databases of text materials, pedagogy, and interactive fiction and nonfiction. But even if VR and hypertext continue to evolve side by side, it remains interesting to consider how the two might merge.####Virtual Reality and hypertext are products of two different communication technologies. Virtual Reality has its closest affinity to television, which is a perceptual medium. Hypertext comes out of the tradition of writing. Both VR and hypertext claim to be new ways of expressing information, although with different emphases.####In VR, one sees and touches a perceptual space; in hypertext one reads and writes in a textual space. Can the two be combined? In particular, can the space of virtual reality be hypertextualized? One way to introduce text into virtual reality would be to write upon the surfaces in the virtual space. This would give us a virtual book, whose structure is expressed architecturally in three dimensions. The book becomes a space that the reader enters and explores, a space in which the relationships among the surfaces define relationships among the verbal ideas in the text. A more radical possibility y would be to turn the entire virtual space into a symbolic structure. Several hypertext systems are already moving in this direction: the concept maps in hypertext systems are examples of symbolic spaces in two dimensions. A third dimension would expand the possibilities of representation. Such a hypertextualized virtual space might allow the creation of text unlike any that have ever been written.####[no references]" 3154184385,"Combining Hypertext and Structured Documents in Grif","Quint & Vatton",1,5,25,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Irène Vatton, Vincent Quint","Vincent Quint","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper presents the experience gained in developing and using the hypertext functions of the Grif system. Grif is a structured document editor based on the generic structure concept: each document is represented in the system by its logical structure which is an instance of a generic structure. This notion of logical structure encompasses both hierarchical structures (as is usual in structured documents) and non-hierarchical links (as is usual in hypertext).####The document model on which Grif is based is presented, focusing on the different types of links. Various applications using these links are also described. It is shown that the approaches of electronic documents and hypertext, which are often opposed to each other, can be combined for building more powerful integrated systems." 3154184386,"Structural and Cognitive Problems in Providing Version Control for Hypertext","Østerbye",0,13,15,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Kasper Østerbye","Kasper Østerbye","Full paper","","true","Data models, Hypertext, Version Control","true","This paper discusses issues related to providing version control in hypertext systems. Many of the software engineering issues in versioning also apply to hypertext, but the emphasis on linking and structure in hypertext raises some new problems. The issues can roughly be divided into two categories. Datamodel issues, which will be referred to as structural issues, and user interface issues, which will be referred to aa cognitive issues. Both structural and cognitive issues will be described and divided into simpler problems which will be named and described, and it will be shown that composites serve as a good starting point for solving both structural and cognitive aspects of versioning." 3154184396,"Cognitive Processing of Hyperdocuments: When Does Nonlinearity Help?","Rouet",2,4,45,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Jean François Rouet","Jean François Rouet","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper presents a review of empirical research on the cognitive processing of nonlinear documents, with the purpose of understanding when and how hypertext presentation might facilitate text comprehension and learning activities. Empirical studies conducted so far have used various methods, and focused on a wide range of populations, types of documents, and reading or learning tasks. Although hypertext is generally associated with information networks, a few interesting studies address the issues of computer assistance to linear text comprehension. A second group of studies investigate the use of nonlinear documents for general learning purposes. Although these studies are mainly concerned with linear-nonlinear comparisons, some of them address the effects of different design options. Finally, a third group of studies compare information retrieval in linear versus nonlinear documents. Overall, there is no consistent evidence for the advantage of hypertext over linear presentation formats. Instead, the efficiency of nonlinear documents varies according to (a) subjects’ expertise (b) interface features and (c) task requirements. In an attempt to provide an interpretative framework for these empirical findings, the notion of cognitive monitoring is briefly outlined. I conclude with a few implications for future hypertext research." 3154184397,"Imagined Conversations: The Relevance of Hypertext, Pragmatism, and Cognitive Flexibility Theory to the Interpretation of “Classic Texts” in Intellectual History","Jones & Spiro",0,1,33,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Rand Spiro, Robert Alun Jones","Robert Alun Jones","Full paper","","true","","true","What does it mean to understand a “classic text” in the history of social thought? Recent pragmatist arguments in intellectual history suggest that it is a matter of placing the text within some larger context, viewing it from a variety of perspectives, and “using it” to satisfy one’s own interests and purposes. What is the best means to “advanced knowledge acquisition”? Recent theories of learning in cognitive psychology suggest that we view “ill-structured knowledge domains” as landscapes, to be “criss-crossed” in a variety of directions, from multiple perspectives. Hypertext is a technology for doing both of these things. Quite independently, but sharing a foundation in pragmatism and the later Wittgenstein, each of these disciplines thus encourages further research in the development and implementation of hypertext systems for learning. Such research is being carried out in the Hypermedia Laboratory and the Cognitive Flexibility Laboratory at the University of Illinois, with implications for the way hypertext systems are designed and implemented, and the pedagogical problems to which they are applied." 3154184398,"Where's the Hypertext: The Dickens Web As a System-independent Hypertext","Landow & Kahn",1,5,12,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","George P. Landow, Paul Kahn","George P. Landow","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper reports the comparative evaluations by fifteen experienced hypertext users of three hypertext systems (Intermedia, Interleaf WorldView, and Storyspace) to carry out both simple information retrieval and more complex cognitive tasks. In contrast to, approaches that compare hypertext versions of print documents to print documents, our research began with materials originally created for an electronic environment—the award-winning Dickens Web. The evaluators’ detailed narratives, which show that hypertext documents can exist independently of specific hypertext systems, also suggest points that designers of hypertext systems and hypertext authors must take into account. These points include the value of full-text search vs. link following, and the importance of content expertise. Finally, we report on the importance of single- vs. hi-directional thinking, multiple linking from a single point, and web views." 3154184405,"An Extensible Data Model for Hyperdocuments","de Bra, Houben & Kornatzky",12,4,31,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Geert-Jan Houben, Paul De Bra, Yoram Kornatzky","Paul De Bra","Full paper","","true","","true","We present an extensible data model for hyperdocuments. It is intended to serve as the basis for integrating hypermedia systems with other information sources, such as object-oriented database management systems, information retrieval systems, and engineering CAD tools. Hyperdocuments are described by means of a small number of powerful constructs that integrate their structural and behavioral aspects. The different instantiation and combinations of these constructs yield an open class of hyperdocuments. Nodes, anchors, and links are all considered first-class objects and modeling constructs are applicable to all of them. These constructs permit a description of the multiple levels of functionality of an object within a hyperdocument, and the packaging of the different views of an object. Composite objects range over an extensible collection of structures including networks, sets, time-lines, and three-dimensional space CAD models." 3154184409,"Specifying Temporal Behavior in Hypermedia Documents","Buchanan & Zellweger",1,9,18,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","M. Cecelia Buchanan, Polle T. Zellweger","M. Cecelia Buchanan","Full paper","","true","","true","We have designed and implemented a system for creating, editing, and displaying hypermedia documents. This system uses an improved document model with two major features. First, it allows authors to specify temporal synchronization constraints among events of interest within media segments. Second, it allows asynchronous material, such as user interaction, links, or programs, to be combined with richly coordinated synchronous material in a single hypermedia document. The system incorporates a linear programming algorithm to solve the temporal constraints. This process automatically constructs a schedule for displaying a document and may involve stretching or shrinking media segments. Because synchronization constraints record the author’s intentions and because the system creates schedules automatically, both creating documents and maintaining them throuughout their life cycles should be easier." 3154184412,"Open Hypermedia Architectures and Linking Protocols (Abstract)","Trigg",0,1,0,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Randall H. Trigg","Randall H. Trigg","Panel","","false","","true","Most computer users today work with heterogeneous environments that include software from many vendors, multiple platforms needing to communicate, and information bases on remote machines. Their needs are often not for increased functionality in any particular application, but integration among existing applications.####In the last few years, this need has been addressed through proposals for open hypertext architectures and linking protocols. In principle, these allow linking across diverse applications and even across platforms. Rather than a monolithic hypermedia system presenting its own editors for various media, the user sees a framework into which existing editors can be “plugged” and a linking protocol with which to interconnect them. Though the framework is usually a separate program, the hope is that support for such open linking will one day migrate into the operating system. Indeed, protocols from Apple and Microsoft are steps in this direction.####Though the participants on this panel bring their own perspectives and backgrounds to the problem area, all share a belief that the future of hypermedia is not with systems that “own the world”, but with those that attempt to ‘(connect the world”. Furthermore, the panelists and the projects they represent have developed significant open hypermedia architectures and linking protocols and can draw on experience with real users.####Examples of questions we’ll be raising:####● What should be the minimum required of third-party applications that want to “play”. And how can we allow varying degrees of linking “awareness” across participating applications?####● Is consistent handling/appearance of links across applications important? (Consider, for example, Norm Meyrowitz’s 1987 call for a linking equivalent to the cut/copy/paste paradigm.)####● How does this work relate to new standards like Hytime?####● How do we get vendors to sign up for the idea? We need more “link-aware” software applications in order to get the project off the ground, but vendors first need to be convinced of the potential benefits.####[no references]" 3154184413,"Multimedia Encyclopedia of Philosophy Sciences (Abstract)","Parascandalo",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Renato Parascandalo","Renato Parascandalo","Cultural Briefing","","false","","false","The goal of this project is the world-wide dissemination of advanced philosophy concepts, through the exploitation of new technologies.####The world famous “Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici” (Italian Institute for Philosophy Studies), ensures the scientific supervision of the project; the “Encyclopedia ‘lleccani” and the “Poligrafico dello State” (the nation official printing institution) are responsible for the editorial policy; the Politecnico di Milano provides assistance for Computer technology.####The core the of the project is the collection of large amount of videotapes, containing interviews with ‘(protagonists”: the moat prestigious philosophers, philosophy scholars and scientists, who have warmly co-operated. Since ’86 more than 400 interviews, corresponding to more than 900 hours of tapes, have been conducted. In addition, thousands of slides and more than 100 hours of video-tapes, documenting important aspects of archaeology, architecture, painting and sculpture, have been included. Five different series of video-cassettes have been prepared: The Roots of the Philosophy Thought, Philosophy and Today, The Origin of Thought in the World, The Masters of Thinking, The Universe of Knowledge,####Short excerpts (5 minutes) are broadcasted everyday, nation-wide, by TV channels. Before the end of the year Radio Transmissions will start. Special editions for College and High school students are in preparation.####All the different editions outline specific aspects and a specific usage of the material. A special version is supposed, in the future, to include all the previous editions: the interactive version, being prepared through the co-operation with the Department of Electronics of Politecnico di Milano. It is an Hypermedia application that allows search, queries and above all, navigation across the complex material. Guided tours and views, either predefine or created by the reader, allow personalized “reading sessions”.####Overall the project is a reaction to the current schizophrenic situation: as the technology advances provide more means for communication, human beings realize that they have less to say. Paul Ricoeur, a prestigious member of the scientific board of the project, considers this gap between technology of communication and cultural communication as one of the most dangerous pathologies of modern society.####[no references]" 3154184414,"Hypermedia for Teaching and Learning (Abstract): A Multimedia Guide to the History of European Civilization","Eco",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Umberto Eco","Umberto Eco","Cultural Briefing","","false","","false","The MuG project has been designed and developed at “Istituto di Discipline dells Comunicazione”, University of Bologna, by D. Barbieri, B. Bassi, G. Blasi, A. Fogli, L. Freina, C. Marmo, M. Mattioli, P. Niccolai, D. Singer under supervision of Umberto Eco. The project has been sponsored by Olivetti.####MuG is a hypermedia system providing a unitary representation of the events of European culture and history. The system is designed to cover subjects related to Political, Social and Economic history, as well as the history of Science and Technology, Arts, Literature, Philosophy and Religion enabling the user to switch easily from one cultural aspect to the other.####The initial prototype partially covers European civilization in the 17th Century, but the project concerns the whole history of Europe.####MuG is meant as a teaching aid for students of the first years of University curricula and the last years of secondary schools. The ultimate purpose of the system is to constitute a useful tool for historical research and presentation as well as teaching.####The system is shaped into three interconnected environments:####● Interactive Chronologies, an environment with information retrieval features enabling the user to navigate among graphical chronological overviews of given period regarding specific topics and places. Topics and places are represented by a large set of keywords organized into a Thesaurus. From a given Chronology, the user can zoom in and out, according to the semantic structure of the Thesaurus (temporal zooming is also handled): when zooming in, less important events can appear. The user can choose to organize the contents of the overview according to either topics or places. More expert users can also query the system by typing, or by selecting keywords from the Thesaurus.####● The Cardfile, a text-only hypertext providing quick reference cards about units of historical information (plus a set of dictionary-like definitions). The Cardfile is accessible both from the Chronologies and the Books; it is an ever-present reference tool also providing an informative intermediate step from a synoptic to a narrative representation of the historical events.####● The Library, a large set of hypertextual “Books” devoted to specific topics, authors or issues, presented in a multimedia fashion, including text, images, animation, speech and music. Here information appears in a more narrative form, closer to the habits of readers of paper history books. Historical-geographical atlases, textual, visual and musical anthologies are also part of the Library.####MuG is implemented in Toolbook, and runs on personal computers following the MPC standard.####[no references]" 3154184415,"Hypertext: Beyond the End of the Book (Abstract)","Coover",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Robert Coover","Robert Coover","Cultural Briefing","","false","","false","For the narrative artist, hyperspace has all the charm of a starry sky in August: the weather’s comfortable, the twinkle’s alluring, but the vista’s intimidatingly awesome. The simple linear trajectories of the earthbound, once thought confining and inflexible, are seen to have a certain reassuring structure, an “A” and a “B” between which narrative, ever on the go, might safely move, feet on the ground. It’s pretty out there in infinity, but if you head out, how do you get home again?####Creative artists are still fumbling in this new space, this new medium, toying with the possibilities of multidimensionality, nonlinearity, interactivity, polyvocality, and, increasingly, the incorporation of other arts, visual, kinetic, and aural, but not yet convinced that narrative, as we lovingly know it, can overcome the motionsickness associated with the absence of gravity.####Most academic hypertext projects preserve a sense of gravity by allowing a body of informational satellites to circle loosely about some core subject, a poem, say, or an historical event, a social entity, a philosophical or legal problem, etc., and such models might well serve artistic projects but they cannot define or delimit them. Nor does it help to implant a line. All these centuries of resisting the tyranny of the line, and suddenly it is gone as though it never existed, but reinventing it, though an option for some, is a bit like building a road in outer space so we can take our cars out there,####Most narrative artists, for the moment, prefer to stay home where the environment’s friendly and there’s plenty of company. They still like the familiar paths with their beginnings, middles, and ends, even if not always traveled in that order. The navigational procedures are still so demanding out there in hyperspace, that there’s too little time to appreciate style, voice, eloquence, character, story. Links and maps seem more compelling than text, aa though the ancillas of book culture—the tables of contents, the indices and appendices, the designs and jackets and headers—might have swallowed up the stuff inside. There’s an appeal in interactivity—and a threat. And, maybe worst of all, where’s closure out there? How do you know when one journey’s over and another can begin?####So the field is largely left at present to the rash, the young, the enterprising. Flights are being made in vehicles that seem aa creaky at times as the tin spaceships of the old silent movies, and few of the adventures escape the atmosphere of print technology, but with each foray something new is added to the craft, the orbits widen, the manuals expand. Perhaps the greatest stimulus to these explorations is the promise of a multi-media instrument panel. Hyperspace may always be a bit hostile to the isolated traveler. Creative projects in it may more resemble a multitalented film production than the private writing of a book or poem.####[no references]" 3154184417,"The Architecture and Implementation of a Distributed Hypermedia Storage System","Shackelford, Smith & Smith",2,8,23,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Douglas E. Shackelford, F. Donelson Smith, John B. Smith","Douglas E. Shackelford","Full paper","","true","computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), distributed data, distributed file systems, hypertext, performance, scalability","true","Our project is studying the process by which groups of individuals work together to build large, complex structures of ideas and is developing a distributed hypermedia collaboration environment (called ABC) to support that process. This paper focuses on the architecture and implementation of the Distributed Graph Storage (DGS) component of ABC. The DGS supports a graph-based data model, conservatively extended to meet hypermedia requirements. Some important issues addressed in the system include scale, performance, concurrency semantics, access protection, location independence, and replication (for fault tolerance)." 3154184420,"MORE: Multimedia Object Retrieval Environment","Lucarella, Parisotto & Zanzi",10,5,34,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Antonella Zanzi, Dario Lucarella, Stefano Parisotto","Dario Lucarella","Full paper","","true","Graph-oriented models, direct object manipulation, hypertext querying, information retrieval, multimedia databases, visual interface","true","In this paper, we present a graph-based object model that will be used as a uniform framework for direct manipulation of multimedia information.####Essentially, we propose a graph representation of the conceptual schema, the object instances, and the user queries. The resulting uniform approach is well suited to a visual interface in which the user, supported by appropriate tools, manipulates directly on the screen object graphs for different purposes as schema definition, querying, browsing, and viewing. Next, we give formal definitions of such operations along with examples concerning a real multimedia application we have developed in order to experiment with the proposed approach.####Finally, design and implementation issues are discussed for MORE, a prototype system that, combining effectively browsing and querying techniques, provides a visual environment for multimedia information retrieval." 3154184421,"Should Anchors Be Typed Too?: An Experiment with MacWeb","Nanard & Nanard",11,19,20,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Jocelyne Nanard, Marc Nanard","Jocelyne Nanard","Full paper","","true","Knowledge-based hypertext, anchoring, dynamic links, virtual documents","true","Macweb is a hypertext system that uses types to incorporate knowledge in hypertext. In this paper, we examine an application developed with the system for accessing a technical document base in the context of a task. This application gives us the opportunity to discuss the extension of typing to anchors. We show that attaching knowledge to anchors through types must take into account the context of use of the anchored text. Thus, we introduce the notion of semantic anchoring of concepts within documents. We show how Macweb makes it possible to implement this approach without adding any new features and how it provides an answer to the famous sentence “Don’t link me in”. Beyond the experiment itself, the foundations of the approach and its connection with hypertext systems modeling is presented." 3154184422,"Another Dimension to Hypermedia Access","Ichimura & Matsushita",2,1,20,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Satoshi Ichimura, Yutaka Matsushita","Satoshi Ichimura","Full paper","","true","ISM-CSA, book metaphor, hypermedia, information retrieval","true","The OpenBook system using a book metaphor allows a user to leaf through a set of nodes retrieved from a hypermedia just like a book. While leafing through the book, the reader does not need to pay attention to the detailed description written in pages, but impressive information such as chapter titles and figures catches reader’s eyes. In other words, leafing through an electronic book takes advantage of a cognitive capability to skim the outlines of the contents. Moreover, the system supports a query-based access mechanism which supports a structure search mechanism for the purpose of finding potentially useful nodes. Furthermore, this paper describes a method of linearizing complex hyper-networked nodes to facilitate high speed browsing, which is a unique aspect of OpenBook." 3154184423,"Hypercubes Grow on Trees (and Other Observations from the Land of Hypersets)","Van Dyke Parunak",2,7,8,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","H. Van Dyke Parunak","H. Van Dyke Parunak","Full paper","","true","Information structures, authoring, classification, retrieval, taxonomic reasoning","true","Much of the power of hypermedia comes from the development of techniques for information management that closely match natural cognitive processes. HyperSet, a hypermedia environment tailored for taxonomic reasoning [Parunak 91], is an example of this philosophy. People perform taxonomic reasoning when they classify, store, and retrieve a number of similar information objects (such as biological specimens, or linguistic constructions, or research projects). The process is essentially set-based. The user sorts objects into sets based on their characteristics; looks together at members of a single set to search for correlations or discernible subsets among them; examines the different sets of which one item is a member to see whether there are relations among them; and generates new sets from old ones.####Two years of experience in using HyperSet has led to a deeper understanding of the patterns and processes of taxonomic reasoning and the kind of computer methods that can effectively support it. This paper reports on three of these insights:####1. The set of sets that develops as classification takes place is not flat, but hierarchical. Analysis of this hierarchy yields a representation that combines the flexibility of a directed acyclic graph with the navigational properties of strict trees.####2. It is useful for a taxonomic information system to support a simple dualism between sets and their elements, permitting one to do set operations on artifacts as well as on sets.####3. Similarity measures among different sets are most usefully computed for a hypercube of such sets, a hypercube that emerges naturally from the hierarchical structure of sets." 3154184424,"Dynamic Hypertext and Knowledge Agent Systems for Multimedia Information Networks","Shibata & Katsumoto",0,3,23,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Michiaki Katsumoto, Yoshitaka Shibata","Yoshitaka Shibata","Full paper","","true","Agent, Human Interface, Hypermedia, Knowledge-Base, Multimedia","true","In this paper, a new intelligent human interface which can provide simple and flexible user access capabilities, based on the concept of dynamic hypertext System is introduced for multimedia information networks. In this dynamic hypertext system, Metanodes and Metalinks are defined as abstract nodes and flexible links, and organize a dynamic information space where user can easily retrieve the desired information objects by asking to the knowledge agent . The knowledge agent based on the knowledge-base can decide the link from the current reference point to the suitable Metanodes among the multimedia databases distributed over the network. The knowledge agent also performs media format conversion of the original information units to adjust to the users workstation capabilities and temporal synchronization among different media. In order to evaluate the functions of the suggested human interface, two applications are introduced and developed on the prototype multimedia information network." 3154184425,"Applying AI Models to the Design of Exploratory Hypermedia Systems","Bareiss & Osgood",0,4,13,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Ray Bareiss, Richard Osgood","Ray Bareiss","Full paper","","true","Exploratory Systems, Hypermedia, Indexing, Task Models","true","A discussion of the improvements and changes from Perseus 1.0 to Perseus 2.0, and the motivations for these changes." 3154184427,"Hypertext by Link-resolving Components","Tompa, Blake & Raymond",2,3,15,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Darrell R. Raymond, Frank Wm. Tompa, G. Elizabeth Blake","Frank Wm. Tompa","Full paper","","true","Hypertext system architecture, database keys, dynamic linking, link resolution","true","In conventional hypertext, links are explicit connections between specific regions of a text. We describe an architecture that treats links as the outcome of responses to user pokes. In this architecture, a hypertext is a collection of link-resolving components, each interpreting a user’s request according to its own resolution algorithm. Each link-resolving component is a set of cooperative processes, communicating with a central network manager. When a user points at some location within a window, each link-resolving component is given a key derived according to a previously-stored algorithm; the link-resolving components concurrently update their displays according to their algorithms for resolving the keys. Multiple applications can easily share a common source and be invoked simultaneously, providing a concurrent browsing mechanism. Two example hypertext employing this architecture are described." 3154184428,"Selective Text Utilization and Text Traversal","Salton & Allen",3,9,26,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Gerard Salton, James Allen","Gerard Salton","Full paper","","true","automatic text linking, full-text access, global text comparisons, information retrieval, local context checking, passage retrieval, selective text reading, text analysis, text summarization","true","Many large collections of full-text documents are currently stored in machine-readable form and processed automatically in various ways. These collections may include different types of documents, such as messages, research articles, and books, and the subject matter may vary widely. To process such collections, robust text analysis methods must be used, capable of handling materials in arbitrary subject areas, and flexible access must be provided to texts and text excerpts of varying size.####In this study, global text comparison methods are used to identify similarities between text elements, followed by local context-checking operations that resolve ambiguities and distinguish superficially similar texts from texts that actually cover identical topics. A linked text structure is then created that relates similar texts at various levels of detail. In particular, text links are available for full texts, as well as text sections, paragraphs, and sentence groups. The linked structures are usable to identify important text passages, to traverse texts selectively both within particular documents and between documents, and to provide flexible text access to large text collections in response to various kinds of user needs. An automated 29-volume encyclopedia is used as an example to illustrate the text accessing and traversal operations." 3154184429,"HieNet: A User-centered Approach for Automatic Link Generation","Chang",7,4,17,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Daniel T. Chang","Daniel T. Chang","Full paper","","true","Link Apprentice, Link Generation, Links, SGML, Vector Space Model","true","Most hypertext systems facilitate one-at-a-time link creation, but only a few support automatic link generation. In systems that do support automatic link generation, user interests are either ignored or explicit user actions are required to enter a set of keywords and queries.####In this paper we present a new linking mechanism called HieNet, implemented on top of a commercial hypertext system, that generates new links based on previously-created user links. Our approach allows users direct control over similarity thresholds, node granularity, and the extent of linking in composite nodes. Our work derives from Salton’s work on automatic generation of links using term vectors, and extends the ideas incorporated in Bernstein’s Link Apprentice and Lotus SmarText. Preliminary tests show that HieNet generates plausible links with acceptable performance and that users can learn to control the link generation parameters." 3154184430,"Media-based Navigation for Hypermedia Systems","Hirata et al.",2,6,15,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Fusako Hirabayashi, Kyoji Hirata, Naoki Shibata, Yoshinori Hara","Kyoji Hirata","Full paper","","true","Hypermedia Database, Indexing, Information Retrieval, Media-based Navigation, Pattern Matching","true","In this paper, we present the concept and the general framework of a new navigation style for hypermedia systems, the media-based navigation. The user browses through a hypermedia system using the specific clues such as shape, color, construction for still image, motion for movie, and tone or melody for auditory data. In this navigation, the user and the system interact with each other without translating the textual representation. We describe the visual-based navigation and show its algorithms. The algorithms are implemented on an experimental hypermedia database system called “Miyabi.” We show some experimental results and our current evaluation. We also describe the implementation of the algorithms for large scale hypermedia systems and show that these algorithms can effectively apply to the system which have more than 10000 images. We also describe the auditory media-based navigation. The media-based navigation is a useful interface for hypermedia systems to improve human-machine interactive interfaces." 3154184431,"Hypertext and the Author/Reader Dialogue","Michalak & Coney",1,2,17,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Mary Coney, Susan Michalak","Susan Michalak","Full paper","","true","hypertext, implied author, literary theory, reader roles, reader-response criticism, rhetoric","true","Hypertext theorists tend to approach the hypertext concept from radically different philosophical positions. Some theorists stress hypertext’s utility as an information storage and retrieval device; others praise hypertext’s ability to free the reader from linear media; still others applaud hypertext’s connectivity and its ability to create a basis for the communal creation of knowledge. The hypertext documents that these theorists envision (and create) are quite different from one another because they are based on each theorist’s particular perspective on hypertext. Recently, many hypertext theorists have acknowledged a need for hypertext authors to develop a better rhetorical understanding of their readers; however, the reader roles that most hypertext theorists have thus far anticipated do not encompass all of the reader roles that hypertext can accommodate. Coney (Cone92a) has offered a comprehensive “taxonomy of readers” that-although it was originally conceived as a taxonomy of readers of conventional print-provides deeper insight into hypertext reader roles. In this paper, we will discuss the philosophical traditions invoked by various hypertext theorists and the reader roles that are accommodated or required by those traditions. Finally, we will discuss the hypertext author’s virtual presence, the implied author, as a corollary of reader role." 3154184432,"Links in Hypermedia: The Requirement for Context","Hardman, Bulterman & van Rossum",3,8,13,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Dick C. A. Bulterman, Guido van Rossum, Lynda Hardman","Lynda Hardman","Full paper","","true","Hypermedia links, context for links, hypermedia presentation, structured multimedia","true","Taking the concept of a link from hypertext and adding to it the rich collection of information formats found in multimedia systems provides an extension to hypertext that is often called hypermedia. Unfortunately, the implicit assumptions under which hypertext links work do not extend well to time-based presentations that consist of a number of simultaneously active media items. It is not obvious where links should lead and there are no standard rules that indicate what should happen to other parts of the presentation that are active.####This paper addresses the problems associated with links in hypermedia. In order to provide a solution, we introduce the notion of context for the source and the destination of a link. A context makes explicit which part of a presentation is affected when a link is followed from an anchor in the presentation. Given explicit source and destination contexts for a link, an author is able to state the desired presentation characteristics for following a link, including whether the presentation currently playing should continue playing or be replaced.####We first give an intuitive description of contexts for links, then present a structure-based approach. We go on to describe the implementation of contexts in our hypermedia authoring system CMIFed." 3154184433,"Exploring Large Hyperdocuments: Fisheye Views of Nested Networks","Noik",3,6,30,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Emanuel G. Noik","Emanuel G. Noik","Full paper","","true","Nested hypertext networks, fisheye views, graphs, navigation, overviews","true","Browsing large hypertext by following links can be difficult and confusing, especially if links span distant nodes. Often, a user would like to explore several regions of a network simultaneously, when studying the end points of one or more links, for example. Although this can be achieved by displaying each area of interest in a separate zoomed-in window, the union of such views is not always meaningful. In particular, valuable context showing the relationships between the views is lost. By balancing local detail and global context, fisheye views display information at several levels of abstraction simultaneously. We have devised a novel technique for generating fisheye views of hierarchically nested graphs with multiple variable magnification focal points. In this paper we demonstrate its feasibility as a tool for exploring large nested hypertext networks." 3154184435,"Searching for the Missing Link: Discovering Implicit Structure in Spatial Hypertext","Marshall & Shipman",22,31,42,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman, III","Catherine C. Marshall","Full paper","","true","implicit structure, link automation, spatial hypertext","true","Hypertext may be implicitly structured, based on either node content or context. In the paper, we examine implicit structures that rely on the interpretation of node’s spatial context. Hypertext authors and readers can perceive and understand these idiosyncratic structures, but, because they are implicit, they cannot be used by the system to support users’ activities. We have explored spatially structured hypertext authored in three different systems, and have developed heuristic recognition algorithms based on the results of our analyses of the kinds of structures that people build. Our results indicate that (1) recognition of implicit structures in spatial hypertext is feasible, (2) interaction will be important in guiding such recognition, and (3) the hypertext system can provide layout facilities that will render later systematic interpretation much easier. Found structures can be used as a basis for supporting information management, as a straightforward way of promoting knowledge-base evolution, as a way of solving representational problems endemic to many hypertext systems, or as a basis for collaboration or interaction." 3154184436,"The Microcosm Link Service (Abstract): An Integrating Technology","Hall et al.",2,4,2,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Adrian Pickering, Gerard Hutchings, Hugh Davis, Wendy Hall","Wendy Hall","Extended Abstract","","false","","true","The Microcosm hypermedia system is currently implemented in C under Microsoft Windows. Macintosh and Unix/X versions have been prototype. The video shows the MS Windows version which is the most fully developed and has been integrated with several Windows applications.####Microcosm consists of a number of viewers which allow the user to view and interact with many different formats of information. The viewers communicate with Microcosm which then sends messages through a filter chain. Important filters are the link databases, or linkbases, In Microcosm, documents are not marked up internally: the link data is held in these separate link bases, and the viewers communicate with the linkbases to establish what buttons and links exist relevant to a particular document.####The Microcosm model allows a spectrum of link types. At one end of this spectrum are specific links or buttons which are manually authored links from a fixed source point to a destination point, Generic links are links that have a fixed destination but which may be followed from any point in any document where the appropriate object (such as a text selection) occurs. At the other end of the spectrum are computed links. These links are generated dynamically using information retrieval techniques, for example.####An important feature of Microcosm is the facility to dynamically install filters, particularly linkbases. It is common for a user to have at least two linkbases in the filter chain. One will be the application’s Iinkbase which will contain links made by the original author. Another will belong to the user, and will contain personal link information and annotations. It is thus possible to have one set of multimedia documents, with a number of different linkbases that might contain completely separate views on the same set of information. If required, a user could install more than one such linkbase at a time and use the union of these sets of links.####The Microcosm model provides a link service using which it is possible to follow links into and out of applications that are not part of Microcosm. Many Windows application packages have facilities that permit programmable communication with the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and in this case it is possible to treat such an application as a Microcosm viewer. When it is not possible to communicate via the DDE, links can be followed by simply cutting and pasting a selection to the clipboard. The openness of the model, allows selections to be any data objects." 3154184437,"Miyabi: A Hypermedia Database with Media-based Navigation (Abstract)","Hirata, Takana & Hara",1,0,1,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Hajime Takano, Kyoji Hirata, Yoshinori Hara","Kyoji Hirata","Video","","false","","true","Each medium has its own information clues which can hardly be described by alphanumeric representations (we call them “media information clues”). They are, for example, shape, color, construction for still image, motion for movie, and tone, melody for auditory data. However, hypermedia system designers so far have been forced to assign many keywords or many links among objects in order to provide flexible and user-customized navigation. As a result, costs for organizing such systems rise accordingly, and it is difficult to apply this kind of alphanumeric approach directly to large-scale systems.####The translation from media information clues to alphanumeric representation is clearly a barrier for the interaction between the system and its users. Instead, users should Ibeable to directly make a query to the hypermedia using the same representation as the object they want to retrieve.####Media-based navigation is a new navigation style for hypermedia systems. Users can use media information clues in both browsing and querying phase.####Users retrieve objects using media information such as shape, color, motion, etc. This type of media-based retrieval becomes even more powerful as users can input the queries to the system as objects they perceive in the real world. The system, then, interprets the queries and shows possible candidates that match the query. Users browse these candidates, and show interesting objects to the system. The system finds all other objects that might be of interest to the user.####Miyabi is a prototype of a navigation-based hypermedia database system, It is based on an extended Entity-Relationship model and provides a wide variety of navigational tools such as schema browsers and media-based browsing tools. It is designed to clearly separate conceptual information from media processing so as to simplify its architecture. It is also designed to consider high level semantic structures to handle large amounts of hypermedia data. Miyabi has wide use of database conceptual modeling as well as user-friendly hypermedia operations.####We have developed a Paris guide system and an electronic art museum to demonstrate the usefulness of Miyabi. Both prototypes have approximately 600 instances, 2000 links and 200 images based on six entities." 3154184438,"The SEPIA Hypermedia System As Part of the POLIKOM Telecooperation Scenario","Haake, Knopik & Streitz",4,0,7,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Jörg Haake, Norbert Streitz, Thomas Knopik","Jörg Haake","Video","","false","","true","The decision of the German parliament to relocate the seat of parliament and government from Bonn to Berlin represents a major challenge and opportunity for information and communication technology [2]. It is the goal that ministries and parliament must be able to work (almost) as if they were at the same location. But the Bonn-Berlin problem is not unique. It is only one example of distributed cooperative work, e.g. in a united Europe or in a multinational company operating at a world-wide level. In order to meet this challenge, the German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology instructed the National Research Center for Computer Science (GMD) to develop a research programme named POLIKOM (POLis+KOMmunikation = communication between cities). This programme is intended to establish a joint effort of leading companies, research institutes and universities with projects starting soon." 3154184439,"WAX or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees","Blair",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","David Blair","David Blair","Video","","false","","false","“WAX or the discovery of television among the bees” is set in Alamogordo, New Mexico (1983), where the main character, Jacob Maker, designs gunsight displays at a flight simulation factory. Jacob also keeps bees. His hives are filled with “Mesopotamian” bees that he has inherited from his grandfather. Through these bees, the dead of the future begin to appear, introducing Jacob to a type of destiny that pushes him away from the normal world, enveloping him in a grotesque miasma of past and synthetic realities. The bees show Jacob the story of his grandfather’s acquisition and fatal association with the “Mesopotamian” bees, in the years following the First World War. The bees also lead Jacob away from his home, out to the Alamogordo desert, slowly revealing to him their synthetic/mechanical world, which exists in a darkness beyond the haze of his own thoughts. Passing through Trinity Site, birthplace of the Plutonium bomb, Jacob arrives at a gigantic cave beneath the desert. There, he enters the odd world of the bees, and fulfills his destiny. Traveling both to the past and the future, Jacob ends at Basra, Iraq, in the year 1991, where he meets a victim that he must kill.####Independently executed over six years, the film combines compelling narrative, in the realistic/fantastic vein of Thomas Pynchon or Salman Rushdie, with the graphic fluidity of video technique. The result is an odd, new type of story experience, where smooth and sudden transpositions of picture and sound can nimbly follow and fuse with fantastical, suddenly changing, and often accelerated narrative. The result resembles story-telling in animated film. Yet location photography and archive research form the backbone of the piece.####[no references]" 3154184440,"FRESS Hypertext System (Abstract)","Durand & DeRose",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","David G. Durand, Steven J. DeRose","David G. Durand","Video","","false","","false","These two videos document the FRESS hypertext system and its application in teaching English poetry—the first use of Hypertext in a classroom. The FRESS educational experiment is described in a paper: Catano, James V. 1979. “Poetry and Computers: Experimenting with the Communal Text” In Computers and the Humanities, 13(9)” 269-275####The first video is a film that was made as part of the final report to the National Endowment for the Humanities on the experimental se of the FRESS hypertext system in teaching poetry.####The FRESS poetry project was a pioneering use of hypertext in teaching in the humanities. All course readings were kept online in FRESS files that were accessible to the entire class. Student essays were handed by being linked to the material to be read. The instructor’s comments on the students’ work were also attached via links. The issues of file sharing for the class were simply addressed since there was only one graphics terminal capable of running the full FRESS interface. Thus all students had to go to specially scheduled lab times in order to do their readings and complete their assignments.####The information available to students was quite rich, even by contemporary standards. The primary texts were available online, as was a textbook describing a linguistic approach to the study of poetry. Assignments were quite carefully structured, with several phases of commentary and revision devoted to each work studied.####The second video is a demonstration of the FRESS system (actually running on the data files created by the poetry project). The basic FRESS program, despite being written in 360 assembly language, still runs more than 10 years after it was last compiled. The front end graphics computer (an IMLAC vector-graphic display) no longer exists, so that this demonstration uses a simple emulator of the original display running on a Macintosh computer.####The original IMLAC display provided a tiled-pane multi-window editor. The Macintosh version uses several overlapping Macintosh windows, one per pane, to represent the large-format screen on the IMLAC. The graphics support of FRESS is not demonstrated in this video as there is no extant documentation of the graphics data formats.####Many of the features of FRESS are demonstrated in the video: configurable views, keyword retrieval, inter- and intra-file linking, basic editing (including what is probably the first undo command in a text editor), and automatically numbered hierarchical outlines.####Despite an interface that is clunky by today’s standards, FRESS’S ambitious combination of features such as configurable views, hierarchical documents and hypertext linking is still impressive.####[no references]" 3154184441,"The Perseus Project (Abstract)","Mylonas",0,0,1,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Elli Mylonas","Elli Mylonas","Video","","false","","false","Perseus is a multimedia, hypertextual database of material pertaining to classical Greece. The project has been underway since 1987, and is funded primarily by The Annenberg/CPB Project and also by Apple Computer. It is a collaborative effort based at Harvard University, with contributors from Pomona College, St. Olaf College, Bowdoin College and the University of Maryland. The main body of the material in Perseus consists of a large collection of primary texts with accompanying translation and notes, descriptions of archaeological objects with accompanying drawings and photographs, an atlas, an encyclopedia and a Greek-English lexicon, In addition, there are specialized tools for searching and navigating within the material as a hypertext. Very little of the data in Perseus was created explicitly for publication in electronic form. Most of it has been converted from traditional, paper originals. The tools in Perseus, however, are designed to provide not only traditional forms of access but also to utilize the potential of digital information. The first version of Perseus, Perseus 1.0, was published by Yale University Press in the spring of 1992 and the second version is being completed and will be ready for distribution in early 1994. Perseus runs under HyperCard, and is distributed on CD-ROM.####This video was made as a demonstration of Perseus for situations where it was not possible to show the actual system. It consists of several vignettes that show how Perseus can be used to investigate topics that come up in teaching Classical Greek civilization. It was made in 1991 using Perseus 1.0. Although it was originally intended as a stand-in for the actual Perseus system, the video turned out to be of great value to Perseus users who needed examples illustrating how to use it for teaching, and what an student assignment in Perseus might look like. As evaluation results indicated after Perseus 1.0 had been in use for a semester, it is not easy to incorporate an unfamiliar system like Perseus into traditional forms of teaching. In order to make effective use of Perseus, instructors must learn not only how the program works, they must also learn to perform tasks in new ways. The video has therefore become a useful part of the Perseus documentation.####The video was produced by Video Visuals of Newton, Mass. and was coordinated by Phinney Morrison of the Perseus Project." 3154184442,"Enactment in Information Farming","Bernstein",12,6,32,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","Information farming views the cultivation of information as a continuing, collaborative activity performed by groups of people working together to achieve changing individual and common goals. Failure to differentiate information farming from related but distinct activities like information mining and data factories has been a fruitful source of misunderstanding and discord in the hypertext literature and in the design of hypertext environments. Dramatic enactment and visual salience — not recall, precision, or usability— assume primary roles in design for information gardening. In this technical briefing, we examine how enactment contribute to the success and failure of a variety of Hypergate and Story space features." 3154184443,"Technologically Assisted Focussing in Psychotherapy with Couples: A Hypertext Application for Clients, Clinicians & Researchers","Raphaely",3,0,68,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Den' Raphaely","Den' Raphaely","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","Video, controlled by computer, can be used in psychotherapy to give a couple feedback on how they interact. Organized hypertextually, these clips can be cross-referenced with other video-records (e.g. other sessions with this couple or another couple; movies; documentaries) and with other kinds of texts (e.g. therapist notes, scholarly references, genograms, cartoons). But how are these to be organized practically? And on what theoretical basis? This demonstration will show how a hypertext shell (the nW A YZ Project) built on HyperCardTM and VideoToolkitTM can be used to construct a hypertext for use by clients, therapists and researchers." 3154184444,"The Microcosm Link Service","Hall, Hill & Davis",4,2,9,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Gary Hill, Hugh Davis, Wendy Hall","Wendy Hall","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","As understanding of hypertext concepts has increased, the possibilities they present for the creation of a flexible system able to act as an integrator for a user’s whole environment are growing. This has led to interest in the concept of open hypermedia systems that are able to act as a link service to an existing set of applications. The key to this concept is in the perception of hypertext principles as a method for integration rather than simply as a delivery medium for a clearly defined information set.####A vision of the possibilities such a system might provide in a real world situation is given by Malcolm et al. [Malc91]. They paint a convincing picture of an environment where hypertext principles provide a seamless integration of a diverse range of applications. In order to provide such facilities in an efficient manner, a common link service such as described by Pearl [Pear89] and Rizk [Rizk92] is essential. This would provide a standard linking protocol that any application can take advantage of in order to become a fully integrated part of its environment. The Microcosm link service which we have been developing at the University of Southampton addresses the need for an integrating technology of this type." 3154184445,"Information Retrieval Techniques for Hypertext in the Semi-structured Toolkit","Perlman",5,0,11,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Gary Perlman","Gary Perlman","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","The Semi-Structured Toolkit (SST) is a C library that provides universal functions based on abstractions for storage format- and data-type dependencies of semi-structured/frame-based information units. The SST provides searching, sorting, viewing, and linking operations for data stored in its native formats, without requiring proprietary formats or conversion. Hypertext capabilities such as linking and outlining are implemented in the SST with inverted indices for each of the fields in semi-structured records. This paper describes the implementation of hypertext capabilities in the SST." 3154184446,"Design of Hypermedia Script Languages: The KMS Experience","Akscyn & McCracken",0,1,0,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Donald L. McCracken, Robert M. Akscyn","Robert M. Akscyn","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","This briefing describes the design of the KMS script language and some of the lessons learned from experience using it. The language—the result of over 20 years of ZOG/KMS development—is a procedural, block-structured language characterized by a simple ‘command line’ syntax, a large number of intrinsic commands (approximately 800), and the use of nodes and links as a central aspect of the syntax and semantics of the language. The intrinsic use of nodes and links in the script language provides interesting opportunities, not only for the design of other aspects of the language such as control structures, but also for the use of hypermedia as a programming environment to facilitate development and maintenance of scripts. In addition to designing the language, we have used it extensively to develop many hypermedia-based applications. Our experience, and that of end-user organizations, strongly reinforces our general belief that a script language is a valuable adjunct to hypermedia systems and instrumental to the utility of hypermedia for real world task environments.####[no references]" 3154184447,"The Perseus Project: Developing Version 2.0","Mylonas",1,0,10,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Elli Mylonas","Elli Mylonas","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","A discussion of the improvements and changes from Perseus 1.0 to Perseus 2.0, and the motivations for these changes." 3154184448,"Argumentation in Action","Bernstein, Marshall & Streitz",4,0,4,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Catherine C. Marshall, Mark Bernstein, Norbert Streitz","Mark Bernstein","Panel","","false","","true","Can explicit structure shed light on complicated arguments? Three hypertext systems—Storyspace, Aquanet, and SEPIA—will be used to explore and to represent issues from the Hypertext 93 panel, “Hypertext Fiction: Structure and Narrative.” Through a realistic experiment in capturing a particularly challenging exchange of views, this panel seeks to illuminate different approaches to hypertext argumentation." 3154184450,"Coexistence and Transformation of Informal and Formal Structures: Requirements for More Flexible Hypermedia Systems","Haake, Neuwirth & Streitz",12,10,29,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Christine M. Neuwirth, Jörg M. Haake, Norbert A. Streitz","Jörg M. Haake","Full paper","","true","design space for hypermedia systems, flexibility, hypermedia interface, information structures, meeting support","true","In this paper, we argue that some tasks (e.g., meeting support) require more flexible hypermedia systems and we describe a prototype hypermedia system, DOLPHIN, that implements more flexibility. As part of the argument, we present a theoretical design space for information structuring systems and locate existing hypertext systems within it. The dimensions of the space highlight a system’s internal representation of structure and the user’s actions in creating structure. Second, we describe an empirically derived range of activities connected to conducting group meetings, including the pre- and post-preparation phases, and argue that hyptetext systems need to be more flexible in order to support this range of activities. Finally, we describe a hypermedia prototype, DOLPHIN, which implements this kind of flexible support for meetings. DOLPHIN supports different degrees of formality (e.g., handwriting and sketches as well as typed nodes and links are supported), coexistence of different structures (e.g., handwriting and nodes can exist on the same page) and mutual transformations between them (e.g., handwriting can be turned into nodes and vice versa)." 3154184451,"VIKI: Spatial Hypertext Supporting Emergent Structure","Marshall, Shipman & Coombs",11,47,29,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman, III, James H. Coombs","Catherine C. Marshall","Full paper","","true","Spatial hypertext, composites, emergent structure, interpretation, visual structure recognition","true","The emergent nature of structure is a crucial, but often ignored, constraint on authoring hypertexts. VIKI is a spatial hypertext system that supports the emergent qualities of structure and the abstractions that guide its creation. We have found that a visual/spatial metaphor for hypertext allows people to express the nuances of structure, especialy ambiguous, partial, or emerging structure, more easily. VIKI supports interpretation of a collected body of materials, a task that becomes increasingly important with the availability of on-line information sources. The tool’s data model includes semi-structured objects, collections that provide the basis for spatial navigation, and object composites, all of which may evolve into types. A spatial parser supports this evolution and enhances user interaction with changing, visually apparent organizations." 3154184321,"Expanding the Notion of Links","DeRose",1,19,13,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","S. J. DeRose","S. J. DeRose","Full paper","","true","","true","Research in the humanities, particularly in text-oriented fields such as Classics and Religious Studies, poses particular challenges to hypertext and hypermedia systems. The complex set of primary and secondary documents form an intricate, highly interconnected network, for the representation of which hypertext is ideal. The variety and quantity of links which are needed pose challenges especially for data structures and for display and navigation tools. The specific needs arise in other contexts as well, particularly those with very large or complicated document collections." 3154184322,"Hypertext and “the Hyperreal”","Moulthrop",1,5,17,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","S. Moulthrop","S. Moulthrop","Full paper","","true","","true","As the technology of hypertext matures and becomes widespread, the changes it brings to textuality will affect all fields of writing, including those associated with literature. Using an important recent work of hypertextual fiction as a focal point, this paper offers a perspective on hypertext informed by literary and social criticism. It invokes Jean Baudrillards distinction between technologies of displacement (the robot) and technologies of augmentation (the automaton) to argue for the design of texts and systems that are accessible and enabling rather than opaque and objectifying." 3154184323,"Expressing Structural Hypertext Queries in Graphlog","Consens & Mendelzon",2,9,18,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","A. O. Mendelzon, M. P. Consens","M. P. Consens","Full paper","","true","","true","GraphLog is a visual query language in which queries are formulated by drawing graph patterns. The hyperdocument graph is searched for all occurrences of these patterns. The language is powerful enough to allow the specification and manipulation of arbitrary subsets of the network and supports the computation of aggregate functions on subgraphs of the hyperdocument. It can support dynamically defined structures as well as inference capabilities, going beyond current static and passive hypertext systems. The expressive power of the language is a fundamental issue: too little power limits the applications of the language, while too much makes efficient implementation difficult and probably affects ease of use. The complexity and expressive power of GraphLog can be characterized precisely by using notions from deductive database theory and descriptive complexity. In this paper, from a practical point of view, we present examples of GraphLog queries applied to several different hypertext systems, providing evidence for the expressive power of the language, as well as for the convenience and naturalness of its graphical representation. We also describe an ongoing implementation of the language." 3154184324,"VISAR: A System for Inference and Navigation of Hypertext","Clitherow, Riecken & Muller",3,7,24,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","D. Riecken, M. Muller, P. Clitherow","P. Clitherow","Full paper","","true","","true","Hypertext systems have traditionally been constructed by hand. This process can stand improvement in several aspects: it is laborious; requires a human to understand the text and infer all the relationships between the concepts/topics; and while the resulting hypertext may be traversed by a reader in an arbitrary fashion, s/he may still find it difficult to understand the concepts as expressed by the builder of the hypertext. We present a knowledge-intensive assistant for building hypertext fragments from a knowledge base customised both explicitly and implicitly by a user. Such a presentation may clarify relationships between concepts that were present implicitly in multiple sources of information. In the domain of an intelligent information retrieval system, we show how such an assistant may render customised views of knowledge extracted in a manageable form. While the presentation medium of the original system is graphic, we also speculate that presentation of the information in alternative hypermedia appears to be straightforward." 3154184325,"What to Do when There's Too Much Information","Lesk",0,3,6,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","M. Lesk","M. Lesk","Full paper","","true","","true","Hypertext systems with small units of text are likely to drown the user with information, in the same way that online catalogs or bibliographic retrieval systems often do. Experiments with a catalog of 800,000 book citations have shown two useful ways of dealing with the “too many hits” problem. One is a display of phrases containing the excessively frequent words; another is a display of titles by hierarchical category. The same techniques should apply to other text-based retrieval systems. In general, interactive solutions seem more promising than attempts to do detailed query analysis and get things right the first time." 3154184326,"The Role of External Representation in the Writing Process: Implications for the Design of Hypertext-based Writing Tools","Neuwirth & Kaufer",7,3,49,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","C. M. Neuwirth, D. S. Kaufer","C. M. Neuwirth","Full paper","","true","","true","The long-range goal of the research reported here is to study the role of hypertext-based external representations in augmenting performance on a cognitively complex task, in particular, on a synthesis writing task. The production of a written synthesis is a challenging task that requires managing large amounts of information over an extended period of time. Thus, synthesis writing is a task that is well-suited for testing the potential of hypertext technologies to support work on complex tasks. From a case study of experts and novices, we have developed a theory of the cognitive processes involved in producing a written synthesis. We have also developed a preliminary theory of the role of external representations in the writing process. We have drawn upon these two theories to design several hypertext-based external representations that we believe will augment writers’ performance on a written synthesis task. The hypertext-based applications include a general graph object and a table object; these objects form the foundation for a set of specialized tools to support synthesis writing, namely, a summary graph, synthesis grid and synthesis tree." 3154184327,"From Ideas and Arguments to Hyperdocuments: Travelling Through Activity Spaces","Streitz, Hannemann & Thüring",5,18,37,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","J. Hannemann, M. Thüring, N. A. Streitz","N. A. Streitz","Full paper","","true","","true","Discussing relevant issues for the next generation of hypermedia systems, Halasz [Hala88] provides also a classification along the following three dimensions: scope, browsing vs. authoring, and target task domain. In this paper, we will especially discuss aspects of the second dimension focussing on support for idea processing and authoring in hypertext systems. Although one cannot classify existing systems by assigning them exclusively to one category of this dimension1 hypertext systems are primarily discussed from the reading and browsing point of view and as support for retrieval. This is also reflected in attempts to transform existing (linear) text sources into hypertext structures in order to pro& from their additional interactive branching capabilities." 3154184328,"InterNote: Extending a Hypermedia Framework to Support Annotative Collaboration","Catlin, Bush & Yankelovich",0,5,16,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","N. Yankelovich, P. Bush, T. Catlin","T. Catlin","Full paper","","true","","true","Based on three years of user feedback, a design team at IRIS embarked on a project to enhance Intermedia to better support small groups of collaborators, particularly those involved with document review and revision. Towards this end, we defined user-level requirements for the new functionality. The result of this process was the design and implementation of InterNote. One aspect of InterNote involves a fundamental extension to Intermedia’s navigational linking paradigm. Instead of simply being able to traverse links, users are now also able to transfer data across the links using a technique we call warm linking. In this paper we describe extensions to our hypermedia framework to support annotative collaboration, including the user interface of the new linking functionality and the InterNote extension. Finally, we discuss our plans for future work." 3154184329,"Interchanging Hypertexts","Akscyn et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","F. Halasz, L. Welch, R. Akscyn, T. Oren, V. Riley","R. Akscyn","Panel","","false","","false","One of the seminal visions of hypertext is the “docuverse,” a seamless carpet of inter-linked text and media components where each additional work can be fluidly linked to pre-existing information, and any user can browse, search, and comment on the entire collection.####The reality of hypertext today is rather different. Driven by the needs of particular applications and by platform and market constraints, a plethora of competing and incompatible hypertext systems have arisen. Their user interfaces vary radically, from the fixed frames of KMS to the multiple scrolling texts of Guide. The data models are equally diverse, from the formalisms of HAM and Intermedia to HyperCard’s combination of object structure with procedural links. Many of these systems have already carved out substantial market niches and a growing amount of content is being created within their confines. Indeed, our ability to make global statements of utility for any of these approaches is still quite limited, and there may be no one best way of storing or presenting hypertext which suits all users and applications.####Compounding the problem is the emergence of the academic and commercial computing milieu as a distributed, loosely coupled collection of machines and networks of varying scale and vendor. In this environment, the emergence of a uniform hypertext storage sub-strate such as Xanadu is problematic and the difficulties of maintaining consistency across a large docuverse are compounded.####If we are not to abandon the vision of grand scale collaboration within the docuverse, some means of interchange and communication between hypertext systems becomes necessary. The requirement is equally pressing for potential publishers of hypertext based content, who must worry about portability of their works between hypertext systems and ensuring their longevity in the face of rapidly changing hardware and software platforms. Loss of either of these applications areas could be permanently crippling to the evolution of hypertext as a medium.####Steps toward interchange, standards, and ultimately distributed open hypertext systems must be founded on an abstract model of hypertext to which existing and future systems can be related. Creation of such a model forces us to go beyond casual references to “links” or “nodes” and to begin defining in a formal fashion the underpinnings of our field, building a lingua franca of hypertext.####[no references]" 3154184330,"Hypertext, Narrative, and Consciousness","Joyce et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","J. McDaid, M. Joyce, N. Kaplan, S. Moulthrop","M. Joyce","Panel","","false","","false","This panel attempts to initiate a dialogue on the implications of hypertext between information theorists and literary theorists, writers of texts and designers of text systems. Though the panelists base their views on several years of practical work with hypertext in education, they are concerned with broader social and conceptual problems raised by this technology — its likely effect on the way we teach ourselves and others to understand texts and the way we use those texts to construct an orderly (or disorderly) world. It seems important to raise these issues at Hypertext ’89 because hypertext is rapidly being recognized by humanists as a crucial and revolutionary enterprise. This recognition creates an opportunity for humanists and scientists to convene a productive dialogue which could have great significance both for hypertext and for the future of the humanities. We hope for a frank and free-ranging exchange of views and emphasize that this is a forum for questioning and controversy, not a series of monologues. Each panelist will deliver a ten-minute position statement, with the remaining hour of the session devoted to discussion. Abstracts of the three presentations follow.####[no references]" 3154184331,"Lessons Learned from the ACM Hypertext on Hypertext Project","Rous et al.",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","B. Rous, B. Shneiderman, E. Yoder, N. Yankelovich","B. Rous","Panel","","false","","false","In the Fall of 1988 the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) released its first hypertext product, entitled Hypertext on Hypertext [ACM88b]. It contained all of the major articles from the special issue on hypertext of the Communications of the ACM (July 1988) [ACM88a].####Three different versions of the product were developed:####• Hyperties version for IBM PC @larc88] (Ben Shneiderman, editor)####• HyperCard version for Apple Macintosh [Good871(Nicole Yankelovich, editor)####• KMS version for Sun and Apollo workstations [Aksc88] (Elise Yoder and Robert Akscyn, editors)####The Hypertext on Hypertext project was significant in several ways. ACM is one of the world’s largest publishers of computer science information. This project represents ACM’s fist venture into hypertext publishing [Fox881 and its first experience of the effort required and the results that can be expected. It is also the only commercial project we know of where three groups of experienced hypertext developers independently designed hypertext databases using the same raw materials. This is a rare opportunity to compare their design decisions and their experiences.####[no references]" 3154184332,"Indexing and Hypertext","Bernstein et al.",0,1,0,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","J. Critz, M. Bernstein, M.-C. van Leunen, N. Mulvaney, R. Simpson","M. Bernstein","Panel","","false","","true","The index is one of the oldest information retrieval devices. When the earliest scribe produced a document that could not be easily browsed, the need for an index emerged. Today we find voluminous amounts of text being placed online. While readers have the option of browsing and searching the text, these are not always efficient options for fruitful information retrieval. A navigational aid is needed. The back-of-the-book index offers itself as an excellent starting point for the organization of online information into a cohesive structure. Without a structured mechanism for information retrieval, online information will be lost. Given the amount of material being placed online, it is indeed a frightening prospect to consider the amount of information that is inaccessible due to the lack of a sound retrieval method. This panel will discuss formal indexing methodology and how it has been and might be applied to hypertext design.####[no references]" 3154184333,"Expert Systems and Hypertext","Bieber et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","G. Peper, M. Bieber, M. Frisse, P. Hayes, S. Feiner, W. Scacchi","M. Bieber","Panel","","false","","false","The relationships between expert systems and hypertext are many and varied. Expert systems have been proposed as authoring environments and navigational aids for hypertext systems and hypertext systems have been proposed as knowledge representation vehicles and rule editors for expert systems. These interrelationships should come as no surprise given the similarity of intellectual challenges confronting investigators in the two respective disciplines. In each, issues of knowledge representation, control of inference, and computational complexity are central. This panel will attempt to explore some of these overlapping issues from the perspective of both basic research and commercial applications. Although some primary data will be presented, the session will be more one of making links between other Hypertext 89 Proceedings presentations and a larger body of work. Audience participation will be strongly encouraged.####[no references]" 3154184334,"Hypertext and Higher Education: A Reality Check","Erhmann et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","K. Morrell, R. F. E. Weissman, S. C. Erhmann, S. Erde","S. C. Erhmann","Panel","","false","","false","This panel discussion will examine the extent to which today’s hypermedia systems are actually used and usable in higher education instruction and research. The panel will seek to foster dialog between hypermedia systems developers, corpus authors, and faculty users. A series of questions will be addressed by the panel and audience, including: How are hypermedia corpuses actually used in classes? How well do today’s systems meet the exploratory learning goals so often described as being at the heart of the hypermedia movement? What kinds of assignments make sense pedagogically? Are there system features which tend to discourage or prevent such uses? What are the difficulties involved in administering a course using hypertext? Are there unusual logistical problems? How does one monitor or manage the annotation and expansion of the corpus during the semester? Are today’s hypermedia environments, tools, and practices proving to be useful for the faculty researcher? the student researcher? For faculty considering a hypertext to organize data, is periodic porting to new hardware and software a safe bet? or does the faculty member risk marooning two years of work inside an obsolete system? What are the prospects for published hypertext corpuses? What system features are likely to affect the economics of publication and distribution? What are the special problems in creating hypertext materials that can be used on other campuses and in other courses?####[no references]" 3154184335,"Hypertext and Software Engineering","Balzer et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","B. Shneiderman, M. Begeman, M. Schwartz, P. K. Garg, R. Balzer","R. Balzer","Panel","","false","","false","The purpose of this panel is to bring together researchers in software engineering and hypertext and help identify the major issues in the application of hypertext technology and concepts to software engineering and vice versa.####[no references]" 3154184336,"Cognitive Aspects of Designing Hypertext Systems","Baird et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","D. Egan, J. Smith, N. A. Streitz, P. Baird, W. Kinch","P. Baird","Panel","","false","","false","The goal of this panel is to discuss those issues of designing hypertext systems which reflect the fact that producing hyperdocuments (writing, authoring role) and using hyperdocuments (reading nonlinear documents, accessingand retrieving information) is a cognitively demanding activity. In order to built systems that provide (intelligent) support for these activities cognitive processes and structures play a crucial role when designing hypertext systems. It can be observed that the construction of hypertext systems is often based on intuition and first-order task analysis. To overcome this situation, we need a user-oriented and task-driven approach to system design utilizing results of cognitive science or stimulating new research topics by looking at these applications.####The range of the topics of the panel will include the role of cognitive models of writing and reading for designing authoring tools in hypertext environments; critical issues of designing support for navigation in large information spaces including browsing and reading for the recipient; questions of how to arrive at cognitive compatibility of mental models of designers and users for the design of appropriate and cognitively adequate user-interfaces; compatibility of authors and readers; strategies of mapping knowledge representations on hyperstructures so that they can be processed later; the organization of multiple tasks extending to cooperative authoring and editing.[no references]" 1569603608,"The Toolkit Approach to Hypermedia","Puttress & Guimaraes",4,4,17,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","J. J. Puttress, N. M. Guimaraes","J. J. Puttress","Full paper","","true","CASE, hypermedia, user interfaces","true","Hypermedia systems are usually developed as a single, self-contained application making the system specialized and difficult to retool for other applications. Thus each system requires the redevelopment of hypermedia storage and display capabilities. As long as develop­ers need to write underlying hypermedia mechanisms, it remains impractical to extend hyper­media to many new domains.####Our effort focuses on developing a toolkit that can be used by developers to add hypermedia functionality to their tools, independent of their particular application or environment. By doing this we gain flexibility and provide a common framework allowing applications to share infor­mation and user interface capabilities.####The toolkit provides a simple hypermedia data model and an object-oriented user interface. The data model stores the underlying hypermedia structure and the application’s data. The user interface model separates the data and the view components of the objects, which permits the construction of interfaces independent of the final display platform. The combination of these two components provides a powerful toolkit capable of either adding a touch of hypermedia to an application or constructing a monolithic hypermedia system.####We describe the constraints of our development environments, our toolkit, and some typical applications of the toolkit, as well as our future plans." 1569603610,"A Hypertext Model Supporting Query Mechanisms","Afrati & Koutras",0,4,12,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Constantinos D. Koutras, Foto N. Afrati","Foto N. Afrati","Full paper","","true","button, hypertext, link, node, region, script","true","A formal model of hypertext is described in this paper. The purpose is two-fold: a) building on Garg’s work ([Garg 88]), to enhance his model so as to express advanced features of hypertext systems (such as structured nodes, scripts, typed and attributed links), and b) to demonstrate the expressive power of the model by showing that several problems concerning knowledge organization, browsing and navigation in the hyperspace, may have a simple solution in the framework of the model, as a result of a powerful query mechanism. The principles and fundamentals of the model are defined in detail, while its power and simplicity is illustrated by presenting some simple examples of information organization in hypertext fashion." 1569603611,"A Logical Query Language for Hypertext Systems","Beeri & Kornatzky",1,6,15,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Catriel Beeri, Yoram Kornatzky","Catriel Beeri","Full paper","","true","generalised quantifiers, query languages, views","true","The search capabilities of hypertext systems are currently limited to re­trieving collections of nodes and links based on predicates on their attributes and contents. To support sophisticated applications and user-tailored views of a hypertext document, we need a query language able to retrieve parts of a hypertext based on a specification of their structure. We present a logical query language permitting the formulation of such structural queries over hypertext. While the language is propositional, it includes a general notion of quantifier of the form appropriate for hypertext networks. Quantifiers are used for expressing formulas of the form: “For most paths from the current node, claim X holds”. In particular, most quantified assertions in natural language are directly represented in our logic. Formulas in the language are used for a declarative definition of sophisticated user-tailored views of a hypertext document." 1569603612,"A Model for Hypertext-Based Information Retrieval","Lucarella",1,3,30,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Dario Lucarella","Dario Lucarella","Full paper","","true","hypertext models, information retrieval, intelligent searching, knowledge-based systems, plausible reckoning","true","This paper approaches the problem of information retrieval from hypertext. In this context, the retrieval process is regarded as a process of inference that can be carried out either by the user exploring the hypertext network (browsing), or by the system, exploiting the hypertext network as a knowledge base (searching). That is the reason why a comprehensive model should take into account both of the perspectives, combining effectively browsing and searching in a unified framework. In the following, such a model is defined and implementation issues are outlined for a hypertext-based information retrieval system." 1569603615,"Intelligent Hypertext for Normative Knowledge in Engineering","Schwabe, Feijó & Krause",1,1,14,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Bruno Feijó, Daniel Schwabe, Werther G. Krause","Daniel Schwabe","Full paper","","true","Prolog, knowledge-based systems, norms","true","We present a system that combines hypertext with a semantic representation of engineering norms. Since the representation is done via a Prolog encoding of an And/Or Graph, it is possible to discuss the relation between the execution of the (representation of the) norm and navigation in the hypertext. The system incorporates an interpretation of the norm by experts, and it is shown how this interpretation can be regarded also as an hyperview onto the hypertext." 1569603616,"Author's Argumentation Assistant (AAA): A Hypertext-Based Authoring Tool for Argumentative Texts","Schuler & Smith",6,8,14,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","John B. Smith, Wolfgang Schuler","Wolfgang Schuler","Full paper","","true","argumentation model, authoring system, hypertext application","true","We present the conceptualization and implementation of AAA, a prototype authoring tool for creating argumentation-based hyperdocuments. AAA is part of a more comprehensive effort of GMD-IPSI, where the hypertext authoring system SEPIA (Struc­tured Elicitation and Processing of Ideas for Authoring) is developed. AAA will be used for writing and design experiments the results of which will be used in the design of SEPIA. It is designed to support the creation of argumentation patterns in accordance with the IBIS/PHI (Procedural Hierarchical IBIS) model combined with a micro argumentation structure according to Toulmin. For rapid prototyping purposes it has been implemented as a hypertext system using the Writing Environment WE developed at UNC.####AAA uses a combination of different independent but cooperating modes of operation dedicated to different cognitive tasks of the argumentative writing process. The entire argumentation structure is represented as a layered network of typed nodes and links in which different layers correspond to different levels of abstraction." 1569603617,"PHIDIAS: Integrating CAD Graphics into Dynamic Hypertext","McCall et al.",1,11,12,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Frank M. Shipman III, Jonathan L. Ostwald, Nathan F. Wallace, Patrick R. Bennett, Peter S. D'Oronzio, Raymond McCall","Raymond McCall","Full paper","","true","CAD, IBIS, hypermedia, visual structures","true","PHIDIAS is a hypermedia system for supporting environmental design. It embodies a theory of design as continual alternation between two complementary activities: construction of solution form and argumentation about construction. To support theses activities it implements a number of advanced hypermedia concepts. These include an applicative query language providing search by both structure and content, virtual structures, composite graphic nodes, query-based graphic clustering, and “triggered” queries which connect construction acts to relevant sections of the argumentative network. PHIDIAS constitutes a new type of integrated information environment for design." 1569603618,"An Integrated Approach of Knowledge Acquisition by the Hypertext System CONCORD","Hofmann, Schreiweis & Langendörfer",2,2,18,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Horst Langendörfer, Martin Hofmann, Uwe Schreiweis","Martin Hofmann","Full paper","","true","CONCORDE, knowledge acquisition, typed links","true","Knowledge acquisition is a crucial issue in developing expert systems. We describe a particular prototype of a hypertext system called CONCORDE that is able to support the entire process of knowledge acquisition. Since hypertext can be seen as a special structuring of various information units plus a fitting form of presentation, the data model of CONCORDE is discussed as well as its graphical browser." 1569603619,"Hierarchy, Composition, Scripting Languages, and Translators for Structured Hypertext","Stotts & Furuta",2,3,20,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","P. David Stotts, Richard Furuta","P. David Stotts","Full paper","","true","Trellis, graph grammar, hierarchy, pertri nets, translation","true","In this paper we describe a hypertext translator-generator system that uses χTed, the visual Petri net editor from the χTrellis hypertext system, to specify the semantic component of a string-to-graph translation. χTed-specified parsers convert general authoring notations into structured χTrellis documents for browsing. The operative mechanism is termed a pair grammar, in which a string grammar and a graph grammar are paired in a one-to-one correspondence. When an χTed-specified parser reduces by one of its string grammar productions, the corresponding production in its graph grammar is used to generate a portion of the Petri net that implements that syntax. The use of pair grammars in conjunction with the Trellis model results in a general method of defining hypertext structure that is both hierarchical and compositional." 1569603620,"Links and Structures in Hypertext Databases for Law","Wilson",0,1,14,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Eve Wilson","Eve Wilson","Full paper","","true","hypertext links, hypertext structures, information retrieval, law","true","This paper considers the need to automate the conversion of traditional legal docu­ments into an integrated hypertext database. It describes how this has been done at the University of Kent at Canterbury by the Justus suite of programs, which converts legal documents of diverse structures to run under the Guide hypertext system. It discusses the types of links the system uses to cater for:####1. linear and hierarchical structures; ####2. directed graphs;####3. annotational or associative links; ####4. index or concept links.####It then discusses how these links can create different virtual structures for the document collec­tion to give flexibility of access and navigation. Some of these mirror structures which exist in traditional paper systems; others are unique to computerised systems. Next it considers the use of embedded expert systems to steer variable paths through the documents. Finally it summarises the achievements so far, and the goals ahead." 1569603621,"An Apprentice That Discovers Hypertext Links","Bernstein",5,19,18,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Full paper","","true","apprentices, authoring systems, indexing, information retrieval, tours","true","A simple apprentice that proposes new content links in hypertexts has been added to the Hypergate hypertext environment, and its behavior and performance are evaluated under realistic conditions. Despite a fundamentally lexical approach, the link apprentice finds a significant number of intriguing and meaningful links very quickly and without substantial overhead." 1569603622,"Towards an Aesthetics of Hypertext Systems. A Semiotic Approach","Andersen",4,2,13,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Peter Bøgh Andersen","Peter Bøgh Andersen","Full paper","","true","aesthetics, authoring systems, models of hypertext, models of reading and writing, semiotics","true","In hypertext the reader can choose between several reading paths, and this is an es­sential characteristic of the medium. Composing paths that give meaningful readings is an impor­tant task for the hypertext author, but so far very little is known of the “rhetorics of paths” Based on the practical work of evaluating hypertext exercises written by students, the paper gives exam­ples of errors of composition and sets up a conceptual framework, borrowed from semiotics, for discussing aesthetic issues of hypertext design. The concepts are intended to make it easier for the author to design the product from a reader’s point of view, and an authoring tool supporting these concepts is sketched. Finally, the paper illustrates how insights from text stylistics and film aesthe­tics can be usefully exploited in the field of hypertext." 1569603623,"Linking Considered Harmful","De Young",1,11,14,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Laura De Young","Laura De Young","Full paper","","true","disorientation, hypermedia, structure","true","Arbitrary linking of data in hypertext allows for great flexibility, but the result is often hypertext in which users readily become disoriented. Where possible, it is desirable to provide support for structuring hypertext in a way that makes it easier to organize and understand. This can be done by identifying the underlying structure of the ways specific sets of data are related. Providing support for use of such structures in a hypertext system may yield benefits similar to those found in using higher-level programming constructs in programs." 1569603624,"Interactive Text Processing by Inexperienced (Hyper-)Readers","Rouet",0,3,16,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Jean-François Rouet","Jean-François Rouet","Full paper","","true","cognitive strategy, instructional text, interface organization, orientation, training","true","This paper focuses on the development of cognitive strategies in secondary school students, when learning to use electronic nonlinear documents. We study the costs and benefits of learning through nonlinear texts, from a psycholinguistic point of view. In the course of two experimental sessions, 148 11-12 and 13-14 year-old secondary school students were trained to use an interactive text-presentation software. Parameters such as the expression of relationships, selection marking, and pagination influenced both local and global aspects of nonlinear reading. Training improved orientation strategies at both academic levels. Implications of these results for the design of instructional nonlinear documents are discussed." 1569603625,"Non-Intrusive Hypertext Anchors and Individual Colour Markings","Irler & Barbieri",4,1,40,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Gilberto Barbieri, Wolfgang J. Irler","Wolfgang J. Irler","Full paper","","true","browsing model, invisible anchors, text marking","true","One interface feature of hypertext systems is the visualization of the link anchors, often in form of buttons which invite to click on. This functional information increases the cognitive load while reading a text on the computer. Comprehension of the presented material competes with the orientation in the hypertext. The paper treats the cognitive arguments, and explores interface and back-end questions related to this problem. A browsing model is developed which proposes a button-less screen, a click-anywhere suggestion, and pop-up local maps as a selection and preview mechanism. Links are finally activated by mouse movements towards a destination area, rather than by still button pressing. As a way to individualize and re-structure the visual aspect of the pages, the reader can permanently mark selected words with colour. Marked words may be added to a keyword index which is linked back to the text An experimental implementation uses ToolBook, a scripted construction set in MS-Windows 3.0. The design issues and some results are described for an educational application concerning pendulums." 1569603626,"SaTellite: Hypermedia Navigation by Affinity","Pintado & Tsichritzis",0,3,16,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Dennis Tsichritzis, Xavier Pintado","Xavier Pintado","Full paper","","true","","true","SaTellite is an exploration tool for a hypermedia environment. Navigation support is based on the concept of affinity between objects; that is, a relationship with an associated intensity. The user is presented with a two dimensional representation that provides a view of the hypermedia environment where objects lying close together have some affinity in the sense defined by a chosen measure. The system provides for multiple views by modifying the underlying measure of affinity. SaTellite promotes Hypermedia navigation by context-dependent proximity.####Based on the affinity concept, we develop a dynamic layout algorithm for the display of views. Because the views are based on affinity information, the links of the hypergraph do not appear explicitly." 1569603627,"Browsing in Hyperdocuments with the Assistance of a Neural Network","Biennier, Guivarch & Pinon",4,2,16,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Frédérique Biennier, Jean-Marie Pinon, Michel Guivarch","Frédérique Biennier","Full paper","","true","dynamic path, neural network, semantic browsing","true","The high degree of freedom a user has to browse throught an hyperdocument often makes him puzzled. His main problems are first the expression of his informal need, sometimes using ideas associations, then finding the path in the hyperspace to reach relevant information.####The guiding system proposed in this paper enriches the hyperdocument structure with undirect semantic links, i.e. associations between nodes according to their contents. Nodes’ contents are connected to multimedia keywords called tags; direct and reverse associations between nodes and tags are embedded in a bidirectionnal neural network which allows inductive retrieval. One user controls the process thanks to some simple parameters: specialization level for selected nodes, precision of tags, inertia selector, tolerance functions for specialization and precision spreads.####Upon request, the system dynamically raises a path that organizes the results of a query, contextual or not, adaptatively taking into account users’ profile and special needs. Weights in the neural network may also be slightly corrected from experience, adapting the association capability to users on their average." 1569603628,"MICROCOSM: An Open Model for Hypermedia with Dynamic Linking","Fountain et al.",1,29,19,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Andrew M. Fountain, Hugh C. Davis, Ian Heath, Wendy Hall","Andrew M. Fountain","Full paper","","true","dynamic linking, hypertext, multimedia","true","There are currently a number of commercially available hypertext and hypermedia systems, of varying levels of sophistication and usability, but there are still many problems to be resolved in the design of such systems. In this paper, we itemise some of the major problems that we have identified as possibly causing a barrier to the growth and development of hypermedia applications outside the research community. A model of an open hypermedia architecture with dynamic linking features is proposed that moves some way to resolving these problems, and the first implementation of the system, Microcosm, is presented and discussed." 1569603630,"Hypertext from the Data Point of View: Paths and Links in the Perseus Project","Mylonas & Heath",4,3,11,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Elli Mylonas, Sebastian Heath","Elli Mylonas","Full paper","","true","Perseus Project, linking, navigation, paths","true","The Perseus Project is building a system for studying Classical Greece, incorporating into it several different types of source material. In order to minimize system development time, and to make it accessible to the users of the system faster, it is being developed on Macintosh computers, using HyperCard. This paper describes two navigational methods that have been created in Perseus: generalized linking, and paths. They were chosen because they could provide the most flexibility and the most functionality. Their implementation is briefly described, as well." 1569603631,"How Should Hypermedia Authoring Systems for Computer Aided Instruction Look Like?","Gloor et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Daniel M. Russell, Gerald C. Nelson, Max Mühlhäuser, Michael R. Kibby, Peter A. Gloor, Ray McAleese","Peter A. Gloor","Panel","","false","","false","By discussion among proponents and users of various hypermedia systems I hope to clarify the requirements which are needed for a hypermedia authoring system in order to be able to produce usable hypermedia learning programmes.####[no references]" 1569603632,"The Advantages of Hypertext for Large Information Spaces; Where Are the Big Systems?","Baird et al.",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Ben Shneiderman, Ian Williams, Jacqueline Covo, Patricia Baird, Renee Deter","Patricia Baird","Panel","","false","","false","There has been a burgeoning interest in hypertext and hypermedia since the late 1940s, and a sharp increase in its bibliography [Baird and Mac Morrow 1989] over the past three years, in particular since the HyperTEXT’87 conference at North Carolina. These years have also seen an increasing number of systems become commercially available [Shneiderman 1989] and [Baird et al 1989]. What does not seem to be so readily available is a growing number of significance, generally useful applications." 1569603633,"Hypertext and Electronic Publishing","Furuta et al.",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Heather Brown, Laurence A. Welsch, Richard Furuta, Roberto Minio, Roy Rada, Steven R. Newcomb, Vincent Quint","Richard Furuta","Panel","","false","","false","The underlying models of hypertext and of structured documents are quite similar in many ways. The Charter of this panel is to examine the similarities and differences between the models and to consider the applicability of document standards such as SGML, ODA, etc., to hypertext." 1569603634,"What's Specific about User-Interfaces for Hypertext Systems?","Strietz et al.",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Janet H. Walker, John A. Waterwort, Norbert A. Streitz, Patricia Wright, Randall H. Trigg","Norbert A. Streitz","Panel","","false","","false","The starting point of this hello panel is that hypermedia systems could represent the beginning of the development of a new generation of information and publication systems. They have the inherent capability of meeting the requirements of user-oriented design of the human-computer interface as well as the demands for task-driven provision of functionality needed to support a variety of work activities. Within this context, one major claim is that hypermedia systems provide qualitatively new means for producing, communicating, and comprehending knowledge and thus will radically change the conditions of the information society." 3154184342,"Intellectual Property Rights for Digital Library and Hypertext Publishing Systems: An Analysis of Xanadu","Samuelson & Glushko",0,2,16,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Pamela Samuelson, Robert J. Glushko","Pamela Samuelson","Full paper","","true","","true","Copyright law is being applied to works in digital form. The special character of digital media will inevitably require some adjustments in the copyright model if digital libraries and hypertext publishing environments are to become as commercially viable as the print industries have been. An intellectual property system works only when it embodies a reasonably accurate model of how people are likely to behave, but it is hard to predict author and reader behavior in an environment that has yet to be built. By far the most ambitious proposal for a digital library and hypertext publishing environment is Ted Nelson’s Xanadu system. This paper reviews the intellectual property scheme in Xanadu and contrasts it with current copyright law. Xanadu’s predictions about reader and author behavior are examined in light of how people currently behave in computer conferencing, electronic mail, and similar existing systems. These analyses identify some respects in which intellectual property systems might have to be changed to make digital libraries and hypertext publishing systems viable." 3154184343,"Indexing Hypertext Documents in Context","Boy",3,2,22,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Guy A. Boy","Guy A. Boy","Full paper","","true","Contextual indexing, context acquisition, hypertext, information retrieval, tailorable system","true","To generate intelligent indexing that allows system must be able to acquire knowledge directly through interaction with users, In this paper, we present the architecture for CID (Computer Integrated Documentation), a system that enables integration of various technical documents in a hypertext framework and includes an intelligent browsing system that incorporates indexing in context. CIDS knowledge-based indexing mechanism allows case-based knowledge acquisition by experimentation. It utilizes on-line user information requirements and suggestions either to reinforce current indexing in case of successor to generate new knowledge in case of failure. This allows CIDS intelligent interface system to provide helpful responses, even when no a priori user model is available. Our system in fact learns how to exploit a user model based on experience (from user feedback). We describe CID’S current capabilities and provide an overview of our plans for extending the system." 3154184355,"Dynamic Adaptation of Hypertext Structure","Stotts & Furuta",2,7,12,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","David Stotts, Richard Furuta","David Stotts","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, Petri nets, Trellis, adaptation, browsing semantics, parallel computation model, place/transition nets, timing","true","A technique is described for adapting the apparent structure of a hypertext to the behavior and preferences exhibited by its users while browsing. Examples are given an implementation of this technique using the timing mechanism in Trellis. In the technique, event durations in a document are altered without actually changing the links in the underlying Petri net. The two extrema of instantaneous events and infinite delays can be used to create apparent node and link deletions and additions, as well as to insert new tokens (loci of activity) into a document. Adaptation of these times is accomplished using a simple data state in which the event timings (and other document properties) are variables, called attributes. As a reader traverses hypertext links, author-supplied adaptation agents are invoked to collect information and possibly change the values of the attributes. Agents encapsulate and effect the criteria for deciding when, and specifically how, a structure should be adapted. Several practical examples illustrate the conclusion of this report: sophisticated alterations do not require a complicated adaptation mechanism, that changing document constants into document variables provides flexibility to this mechanism, and that using a limited simple mechanism is the only hope for retaining analysis of the static and dynamic net properties." 3154184338,"The Pedagogy of Computing: Hypermedia in the Classroom","Ess",0,1,8,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Charles Ess","Charles Ess","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, IRIS Intermedia, Postmodemism, collaborative learning, computer ethics, electronic conferencing, electronic journaling, history of philosophy, history of science, hypermedia, pedagogy","true","I describe how I have used IRIS Intermedia, a sophisticated hypermedia program, in teaching an upper-level class on the emergence of philosophy and science in the context of religious story and material culture. I first describe the program and summarize the pedagogical results of using the program as documented at Brown University. I then describe various uses of the program in the Drury class, and the observed impacts of these uses. Our experience with hypermedia at Drury College both corrolorates and extends the pedagogical impacts of hypermedia already documented at Brown University, especially in terms of dramatically increasing student mastery of difficult material, and student involvement in the course through collaborative learning strategies supported by hypermedia resources distributed across a network. These pedagogically desirable benefits, however, are accompanied by concerns regarding “fragmentation” and “decentering” in student work in hypermedia, and regarding ethical irresponsibility towards shared and thus vulnerable resources.####These results are especially significant as they demonstrate that instructors with relatively limited resources can nonetheless reap dramatic pedagogical benefits from hypermedia technologies in the classroom. This also means: relatively exotic hypermedia technologies may successfully migrate to the resource-limited classrooms of smaller colleges and universities." 3154184360,"Hypertext for the Electronic Library?: CORE Sample Results","Egan et al.",1,7,12,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Carol C. Lochbaum, Dennis E. Egan, Joel R. Remde, Michael E. Lesk, Michael Littman, R. Daniel Ketchum, Thomas K. Landauer","Dennis E. Egan","Full paper","","true","Evaluation, Hypertext Design, Information Retrieval","true","The Chemistry Online Retrieval Experiment, or CORE project, is studying the possibility of creating a useful, usable electronic library for chemistry researchers. In a preliminary study, chemists were observed performing five different tasks representative of typical uses of the scientific journal literature. The tasks simulated browsing journals, answering specific questions given a citation to an article, answering specific questions given no citation, writing essays to summarize and integrate information, and finding “analogous transformations” for chemical reactions. Chemists carried out these tasks using one of three systems: (a) the printed journals supplemented with a widely used printed index system, (b) a hypertext system (the SuperBook@ document browser), or (c) a new electronic system (Pixlook) that incorporates traditional document retrieval methods plus full text indexing and delivers bitmap images of journal pages. Both electronic systems had a large advantage over the printed system for search and essay tasks. SuperBook users were faster and more accurate than Pixlook users at finding information relevant to browsing and search topics. Certain SuperBook hypertext features, however, did not work as well as Pixlook for displaying target articles. The patterns of data and log files of subjects suggest how SuperBook, Pixlook and related systems might be improved." 3154184526,"Spatial Hypertext and the Practice of Information Triage","Marshall & Shipman",3,22,17,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman, III","Catherine C. Marshall","Full paper","","true","VIKI, analysis, digital libraries, gathering interfaces, information triage, information workspaces, qualitative study, spatial hypertext","true","Information triage is the process of sorting through relevant materials, and organizing them to meet the needs of the task at hand. It is a practice that has become increasingly common with the advent of “at your fingertips” information resources, To explore the characteristics of information triage and its interaction with spatial hypertext, a medium we claim supports the process, we have studied subjects engaged in a time-constrained decision-making task using a large set of relevant documents. We use the study task to investigate information triage under three different conditions: one in which the participants used paper documents, and two others in which the participants used variants of VIKI, a spatial hypertext system. Our findings suggest that during information triage attentional resources are devoted to evaluating materials and organizing them, so they can be read and reread as they return to mind. Accordingly, hypertext tools to support the practice should facilitate the rapid assimilation and assessment of new material, aid in the creation and management of a fluid category structure, allow readers to track their own progress through the information, and use minimum-effort methods to promote the intelligibility of results." 3154184529,"Integrating Open Hypermedia Systems with the World Wide Web","Anderson",4,16,15,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Kenneth M. Anderson","Kenneth M. Anderson","Full paper","","true","Chimera, World Wide Web, integration, open hypermedia systems","true","Research on open hypermedia systems (OHSS) has been conducted since the late Eighties [10]. These systems employ a variety of techniques to provide hypermedia services to a diverse range of applications. The World Wide Web is the largest distributed hypermedia system in use and was developed largely independent of the research in OHSS. The popularity of the Web along with problems inherent in its design has motivated OHS researchers to integrate their systems with it. This research has primarily focused on enhancing the functionality of the Web via the services of an OHS. This paper presents three experiments exploring the integration of the Chimera OHS with the Web. While one of the experiments indeed describes work which enhances the Web, the other two investigate ways in which the Web can beneficially enhance an OHS. The paper concludes with a call for both communities to continue research which focuses on integration." 3154184531,"Structuring and Visualising the WWW by Generalised Similarity Analysis","Chen",1,7,20,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Chaomei Chen","Chaomei Chen","Full paper","","true","Pathfinder networks, WWW, information visualization, sequential behavioral patterns, structural analysis","true","This paper describes a generic approach to structuring and visualizing a hypertext-based information space on the WWW. This approach, called Generalised Similarity Analysis (GSA), provides a unifying framework for extracting structural patterns from a range of proximity data concerning three fundamental relationships in hypertext, namely, hypertext linkage, content similarity and browsing patterns. GSA emphasizes the integral role of users’ interests in dynamically structuring the underlying information space. Pathfinder networks are used as a natural vehicle for structuring and visualizing the rich structure of an information space by highlighting salient relationships in proximity data. In this paper, we use the GSA framework in the study of hypertext documents automatically retrieved over the Internet, including a number of departmental WWW sites and conference proceedings on the WWW. We show that GSA has several distinct features for structuring and visualizing hypertext information spaces. GSA provides some generic tools for developing adaptive user interfaces to hypertext systems. Link structures derived by GSA can be used together with dynamic linking mechanisms to produce a number of hypertext versions of a common information space." 3154184532,"Focus+Context Views of World-Wide Web Nodes","Mukherjea & Hara",3,3,23,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Sougata Mukherjea, Yoshinori Hara","Sougata Mukherjea","Full paper","","true","Information Visualization, Landmarks, Overview Diagrams, World-Wide Web","true","With the explosive growth of information that is available on the World-Wide Web, it is very easy for the user to get lost in hyperspace. When the user feels lost, some idea of the position of the current node in the overall information space will help to orient the user. Therefore we have developed a technique to form focus+context views of World-Wide Web nodes. The view shows the immediate neighborhood of the current node and its position with respect to the important (landmark) nodes in the information space. The views have been used to enhance a Web search engine. We have also used the landmark nodes and the focus+context views in forming overview diagrams of Web sites." 3154184533,"The Aleph: A Tool to Spatially Represent User Knowledge About the WWW Docuverse","Das Neves",3,1,20,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Fernando Das Neves","Fernando Das Neves","Full paper","","true","Navigation tools, Web visualization, spatial metaphors","true","One of the most elusive targets in hypermedia research has been to provide effective support for user navigation [6]. The popularity of the World Wide Web and its inherent vastness has only made things worse: many of the tools that were proposed to alleviate this problem in closed systems do not scale well when applied to WWW. We designed a tool, that we call The Aleph, that addresses the support of user navigation with two views, known as the Travel Map and the Content View. The Travel Map assists the user at the stage of traveling trough the docuverse, and the Content View helps him at the moment of recalling and organizing the known space. We developed a novel approach based on document collections, that takes advantage of 3D space, to give much more information than is usually available in 2D representations, and to simplify the map layouts. The maps provide a framework that relates document and terms with specific positions in space. The structure of the paper is as follows: Section 1 positions The Aleph in the context of a large-scale hypertext system as WWW. Section 2 shows the structure of The Aleph, the two views it provides, explains why to use different views, how they are related, and how they work. Finally Section 3 relates The Aleph to other tools that address similar user needs and design objectives." 3154184538,"Style Sheet Support for Hypermedia Documents","Ossenbruggen et al.",1,1,3,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Anton Eliëns, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Lloyd Rutledge, Lynda Hardman","Jacco van Ossenbruggen","Short paper","","true","Style sheets, structural transformations, temporal specifications","true","Hypermedia documents are most often created with a particular presentation environment in mind, This requires the authoring of one document per presentation platform. As pointed out in [3], much implementation effort can be avoided by specifying how the same underlying document can be presented in different environments. A style sheet defines a mapping from a source document to a presentation for it. We discuss the existing use of style sheets as applied to text and discuss their application to the case of hypermedia, and in particular how they need to be extended." 3154184552,"The King is Dead; Long Live the King (Keynote)","Smith",0,1,0,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","John B. Smith","John B. Smith","Keynote","","false","","true","This tenth anniversary of Hypertext conferences finds the field at an important crossroads. In this talk, I will look back briefly at the first Hypertext conference (Hypertext ’87) and at the ten years of research and experience with the technology that have followed. However, most of the talk will be concerned with issues raised by the World Wide Web for this community.####Many members view the Web as an intrusive, unwelcome guest who insists on making his or her point of view prevail. Ignoring the hard-won knowledge of this community, the WWW has simplified the data model, ignored problems of large-scale navigation, and declared that link integrity is irrelevant. Consequently, many wish that it would go away so that they could continue their studies along familiar paths. Since it hasn’t, they have begun to adapt their work to it, but often grudgingly and with the least accommodation possible.####I will suggest a different perspective. The WWW, along with Java and the Internet, are not just new elements in the computing infrastructure. They are the infrastructure. Most computing and communication activities in the future will take place in this context. If the Hypertext community wants to continue and to create value for its knowledge, it must embrace the WWW, not just tolerate it.####What an exciting challenge! Consider how much richer and better the Web (or its successor) would be if it could incorporate features found in smaller, experimental system (such as integrated authorship, global write access, and reliable hyperlinks). But to do so at the scale implied by the Web will require substantial new work. The Hypertext community is uniquely positioned to contribute to that work, if it elects to move in that direction. To encourage this, I will outline some of the opportunities as well as challenges posed by the Web, and suggest several issues that might be included in a future research agenda for the Hypertext community.####[no references]" 3154184548,"Addendendum to: “Query-based Navigation in Semantically Indexed Hypermedia”","Cunliffe, Taylor & Tudhope [Appendix]",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Carl Taylor, Daniel Cunliffe, Douglas Tudhope","Daniel Cunliffe","Addendum","","false","","false","Addendum of images for full paper at pp87-95.####[no references]" 3154184558,"Linking by Inking: Trailblazing in a Paper-like Hypertext","Price, Golovchinsky & Schilit",6,8,47,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Bill N. Schilit, Gene Golovchinsky, Morgan N. Price","Morgan N. Price","Full paper","","true","Dynamic hypertext, digital ink, document metaphor, information retrieval, paper-like user interface, pen computing","true","“Linking by inking” is a new interface for reader-directed link construction that bridges reading and browsing activities. We are developing linking by inking in XLibris, a hypertext system based on the paper document metaphor. Readers use a pen computer to annotate page images with free-form ink, much as they would on paper, and the computer constructs hypertext links based on the ink marks. This paper proposes two kinds of reader-directed links: automatic and manual. Automatic links are created in response to readers’ annotations. The system extracts the text near free-form ink marks, uses these terms to construct queries, executes queries against a collection of documents, and unobtrusively displays links to related documents in the margin or as “further reading lists.” We also present a design for manual (ad hoc) linking: circling an ink symbol generates a multi-way link to other instances of the same symbol." 3154184560,"Fluid Links for Informed and Incremental Link Transitions","Zellweger, Chang & Mackinlay",6,14,28,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Bay-Wei Chang, Jock D. Mackinlay, Polle T. Zellweger","Polle T. Zellweger","Full paper","","true","Fluid UI, animation, fluid links, hypertext navigation paradigms, rhetoric of departure, scent, user interface","true","We have developed a novel user interface technique for hypertext, called fluid links, that has several advantages over current methods. Fluid links provide additional information at a link source to support readers in choosing among links and understanding the structure of a hypertext. Fluid links present this information in a convenient location that does not obscure the content or layout of the source material. The technique uses perceptually-based animation to provide a natural and lightweight feeling to readers. In their richer forms, fluid links can provide a novel hypertext navigation paradigm that blurs the boundaries of hypertext nodes and can allow readers to fluidly control the focus on the material to support their current reading goals." 3154184563,"From Latent Semantics to Spatial Hypertext—an Integrated Approach","Chen & Czerwinski",8,6,32,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Chaomei Chen, Mary Czerwinski","Chaomei Chen","Full paper","","true","Spatial hypertext, digital libraries, latent semantic indexing, virtual reality","true","In this paper, we introduce an integrated approach to the development of spatial hypertext. This approach brings together several theories and techniques concerning semantic structures, and streamlines the transformation from implicit semantic structures to a semantic space rendered in virtual reality. Browsing and querying become natural, inherent, and compatible activities within the same semantic space. The overall design principle is based on the theory of cognitive maps. Techniques such as latent semantic indexing, Pathfinder network scaling, and virtual reality modelling are used in harmony. The value of this integrated approach is discussed based on initial results of a recent empirical study, which suggests that the spatial metaphor is intuitive and particularly useful when dealing with implicit information structures, or when a highly flexible and extensible virtual environment is required. Search strategies in association with the spatial hypertext and further work are also discussed." 3154184564,"Temporally Threaded Workspace: A Model for Providing Activity-based Perspectives on Document Spaces","Hayashi et al.",9,4,24,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Koichi Hayashi, Makoto Takeoka, Stephan Gumundson, Sunao Hashimoto, Takahiko Nomura, Tan Hazama","Koichi Hayashi","Full paper","","true","WWW, activity, authoring, hypertext, shared workspace, spatial hypertext, version management","true","In this paper, we present a framework for providing activity-based perspectives of a document space, especially in th WWW. An activity-based perspective is a view of the subspace of the WWW document space that a knowledge worker should understand or modify while executing the activity. We designed the framework to reduce the cognitive overhead of managing document spaces dependent on various internal and external changes. Changes within the activity (often resulting from the natural progress of the activity) result in changes of focus in the subspace related to the activity. For such internal changes, we introduce a temporally-threaded workspace model. Our model introduces a structured workspace that maintains a thread of snapshots of a knowledge worker’s perspective on a document space. Such threads of snapshots are constructed by monitoring user actions. External changes (for example, changes to documents managed in external sites) are independent of the progress of users’ activities. To deal with these changes, we introduce a proxy mechanism to maintain documents in the same state as accessed. This paper also describes the implementation of prototype systems, in the WWW environment, based on our frameworks. Interlocus is a client/server system providing facilities based on the temporally-threaded workspace model. It provides a user interface that presents spatial-temporal views of a workspace thread. Packrat is a WWW proxy server that maintains documents in the same state as accessed." 3154184566,"The Moment in Hypertext: A Brief Lexicon of Time","Luesebrink",6,13,31,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Marjorie C. Luesebrink","Marjorie C. Luesebrink","Full paper","","true","Time frames, hypertext fiction, hypertext poetry, hypertext structure, interface, narrative structures, spatial metaphor, story parameters, temporal metaphor","true","Hypertext literature has been characterized as spatial construct by many of the critics involved with its aesthetics and poetics. Michael Joyce, Cathy Marshall, Mark Bernstein, Carolyn Guyer, George Landow, Stuart research in traversal technology, and in their own Moulthrop and many others have explored the way in which metaphors of visual space can inform hypertexts—impacting both meaning and process. Although these writers refer to the time/space continuum, their writing has been less concerned with temporal constructs—how time might influence the programming, writing, and reading of hypertext literature. Time factors, however, could be viewed as important elements in the way hypertexts are conceived and received. This paper seeks to raise questions about issues of time—and to suggest some possible categories that might be investigated. Significant “information” is coded into everything from the equipment-determined limitations of “Machine Time” to the author-controlled clues embedded in “Mythic Time.” To the extent that we make mental scripts of spatial parameters, readers and writers of hypertext fiction may build into the space of the cyberworld a complementary universe fully as rich in temporal experience. In both the Interface Experience and the Cognitive Structure, time is part of the inscription of coherent meaning for cyber-narratives and electronic poetry." 3154184567,"Link Services or Link Agents?","Carr, Hall & Hitchcock",4,9,25,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","L. A. Carr, S. Hitchcock, W. Hall","L. A. Carr","Full paper","","true","Links, autonomous user interface agents, hypertext, link services, open hypermedia","true","A general link service for the WWW has been used within an Electronic Libraries’ project. Experience using it shows that as the links become increasingly interesting to the user, processing them becomes increasingly expensive. Eventually textual analysis, ontological services and remote database lookups conflict with the goal of prompt delivery of documents. This paper summarizes the history of the Link Service software behind the Open Journal project together with the kind of links that it has been used to produce. Building on this work it then discusses how the paradigm, architecture and user interface of the DLS have been newly modified both in response to user feedback and also to allow more linking facilities to be added to the WWW environment. We then introduce AgentDLS, an agent-style system that offers suggestions to help the user’s browsing and information discovery activities." 3154184571,"Locus Looks at the Turing Play: Hypertextuality vs. Full Programmability","Rosenberg",15,3,48,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Jim Rosenberg","Jim Rosenberg","Full paper","","true","algorithm identity, behavior, extensibility, hypertext, localization, sampling, structure, user interface, user/algorithm relationship","true","Hypertext extensibility is briefly reviewed: strategies have included external execution, published internal primitives, scripted articulation points, generalized object inheritance, and guest algorithms. Hypertext algorithms are typically localized. The user/algorithm relationship in hypertext is typically master/slave; other types of relationship are possible in generalized cybertext. Hypertext algorithms normally have a clear identity; for generalized cybertext, identity of the algorithm may need to be hidden. The algorithm might only be revealed by sampling activities; these activities might or might not be structured. Identity of the programmer needs to be considered as much as that of reader or writer. Hypertext is typically structurally focused; generalized algorithms exhibit behavior, and a behavioral rather than a structural focus may be important in certain types of cybertext. Hypertextuality is not “all or nothing”; there are dimensionalities to hypertextuality, only some of which may be present. The extensibility architecture should be flexible enough to allow for all of these dimensionalities." 3154184574,"Structural Properties of Hypertext","Park",10,3,25,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Seongbin Park","Seongbin Park","Full paper","","true","Dexter model, Hypertext models, Hypertext structure, a-transducer, context-free language, link-following, regular set, virtual document","true","We provide a framework that allows one to study structural properties of hypertext in connection with formal language theory. We model hypertext as a transformation device (an a-transducer) that transforms a link-following into a sequence of matched pairs: basic linkable units. Then, we address the following questions: What can hypertext do? What structure is formed when a link-following is done? What structure is built when a virtual document is constructed? We show that the set of all link-followings in hypertext is a regular set. Then, the set of all possible outputs of link-followings is shown to be context-free, which means that constructing virtual documents is essentially same as generating words of a context-free language." 3154184575,"Using the Flag Taxonomy to Study Hypermedia System Interoperabilty","Wiil & Østerbye",10,3,27,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Kasper Østerbye, Uffe Kock Wiil","Uffe Kock Wiil","Full paper","","true","Flag taxonomy, interoperability matrix, interoperability protocol, partial hypermedia system","true","Interoperability between existing systems, program packages, tools and applications with various degrees of hypermedia awareness is a complex and important challenge facing the hypermedia community. This paper presents a general framework (called the Flag Interoperability Matrix) to discuss and examine hypermedia system interoperability based on the concepts and principles of the Flag taxonomy of open hypermedia systems. The purposes of the Flag Interoperability Matrix are to provide a framework to classify, describe concisely and compare different approaches to hypermedia system interoperability, and provide an overview of the design space of hypermedia system interoperability. The Flag Interoperability Matrix is used to examine existing interoperability approaches. Based on a systematic analysis of possible approaches to hypermedia system interoperability, the paper explores one solution to hypermedia system interoperability that seems particularly promising with respect to handling the growing number of applications with increasing but incomplete awareness of hypermedia structure concepts." 3154184576,"An Agenda for Open Hypermedia Research","Nürnberg, Leggett & Wiil",16,10,38,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","John J. Leggett, Peter J. Nürnberg, Uffe K. Wiil","Peter J. Nürnberg","Full paper","","true","Open hypermedia system (OHS), component-based open hypermedia system (CB-OHS), hyperbase, hypermedia domain research, hypermedia middleware, hypermedia operating system, structural computing","true","The historical development of hypermedia systems can be characterized as a series of successive abstractions of functionality away from the “core” hypermedia server, often resulting in a new open layer in the hypermedia environment architecture. Recently, this trend of abstraction has been applied to the hypermedia server itself, replacing the notion of a single, closed hypermedia server with an open layer of structure servers. This newest development brings with it a new set of challenges and research issues for open hypermedia researchers. In this paper, we discuss these issues, review some of our collective applicable experience with contemporary open hypermedia systems and other work, and point out some of the more pressing and intriguing open questions that we feel are facing open hypermedia researchers today. We also examine the “split” in the current hypermedia research community between “system” and “domain” researchers and the still-present need for interoperability among systems, and discuss why any attempt to address the issues we discuss in this paper must account for these observations." 3154184577,"Referential Integrity of Links in Open Hypermedia Systems","Davis",9,8,29,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Hugh C. Davis","Hugh C. Davis","Full paper","","true","Broken Links, Dangling Links, Link Services, Open Hypermedia, Referential Integrity","true","This paper is concerned with broken hypertext links. These are links which do not refer the reader to the information that was intended by the author of the link. The paper presents three distinct models which have been adopted by various developers for the storage of hypertext links, and considers the problems that may result from adopting each of these models, and reviews and classifies a number of methods that may be adopted for preventing these problems.####The link models that are reviewed range from the tightly coupled links implemented by html in the World Wide Web, through to the loosely coupled links adopted by some link server systems.####The paper concludes that there can be no universal solution to this problem; rather there is a range of approaches from which hypertext developers must choose a solution appropriate to their needs." 3154184579,"Inferring Web Communities from Link Topology","Gibson,Kleinberg & Raghaven",5,7,28,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","David Gibson, Jon Kleinberg, Prabhakar Raghavan","David Gibson","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, World Wide Web, collaborative annotation, communities, information exploration","true","The World Wide Web grows through a decentralized, almost anarchic process, and this has resulted in a large hyperlinked corpus without the kind of logical organization that can be built into more traditionally-created hypermedia. To extract, meaningful structure under such circumstances, we develop a notion of hyperlinked communities on the www through an analysis of the link topology. By invoking a simple, mathematically clean method for defining and exposing the structure of these communities, we are able to derive a number of themes: The communities can be viewed as containing a core of central, “authoritative” pages linked together by “hub pages” ; and they exhibit a natural type of hierarchical topic generalization that can be inferred directly from the pattern of linkage. Our investigation shows that although the process by which users of the Web create pages and links is very difficult to understand at a “local” level, it results in a much greater degree of orderly high-level structure than has typically been assumed." 3154184580,"Cut As a Querying Unit for WWW, Netnews, and E-mail","Tajima et al.",6,3,27,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Katsumi Tanaka, Keishi Tajima, Masatsugu Kitagawa, Yoshiaki Mizuuchi","Keishi Tajima","Full paper","","true","Netnews, WWW, e-mail, graph-partitioning, hypertext, information discovery, query, structuring","true","In this paper? we propose a query framework for hypertext data in general, and for WWW pages, Netnews articles, and e-mails in particular. In existing query tools for hypertext data, such as search engines for WWW or intelligent news/mail readers, data units in query are typically individual nodes. In actual hypertext data, however, one topic is often described over a series of connected nodes, and therefore, the logical data unit should he such a series of nodes corresponding to one topic. This discrepancy between the data unit, in query and the logical data unit hinders the efficient information discovery from hypertext data. To solve this problem, in our framework, we divide hypertexts into connected subgraphs corresponding to individual topics, and we use those subgraphs as the data units in queries." 3154184581,"Flexible Coordination with Cooperative Hypertext","Wang & Haake",8,4,25,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Jörg M. Haake, Weigang Wang","Weigang Wang","Full paper","","true","CHIPS, Cooperative hypermedia, coordination, groupware, workflow","true","In current workflow and groupware systems, there is a gap between formal and informal coordination mechanisms. To fill the gap, flexible coordination support covers the whole spectrum of informal and formal co-ordination mechanisms. In this paper, a flexible coordination model integrating formal and informal coordination mechanisms is presented. Methods of using cooperative hypermedia concepts to uniformly model all objects representing coordination mediums and shared artifacts are described. Using the proposed model and methods, a cooperative hypermedia system (CHIPS), that offers flexible coordination support has been implemented. An application example of the system shows how a set of tasks and different coordination mechanisms are integrated into a cooperative process. This work demonstrates that cooperative hypermedia can serve as a bridge to close the gap." 3154184583,"Using Paths in the Classroom: Experiences and Adaptations","Shipman et al.",2,10,12,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Chung-Chi Chung, Donald Brenner, Frank M. Shipman, III, Hao-wei Hsieh, Richard Furuta","Frank M. Shipman, III","Short paper","","true","Computers and education, Directed paths, Guided tours, Meta-documents, Walden’s Paths, World-Wide Web","true","Walden’s Paths was designed to enable teachers to collect, organize, and annotate Web-based information for presentation to their students. Experiences with the use of Walden’s Paths in high-school classrooms have identified four needs/issues: (1) better support for the gradual authoring of paths by teachers, (2) support for student authoring of paths including the ability for students to collaborate on paths, (3) more obvious distinction between content of the original source materials and that added by the path author, and (4) support for maintaining paths over an evolving set of source documents. These observed needs have driven the development of new versions of Walden’s Paths. Additionally, the experiences with path authoring have led to a conceptualization of meta-documents, documents whose components include complete documents, as a general domain where issues of collaboration, intellectual property, and maintenance are decidedly different from traditional document publication." 3154184587,"2L670: A Flexible Adaptive Hypertext Courseware System","De Bra & Calvi",1,1,5,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Licia Calvi, Paul De Bra","Paul De Bra","Short paper","","true","adaptive content, adaptive hiding and annotation, hypertext courseware","true","In[4,5] (among other papers) we have reported on the development of an adaptive hypertext document and system, used for learning about the subject of hypertext, through distance learning by means of World Wide Web. In the terminology of Brusilovsky’s overview paper [ 11], the system offered adaptive content and link hiding. This short paper briefly describes the latest developments, which include the possibility for users to choose between link hiding and link annotation. The adaptive hypertext contents consists of standard HTML (3.2) pages, which makes it easy for authors to create adaptive courses using off the shelf authoring tools." 3154184588,"Applying Open Hypermedia to Audio","DeRoure et al.",0,2,5,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","David DeRoure, Jonathan Read, Lee Oades, Neil Ridgway, Steven Blackburn","David DeRoure","Short paper","","true","Open Hypermedia Protocol (OHP), Open hypermedia, branching audio, content-based navigation","true","We describe a set of tools to support navigational hypermedia linking within audio (‘branching audio’) and between media types including audio. We have adopted an open hypermedia approach, with a component-based architecture, and aim to be compliant with the emerging Open Hypermedia Protocol (OHP). Content-based navigation is supported and we have focused on speech and musical content for our case studies. Although our investigation concentrates on audio, many of the techniques are generic and therefore applicable to other temporal media." 3154184593,"Contextures","Stanley",0,1,4,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Terry Stanley","Terry Stanley","Short paper","","true","context, critical discussion, focus, linkmap, mediator, navigation","true","When the amount of information to present is large relative to the display area, views organized around a focus of attention and its surrounding context make effective use of the limited area. Contextures extend the concept of focus+context by adding texture-compact, expressive views providing statistical rather than detail information." 3154184594,"Dynamic Bookmarks for the WWW","Takano & Winograd",1,2,2,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Hajime Takano, Terry Winograd","Hajime Takano","Short paper","","true","WWW navigation, bookmark, link analysis, user behavior analysis","true","This paper describes a management tool to support revisiting WWW pages, which we call “WWW Dynamic Bookmark (WDB).” WDB watches and archives a user’s navigation behavior, analyses the archive, and shows analyzed results as clues for revisiting URLs. We have integrated link analysis and user behavior analysis to evaluate WWW page importance. WDB presents a list of sites that a user has visited, in importance order, via a landmark list in each site, and showing relationships among sites. Experimental implementation shows that importance calculation and structure displays help users to pick up useful URLs." 3154184598,"Camping on Banks of the Hypermedia Literature: Waiting for (a Hyperliterate) Civilization to Arrive","Leggett",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","John J. Leggett","John J. Leggett","Keynote","","false","","false"," After all, our intellectual product is all that endures. What legacy are we leaving for the future? Is this the legacy we wish to leave? Are we making the impact in the world that we thought we could when we started this conference series?####This talk will concentrate on the body of literature produced by the hypertext conference community. I will trace the previous threads of research through the literature and discuss where I see these threads going in the future. It will be like camping on the banks or bluffs overlooking the hypertext conference literature. We will be trying to identify the rudiments of a civilization. Will we find civilization? Or just more camps? Will we find a literate culture? Could we dare hope for a hyperliterate culture?####I will give you my perspective on the above and outline some ideas of things we could do as a community to move towards a more rewarding civilization. Despite the topic of this talk, it will be light-hearted with many fond remembrances and anecdotes!####[no references]" 3154184599,"Straight Talk for Troubled Times, or: The Street Finds Its Uses for Things","Moulthrop",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Stuart Moulthrop","Stuart Moulthrop","Keynote","","false","","false","A few years ago Thomas Landauer, a key figure in hypertext research, wrote an indispensable book called The Trouble with Computers. According to Landauer, society fails to understand that information technologies breed complexity in almost every area of application; yet inexplicably we expect these technologies to deliver simplicity, efficiency, and a straightforward return on investment. Landauer answers these false expectations with “user-centered design” (UCD), asking us to shift attention from systems and software to people, their activities, and their needs. Though this is a promising thesis, it begs some primary questions: Who defines appropriate uses of information technology? How do new technological affordances affect our concepts of value and productivity? Could a more basic process precede UCD, one in which we redefine use itself? The talk applies these questions to the most notorious area of hypertext development, HTTP and the World Wide Web. What has the Web meant so far for business, academia, and society in general? Has widespread and relatively intense engagement with hypertext produced any changes in our understanding of this technology? What does it mean to LM the Web?####[no references]" 3154184600,"Actual & Potential Hypertext & Hypermedia (Panel): 5 Realizations","Greco et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Chris Funkhouser, Diane Greco, Jim Rosenberg, Marjorie Luesebrink, Markku Eskelinen","Diane Greco","Panel","","false","","false","It is by now a commonplace that the advent of hypertext and hypermedia has changed, and will continue to change, received notions of what it means to organize and consume information. However, much of the promise of these new media is in fact limited by the availability of sufficiently flexible and sophisticated authoring tools. This disconnect between designers and users often leads to the disappointing situation in which work-arounds designed to refine the functionality of an existing hypertext/hypermedia system themselves compromise the integrity of the writer’s or artist’s original vision. To motivate a deeper and fuller discussion between developers and writers, the panelists will discuss their experiences trying to “write around” various software constraints and will demonstrate their solutions and/or ideas for solutions, either in systems or interface design.####[no references]" 3154184601,"Developing Hypermedia (Panel)","Lowe et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Daniel Schwabe, David Lowe, Mark Bernstein, Paolo Paolini","David Lowe","Panel","","false","","false","Although various hypertexts and hypertext-based applications exist which demonstrate the power of HT concepts, hypertext still tends to be underutilised in many systems, especially the Web. This can possibly be attributed in part to the lack of appropriate approaches to the creation or development of hypertext-based applications and sites. This panel will focus on different perspectives relating to how we should be approaching the development. In particular, the panel will consider development which enhances both the quality of the creative or development process, and the quality of the (hypertext) results of our development. The panelists will discuss aspects such as their positions with respect to the level of formality needed in the process and where the strong focus of attention during the development should be placed.####[no references]" 3154184603,"Semiautomatic Generation of Glossary Links: A Practical Solution","Kaindl et al.",16,2,33,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Hermann Kaindl, Papa Samba Niang Diallo, Stefan Kramer","Hermann Kaindl","Full paper","","true","Authoring, WWW, automatic link generation, glossary links, hypertext","true","Especially through the increasing popularity of the World Wide Web (WWW, Web), more and more hypertext is created. A major task in creating hypertext is link generation, and in particular for larger hypertexts, generating the links manually takes a lot of effort. Therefore, at least some support for link generation is highly desirable. We faced an important case of this problem in practice — to make explicit glossary links, i.e., links within and into a (technical) glossary. So, we developed a new and interactive algorithm for the semiautomatic generation of glossary links in hypertext. In order to be useful in practice, it deals with inexact matching of text and with names that may consist of several words, which may overlap or encompass each other in the text. Since the hypertext author using this algorithm should have full control over which links to include, our approach relies on user cooperation and interaction. Therefore, the design of our algorithm aims at reducing the cognitive overhead of the hypertext author. While we use this approach successfully in practice, its performance there is hard to evaluate quantitatively. So, we present a novel experiment design for quantitatively measuring the success of semiautomatic link generation and its application to our new algorithm. Both our qualitative empirical evidence and these quantitative results suggest its usefulness." 3154184604,"Finding Context Paths for Web Pages","Mizuuchi & Tajima",5,4,14,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Keishi Tajima, Yoshiaki Mizuuchi","Yoshiaki Mizuuchi","Full paper","","true","Web, hypertext, query, structure discovery","true","The contents of Web pages are often not self-contained. A page author often assumes all the readers of the page come through the same path, and he sometimes omit the information described in the pages on that path because the readers must already know it. Therefore, indexes used by search engines based on the contents of each page are also incomplete. In this paper, we propose a method of discovering those paths assumed by page authors, and of complementing the incomplete indexes with keywords extracted from the pages on those paths." 3154184606,"Aspects of Text Semantics in Hypertext","Mehler",0,1,5,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Alexander Mehler","Alexander Mehler","Short paper","","true","automatic hypertext construction, semantic space, text linguistics, two-level hypertext","true","This paper aims at outlining a linguistic framework for the justification of automatically created links in hypertext. Hypertexts are seen to represent linguistic units above the level of texts which allow to apply the linguistic concept of semantic cohesion. Cohesion relations are modeled using semantic spaces as the underlying information structure of a two-level hypertext system. This procedure makes it possible to control formally and linguistically the process of text linkage." 3154184607,"Data Scalability in Open Hypermedia Systems","Anderson",19,2,34,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Kenneth M. Anderson","Kenneth M. Anderson","Full paper","","true","Chimera, open hypermedia systems, scalability","true","A key issue in hypermedia is scalability. A review of the hypermedia literature relevant to scalability is presented and related to the field of open hypermedia systems. The issues are grounded in the description of a development project that increased the scalability of the Chimera open hypermedia system two orders of magnitude. The project description includes the scenario that motivated the work, Chimera’s architecture, the scalability issues encountered and the techniques employed to address them. An important lesson of the work is that scalability impacts all levels of a system’s architecture. This has significant ramifications with respect to open hypermedia systems since the highest layer of their architecture is composed of third-party applications typically outside the control of the open hypermedia system’s developers." 3154184609,"The Callimachus Approach to Distributed Hypermedia","Tzagarakis et al.",2,3,4,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Athanasios Papadopoulos, Dimitris Christodoulakis, Manolis Tzagarakis, Michalis Vaitis","Manolis Tzagarakis","Short paper","","true","Open hypermedia system, distribution, naming","true","We present the issues and design of the naming architecture of Callimachus - an open distributed hypermedia system." 3154184610,"CAOS: A Collaborative and Open Spatial Structure Service Component with Incremental Spatial Parsing","Reinert et al.",3,12,5,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Claus Aagaard Pedersen, Dirk Bucka-Lassen, Olav Reinert, Peter J. Nürnberg","Olav Reinert","Short paper","","true","CSCW, collaboration, component-based open hypermedia system (CB-OHS), hypermedia middleware, incremental spatial parsing, open hypermedia system (OHS), spatial hypermedia","true","This paper introduces a project that provides spatial hypermedia services as part of a component-based open hypermedia system (CB-OHS). We focus on the issues of storing both the information space and the parsed spatial structure (for structure sharing purposes) and collaboration support. Continuous re-parsing of spatial structure guarantees consistency between spatial and parsed structure. This promotes parsed structure to first-class status, making persistent storage of it attractive; and, it ensures a consistent view of the parsed structure between collaborative users. For efficiency reasons, the spatial parser is incremental. An accompanying spatial editor shows the validity and utility of the approach." 3154184612,"Visualizing and Assessing Navigation in Hypertext","McEneaney",6,5,35,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","John E. McEneaney","John E. McEneaney","Full paper","","true","empirical validation, navigation metrics, navigation patterns, path analysis, user paths, visualization","true","User navigation has been a central theme in both theoretical and empirical work since the earliest days of hypertext research and development. Studies exploring user navigation have, however, tended to rely on indirect navigational measures and have rarely tried to relate navigation to performance solving problems or locating information. The purpose of this paper is to propose methods that lead to a more direct representation and analysis of user movement in hypertext and to empirically explore the relationship of resulting measures to performance in a hypertext search task. Results of this study support the claim that the proposed graphical and numerical methods have empirical significance and may be useful in applications related to assessing and modeling user navigation." 3154184613,"Hypertext-like Structures Through a SOM Network","Rizzo, Allegra & Fulantelli",0,1,4,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","G. Fulantelli, M. Allegra, R. Rizzo","R. Rizzo","Short paper","","true","Artificial neural networks, hypertext development","true","In this paper we describe a system whose main aim is supporting a hypertext author to classify and organize a large amount of documents; the system allows the author to have access to the documents with hypertext features, documents, an ordered document map in which a user can providing some access points and suggesting, for each document, the related ones. The system is an interesting search. In these works a semantic SOM network [3], was application of the Self Organizing Map network, a neural used to produce the document representation. Recently it has network widely used to organize multidimensional data; been shown that the TFIDF, a simple document specifically, it is based on two SOM networks, the first one is aimed at organizing collections of documents in “information maps” that display the relations between the content of the documents; the second one identifies access points and splits the maps into meaningful areas. Finally the author can edit both the list of access points and the map through a Web page editor, thus moving the misclassified documents in the right area." 3154184453,"Extending the Microcosm Model to a Distributed Environment","Hill & Hall",10,8,15,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Gary Hill, Wendy Hall","Gary Hill","Full paper","","true","Distributed, Hypertext, Microcosm, Open","true","In recent years, there has been significant growth in the use of computer networks to support electronic delivery of information. As the volume of available information has grown, a need for powerful tools that can manage access has arisen. It has been suggested that hypertext techniques can provide such a facility. The Microcosm system is a hypertext link service developed at the University of Southampton. The system is based upon a modular architecture which allows the functionality of the system to be easily and dynamically extended. This paper describes the development of a distributed version of Microcosm based upon this modular design. The distributed system described utilises the fine granularity of the Microcosm model to support a wide range of wide possible configurations. The system also extends the document management facilities of Microcosm to allow information stored by other information services to be incorporated. The result is a system that can apply Microcosm’s open linking services to a wide range of networked information." 3154184454,"Light Hypermedia Link Services: A Study of Third Party Application Integration","Davis, Knight & Hall",7,23,19,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Hugh C. Davis, Simon Knight, Wendy Hall","Hugh C. Davis","Full paper","","true","Integration, Microcosm, Open Hypermedia, Services","true","Recently there has been a tendency for the research community to move away from closed hypermedia systems, towards open hypermedia link services which allow third parties to produce applications so that they are hypertext-enabled. This paper explores the frontiers of this trend by examining the minimum responsibility of an application to co-operate with the underlying link service, and, in the limiting case where the application has not been enabled in any way, it explores the properties and qualities of hypermedia systems that can be produced. A tool, the Universal Viewer, which allows the Microcosm Hypermedia System to co-operate with applications which have not been enabled in introduced and a case study is presented which demonstrates the functionality that may be achieved using entirely third party applications, most of which have not been enabled." 3154184462,"Accessing Hyperdocuments Through Interactive Dynamic Maps","Zizi & Beaudouin-Lafon",2,1,26,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Mountaz Zizi","Mountaz Zizi","Full paper","","true","information retrieval, interaction paradigm, maps, navigation, visualization","true","We propose a new navigation paradigm based on a spatial metaphor to help users access and navigate within large sets of documents. This metaphor is implemented by a computer artifact called an Interactive Dynamic Map (IDM). An IDM plays a role similar to the role of a real map with respect to physical space. Two types of IDMs are computed from the documents: Topic IDMs represent the semantic contents of a set of documents while Document IDMs visualize a subset of documents such as those resulting from a query. IDMs can be used for navigating, browsing, and querying. They can be made active, they can be customized and they can be shared among users. The article presents the SHADOCS document retrieval system and describes the role, use and generation of IDMs in SHADOCS." 3154184463,"Interactive Clustering for Navigating in Hypermedia Systems","Mukherjea, Foley & Hudson",5,2,13,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","James D. Foley, Scott E. Hudson, Sougata Mukherjea","Sougata Mukherjea","Full paper","","true","Information Visualization, Navigation, Overview Clustering","true","This paper talks about clustering related nodes of an overview diagram to reduce its complexity and size. This is because although overview diagrams are useful for helping the user to navigate in a hypermedia system, for any real-world system these become too complicated and large to be really useful. Both structure-based and content-based clustering are used. Since the nodes can be related to each other in different ways, depending on the situation different clustered views will be useful. Hence, it should be possible to interactively specify the clustering conditions and examine the resulting views. We present efficient clustering algorithms which can cluster the information space in real-time. We talk about the Navigational View Builder, a tool that allows the interactive development of overview diagrams. Finally, we propose a 3-dimensional approach for visualizing these abstracted views." 3154184464,"Frame-axis Model for Automatic Information Organizing and Spatial Navigation","Masuda, Ishitobi & Ueda",27,1,41,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Manabu Ueda, Yasuhiro Ishitobi, Yoshihiro Masuda","Yoshihiro Masuda","Full paper","","true","automatic text, browsing, data model, visualization","true","In taxonomic reasoning tasks, such as scientific research or decision making, people gain insight and find new ideas through analysis of large numbers of factual data or material documents, which are generally disorganized and unstructured. Hypermedia technology provides effective means of organizing and browsing information with such nature. However, for large amounts of information, the conventional node-link model makes linking or browsing operations be complicated because their relationship have to be represented as binary relations. In this paper, we propose a hypermedia data model call Frame-Axis Model, which represents relationship between information as N-ary relations on mapped space. Also, the automatic information organizing mechanism which is based on this data model and the browsing interface HyperCharts which employ spatial layout are provided. Finally, we show some browsing examples on our working prototype system, CastingNet." 3154184465,"Backtracking in a Multiple-window Hypertext Environment","Bieber & Wan",8,5,24,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Jiangling Wan, Michael Bieber","Michael Bieber","Full paper","","true","history log, hypermedia backtracking, hypertext, multiple pane, session log, window","true","Multi-window interfaces allow users to work on logically independent taks simultaneously in different sets of windows and to move among these logical tasks at will (e.g., through selecting a window in a different task). Hypertext backtracking should be able to treat each logical task separately. Combining all traversals in a single chronological history log would violate the user’s mental model and cause disorientation. In this paper we introduce task-based backtracking, a technique for backtracking within the various logical tasks a user may be working on at any given time. We present a preliminary algorithm for its implementation. We also discuss several ramifications of multi-window backtracking including the types of events history logs must record, deleting nodes from history logs that appear in multiple logical tasks, and in general the choices hypermedia designers face in multi-window environments." 3154184466,"An Interaction Engine for Rich Hypertexts","Østerbye & Nørmark",6,5,25,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Kasper Østerbye, Kurt Nørmark","Kasper Østerbye","Full paper","","true","aggregated views, event control, interaction engine, program development, tailorability","true","In semantically rich hypertexts it is attractive to enable presentation of a network of nodes and link at different levels of abstraction. It is also important that the user can interact with the hypertext using a command repertoire that reflects the chosen abstraction level. Based on a characterization of rich hypertext we introduce the concept of an interaction engine that governs the separation between internal hypertext representation and external screen presentation. This separation is the key principle of the HyperPro system. The HyperPro interaction engine is based on simple rules for presentation, interpretation of events, and menu set up. Much of the power of the interaction engine framework comes from the organization of these rules relative to the type of hierarchy of nodes and links, and relative to a hierarchy of so-called interaction schemes. The primary application domain discussed in the paper is program development and program documentation." 3154184467,"The Hypermedia Authoring Research Toolkit (HART)","Robertson, Merkus & Ginige",2,3,18,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Athula Ginige, Erik Merkus, John Robertson","John Robertson","Full paper","","true","Hypermedia, Hypertext, Media-to-Hypermedia authoring","true","A major obstacle hindering the advancement and commercial acceptance of hypermedia is the cost of converting paper based information into hypermedia form. The Hypermedia Authoring Research Toolkit (HART) was developed to support the human editor during this media-to-hypermedia conversion process. The tool’s goal is to help improve the correctness and completeness of the hypermedia database, as well as reduce the media-to-hypermedia conversion cost. We believe it is not possible to properly convert media to hypermedia without the participation of a human editor during the transformation. It is therefore necessary to develop tools to assist the human during this process. By reducing the overhead associated with the physical management of the hyper-database construction, the subject specialist is better able to concentrate on the information content. Support is provided in two basic ways:By providing procedural guidance. From our experience constructing hypermedia systems we have developeds an efficient process for this media-to-hypermedia transformation. By providing intelligent assistance. At each phase in the transformation the system can suggest likely nodes, key phrases, index values, anchors, and links to the editor. The project’s research focus is to identify the most effective methodologies to assist the human editor transform linear text, images and video into hypermedia structure." 3154184469,"Querying Typed Hypertexts in Multicard/O2","Amann, Scholl & Rizk",8,3,30,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Antoine Rizk, Bernd Amann, Michel Scholl","Bernd Amann","Full paper","","true","browsing, hypertext querying, hypertext schema, visual interface","true","Due to the growing complexity of modern hypertext applications, current hypertext systems require new mechanisms to support authoring and user navigation through large sets of documents connected by links. A general solution is to extent hypertext systems to cater for semantics of application domains. This requires new hypertext models providing strongly typed documents and links. Such models have been proposed and put to use in systems such as HDM and MacWeb to facilitate authoring of large hypertexts. In addition, Gram and MORE use typing and graph-based hypertext schemas for querying hyperdocuments. In this paper, we will show how query languages could be further exploited for designing sophisticated general query-based navigation mechanisms. We illustrate our examples using the Gram model and describe an implementation with the hypermedia system Multicard connected to the object-oriented database management system O2." 3154184470,"Where No Mind Has Gone Before: Ontological Design for Virtual Spaces","Kaplan & Moulthrop",19,4,35,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Nancy Kaplan, Stuart Moulthrop","Nancy Kaplan","Full paper","","true","Spatial hypertext, information mapping, interface design, navigation","true","Hypermedia designers have tried to move beyond the directed graph concept, which defines hypermedia structures as aggregations of nodes and links. A substantial body of work attempts to describe hypertexts in terms of extended or global spaces. According to this approach, nodes and links acquire meaning in relation to the space in which they are deployed. Some theory of space thus becomes essential for any advance in hypermedia design; but the type of space implied by electronic information systems, from hyperdocuments to “consensual hallucinations,” requires careful analysis. Familiar metaphors drawn from physics, architecture, and everyday experience have only limited descriptive or explanatory value for this type of space. As theorists of virtual reality point out, new information systems demand an internal rather than an external perspective. This shift demands a more sophisticated approach to hypermedia space, one that accounts both for stable design properties (architectonic space) and for unforseen outcomes, or what Winograd and Flores call “breakdowns.” Following Wexelblat in cyberspace theory and Dillon, McKnight, and Richardson in hypermedia theory, we call the domain of these outcomes semantic space. In two thought experiments, or brief exercises in interface design, we attempt to reconcile these divergent notions of space within the conceptual system of hypermedia." 3154184477,"Aesthetic and Rhetorical Aspects of Linking Video in Hypermedia","Liestøl",1,8,9,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Gunnar Liestøl","Gunnar Liestøl","Full paper","","true","Aesthetic, digital video, media integration, rhetoric","true","This paper reports on the development of a hypermedia environment for public access in a museum. It discusses problems encountered when making video interactive and multilineal and when linking video and text in the creation of the system. Through the exchange of properties between print and video, media approaches to linking and continuity are presented. Visual examples are used to illustrate this and related to the need to further develop aesthetic and rhetorical aspects of linking video in hypermedia." 3154184478,"Technical Briefing: Music in Time-based Hypermedia","Ossenbruggen & Eliëns",1,1,11,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Anton Eliëns, Jacco van Ossenbruggen","Jacco van Ossenbruggen","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","The paper describes the extension of a hypermedia class library with music as a new component type, but will focus on the development of a software wrapper object as an application programmers interface to the Csound software sound synthesis program. This wrapper provides the flexible, interactive and object oriented interface needed by a hypermedia system. Additionally, some consequences of the fundarnendal difference between static and time-based media will be discussed." 3154184479,"Technical Briefing: Experience with the Use of Acrobat in the CAJUN Publishing Project","Brailsford",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","David F. Brailsford","David F. Brailsford","Technical Briefing","","false","","false","Adobe’s Acrobat software, released in June 1993, is based around a new Portable Document Format (PDF) which offers the possibility of being able to view and exchange electronic documents, independent of the originating software, across a wide variety of supported hardware platforms (PC, Macintosh, Sun UNIX etc.).####The fact that Acrobat’s imageable objects are rendered with full use of Level 2 PostScript means that the most demanding requirements can be met in terms of high-quality typography and device-independent colour. These qualities will be very desirable components in future multimedia and hypermedia systems. The current capabilities of Acrobat and PDF are described in particular the presence of hypertext links, bookmarks, and ‘yellow sticker’ annotations (in release 1.0) together with article threads and multimedia ‘plug-ins’ in version 2.0.####This article also describes the CAJUN project (CD-ROM Acrobat Journals Using Networks) which has been investigating the automated placement of PDF hypertextural features from various front-end text processing systems. CAJUN has also been experimenting with the dissemination of PDF over e-mail, via World Wide Web and on CD-ROM." 3154184471,"An Editor's Workbench for an Art History Reference Work","Rostek & Möhr",1,1,8,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Lothar Rostek, Wiebke Möhr","Lothar Rostek","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","The architecture and some of the realized functionality of a prototype Editor’s Workbench that supports the creation and maintenance of an object-oriented publisher’s knowledge base is presented. The knowledge base is the repository not only for the actual publication content, but for all the information needed to manage and control the publication process. The concrete application context is an art history reference work. We discuss content acquisition and data modelling aspects of the underlying object network." 3154184472,"Representation and Manipulation of Conceptual, Temporal and Geographical Knowledge in a Museum Hypermedia System","Taylor, Tudhope & Beynon-Davies",4,1,12,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Carl Taylor, Douglas Tudhope, Paul Beynon-Davies","Carl Taylor","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","This paper discusses a semantic database approach to museum hypermedia systems based upon binary relations, with a restricted set of abstraction relationships. We describe examples of schema, queries and naviagaion aids for a prototype system designed as a social history museum exhibit, with around one hundred historical photographs. Media items are classified according to conceptual, temporal and geographical schema which attempt to model the changing nature of geography over time. The application yields a sparse information space with densely populated clusters. Implementations of notions of semantic closeness, term generalisation, best fit solutions, media density and media similarity show potential to assist the exploration of such information spaces." 3154184473,"HTML (Panel): Poison or Panacea?","Glushko et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Antoine Rizk, Dale Dougherty, Daniel Russell, Eliot Kimber, Kent Summers, Robert Glushko","Robert Glushko","Panel","","false","","false","Adobe’s Acrobat software, released in June 1993, is based around a new Portable Document Format (PDF) which offers the possibility of being able to view and exchange electronic documents, independent of the originating software, across a wide variety of supported hardware platforms (PC, Macintosh, Sun UNIX etc.).####The fact that Acrobat’s imageable objects are rendered with full use of Level 2 PostScript means that the most demanding requirements can be met in terms of high-quality typography and device-independent colour. These qualities will be very desirable components in future multimedia and hypermedia systems. The current capabilities of Acrobat and PDF are described in particular the presence of hypertext links, bookmarks, and ‘yellow sticker’ annotations (in release 1.0) together with article threads and multimedia ‘plug-ins’ in version 2.0.####This article also describes the CAJUN project (CD-ROM Acrobat Journals Using Networks) which has been investigating the automated placement of PDF hypertextual features from various front-end text processing systems. CAJUN has also been experimenting with the dissemination of PDF over e-mail, via World Wide Web and on CD-ROM.####[no references]" 3154184474,"Does Multimedia Make a Difference? (Panel)","Paolini",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Paolo Paolini","Paolo Paolini","Panel","","false","","false","Hypertext applications and tools in general deal with “passive” media. Values of passive media are static, in the sense that as time progresses their presentation (state) does not change. Values of active media have the property of changing presentation (evolution of the state), as time progresses. Active media such as video, animation and sound are becoming a “necessity” in most recent Hypertext applications.####The panel discusses the impact of the introduction of active media in the area of hypertext. The impact of active media upon hypertext can involve several aspects: presentation of the content, design of the applications, structuring techniques of the applications, interplay between synchronization and links, run-time support, communication performances and techniques for LAN or WAN architectures.####Panelists argue that:####• Hypertext should remain well separated from Multimedia, being a separated field, with a different set of notions and needs;####• A limited number of changes will be enough in order to adapt most of the Hypertext notions and techniques to multimedia;####• A revolution is needed.####[no references]" 3154184475,"Information Engineering and Telematics (Panel)","Stevenson",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Geoffrey Stevenson","Geoffrey Stevenson","Panel","","false","","false","Information engineering is a new activity within the Telematics part of the Fourth Framework Programme for R&D of the Commission of the European Union. It is a horizontal activity that is concerned with the problems of providing easier and more selective access to information and improving the usability of information. It may be considered as applications research in support of the emerging information highways, that will enable the general public, SMES and other non-professional users to access facitilites that until now have been available almost exclusively to research workers and large corporations. The programme has been developed in close consultation with European industry; over 600 organisations have either attended meetings with the Commission or sent written comments on the draft documents. The aim of the consultation has been to create a programme that would provide support to application research activities that are of direct use to European industry.####The actions will use the results from programmed such as RACE and ESPRIT, that have created the individual building blocks but have not attempted to put them together into integrated applications. The scaling up of research results to industrial applications, ensuring that they interoperate successfully is a key step in moving from basic R&D to the marketplace.####The focus of the work will be on large pilot applications that integrate the different elements in the information chain: creating information, delivering it to users, and helping them to use it effectively. The new communications systems that deliver still pictures and video over the telephone network, require the tools for creating and managing information to be used in new ways. The design of information products must change to exploit the new technologies, so as to offer the public, particularly those who are not familiar with computers, products that are easier to use. New methods of presentation and filtering can reduce the growing information overload. Application research is needed to tie all the different elements together into practical systems, A set of specific research tasks have been identified for each of the three steps in the chain: electronic publishing, information dissemination and information retrieval.####[no references]" 3154184476,"Private Sector Perspectives on Advances in Hypermedia (Panel)","Nisen et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Jeff von Limbach, Kent Summers, Maurice Shepherd, Scott Johnson, W. G. Nisen","W. G. Nisen","Panel","","false","","false","Numerous market and industry segments are becoming increasingly interested in hypermedia. For example, hypermedia is a functional cornerstone in electronic publishing, electronic performance support systems, and interactive entertainment. Most of the current state of the art in hypermedia is being defined by research which is conducted in universities and research institutions. Yet many of the hypermedia systems that are in use today by industry are first generation systems, often at least five years old. This begs the question: just how important is leading edge hypermedia technology to the private sector?####[no references]" 3154184481,"HyperCafe: Narrative and Aesthetic Properties of Hypervideo","Sawhney, Balcom & Smith",9,20,32,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","David Balcom, Ian Smith, Nitin Sawhney","Nitin Sawhney","Full paper","","true","Aesthetics, digital video, multi-threaded navigation, temporal links","true","HyperCafe is an experimental hypermedia prototype, developed as an illustration of a general hypervideo system. This program places the user in a virtual cafe, composed primarily of digital video clips of actors involved in fictional conversations in the cafe; HyperCafe allows the user to follow different conversations, and offers dynamic opportunities of interaction via temporal, spatio-temporal and textual links to present alternative narratives. Textual elements are also present in the form of explanatory text, contradictory subtitles, and intruding narratives. Based on our work with HyperCafe, we discuss the components and a framework for hypervideo structures, along with the underlying aesthetic considerations." 3154184484,"Practical Methods for Automatically Generating Typed Links","Cleary & Bareiss",5,7,18,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Chip Cleary, Ray Bareiss","Chip Cleary","Full paper","","true","Automated linking, structured hypermedia system, typed links","true","Our research concerns how to construct knowledge-rich hypermedia systems for use as aids to problem-solving. One of the most difficult steps in building such systems is constructing a fertile set of hypermedia links between the nodes they contain (i.e., text segments, graphics, and video clips). This paper describes the progress we have made in formalizing and automating the process of creating typed links, that is links that not only join nodes, but also label the relationship between them. We present four different methods we have developed for automated linking, each of which uses a different scheme for representing nodes, and we evaluate each method by the criteria of recall, precision, thoroughness, and ease of use. Two of these methods, designed for two different user populations, are being incorporated into the ASKTool, a hypermedia editor currently in use at the Institute for the Learning Sciences." 3154184485,"Automatic Hypertext Link Typing","Allan",5,9,19,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","James Allan","James Allan","Full paper","","true","Information retrieval, Link generation, Link types","true","We present entirely automatic methods for gathering documents for a hypertext, linking the set, and annotating those connections with a description of the type (i. e., nature) of the link. Document linking is based upon high-quality information retrieval techniques developed using the Smart system. We apply an approach inspired by relationship visualization techniques and by graph simplification, to show how to identify automatically y tangential, revision, summary, expansion, comparison, contrast, equivalence, and aggregate links." 3154184486,"Automatic Text Decomposition Using Text Segments and Text Themes","Salton et al.",2,2,16,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Amit Singhal, Chris Buckley, Gerard Salton, Mandar Mitra","Gerard Salton","Full paper","","true","Text structuring, information retrieval, passage retrieval, segments, text decomposition, text summarization, themes","true","With the widespread use of full-text information retrieval, passage-retrieval techniques are becoming increasingly popular. Larger texts can then be replaced by important text excerpts, thereby simplifying the retrieval task and improving retrieval effectiveness. Passage-level evidence about the use of words in local contexts is also useful for resolving language ambiguities and improving retrieval output.####Two main text decomposition strategies are introduced in this study, including a chronological decomposition into text segments, and semantic decomposition into text themes. The interaction between text segments and text themes is then used to characterize text structure, and to formulate specifications for information retrieval, text traversal, and text summarization." 3154184487,"Ut Pictura Hyperpoesis: Spatial Form, Visuality, and the Digital Word","Tolva",0,7,18,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","John Tolva","John Tolva","Full paper","","true","World Wide Web, ekphrasis, flatland, hypertext, mola, spatial form, visual","true","This essay discusses the visual characteristics of hypertext (space, contour, depth) by situating it, as an artistic form, in the literary traditions that it extends and modifies. While, from a literary perspective, hypertextuality is nothing new, what is revolutionary is the way that computerized hypertext emulates the spatial and visual qualities that literary texts have historically struggled to effect. To illustrate the concept of spatial form I have chosen to analyze the mola web, a hypertext which is unique, though not abnormal, in the extremity of its link structure. One needs only think of the ubiquitous metaphor of the labyrinth in hypertext criticism [5] or of the recent attention given to spatial user interfaces [17] to see how dependent is the idea of hypertext on a spatial form." 3154184488,"Hypertextual Dynamics in a Life Set for Two","Kendall",10,2,38,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Robert Kendall","Robert Kendall","Full paper","","true","Poetry, dynamic links, embedded variables, floating links, global states, reading templates, variable nodes","true","In most hypertexts the contents of nodes and positions of links are fixed. Making these elements dynamic can help writers solve structural problems and help prevent navigational dilemmas for readers. The hypertext poem A Life Set for Two demonstrates several techniques for doing this. Floating links are positioned dynamically in response to the reader’s progress. Variable nodes change their texts according to factors such as their context within the current reading. The texts of individual nodes are also influenced by global states—settings that can be changed manually by the reader or automatically by the program." 3154184489,"Hypertext with Consequences: Recovering a Politics of Hypertext","Greco",1,3,33,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Diane Greco","Diane Greco","Full paper","","true","authorship, copyright, cyborgs, hypertext, literary theory, postmodernism, rhetoric, technology and society","true","This paper aims to situate the practice of creating hypertext and hypertext authoring systems within a larger political framework. Although hypertext design and use has always been both political and about human bodies, hypertext theorists have generally failed to explore the political dimensions of this lineage. The paper concludes with a discussion of recent work which bears on non-technological issues such as collaborative authoring, genre status of hypertext (fiction or non-fiction) and reproduction of proprietary materials." 3154184490,"Information Reuse in Hypermedia Applications","Garzotto, Mainetti & Paolini",1,4,22,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Franca Garzotto, Luca Mainetti, Paolo Paolini","Franca Garzotto","Full paper","","true","authoring, evaluation, hypermedia, models, reuse, usability","true","Reuse — broadly defined as the use of existing information objects or software artifacts in different contexts and for different purposes — is a technology for improving productivity, reducing the production effort and cost, and increasing the quality of end applications (promoting consistency and therefore improving usability). Reuse is a crucial issue in hypermedia applications. Reuse may be applied to items of different sizes and different complexity (from an elementary value to a large structured portion of the application). It may involve several aspects of the hypermedia application (content, organisation, presentation and connections). It can be implemented with different techniques, by creating a new copy of an item, or by sharing the same item in two (or more) different contexts.####In this paper we analyse hypermedia reuse under these different viewpoints, discuss a classification of different types of reuse, and present a few examples from commercial and prototype hypermedia titles. From the analysis of these case studies we derive technical hints, recommendations and pitfalls-to-avoid, that would help hypermedia authors handle reuse in the most effective way possible. We also suggest reuse techniques that can be incorporated in future authoring systems." 3154184492,"Systematic Hypermedia Application Design with OOHDM","Schwabe, Rossi & Barbosa",6,12,32,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Daniel Schwabe, Gustavo Rossi, Simone D. J. Barbosa","Daniel Schwabe","Full paper","","true","Hypermedia Design, Interfaces, Methodology, Modeling, Navigation, Object Orientation","true","In this paper we analyze the process of hypermedia applications design and implementation, focusing in particular on two critical aspects of these applications: the navigational and interface structure.####We discuss the way in which we build the navigation and abstract interface models using the Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method (OOHDM); we show which concerns must be taken into account for each task by giving examples from a real project we are developing, the Portinari Project. We show which implementation concerns must be considered when defining interface behavior, discussing both a Toolbook and a HTML implementation of the example application." 3154184493,"The Flag Taxonomy of Open Hypermedia Systems","Østerbye & Wiil",10,18,27,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Kasper Østerbye, Uffe Kock Wiil","Kasper Østerbye","Full paper","","true","Dexter model, Open hypermedia systems, integration, link protocol, taxonomy, third-party viewers","true","This paper presents a taxonomy for open hypermedia systems. The purpose of the Flag taxonomy is manifold: (1) to provide a framework to classify and concisely describe individual systems, (2) to characterize what an open hypermedia system is, (3) to provide a framework for comparing different systems in a system independent way, and (4) to provide an overview of the design space of open hypermedia systems.####The Flag taxonomy builds on the achievements of the Dexter model. It extends the terminology of the Dexter model to adequately cover issues that relate to open hypermedia systems such as integration and use of third-party applications to edit and display hypermedia components.####Two of the most prominent open hypermedia systems, DeVise Hypermedia and Microcosm, are used as case studies. The Flag taxonomy is used to compare these systems on a carefully selected set of aspects that distinguish open hypermedia systems from other hypermedia systems." 3154184494,"The HyperDisco Approach to Open Hypermedia Systems","Wiil & Leggett",0,21,0,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","John J. Leggett, Uffe Kock Wiil","Uffe Kock Wiil","Full paper","","true","Open hypermedia systems, collaborative work, computation, data models, distribution, extensibility, heterogeneity, hyperbase management systems, hypermedia platforms, integration, inter-tool linking, interoperability, link services, openness, scalability, system architectures","true","Computing support for large engineering enterprises provides an example of the need for hypermedia-based collaborative computing systems composed of a large number of distributed heterogeneous tools. These computing environments place complex requirements on the underlying hypermedia platform. To support integration of independently written tools for these environments, hypermedia platforms must address several important issues such aa scalability, openness, distribution, heterogeneity, interoperability, extensibility and computation.####This paper describes the HyperDisco approach to open hypermedia systems. HyperDisco provides an extensible object-oriented hypermedia platform supporting intertool linking, computation, concurrency control, notification control, version control, access control, query and search, and various other features. The present work has two main objectives: 1) to provide a platform to integrate existing and future distributed heterogeneous tools and data formats and 2) to provide a platform to extend integrated tools to handle multiple collaborating users and multiple versions of shared artifacts. The paper presents important dimensions of hypermedia platforms that helped to formulate the goals for HyperDisco, the HyperDisco prototype, and two integration examples to illustrate the distinctive features of the HyperDisco approach.####[no references]" 3154184496,"A Study of Navigational Support Provided by Two World Wide Web Browsing Applications","Jones & Cockburn",0,1,11,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Andy Cockburn, Steve Jones","Steve Jones","Full paper","","true","World Wide Web, hypermedia, usability","true","This paper describes a usability study of the Hypertext navigation facilities provided by two popular World Wide Web client applications (also termed ‘browsers’). We detail the navigation tools provided by the clients and describe their underlying page retrieval models.####We introduce a notation that represents the system states resulting from the user’s navigation actions in World Wide Web subspaces. The notation is used to analyse the client applications. We find that the client user interfaces present a model of navigation that conflicts with the underlying stack-based system model.####A small usability study was carried out to investigate the effects of the clients’ browser behaviour on users. The study reveals that users have incorrect models of their navigation support, and they have little confidence in the application of their models when using the clients.####The paper concludes with a description of future work and a discussion of implications for WWW page and client designers." 3154184497,"Browsing the WWW by Interacting with a Textual Virtual Environment—a Framework for Experimenting with Navigational Metaphors","Dieberger",4,1,23,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Andreas Dieberger","Andreas Dieberger","Full paper","","true","WWW, collaborative navigation, metaphors, navigation, spatial hypertext","true","This paper describes a system that combines a textual virtual environment (MOO — MUD Object Oriented) and a WWW browser. The MOO provides a text-only but information-rich spatial user interface in which objects and locations can be associated with pointers to WWW pages. When using a specialized MOO client, navigation in the MOO causes the corresponding Web pages to be loaded. The overall effect is the possibility to navigate the Web using spatial navigational metaphors. Textual virtual environments support the creation of diverse navigation tools and metaphors. The Juggler-system we describe can thus serve as an experimental tool to explore diverse navigational metaphors for the WWW. The system uses references to Web pages which can be arranged in any possible way and allows users to overlay a new secondary structure on existing Web structures, even using Web pages not on one’s own Web server. Textual virtual environments further support almost real time communication and interaction between several users. Because of the extensive interaction possibilities, the Juggler system can be used to discuss material on the Web, conduct guided tours through the Web or give presentations using material available on the Web." 3154184498,"HyPursuit: A Hierarchical Network Search Engine That Exploits Content-link Hypertext Clustering","Weiss, Vélez & Sheldon",2,8,22,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Bienvenido Vélez, Mark A. Sheldon, Ron Weiss","Ron Weiss","Full paper","","true","Hyperlink Structures, Hypertext Clustering, Network Resource Discovery","true","HyPursuit is a new hierarchical network search engine that clusters hypertext documents to structure a given information space for browsing and search activities. Our content-link clustering algorithm is based on the semantic information embedded in hyperlink structures and document contents. HyPursuit admits multiple, coexisting cluster hierarchies based on different principles for grouping documents, such as the Library of Congress catalog scheme and automatically created hypertext clusters.####HyPursuit’s abstraction functions summarize cluster contents to support scalable query processing. The abstraction functions satisfy system resource limitations with controlled information 10SS. The result of query processing operations on a cluster summary approximates the result of performing the operations on the entire information space. We constructed a prototype system comprising 100 leaf World-Wide Web sites and a hierarchy of 42 servers that route queries to the leaf sites. Experience with our system suggests that abstraction functions based on hypertext clustering can be used to construct meaningful and scalable cluster hierarchies. We are also encouraged by preliminary results on clustering based on both document contents and hyperlink structures." 3154184501,"Media-based Navigation with Generic Links","Lewis et al.",4,5,15,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Hugh C. Davis, Paul H. Lewis, Rob J. Wilkins, Steve R. Griffiths, Wendy Hall","Paul H. Lewis","Full paper","","true","Content Based Navigation, Information Retrieval, Open Hypermedia","true","Microcosm is an open architecture hypermedia system in which documents remain in their native format and link information is held in separate link databases. This has facilitated the introduction of generic links which, once authored from a text string to a destination anchor, may be followed from any occurrence of the text string in any document. The generic link provides substantial reductions in authoring effort for large hypermedia systems, but the limitation of the generic link to text string source anchors needed to be addressed.####This paper describes extensions to the Microcosm architecture to create MAVIS, Microcosm Architecture for Video, Image and Sound, in which generic links maybe used from both text and non-text media. ‘This development makes it possible to navigate through non-text media using content as the key and, through the facilities of the dynamic link, content based retrieval is also available. Examples of content based navigation with image, video and sound are presented." 3154184502,"VerSE: Towards Hypertext Versioning Styles","Haake & Hicks",6,12,30,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Anja Haake, David Hicks","Anja Haake","Full paper","","true","task-based versioning, version support environment, version support/control, versioning styles/policies","true","Much of the previous work on version support for hypertext has focused primarily on the development of functionality for specific hypertext systems and/or a specific hypertext application domain. Although these models address crucial version support problems in specific hypertext application domains, they cannot be easily adapted and then integrated into other hypertext applications.####Hypertext version support environments have been introduced to help alleviate these problems. They are designed to meet the version support needs of a wide range of hypertext applications. However, so far few high level versioning facilities have been constructed in these environments, creating a gap between the facilities provided directly within the environment and the versioning needs of some applications.####The intent of this research is to bridge this gap. It turned out that task-based versioning styles are easy to use by both hypertext application developers and hypertext application users, As shown in previous work, task-based versioning helps to alleviate cognitive overhead and disorientation problems for users. In addition, it requires little investment from the point of view of application development, since task-based versioning does not necessarily require an application to incorporate an extra notion for individual versions. This paper presents a set of task-based hypertext versioning styles that are offered in the VerSE flexible version support environment and shows the direction towards the design of additional versioning styles." 3154184508,"Things Change: Deal with It! Versioning, Cooperative Editing and Hypertext","Cellary et al.",0,1,0,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Anja Haake, David Durand, David Hicks, Fabio Vitali, James Whitehead, Wojciech Cellary","Wojciech Cellary","Panel","","false","","true","A document that is in active use is generally one that is changing. Version control provides one way to control the disruptive effects of change without the worse solution of preventing or obstructing it. This panel will examine the relevance and problems of version control, with an emphasis on the topic of collaboration support. Despite ha long history in the hypertext community (usually as something to be added in tie future), the topics of shared editing and revision control remain complex, controversial and frequently misunderstood. Now that a really large public hypertext has come into existence, the issues of long-term maintenance and referential integrity are coming to the fore. The panel will give an overview of the fundamental issues, as well as a selection of arguments for and against different approaches to the issues. It builds on the perspective the presenters have gained from their own research, as well as their workshops on Hypertext and version control at ECHT ’94 and ECSCW ’95.####[no references]" 3154184511,"World-Wide Web Authoring and Collaboration","Besser et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Dave de Roure, Frank Dignum, Gary Hill, Howard Besser, Les Carr, Michael Bieber, Norbert Streitz, Paul de Bra, Steven J. DeRoss, Wendy Hall","Howard Besser","Panel","","false","","false","Despite its limitations, the WWW is the largest global hypertext laboratory that has ever existed. Hypertext researchers were previously limited to creating their own hypertext docu-islands. Links to other hypertext were not easy to make, nor was it easy to disseminate individual hypertext. Unlike the earlier generation of research systems, the WWW is a real world publishing medium on a large scale, and this is mostly due to its simple model. The presenters of this set of perspectives will discuss experiences using the WWW for hypertext research and publication. They also propose extensions to the WWW, based on their experiences creating WWW information and in the context of previous hypertext research.####[no references]" 3154184519,"Design Reuse in Hypermedia Applications Development","Rossi, Schwabe & Garrido",5,6,19,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Alejandra Garrido, Daniel Schwabe, Gustavo Rossi","Gustavo Rossi","Full paper","","true","Design Patterns, Hypermedia Design, Interface, Navigation, Pattern Languages","true","In this paper we discuss the use of design patterns for the process of building hypermedia applications. The idea of design patterns has been recently developed, and rapidly spread outside the object-oriented community to a general audience of software developers. By using patterns it is not only possible to document design experience with a very simple and comprehensible format, but also reuse the same experience several times for different applications. We argue that the hypermedia community will take a vital step towards better designs of hypermedia applications and systems by developing a pattern language for that domain." 3154184521,"Object-based Navigation: An Intuitive Navigation Style for Content-oriented Integration Environment","Hirata et al.",4,1,15,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Kyoji Hirata, Sougata Mukherjea, Wen-Syan Li, Yoshinori Hara, Yusaku Okamura","Kyoji Hirata","Full paper","","true","COIR, Content-oriented Integration, Object-based Navigation, Object-level Integration, Relationship among objects, World-Wide Web","true","In this paper, we present the idea of object-based navigation. Object-based navigation is a navigation style based upon the characteristics at the object level, that is contents of the objects and the relationship among the objects. With object-based navigation, users can specify a set of objects and their relationship. The system creates queries from the users’ input and determines links dynamically based on matching between this query and indices. Various kinds of attributes including conceptual and media-based characteristics are integrated at the object level. We introduced this navigation style into the content-oriented integration environment to manage a large quantity of multimedia data.####COIR (Content Oriented Information Retrieval tool), an object-based navigation tool for content-oriented integrated hypermedia systems is introduced. We show how this tool works in indexing and navigating multimedia data. Using COIR, we have developed the directory service systems for the World-Wide Web and have evaluated the navigational capability and extensibility of our tools. Multimedia search engines including COIR, extract the characteristics from multimedia data at any web site automatically. Extracted characteristics are connected with each other semi-automatically and utilized in the navigational stage. With this system, users can execute the navigation based on the relationship between objects as well as the contents of the objects. In this paper, we present how the COIR tool increases the navigational capabilities for hypermedia systems." 3154184273,"HAM: A General-purpose Hypertext Abstract Machine","Campbell & Goodman",0,8,7,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Brad Campbell, Joseph M. Goodman","Brad Campbell","Full paper","","true","","true","The Hypertext Abstract Machine (HAM) is a general-purpose, transaction-based, server for a hypertext storage system. The server is designed to handle multiple users in a networked environment. The storage system consists of a collection of contexts, nodes, links, and attributes that make up a hypertext graph. This paper demonstrates the HAM’s versatility by showing how Guide1 buttons. Intermedia webs, and NoteCards FileBoxes can be implemented using the HAM’s storage model." 3154184274,"Turning Ideas into Products: The Guide System","Brown",0,24,7,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","P. J. Brown","P. J. Brown","Full paper","","true","","true","The Guide system is a successful commercial product that originally came out of some ideas of a research project. Unlike many other hypertext systems, Guide is aimed at naive users and authors in the personal computer market. This paper evaluates the basic principles of Guide, and describes the interplay between the product and the continuing hypertext research programme." 3154184275,"Hypertext and Creative Writing","Bolter & Joyce",0,21,3,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Jay David Bolter, Michael Joyce","Jay David Bolter","Full paper","","true","","true","Among its many uses, hypertext can serve as a medium for a new kind of flexible, interactive fiction. Storyspace™ is a hypertext system we have created for authoring and reading such fiction. Interactive fiction in the computer medium is a continuation of the modern “tradition” of experimental literature in print. However, the computer frees both author and reader from restrictions imposed by the printed medium and therefore allows new experiments in literary structure." 3154184276,"From the Old to the New: Intergrating Hypertext into Traditional Scholarship","Crane",0,3,1,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Gregory Crane","Gregory Crane","Short paper","","true","","true","Hypertext allows academics to structure and manipulate their ideas in a radically new way, but it should also reinforce traditional scholarly activity. Those designing Hypertext systems that are intended for the general academic market must be careful to support not only new possibilities, but those functions with which academics are already familiar. Further, many scholars hope that their documents will be useful for decades to come. We need standard document architectures that will separate a particular Hypertext from the system in which it was designed." 3154184277,"Searching for Information in a Hypertext Medical Handbook","Frisse",0,1,22,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Mark Edwin Frisse","Mark Edwin Frisse","Full paper","","true","","true","Effective information retrieval from large medical hypertext systems will require a combination of browsing and full-text document retrieval techniques. Using a prototype hypertext medical therapeutics handbook, I discuss one approach to information retrieval problems in hypertext. This approach responds to a query by initially treating each hypertext card as a full-text document. It then utilizes information about document structure to propagate weights to neighboring cards and produces a ranked list of potential starting points for graphical browsing." 3154184278,"Hypertext and Pluralism: From Lineal to Non-lineal Thinking","Beeman et al.",0,3,27,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Anne P. McClard, Gail Bader, James Larkin, Kenneth T. Anderson, Mark Shields, Patrick McQuillan, Wiliam O. Beeman","Wiliam O. Beeman","Full paper","","true","","true","One goal of American and Northern European higher education is to promote acquisition of a pluralistic cognitive style, which has as an important property— non-lineality. This paper investigates the effects of using of an advanced hypertext/hypermedia system, Intermedia, to develop instructional materials for two university courses in English and Biology intended to promote acquisition of non-lineal thinking. Use of Intermedia is shown to produce significant learning effects, which are somewhat more pronounced for persons involved in developing materials than for students using the system." 3154184279,"Hypertext Habitats: Experiences of Writers in NoteCards","Trigg & Irish",0,10,17,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Peggy M. Irish, Randall H. Trigg","Randall H. Trigg","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper reports on an investigation into the use of the NoteCards hypertext system for writing. We describe a wide variety of personal styles adopted by 20 researchers at Xerox as they “inhabit” NoteCards. This variety is displayed in each of their writing activities: notetaking, organizing and reorganizing their work, maintaining references and bibliographies, and preparing documents. In addition, we discuss the distinctive personal decisions made as to which activities are appropriate for NoteCards in the first place. Finally, we conclude with a list of recommendations for system designers arising from this work." 3154184280,"Comprehending Non-linear Text: The Role of Discourse Cues and Reading Strategies","Charney",0,5,21,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Davida Charney","Davida Charney","Full paper","","true","","true","By studying the structure of written discourse and the processes by which readers acquire information from texts, we have learned a great deal about how to design texts that facilitate learning. However, recent advances in computer technology have enabled the development of new forms of text that violate standard assumptions of what texts are like. These new forms may pose serious problems for learning because they lack discourse features that readers rely on for assimilating new information. In particular, readers traditionally rely on the writer to determine the sequence of topics and to employ conventional cues that signal relationships among topics, such as relative importance or chronology. However, on-line hypertext systems present texts non-linearly, requiring readers to decide what information to read and in what order. This paper assesses the potential impact of non-linear texts on theories of discourse and on current cognitive theories of text processing. It also describes research in progress on readers’ sequencing strategies in hypertext. Research on the effect of hypertext on reading will have important practical implications for designing hypertext systems that satisfy readers’ needs." 3154184282,"Hypertext and the New Oxford English Dictionary","Raymond & Tompa",0,4,13,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Darrell R. Raymond, Frank Wm. Tompa","Darrell R. Raymond","Full paper","","true","","true","An alternative to manual composition of hypertext databases is conversion from existing texts. Such conversion often requires careful analysis of the text document in order to determine how best to represent its structure. We illustrate some of the issues of conversion with an analysis of the Oxford English Dictionary." 3154184284,"SuperBook: An Automatic Tool for Information Exploration–Hypertext?","Remde, Gomez & Landauer",0,7,12,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Joel R. Remde, Louis M. Gomez, Thomas K. Landauer","Joel R. Remde","Full paper","","true","","true","The goals and methods of the text browser, SuperBook, are compared with those of hypertext systems in general. SuperBook, intended to provide improved access to text existing in electronic form, employs cognitive tools arising from human computer interaction research, such as full-text indexing, adaptive aliasing, and dynamic views of hierarchical information. Superbook automatically preprocesses on-line text written for paper publication, and produces a multi-window display, including a dynamic table of contents, pages of text, and a history of search words. Although SuperBook and hypertext share common goals of improved search and navigation, SuperBook is designed for accessing existing documents while most hypertext systems are better suited for authoring new information structures. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of each of these kinds of systems." 3154184285,"User Interface Design for the Hyperties Electronic Encyclopedia","Shneiderman",0,10,11,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Ben Shneiderman","Ben Shneiderman","Panel","","false","","true","Printed books were an enormous stimulus to science, culture, commerce, and entertainment. Electronic books and hypertext systems may produce a similar stimulus in the next century, but current designs are poor. Typical screens are too small, too slow, too complicated, and too hard to read. With careful attention to the user interface and the underlying technology, we have a chance to create a new medium that is potentially more attractive and effective than printed books in many situations.####Electronic books can have color, animation, sound, rapid access, compactness, rapid traversal and search, user annotation, electronic dissemination and updating, dynamic text to reflect the user’s needs, and other features yet undreamed of." 3154184286,"A Hypertext Writing Environment and Its Cognitive Basis","Smith, Weiss & Ferguson",0,12,14,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Gordon J. Ferguson, John B. Smith, Stephen F. Weiss","John B. Smith","Panel","","false","","true","WE is a hypertext writing environment that can be used to create both electronic and printed documents. It is intended for professionals who work within a computer network of professional workstations. Since writing is a complex mental activity that uses many different kinds of thinking, WE was designed in accord with an explicit cognitive model for writing. That model raises several important questions for both electronic and printed documents. The paper includes a discussion of the underlying cognitive model, a description of WE as it currently exists and as it will be extended in the near future, as well as a brief outline of experiments being conducted to evaluate both the model and the system. It concludes by re-examining some of the issues raised by the cognitive model in light of WE, especially the rote of constraints in hypertext systems." 3154184287,"Constraint-based Hypertext for Argumentation","Smolensky et al.",0,8,30,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Barbara Fox, Brigham Bell, Clayton Lewis, Paul Smolensky, Roger King","Paul Smolensky","Full paper","","true","","true","In this paper we describe a hypertext system we are developing for the support of reasoned argumentation: the EUCLID project. We use the project to address two general problems arising with hypertext: the problems of controlling user/document interaction, and the problem of controlling the screen. We suggest that guiding users’ interaction with hypertext is difficult because of the unique form of discourse that hypertext represents, and that structuring user/document interaction can be achieved through specializing to a particular type of material and designing the hypertext system to respect the particular discourse structure characteristic of that material. EUCLID’s design is tuned to the structure of reasoned discourse. The problem of screen management in EUCLID is a serious one, because our presentation of complex arguments requires mapping the complex logical relations between parts of realistic arguments onto complex spatial relations between items in the display. We describe a general system we are developing which provides this high degree of control for hypertext screen management. This system represents a constraint-based approach to hypertext, in which the items from the underlying database that are to be displayed may each contribute a number of constraints on the layout; a general constraint-satisfier then computes a screen layout that simultaneously satisfies these constraints. Each time an item is to be added to or deleted from the screen, the constraint set is adjusted and the screen layout is recomputed; thus the spatial relationships on the screen provide at all times a veridical representation of the underlying relations between displayed database items. This kind of strong screen control is demanded by hypertext applications which, like ours, are fine grained: the number of nodes and links being displayed number in the hundreds." 3154184288,"gIBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Team Design Deliberation","Conklin & Begeman",0,17,6,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Jeff Conklin, Michael L. Begeman","Jeff Conklin","Short paper","","true","","true","This paper introduces an application-specific hypertext system designed to facilitate the capture of early design deliberations, which implements a specific design method called Issue Based Information Systems (IBIS). The hypertext system described here, gIBIS(for graphical IBIS), makes use of color and a high speed relational database server to facilitate building and browsing typed IBIS networks. Further, gIBIS is designed to support the collaborative construction of these networks by any number of cooperating team members spread across a local area network. Early experiments suggest that the gIBIS tool, while still incomplete, forges a good match between graphical interface and design method even in this experimental version." 3154184291,"The Architecture of Static Hypertexts","Oren",0,4,52,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Tim Oren","Tim Oren","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper’s purpose is to describe how the hypertext technique can make CD-ROM (and other static storage media) a more comfortable environment for human use. I begin by considering implementation issues for hypertext on CD-ROM and surveying currently available products. I suggest desirable goals for the use of hypertext on the static CD medium, and propose that their achievement will follow from a correct choice of conventions of use and construction of the hypertext database. Such goals include augmenting text search algorithms, recovering lost benefits of the print medium, designing meaningful connections between documents to assist human communications, and allowing variable interactivity with the user." 3154184292,"Document Examiner: Delivery Interface for Hypertext Documents","Walker",0,8,20,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Janet H. Walker","Janet H. Walker","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper describes the user interface strategy of Document Examiner, a delivery interface for commercial hypertext documents. Unlike many hypertext interfaces, Document Examiner does not adopt the directed graph as its fundamental user-visible navigation model. Instead it offers context evaluation and content-based searching capabilities that are based on consideration of the strategies that people use in interacting with paper documents." 3154184295,"Reflections on NoteCards: Seven Issues for the Next Generation of Hypermedia Systems","Halasz",0,15,26,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Frank G. Halasz","Frank G. Halasz","Full paper","","true","","true","NoteCards is a general hypermedia environment designed to help people work with ideas. Its intended users are authors, designers, and other intellectual laborers engaged in analyzing information, designing artifacts, and generally processing ideas. The system provides these users with a variety of hypermedia-based tools for collecting, representing, managing, interrelating, and communicating ideas. This paper presents the NoteCards system as a foil against which to explore some of the major limitations of the current generation of hypermedia systems. In doing so, this paper highlights seven of the major issues that must be addressed in the next generation of hypermedia systems. These seven issues are: search and query, composite nodes, virtual structures, computational engines, versioning, collaborative work, and tailorability. For each of these issues, the papers describes the limitations inherent in NoteCards and the prospects for doing improving the situation in future systems." 3154184297,"Abstraction Mechanisms in Hypertext","Garg",0,3,24,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Pankaj K. Garg","Pankaj K. Garg","Full paper","","true","","true","Abstraction is the means by which information can be stored and retrieved from an information structure at different levels of detail and from different perspectives. As such, abstraction mechanisms in hypertext are interesting to study and evaluate. In this paper we study the abstraction mechanisms in hypertext from a theoretical perspective. Abstractions then become various first-order logic formulae. Specifically we consider abstractions: sets, sequences, aggregations, generalizations, revisions, and information structures. Interesting results of this work are the definition of level of generality of a hypertext node, the demonstration of revision histories as a partial order, and the notion of compatible-similar nodes. Also defined in this paper is the notion of primitive hypertexts versus application hypertexts, and the usage of attributes of nodes (illustrated by the use of keywords) across various abstractions. An illustration of the concepts is given using the contexts mechanism suggested by Delisle and Schwartz [DS87]." 3154184298,"Manipulating Source Code in DynamicDesign","Bigelow & Riley",0,6,7,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","James Bigelow, Victor Riley","James Bigelow","Full paper","","true","","true","DynamicDesign is a Computer-Aided Software Engineering environment for the C language with a layered system architecture for modularity and versatility. DynamicDesign is composed of facilities to edit hypertext objects, maneuver thorough hypertext graphs, build a hypertext graph from a set of existing C source files, and browse source code, documents and system requirements. This paper discusses the DynamicDesign facilities that deal with the source code, sourceBrowser, and source tree builder utilities. GraphBuild is a utility used to convert C source code into a hypertext source graph, based on the program’s call tree. A data dictionary is constructed for the program that contains its local and global variables. The source browser allows the user to traverse, view, and edit a source code tree. Additional facilities for understanding and maintaining the source code and its auxiliary documentation are provided by the browser." 3154184299,"On Designing Intelligent Hypertext Systems for Information Management in Software Engineering","Garg & Scacchi",0,1,39,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Pankaj K. Garg, Walt Scacchi","Pankaj K. Garg","Full paper","","true","","true","Information management in large scale software engineering is a challenging problem. Hypertext systems are best suited for this purpose because of the diversity in information types that is permitted in the nodes of a hypertext. The integration of a hypertext system with software engineering tools results in a software hypertext system. We describe the design of such a system called DIF. Based on our experiences in using DIF, we recognized the need and the potential for developing a hypertext system that could utilize knowledge about its users and their software tasks and products. Such a system might then be able to act as an active participant in the software process, rather than being just a passive, albeit useful storage facility. As such, we define an Intelligent Software Hypertext System (I-SHYS1) as a software hypertext system which is knowledgeable about its environment and can use such knowledge to assist in the software process. This knowledge is partly embedded in the design of an I-SHYS (in terms of the ‘agents’ that I-SHYS supports) and partly defined during the use of I-SHYS (in terms of tasks that agents perform). We present a framework GOT defining and organizing this knowledge, describe potential uses of such knowledge, identify limits of our approach, and suggest methods for circumventing them." 3154184301,"Scripted Documents: A Hypermedia Path Mechanism","Zellweger",0,38,17,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","P. T. Zellweger","P. T. Zellweger","Full paper","","true","","true","The concept of a path, or ordered traversal of some links in a hypertext, has been a part of the hypertext notion from its early formation. Although paths can help to solve two major problems with hypertext systems, namely user disorientation and high cognitive overhead for users, their value has not been recognized. Paths can also provide the backbone for computations over a hypertext, an important issue for the future of hypertext. This paper constructs a framework for understanding path mechanisms for hypertext and explores the basic issues surrounding them. Given this framework, it reviews path mechanisms that have been provided by other hypertext systems. Finally, it describes the Scripted Documents system, which has been developed to test the potential of one powerful path mechanism." 3154184302,"Guided Tours and On-line Presentations: How Authors Make Existing Hypertext Intelligible for Readers","Marshall & Irish",3,21,12,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","C. C. Marshall, P. M. Irish","C. C. Marshall","Full paper","","true","","true","Hypertext systems like NoteCards provide facilities for authoring large networks. But they provide little support for the associated task of making these networks intelligible to future readers. Presentation conventions may be imported from other related media, but because the conventions have not yet been negotiated within a community of hypertext readers and writers, they provide only a partial solution to the problem of guiding a reader through an existing network of information. In this paper, we will discuss how a recent facility, Guided Tours, has been used to organize hypertext networks for presentation. The use of Guided Tours in NoteCards has exposed a set of authoring issues, and has provided us with examples of solutions to the problems associated with on-line presentations." 3154184303,"Programmable Browsing Semantics in Trellis","Furuta & Stotts",1,11,11,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","P. D. Stotts, R. Furuta","R. Furuta","Full paper","","true","","true","Different researchers have different ideas about how a hypertext should be navigated. Each new implementation of a hypertext browser works slightly differently from previous ones. This is due both to variations in personal taste and to discoveries of new, useful ways to organize and present information.####In this report we outline a technique by which a hypertext system can offer flexible, programmable browsing behavior, or browsing semantics. Differences in the way documents are to be browsed can be specified by an author on a document-by-document basis, or by a style designer for an entire class of documents. The ability to specify and modify how a browser presents information is an important and useful property in general. We first discuss the issues involved in programmable browsing semantics, and then we present one method of providing them within the context of the Trellis project at theUniversity ofMaryland." 3154184304,"Hypermedia Topologies and User Navigation","Van Dyke Parunak",0,11,6,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","H. Van Dyke Parunak","H. Van Dyke Parunak","Full paper","","true","","true","One of the major problems confronting users of large hypermedia systems is that of navigation: knowing where one is, where one wants to go, and how to get there from here. This paper contributes to this problem in three steps. First, it articulates a number of navigational strategies that people use in physical (geographical) navigation. Second, it correlates these with various graph topologies, showing how and why appropriately restricting the connectivity of a hyperbase can improve the ability of users to navigate. Third, it analyzes some common hypermedia navigational mechanisms in terms of navigational strategies and graph topology." 3154184305,"Design Issues for Multi-document Hypertexts","Glushko",2,15,23,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","R. J. Glushko","R. J. Glushko","Full paper","","true","","true","Vannevar Bush conceived of hypertext as the “computer glue” that binds information from a wide variety of books, documents, communications, and other artifacts to enhance its accessibility and usefulness. However, most of the recent hyper-activity in research labs and in the marketplace falls short of Bush’s vision. Most hypertext software is oriented toward hypertext as a new form of writing via incremental combination of bits and pieces of information. These hypertext programs typically provide little support for converting existing information from its more linear printed form, Where hypertexts have been created from existing text, they generally have been converted from a single encyclopedia ([Glus88], [Oren87]), a single reference document (D%isSS], [Per188], [Paym88]), or a single system’s documentation ([Egan89], [Walk88a]). Hypertexts that integrate the complete contents of more than one book or large document seem nonexistent, even though the expected benefits from such multi-document hypertexts were the original motivation for the concept." 3154184306,"Asynchronous Design/Evaluation Methods for Hypertext Technology Development","Perlman",2,1,27,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","G. Perlman","G. Perlman","Full paper","","true","","true","A process model used in the design and evaluation of hypertext systems is discussed. The model includes asynchronous processes of task analysis, document analysis, literature survey and systems evaluation, interpretation of data, designing and building systems, and collecting data. For each process, experiences with NaviText™ SAM, a hypertext interface to a reference source, are discussed. A variety of new methods for evaluation of experimental systems are presented along with several empirical results." 3154184307,"Towards a Design Language for Representing Hypermedia Cues","Evenson et al.",0,2,9,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","F. Richardson Smith, J. Rheinfrank, S. Evenson, W. Wulff","S. Evenson","Full paper","","true","","true","Hypermedia systems are no longer just interesting experimental software environments. They are common tools in the world of everyday work. People who do not program, but who are computer literate and who want to go beyond the capabilities of word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software packages now use systems like Apple’sHyperCard, Owl’s Guide, Silicon Beach’s Supercard and Xerox’s Notecards not only to communicate, but to perform tasks that involve creating and integrating knowledge. This raises some important issues for designers of hypermedia systems. One of the largest is how to represent which pieces of information are linked (or hyper) and which pieces aren’t, within a given system or task domain. This, in turn, raises the issue of standards. Should representations of hyperness be consistent across systems and work domains, or should there be individual standards for representing hyperness within systems and work domains? The advantage of a standard is that it may assist users in discovering or labeling what is or isn’t hyper across a wide variety of systems. The disadvantage is that a standard severely limits the opportunities for creating systems that are closely connected to the content of specific areas of work, work environments and work tools. Thus, the apparent choice is between adopting a rigid hypermedia cuing standard, or redesigning hypermedia cues for each application." 3154184308,"Facilitating the Development of Representations in Hypertext with IDE","Jordan et al.",3,11,14,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","A. M. S. Jensen, D. M. Russell, D. S. Jordan, R. A. Rogers","D. S. Jordan","Full paper","","true","","true","Hypertext systems are used for a variety of representational tasks, many that involve fairly formalized structures. Because hypertext systems are generally intended for developing informal (unstructured data) and semi-formal (semantic networks) structures, developing more formal structures can be difficult. Regular patterns in structures must often be recreated from primitive elements (individual nodes and links) resulting in a high overhead cost. In this paper we describe the Instructional Design Environment, or IDE, a hypertext system application that facilitates the rapid and accurate creation of regular network patterns in hypertext. IDE focuses on the task of instructional design, but its facilities are general and useful to many representation tasks. IDE features structure accelerators that provide simple menu interfaces to (1) define network structures out of patterns of typed node and link connections, (2) create new node types that contain structured content, and (3) tailor the interface for creating cards, links and structures to focus attention during different stages of the representation task. These mechanisms allow the user to tailor the hypertext environment to better meet his or her representational needs. We also report on the field use of IDE by instructional designers." 3154184309,"JANUS: Integrating Hypertext with a Knowledge-based Design Environment","Fischer, McCall & Morch",2,5,16,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","A. Morch, G. Fischer, R. McCall","G. Fischer","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, argumentation, construction, construction kits, design environments, human problem-domain communication, informed design, issue-based information systems(IBIS), knowledge-based systems, procedural hierarchy of issues(PHI) methodology","true","Hypertext systems and other complex information stores offer little or no guidance in helping users find information useful for activities they are currently engaged in. Most users are not interested in exploring hypertext information spaces per se but rather in obtaining information to solve problems or accomplish tasks. As a step towards this we have developed the JANUS design environment. JANUS allows designers to construct artifacts in the domain of architectural design and at the same time to be informed about principles of design and the reasoning underlying them. This process integrates two design activities: construction and argumentation. Construction is supported by a knowledge-based graphical design environment and argumentation is supported by a hypertext system. Our empirical evaluations of JANUS and its predecessors has shown that integrated support for construction and argumentation is necessary for full support of design." 3154184310,"Towards an integrated maintenance advisor","Hayes & Pepper",0,4,7,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","J. Pepper, P. Hayes","P. Hayes","Full paper","","true","","true","Large, complex systems such as telephone switches or aircraft have associated documentation sets that frequently extend to several tens of thousands of pages. When a failure occurs, locating relevant sections of the documentation to determine appropriate corrective action can be time-consuming. The problem is compounded because documentation changes frequently to accommodate engineering changes, product updates, and newly identified problems and solutions. Boeing, for instance, issues a full set of revised documentation every 90 days." 3154184311,"Distributed Hypertext for Collaborative Research: The Virtual Notebook System","Shipman, Chaney & Gorry",0,9,4,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","F. M. Shipman, G. A. Gorry, R. J. Chaney","F. M. Shipman","Short paper","","true","","true","We are developing the Virtual Notebook System (VNS) to facilitate information acquisition, sharing and management in collaborative work. Our main concern is enhancing the productivity of scientific groups engaged in basic and clinical research in an acaademic medical center. As the name implies, the VNS is an electronic analog to the scientist’s notebook, and it functions as the repository of data, hypotheses and notes, patient information and the like. But unlike the traditional notebook, the VNS is expressly designed to enhance information sharing among the members of scientific teams. A hypertext program we have developed is the foundation for this sharing, and it enables us to integrate into the VNS a variety of computer-based information resources that are so important in biomedicine." 3154184312,"Sun's Link Service: A Protocol for Open Linking","Pearl",4,36,15,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","A. Pearl","A. Pearl","Full paper","","true","","true","Sun’s Link Service, a product shipped with Sun’s programming in the large software development environment, the Network Software Environment, allows users to make and maintain explicit and persistent bidirectional relationships between autonomous front end applications. The Link Service defines a protocol for an extensible and loosely coupled, or open, hypertext system. An interesting instance of this is the ability to link to objects in closed hypertext systems if they integrate with the Link Service. The Link Service addresses link maintenance and automated versioning. Link endpoints, or nodes, are defined by the integrating applications, and are not restricted to points, whole documents, or cards." 3154184313,"A Visual Representation for Knowledge Structures","Travers",0,3,14,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","M. Travers","M. Travers","Full paper","","true","","true","Knowledge-based systems often represent their knowledge as a network of interrelated units. Such networks are commonly presented to the user as a diagram of nodes connected by lines. These diagrams have provided a powerful visual metaphor for knowledge representation. However, their complexity can easily become unmanageable as the knowledge base (KB) grows. This paper describes an alternate visual representation for navigating knowledge structures, based on a virtual museum metaphor. This representation uses nested boxes rather than linked nodes to represent relations. The intricate structure of the knowledge base is conveyed by a combination of position, size, color, and font cues, MUE (Museum Unit Editor) was implemented using this representation to provide a graphic front end for the Cyc knowledge base." 3154184315,"Hypertext Challenges in the Auditing Domain","DeYoung",0,3,13,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","L. DeYoung","L. DeYoung","Full paper","","true","","true","Auditing is the process by which an opinion is formed on the financial statements of a company by a group of outside professional accountants. Large numbers of documents pertaining to the company’s business are examined and many more are produced during an audit in order to arrive at and provide a basis for this opinion. These documents contain a wide variety of interrelated information. Capturing these interrelationships is essential to performing an effective audit. Currently, this is accomplished by using a highly-structured, manual hypertext system. While quite effective, the system is difficult and time-consuming to maintain, and can become unwieldy when conducting an audit for a very large company. We are in the process of developing an electronic system to meet the needs of this complex task. The complexity of the referencing system challenges current hypertext and user interface technology. At the same time, the structure of the domain affords an interesting application area within which to explore and more fully develop hypertext techniques. During the course of this project, we are exploring automatic generation of links, automatic generation of documents, hypertext path creation and access, creation of a typed-link topology for the domain, referencing of individual points and regions within documents, linking bodies of hypertext, and many other issues." 3154184316,"Computational Hypertext in Biological Modelling","Schnase & Leggett",1,1,32,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","J. J. Leggett, J. L. Schnase","J. L. Schnase","Full paper","","true","Computational hypertext, collaboration, hypertext publishing, information management, natural sciences, simulation modelling","true","This paper describes an application of hypertext to a biological research problem. An individual energetics model for Cassin’s Sparrow was developed in which the computations and intellectual activities associated with each phase of the research were performed within an integrated hypertext environment. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of computational hypertext in meeting the personal information management requirements of individual researchers in the natural sciences and its ability to speed the dissemination of research results within a community of scholars. Most important, the study shows how hypertext can be “phased in” to support traditional scholarship in disciplines that are otherwise slow to respond to emerging computer technologies." 3154184317,"Information Retrieval from Hypertext: Update on the Dynamic Medical Handbook Project","Frisse & Cousins",3,10,30,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","M. E. Frisse, S. B. Cousins","M. E. Frisse","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper attempts to provide a perspective from which to develop a more complete theory of information retrieval from hypertext documents. Viewing hypertexts as large information spaces, we compare two general classes of navigation methods, classes we call local and global. We argue that global methods necessitate some form of “index space” conceptually separate from the hypertext “document space”. We note that the architectures of both spaces effect the ease with which one can apply various information retrieval algorithms. We identify a number of different index space and document space architectures and we discuss some of the associated trade-offs between hypertext functionality and computational complexity. We show how some index space architectures can be exploited for enhanced information retrieval, query refinement, and automated reasoning. Through analysis of a number of prototype systems, we discuss current limitations and future potentials for various hypertext information retrieval structures." 3154184320,"The Matters That Really Matter for Hypertext Usability","Nielsen",0,4,35,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","J. Nielsen","J. Nielsen","Full paper","","true","","true","We compare 92 benchmark measurements of various usability issues related to hypertext which have been published in the hypertext literature in order to find which ones have shown the largest effects." 3154184686,"A Development Environment for Building Component-based Open Hypermedia Systems","Wiil et al.",2,4,5,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","David L. Hicks, Peter J. Nürnberg, Siegfried Reich, Uffe K. Wiil","Uffe K. Wiil","Short paper","","true","Construct development environment, development tools, hypermedia services","true","The Construct development environment is targeted at the construction of different types of hypermedia services. The primary goal of the environment is to ease the construction of component-based open hypermedia systems by providing development tools that assist the system developers in the generation of the set of services that make up a hypermedia system." 3154184692,"Panel: The semantic web: who needs it?","Hall",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Wendy Hall","Wendy Hall","Panel","","false","","false","While the HTML document format dominates most of the information presented on the Web, the vision behind the Web has always been that the information accessible on it should be machine-processable as well as human consumable. While knowledge representation has a long and distinguished history, it has largely concentrated on capturing expertise in specialised domains. Allowing information to be made machine processable in an environment as diverse as the Web requires a number of underlying assumptions to be reassessed.####A number of international initiatives are already investigating the path to take towards enabling a machine-processable, knowledge-rich information environment. Among these are the RDF and RDFS working groups in W3C,and the DAML and Ontoknowledge projects. In addition, the MPEG7 community is one of the key projects for investigating the complex issues of combining semantics not only with textual information, but also multimedia. We propose to explore these issues and consider what problems need to be solved to make the Semantic Web a reality.####[no references]" 1615390287,"Elastic JavaDoc","Graversen",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Kasper B. Graversen","Kasper B. Graversen","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390288,"Appliance Independent User Interaction","Göschka & Smeikal",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Karl M. Göschka, Robert Smeikal","Karl M. Göschka","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390290,"Tempo: A Context-Sensitive Search Engine","Thomaz",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Edison Thomaz Jr.","Edison Thomaz Jr.","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390294,"A personalized hypermedia application for web-based tools","Gena et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Amedeo Perna, Cristina Gena, Federica Cena, Roberta Morisano","Kristina Gena","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390295,"InfiniTe: Hypermedia-Supported Information Integration","Anderson & Sherba",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Kenneth M. Anderson, Susanne A. Sherba","Kenneth M. Anderson","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390296,"Dynamic generation of personalized touristic information on the Web","Ardissono et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","A. Goy, G. Petrone, L. Ardissono, M. Segnan, P. Torasso","L. Ardissono","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 3154184696,"Trailist---focusing on document activity for assisting navigation","Reich & Gams",2,1,6,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Erich Gams, Sigi Reich","Sigi Reich","Short paper","","true","Fundamental Open Hypermedia Model (FOHM), component-based open hypermedia system (CB-OHS), framework, user trails","true","Trails are a long established concept of assisting users in searching and navigating hypertexts. However, existing trail-based systems are focusing on browsers only and therefore do not fully exploit the notion of trails. We propose trail-based systems to be open to any application and to any activity. For instance, printing a document from a word processor, posting a message in a newsgroup, or forwarding an attachment to a friend — using one’s favorite e-mail client — may well be part of a trail. “Trailist” is a framework supporting the development of these trail-based systems. Its name indicates that, similar to the way “Tour-ists” travel on tours, “Trail-ists” make their ways through vast information spaces." 3154184712,"Facilitated hypertext for collective sensemaking: 15 years on from gIBIS","Conklin et al.",1,5,7,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Albert Selvin, Jeff Conklin, Maarten Sierhuis, Simon Buckingham Shum","Jeff Conklin","Short paper","","true","facilitated hypertext, knowledge management","true","This paper outlines the technical and social dimensions to a hypertext tool that has been successfully used in organizational settings to improve meetings, and capture group memory in real time. The approach derives from hypertext research systems from the mid-1980s-90s which sought to manipulate conceptual structures as hypertextual concept maps. However, many did not receive sustained use due to issues of cognitive overheads and representational inflexibility. Many decided that such tools would never fulfill their promise. The gIBIS system exemplified this early work, but has since evolved into a broader approach to collective sensemaking called Compendium. We outline Compendium, which demonstrates the impact that a hypertext facilitator can have on the learning and adoption problems that often ambush hypertext sensemaking tools before they have the chance to establish roots in work practice." 3154184716,"PageRate: counting Web users' votes","Zhu, Hong & Hughes",0,1,7,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Jianhan Zhu, John G. Hughes, Jun Hong","Jianhan Zhu","Short paper","","true","Web link structures, Web log files, clustering, rating","true","We propose a PageRate method to give Web pages on a Web site ratings based on the Web link structure and user usage data, which are both recorded in the Web log files. The method is an improvement over PageRank [1, 6]. PageRate can be used to objectively evaluate the importance of pages. A PageClustering algorithm is proposed to cluster Web pages with similar incoming links and ratings. The results are used to integrate with search results returned by search engines." 3154184717,"Small-world linkage and co-linkage","Björneborn",0,1,11,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Lennart Björneborn","Lennart Björneborn","Short paper","","true","WWW, citation analysis, co-linkage chains, knowledge discovery, link structure analysis, small-world phenomena, transversal links, web mining","true","The paper presents ideas from a current research project concerned with link structures and small-world phenomena on the WWW, with possible implications for knowledge discovery or ‘web mining’. The project includes case studies of so-called co-linkage chains consisting of co-linking and co-linked web nodes (analogous to bibliographic couplings and co-citations) in a context of researchers’ homepages and published bookmark lists. Key concepts are so-called transversal links and transversal co-linkages (on co-linkage chains) functioning as short cuts or ‘weak ties’ between heterogeneous subject domains and interest communities on the Web. According to a hypothesis in the project, transversal links make the Web more strongly connected and ‘crumpled up’ by creating small-world phenomena in the shape of short distances between nodes in the Web graph." 3154184720,"Design issues for general-purpose adaptive hypermedia systems","Wu, de Kort & De Bra",1,2,12,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Erik de Kort, Hongjing Wu, Paul De Bra","Hongjing Wu","Full paper","","true","active databases, adaptation rules, adaptive hypermedia, confluence, termination, user modeling","true","A hypermedia application offers its users much freedom to navigate through a large hyperspace. For authors finding a good compromise between offering navigational freedom and offering guidance is difficult, especially in applications that target a broad audience. Adaptive hypermedia (AH) offers (automatically generated) personalized content and navigation support, so the choice between freedom and guidance can be made on an individual basis. Many adaptive hypermedia systems (AHS) are tightly integrated with one specific application. In this paper we study design issues for general-purpose adaptive hypermedia systems, built according to an application-independent architecture. We use the Dexter-based AHAM reference model for adaptive hypermedia [7] to describe the functionality of such systems at the conceptual level. We concentrate on the architecture and behavior of a general-purpose adaptive engine. Such an engine performs adaptation and updates the user model according to a set of adaptation rules specified in an adaptation model. In our study of the behavior of such a system we concentrate on the issues of termination and confluence, which are important to detect potential problems in an adaptive hypermedia application. We draw parallels with static rule analysis in active database systems [1,2]. By using common properties of AIIS we are able to obtain more precise (less conservative) results for AHS than for active databases in general, especially for the problem of termination." 3154184723,"Personally tailored teaching in WHURLE using conditional transclusion","Moore, Brailsford & Stewart",0,5,12,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Adam Moore, Craig D. Stewart, Timothy J. Brailsford","Adam Moore","Short paper","","true","Learning environment, XML, XSLT, adaptive hypermedia, transclusion","true","The emergence of Technology Based Learning has generated a number of pedagogic problems related to learner diversity.. In this paper we present an interim snapshot of a prototype XSLT / XML hypermedia learning environment able to respond adaptively to individual learner profiles using conditional transclusion." 3154184724,"Cognitive coherence relations and hypertext: from cinematic patterns to scholarly discourse","Mancini & Buckingham Shum",9,4,30,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Clara Mancini, Simon Buckingham Shum","Clara Mancini","Full paper","","true","Cognitive Coherence Relations, argumentation, cinematic rhetoric, logical and analogical relations, scholarly hypertext, semiotics","true","In previous work we argued that cinematic language may provide insights into the construction of narrative coherence in hypertext, and we identified in the shot juxtaposition of rhetorical patterns the source of coherence for cinematic discourse. Here we deepen our analysis, to show how the mechanisms that underpin cinematic rhetorical patterns are the same as those providing coherence in written text. We draw on computational and psycholinguistic analyses of texts which have derived a set of relationships that are termed Cognitive Coherence Relations (CCR). We validate this by re-expressing established cinematic patterns, and relations relevant to scholarly hypertext, in terms of CCR, and with this conceptual bridge in place, present examples to show how cinematic techniques could assist the presentation of scholarly discourse. This theoretical work also informs system design. We describe how an abstract relational layer based on CCR is being implemented as a semantic hypertext system to mediate scholarly discourse." 3154184725,"Hypertext and the scholarly archive: intertexts, paratexts and metatexts at work","Dalgaard",3,3,32,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Rune Dalgaard","Rune Dalgaard","Full paper","","true","Textuality, criticism, hypertext rhetoric, intertextuality, metatext, navigation, paratext, scholarly and scientific communication, theory, web","true","With the Web, hypertext has become the paradigmatic rhetorical structure of a global and distributed archive. This paper argues that the scholarly archive is going though a process of hypertextualization that is not adequately accounted for in theories on hypertext. A methodological approach based on Gerard Genettes theory of transtextuality is proposed for a study of the hypertextualized archive. This involves a rejection of the reductionist opposition of hypertext and the fixed linear text, in favor of a study of the intertexts, paratexts and metatexts that work at the interface between texts and archive. I refer to this as second-order textuality." 3154184728,"Perception of content, structure, and presentation changes in Web-based hypertext","Francisco-Revilla et al.",3,2,15,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Avital Arora, Frank M. Shipman III, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Richard Furuta, Unmil Karadkar","Luis Francisco-Revilla","Full paper","","true","Walden’s Paths, fluid documents, managing fluid Web pages, meta-document, perception of change","true","The Web provides access to a wide variety of information but much of this information is fluid; it changes, moves, and occasionally disappears. Bookmarks, paths over Web pages, and catalogs like Yahoo! are examples of page collections that can become out-of-date as changes are made to their components. Maintaining these collections requires that they be updated continuously. Tools to help in this maintenance require an understanding of what changes are important, such as when pages no longer exist, and what changes are not, such as when a visit counter changes. We performed a study to look at the effect of the type and quantity of change on people’s perception of its importance. Subjects were presented pairs of Web pages with changes to either content (e.g., text), structure (e.g., links), or presentation (e.g., colors, layout). While changes in content were the most closely connected to subjects perceptions of the overall change to a page, subjects indicated a strong desire to be notified of structural changes. Subjects only considered the simultaneous change of many presentation characteristics as important." 3154184731,"Open hypermedia as a navigational interface to ontological information spaces","Weal et al.",9,3,31,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","David E. Millard, Gareth V. Hughes, Luc Moreau, Mark J. Weal","Mark J. Weal","Full paper","","true","Agent Based Systems, Fundamental Open Hypermedia Model (FOHM), Ontological Information Spaces","true","Ontologies provide a powerful tool for distributed agent-based information systems. However, in their raw form they can be difficult for users to interact with directly. Different query architectures use structured query languages as an interface but these still require the users to have an expert understanding of the underlying ontologies.####By using an Open Hypermedia model as an interface to an ontological information space, users can interact with such a system using familiar browsing and navigation techniques, which are translated into queries over the underlying information. Coupled with dynamic document generation, this allows complicated queries to be made without the user having to interact directly with the ontologies.####Our key contribution is a notion of hypermedia links between concepts and queries within an ontological information space. This approach is demonstrated with a Dynamic CV application built around the SoFAR agent framework and the Fundamental Open Hypermedia Model (FOHM). In addition to abstracting the interface, Open Hypermedia allows alternative linkbases to be used to represent different “query recipes”, providing different views and navigational experiences to the user." 3154184732,"Hypertext in the semantic web","Miles-Board et al.",0,1,5,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Leslie Carr, Simon Kampa, Timothy Miles-Board, Wendy Hall","Timothy Miles-Board","Short paper","","true","Navigation, Ontological Hypertext, Ontologies, Semantic Web","true","The Semantic Web extends the current state of the Web with well-defined meaning. We advocate the use of ontological hypertext as an application of the Semantic Web to provide a principled and structured approach to navigating the resources on the Web. This paper demonstrates how we have applied this concept to two real-world scenarios." 3154184739,"WebDAV and DeltaV: collaborative authoring, versioning, and configuration management for the Web","Whitehead",0,1,5,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","E. James Whitehead, Jr.","E. James Whitehead, Jr.","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","WebDAV and DeltaV are application-layer network protocols that provide capabilities for remote collaborative authoring, metadata management, version control, and configuration management. Both protocols extend the core protocol of the Web, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP 1.1). WebDAV adds operations for overwrite prevention, properties, and namespace management, while DeltaV builds upon WebDAV to offer versioning (checkout and checkin), autoversioning, workspaces, activities, and configuration management.####See" 3154184750,"Applying programmable browsing semantics within the context of the World-Wide Web","Furuta & Na",1,1,3,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Jin-Cheon Na, Richard Furuta","Richard Furuta","Short paper","","true","Petri-net-based hypertext, Trellis, caT, context-aware hypertext, responsive hypertext","true","We discuss application of \caT\ (context-aware Trellis), which extends the Trellis Petri-net-based model of hypertext, towards specification of Web-browsable hypertexts that respond to factors that occur during their use. In addition to characteristics such as a reader’s role (e.g., student, teacher, administrator, or parent) and the reader’s browsing history, we also include factors that may not have been incorporated as directly before, such as measures of the external environment and the attributes/actions of other simultaneous readers. We use the term “responsive” hypertext to reflect the wide range of relevant factors." 3154184742,"Peer-to-peer Hypertext","Wiil et al.",0,1,0,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","David C. De Roure, Deena Larsen, Mark K. Thompson, Niels Olof Bouvin, Uffe K. Wiil","Uffe K. Wiil","Panel","","false","","true","Over the past several decades, hypertext system architectures have evolved from the early monolithic systems to the middleware-oriented, component-based, and open systems of today [7].####The current trend is to provide hypertext structuring services wrapped in components with well-defined interfaces [6]. The dominant form of relationships between services in these massively distributed environments continues to be the traditional client-server based one.####Recently, a peer-to-peer based approach to hypertext systems has been discussed as an alternative to the client-server based approach [1,2,3,4].####The peer-to-peer approach can be traced back to the visionary work at Xerox PARC on ubiquitous computing starting in 1988 [5]. Since then several related and overlapping terms have been introduced to characterize this new approach such as pervasive computing, mobile computing, wireless networks, ad hoc networks, peer-to-peer networks, etc.####This panel will try to identify, clarify, and discuss some of the issues and potential benefits involved in peer-to-peer hypertext. The panel will examine the issues from different perspectives: from the perspective of hypertext system developers, hypertext authors (writers), and hypertext readers.####[no references]" 3154184757,"Links and power: the political economy of linking on the Web","Walker",1,1,14,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Jill Walker","Jill Walker","Short paper","","true","Blogdex, Google, Links, accessibility, community, knowledge, politics, power, search engines, survival, theory, weblogs","true","Search engines like Google interpret links to a web page as objective, peer-endorsed and machine-readable signs of value. Links have become the currency of the Web. With this economic value they also have power, affecting accessibility and knowledge on the Web." 3154184758,"Evidence of Hypertext in the scholarly archive","Brody, Carr & Harnad",1,2,4,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Leslie Carr, Stevan Harnad, Tim Brody","Tim Brody","Short paper","","true","Textuality, hypertext rhetoric, navigation, scholarly and scientific communication, web","true","This paper attempts to substantiate recent observations about the development of hypertext rhetoric in scholarly archives by reporting the results of some simple quantitative studies of the use by researchers of a major scholarly archive." 3154184759,"Looking for linking: associative links on the Web","Miles-Board, Carr & Hall",1,3,5,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Leslie Carr, Timothy Miles-Board, Wendy Hall","Timothy Miles-Board","Short paper","","true","Associative Linking, Internet Archive, Link Taxonomies","true","Non-trivial hypertexts (containing more than one node) use links to implement their internal structure. On the Web navigation bars have become ubiquitous, defining functional regions on a web page that expose a site’s primary structure, listing nearby pages or media (home page, next page, previous page, search, related links).####By contrast, associative linking [2] takes place in the content regions of Web pages and may be used to interlink related concepts from the domain semantics, expose argumentation structures, add glossary functions or reveal instructional components according to various secondary informational schemas or controlling “applications”.####In this paper we describe an attempt to identify the latter kind of links on the World Wide Web, as the preliminary stage of recognising and classifying “good” linking practices that go beyond the merely organisational infrastructure common to the Web.####These associative linking practises are exemplified by NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) archive1, a popular website which illustrates and discusses different astrological phenomena. Each day’s text is linked to relevant information from previous days, and also to external educational and scientific Web pages which explain or illustrate any key phrases and technical terms used in the text. The authors of the site explain that each text is “written explicitly to be linked”, with the content “constructed as an abstract, with links providing all the detailed or background information required by the various readership profiles.”" 3154184763,"Context perception in video-based hypermedia spaces","Chambel & Guimarães",17,4,54,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Nuno Guimarães, Teresa Chambel","Teresa Chambel","Full paper","","true","HTIMEL, Hypervideo, cognitive processes, design, education, entertainment, integration in context, interactive video and TV, link awareness","true","Multimedia hypertext has grown from the basic addition of dynamic media only at “leaf” nodes of the hypertext, to higher structured attempts to compose and integrate the different media. One of the core problems in this evolution has been, and still is, the construction and perception of context, making explicit which part of a presentation is relevant when media elements are integrated. The search for contextualized integration of video material with other sources of information has emerged from the work in several domains and from mutually reinforcing needs. The work presented here is centered on this problem: how to provide the perception of context to users or readers, when navigating through a space of heterogeneous media elements, where video plays an important role." 3154184765,"Semi-automated Hyperlink markup for archived video","Stotts & Smith",3,1,6,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","David Stotts, Jason McC. Smith","David Stotts","Short paper","","true","","true","One of the problems keeping video from being a fully first-class data component of hypermedia documents is the difficulty of treating the objects depicted in video as identifiable, linkable content. Rather, video tends to be manipulated as frames of pixels with no further subdivisions. We previously reported on the real-time OvalTine system [1], in which we showed the creation and maintenance of links in real-time video streams such as teleconferences. This paper presents our continuing work with this system, demonstrating the use of the basic real-time image tracking algorithms for use in automated markup of stored video data. There is increasing interest in video data being incorporated in hypermedia structures. Digital libraries are growing in popularity and scope, and video is an important component of such archives. All major news services have vast video archives, valuable “footage” that would be of use in education, historical research, even entertainment." 3154184766,"An infrastructure for open latent semantic linking","Macedo, Pimentel & Camacho-Guerrero",9,3,39,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Alessandra Alaniz Macedo, Jose Antonio Camacho-Guerrero, Maria da Graca Campos Pimentel","Alessandra Alaniz Macedo","Full paper","","true","Automatic Linking, Information Integration, Information Retrieval, Open Hypermedia, Semantic Structures, Web","true","The more the web grows, the harder it is for users to find the information they need. As a result, it is even more difficult to identify when documents are related. To find out that two or more documents are in fact related, users have to navigate by the documents in carry out an analysis about their content. This paper presents an infrastructure allowing the use of latent semantic analysis and open hypermedia concepts in the automatic identification of relationships among web pages. Latent Semantic Analysis has been proposed by the information retrieval community as an attempt to organize automatically text objects into a semantic structure appropriate for matching. In open hypermedia systems, links are managed and stored in a special database, a linkbase, which allows the addition of hypermedia functionality to a document without changing the original structure and format of the document. We first present two complementary link-related efforts: an extensible latent semantic indexing service and an open linkbase service. Leveraging off those efforts, we present an infrastructure that identifying latent semantic links within web repositories and makes them available in an open linkbase. To demonstrate by example the utility of our open infrastructure, we built an application presenting a directory of semantic links extracted from web sites." 3154184767,"Towards geo-spatial hypermedia: Concepts and prototype implementation","Grønbæk, Vestergaard & Ørbæk",4,13,31,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Kaj Grønbæk, Peter Posselt Vestergaard, Peter Ørbæk","Kaj Grønbæk","Full paper","","true","3D, GIS, Geo-Spatial Information Management, Spatial Hypermedia","true","This paper combines spatial hypermedia with techniques from Geographical Information Systems and location based services. We describe the Topos 3D Spatial Hypermedia system and how it has been developed to support geo-spatial hypermedia coupling hypermedia information to model representations of real world buildings and landscapes. The prototype experiments are primarily aimed at supporting architects and landscape architects in their work on site. Here it is useful to be able to superimpose and add different layers of information to, e.g. a landscape depending on the task being worked on. We introduce a number of central concepts to understand the relation between hypermedia and spatial information management. The distinction between metaphorical (and abstract) versus literal (and concrete) spaces is introduced together with a workspace composition semantics and a distinction between direct and indirect navigation. Finally, we conclude with a number of research issues which are central to the future development of geo-spatial hypermedia, including design issues in combining metaphorical and literal hypermedia space, as well as a discussion of the role of spatial parsing in a geo-spatial context." 3154184768,"Links in the palm of your hand: tangible hypermedia using augmented reality","Sinclair et al.",4,2,30,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","David E. Millard, Kirk Martinez, Mark J. Weal, Patrick Sinclair","Patrick Sinclair","Full paper","","true","Adaptive Hypermedia, Augmented Reality, Contextual Hypermedia, Tangible Interfaces","true","Contextualised Open Hypermedia can be used to provide added value to document collections or artefacts. However, transferring the underlying hyper structures into a users conceptual model is often a problem. Augmented reality provides a mechanism for presenting these structures in a visual and tangible manner, translating the abstract action of combining contextual linkbases into physical gestures of real familiarity to users of the system. This paper examines the use of augmented reality in hypermedia and explores some possible modes of interaction that embody the functionality of open hypermedia and contextual linking using commonplace and easily understandable real world metaphors." 3154184776,"Using Markov models for web site link prediction","Zhu, Hong & Hughes",1,1,8,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Jianhan Zhu, John G. Hughes, Jun Hong","Jianhan Zhu","Short paper","","true","Markov models, hierarchy, link prediction","true","Markov models have been extensively used to model Web users’ navigation behaviors on Web sites. The link structure of a Web site can be seen as a citation network. By applying bibliographic co-citation and coupling analysis to a Markov model constructed from a Web log file on a Web site, we propose a clustering algorithm called CitationCluster to cluster conceptually related pages. The clustering results are used to construct a conceptual hierarchy of the Web site. Markov model based link prediction is integrated with the hierarchy to assist users’ navigation on the Web site." 3154184778,"Seven Issues, Revisited","Whitehead et al.",1,0,0,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Deena Larsen, Jim Whitehead, John Leggett, Kaj Grønbæk, Paul De Bra, monica m. c. schraefel","Jim Whitehead","Panel","","false","","true","It has been 15 years since the original presentation by Frank Halasz at Hypertext’87 on seven issues for the next generation of hypertext systems. These issues are:####• Search and Query####• Composites####• Virtual Structures####• Computation in/over hypertext network####• Versioning####• Collaborative Work####• Extensibility and Tailorability####Since that time, these issues have formed the nucleus of multiple research agendas within the Hypertext community. Befitting this direction-setting role, the issues have been revisited several times, by Halasz in his 1991 Hypertext keynote talk, and by Randy Trigg in his 1996 Hypertext keynote five years later. Additionally, over the intervening 15 years, many research systems have addressed the original seven issues, and new research avenues have opened up. The goal of this panel is to begin the process of developing a new set of seven issues for the next generation of hypertext system. Toward this end, we have convened seven experts on hypertext, and charged them with determining one issue, something deserving significant focus by the research community, and one non-issue, a red herring no longer worthy of consideration. At the end of the panel, the panelists and the audience will vote on which issues they consider to be the most important, and which non-issue is the least important.####[no references]" 3154184777,"Storyspace 1","Bernstein",16,15,46,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Full paper","","true","Storyspace, design, education, fiction, history of computing, hypermedia, hypertext, implementation, links, literature, maps, support","true","Storyspace, a hypertext writing environment, has been widely used for writing, reading, and research for nearly fifteen years. The appearance of a new implementation provides a suitable occasion to review the design of Storyspace, both in its historical context and in the context of contemporary research. Of particular interest is the opportunity to examine its use in a variety of published documents, all created within one system, but spanning the most of the history of literary hypertext." 3154184746,"Uniform comparison of data models using containment modeling","Whitehead",16,9,38,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","E. James Whitehead Jr.","E. James Whitehead Jr.","Full paper","","true","Containment data modeling, Hypertext data models","true","Containment data models are a subset of entity relationship models in which the allowed relationships are either a type of containment, storage, or inheritance. This paper describes containment relationships, and containment data models, applying them to model a broad range of monolithic, link server, and hyperbase systems, as well as the Dexter reference model, and the WWW with WebDAV extensions. A key quality of containment data models is their ability to model systems uniformly, allowing a broad range of systems to be compared consistently." 3154184783,"Structure, tradition and possibility","Nelson",0,2,0,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Theodor Holm Nelson","Theodor Holm Nelson","Keynote","","false","","true","Science is supposedly about reality, not about tradition, conventions or constructs. Yet computer science seems to me wrongly centered around two traditional, conventional constructs: the simulation of hierarchy and the simulation of paper. It is a popular myth that “structure” means hierarchy; and it is a popular conception that electronic documents should simulate paper. These two concepts have the additional advantage of being easy to explain to beginners. Accordingly, since the nineteen-forties we have simulated hierarchies to organize computer files, and since the nineteen-sixties we have progressively simulated paper—from “text editing” to “word processing” to “desktop publishing” to the Web (which added one-way links to simulated sheets of paper). Now, merging hierarchy simulation with paper simulation, we have been given Adobe Acrobat (simultaneously simulating hierarchy and paper side by side) and XML (a system for transforming paper simulation into hierarchy and vice versa). I see these as ideological exercises in completing the hierarchy and paper paradigms, bypassing the vital issues. Rather than imitating the shortcomings of the real world, we should be correcting the insufficiencies of hierarchy and the deficiencies of paper. Things being simple-minded and easy to explain does not make them sensible or right.####[no references]" 3154184784,"HyperReal: a hypermedia model for mixed reality","Romero & Correia",8,4,34,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Luis Romero, Nuno Correia","Luis Romero","Full paper","","true","History, Hypermedia Interfaces, Hypermedia model, Mixed and Augmented Reality, Mobile Gaming and Storytelling","true","This paper describes a generic hypermedia model that is used as a framework for building context aware and mixed reality applications. It can handle different media elements, and it defines a presentation scheme that abstracts several relevant navigation concepts, including link awareness. The model specifies a base structure for the relation between spaces, either real or virtual, and supports contextual mechanisms. Additionally, it establishes a way to correlate real/virtual world objects with information present in the hypermedia graph. It also includes store/replay mechanisms that can be used to repurpose the content in new ways, including storytelling applications. The proposed model is being tested in a gaming and storytelling environment that integrates the real world, media elements and virtual 3D worlds. The paper presents the overall framework, the current implementation and evaluates its usage in the prototype application." 3154184399,"Contours of Constructive Hypertexts","Bernstein, Joyce & Levine",33,15,57,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","David Levine, Mark Bernstein, Michael Joyce","Mark Bernstein","Full paper","","true","","true","Discussion of hypertext rhetoric and criticism has focused on small, freed hypertext that am typically used by casual readers for comparatively short periods. Here we explore complex, constructive hypertext, intended to inform and to influence dedicated and thoughtful readers. Recurrence and multivalence, both deplored in small hypertext, prove from study of mom complex texts to be very valuable. While static, graph-theoretic measures facilitate understanding of Iocal hypertext structure, the structures of meaning or contours we observe in current hypertext fiction and scholarship do not appear to reside in static structures, but rather in the complex and dynamic perceptions of the engagedreader." 3154184400,"Toward a Rhetoric of Informating Texts","Moulthrop",9,7,35,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Stuart Moulthrop","Stuart Moulthrop","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper begins by asking why hypertext researchers publish their work in print and compose their hypertexts from previously printed sources. It argues that these practices limit the development of hypertext rhetoric by privileging a discrete or granular model of discourse nodes as stable units connected by purely transitional links. The paper explores the limits of the node/link model, suggesting that links can take on certain properties of nodes and vice versa. Drawing on the phenomenological critique of rationalist mechanism developed by Winograd and Flores, the paper presents an alternative discourse model for hypertext which regards nodes and links in complementarily, as contingent structures subject to conceptual “breakdown.” Applying this model to actual communication practices, the paper invokes Zuboff’s distinction between “automating” and “informating” applications of technology, outlining a rhetoric based on a constantly evolving textual structure in which object relations remain fluid. A new term is proposed, the informand, to designate the communal interactive discursive space created by informating systems like hypertexts and artificial realities. The paper concludes by urging experimentation with informating practices in hypertext, a move away from print models and towards all-electronic composition." 3154184401,"Towards an Integrated Information Environment with Open Hypermedia Systems","Davis et al.",4,35,14,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Gary Hill, Hugh Davis, Ian Heath, Rob Wilkins, Wendy Hall","Hugh Davis","Full paper","","true","Microcosm, hypermedia, integration, open","true","This paper examines open hypermedia systems, and presents the case that such systems provide a step forward for dealing with large, dynamic data sets in distributed, heterogeneous environments by allowing users to access and integrate information and processes in richer and more diverse ways than has previously been possible. In particular, the enhanced Microcosm model for open hypermedia is examined, and the ways in which it provides such an environment are continues by investigating discussed. The paper the advantages and the shortcomings of this model and identifies the areas in which further work must be completed before such systems can become widely adopted, such as the granularity of source and destination anchors, editing and version control. Some attempts to provide solutions to these problems are presented and discussed." 3154184404,"Fishing for Clarity in Hyperdocuments with Enhanced Fisheye-views","Tochtermann & Dittrich",6,1,18,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","G. Dittrich, K. Tochtermann","K. Tochtermann","Full paper","","true","","true","It is known that fisheye-views prove beneficial to users who get lost in hyperspace. Until now, the fisheye-view strategy, introduced by Fumas, is only applicable in structures where the necessary components of the fisheye-view function can be defined. Unfortunately, directed graphs are structures where the fisheye-view function of Furnas cannot be applied. Therefore the fisheye-view concept was of limited value in hyperdocuments represented by such graphs. To overcome this lack, this paper proposes an enhancement of Furnas’ function to allow its application in hyperdocuments of that kind.####We will begin with a short review of Furnas’ well-known fisheye-view concept. Thereafter, we will discuss the problems that arise when one attempts to apply the concept in so-called ,,unstructured” hyperdocuments. The results of this discussion lead to the development of a function which satisfies the requirements of the concept, and allows its use in hyperdocuments of almost any structure. To show that the fisheye-view concept of Fumas remains fulfilled, an appropriate theorem is formulated. The result is that the benefits of the fisheye-view concept can now be appreciated in ,,unstructured” hyperdocuments. In closing, we offer a detailed example, which illustrates the behavior of the enhanced fisheye-view function." 3154184406,"Towards a Better Support for Hypermedia Structuring: The HYDESIGN Model","Marmann & Schlageter",4,1,28,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Gunter Schlageter, Michael Marmann","Michael Marmann","Full paper","","true","","true","Hypermedia systems are becoming an important information system class for a wide range of new and fascinating applications. But current systems still have some unpleasant restrictions. For example, only few hypermedia systems support the design of higher level hypermedia objects beyond the basic node-link paradigm. There are further restrictions concerning the modularization of the overall design and the reuse of (complex) hypermedia resources. HYDESIGN is the prototype of an extensible hypertext/ hypermedia system which addresses these restrictions. The crucial part of the development is the data management component, the HYDESIGN-engine, which has been built on top of the Gem Stone object-oriented database management system. A first prototype of a graphical user interface, the HYDE SIGN-GUI, has been developed in Smalltalk-80.####This paper focuses on central features of the HYDESIGN data model representing the conceptual basis of the HYDESIGN-engine. Aggregate links of differefit types are introduced which allow for the creation of higher level hypermedia networks. SBL-nodes represent particular composite nodes offering the capability of defining (nested) local environments with particular behaviour. Also different options for the sharing of hypermedia resources are proposed. HYDESIGN further supports navigation as well as query based access in an integrated approach. As a whole, HYDESIGN aims at a better support for the hypermedia design process by the provision of powerful structuring facilities." 3154184408,"Hyperform: Using Extensibility to Develop Dynamic, Open, and Distributed Hypertext Systems","Wiil & Leggett",4,19,35,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","John J. Leggett, Uffe K. Wiil","Uffe K. Wiil","Full paper","","true","","true","An approach to flexible hyperbase (hypertext database) support predicated on the notion of extensibility is presented. The extensible hypertext platform (Hyperform) implements basic hyperbase services that can be tailored to provide specialized hyperbase support. Hyperform is based on an internal computational engine that provides an object-oriented extension language which allows new data model objects and operations to be added at run-time.####Hyperform has a number of built-in classes to provide basic hyperbase features such as concurrency control, notification control (events), access control, version control and search and query. Each of these classes can be specialized using multiple inheritance to form virtually any type of hyperbase support needed in next generation hypertext systems.####This approach greatly reduces the effort required to provide high quality customized hyperbase support for distributed hypertext applications. Hyperform is implemented and operational in Unix environments. This paper describes the Hyperform approach, discusses its advantages and disadvantages, and gives examples of simulating the HAM and the Danish HyperBase in Hyperform. Hyperform is compared with related work from the HAM generation of hyperbase systems and the current status of the project is reviewed." 3154184410,"Hyperdocuments As Automata: Trace-based Browsing Property Verification","Stotts, Furuta & Ruiz",2,4,38,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","J. Cyrano Ruiz, P. David Stotts, Richard Furuta","P. David Stotts","Full paper","","true","Petri nets, access control, browsing semantics, hypertext, model checking, place/transition nets, security, synchronization, temporal logic, verification, versions","true","In many hypertext systems, meaningfully traversing a document depends on capabilities, features, and navigational aids that are part of the browser implementation. For example, if a reader browses to a node that has no out links, then backing up, or “warping” to the table of contents can allow the browsing session to continue.####If hyperdocuments are to become interchangeable among hypertext systems, rather than being readable only on the systems from which they are authored, one obvious but complex approach is to try and standardize on (most likely, very many) browsing features and behaviors, forming some standard union of the capabilities of current major implementations. This approach molds (or perhaps restricts) future systems, since new browsing “features” must then be worked into such a standard. An alternate approach, used in this paper, is to de-emphasized browser features and emphasize inherent document structure with browsing semantics. An author should be able to create document structure so that the desired meaningful access patterns are inherently allowed by links rather than by browser capabilities.####We present a method of analyzing the browsing properties of a hypertext document by examining the links alone. This method is not specific to any particular hypertext system or document authoring, format. With it, an author can be certain that a document will allow particular access patterns when read on any browser implementation that has a single navigation operation: direct link following. The method requires a mental shift in how a hyperdocument is conceived abstractly. Instead of treating the links of a document as defining a static directed graph, they are thought of as defining an abstract program, termed the links-automaton of the document. A branching temporal logic notation, termed HTL*, is introduced for specifying properties a document should exhibit during browsing. An automated program verification technique called model checking is then used to verify that these specifications are met by the behavior of the links-automaton. We illustrate the generality of our technique by applying it first to a Trellis document, and then to a Hyperties document." 3154184411,"Hypermedia Production (Abstract): Hand-craft or Witchcraft","Bernstein",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Panel","","false","","false","Many successful hypermedia systems are hand-crafted; creating and navigating their networks of nodes and links is entirely under user control. In other systems, concern for the economics of manually linking large bodies of existing information, coupled with a desire to promote more responsive and reconfigurable interfaces, has spurred the development of automated tools, intensional or virtual structures, automatic node content generation and automatic link discovery.####Some claim that, apart from annotation features such as commenting, the significant hypermedia systems of the future will be entirely automated.####In this panel we explore the potential and dangers of automating hypermedia.####Hypermedia automation includes converting documents, mapping applications and navigating hypermedia networks.####Converting Documents####Different domains call for different types of conversion–traditional letters and reports, electronic mail messages, the messages and reports an expert system produces, etc. Conversion may be invoked by, e.g., importing a document, an electronic mail or EDI message arriving, or a user querying or requesting computation. Converting a single document can result in a single node linked to other nodes–with or without embedded link markers-or could extract an entire hypermedia (sub) network of nodes and links.####Mapping Application Domains####Automated mapping recognizes an appication domain’s implicit or encoded structure and realizes this in terms of a hypermedia data model. The structure of the resulting hypermedia representation will depend upon its intended use-to guide navigation, to serve as a user interface to a complex application, or to reveal a new way of organizing and interpreting a collection of materials. The hypermedia system also may use this structure to generate composite objects and net work overviews automatically.####Navigating Hypermedia Networks####Automation may support the navigation of virtual structures, especially when a mapped hypermedia network dynamically portrays the currently active portion of an external application or data base. Here the hypermedia system often must resolve (and perhaps compute) link destinations on demand. The hypermedia network can be generated (or tailored) as the result of a query or choosing an application command, e.g., within a CAI system.####Automated generation often is touted as an attractive means of maintaining the consistency of the “knowledge” a domain represents. Yet automation incurs the risk of incorrectly identifying and omitting links, thus impoverishing the information they relate.####When converting a document intended by its author to convey a particular effect, hand-crafting is often called for to fit the message to the medium and to avoid misleading links. Thus, despite promising developments in link discovery, automatic hypertext conversion and interactive network generation, critics still question whether the quality of automatically-generated nodes and links can approach those produced by hand-crafted methods, and in some cases, whether automatic methods are mandated economically.####In this panel we shall discuss the visions, prospects and potential for automating hypermedia in the next millennium. Issues include:####● Where is hypermedia automation heading?####● Is there a central essence of hand-crafted hypermedia that automation fails to capture?####● Is automatic conversion of linear documents an economic necessity? A transitional technology? A futile exercise?####● Are the constraints purely technical or are we still awaiting paradigms and frameworks to advance the concept of what can be automated?####● Do knowledge representations facilitate automation? Can explicit structure be harmful to a hypertext?####● Can we generate a hypermedia network solely from structure declarations? When is content unimportant to hypermedia generation?####[no references]" 3154184452,"Fixed or Fluid?: Document Stability and New Media","Levy",10,2,29,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","David M. Levy","David M. Levy","Full paper","","true","documents, fixity, fluidity, hypertext","true","One of the crucial properties of documents through the ages has been their fixity. The ability to mark surfaces in relatively stable ways has made it possible for people distributed across space and time to see the same images and thereby to have access to the same meanings or communicative intent. Today, however, with the increasing use of digital technologies, it is often asserted that we are moving from the fixed world of paper documents to the fluid world of digital documents. In this paper I challenge this assertion, arguing instead that all documents, regardless of medium, are fixed and fluid. Thus, although paper documents do fix aspects of communication, they do (and must) also change; and although digital documents are easily changeable, they must also be capable of remaining fixed. I make use of this analysis in two ways: first, to examine the fixity and fluidity of hypertext; and second, to critique Bolter’s argument in Writing Space concerning the movement from “fixed to fluid.”" 3154184468,"Querying Structured Documents with Hypertext Links Using OODBMS","Christophides & Rizk",10,4,29,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","A. Rizk, V. Christophides","V. Christophides","Full paper","","true","hypertext, information retrieval, object oriented databases, path expressions, query languages, structured documents","true","Hierarchical logical structure and hypertext links are complementary and can be combined to build more powerful document management systems. Previous work exploits this complementarity for building better document processors, browsers and editing tools, but not for building sophisticated querying mechanisms. Querying in hypertext has been a requirement since [19] and has already been elaborated in many hypertext systems, but has not yet been used for hypertext systems superimposed on an underlying hierarchical logical structure. In this paper we use the model and the SQL-like query language of [10] in order to manage structured documents with hypertext links. The model represents a structured documents with hypertext links. The model represents a structured document with typed links as a complex object, and uses paths through the document structure, as first class citizens in formulating queries. Several examples of queries illustrate, from a practical point of view, the expressive power of the language to retrieve documents, even without exact knowledge of their structure in a simple and homogeneous fashion. It must be stressed that the proposed model and language implement the equivalent HyTime Location Address Module. In fact, the language is more powerful than the corresponding HyQ query facilities. The implementation and the description throughout the paper use the SGML standard to represent the document structure and the object-oriented DBMS O2 to implement the query language and the storage module." 3154184482,"Content-oriented Integration in Hypermedia Systems","Hirata et al.",5,6,15,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Hajime Takano, Kyoji Hirata, Shigehito Kawasaki, Yoshinori Hara","Kyoji Hirata","Full paper","","true","Conceptual-based Navigation, Content-based Retrieval, Content-oriented Integration, Matching Engine, Media Augmenter, Media-based Navigation, Moving Hot-spots, Recognition Engine","true","In this paper, we present the concept and the general framework of a new integration model for hypermedia systems, the content-oriented integration. Content-oriented integration provides an integrated navigational environment that consists of both conceptual-based navigation and media-based navigation. For the conceptual-based navigation, each media representation is translated into a conceptual representation with the help of media recognition techniques and media understanding techniques. The media representation derives its own semantics by connecting the media-independent part to the conceptual representation such as an object name, keywords, etc. Media-based navigation supports media-dependent information difficult to translate into the conceptual representation. Conceptual-based navigation and media-based navigation enrich navigational capabilities in complementary fashion.####We also describe our content-oriented integrated hypermedia system “Himotoki”. It provides a wide variety of navigational tools such as visual content-based navigation, moving hot-spot navigation and schema navigation. Each media translation is modularized as the corresponding media augmenter so that it can flexibly adapt to a distributed environment. Applications such as “Electronic Aquatic Life” and “Hypermedia Museum” demonstrate the usefulness of these navigational tools." 3154184483,"The Structure of Hypertext Activity","Rosenberg",15,22,37,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Jim Rosenberg","Jim Rosenberg","Full paper","","true","acteme, contour, emergent structure, episode, gathering, hypertext, rhetoric, session","true","A framework for discussion of hypertext activity is introntroduced using the terms acteme, episode, and session. Acteme is a low-level unit such as link-following; episode is a collection of actemes that cohere in the reader’s mind, session is the entirety of contiguous activity. Well known issues in hypertext rhetoric are recast in this framework and generalized to all varieties of acteme. We consider whether the episode is a virtual document, user interface issues pertaining to the episode, multi-episode structure, concurrency issues, and reader-as-writer activity, with a frequent emphasis on hypertext gathering." 3154184499,"Hypermedia Operating Systems: A New Paradigm for Computing","Nürnberg et al.",7,18,30,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Erich R. Schneider, John J. Leggett, John L. Schnase, Peter J. Nürnberg","Peter J. Nürnberg","Full paper","","true","hyperbases, hypermedia applications, link services, open hypermedia systems, operating systems, system architectures","true","Hypermedia is often viewed as either a paradigm for human-computer interaction or information organization. Human-computer interaction provides a view of hypermedia that involves the creation, manipulation, and access of information through a “point-and-click” navigation mechanism. Information organization provides a view of hypermedia that involves the storage of information as a set of data and metadata objects, where metadata objects capture structural relationships among information objects. This paper describes a third view of hypermedia — hypermedia as a computing paradigm. In this paper, we explore the implications of pushing hypermedia beyond its traditional role in human-computer interaction and information organization into the computer’s core operating environment. We believe the resulting hypermedia operating systems provide a new paradigm for computing — one in which human-computer interaction, information storage and retrieval, programming, and control are integrated in a common conceptual framework. We discuss the basic concepts of hypermedia operating systems and describe a general hypermedia operating system architecture and prototype. While this work represents only a beginning, we feel that viewing hypermedia as a computing paradigm offers a broad new field of research." 3154184505,"Case Study: A Hypermedia System As Change Agent","Grace et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Kaj Grønbæk, Miriam Grace, Robert J. Glushko, Ward Webber","Miriam Grace","Case Study","","false","","false","Boeing is re-engineering the corporation by doing fundamental business process redesign and development in conjunction with implementation of new technologies and tools to support the new business processes. A strong link between the end-users and the newly defined business process information is necessary, or it won’t be possible to maintain the gains created by the re-engineering program. The Boeing participants will present an overview of their system development activities, focusing mainly on how they used hypertext to increase the usability of paper documentation and the role of the customer in the development process. After describing the context in which they developed their original hypertext system (COIN) they will discuss current development activities that are supporting the process re-engineering of Boeing. The current information system design (based on the original COIN model) will make a significant contribution toward the success of the re-engineering.####[no references]" 3154184506,"Visual Metaphor and the Problem of Complexity in the Design of Web Sites: Techniques for Generating, Recognizing and Visualizing Structure","Joyce et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Ben Shneiderman, John Merritt Unsworth, Michael Joyce, Robert Kolker, Stuart Moulthrop","Michael Joyce","Panel","","false","","false","The notion of cyberspace having no “there” has outlived its usefulness for mystification and titillation. In fact, the Internet, and the World Wide Web in particular, are quite “there,” and in very concrete ways. Ignoring this concreteness may be a way of evading responsibility for conceptualizing how the Web can be used for serious and complex purposes, Our panel will consider alternatives to conventional ideas and structures and submit that the design of Web sites does not have to be limited to simple advertising vehicles or to equally simple institutional show and tell screens. We want to suggest that complexity and imagination ought not be limited by the constraints of HTML, bandwidth, or conventional wisdom, but freed by larger, more thoughtful notions of the possibilities of user interaction and hypertextuality. Proposed for discussion will be theories of metaphor through which design becomes a way of thinking about various structures and the connections between them.####[no references]" 3154184516,"Scholarly Hypertext: Self-represented Complexity","Kolb",11,17,41,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","David Kolb","David Kolb","Full paper","","true","Hypertext rhetoric, argument, self-representation, typed links, typed nodes","true","Scholarly hypertext involve argument and explicit self-questioning, and can be distinguished from both informational and literary hypertext. After making these distinctions the essay presents general principles about attention, some suggestions for self-representational multi-level structures that would enhance scholarly inquiry, and a wish list of software capabilities to support such structures. The essay concludes with a discussion of possible conflicts between scholarly inquiry and hypertext." 3154184522,"Query-based Navigation in Semantically Indexed Hypermedia","Cunliffe, Taylor & Tudhope",9,2,47,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Carl Taylor, Daniel Cunliffe, Douglas Tudhope","Daniel Cunliffe","Full paper","","true","Hypermedia, cultural heritage, museums, query-based navigation, semantic closeness, semantic index space","true","This paper discusses an approach to navigation based on queries made possible by a semantic hypermedia architecture. Navigation via query offers an augmented browsing capacity based on measures of semantic closeness between terms in an index space that models the classification of artefacts within a museum collection management system. The paper discusses some of the possibilities that automatic traversal of relationships in the index space holds for hybrid query/navigation tools, such as navigation via similarity and query generalisation. The example scenario suggests that, although these tools are implemented by complex queries, they fit into a browsing, rather than an analytical style of access. Such hybrid navigation tools are capable of overcoming some of the limitations of manual browsing and contributing to a smooth transition between browsing and query. A prototype implementation of the architecture is described, along with details of a social history application with three dimensions of classification schema in the index space. The paper discusses how queries can be used as the basis for navigation, and argues that this is integral to current efforts to integrate hypermedia and information retrieval." 3154184536,"Exploiting Serendipity Amongst Users to Provide Support for Hypertext Navigation","Hill et al.",1,1,4,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Gary Hill, Gerard Hutchings, Jacques Halé, Mike Hatzopulous, Roger James, Steve Loades","Gary Hill","Short paper","","true","Corporate Memory, Knowledge Management, Navigation, User Trails","true","he aim of the MEMOIR Project is to demonstrate the applicability and integration of advanced, distributed multimedia information systems to support the management of, and access to, diverse sources of technical information in large R&D-based corporations. The key technologies within the system are an object-oriented database, hypermedia link services and autonomous software agents." 3154184539,"A Generic Dynamic-mapping Wrapper for Open Hypertext System Support of Analytical Applications","Chiu & Bieber",2,1,5,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Chao-Min Chiu, Michael Bieber","Chao-Min Chiu","Short paper","","true","Hypertext, World Wide Web, hypermedia, information systems, open hypermedia systems","true","Hypertext should augment everyday analytical applications with supplemental navigation, structuring and annotative features. Because analytical applications generate their screen contents in real time, hypertext constructs and navigation paths must be generated and mapped in real time. We are developing a hypertext engine that provides dynamic mapping automatically for any analytical application. W e propose a standard, generic open hypertext system (OHS) wrapper for back-end or storage-level components that dynamically generate their contents (e.g., the analytical applications). The wrapper automatically maps hypertext constructs-nodes, links and anchors—to application contents, (The storage-level wrapper itself creates hypertext constructs instead of the users.) The hypertext engine delivers supplemental hypertext functionality based on these mappings. Furthermore, by providing a standard format and a set of guidelines, we are providing a standard protocol or systematic approach for exchanging information between an OHS and any analytical application. This adds to the work in the OHS community on developing a standard protocol users will employ them for their primary analytical functionality. Hypertext will give more direct access to this primary functionality, give access to metainformation about objects that appear on the application screen, provide alternate navigation paths through the application space, and enable annotation and ad hoc links. Because these analytical applications generate their screen contents in real time (as opposed to just retrieving existing documents and display contents), hypertext constructs and navigation paths must be generated and mapped for these screens in real time. Our research goal is to provide a hypertext engine that can handle this real-time or dynamic mapping automatically for any analytical application. (We call these applications dynamic-mapping information systems or DMISS.) Furthermore, as we cannot expect to change these applications in any major way, we need to leave them “hypertext-unaware”. The hypertext engine will perform all hypertext functions, and maintain all hypertext mappings and constructs on their behalf. Indeed, for applications with APIs where we can provide our own user interface, we need make no changes to the application at all, while providing with complete hypertext functionality.####We propose a standard, generic open hypertext system (OHS) wrapper for back-end or storage-level components (DMISS) that dynamically generate their contents. The wrapper automatically maps hypertext constructs (nodes, links, anchors) to DMIS contents. The hypertext engine delivers supplemental hypertext functionality based on these mappings. In other words, from the OHS viewpoint, the storage-level wrapper itself creates many of the nodes, links and anchors instead of the users at the user interface level. Furthermore, by providing a standard format and a set of guidelines, we are providing a standard protocol or systematic approach for exchanging information between an OHS and any DMIS. This adds to the work in the OHS community on developing a standard protocol for passing information among OHS and integrated applications." 3154184545,"Using Hypertext for Textual Genetics, or, What is Suitable in a Hypertext System for an Information Gardening Application","Chuat",3,1,3,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Corinne Chuat","Corinne Chuat","Short paper","","true","Information gardening, genetic criticism, spatial hypertext, versioning","true","This paper describes how the methodology of genetic criticism can interact with spatial hypertext and information gardening techniques in the construction of a genetic hypertext that fits the needs of textual geneticists as well as it opens an interesting application domain to hypertext." 3154184550,"Hypermedia and the Future of Authorship (Panel)","Bernstein et al.",0,1,0,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Jean Pierre Balpe, John Cayley, Kevin M. Brooks, Marc Nanard, Mark Bernstein, Michel Crampes","Mark Bernstein","Panel","","false","","true","Hypertexts and customizable, interactive media are playing a growing role in our technical and literary culture. Through interactive stories, novels, and narratives, readers are taking control of stories, ranging from Web drama to their daily news media. Active characters and computational agents, too, participate in shaping these New Narratives. Do hypermedia still need human authors? Narrative is an essential—and complex—component of a wide variety of writing, ranging from storytelling and journalism to historical accounts, clinical case studies, and technical protocol specifications. Current research in automatic generation of narrative from abstract knowledge representations may lead to autonomously generated narratives for technical documentation as well as for art. Hypertext systems that write (and rewrite) themselves present many fascinating questions. What will be the human author’s role? Is this change an enrichment or a degeneration of authorship? Will these techniques cause the emergence of new forms of art? Will they open new ways of reading?####[no references]" 3154184551,"The WWW and Hypertext Research (Panel)","Ashman et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Gary Hill, Helen Ashman, John Smith, Mark Bernstein, Peter Nürnberg, V. Balasubramanian","Helen Ashman","Panel","","false","","false","From its beginnings as a poster presentation in the Hypertext ’91 conference, the World Wide Web has grown into an independent research field which far outstrips the hypertext field in the production of research and software.####Hypertext research cannot afford to ignore the Web, but it does not seem to play a large part in Web research. “Hypertext” is a key word in both of the important Web acronyms, HTTP and HTML, yet hypertext research seems to be only a minor part of the whole of Web research. To many people these days, hypertext and the Web are synonymous. Does this mean that the Web research community now represents hypertext research? Is this the end of hypertext research as we know it?####On the other hand, the Web has created a much wider interest in hypertext. Is the Web our opportunity to test and sell hypertext ideas? Commercial enterprises invest money into Web research on a scale far outstripping their investments in general hypertext research. Can we make use of some of those resources by placing hypertext research firmly in a Web context? What hypertext research needs to be implemented in the Web? If we can identify what needs to be done, are we doing it? Conversely, what issues has the Web raised which hypertext researchers need to address more closely?####We hope to come away from this panel discussion with a better understanding of the part we, as hypertext researchers, have to play in the future of the Web.####[no references]" 3154184553,"Looking Forward (Keynote): Five Practices for Safer Hypertext","Marshall",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Cathy Marshall","Cathy Marshall","Keynote","","false","","false","The approach of the millennium has provoked countless visions—both rosy and glum—about what the digital future holds in store for us. Needless to say, it is difficult and dangerous to predict what the future holds for Hypertext although it is the province of the closing keynote to do so. Since driving is an activity that requires one to look into the future (if only the most immediate future), I will apply the 5 principles of the Smith System of Defensive Driving to our field to chart a provident course for practising “safer hypertext.” These principles, coupled with observations of our emerging practices and our current wave of technologies (especially, and in particular, the Web), are surprisingly generative.####1. Aim high to steer accurately and anticipate problems. We are beginning to have some experience with navigation on a large scale. Will increasingly sophisticated search engines, filters, and agents obviate the need for links (especially hand-constructed links)? I will explore the growing tension between the order created by links and the order implicit in nodes.####2. Keep your eyes moving—avoid a fixed stare and stay alert. Is reading changing? As a field, we have grown increasingly sophisticated in our methods for designing hypertexts for comprehension, for accessibility, for ease-of-use”. By focusing on tools and methods for designers, we tend to overlook readers and what they are up to these days. What might a next generation of tools look like, given a reader-centric view of hypertext?####3. Get the big picture—don’t allow your eyes to be drawn to one area. Is the node-link traversal-based model still working for us? What assumptions about space, time, and atomicity are buried within? I will visit some contrarian models of hypertext.####4. Leave yourself an ‘out’—practice the “what if” game. When we enter the world of hypertext, we seem content to leave the corporeal world behind. Yet there is still life outside (and beside) our glowing CRTs. How can we expand open hypertext to reach beyond the limits of the virtual world?####5. Make sure the other drivers see you; make eye contact. The four other Smith System principles don’t completely acknowledge the social nature of the world. Rule 5 brings other drivers into the picture. By contrast, we have long recognised co-operation as an important force in hypertext. What shape is this co-operation actually taking, given the Web and other communications technologies?####[no references]" 3154184555,"Evaluation of Hypermedia Application Development and Management Systems","Christodoulou, Styliaras & Papatheodrou",7,2,30,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","G. D. Styliaras, S. P. Christodoulou, T. S. Papatheodrou","S. P. Christodoulou","Full paper","","true","Hypermedia application development systems, Hypermedia design, Hypermedia systems, WWW, criteria, evaluation framework, methodology","true","In this paper we propose and study a framework for evaluating Hypermedia Application Development and Management Systems (HADMS) in relation to specific application requirements. We address the need for HADMS capable to efficiently support the main users involved in the life cycle of hypermedia applications, namely designers, programmers/implementers, authors/administrators and end-users.####A HADMS consists of a hypermedia application development and management methodology and the respective environment. In this work, we propose and classify a set of evaluation criteria. These are mainly imposed by real life development and the need to support forthcoming, or next generation, features for hypermedia applications. We also introduce a simple framework for a comparative evaluation of HADMS. Furthermore, we demonstrate the use of the criteria and the framework proposed, for the case of three real-life applications. A representative set of seven HADMS is selected and the evaluation of these systems is carried out, leading to some useful conclusions and suggestions for future work." 3154184556,"Pushing Reuse in Hypermedia Design: Golden Rules, Design Patterns and Constructive Templates","Nanard, Nanard & Kahn",11,3,24,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Jocelyne Nanard, Marc Nanard, Paul Kahn","Marc Nanard","Full paper","","true","Hypermedia design, design patterns, golden rules, hypermedia generation, reuse, templates","true","Reuse is increasingly strategic for reducing cost and improving quality of hypermedia design and development. In this paper, based on the design and development of a real hypermedia application, we classify and explore different types of reuse in hypermedia design. We show how constructive templates constitute a practical technique for capturing the specification of reusable structures and components and enabling the automation of the production process. We also discuss connections between constructive templates and design patterns." 3154184562,"MAPA: A System for Inducing and Visualizing Hierarchy in Websites","Durand & Kahn",3,1,27,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","David Durand, Paul Kahn","David Durand","Full paper","","true","WWW, Web mapping, data visualization, hierarchical organization, hypertext interfaces, structural analysis","true","The MAPA system provides improved navigation facilities for large web sites. It extracts a hierarchical structure from an arbitrary web site, with no or minimal human assistance, and creates an interactive map of that site that can be used for orientation and navigation. MAPA is designed and most useful for large web sites of from 500 to 50,000 pages. We present an overview of the mapping problem, with a list of 10 important user facilities that maps can offer. Then we describe how the MAPA system analyzes the link structure of a site, and provides effective aids for the navigation of large hypertexts. We also compare MAPA with a number of other web-mapping systems, and conclude with a review of how MAPA stands with respect to our wish-list of map features." 3154184568,"Dynamic Hypertext Catalogues: Helping Users to Help Themselves","Milosavljevic & Oberlander",2,2,26,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Jon Oberlander, Maria Milosavljevic","Maria Milosavljevic","Full paper","","true","adaptive hypertext, discourse history, dynamic hypertext, natural language generation, user modelling","true","Electronic hypertext catalogues provide an important channel for information provision. However, static hypertext documents cannot be dynamically adapted to help the user find what he/she is looking for. We demonstrate that natural language generation techniques can be used to produce tailored hypertext documents, and we focus on two key benefits of the resulting DYNAMIC HYPERTEXT. First, documents can be tailored more precisely to an individual’s needs and background, thus aiding the search process. Secondly, the incorporation of techniques for comparing catalogue items allows the user to search still more effectively. We describe the automatic generation of hypertext documents containing comparisons, with illustrations from two implemented systems." 3154184570,"Stalking the Paratext: Speculations on Hypertext Links As a Second Order Text","Ricardo",7,5,21,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Francisco J. Ricardo","Francisco J. Ricardo","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, grammatology, intertextuality, link semantics, paratext, rhetoric","true","In the popular conception of hypertext as nonlinear writing, primary emphasis typically falls on the construction, character, and quantity of constituent lexias that comprise any given hypertext. This paper, however, will focus on what the text would reveal if an ordered collection were made of the links emerging from the main (first order) text. Such a collection, as a second order text or parallel text, which I propose to call the paratext, comprises the layer-world of links, of intertextual descriptors that could be subjectcd to cluster analyses that reveal aspects of cohesion, breadth, and other speculative characteristics of the first order text." 3154184582,"JPernLite: An Extensible Transaction Server for the World Wide Web","Yang & Kaiser",5,1,23,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Gail E. Kaiser, Jack J. Yang","Jack J. Yang","Full paper","","true","Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Distributed Transaction, Extended Transaction Models, WWW","true","Concurrency control is a well-known problem in design and implementation of multi-user hypermedia systems. Most existing systems store data and links in specialized databases (link servers or hyperbases) with a built-in concurrency control policy, typically the conventional atomic/serializable transaction model, usually implemented via locking. But this conventional model may not be appropriate for collaborative hypermedia systems, where the multiple users work together in groups on shared tasks.####Further, it is desirable to construct collaborative hypermedia systems on top of the World Wide Web, but most web servers do not support even conventional transactions, let alone distributed (multi-website) transactions or flexible concurrency control mechanisms oriented towards teamwork—such as event notification, shared locks and fine granularity locks.####We present a transaction server that operates independently of web servers or the hypermedia applications, to fill the concurrency control gap. The transaction server by default enforces the conventional transaction model, where sets of operations are performed in an all-or-nothing fashion and isolated from concurrent users. The server can be tailored dynamically to apply more sophisticated concurrency control policies appropriate for collaboration. The transaction server also supports applications employing information resources other than web servers, such as legacy databases, CORBA objects, and other hypermedia systems." 3154184586,"Designing Open Hypermedia Applets: Experiences and Prospects","Bouvin",2,1,7,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Niels Olof Bouvin","Niels Olof Bouvin","Short paper","","true","","true","The experiences with the continued development of DHM/WWW, an applet integrating WWW with external structures stored in the Dexter-based hypermedia system Devise Hypermedia (DHM), will be described, some problems discussed, and a brief outline of current and future work will be given." 3154184589,"1-800-hypertext: Browsing Hypertext with a Telephone","Goose, Wynblatt & Mollenhauer",1,1,7,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Hans Mollenhauer, Michael Wynblatt, Stuart Goose","Stuart Goose","Short paper","","true","Hypertext, WWW, browsing, telephone","true","We present the issues and design of a telephone-based browser for email and the World Wide Web." 3154184591,"Adaptive Navigational Facilities in Educational Hypermedia","Silva et al.",0,1,7,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Denise Pilar da Silva, Erik Duval, Henk Oliviè, Rafaël Van Durm","Denise Pilar da Silva","Short paper","","true","Adaptiveness, educational hypermedia, navigation","true","Hypermedia users with different goals and knowledge may be interested in different pieces of information and may use different links for navigation. Irrelevant information and links overload their working memories and screen [l]. In order to overcome this problem, it is possible to use information represented in a user model and then adapt the content and/or the links to be presented to that user. Adaptive hypermedia systems build such a model with the goal of personalizing hypermedia.####Adaptation can be done either at content level (adaptive presentation), or at link level (adaptive navigation). In this paper, we focus on adaptive navigation support. More specifically, we want to reduce the cognitive overload in order to facilitate learning.####In the following sections, we present our system, called AHM, which consists of three main parts: the domain model, the user model, and the adaptive engine. Then we come to our conclusions and present the main open issues in this research." 3154184643,"Generating Presentation Constraints from Rhetorical Structure","Rutledge et al.",6,2,26,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Brian Bailey, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Joost Geurts, Lloyd Rutledge, Lynda Hardman","Lloyd Rutledge","Full paper","","true","Rhetorics, authoring, constraints, meta-structure, presentation generation","true","Hypermedia structured in terms of the higher-level intent of its author can be adapted to a wider variety of final presentations. Many multimedia systems encode such high-level intent as constraints on either time, spatial layout or navigation. Once specified, these constraints are translated into specific presentations whose timelines, screen displays and navigational structure satisfy these constraints. This ensures that the desired spatial, temporal and navigation properties are maintained no matter how the presentation is adapted to varying circumstances.####Rhetorical structure defines author intent at a still higher level. Authoring at this level requires that rhetorics can be translated to final presentations that properly reflect them. This paper explores how rhetorical structure can be translated into constraints, which are then translated into final presentations. This enables authoring in terms of rhetorics and provides the assurance that the rhetorics will remain properly conveyed in all presentation adaptation." 3154184644,"Reusable Hypertext Structures for Distance and JIT Learning","Spalter & Simpson",22,1,74,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Anne Morgan Spalter, Rosemary Michelle Simpson","Anne Morgan Spalter","Full paper","","true","Components, design patterns, education, hypertext structure components, interactive graphics, spatial hypertext, structural computing, temporal hypertext","true","Software components for distance and just-in-time (JIT) learning are an increasingly common method of encouraging reuse and facilitating the development process[56], but no analogous efforts have been made so far for designing hypertext components that can be reused in educational offerings. We argue that such structures will be of tangible benefit to the online learning community, serving to offload a substantial burden from programmers and designers of software, as well as allowing educators without any programming experience to customize available online resources.####We present our motivation for hypertext structure components (HTSC) and then propose a set of pedagogical structures and their building blocks that reflect the categories of lecture, laboratory, creative project, playground, and game[36]." 3154184645,"Linking by Interacting: A Paradigm for Authoring Hypertext","Pimentel, Abowd, Ishiguro",13,3,35,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Gregory D. Abowd, Maria da Graça Pimentel, Yoshihide Ishiguro","Maria da Graça Pimentel","Full paper","","true","Augmenting, Authoring hypertext, Capturing, Linking, Presenting, User-hypertext interaction","true","Authoring hypertext structures has always been a difficult task. The cognitive overhead problem, well known from authors when creating structured hyperdocuments, has been tackled in a variety of forms. In this paper we advocate that capture-based systems should support flexible hypertext structures generated by linking by interacting operations. These include linking by capturing operations — which capture user-interactivity during a live session — and linking by augmenting operations — which allow the captured contents to be extended with complementary operations available outside the live session. We demonstrate how such combination leads to the generation of flexible hypertext structures by presenting our implementation in the educational domain." 3154184659,"Hypertext Interaction Revisited","Golovchinsky & Marshall",5,4,21,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Catherine C. Marshall, Gene Golovchinsky","Gene Golovchinsky","Full paper","","true","annotation, e-books, hypertext narrative, pen-based computing","true","Much of hypertext narrative relies on links to shape a reader’s interaction with the text. But links may be too limited to express ambiguity, imprecision, and entropy, or to admit new modes of participation short of full collaboration. We use an e-book form to explore the implications of freeform annotation-based interaction with hypertext narrative. Readers’ marks on the text can be used to guide navigation, create a persistent record of a reading, or to recombine textual elements as a means of creating a new narrative. In this paper, we describe how such an experimental capability was created on top of XLibris, a next generation e-book, using Forward Anywhere as the hypernarrative. We work through a scenario of interaction, and discuss the issues the work raises." 3154184669,"Content Permanence via Versioning and Fingerprinting","Simonson, Berleant & Bayyari",1,1,8,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Ahmed Bayyari, Daniel Berleant, Jonathan Simonson","Jonathan Simonson","Short paper","","true","Content permanence, electronic publishing, hypertext referencing, security, versioning","true","Referencing documents on the Web is becoming increasingly popular due to the convenience provided to both readers and publishers. Unfortunately this convenience can become just the opposite when referenced documents are altered or removed. This lack of content permanence is of particular concern for works of lasting appeal. To address this problem, a scheme is proposed that both encourages content permanence and detects document version tampering." 3154184272,"KMS: A Distributed Hypermedia System for Managing Knowledge in Organizations","Akscyn, McKracken & Yoder",0,7,18,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Donald McKracken, Elise Yoder, Robert Akscyn","Robert Akscyn","Full paper","","true","","true","KMS is a commercial hypermedia system developed by Knowledge Systems for networks of heterogeneous workstations. It is designed to support organization-wide collaboration for a broad range of applications, such as electronic publishing, software engineering, project management, computer-aided design and on-line documentation. KMS is a successor to the ZOG system developed at Carnegie Mellon University from 1972 to 1985.####A KMS database consists of screen-sized WYSIWYG workspaces called frames that contain text, graphics and image items. Single items in frames can be linked to other frames. They may also be used to invoke programs. The database can be distributed across an indefinite number of file servers and be as large as available disk space permits. Independently developed KMS databases can be linked together.####The KMS user interface uses an extreme form of direct manipulation. A single browser/editor is used to traverse the database and manipulate its contents. Over 85% of the user’s interaction is direct—a single point-and-click designates both object and operation. Running on Sun and Apollo workstations, KMS accesses and displays frames in less than one second, on average.####This paper describes KMS and how it addresses a number of hypermedia design issues." 3154184289,"Exploring Representation Problems Using Hypertext","Marshall",0,7,7,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Catherine C. Marshall","Catherine C. Marshall","Full paper","","true","","true","Hypertext is a technology well-suited to exploring different kinds of representational problems. It can be used first as an informal mechanism to describe the attributes of objects and to capture relationships between the objects. Then hypertext structures can be constrained into a more formal representation of a domain, model, or analytic technique. A range of strategies for using hypertext can be employed to describe a problem and converge on an appropriate representation; competing representations can be informally evaluated to compare their relative expressive power. This paper discusses several applications that have used NoteCards, a hypertext idea processing system, to tackle representation problems. Examples from each problem domain have been collected using the hypertext system as the initial acquisition vehicle. Subsequent analysis using hypertext structuring tools has revealed the semantics of each problem domain enabling the development of competing representations. Abstraction of the structure and form of these representations can be used to guide system extensions. These tailored extensions support the evaluation of a representation’s relative merits; the representation that has been developed in response to a particular problem can be applied to analogous problems to determine the limits of its scope. The first application described in this paper models a type of policy decision-making process; the second looks at approaches to representing the logical structure of an argument; and the third suggests some methods for capturing the structure of a political organization as an alternative to a conventional database design. The applications are discussed in terms of the issues they raise and the trade-offs they involve, how hypertext-based tools have been used to exploit the representations, and the solutions and techniques that have been developed in the process of creating each representation." 3154184293,"The Hype in Hypertext: A Critique","Raskin",0,2,1,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Jef Raskin","Jef Raskin","Short paper","","true","","true","Hypertext has received a lot of mostly uncritical attention. The author sees it as one part inspiration and nine parts hyperbole. A number of user interface and technical problems are discussed." 3154184294,"Relationally Encoded Links and the Rhetoric of Hypertext","Landow",0,22,13,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","George P. Landow","George P. Landow","Full paper","","true","","true","More than two years’ work on designing, writing, editing, and linking documents in Context32 [Land86], the first course employing Intermedia developed at Brown University’s IRIS (Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship), has provided valuable experience of hypertext and hypermedia systems. Context32, which contains more than a thousand text and graphic files joined by approximately 1300 links, appears the most ambitious implementation thus far of a full hypertext and hypermedia system intended for multiple users. Members of the development team at IRIS have previously described various aspects of Intermedia’s object-oriented programming [Meyr86], general design [Meyr85, Yank87a, Yank87b1, and educational goals [Land871. This paper presents conclusions about what works best at each end of a hypertext path or linkway and proposes that, like other forms of discourse, hypertext requires systems of conjunctive and other relational devices." 3154184318,"A Retrieval Model Incorporating Hypertext Links","Croft & Turtle",0,15,23,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","H. Turtle, W. B. Croft","W. B. Croft","Full paper","","true","","true","The field of Information Retrieval (IR) has focused on the development and evaluation of retrieval models for text documents, such as those found in bibliographic databases (Rijs79,Salt83,Belk87]. These retrieval models specify strategies for evaluating documents with respect to a given query, typically resulting in a ranked output. Hypertext researchers, on the other hand, have emphasized flexible organizations of multimedia “nodes” through connections made with user-specified links, and interfaces that facilitate browsing in this network of links. A number of approaches to the integration of query-based retrieval strategies and browsing in hypertext networks have been proposed. The 13R system [Crof87,Thom89] and a medical handbook system described by Frisse [Fris88], for example, use query-based retrieval strategies to form a ranked list of candidate “starting points” for hypertext browsing. The 13R system also uses feedback during browsing to modify the initial query and locate additional starting points. The important issue from an IR perspective is the choice of a retrieval model, and consequently a retrieval strategy, for hypertext. This choice will have an impact on the effectiveness of retrieval and on the system implementation. A retrieval model can also provide a more formal specification of the meaning of some hypertext links." 3154184319,"The Use of Cluster Hierarchies in Hypertext Information Retrieval","Crouch, Crouch & Andreas",0,12,14,"Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '89","1989","","C. J. Crouch, D. B. Crouch, G. Andreas","D. B. Crouch","Full paper","","true","","true","The graph-traversal approach to hypertext information retrieval is a conceptualization of hypertext in which the structural aspects of the nodes are emphasized. A user navigates through such hypertext systems by evaluating the semantics associated with links between nodes as well as the information contained in nodes. [Fris88] In this paper we describe an hierarchical structure which effectively supports the graphical traversal of a document collection in a hypertext system. We provide an overview of an interactive browser based on cluster hierarchies. Initial results obtained from the use of the browser in an experimental hypertext retrieval system are presented." 1569603606,"Assessing the Quality of Hypertext Documents","Brown",1,5,11,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","P. J. Brown","P. J. Brown","Full paper","","true","hypertext authorship, hypertext refereeing, integration, maintenance, testing, virus","true","The greatest need in hypertext today is not for further technical wizardry, but for authors who can exploit the medium successfully.####The paper discusses how we can help novices to become effective hypertext authors. Being effective not only means producing a hyperdocument of immediate appeal to readers; it also means ensuring that hyperdocuments have a potentially long lifetime, and can be maintained and enhanced by other authors over the years. Furthermore it means ensuring that the structure of a hyperdocument is ‘correct’ according to certain rules.####In discussing these issues, the paper tries to draw lessons not only for authors but also for hypertext developers and researchers.berrnstein" 1569603607,"Building Hypertext on a Multimedia Toolkit: An Overview of Andrew Toolkit Hypermedia Facilities","Sherman et al.",1,3,13,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Mark Sherman, Michael McInerny, Thomas P. Neuendorffer, Wilfred J. Hansen","Mark Sherman","Full paper","","true","hypertext, implementation, multimedia","true","This paper discusses several hypermedia facilities built on top of the An­drew Toolkit (ATK) and their use in ATK applications. As a general-purpose, multimedia, application-development system, ATK permits many kinds of links, references and other connections to be made within pieces of content and between pieces of content, regardless of the content’s medium. We argue that starting with a multimedia architecture facil­itates the construction of all forms of hypermedia. Four specific hypermedia facilities implemented with ATK are discussed: an integrated web and indexing system (Help), a simple multimedia link facility (Link), a cross reference (Textref) capability, and a link­-supporting embedded object language (Ness). As a toolkit, ATK is used to build other applications which inherit ATK’s hypermedia facilities. Therefore we consider briefly the way that hypermedia facilities are used in conventional applications, such as mail systems." 1569603609,"Scenario-Based Hypermedia: A Model and a System","Ogawa, Harada & Kaneko",1,5,16,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Asao Kaneko, Hiroaki Harada, Ryuichi Ogawa","Ryuichi Ogawa","Full paper","","true","Videobook, multimedia, scene mode, script, trigger button","true","This paper discusses an extended hypermedia model which presents data according to timed scripts. The model is intended to expand the notion of nodes and links, so that hypermedia systems can easily handle time-based, media-composite data objects, including audio and video. It provides script-based nodes to present text-graphic and audio-visual data synchronously, and buttons to control the data sequence. Based on this model, a prototype hypermedia system Videobook has been implemented and used experimentally. This paper also discusses the authoring issues and educational applications developed on Videobook." 1569603613,"HyperBase: A Hypermedia Engine Based on a Relational Database Management System","Schütt & Streitz",2,19,23,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Helge Schütt, Norbert A. Streitz","Helge Schütt","Full paper","","true","DBMS support for hypertext systems, datamodels of hypertext, hypertext abstract machines","true","Hypertext systems are valuable tools for creating , (re-)structuring, and presenting information bases. Until now, little has been done with respect to the underlying data model and even less with respect to system support for such a model. This leads to a significant mismatch between sophisticated organizational structures at the user interface level and actual storage of persistent objects in simple file systems. Therefore, we have developed a general data model for hypertext data and implemented that model with the help of a database system. Here we fully exploit the fairly complex functionality of a commercially available relational database management system to implement a general purpose hypermedia engine which we call HyperBase." 1569603614,"Hyperindices: A Novel Aid for Searching in Hypermedia","Bruza",0,3,11,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Peter D. Bruza","Peter D. Bruza","Full paper","","true","hypertext, indexing, information retrieval","true","In this article the formal basis of hyperindices is given. Hyperindices are a new means for supporting effective search in hypermedia. The basis of the hyperindex, the so called index expression is treated in detail. It is shown how the hyperindex can be constructed using the structural properties of the index expression. The hyperindex is placed in a general framework for indexes which features quantitative and qualitative criteria with which index effectiveness can be judged." 1569603635,"Hypertext and Information Retrieval: What are the Fundamental Concepts?","Croft et al.",2,0,11,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","Marie-France Bruandet, Nicholas J. Belkin, Rainer Kuhlen, Tim Oren, W. Bruce Croft","W. Bruce Croft","Panel","","false","","true","Both hypertext and information retrieval (IR) Systems provide access to databases consisting primarily of text documents. Both types of systems structure the contents of these documents and support interaction with the users in order to improve the effectiveness of retrieval. Despite these similarities, hypertext and IR are generally regarded as separate research areas, some overlap, but essentially different research agendas. To clarify these differences as well as the areas of overlap, the members of this panel Will attempt to define the fundamental concepts and the major research issues in each area, with special emphasis on their own research." 1569603636,"Strategic Issues in European Hypertext Research and Development","Argentesi et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext","Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications","ECHT '90","1990","","A. Cicu, Flavio Argentesi, G. Degli Antoni, Norbert A. Streitz, R. Hansen","Flavio Argentesi","Panel","","false","","false","The proposed scope of the panel is the presentation and the debate of ideas in order to provide a number of objectives for the research and development in the hypertext technology. These objectives are intended as strategic issues in the sense that they could be interpreted as inputs for decision makers in R&D.####[no references]" 3154184339,"Cognitive Overheads and Prostheses: Some Issues in Evaluating Hypertexts","Wright",0,3,28,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Patricia Wright","Patricia Wright","Full paper","","true","Cognition, design, memory, planning, reading, tools","true","There are many criteria for evaluating hypertexts. Adequacy and cost effectiveness are perhaps the most obvious from the producer’s perspective additional criteria are important for users. Examination of the limitations of various assessment criteria highlights the twin issues of the cognitive costs and benefits experienced by people using hypertext as part of some other task. Many interface characteristics can contribute to readers’ cognitive overheads. There is evidence that even changing screens to access information only a click away can impair memory processes. Fortunately, because hypertext are computer-based, readers can call upon a variety of aids to support their cognitive activities, particularly memory and planning processes. The novelty of some of these prostheses raises questions about the literacy skills that hypertext readers may need. Studies of factors influencing readers’ strategic decisions about using memory aids are discussed, together with their implications for hypertext design. It is concluded that hypertext evaluation requires a richer understanding of the cognitive entailments of working with information. But hypertext, having highlighted the problems of cognitive costs, have the potential for offering readers the means of reducing these overheads not just for hypertext use but for many tasks that involve working with information." 3154184340,"Industrial Strength Hypermedia: Requirements for a Large Engineering Enterprise","Malcolm, Poltrock & Schuler",3,25,18,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Douglas Schuler, Kathryn C. Malcolm, Steven E. Poltrock","Kathryn C. Malcolm","Full paper","","true","Engineering applications, deployment, interoperability, requirements","true","Current hypermedia tools do not support the needs of collaborative work groups in distributed heterogeneous environments and cannot be integrated into the existing and planned computing environments at large enterprises like Boeing. It is in meeting these needs, however, that hypermedia could make its greatest impact. Hypermedia systems must evolve beyond their current standalone status into a technology that is truly integrative. We use a description of some current hypermedia projects and a representative future scenario to help identify technical requirements and strategies for developing and deploying hypermedia that is of sufficient “industrial strength” to support a large engineering enterprise. This paper is addressed to hypermedia researchers and developers as well as to our colleagues in other business and engineering organizations. The intent of this paper is to remind both the research and development communities of the urgent, “real-world needs that exist and to encourage dialogue between the two worlds." 3154184341,"Using Hypertext in Selecting Reusable Software Components","Creech, Freeze & Griss",1,2,13,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Dennis F. Freeze, Martin L. Griss, Michael L. Creech","Michael L. Creech","Full paper","","true","Kiosk, Software reuse, component selection, hypertext, software libraries","true","Recently, there has been increasing interest in software reuse as a way to improve software quality and productivity. One of the major problems with reusing libraries of software components is helping users effectively select (find and understand) components of interest. This paper explores the use of hypertext to enhance the process of component selection through a prototype system called Kiosk. Included are discussions of the selection process, why hypertext is well suited for supporting selection, and important characteristics of hypertext systems intended to support reuse. Also discussed are how reusable libraries can be structured using hypertext, how such libraries can be mechanically built, and how their use enhances the component selection process.####Kiosk consists of an open set of tools that can create, browse, and modify nodes and links in a software library. One of these tools, Cost++, can automatically generate a linked structure for libraries by clustering workproducts into components, and then placing components into multiple classification hierarchies. The Kiosk browsing tools allow users to peruse the components in libraries, examine library structures from multiple perspectives, and add new links and nodes to enhance the standard library structure." 3154184344,"Identifying Aggregates in Hypertext Structures","Botafogo & Shneiderman",4,11,18,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Ben Shneiderman, Rodrigo A. Botafogo","Rodrigo A. Botafogo","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, abstraction, aggregation, generalization, graph theory, structural analysis","true","Hypertext systems are being used in many applications because of their flexible structure and the great browsing freedom they give to diverse communities of users. However, this same freedom and flexibility is the cause of one of its main problem: the “lost in hyperspace” problem. One reason for the complexity of hypertext databases is the large number of nodes and links that compose them. To simplify this structure we propose that nodes and links be clustered forming more abstract structures. An abstraction is the concealment of all but relevant properties from an objector concept.####One type of abstraction is called an aggregate. An aggregate is a set of distinct concepts that taken together form a more abstract concept. For example, two legs, a trunk, two arms and a head can be aggregate together in a single higher level object called a “body.” In this paper we will study the hypertext structure, i.e., the way nodes are linked to each other in order to find aggregates in hypertext databases. Two graph theoretical algorithms will be used: biconnected components and strongly connected components." 3154184345,"Implementing Hypertext Database Relationships Through Aggregations and Exception","Hara, Keller & Wiederhold",1,6,22,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Arthur M. Keller, Gio Wiederhold, Yoshinori Hara","Yoshinori Hara","Full paper","","true","Hypertext database, aggregation, database clustering, exception, overview diagram, physical database design","true","In order to combine hypertext with database facilities, we show how to extract an effective storage structure from given instance relationships. The schema of the structure recognizes clusters and exceptions. Extracting high-level structures is useful for providing a high performance browsing environment as well as efficient physical database design, especially when handling large amounts of data.####This paper focuses on a clustering method, ACE, which generates aggregations and exceptions from the original graph structure in order to capture high-level relationships. The problem of minimizing the cost function is NP-complete. We use a heuristic approach based on an extended Kemighan-Lin algorithm.####We demonstrate our method on a hypertext application and on a standard random graph, compared with its analytical model. The storage reductions of input database size in main memory were 77.2910and 12.370, respectively. It was also useful for secondary storage organization for efficient retrieval." 3154184347,"CYBERMAP: Yet Another Way of Navigating in Hyperspace","Gloor",10,15,19,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Peter A. Gloor","Peter A. Gloor","Full paper","","true","Overview map, automatic link generation, dynamic linking, fish eye views, hypertext conversion, navigation in hyperspace","true","By integrating dynamic linking and automatic link generation into the automatic generation of an overview map we get a unique tool for navigation in hyperspace. We introduce the concept of HYPERDRAWERS to get a means for the partitioning of nodes in ordered sequences. CYBERMAP either complements existing navigational aids for hyperdocuments or provides a self sufficient navigation tool for browsing in a document. In addition CYBERMAP offers the capability of horizontal growth and easy hypertextualization of non-hypertextual documents without restricting the use of already installed browsing mechanisms besides CYBERMAP ." 3154184348,"Flying Through Hypertext","Lai & Manber",2,3,11,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Patrick Lai, Udi Manber","Patrick Lai","Full paper","","true","","true","Hypertext systems provide links between different pieces of information (text, figures, pictures, etc.) so that the reader can follow many different paths corresponding to lines of thoughts, levels of description, levels of details, and so on. One of the main problems in using hypertext systems is the navigation problem [Ni90a]. Users tend to get lost partly because the information they are reading can have a complicated structure which is usually unknown to them. We study in this paper a technique to help users orient themselves by a quick browsing, which we call flying, through hypertext.####The first thing many people do when given a new book is flip through the pages to get a first impression of the book. Quite a bit of information can be gained by this quick informal evaluation. First, just the size of the book is a good indicator. A ten-page brochure is treated differently than a 500-page instruction manual. The book’s density (how many characters per page), its layout (e.g., the font, the percentage of pictures), the technical content (e.g., number of equations, number of technical drawings), familiar features (e.g., pictures or drawings that the reader has seen elsewhere), just to name a few simple things that can be determined quickly, all give us important information about the book without reading even one sentence. This kind of information is not immediately available in hypertext, and we believe that the lack of it contributes to the navigation problem. We would like to provide this type of information in a quick and flexible way.####We describe in this paper a tool for flying through hypertext systems and discuss the issues involved in its implementation. Our tool is analogous to flipping the pages of a book with one notable exception: the flipping is not necessarily in a linear order. The availability of the links and the structure that they provide enable flexible flipping in many different orders controlled by the reader. The key to any flipping is speed. The goal is not to digest the contents of the pages, but rather to gain some insight to features such as organization, size, depth, level, detail, and so on. Another analogy is to seeing a movie, or better yet a videodisk, in fast forward. There are certain characteristics of the movie that can be studied better that way. Flying can also be used to move fast from one place to another in the hypertext following a certain order of traversal. Flying is not intended to replace any of the other navigation tools; it is an additional tool." 3154184349,"Hyperspeech: Navigating in Speech-only Hypermedia","Arons",2,5,33,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Barry Arons","Barry Arons","Full paper","","true","","true","Most hypermedia systems emphasize the integration of graphics, images, video, and audio into a traditional hypertext framework. The hyperspeech system described in this paper, a speech-only hypermedia application, explores issues of navigation and system architecture in an audio environment without a visual display. The system under development uses speech recognition to maneuver in a database of digitally recorded speech segments; synthetic speech is used for control information and user feedback.####In this research prototype, recorded audio interviews were segmented by topic, and hypertext-style links were added to connect logically related comments and ideas. The software architecture is data driven, with all knowledge embedded in the links and nodes, allowing the software that traverses through the network to be straightforward and concise. Several user interfaces were prototype, emphasizing different styles of speech interaction and feedback between the user and machine. In addition to the issues of navigation in a speech-only database, areas of continuing research include: dynamically extending the database, use of audio and voice cues to indicate landmarks, and the simultaneous presentation of multiple channels of speech information." 3154184350,"Hypermedia Templates: An Author's Tool","Catlin & Garrett",3,9,10,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Karen Smith Catlin, L. Nancy Garrett","Karen Smith Catlin","Full paper","","true","Hypermedia Design Principles, Hypermedia Templates, Intermedia","true","Recently Brown University’s Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship (IRIS) extended Intermedia to allow authors to define Hypermedia Templates—sets of pre-linked documents which can be duplicated. Templates facilitate the creation of consistent hypermedia collections by automating what can be a laborious task making documents and forging links manually.####In this paper we discuss the Hypermedia Templates project. We first describe a collection of Intermedia materials that has been electronically published and explain the information design principles that were applied to it. We point out some general principles for building consistent hypermedia collections and discuss how these were reflected in the list of features for Hypermedia Templates. We then describe a user’s interaction with a prototypical Hypermedia Template, as well as details of the user interface that we have built to provide template functionality in Intermedia. Finally, we identify some key features that would be important components of any next-generation template software." 3154184351,"What's Eliza Doing in the Chinese Room? Incoherent Hyperdocuments—and How to Avoid Them","Thüring, Haake & Hannemann",8,7,24,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Jörg Hannemann, Jörg M. Haake, Manfred Thüring","Manfred Thüring","Full paper","","true","Design of hyperdocuments, coherent hyperdocuments, composite nodes, comprehension of hyperdocuments, labelled links, rhetorics hyperdocument construction kit","true","Research on understanding linear texts has shown that comprehension and navigation mainly depend on the reader’s ability to construct a coherent mental representation. While the author of a traditional document can use a variety of structural cues to support his readers in building up such a representation, the author of a hyperdocument faces a new problem. If he wants to ensure that his readers understand the entire hyperdocument as a coherent entity, he needs means to indicate its structure in a comprehensible way. In this paper, we propose a construction kit which provides dedicated design objects for this purpose. The design objects can be characterized as building blocks for three functionally different components of a hyperdocument: its content part, organizational part, and presentation part. In addition to the design objects, we propose some design rules which should guide the construction of coherent hyperdocuments." 3154184356,"Don't link me in: set based hypermedia for taxonomic reasoning","Van Dyke Parunak",2,34,16,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","H. Van Dyke Parunak","H. Van Dyke Parunak","Full paper","","true","Interfaces, System architectures, Taxonomic reasoning, User models","true","Hypermedia is often described as nodes of information with links between them, suggesting the conceptual model of a graph. A broader definition is a system of nodes of information through which people can move nonlinearly. Such a definition, while including graph-based hypermedia, also allows alternative implementations. This paper illustrates the need for alternative models by exhibiting a particular reasoning task for which navigating among nodes by way of explicit links is less effective than an alternative model of intersecting sets of nodes. The task is taxonomic reasoning, a particular kind of reasoning task that deals with the comparison and classification of highly similar nodes, in which an analyst viewing one node thinks not in terms of linking it to another node, but of including it in or excluding it from a set of related nodes.####This paper discusses this kind of reasoning and describes HyperSet, a set-based hypermedia system designed to support it. It compares HyperSet with other tools that support taxonomic reasoning, discusses the formal and implementational relationships between graph-based and set-based hypermedia, and defines the features that are required in a hybrid system that can concurrently support both set and graph manipulations." 3154184357,"Architectures for Volatile Hypertext","Bernstein et al.",16,20,61,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Elli Mylonas, Jay David Bolter, Mark Bernstein, Michael Joyce","Mark Bernstein","Full paper","","true","","true","We wish to explore architectures for creating and using volatile hypertexts— dynamic documents whose content and structure are subject to rapid change. While static hypertext systems architectures [Oren 87] emphasize effective presentation and exploration of stable documents, volatile hypertext systems emphasize a continual process of construction, reconstruction, and reconstruction [Joyce 88].####Volatile hypertext raise a fundamental theoretical issue what is the value and proper role of the link? Astonishingly, no consensus has emerged on this central hypertext question, even within the hypertext research community. Where Bolter [Bolter 91a] views rich webs of links as a liberating force that reshapes the constraints of artificial, linear-hierarchical authority, Glushko sees fruitful sources of confusion, writing that “limiting the links in the first place seems a more practical solution.” [Glushko 89]. Indeed, DeYoung considers linking to be harmful [DeYoung 90]. In working with volatile hypertext, we deliberately choose an extreme case in which dedicated readers and writers are necessarily faced with rich, complex, and irregular hypertext webs. Can this task be rendered manageable?" 3154184358,"Aquanet: A Hypertext Tool to Hold Your Knowledge in Place","Marshall et al.",5,45,27,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Catherine C. Marshall, Frank G. Halasz, Russell A. Rogers, William C. Janssen, Jr.","Catherine C. Marshall","Full paper","","true","","true","Hypertext systems have traditionally focused on information management and presentation. In contrast, the Aquanet hypertext system described in this paper is designed to support knowledge structuring tasks. Aquanet is a browser-based tool that allows users to graphically represent information in order to explore its structure. In this paper, we discuss our motivatioms for developing Aquanet. We then describe the basic concepts underlying the tool and give an overview of the user interface. We close with some brief comments about our initial experiences with the tool in use and some of the directions we see the Aquanet research moving in the near future." 3154184359,"Beyond the Electronic Book: A Critique of Hypertext Rhetoric","Moulthrop",2,4,35,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Stuart Moulthrop","Stuart Moulthrop","Full paper","","true","","true","In recent years many researchers and theorists have contributed to a nascent rhetoric of hypertext and hypermedia (Bolt91; Car190; Cran89; Fris88; Harp91; Jayn89; Joyc88; Land91; Mcda91; Mou189; Schn89; Slat90; Yank85). Some of these writers (notably Carlson, Jaynes, and Landow) explicitly invoke the subject of rhetoric; others address issues of structure and convention in electronic composition that clearly pertain to this subject. All have considered ways in which hypertext can be used or made more useful in actual writing situations. But in spite of the considerable attention given to this area of inquiry, the nature and objectives of hypertext rhetoric are still vaguely defined.####What exactly is meant by “the rhetoric of hypertext?” The term rhetoric allows widely various definitions—from the classical sense of a specialized art of political oratory (Kinn82) to the more modem idea of a comprehensive study of communication events across multiple social domains (Haus86). In regard to changes in media, writers are most likely to place themselves somewhere between these two polarities, working toward a rhetoric which is both normative and practical: oriented toward effective acts of communication but also concerned to define the social contexts by which effectiveness is judged." 3154184361,"HDM—a Model for the Design of Hypertext Applications","Garzotto, Paolini & Schwabe",4,8,16,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Daniel Schwabe, Franca Garzotto, Paolo Paolini","Franca Garzotto","Full paper","","true","","true","We present the latest developments of HDM, a design model for Hypertext Applications. The basic features of HDM are the representation of applications through several design primitives: typed entities composed of hierarchies of component different perspectives for each component units corresponding to component-perspective pairs; bodies representing the actual content of the units; structural links, binding together components or sub-entities of the same entity; typed application links, interconnecting components belonging to different entities; and a specific browsing semantics based on anchors, as a way to activate many different link types from within a unit.####The development of HDM is part of the HYTEA project, carried on by a European consortium, aiming at the development of a set of authoring tools for an “engineered” development of Hypertext-Hypermedia applications. A HYTEA application is made by an HDM schema and an HDM Hyperbase (i.e., a set of instances). The basic HDM has already been shown to be translatable, either manually or through a compiler, into a node-and-link model (“a la DEXTER model”); the translated application can be targeted on several implementation tools (i.e., standard Hypertext tools already available on the market). HDM has already been used to develop a (small number) of applications, and to describe preexisting applications. These experiments have shown the need for improvements that are discussed in the paper: aggregate entities; sharing of components; is-a relationships and inheritance between entity types; sharing of bodies; structured access and “guided tours”; use of active media (animations and video-clips)." 3154184362,"Using Structured Types to Incorporate Knowledge in Hypertext","Nanard & Nanard",6,29,28,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Jocelyne Nanard, Marc Nanard","Jocelyne Nanard","Full paper","","true","Structured types, document synthesis, hypertext model, knowledge representation, object-oriented","true","It has been shown that the famous problem of user disorientation in hypertext is not due to the concept of hypertext itself but rather generally results from the lack of a conceptual model for hypertext application. Unfortunately, in most hypertext systems, the weakness of structure specification mechanisms discourages the development and use of such a model since it is difficult to reinforce hypertext structure and to really incorporate knowledge. A lot of works provide intelligent mechanisms to help navigation but either they use external knowledge or automatically synthesize links from information included in nodes which thereby have no sufficient conceptual value.####The present paper focuses on an object-oriented hypertext model (implemented in the MacWeb system) using structured types to incorporate knowledge in hypertext. Concepts and their relationships as well as their instances and their own relationships may be represented. Such a model makes the capture of knowledge at source easier thus allowing a more conceptual navigation, Furthermore, active behaviors may be associated, as methods, to types. This provides a powerful mechanism to help develop structured hypertext as well as task centered applications, by taking advantage of knowledge representation." 3154184364,"The Nielsen Ratings: Hypertext Reviews","Nielsen et al.",1,0,4,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Anne Nicol, Jakob Nielsen, Lynda Hardman, Nicole Yankelovich","Jakob Nielsen","Panel","","false","","true","In spite of many derogatory sayings about critics and reviewers (“Nobody ever raised a statue for a critic,” Sibelius), there is no doubt that reviews play a major role in traditional forms of art and communication, including printed works (literature, fiction, textbooks, and research publications), theater, film, and music. Since many more such works are produced than can be read/seen/heard by any individual, users rely on reviewers to inform them of interesting new publications and performances. From an academic perspective, analyses and reviews of works of art are a major way of generating new insights into their respective spheres of human expression.####Since hypertext is seen by enthusiasts as a major new communications medium, it would seem reasonable to review and analyze efforts at writing and composing hypertext documents. It is difficult to discuss hypertext without reference to concrete hypertext documents. For example, [Nie190] used examples from about fifty different hypertext and hypermedia documents in discussing various aspects of hypertext. Even so, it is still fairly rare to see actual reviews of hypertext documents as communicative efforts in their own right and not just as examples of hypertext concepts. Some such reviews are starting to appear in the popular press, and research journals are also starting to carry in-depth reviews of hypertext to some extent (e.g., [Hard91]). Also, professors teaching hypertext courses have started to consider ways to grade hypertext documents authored by students [Brow90]." 3154184367,"When Worlds Collide: Reconciling the Research, Marketplace, and Application Views of Hypertext","Glushko et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Catherine Marshall, David Gunning, Ken Kershner, Louis Reynolds, Robert Glushko","Robert Glushko","Panel","","false","","false","The research, marketplace, and applications communities bring inherently different perspectives to hyprtext.####What are the motivations and driving forces of each community? Is the vision of Bush, Nelson, and Engelbart shared in any way among the three? Is research transitioning into “off the shelf” hypertext programs and industrial applications? How is the marketplace responding to large-scale application requirements? Is research related to market pressures and application needs? Are the appropriate building blocks and resources in place for endeavors in each of the three realms to succeed?####This panel brings together representatives of each of the three communities with the aim of reconciling their differing visions of hypertext and promoting an understanding of how these three worlds can interact to their mutual benefit.####[no references]" 3154184371,"WALT: A Research Environment for Medical Hypertext","Frisse, Cousins & Hassan",1,0,8,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Mark E. Frisse, Scott Hassan, Steve B. Cousins","Mark E. Frisse","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","WALT (Washington University’s Approach to Lots of Text), is a prototype interface designed to support hypertext and information retrieval research. The WALT hypertext interface can serve as a “front end” to a wide array of retrieval engines including those based on Boolean retrieval, latent semantic indexing, term frequency – inverse document frequency, and Bayesian inference techniques. The WALT interface is composed of seven distinct components: a document examination component known as the Document Browsing Area four navigation components called the Book Shelf, the Book Spine, the Table of Contents, and the Path Clipboard; a term-based information retrieval component called Control Panel; and a relevance feedback component known as the Reader Feedback Panel. All browsing and navigation components incorporate “active text” and explicit hypertext links. WALT’s most unique feature may be its use of “book shelf” and “book spine” metaphors both to facilitate navigation and to provide a histogram-based display showing documents deemed appropriate for answering user queries." 3154184372,"The Virtual Notebook System","Burger et al.",1,1,11,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Andrew M. Burger, Barry D. Meyer, Cindy P. Jung, Kevin B. Long","Andrew M. Burger","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","The Virtual Notebook System (VNS) facilitates information integration and management in the collaborative work of scientific groups. The VNS is a repository of data, hypotheses and notes, and scientific information. A distributed hypermedia system, the VNS is expressly designed to enhance information sharing among scientists. The underlying architecture promotes a flexible and portable environment for the dynamic integration of information and applications in the face of heterogeneity. In this briefing, we will discuss both our model for supporting scientific work groups and the design and application of the Virtual Notebook System." 3154184377,"Encyclopedia of Software Components","Beckman et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Bonnie Boyd, Brian Beckman, Joseph Jupin, L. Van Warren, Robert Tausworthe, Sheldon Shen, W. Van Snyder","Brian Beckman","Video","","false","","false","Most research in software reuse has concentrated on software production: programming languages, tools and methodologies. The video introduces the Encyclopedia of Software Components (ESC), currently being prototype at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The ESC focuses on the consumer side issues faced by those who would like to reuse software components but have difficulty finding, evaluating and acquiring them.####The primary goal of the ESC task is to demonstrate a hypermedia front-end to an unrestricted collection of software components, containing both information about software and mechanisms for retrieving software from distributed sources. It is novel in embracing a wholesale devotion to the encyclopedia metaphor, in providing a system for adding both new entries and new classification structure, and in building hypermedia automatically from specifications. By integrating this system in the software development environment, we hope to make it easier to look for software than to start writing it.####[no references]" 3154184380,"The Future of Electronic Literacy (Abstract): Will Hypertext Ever Find Acceptance?","Ritchie",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Ian Ritchie","Ian Ritchie","Keynote","","false","","false","The vision of the technologies that will lead to practical interactive electronic literature was clearly expressed by Bush, Engelbart, Nelson and others several decades ago.####The practical application of such technologies have been established during the last decade. Despite the fact that such hypertext technologies are now largely effective in operation we find that:####● hypertext technology suppliers have not, in general, found a ready and profitable market for their wares. Many suppliers have stumbled and several have failed.####● outside the limited area of arcane technical and procedural documentation it is still very difficult to identify a hypertext product which has experienced any substantial measure of success.####● non-hypertext solutions, such as Document Image Processing, and Full-Text Retrieval, continue to grow despite their lower effectiveness in many practical applications.####So what has gone wrong? Were we all over ambitious about the efficacy of interactive documentation? Are we still waiting for the “killer product” to kick-start the market? Can literature and electronic delivery ever mix; or will society look to the electronic device solely to deliver picture and voice? Will the public ever accept text from other than the printed page? The answer lies in a combination of circumstances:####● The existence of suitable infrastructure, including such factors as high bandwidth communications channels and effective marketing channels. If our existing channels are compared to, lets say, the transport systems of two hundred years ago, how long will it take us to build the equivalents of the canals, railways, highways, and air transportation systems that we will need? Who will provide them and what will be the commercial basis of their success? As we supply solutions which, due to technological inertia, are non-optimal; how long will it take us to recover from such cul-de-sacs?####● The successful new consumer electronic literature products must meet demonstrable mass-market needs. Public accept ante will be driven by the effectiveness of the product at delivering information in a way which is clearly superior to other methods. It will also be driven by factors such as style and fashion which are notoriously difficult to predict. The attitude of the public was also be damaged by highly visible failures - and there may be several on the way!####History has shown that technology companies have been poor at predicting such changes in social behaviour, and that when supplied their products often miss the real target. What kind of companies will actually solve these problems, and what circumstances will persuade them to make the investment?####● The elimination of the remaining technology and financial barriers (most pertinently the mass production of high quality, portable, low cost display devices). Although a preoccupation of the technologists this is probably the easiest of these barriers to resolve.####At some point these factors Will add up. When the effectiveness and transparency of the new publishing product are perceived as overcoming the change and cost required to obtain them )and, incidentally, the new product is blessed by the ‘style gurus’) the public will adopt it enthusiastically. The cellular telephone and the fax machine are such examples from 1980s. This presentation will consider the factors which will influence the adoption of electronic literature as a a mainstream product. It will draw on the results of previous technology-led market adoption patterns and will try to predict the future of electronic literature.####[no references]" 3154184382,"Video Nodes and Video Webs: Use of Video in Hypermedia","Gibbs",0,1,0,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Simon Gibbs","Simon Gibbs","Keynote","","false","","true","Digital video consists of temporally correlated audio and visual data elements. Audio elements are basically sequences of digitized audio samples, while visual elements are sequences of raster frames. In either case the sequences may not be stored explicitly, but instead stored in a compressed representation, or an alternate representation from which the sequences are produced (as when audio is synthesized from a symbolic representation, such as musical notation, or video frames are rendered from animation data).####Because of the temporal nature of digital video, its production and consumption often requires be stored and retrieved from conventional storage specialized devices capable of the real-time handling of streams of data. Until recently this equipment was expensive and not readily available. However a number of significant advances are now taking place that are greatly increasing the use of digital video. These developments include advances in high-bandwidth networks and protocols facilitating real-time transfer of digital video; improvements in storage media such as high-capacity magnetic disks and writable CDs; faster rendering rates for graphics hardware allowing real-time animation; greater availability of special-purpose audio and video processors on workstations; and better computer interfaces to both commercial and professional video products such as camcorders, VCRs, and video mixers. Another significant development is real-time compression and decompression hardware for digital video. The compressed video has data rates comparable to bus and disk bandwidths and so opens the possibility of video recording and playback from conventional secondary storage devices. In addition, an anticipated future development having broad-impact on the use of video, will be the emergence of standards for HDTV.####In light of these changes, new possibilities are arising for application developers - in particular those who aim to enhance hypertext, or hypermedia, with video capabilities. Early interactive video systems relied on analog read-only videodisc technology. This “first generation” of video-based hypermedia provided very good video quality, but suffered from limitations imposed by the videodisc. Now digital video offers a way around many of the drawbacks of the videodisc - digital video can be edited and modified, it can be processed, and, like any other form of data, it can be stored and retrieved from conventional storage systems.####This presentation will focus on implications of digital video for hypermedia. A short overview of video technology will be provided, introducing such topics as video formats, video compression, and video editing. Several low-cost platforms for running digital video applications will be described and illustrated with short videotapes.####Finally we consider a number of traditional hypertext issues in the context of digital video. Approaches to linking video with other information, techniques for structuring video and increasing interactivity during playback, and new forms of composition and navigation will be presented. Many of these techniques are now being explored in prototype systems. Examples of existing prototypes will be used to illustrate the potential of digital video when used in hypermedia systems.####[no references]" 3154184383,"Multicard: An Open Hypermedia System","Rizk & Sautér",7,15,16,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Antoine Rizk, Louis Sauter","Antoine Rizk","Full paper","","true","M2000, Multicard, hypermedia toolkit","true","This paper describes the Multicard hypermedia system which has been developed following an open systems approach. Multicard provides a hypermedia toolkit that allows programmers to create and manipulate distributed basic hypermedia structures; an interactive authoring/navigation tool which is itself based on the toollkit; an advanced scripting language; a multimedia composition editor, as well as a communication protocol that allows the integration of various editors and applications into a single hypermedia network.####One of Multicard’s features is that it does not itself handle the contents of the nodes. Instead, it communicates with different editors, running as separate processes, using a set of messages called the M2000 protocol. Multicard has so far been connected in this way to around five different M2000 compliant editors and applications ranging from a basic text editor and data sheet to sophisticated desktop publishing and multimedia composition systems. M2000 compliant editors automatically benefit of the Multicard linking facilities and composite structures. Using the Multicard scripting language, M2000 compliant editors can also annotate their contents with scripts and communicate with each other using event and message transmission." 3154184388,"Two Years Before the Mist: Experiences with Aquanet","Marshall & Rodgers",9,16,21,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Catherine C. Marshall, Russell A. Rogers","Catherine C. Marshall","Full paper","","true","","true","Aquanet is a collaborative hypertext tool that combines elements of frame-based knowledge representation and graphical presentation. In this paper, we examine the first major application of the tool in an analysis task, a two year long technology assessment that resulted in almost 2000 nodes and more than 20 representational types. First, we cover the implications of the representational resources provided and representational decisions that were made. Then we discuss how spatial layout was used in lieu of the complex relations Aquanet’s data model supports. Finally, we show how distinct regions emerged to reflect particular activities and how they were subsequently used as the basis for a later collaboration on a similar task." 3154184389,"UNIX Guide: Lessons from Ten Years' Development","Brown",1,1,8,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","P. J. Brown","P. J. Brown","Full paper","","true","","true","Development of the Guide hypertext system has been progressing at the University of Kent since1982. The paper looks back over the mistakes and successes of the last ten years, with a view of drawing some lessons for the future development of hypertext. The reader is not assumed to be a Guide user, and the lessons learned apply to hypertext systems in general." 3154184393,"Making Use of Hypertext Links when Retrieving Information","Frei & Steiger",2,4,15,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","D. Stieger, H. P. Frei","H. P. Frei","Full paper","","true","","true","Hypermedia links were invented to support the manual browsing through large hypertext or hypermedia collections. However, retrieving specific portions of information in such a collection cannot be achieved by browsing only retrieval mechanisms are necessary. In this paper we show how to use the semantic content of hypertext links for retrieval. We present special purpose indexing and retrieval algorithms that exploit the node and link content. First retrieval results in a hypertext test collection are presented the results are clearly better than those obtained when the links are ignored. The hope is that these results can be extended to hypermedia information and that they w be improved by more sophisticated indexing algorithms." 1474373933,"Strong vs. weak links: making processes prevail over structure in navigational design","Canós et al.",1,0,6,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Carlos Solís, José H Canós, Ma Carmen Penadés, Manuel Llavador","José H Canós","Poster","","false","","true","We introduce a process-based approach to navigational design of hypermedia applications. Unlike most current methods, which use the information structure as the basis for building the navigational structure, we start from a workflow-like process model to create a two-level navigational model. On one hand, the strong navigational schema is composed of nodes called activity views and links derived from control flow relationships of the process model. On the other hand, a weak navigational schema is developed for each activity view based on the information a given actor has to use to perform the associated activity. Our approach allows designers to solve in a natural way the problems where the business processes prevail over the information structure." 1474373939,"Ontology based course navigation","Velart & Šaloun",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Petr Šaloun, Zdenek Velart","Zdenek Velart","Poster","","false","","false","Nowadays course navigation is mostly based on sequence order of pages prepared by the author of the course. Ontology based course navigation, where to every element of ontology some learning material is associated allows to effective navigation to desired information.####Article is describing usage of keywords, which are searched in the learning material and keywords - ontology mapping for creating the course navigation. For every page two sets are created - prerequisite and outcome sets, where elements are elements of ontology. Implemented tool for creating this mapping and processing the material is described here." 1474373940,"A semantic tool to support navigation in a folksonomy","Laniado, Eynard & Colombetti",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","David Laniado, Davide Eynard, Marco Colombetti","David Laniado","Poster","","false","","false","We propose a new approach to integrate the navigation interface of a folksonomy adding explicit semantics provided by an ontology. We describe a tool that uses WordNet to build a semantic hierarchy of related tags that helps users find related resources in In this way it is possible to combine the advantages of the traditional approach to classification with the ones of the collaborative paradigm that is emerging on the Web, dealing with some of the main limitations to which folksonomies are prone." 1474373941,"Collaborative annotation-driven adaptation in web portals","Nauerz, Pietschmann & Pietzsch",0,0,2,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Andreas Nauerz, Rene Pietzsch, Stefan Pietschmann","Andreas Nauerz","Poster","","false","","false","Today’s Web Portals suffer from information overload. We try to overcome this drawback by making them more adaptable and adaptive to the user’s contexts. Therefore, we focus on the utilization of Web 2.0 techniques, especially semantic annotations, to make use of the portal users’ collective intelligence." 1474373943,"Hypertext applications","Wagner",2,0,9,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Frank Wagner","Frank Wagner","Poster","","false","","true","The discussion about the future of hypertext made me wonder whether I could find another reason to consider a text to be ‘hyper’. The answer I found may not be that interesting itself, but the discussions about it gave me some ideas which I want to present in the context of my project.####The object of this project is to come to a better understanding of applications of information technology. In the context of my work applications often not only seem less than optimal but even contra productive.####A different view may help to find better applications." 1474373946,"Collaborative classification of growing collections with evolving facets","Wu, Zubair & Maly",0,1,7,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Harris Wu, Kurt Maly, Mohammad Zubair","Harris Wu","Short paper","","true","Collaborative classification, faceted classification, social classification, tagging, wiki","true","There is a lack of tools for exploring large non-textual collections. One challenge is the manual effort required to add metadata to these collections. In this paper, we propose an architecture that enables users to collaboratively build a faceted classification for a large, growing collection. Besides a novel wiki-like classification interface, the proposed architecture includes automated document classification and facet schema enrichment techniques. We have implemented a prototype for the American Political History multimedia collection from" 1474373948,"Identifying subcommunities using cohesive subgroups in social hypertext","Chin & Chignell",1,1,10,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Alvin Chin, Mark Chignell","Alvin Chin","Short paper","","true","Social networks, cohesive subgroups, k-plexes, n-cliques, social hypertext, subcommunities, virtual community","true","Web pages can be modeled as nodes in a social network, and hyperlinks between pages form links (relationships) between the nodes. Links may take the form of comments, for example on blogs, creating explicit connections between authors and readers. In this paper, we describe a novel methodology and framework for identifying subcommunities as cohesive subgroups of n-cliques and k-plexes within social hypertext. We apply our methodology to a group of computer technologists in Toronto called TorCamp who communicate using a Google group. K-plex analysis is then used to identify a group of people that forms a subcommunity within the larger community. The results are then validated against the experienced sense of community of people inside and outside the subcommunity. Statistically significant differences in experienced sense of community are found, with people within the subcommunity showing higher levels of perceived influence and emotional connection." 1474373949,"Back to the future with hypertext: a tale of two or three conferences","Hall",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Wendy Hall","Wendy Hall","Keynote","","false","","false","[no references]" 1474373950,"An agile hypertext design methodology","Wills et al.",2,1,27,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","David E. Millard, Gary B. Wills, Lester Gilbert, Noura Abbas, Rakhi Chandrasekharan, Richard M. Crowder, Robert J. Walters, Sylvia C. Wong, Yvonne M. Howard","Gary B. Wills","Short paper","","true","Hypermedia Design, Semantic Web, Web Design Methods, Web Service Design","true","Customers are driving down lead times for software, especially for Web applications, to only a few months. While a number of hypertext design models exist, they do not address the issue of the requirements and analysis process that normally feeds the design process. In this paper we present an agile approach to developing hypertext applications, which focuses on the requirements and analysis stages, something that is largely ignored in current methodologies." 1474373951,"Architecting structure-aware applications","Rubart",5,2,21,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Jessica Rubart","Jessica Rubart","Short paper","","true","Structural model, architectural pattern, cooperative hypermedia, structural computing","true","An extension to the well-known MVC architectural pattern is proposed to include an explicit structure model. The proposed conceptual model is further extended to address requirements from the research fields CSCW and ubiquitous computing. Furthermore, data, structure, and behavior descriptions have been identified as basic abstractions. In summary, the proposed model addresses reuse as well as design for change on different levels of abstraction." 1474373952,"A semantics-based aspect-oriented approach to adaptation in web engineering","Casteleyn, Van Woensel & Houben",1,2,16,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Geert-Jan Houben, Sven Casteleyn, William Van Woensel","Sven Casteleyn","Full paper","","true","Adaptation, Aspect-Orientation, Semantic Web, Web Engineering","true","In the modern Web, users are accessing their favourite Web applications from any place, at any time and with any device. In this setting, they expect the application to user-tailor and personalize content access upon their particular needs. Exhibiting some kind of user- and context-dependency is thus crucial in Web Engineering. In this research, we focus on separating the adaptation engineering process from regular Web engineering by applying aspect-oriented techniques. We show how semantic information and metadata associated with the content can be exploited in our aspect-oriented approach. Furthermore, the approach allows the use of global (structural) properties of the Web application in adaptation specification. We thus obtain several advantages, which are demonstrated in this paper: to control adaptation specification) separate from (regular) Web Engineering concerns in a richer, more consistent, robust and flexible way." 1474373955,"Analysis of online video search and sharing","Halvey & Keane",0,1,26,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Mark T. Keane, Martin J. Halvey","Martin J. Halvey","Full paper","","true","Video, browsing, interaction, multimedia, search, social","true","It is now feasible to view video at home as easily as text-based pages were viewed when the Web first appeared. This development has led to the emergence of video search engines providing hosting, indexing and access to large, online video repositories. A key question in this new context is whether users search for media in the same way that they search for text. This paper presents a first step towards answering this question by providing novel analyses of people’s linking and search behavior using a leading video search engine. Initial results show that page views in the video context deviate from the typical power-law relationships seen on the Web. However, more positively, there are clear indications that tagging and textual descriptions play a key role in making some video-pages more popular than others. This shows that many techniques based on text analysis could apply in the video context." 1474373956,"Back to the future: hypertext the way it used to be","Nelson, Smith & Mallicoat",0,3,6,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Marlene Mallicoat, Robert Adamson Smith, Theodor Holm Nelson","Theodor Holm Nelson","Keynote","","false","","true","Others imitate paper (Word, Acrobat) and the constant 3D world we live in (“Virtual Reality”). Our system instead tries to create documents better than paper in a space better than reality." 1474375456,"Social dynamics in the age of the web","Huberman",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Bernardo Huberman","Bernardo Huberman","Keynote","","false","","false","The past decade has witnessed a momentous transformation in the way people interact and exchange information. Content is now coactively produced, shared, classified, and rated on the Web by millions of people, while attention has become an ephemeral and valuable resource that everyone seeks to acquire. This talk will describe our research on the interplay between popularity, novelty and collective attention in the Web, as well as a study of the dynamics of online opinion formation.####[no references]" 1474375457,"Link structures, information flow, and social processes","Kleinberg",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Jon M. Kleinberg","Jon M. Kleinberg","Keynote","","false","","false","In the ongoing movement toward socially-produced information resources, we are increasingly able to look through the content being created and see the individuals, incentives, and larger social processes at work. Designing and working with large-scale participatory social computing applications requires that we think not just about technological issues, but also about fundamental principles of human social interaction. Through the digital traces that these applications generate, we can begin to quantify and reason about such principles at unprecedented levels of scale and resolution.####In this talk, we consider a crucial type of social process in this setting - the mechanisms by which information flows through groups of people engaged in sharing and synthesizing knowledge. As information, ideas, opinions, and beliefs spread through an underlying social network, their dynamics resemble that of an epidemic, moving “contagiously” from person to person. But social contagion is different from biological contagion in many respects; understanding the analogies and contrasts between these two kinds of processes leads us to consider the rich temporal characteristics of information flow within a network and the complex decision rules by which people choose to act on new information. The result is a richer picture of the communities that create knowledge and its interlinkages, and of the resources that ultimately arise from these processes.####[no references]" 1474375462,"Correlating user profiles from multiple folksonomies","Szomszor, Cantador & Alani",1,2,20,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Harith Alani, Iván Cantador, Martin N. Szomszor","Martin N. Szomszor","Full paper","","true","Web2.0, folksonomy-alignment, tag-filtering, user profiling","true","As the popularity of the web increases, particularly the use of social networking sites and style sharing platforms, users are becoming increasingly connected, sharing more and more information, resources, and opinions. This vast array of information presents unique opportunities to harvest knowledge about user activities and interests through the exploitation of large-scale, complex systems. Communal tagging sites, and their respective folksonomies, are one example of such a complex system, providing huge amounts of information about users, spanning multiple domains of interest. However, the current Web infrastructure provides no mechanism for users to consolidate and exploit this information since it is spread over many desperate and unconnected resources. In this paper we compare user tag-clouds from multiple folksonomies to: (a) show how they tend to overlap, regardless of the focus of the folksonomy (b) demonstrate how this comparison helps finding and aligning the user’s separate identities, and (c) show that cross-linking distributed user tag-clouds enriches users profiles. During this process, we find that significant user interests are often reflected in multiple Web2.0 profiles, even though they may operate over different domains. However, due to the free-form nature of tagging, some correlations are lost, a problem we address through the implementation and evaluation of a user tag filtering architecture." 1474375478,"Logsonomy - social information retrieval with logdata","Krause et al.",0,3,21,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Andreas Hotho, Beate Krause, Gerd Stumme, Robert Jäschke","Beate Krause","Full paper","","true","Folksonomy, Logsonomy, Query Log Analysis, Search Engine","true","Social bookmarking systems constitute an established part of the Web 2.0. In such systems users describe bookmarks by keywords called tags. The structure behind these social systems, called folksonomies, can be viewed as a tripartite hypergraph of user, tag and resource nodes. This underlying network shows specific structural properties that explain its growth and the possibility of serendipitous exploration.####Today’s search engines represent the gateway to retrieve information from the World Wide Web. Short queries typically consisting of two to three words describe a user’s information need. In response to the displayed results of the search engine, users click on the links of the result page as they expect the answer to be of relevance.####This clickdata can be represented as a folksonomy in which queries are descriptions of clicked URLs. The resulting network structure, which we will term logsonomy is very similar to the one of folksonomies. In order to find out about its properties, we analyze the topological characteristics of the tripartite hypergraph of queries, users and bookmarks on a large snapshot of and on query logs of two large search engines. All of the three datasets show small world properties. The tagging behavior of users, which is explained by preferential attachment of the tags in social bookmark systems, is reflected in the distribution of single query words in search engines. We can conclude that the clicking behaviour of search engine users based on the displayed search results and the tagging behaviour of social bookmarking users is driven by similar dynamics." 1474375480,"Social web applications in the city: a lightweight infrastructure for urban computing","Hansen & Grønbæk",6,2,24,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Frank Allan Hansen, Kaj Grønbæk","Frank Allan Hansen","Short paper","","true","Geospatial Hypermedia, Location-awareness, Mobile Web, Multimedia Blogging, Physical Hypermedia, Ubiquitous Link Anchors, Urban Computing, Visual 2D Barcodes","true","In this paper, we describe an infrastructure for browsing and multimedia blogging of Web-based information anchored with physical places in an urban environment. The infrastructure is generic in the sense that it may use any means such as GPS, RFID or 2D-barcodes as ubiquitous links anchors to anchor Web-based information, blogs, and services in the physical environment. The infrastructure is inspired from earlier work on open hypermedia, in the sense that the anchoring and blogging functionality can be integrated to augment arbitrary Web sites providing information that is relevant to places or objects in the physical world. The blog and anchor functionality is implemented as a set of Web services running on a server external to the content server. Experiences and design issues from three cases are discussed, which use Semacode-based physical anchoring to support lightweight urban Web applications." 1474375482,"Investigating success factors for hypermedia development tools","Bolchini, Garzotto & Paolini",2,1,26,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Davide Bolchini, Franca Garzotto, Paolo Paolini","Davide Bolchini","Short paper","","true","Design Pattern, Educational Benefit, Efficiency, End-user development, Hypermedia, Simplicity, Success factor, Usability, e-learning","true","What are the key factors that contribute to the “success” of a hypermedia development tool? We have investigated this issue in the context of non ICT professional environments (e.g., schools or small museums), which have limited “in-house” technical competences and must cope with very limited budget. We discuss a set of success factors relevant to hypermedia tools targeted to this audience, and present a tool for multichannel hypermedia development that we have developed with these factors in mind. We report the key results from a wide on-the-field study in which the different success factors have been measured." 1474375485,"Visualizing social links in exploratory search","Donaldson et al.",0,2,24,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Benjamin Markines, Filippo Menczer, Heather Roinestad, Justin J. Donaldson, Michael Conover","Justin J. Donaldson","Short paper","","true","Experimentation, Human Factors","true","The visualization of results is a critical component in search engines, and the standard ranked list interface has been a consistently predominant model. The emergence of social media provides a new opportunity to investigate visualization techniques that expose socially derived links between objects to support their exploration. Here we introduce and evaluate network-based visualizations for facilitating the exploration of a Web knowledge space. We developed a force directed network interface to visualize the result sets provided by, a social bookmarking site. The classifications and tags by users are aggregated to build a social similarity network between bookmarked resources. We administered a user study to evaluate the potential of leveraging such social links in an exploratory search task. During exploration, the similarity links are used to arrange the resources in a semantic layout. Users in our study prefer a hybrid interface combining a conventional ranked list and a two dimensional network map, allowing them to find the same amount of relevant information using fewer queries. This behavior is a direct result of the additional structural information present in the network visualization, which aids them in the exploration of the information space." 1474369009,"The design of AHA!","De Bra, Smits & Stash",0,5,1,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","David Smits, Natalia Stash, Paul De Bra","Paul De Bra","Short paper","","true","Authoring, adaptation platform, adaptive hypermedia","true","“The Design of AHA!” is an adaptive hypertext, and thus not presented in its entirety in this short paper. Because it is not only a hypertext but also adaptive it cannot simply be presented using a linear paper or a set of HTML pages. This paper describes the design of, and demonstrates AHA! (Version 3.0), an Open Source adaptive hypermedia platform, capable of performing content and link adaptation in (x)html and xml documents. Its development started in 1996. During 10 years of research and development different new presentation, adaptation and user modeling methods and techniques have been added, turning AHA! into a general-purpose adaptive hypermedia platform. This paper presents an overview of the design and architecture of AHA!, with parts that have been published before and with recent additions like style adaptation and a new very flexible link annotation mechanism. Unlike other adaptive hypermedia systems, AHA! is not aimed at a single application area and does not prescribe a single fixed presentation style. Creating applications, defining the user models and the adaptive behavior are all done using graphical authoring tools. End-users are presented with what looks like a normal website, and need not be aware of the adaptation that goes on behind the scenes. Their browsing results in updates to a user model that is stored either in an xml file or a mySQL database, and that is thus also (in principle) available to other applications. Apart from providing a design overview this paper highlights two essential parts of AHA!: the reasoning / rule engine that translates the end-user’s actions into user model updates, and the adaptive resource selection, which is used in the conditional inclusion of objects presentation technique and in the conditional link destinations navigation support technique. This paper is itself an adaptive hyperdocument. The order in which the different topics are visited determines the links that are presented and the contents of each (web)page. No matter how you browse through this paper you should end up with a very similar overall impression, and you should have seen all the information the paper contains. However, the actual contents of the pages and the actual link destinations do depend on your browsing order, so different users will not see exactly the same pages and links." 1474373917,"Interaction visualization in web-based learning using igraphs","Figueira & Laranjeiro",0,0,2,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Joanne Bras Laranjeiro, Álvaro Reis Figueira","Álvaro Reis Figueira","Poster","","false","","false","Discussion forums are presently one of the most important tools in assisting distance education. Web learning is accomplished by using these communication tools and, particularly, by the interactions that take place in these settings. Therefore, students’ participations in a discussion forum, the frequency and the way they participate, the types of interactions that they create with their colleagues and with the professor, can and should be analyzed in order to fully understand the group and, consequently, allow a more efficient and student focused education. In this article, suggest graphical representations (the iGraph) of these interactions and by using these tools, we describe forum participation according to the centralization of information, the density and intensity of interactions, and yet the quality of the moderation." 1474373931,"The evolution of authorship in a remix society","Diakopoulos et al.",0,1,15,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Irfan Essa, Kurt Luther, Nicholas Diakopoulos, Yevgeniy (Eugene) Medynskiy","Nicholas Diakopoulos","Short paper","","true","","true","Authorship entails the constrained selection or generation of media and the organization and layout of that media in a larger structure. But authorship is more than just selection and organization; it is a complex construct incorporating concepts of originality, authority, intertextuality, and attribution. In this paper we explore these concepts and ask how they are changing in light of modes of collaborative authorship in remix culture. We present a qualitative case study of an online video remixing site, illustrating how the constraints of that environment are impacting authorial constructs. We discuss users’ self-conceptions as authors, and how values related to authorship are reflected to users through the interface and design of the site’s tools. We also present some implications for the design of online communities for collaborative media creation and remixing." 1474373934,"Image seeds: a communal picture-based narrative","Lunn",1,0,4,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Darren Lunn","Darren Lunn","Poster","","false","","true","Bitmapping is an art exhibition that seeks to create a linear story path through a collection of photographs. Bitmapping sends registered participants an image to their mobile phone. The participants must then take a related picture within two hours and send that image to the organisers. This is then forwarded to the next participant to create a chain. While Bitmapping fosters an interesting roadmap of images, it is limited by physical location and the linear stories that it seeks to create. Image Seeds is a global communal hypermedia art experiment that extends Bitmapping. Rather than receiving a single image, participants are invited to navigate a web of images, all of which can act as seeds of inspiration. If participants stumble across an image that inspires, they are invited to add their own image to the hypermedia and create a link from the image that instigated the inspiration. Images can have multiple links to create an evolving story that unfolds into a unique and diverse narrative as participants follow paths through the pictures." 1474375467,"An epistemic dynamic model for tagging systems","Dellschaft & Staab",0,4,11,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Klaas Dellschaft, Steffen Staab","Klaas Dellschaft","Full paper","","true","complex systems, stochastic modeling, tagging, temporal evolution","true","In recent literature, several models were proposed for reproducing and understanding the tagging behavior of users. They all assume that the tagging behavior is influenced by the previous tag assignments of other users. But they are only partially successful in reproducing characteristic properties found in tag streams. We argue that this inadequacy of existing models results from their inability to include user’s background knowledge into their model of tagging behavior. This paper presents a generative tagging model that integrates both components, the background knowledge and the influence of previous tag assignments. Our model successfully reproduces characteristic properties of tag streams. It even explains effects of the user interface on the tag stream." 1474375468,"Understanding the efficiency of social tagging systems using information theory","Chi & Mytkowicz",0,6,13,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Ed H. Chi, Todd Mytkowicz","Ed H. Chi","Full paper","","true","Social tagging, efficiency, entropy, evaluation, information access, information theory, methodology, navigation, ontology","true","Given the rise in popularity of social tagging systems, it seems only natural to ask how efficient is the organically evolved tagging vocabulary in describing underlying document objects? Does this distributed process really provide a way to circumnavigate the traditional “vocabulary problem” with ontology? We analyze a social tagging site, namely, with information theory in order to evaluate the efficiency of this social tagging site for encoding navigation paths to information sources. We show that information theory provides a natural and interesting way to understand this efficiency - or the descriptive, encoding power of tags. Our results indicate the efficiency of tags appears to be waning. We discuss the implications of our findings and provide insight into how our methods can be used to design more usable social tagging software." 1474375473,"Generating links by mining quotations","Kolak & Schilit",0,2,23,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Bill N. Schilit, Okan Kolak","Okan Kolak","Full paper","","true","automatic hypertext, digital libraries, hypertext, link generation, quotations","true","Scanning books, magazines, and newspapers has become a widespread activity because people believe that much of the worlds information still resides off-line. In general after works are scanned they are indexed for search and processed to add links. This paper describes a new approach to automatically add links by mining popularly quoted passages. Our technique connects elements that are semantically rich, so strong relations are made. Moreover, link targets point within a work, facilitating navigation. This paper makes three contributions. We describe a scalable algorithm for mining repeated word sequences from extremely large text corpora. Second, we present techniques that filter and rank the repeated sequences for quotations. Third, we present a new user interface for navigating across and within works in the collection using quotation links. Our system has been run on a digital library of over 1 million books and has been used by thousands of people." 1474375486,"Asquare: a powerful evaluation tool for adaptive hypermedia course system","Bravo, Vialardi & Ortigosa",2,0,10,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Alvaro Ortigosa, Cesar Vialardi, Javier Bravo","Javier Bravo","Poster","","false","","true","Currently many methods and tools are being developed to support e-Learning courses. On the one hand, they are used to help students. On the other, a few applications are being developed to help course designers and instructors. In addition, the development of this applications is important for improving the performance of the course. Thus, we proposed in this paper to use data mining methods to aid in the designing of adaptive courses and the evaluation of their effectiveness. Lastly, the results of the implementation of our tool and examples of the utility of Data Mining for teachers is given." 1474375487,"Tag interoperability in cultural web-based applications","Cena et al.",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Cristina Gena, Federica Cena, Francesca Carmagnola, Lora Aroyo, Natalia Stash, Omar Cortassa, Yiwen Wang","Federica Cena","Poster","","false","","false","This paper presents an approach that shows how user interaction data (tags) generated by one application can be exploited by another one in similar domain for integrating user models in distributed and interactive environments. In particular we discuss the tags interoperability among two adaptive systems into the cultural heritage domain." 1474375490,"Diversity of online community activities","Hogg & Szabo",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Gabor Szabo, Tad Hogg","Tad Hogg","Poster","","false","","false","Web sites where users create and rate content as well as form links display many long-tailed distributions. Using one such site, Essembly, we propose causal mechanisms to explain these behaviors. Unlike purely descriptive models, our mechanisms use only information available to each user. We find the long-tails arise from large diversity of user activity and qualities of the rated content. The models not only explain overall behavior but also allow estimating the qualities of users and content from their early history on the site." 1474375491,"Educational social linking in example authoring","Hsiao, Li & Lin",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","I-Han Hsiao, Qi Li, Yi-Ling Lin","I-Han Hsiao","Poster","","false","","false","Each educational resource management website relies on an authoring tool to provide example content. It takes time and experience for authors to create valuable content. Providing support during authoring can affect the quality and quantity of the examples. In this paper we propose a mashup solution to automatically link community wisdom to authors and ease various difficulties in authoring." 1474375492,"Social selected learning content out of web lectures","Ketterl, Emden & Brunstein",1,0,8,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Johannes Emden, Jörg Brunstein, Markus Ketterl","Markus Ketterl","Poster","","false","","true","Virtpresenter is a system for recording lectures and for re-using recorded contents in other didactic scenarios. Here we demonstrate how the interaction of earlier visitors in form of footprints can be used for extracting relevant passages in time based media. We illustrate how to extract online web lecture snippets for enriching static contents of a course wiki page or student blogs." 1474375495,"Iclone: towards online social navigation","Papagelis, Papagelis & Zaroliagis",0,1,4,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Athanasios Papagelis, Christos Zaroliagis, Manos Papagelis","Athanasios Papagelis","Poster","","false","","true","For a place that gathers millions of people the Web seems pretty lonely at times. This is mainly due to the current predominant browsing scenario; that of an individual participating in an autonomous surfing session. We believe that people should be seen as an integral part of the browsing and searching activity towards a concept known as social navigation. Based on this observation we present iClone (, a social web browser that is able to raise awareness of other people surfing similar websites at the same time by utilizing temporal correlations of their web history logs and to facilitate online communication and collaboration." 1474375497,"Are we talking about the same structure?: a unified approach to hypertext links, xml, rdf and zigzag","Pourabdollah, Ashman & Brailsford",0,1,5,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Amir Pourabdollah, Helen Ashman, Tim Brailsford","Amir Pourabdollah","Poster","","false","","true","There are many different hypertext systems and paradigms, each with their apparent advantages. However the distinctions are perhaps not as significant as they seem. If we can reduce the core linking functionality to some common structure, which allows us to consider hypertext systems within a common model, we could identify what, if anything, distinguishes hypertext systems from each other. This paper offers such a common structure, showing the conceptual similarities between each of these systems and paradigms." 1474378306,"Relating content through web usage","Baeza-Yates",0,0,10,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Ricardo Baeza-Yates","Ricardo Baeza-Yates","Keynote","","false","","false","Relating content is important in any document base, for example to automatically create hyperlinks. Classical techniques to relate Web content include text mining and link analysis. However, a more powerful source for semantically connecting two Web pages is user behavior. In this short summary we categorize existing approaches that use what people do in the Web to relate content and we discuss the issues and the research problems associated with this idea." 1474378307,"On hypertext narrative","Bernstein",8,11,45,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Full paper","","true","Hypertext narrative, fiction, patterns, stretchtext","true","Annals and chronicles may be the foundation of accounting, but writers of stories and histories have long known that they seldom render a satisfactory account of complex events. In place of a simple chronological list, narrative instead organizes our account in new sequences in order to illuminate the interplay of actors and events. We want hypertext narrative to do things we cannot achieve in print; though we may occasionally use links to introduce variation in presentation or in story; it is now clear that hypertext will most frequently prove useful in changing (or adapting) plot. After discussing the ways in which plot may be varied, I describe the use of stretchtext as a reaction against the perceived incoherence of classic hypertext narrative, demonstrate the limitations that conventional stretchtext necessarily imposes on hypertext narrative, and describe an implemented generalization of stretchtext that matches the expressive and formal capabilities of classical hypertext systems while appearing to be a mere stretchtext and while running within the confines of a Web browser." 1474378320,"Dynamic hypertext generation for reusing open corpus content","Steichen et al.",2,1,45,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Alexander O'Connor, Ben Steichen, Séamus Lawless, Vincent Wade","Ben Steichen","Full paper","","true","Adaptation, Hypertext Generation, Metadata Generation, Open Corpus Content, Personalisation","true","Adaptive hypermedia systems traditionally focus on providing personalised learning services for formal or informal learners. The learning material is typically sourced from a proprietary set of closed corpus content. A fundamental problem with this type of architecture is the need for handcrafted learning objects, enriched with considerable amounts of metadata. The challenge of generating adaptive and personalised hypertext presentations from open source content promises a dramatic improvement of the choice of information shown to the learner. This paper proposes an architecture of such a dynamic hypertext generation system and its use in an authentic learning environment. The system is evaluated in terms of educational benefit, as well as the satisfaction of the users testing the system. Concluding from this evaluation, the paper will explore the future work necessary to further enhance the system performance and learning experience." 1474378321,"2LIPGarden: 3D hypermedia for everyone","Jankowski et al.",3,1,10,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Bill McDaniel, Izabela Irzynska, Jacek Jankowski, Stefan Decker","Jacek Jankowski","Short paper","","true","2LIP, 3D Hypermedia, Copernicus, Hyper-Storytelling, Publish","true","The early Web was hailed for being easy to use, and what is more important, giving people a chance to participate in its growth. The Web3D was believed to have potential to be the next step in the Web’s evolution, since it could benefit from graphics hardware and provide users with new and exciting experiences. Nevertheless, Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML), the first Web3D standard, and its successor X3D, did not generate commercial success. These languages were excessively complex for average Internet users.####In this paper, we propose 2LIPGarden, a 3D Hypermedia publishing framework that lets individuals who only know basic HTML - those same enthusiasts who could write pages for the early Web - create simple, easy to use yet interactive 3D web pages. Our framework builds upon 2-Layer Interface Paradigm (2LIP), an attempt to marry advantages of 3D experience with the advantages of narrative structure of hypertext. We introduce c-link to HTML, a new type of hyperlink, which connects text with its 3D visualization." 1474378322,"Using a thematic model to enrich photo montages","Hargood, Millard & Weal",2,1,13,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Charlie Hargood, David E. Millard, Mark J. Weal","Charlie Hargood","Short paper","","true","Folksonomies, Narrative, Narrative Generation, Thematics","true","Narrative systems attempt to present users with media collections that include some element of structure or story, however these collections can lack an authorial voice and seem bland as a result. In this paper we explore how themes could be used to enrich automatically generated narratives, and describe how a system which generated story selections in the form of photo montages was developed using a thematic model of narrative. This was achieved by selecting narrative atoms, in this case photographs, from a selection of images on a specific subject with relevance to a desired theme. Our pilot study shows that our thematic system selects images with greater relevance to desired titles, and that the positive impact of thematic selection increases when the images are presented together. We hope that our thematic work will inform others working on narrative systems, and will lead to richer automated narratives." 1474378344,"Managing publications and bookmarks with BibSonomy","Benz et al.",0,0,1,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Andreas Hotho, Beate Krause, Dominik Benz, Folke Eisterlehner, Gerd Stumme, Robert Jäschke","Dominik Benz","Demo","","false","","false","In this demo we present BibSonomy, a social bookmark and publication sharing system." 1474378354,"A user study of mobile web services and applications from the 2008 Beijing Oympics","Chin & Salomaa",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Alvin Chin, Jyri P. Salomaa","Alvin Chin","Poster","","false","","false","This paper describes a business user study using a packaged suite of mobile Web services and applications deployed at a real-time event, the Beijing Olympic Games in August 2008. These applications were an Olympics guide, menu reader, phrasebook, Sports Tracker [3], photo sharing on Ovi [4], and Nokia Maps [2]. To evaluate its feasibility and use, we used logging, surveys, and statistical analysis for collecting and analyzing the data. We discovered that guests found the Olympics guide application to be the most popular, followed by Nokia Maps and then photo sharing on Ovi. The results demonstrate that the techniques used in our evaluation can be used to determine the type of applications that are relevant to consumers at a real-time event, and suggests ways for improving the mobile application design and user experience." 1474378374,"Hypermedia as media","Reyes-García",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Everardo Reyes-García","Everardo Reyes-García","Poster","","false","","false","Hypermedia community has been concerned with systems development, navigational models, and most recently, social implications of networks. As a result, it is possible to distinguish conventions of human-computer interaction, visual styles to interact and represent information, and participatory schemes of social behavior. These transformations allow for observing media in different manners. In this paper, we introduce the idea that hypermedia is not a medium because of its possibilities of linking, combining, and fragmenting several media. Hypermedia is a medium because it introduces new ways for creating media and transforming the communicative process." 1474375483,"Seeing things in the clouds: the effect of visual features on tag cloud selections","Bateman, Gutwin & Nacenta",0,1,22,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Carl Gutwin, Miguel Nacenta, Scott Bateman","Scott Bateman","Full paper","","true","Visualization of text, social linking, tag clouds, visual properties","true","Tag clouds are a popular method for visualizing and linking socially-organized information on websites. Tag clouds represent variables of interest (such as popularity) in the visual appearance of the keywords themselves - using text properties such as font size, weight, or colour. Although tag clouds are becoming common, there is still little information about which visual features of tags draw the attention of viewers. As tag clouds attempt to represent a wider range of variables with a wider range of visual properties, it becomes difficult to predict what will appear visually important to a viewer. To investigate this issue, we carried out an exploratory study that asked users to select tags from clouds that manipulated nine visual properties. Our results show that font size and font weight have stronger effects than intensity, number of characters, or tag area; but when several visual properties are manipulated at once, there is no one property that stands out above the others. This study adds to the understanding of how visual properties of text capture the attention of users, indicates general guidelines for designers of tag clouds, and provides a study paradigm and starting points for future studies. In addition, our findings may be applied more generally to the visual presentation of textual hyperlinks as a way to provide more information to web navigators." 1474375488,"Efl and hypertext: using webquests to maximize english teaching","Diniz",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Madson G. Diniz","Madson G. Diniz","Poster","","false","","false","WebQuests have been used as a potential tool in the Educational field. As a technological integrated strategy, students are challenged to think critically and use colloborative learning as a powerful instrument to discover/create knowledge. How can webquests enhance English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students’ learning and motivation? WebQuest principles and guidelines will be presented." 1474375494,"X-hinter: a framework for implementing social oriented recommender systems","Panisson, Ruffo & Schifanella",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","André Panisson, Giancarlo Ruffo, Rossano Schifanella","André Panisson","Poster","","false","","false","Accordingly to the nature of data-driven applications that produce information overload, users need a support to make choices, even without sufficient personal experience of the alternatives. In this context, social networking techniques could be useful applied for finding affinities between users and filter information in a personalized way. After proposing a generalized model for social recommender systems, called X-Hinter, we describe a Java API that provides a set of libraries and tools to build social filtering systems in a wide range of domains. A prototype implementation, named DeHinter, shows the feasibility of the proposed approach in a P2P file sharing application." 1474375500,"A new approach for adding browser functionality","Vaisenberg et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Arjun Satish, Keith A. Mogensen, Ramesh Jain, Ronen Vaisenberg, Sharad Mehrotra","Ronen Vaisenberg","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper we address the problem of browser extensibility, needed to support the evolving nature of the web. Standards for supporting multimedia content by browsers are constantly updated, extended and introduced while the browser support is left behind.####We present a novel approach to add browser support for content adhering to a new standard. Only a small set of requirements needs to be implemented as part of the browser’s software, the rest is accounted by client-side code.####Client-side code has the advantage that it can account for missing functionality with no changes to the browser, thus making it more dynamic, easier to implement, and enabling third-party developers to contribute. At the same time, it is risk-free for users accessing other content types. On the downside, client-side code suffers from degraded performance and potentially introduces security concerns.####[no references]" 1474375502,"Powermeeting: gwt-based synchronous groupware","Wang",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Weigang Wang","Weigang Wang","Poster","","false","","false","The Web has been widely used as a platform for asynchronous collaboration. However, Web based synchronous groupware are still rare, especially those using standard Web browser as front-end. In this demonstration, a groupware system built on GWT and AJAX Push technology will be presented. The system provides a common foundation for developing synchronous groupware applications that consist of a set of groupware tools for various specific collaborative activities. It provides not only a desktop-application like user experience within a browser, but also retains the common Web user experience with link following and backward/forward navigation. The objective of this work is to make synchronous collaboration an integral part of collaboration support on the Web." 1474375504,"Providing social navigation within annotated examples","Yudelson & Goreva",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Michael Yudelson, Natalya Goreva","Michael Yudelson","Poster","","false","","false","Social navigation is a promising way to guide users in hypermedia environments. In this paper we present Social WebEx, a system that provides social navigation to line-by-line annotated code examples. Social WebEx is a version of “plain” WebEx that only provides access to annotations of lines of code. In social WebEx users are able to see their own code browsing traffic of examples as well as the traffic of their peers. The social version of the system has been used for over a year as an optional learning tool in both graduate and undergraduate programming coursers in a number of schools.####Also in Student Research competition (SRC)" 1474378309,"The dynamics of personal territories on the web","Beauvisage",0,1,41,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Thomas Beauvisage","Thomas Beauvisage","Full paper","","true","Browsing Behaviors, Traffic Analysis, Usage Territories, User-centric Traffic Data, Web Usage Mining","true","In this paper, we present a long-term study of user-centric Web traffic data collected in 2000-2002 and 2005-2006 from two large representative panels of French Internet users. Our work focuses on the dynamics of personal territories on the Web and their evolution between 2000 and 2006. At the session level, we distinguish four profiles of browsing dynamics in 2005-2006, and point out the growing dichotomy between straight routine sessions and exploratory browsing. At a global level, we observe that although each individual’s corpus of visited sites is permanently growing, his browsing practices are structured around routine well-known sites which operate as links providers to new sites. We argue that this tension between the known and the unknown is constitutive of Web practices and is a fundamental property of personal Web territories." 1474378328,"Individual and social behavior in tagging systems","Santos-Neto et al.",2,3,26,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Adriana Iamnitchi, David Condon, Elizeu Santos-Neto, Matei Ripeanu, Nazareno Andrade","Elizeu Santos-Neto","Full paper","","true","Tagging, interest sharing, random null model, tag reuse","true","In tagging systems users can annotate items of interest with free-form terms. A good understanding of usage characteristics of such systems is necessary to improve the design of current and next generation of tagging systems. To this end, this work explores three aspects of user behavior in CiteULike and Connotea, two systems that include tagging features to support online personalized management of scientific publications. First, this study characterizes the degree to which users re-tag previously published items and reuse tags: 10 to 20% of the daily activity can be characterized as re-tagging and about 75% of the activity as tag reuse. Second, we use the pairwise similarity between users’ activity to characterize the interest sharing in the system. We present the interest sharing distribution across the system, show that this metric encodes information about existing usage patterns, and attempt to correlate interest sharing levels to indicators of collaboration such as co-membership in discussion groups and semantic similarity of tag vocabularies. Finally, we show that interest sharing leads to an implicit structure that exhibit a natural segmentation. Throughout the paper we discuss the potential impact of our findings on the design of mechanisms that support tagging systems." 1474378340,"Weblog as a personal thinking space","Efimova",0,2,34,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Lilia Efimova","Lilia Efimova","Full paper","","true","Autoethnography, electronic notebooks, personal information management, weblogs, writing","true","While weblogs have been conceptualised as personal thinking spaces since their early days, those uses have not been studied in detail. The purpose of this paper is to explore how a weblog can contribute to the process of developing ideas in a long-term complex project. To do so I use autoethnography to reconstruct my personal blogging practices in relation to developing PhD ideas from two perspectives. I first discuss my practices of using a weblog as a personal information management tool and then analyse its uses at different stages in the process of working on a PhD dissertation: dealing with fuzzy insights, sense-making and turning ideas into a dissertation text. The findings illustrate that next to supporting thinking in a way private notebooks do, a weblog might serve similar roles as papers on one’s office desk: dealing with emerging insights and difficult to categorise ideas, while at the same time creating opportunities for accidental feedback and impressing those who drop by." 1474378345,"Tag vision: social knowledge for collaborative search","Marcellin & Politi",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Lara Marcellin, Roberto Politi","Lara Marcellin","Demo","","false","","false","In this paper we describe a model of social and collaborative search based on the use of tags. First we will introduce the issues that drove us to the definition of this model, analyzing different elements characterizing the web 2.0 paradigm and their effect on traditional search and classification systems. Afterwards we will present TAG Vision, a prototype implementation of the model, developed in order to investigate new approaches for information retrieval." 1474378346,"Incentives for social annotation","Roinestad et al.",1,0,4,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Benjamin Markines, Filippo Menczer, Heather Roinestad, John Burgoon","Heather Roinestad","Demo","","false","","true","Researchers are exploring the use of folksonomies, such as in social bookmarking systems, to build implicit links between online resources. Users create and reinforce links between resources through applying a common tag to those resources. The effectiveness of using such community-driven annotation depends on user participation to provide the critical information. However, the participation of many users is motivated by selfish reasons. An effective way to encourage these users is to create useful or entertaining applications. We demo two such tools—a browser extension for bookmark management and navigation and a game." 1474378347,"Vcast on facebook: bridging social and similarity networks","Carmagnola, Loffredo & Berardi",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Andrea Loffredo, Francesca Carmagnola, Giorgio Berardi","Francesca Carmagnola","Demo","","false","","false","Focusing on Personal Video Recorder, the paper presents an environment to support users in choosing which TV programs register through recommendations based on user-to-user similarity. Recommendations are presented to users in a Facebook application which is double aimed: on the one hand, it allows to collect user’s feedback on the recommended items; on the other hand, it allows to define a social network-based users similarity which is exploited to optimize the recommendation process." 1474378348,"ArsMeteo: artworks and tags floating over the planet art","Acotto et al.",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Cristina Baroglio, Edoardo Acotto, Flavio Portis, Giorgio Vaccarino, Matteo Baldoni, Viviana Patti","Edoardo Acotto","Demo","","false","","false","In this paper we present ArsMeteo, a Web 2.0 portal for collecting and sharing digital (or digitalized) artworks, like videos, pictures, poems and music. The ArsMeteo contents are enriched with a variety of meanings by the tagging activity of all users of the community, both authors and visitors. In this setting, innovative artistic approaches to tagging and tag-based browsing has been thoughtin order to create a dynamic and fertile background for artistic experimentation and cooperative artistic creation." 1474367017,"Hypervideo expression: experiences with hyper-hitchcock","Shipman, Girgensohn & Wilcox",5,1,14,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Andreas Girgensohn, Frank Shipman, Lynn Wilcox","Frank Shipman","Full paper","","true","Hypervideo, Hypervideo Editing, Hypervideo Structures, Interactive Video, Link Behaviors","true","Hyper-Hitchcock is a hypervideo editor enabling the direct manipulation authoring of a particular form of hypervideo called “detail-on-demand video.” This form of hypervideo allows a single link out of the currently playing video to provide more details on the content currently being presented. A workspace is used to select, group, and arrange video clips into several linear sequences. Navigational links placed between the video elements are assigned labels and return behaviors appropriate to the goals of the hypervideo and the role of the destination video. Hyper-Hitchcock was used by students in a Computers and New Media class to author hypervideos on a variety of topics. The produced hypervideos provide examples of hypervideo structures and the link properties and behaviors needed to support them. Feedback from students identified additional link behaviors and features required to support new hypervideo genres. This feedback is valuable for the redesign of Hyper-Hitchcock and the design of hypervideo editors in general." 1474367030,"HyperHistory","Nagel & Sander",1,1,6,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","René Sander, Till Nagel","Till Nagel","Poster","","false","","true","HyperHistory is a web browser extension supporting the user’s browsing habits. Second only to processing information, finding it is the most essential task. As users frequently return to previously seen documents, this work focuses on revisitation patterns. The extension improves the browser’s navigational facilities and alleviates some of the most urgent and well-documented issues both built-in and third-party solutions have not yet successfully solved. HyperHistory attempts to mend the rift between the user’s mental model and the context-less representation the browser’s history provides. Furthermore, the extension lessens the affordance necessary to efficiently gather and retrieve information by preserving the semantic context based on visited hyperlinks and estimating the value a single page has to the user." 1474367031,"Information visualization for an intrusion detection system","Blustein, Fu & Silver",1,0,10,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Ching-Lung Fu, Daniel L. Silver, James Blustein","James Blustein","Poster","","false","","true","Spatial hypertext was developed from studies of how humans deal with information overflow particularly in situations where data needed to be interpreted quickly. Most users of intrusion detection systems (IDS) do not monitor their system continuously and IDS have high false alarm rates. The proposed system that utilizes spatial hypertext workspace as the user interface could reduce the impact of high false alarm from IDS. This system may improvement the user’s willingness to continuously monitor the system." 1474367033,"Technical hypertext accessibility: information structures and rhetorical framing","Hunter",3,0,8,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Lawrie Hunter","Lawrie Hunter","Poster","","false","","true","This paper outlines work in progress towards using information structure maps as a graphical means of informing the reader of his/her position in a hypertext array, and of the rhetorical intent of any given utterance. The graphical navigation aids described here support the non-native writer’s (NNW) use of model technical text, and provide an inroad for developing NNW awareness of the distinction between information elements and rhetorical devices." 1474367035,"Smart content factory: assisting search for digital objects by generic linking concepts to multimedia content","Bürger, Gams & Güntner",0,0,2,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Erich Gams, Georg Güntner, Tobias Bürger","Tobias Bürger","Poster","","false","","false","Search, retrieval and navigation in audiovisual repositories is a task common to all media asset management systems: Users are supported by a wide range of features which are traditionally based on full text search and metadata queries. In this paper we describe an approach to superimpose a semantic indexing infrastructure over the media assets and the metadata associated with them. The infrastructure is based on formal knowledge models and facilitates the use of further navigation dimensions: By identifying semantic concepts we are able to create a dynamic navigation structure which is based on the underlying knowledge model and the conceptual relations defined therein." 1474368993,"Web 2.0: hypertext by any other name?","Millard & Ross",10,4,22,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","David E. Millard, Martin Ross","David E. Millard","Short paper","","true","Hypertext Functionality, Hypertext Pioneers, Web 2.0","true","Web 2.0 is the popular name of a new generation of Web applications, sites and companies that emphasis openness, community and interaction. Examples include technologies such as Blogs and Wikis, and sites such as Flickr. In this paper we compare these next generation tools to the aspirations of the early Hypertext pioneers to see if their aims have finally been realized." 1474368995,"Social navigation in web lectures","Mertens, Farzan & Brusilovsky",1,1,17,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Peter Brusilovsky, Robert Mertens, Rosta Farzan","Robert Mertens","Short paper","","true","Continuous Media, Hypermedia, Lecture Recording, Presentation Recoding, Social Navigation, User Interfaces, Video, Web Lectures","true","Web lectures are a form of educational content that differs from classic hypertext in a number of ways. Web lectures are easier to produce and therefore large amounts of material become accumulated in a short time. The recordings are significantly less structured than traditional web based learning content and they are time based media. Both the lack of structure and their time based nature pose difficulties for navigation in web lectures. The approach presented in this paper applies the basic concept of social navigation to facilitate navigation in web lectures. Social navigation support has been successfully employed for hypertext and picture augmented hypertext in the education domain. This paper describes how social navigation can be implemented for web lectures and how it can be used to augment existent navigation features." 1474369008,"Ubiquitous annotation systems: technologies and challenges","Hansen",7,3,52,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Frank Allan Hansen","Frank Allan Hansen","Full paper","","true","Annotation, Context-aware Computing, Mobile Computing, Ubiquitous Hypermedia","true","Ubiquitous annotation systems allow users to annotate physical places, objects, and persons with digital information. Especially in the field of location based information systems much work has been done to implement adaptive and context-aware systems, but few efforts have focused on the general requirements for linking information to objects in both physical and digital space. This paper surveys annotation techniques from open hypermedia systems, Web based annotation systems, and mobile and augmented reality systems to illustrate different approaches to four central challenges ubiquitous annotation systems have to deal with: anchoring, structuring, presentation, and authoring. Through a number of examples each challenge is discussed and HyCon, a context-aware hypermedia framework developed at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, is used to illustrate an integrated approach to ubiquitous annotations. Finally, a taxonomy of annotation systems is presented. The taxonomy can be used both to categorize system based on the way they present annotations and to choose the right technology for interfacing with annotations when implementing new systems." 1474369011,"Just-in-time recovery of missing web pages","Harrison & Nelson",2,2,28,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Michael L. Nelson, Terry L. Harrison","Terry L. Harrison","Full paper","","true","404 Web Pages, Apache Web Server, Digital Preservation","true","We present Opal, a light-weight framework for interactively locating missing web pages (http status code 404). Opal is an example of “in vivo” preservation: harnessing the collective behavior of web archives, commercial search engines, and research projects for the purpose of preservation. Opal servers learn from their experiences and are able to share their knowledge with other Opal servers by mutual harvesting using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). Using cached copies that can be found on the web, Opal creates lexical signatures which are then used to search for similar versions of the web page. We present the architecture of the Opal framework, discuss a reference implementation of the framework, and present a quantitative analysis of the framework that indicates that Opal could be effectively deployed." 1474369012,"Evaluation of crawling policies for a web-repository crawler","McCown & Nelson",4,1,52,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Frank McCown, Michael L. Nelson","Frank McCown","Full paper","","true","crawler policy, digital preservation, search engine, website reconstruction","true","We have developed a web-repository crawler that is used for reconstructing websites when backups are unavailable. Our crawler retrieves web resources from the Internet Archive, Google, Yahoo and MSN. We examine the challenges of crawling web repositories, and we discuss strategies for overcoming some of these obstacles. We propose three crawling policies which can be used to reconstruct websites. We evaluate the effectiveness of the policies by reconstructing 24 websites and comparing the results with live versions of the websites. We conclude with our experiences reconstructing lost websites on behalf of others and discuss plans for improving our web-repository crawler." 1474373910,"Semport: a personalized semantic portal","Şah et al.",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","David C. De Roure, Melike Şah, Nicholas M. Gibbins, Wendy Hall","Melike Şah","Poster","","false","","false","This paper presents an ontology-based semantic portal, SEMPort, which aims to support both content providers and the users of the portal during providing information, browsing and searching. The content is enriched with context-based semantic hyperlinks and personalized views. Distributed content editing/provision is supplied for the maintenance of the contents in real-time. As a case study, SEMPort is tested on the school’s Course Modules Web Page (CMWP) and evaluated using this domain." 1474373913,"Search habits of the computer literate","Wells, Truran & Goulding",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","James Goulding, James Wells, Mark Truran","James Wells","Poster","","false","","false","The World Wide Web is only feasible as a practical proposition because of the existence of hypermedia search engines. These search engines face a monumental challenge. They are routinely confronted with searching behaviour best characterised as unsophisticated and impatient. One popular explanation for poor querying technique is lack of computer literacy. Individuals who work closely with Information Technology are frequently exposed to retrieval engines, giving them the opportunity to develop successful searching strategies. In the following paper, we examine this assumption - is there really a correlation between computer literacy and searching skill." 1474373919,"Visual features in genre classification of html","Levering, Cutler & Yu",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Lei Yu, Michal Cutler, Ryan Levering","Ryan Levering","Poster","","false","","false","Automatic genre classification historically has focused on extracting textual features from documents. In this research, we investigate whether visual features of HTML documents can improve the classification of fine grained genres. Three different sets of features were compared on a genre classification task in the e-commerce domain - one with just textual features, one with HTML features added, and a third with additional visual features. Our experiments show that adding HTML and visual features provides much better classification than textual features alone." 1474394334,"Reader preferences and behavior on Wikipedia","Lehmann et al.",0,1,33,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Claudia Müller-Birn, David Laniado, Janette Lehmann, Mounia Lalmas","Janette Lehmann","Full paper","","true","Human Factors, Measurement","true","Wikipedia is a collaboratively-edited online encyclopaedia that relies on thousands of editors to both contribute articles and maintain their quality. Over the last years, research has extensively investigated this group of users while another group of Wikipedia users, the readers, their preferences and their behavior have not been much studied. This paper makes this group and its %their activities visible and valuable to Wikipedia’s editor community. We carried out a study on two datasets covering a 13-months period to obtain insights on users preferences and reading behavior in Wikipedia. We show that the most read articles do not necessarily correspond to those frequently edited, suggesting some degree of non-alignment between user reading preferences and author editing preferences. We also identified that popular and often edited articles are read according to four main patterns, and that how an article is read may change over time. We illustrate how this information can provide valuable insights to Wikipedia’s editor community." 1474394336,"The shortest path to happiness: recommending beautiful, quiet, and happy routes in the city","Quercia, Schifanella & Aiello",1,1,36,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Daniele Quercia, Luca Maria Aiello, Rossano Schifanella","Daniele Quercia","Full paper","","true","Design, Human Factors, Measurement","true","When providing directions to a place, web and mobile mapping services are all able to suggest the shortest route. The goal of this work is to automatically suggest routes that are not only short but also emotionally pleasant. To quantify the extent to which urban locations are pleasant, we use data from a crowd-sourcing platform that shows two street scenes in London (out of hundreds), and a user votes on which one looks more beautiful, quiet, and happy. We consider votes from more than 3.3K individuals and translate them into quantitative measures of location perceptions. We arrange those locations into a graph upon which we learn pleasant routes. Based on a quantitative validation, we find that, compared to the shortest routes, the recommended ones add just a few extra walking minutes and are indeed perceived to be more beautiful, quiet, and happy. To test the generality of our approach, we consider Flickr metadata of more than 3.7M pictures in London and 1.3M in Boston, compute proxies for the crowdsourced beauty dimension (the one for which we have collected the most votes), and evaluate those proxies with 30 participants in London and 54 in Boston. These participants have not only rated our recommendations but have also carefully motivated their choices, providing insights for future work." 1474394348,"The AMAS authoring tool 2.0: a UX evaluation","Gaffney, Conlan & Wade",5,3,43,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Conor Gaffney, Owen Conlan, Vincent Wade","Conor Gaffney","Short paper","","true","AMAS, Adaptive hypermedia, authoring tools","true","Adaptive hypermedia has been well documented as being very beneficial in the domain of online education. Authoring adaptive educational hypermedia is however a complex and difficult task. There have been a number of tools developed to address the issue of authoring so as to ease the cognitive load involved in composition. This paper examines two key areas related authoring tool design: hypertext representation and User Experience (UX) design. Both of these are important factors that should be considered when designing hypertext authoring tools. The paper also presents the AMAS Authoring Tool. A new and unique authoring tool that allows non-technical Subject Matter Experts to compose adaptive activity based courses without the needing to write any code or technical languages." 1474394363,"Spatial hypertext modeling for dynamic contents authoring system based on transclusion","Choi, An & Lim",3,0,5,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Ja-Ryoung Choi, Soon-Bum Lim, Sungeun An","Ja-Ryoung Choi","Poster","","false","","true","This paper proposed a web content collecting model to reuse a variety of web contents based on Transclusion. Transclusion is a model for collecting existing web contents and including them into a new document. However, Transclusion lacks consideration of copyright issues and dynamic changes. Therefore, we classified Transclusions into three different types based on copyright restrictions: Trans-quotation, Trans-reference and Trans-annotation. Then we represented Transclusions in each different type of spatial hypertext model. Also, we designed RVS(ReVerse Syndication) model in order to trace the dynamic changes." 1474394367,"A DSL based on CSS for hypertext adaptation","García et al.",3,0,19,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Alejandro Montes García, George H.L. Fletcher, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Paul De Bra","Alejandro Montes García","Poster","","false","","true","Personalization offered by Adaptive Hypermedia and Recommender Systems is effective for tackling the information overload problem. However, the development of Adaptive Web-Based Systems is cumbersome. In order to ease the development of such systems, we propose a language based on CSS to express personalization in web systems that captures current adaptation techniques." 1474394368,"Fake tweet buster: a webtool to identify users promoting fake news ontwitter","Saez-Trumper",0,1,8,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Diego Saez-Trumper","Diego Saez-Trumper","Demo","","false","","true","We present the “Fake Tweet Buster” (FTB), a web application that identifies tweets with fake images and users that are consistently uploading and/or promoting fake information on Twitter. To do that we mix three techniques: (i) reverse image searching, (ii) user analysis and (iii) a crowd sourcing approach to detected that kind of malicious users on Twitter. Using that information we provide a credibility classification for the tweet and the user." 1474394369,"Inferring social ties from common activities in twitter","Sharma, Suman & Shannigrahi",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Abhishek Suman, Saswata Shannigrahi, Umang Sharma","Umang Sharma","Poster","","false","","false","We investigate the extent to which we can infer social ties between a pair of users in an online social network Twitter, based on their common activities defined by the number of common celebrity profiles they are following. In this work, we analyze the list of celebrities that a set of Twitter users are following in December 2013 to infer the social ties that existed between these users till July 2009. We use two probabilistic models given by Kossinets et al. [Science, 2006] and Crandall et al. [PNAS, 2010] for this purpose. The model of Kossinets et al. is meant to give an upper bound for the probability of friendship between a pair of users, whereas the model by Crandall et al. is supposed to give an almost accurate estimate of the same. We observe that the model of Kossinets et al. is able to give an upper bound whereas the model given by Crandall et al. is unable to give an almost accurate estimate for our dataset. However, the model by Crandall et al. is observed to provide a correct estimate of the probability of friendship between the users when we consider following a particular type of celebrity profile, e.g. CEO, Author etc., as the activity of a user." 1474394370,"FoP: never-ending face recognition and data lifting","Subercaze & Gravier",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Christophe Gravier, Julien Subercaze","Julien Subercaze","Demo","","false","","false","In this demonstration, we present Faces of Politics (FoP), a face detection system from pictures illustrating news articles. The first iteration of the face recognition model propelling FoP was trained using Freebase data about politicians and their pictures. FoP is a never-ending system: when a new face is recognized, the learned model is updated accordingly. At this step, FoP is also giving data in return to the LoD cloud that fed him in the first place: it leverages visual knowledge as Linked Data." 1474397901,"The Role of Structural Information for Designing Navigational User Interfaces","Dimitrov et al.",2,1,32,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Denis Helic, Dimitar Dimitrov, Markus Strohmaier, Philipp Singer","Dimitar Dimitrov","Full paper","","true","Decentralized Search, Navigation, Networks, Structure, User Interfaces","true","Today, a variety of user interfaces exists for navigating information spaces, including, for example, tag clouds, breadcrumbs, subcategories and others. However, such navigational user interfaces are only useful to the extent that they expose the underlying topology—or network structure—of the information space. Yet, little is known about which topological clues should be integrated in navigational user interfaces. In detail, the aim of this paper is to identify what kind of and how much topological information needs to be included in user interfaces to facilitate efficient navigation. We model navigation as a variation of a decentralized search process with partial information and study its sensitivity to the quality and amount of the structural information used for navigation. We experiment with two strategies for node selection (quality of structural information provided to the user) and different amount of information (amount of structural information provided to the user). Our experiments on four datasets from different domains show that efficient navigation depends on the kind of structural information utilized. Additionally, node properties differ in their quality for augmenting navigation and intelligent pre-selection of which nodes to present in the interface to the user can improve navigational efficiency. This suggests that only a limited amount of high quality structural information needs to be exposed through the navigational user interface." 1474397908,"An Interactive Method for Inferring Demographic Attributes in Twitter","Beretta et al.",0,2,27,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Daniele Maccagnola, Enza Messina, Timothy Cribbin, Valentina Beretta","Valentina Beretta","Full paper","","true","","true","Twitter data offers an unprecedented opportunity to study demographic differences in public opinion across a virtually unlimited range of subjects. Whilst demographic attributes are often implied within user data, they are not always easily identified using computational methods. In this paper, we present a semi-automatic solution that combines automatic classification methods with a user interface designed to enable rapid resolution of ambiguous cases. TweetClass employs a two-step, interactive process to support the determination of gender and age attributes. At each step, the user is presented with feedback on the confidence levels of the automated analysis and can choose to refine ambiguous cases by examining key profile and content data. We describe how a user-centered design approach was used to optimise the interface and present the results of an evaluation which suggests that TweetClass can be used to rapidly boost demographic sample sizes in situations where high accuracy is required." 1474397914,"First Women, Second Sex: Gender Bias in Wikipedia","Graells-Garrido, Lalmas & Menczer",1,1,58,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Eduardo Graells-Garrido, Filippo Menczer, Mounia Lalmas","Eduardo Graells-Garrido","Full paper","","true","Computational Linguistics, Gender, Gender Bias, Wikipedia","true","Contributing to the writing of history has never been as easy as it is today. Anyone with access to the Web is able to play a part on Wikipedia, an open and free encyclopedia, and arguably one of the primary sources of knowledge on the Web. In this paper, we study gender bias in Wikipedia in terms of how women and men are characterized in their biographies. To do so, we analyze biographical content in three aspects: meta-data, language, and network structure. Our results show that, indeed, there are differences in characterization and structure. Some of these differences are reflected from the off-line world documented by Wikipedia, but other differences can be attributed to gender bias in Wikipedia content. We contextualize these differences in social theory and discuss their implications for Wikipedia policy." 1474397926,"No Reciprocity in 'Liking' Photos: Analyzing Like Activities in Instagram","Jang, Han & Lee",1,1,42,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Dongwon Lee, Jin Yea Jang, Kyungsik Han","Jin Yea Jang","Full paper","","true","Instagram, Like activity, Like network, Social media analysis","true","In social media, people often press a “Like” button to indicate their shared interest in a particular content or to acknowledge the user who posted the content. Such activities form relationships and networks among people, raising interesting questions about their unique characteristics and implications. However, little research has investigated such Likes as a main study focus. To address this lack of understanding, based on a theoretical framework, we present an analysis of the structural, influential, and contextual aspects of Like activities from the test datasets of 20 million users and their 2 billion Like activities in Instagram. Our study results first highlight that Like activities and networks increase exponentially, and are formed and developed by one’s friends and many random users. Second, we observe that five other essential Instagram elements influence the number of Likes to different extents, but following others will not necessarily increase the number of Likes that one receives. Third, we explore the relationship between LDA-based topics and Likes, characterize two user groups-specialists and generalists-and show that specialists tend to receive more Likes and promote themselves more than generalists. We finally discuss theoretical and practical implications and future research directions." 1474397939,"On Recommending Job Openings","Lee et al.",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Ji-Yong Hwang, Jiwon Hong, Sang-Wook Kim, Sheng Gao, Yeon-Chang Lee","Yeon-Chang Lee","Poster","","false","","false","AskStory is a company providing an e-recruitment service where job seekers find a variety of job openings. This paper discusses an approach to recommending job openings attractive to job seekers." 1474397941,"Longitudinal Analysis of Low-Level Web Interaction through Micro Behaviours","Apaolaza, Harper & Jay",0,0,12,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Aitor Apaolaza, Caroline Jay, Simon Harper","Aitor Apaolaza","Late Abstract","","false","Longitudinal, Web ergonomics, Web interaction, behaviour, usability","false","To truly understand how people learn to navigate and use a Web site or application, we need to collect real usage data over extended periods of time. Detailed Web interaction data gathered in the wild (from URLs visited, to keystrokes and mouse movements) has the potential to provide an in-depth, ecologically valid view of interaction, and enable an understanding of how behaviour evolves over time. Interpreting such data is extremely challenging, however. We present a longitudinal data-driven analysis of fine-grained interaction data captured from 14,000 recurrent users over 12 months. At the core of our approach is the aggregation of low-level interaction data into micro behaviours. By analysing changes in these behaviours as a function of users’ accumulated interaction time, we were able to demonstrate how users’ interaction evolves as they become more familiar with a Web page. The results demonstrate that monitoring micro behaviours offers a simple and easily extensible post hoc means of understanding how Web-based behaviour evolves over time." 1474388392,"SHI3LD: an access control framework for the mobile web of data","Costabello et al.",0,0,8,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Fabien Gandon, Luca Costabello, Nicolas Delaforge, Serena Villata","Luca Costabello","Poster","","false","","false","We present Shi3ld, a context-aware access control framework for consuming the Web of Data from mobile devices." 1474388393,"Adaptive spatial hypermedia in computational journalism","Francisco-Revilla & Figueira",2,1,5,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Alvaro Figueira, Luis Francisco-Revilla","Luis Francisco-Revilla","Poster","","false","","true","Computational journalism allows journalists to collect large collections of information chunks from separate sources. The analysis of these collections can reveal hidden relationships between of relationships, but due to their size, diversity, and varying nuances it is necessary to use both computational and human analysis. Breadcrumbs PDL is an adaptive spatial hypermedia system that brings together human cognition and machine computation in order to analyze a collection of user-generated news clips. The project demonstrates the effectiveness of spatial hypermedia in the domain of computational journalism." 1474388394,"Structuring folksonomies with implicit tag relations","Matthes, Neubert & Steinhoff",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Alexander Steinhoff, Christian Neubert, Florian Matthes","Florian Matthes","Poster","","false","","false","Tagging systems allow users to assign arbitrary text labels (i.e., tags) to various types of resources, such as photos or web pages, to facilitate future retrieval and selective sharing of contents. The resulting system of classification is referred to as a folksonomy. The uncontrolled nature of tags leads to inconsistencies in the usage of terms which impairs the utility of the system. Approaches to this problem that map tags to concepts of external knowledge representations, such as ontologies, are often inapplicable since they require that corresponding concepts exist and that they reflect the meaning of tags as intended by the users. In this paper, we present the notion of implicit tag relations. Our aim is to improve the accessibility of contents in tagging systems without significantly reducing the flexibility and universal applicability of tags. Instead of explicitly relating tags to each other, we propose to give users the ability to retroactively alter folksonomies by changing the tags of many resources with a single operation. This way, the usage of tags can be harmonized and it can be controlled how they are used in combination. We highlight the benefits of our approach compared to explicit tag relations and discuss important implications as well as its limitations." 1474388395,"Following the follower: detecting communities with common interests on twitter","Lim & Datta",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Amitava Datta, Kwan Hui Lim","Kwan Hui Lim","Poster","","false","","false","We propose an efficient approach for detecting communities that share common interests on Twitter, based on linkages among followers of celebrities representing an interest category. This approach differs from existing ones that detects all communities before determining the interest of these communities, a computationally intensive process given the large scale of online social networks. In addition, we also study the characteristics of these communities and the effects of deepening or specialization of interest." 1474388397,"Linked open corpus models, leveraging the semantic web for adaptive hypermedia","O'Keeffe et al.",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Alexander O'Connor, Ian O'Keeffe, Philip Cass, Séamus Lawless, Vincent Wade","Ian O'Keeffe","Poster","","false","","false","Despite the recent interest in extending Adaptive Hypermedia beyond the closed corpus domain and into the open corpus world of the web, many current approaches are limited by their reliance on closed metadata model repositories. The need to produce large quantities of high quality metadata is an expensive task which results in silos of high quality metadata. These silos are often underutilized due to the proprietary nature of the content described by the metadata and the perceived value of the metadata itself. Meanwhile, the Linked Open Data movement is promoting a pragmatic approach to exposing, sharing and connecting pieces of machine-readable data and knowledge on the WWW using an agreed set of best practices. In this paper we identify the potential issues that arise from building personalization systems based on Linked Open Data." 1474393229,"A question of complexity: measuring the maturity of online enquiry communities","Burel & He",0,1,17,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Grégoire Burel, Yulan He","Grégoire Burel","Full paper","","true","Community Maturity, Question Answering, Question Complexity, Social Semantic Web","true","Online enquiry communities such as Question Answering (Q&A) websites allow people to seek answers to all kind of questions. With the growing popularity of such platforms, it is important for community managers to constantly monitor the performance of their communities. Although different metrics have been proposed for tracking the evolution of such communities, maturity, the process in which communities become more topic proficient over time, has been largely ignored despite its potential to help in identifying robust communities. In this paper, we interpret community maturity as the proportion of complex questions in a community at a given time. We use the Server Fault (SF) community, a Question Answering (Q&A) community of system administrators, as our case study and perform analysis on question complexity, the level of expertise required to answer a question. We show that question complexity depends on both the length of involvement and the level of contributions of the users who post questions within their community. We extract features relating to askers, answerers, questions and answers, and analyse which features are strongly correlated with question complexity. Although our findings highlight the difficulty of automatically identifying question complexity, we found that complexity is more influenced by both the topical focus and the length of community involvement of askers. Following the identification of question complexity, we define a measure of maturity and analyse the evolution of different topical communities. Our results show that different topical communities show different maturity patterns. Some communities show a high maturity at the beginning while others exhibit slow maturity rate." 1474393230,"Where's @wally?: a classification approach to geolocating users based on their social ties","Rout et al.",0,3,14,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro, Dominic Rout, Kalina Bontcheva, Trevor Cohn","Dominic Rout","Full paper","","true","Geolocation, Social networks, Support Vector Machines, Twitter, classification","true","This paper presents an approach to geolocating users of online social networks, based solely on their ‘friendship’ connections. We observe that users interact more regularly with those closer to themselves and hypothesise that, in many cases, a person’s social network is sufficient to reveal their location.####The geolocation problem is formulated as a classification task, where the most likely city for a user without an explicit location is chosen amongst the known locations of their social ties. Our method uses an SVM classifier and a number of features that reflect different aspects and characteristics of Twitter user networks.####The SVM classifier is trained and evaluated on a dataset of Twitter users with known locations. Our method outperforms a state-of-the-art method for geolocating users based on their social ties." 1474393231,"Microblog-genre noise and impact on semantic annotation accuracy","Derczynski et al.",0,1,44,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Diana Maynard, Kalina Bontcheva, Leon Derczynski, Niraj Aswani","Leon Derczynski","Full paper","","true","entity disambiguation, entity recognition, microblog, semantic annotation, text normalisation, twitter","true","Using semantic technologies for mining and intelligent information access to microblogs is a challenging, emerging research area. Unlike carefully authored news text and other longer content, tweets pose a number of new challenges, due to their short, noisy, context-dependent, and dynamic nature. Semantic annotation of tweets is typically performed in a pipeline, comprising successive stages of language identification, tokenisation, part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition and entity disambiguation (e.g. with respect to DBpedia). Consequently, errors are cumulative, and earlier-stage problems can severely reduce the performance of final stages. This paper presents a characterisation of genre-specific problems at each semantic annotation stage and the impact on subsequent stages. Critically, we evaluate impact on two high-level semantic annotation tasks: named entity detection and disambiguation. Our results demonstrate the importance of making approaches specific to the genre, and indicate a diminishing returns effect that reduces the effectiveness of complex text normalisation." 1474393237,"Storyscope: using theme and setting to guide story enrichment from external data sources","Wolff, Mulholland & Collins",1,1,19,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Annika Wolff, Paul Mulholland, Trevor Collins","Annika Wolff","Full paper","","true","clustering, narrative, plot, rdf, setting, story-building, theme","true","Museum narratives, like other forms of narrative, are developed from an underlying conceptualization of events that can be referred to as the story. Storyscope is a web-based environment for constructing and exploring museum narratives and their underlying concepts. Storyscope aligns with a formal model of story and narrative specialized for a museum context called the curate ontology. This paper will explore the plot-reasoning component of Storyscope that provides intelligent support for the selection of events within the story and their interconnection as a coherent structure to be told within the narrative. Plot reasoning uses both internal knowledge and external information sources, such as Freebase and Factforge, to propose events that can be used to incrementally develop storylines and to emplot a museum narrative. The approach taken uses the notions of setting and theme to search and rank events in terms of their relevance to the developing storyline. This paces the expansion of the story in each step, ensures that the story develops in a direction that is of interest to the author and helps to maintain narrative cohesion, an important goal of story-building. Plot development is also supported by methods for clustering events into related plot elements and by using information from Freebase to propose different types of influence relations between story events." 1474393251,"TouchStory: combining hyperfiction and multitouch","Atzenbeck et al.",11,2,57,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Claus Atzenbeck, Mark Bernstein, Marwa Ali Al-Shafey, Stacey Mason","Claus Atzenbeck","Short paper","","true","Design, Human Factors","true","As multitouch phones and tablets become more popular, multitouch technologies receive increasing attention. The underlying interaction paradigm of such devices is the space on which objects are manipulated by the user’s fingertips. It is natural that hypertext narratives find their way from primarily mouse-driven interaction to spatial structures and visually rich presentations. In this article we propose three features for multitouch hypertext narrative applications: (i) Native multitouch support and direct manipulations of fictive objects; (ii) using the space as a structuring mechanism rather than a means for presentation; and (iii) supporting presentation of visually rich objects. Our prototype, TouchStory, is a novel tool specialized for authoring and reading hypertext narratives that integrates these features." 1474393253,"Discovering semantic associations from web search interactions","Antunovic et al.",1,1,11,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Glyn Caon, Helen Ashman, Mark Truran, Michael Antunovic","Michael Antunovic","Short paper","","true","Semantic association, clickthrough, coselection, query analysis","true","Semantic associations take many forms, sometimes being explicit as in visible links and at other times being implicit, not visible but nevertheless clear to the human reader. Some implicit semantic associations might be calculable as the result of a computation but in some cases it is difficult for a computation to capture the purpose of a semantic association, for example, the semantic similarities embodied by synonyms and similar word/phrase likenesses are not easily specified in a general rule. It is possible however to capture semantic associations made by human searchers. Searchers interact with search results by clicking on one or more resources in a set of results, and this interaction takes two forms: the first being an implicit indication of the relevance of the search term to the chosen resource, and the second being an implicit indication of the mutual relevance of any two or more resources selected from the same search. Both have been proposed as a similarity measure for clustering of resources. In this paper we implement, evaluate and compare three methods for semantic association discovery, mined from Web search logs. The first method is based purely on query analysis, the second is single click-based, and the third is coselection-based. The methods are compared for their effectiveness at detecting semantic similarities." 1474397942,"User-Adapted Web of Things for Accessibility","Torre & Celik",0,0,16,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Ilaria Torre, Ilknur Celik","Ilaria Torre","Late Abstract","","false","Adaptive Web, Linked Data, Semantic Web, Web of Things, accessibility, adaptation techniques, special needs, user-adapted interaction","false","This paper describes a new wave of the Web that is the useradapted Web of Things. This is a new step in the evolution of the Web of Things and of adaptive web-based systems. The current proposals for the Web of Things focus on the augmentation of the physical objects in order to provide enhanced services. However, in our view, the Web of Things can also be a means to make physical objects accessible or more usable for people with special needs by exploiting adaptive and semantic techniques. The architecture presented in the paper describes the specific modules and components at the basis of this approach." 1474400418,"Data Visualization Literacy","Börner",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Katy Börner","Katy Börner","Keynote","","false","","false","In an age of information overload, the ability to make sense of vast amounts of data and to render insightful visualizations is as important as the ability to read and write. This talk explains and exemplifies the power of data visualizations not only to help locate us in physical space but also to help us understand the extent and structure of our collective knowledge, to identify bursts of activity, pathways of ideas, and borders that beg to be crossed. It introduces a theoretical visualization framework meant to empower anyone to systematically render data into insights together with tools that support temporal, geospatial, topical, and network analyses and visualizations. Materials from the Information Visualization MOOC ( and maps from the Places & Spaces: Mapping Science exhibit ( will be used to illustrate key concepts and to inspire participants to visualize their very own data." 1474400419,"Killing the Hyperlink, Killing the Web: The Shift from Library-Internet to Television-Internet","Derakhshan",0,1,0,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Hossein Derakhshan","Hossein Derakhshan","Keynote","","false","","true","The Web, as envisaged by its inventors, was founded on the idea of hyperlinks. Derived from the notion of hypertext in literary theory, a hyperlink is a relation rather than an object. It is a system of connections that connects distant pieces of text, resulting in a non-linear, open, active, decentralized, and diverse space we called the World Wide Web. But in the past few years, and with the rise of closed social networks, as well as mobile apps, the hyperlink—and thereby the Web—are in serious trouble. Most social networks have created a closed, linear, centralized, sequential, passive, and homogeneous space, where users are encouraged to stay in all the time—a space that is more like television.####The Web was imagined as an intellectual project that promoted knowledge, debate, and tolerance; as something I call library-internet. Now it has become more about entertainment and commerce; I call this tv-internet.####[no references]" 1474400425,"Patterns of Sculptural Hypertext in Location Based Narratives","Hargood et al.",8,5,29,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Charlie Hargood, David E. Millard, Mark J. Weal, Verity Hunt","Charlie Hargood","Full paper","","true","Location Based Narrative, Mobile Narrative, Narrative, Narrative Systems","true","Location based narratives are an emerging form of digital storytelling that use location technologies to trigger content on smart devices according to a user’s location. In previous work on the Canyons, Deltas and Plains (CDP) model we argued that they are best considered as a form of sculptural hypertext, but sculptural hypertext is a relatively unexplored medium with few examples, and limited critical theory. This means that there is little guidance for authors on what is possible with the medium, and no common authoring tools, both of which impede adoption and experimentation. In this paper we describe our work to tackle this problem by working with creative writing students to create 40 location based sculptural hypertexts using an approach similar to paper-prototyping, and then analysing these for common patterns (structures of nodes, rules, and conditions used for a poetic purpose). We present seven key patterns: Parallel Threads, Gating, Concurrent Nodes, Alternative Nodes, Foldbacks, Phasing, and Unlocking. In doing so we see some overlap with the patterns identified in traditional (calligraphic) hypertext, but in many cases these patterns are particularly suited to sculptural hypertext, and hint at a different poetics for the form. Our findings refine our original CDP model, but also present a starting point for educating writers on how to approach sculptural stories, and form a foundation for future location-based authoring tools." 1474400433,"Spatio-Temporal Parsing in Spatial Hypermedia","Schedel & Atzenbeck",4,5,17,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Claus Atzenbeck, Thomas Schedel","Thomas Schedel","Full paper","","true","hypertext, spatial hypertext, spatial parsing, spatiotemporal parsing, time","true","Spatial hypertext represents associations between chunks of information by spatial or visual attributes (such as proximity, color, shape, etc.). This supports expressing information structures implicitly and in an intuitive way. However, automatic recognition of such informal, implicitly encoded structures by a machine (a so-called spatial parser) is still a challenge. Conventional parsers are conceptually restricted by their underlying source of information. Due to this limitation there are various possible structures that cannot be recognized properly, as the machine has no means to detect them. This inevitably limits both the quality of parser output and hence parser performance. In this paper we show that considering temporal aspects in spatial parser design will lead to significant increase in parsing accuracy, detection of richer structures and thus higher parser performance. We call machines that consider such spatial and temporal information spatio-temporal parsers.####For the purpose of providing evidence, parsers for recognizing spatial, visual, and temporal object relations have been implemented and tested in a series of user surveys. One aim was to find out how “close” the machine interpretetation of structures get to human interpretation. It turned out that in none of the test cases pure spatial or visual parser could outperform the spatio-temporal parser. Instead, the spatio-temporal parser was able to compensate limitations of conventional parsers. Furthermore, we have statistically tested parsing accuracy. The results indicate a non-trivial effect that is recognizable by humans. This shows that spatio-temporal parsers produce output that is significantly closer to what knowledge workers intend to express compared to traditional spatial parsers." 1474400448,"High Enough?: Explaining and Predicting Traveler Satisfaction Using Airline Reviews","Lacic, Kowald & Lex",0,1,23,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Dominik Kowald, Elisabeth Lex, Emanuel Lacic","Emanuel Lacic","Short paper","","true","airline reviews, clustering analysis, feature analysis, sentiment analysis, skytrax, traveler satisfaction, user satisfaction prediction","true","Air travel is one of the most frequently used means of transportation in our every-day life. Thus, it is not surprising that an increasing number of travelers share their experiences with airlines and airports in form of online reviews on the Web. In this work, we thrive to explain and uncover the features of airline reviews that contribute most to traveler satisfaction. To that end, we examine reviews crawled from the Skytrax air travel review portal. Skytrax provides four review categories to review airports, lounges, airlines and seats. Each review category consists of several five-star ratings as well as free-text review content. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive feature study and we find that not only five-star rating information such as airport queuing time and lounge comfort highly correlate with traveler satisfaction but also inferred features in the form of the review text sentiment. Based on our findings, we create classifiers to predict traveler satisfaction using the best performing rating features. Our results reveal that given our methodology, traveler satisfaction can be predicted with high accuracy. Additionally, we find that training a model on the sentiment of the review text provides a competitive alternative when no five-star rating information is available. We believe that our work is of interest for researchers in the area of modeling and predicting user satisfaction based on available review data on the Web." 1474400460,"A New Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm to Identify Non-overlapping Like-minded Communities","Deepak et al.",0,0,8,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Bhanuteja Gullapalli, Hindol Adhya, Saswata Shannigrahi, Shyamal Kejriwal, Talasila Sai Deepak","Talasila Sai Deepak","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper, we present a new algorithm to identify non-overlapping like-minded communities in a social network and compare its performance with Girvan-Newman algorithm, Lovain method and some well-known hierarchical clustering algorithms on Twitter and Filmtipset datasets." 1474400462,"E3: Keyphrase based News Event Exploration Engine","Jain, Gupta & Patel",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Dhaval Patel, Nikita Jain, Swati Gupta","Nikita Jain","Poster","","false","","false","This paper presents a novel system E3 for extracting keyphrases from news content for the purpose of offering the news audience a broad overview of news events, with especially high content volume. Given an input query, E3 extracts keyphrases and enrich them by tagging, ranking and finding role for frequently associated keyphrases. Also, E3 finds the novelty and activeness of keyphrases using news publication date, to identify the most interesting and informative keyphrases." 1474400464,"The Influence of Features and Demographics on the Perception of Twitter as a Serendipitous Environment","McCay-Peet & Quan-Haase",0,0,16,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Anabel Quan-Haase, Lori McCay-Peet","Lori McCay-Peet","Poster","","false","","false","Much research has sought to understand serendipity and how it may be hindered or facilitated in the context of digital environments such as information visualization systems, mobile apps, and social media. Twitter has been described in both the popular media and academic literature as an ideal space for serendipity to occur, though little research has sought to empirically confirm this relationship. The perception of Twitter as a space for serendipitous experiences is fueled by its dynamic qualities, trigger rich interface, and networked nature, which have the potential to prompt unexpected encounters with information and ideas. The present paper examined 184 individuals’ use of Twitter features in relation to their perceptions of Twitter as serendipitous and tested for the influence of demographic differences. We found that age and use of Twitter features (checking timeline, tweeting, and searching) were strongly related to perceptions of Twitter as a serendipitous digital environment. Findings have implications for the design of digital environments that endeavor to facilitate serendipity." 1513449542,"Clarity is a Worthwhile Quality: On the Role of Task Clarity in Microtask Crowdsourcing","Gadiraju, Yang & Bozzon",2,2,37,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Alessandro Bozzon, Jie Yang, Ujwal Gadiraju","Ujwal Gadiraju","Full paper","","true","Crowd Workers, Crowdsourcing, Goal Clarity, Microtasks, Performance, Prediction, Role Clarity, Task Clarity","true","Workers of microtask crowdsourcing marketplaces strive to find a balance between the need for monetary income and the need for high reputation. Such balance is often threatened by poorly formulated tasks, as workers attempt their execution despite a sub-optimal understanding of the work to be done.####In this paper we highlight the role of clarity as a characterising property of tasks in crowdsourcing. We surveyed 100 workers of the CrowdFlower platform to verify the presence of issues with task clarity in crowdsourcing marketplaces, reveal how crowd workers deal with such issues, and motivate the need for mechanisms that can predict and measure task clarity. Next, we propose a novel model for task clarity based on the goal and role clarity constructs. We sampled 7.1K tasks from the Amazon mTurk marketplace, and acquired labels for task clarity from crowd workers. We show that task clarity is coherently perceived by crowd workers, and is affected by the type of the task. We then propose a set of features to capture task clarity, and use the acquired labels to train and validate a supervised machine learning model for task clarity prediction. Finally, we perform a long-term analysis of the evolution of task clarity on Amazon mTurk, and show that clarity is not a property suitable for temporal characterisation." 1513449543,"Tiree Tales: A Co-operative Inquiry into the Poetics of Location-Based Narrative","Millard & Hargood",9,3,37,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Charlie Hargood, David E. Millard","David E. Millard","Full paper","","true","Location-Based Narrative, Sculptural Hypertext","true","In a location-based story a reader’s movement through physical space is translated into movement through narrative space, typically by presenting them with text fragments on a smart device triggered by location changes. Despite the increasing popularity of such systems their poetics are poorly understood, meaning limited guidance for authors, and few authoring tools. To explore these poetics we present a co-operative inquiry into the authoring of an interactive location-based narrative, ‘The Isle of Brine’, set on the island of Tiree. Our inquiry reveals both pragmatic and aesthetic considerations driven by the locations themselves, that affect the design of both the Story (narrative structure) and Fabula (events within the story). These include the importance of paths, bottlenecks, and junctions as a physical manifestation of calligraphic patterns, the need for coherent narrative areas, and the requirement to use evocative places and to manage thematic and tonal discord between the landscape and the narrative." 1513449545,"Revisiting Hypertext Infrastructure","Atzenbeck et al.",24,10,69,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Claus Atzenbeck, Daniel Roßner, Lucas Mages, Manolis Tzagarakis, Thomas Schedel","Claus Atzenbeck","Full paper","","true","Asgard, CB-OHS, hypertext infrastructure, navigational hypertext, open hypermedia systems, spatial hypertext, taxonomic hypertext","true","Specialized systems aiming at offering hypertext functionality in users’ computing have been discussed since the early days of hypertext. However, with the claim to also support other structure domains than node-link structures, hypertext systems had to overcome some challenges. Researchers came up with component-based approaches and low level structure services.####Due to the raising omnipresence of the Web, research on traditional hypertext systems has been fading out over the past decade. This paper focuses again on hypertext infrastructures and goes beyond ongoing Web discussions. Based on lessons learned from well thought through previous work, we present a novel design for multi-structure supporting, general purpose hypertext systems that can be used in a series of application domains. The system provides intelligence analysis which is needed for sophisticated user support. We argue that this lets us use the hypertext system also as a visual analytics tool. Furthermore, for demonstration purposes we describe the use of the system in combination with a Web-based software engineering platform, which is part of the ongoing project ODIN." 1513523112,"There and Here: Patterns of Content Transclusion in Wikipedia","Anderson, Carr & Millard",2,1,25,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","David E. Millard, Leslie Carr, Mark Anderson","Mark Anderson","Full paper","","true","Collaboration, Digital Curation, Hypertext, Transclusion, Wikipedia, Wikis","true","As large, collaboratively authored hypertexts such as Wikipedia grow so does the requirement both for organisational principles and methods to provide sustainable consistency and to ease the task of contributing editors. Large numbers of (potential) editors are not necessarily a suffcient bulwark against loss of coherence amongst a corpus of many discrete articles. The longitudinal task of curation may benefit from deliberate curatorial roles and techniques.####A potentially beneficial technique for the development and maintenance of hypertext content at scale is hypertext transclusion, by offering controllable re-use of a canonical source. In considering issues of longitudinal support of web collaborative hypertexts, we investigated the current degree and manner of adoption of transclusion facilities by editors of Wikipedia articles. We sampled 20 million articles from ten discrete language wikis within Wikipedia to analyse behaviour both within and across the individual Wikipedia communities.####We show that Wikipedia makes limited, inconsistent of use of transclusion (as at February 2016). Use is localised to subject areas, which differ between sampled languages. A limited number of patterns were observed including: Lists from transclusion, Lists of Lists, Episodic Media Listings, Tangles, Articles as Macros, and Self-Transclusion. We find little indication of deliberate structural maintenance of the hypertext." 1474394343,"Empirical analysis of implicit brand networks on social media","Zhang, Bhattacharyya & Ram",0,1,33,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Kunpeng Zhang, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, Sudha Ram","Kunpeng Zhang","Full paper","","true","MapReduce, Network analysis, marketing intelligence, sentiment identification, social media","true","This paper investigates characteristics of implicit brand networks extracted from a large dataset of user historical activities on a social media platform. To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to comprehensively examine brands by incorporating user-generated social content and information about user interactions. This paper makes several important contributions. We build and normalize a weighted, undirected network representing interactions among users and brands. We then explore the structure of this network using modified network measures to understand its characteristics and implications. As a part of this exploration, we address three important research questions: (1) What is the structure of a brand-brand network? (2) Does an influential brand have a large number of fans? (3) Does an influential brand receive more positive or more negative comments from social users? Experiments conducted with Facebook data show that the influence of a brand has (a) high positive correlation with the size of a brand, meaning that an influential brand can attract more fans, and, (b) low negative correlation with the sentiment of comments made by users on that brand, which means that negative comments have a more powerful ability to generate awareness of a brand than positive comments. To process the large-scale datasets and networks, we implement MapReduce-based algorithms." 1474394347,"A taxonomy of microtasks on the web","Gadiraju, Kawase & Dietze",0,3,8,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Ricardo Kawase, Stefan Dietze, Ujwal Gadiraju","Ujwal Gadiraju","Short paper","","true","Affinity, Crowdsourcing, Effort, Incentive, Microtasks, Taxonomy","true","Nowadays, a substantial number of people are turning to crowdsourcing, in order to solve tasks that require human intervention. Despite a considerable amount of research done in the field of crowdsourcing, existing works fall short when it comes to classifying typically crowdsourced tasks. Understanding the dynamics of the tasks that are crowdsourced and the behaviour of workers, plays a vital role in efficient task-design. In this paper, we propose a two-level categorization scheme for tasks, based on an extensive study of 1000 workers on CrowdFlower. In addition, we present insights into certain aspects of crowd behaviour; the task affinity of workers, effort exerted by workers to complete tasks of various types, and their satisfaction with the monetary incentives." 1474394352,"Co-following on twitter","Garimella & Weber",0,1,26,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Ingmar Weber, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella","Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella","Short paper","","true","","true","We present an in-depth study of co-following on Twitter based on the observation that two Twitter users whose followers have similar friends are also similar, even though they might not share any direct links or a single mutual follower. We show how this observation contributes to (i) a better understanding of language-agnostic user classification on Twitter, (ii) eliciting opportunities for Computational Social Science, and (iii) improving online marketing by identifying cross-selling opportunities. We start with a machine learning problem of predicting a user’s preference among two alternative choices of Twitter friends. We show that co-following information provides strong signals for diverse classification tasks and that these signals persist even when the most discriminative features are removed. Going beyond mere classification performance optimization, we present applications of our methodology to Computational Social Science. Here we confirm stereotypes such as that the country singer Kenny Chesney (@kennychesney) is more popular among @GOP followers, whereas Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) enjoys more support from @TheDemocrats followers.####In the domain of marketing we give evidence that celebrity endorsement is reflected in co-following and we demonstrate how our methodology can be used to reveal the audience similarities between not so obvious entites such as Apple and Puma." 1474394362,"A two-tier index architecture for fast processing large RDF data over distributed memory","Cheng et al.",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Georgios Theodoropoulos, Long Cheng, Spyros Kotoulas, Tomas E. Ward","Long Cheng","Poster","","false","","false","We propose an efficient method for fast processing large RDF data over distributed memory. Our approach adopts a two-tier index architecture on each computation node: (1) a light-weight primary index, to keep loading times low, and (2) a dynamic, multi-level secondary index, calculated as a by-product of query execution, to decrease or remove inter-machine data movement for subsequent queries that contain the same graph patterns. Experimental results on a commodity cluster show that we can load large RDF data very quickly in memory while remaining within an interactive range for query processing with the secondary index." 1474394371,"Why you follow: a classification scheme for twitter follow links","Tanaka,Takemura & Tajima",0,1,20,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Atsushi Tanaka, Hikaru Takemura, Keishi Tajima","Atsushi Tanaka","Poster","","false","","true","Twitter is used for various purposes, such as, information publishing/gathering, open discussions, and personal communications. As a result, there are various types of follow links. In this paper, we propose a scheme for classifying follow links according to the followers’ intention. The scheme consists of three axes: user-orientation, content-orientation, and mutuality. The combination of these three axes can classify most major types of follow links. Our experimental results suggest that the type of a follow link does not solely depend on the type of the followee nor solely on the type of the follower. The results also suggest that the proposed three axes are highly independent of one another." 1474397906,"From Small Sensors to Big Data","Smyth",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Barry Smyth","Barry Smyth","Keynote","","false","","false","In our increasingly digitized world almost everything we do creates a record that is stored somewhere, whether we are purchasing a book, calling a friend, ordering a meal, or renting a movie. And in today’s world of sensors and internet-enabled devices, smartphones and wearables, this is no longer just limited to our online activities. Exercising in the park, shopping for groceries, falling asleep, or even taking a shower, are just some of the everyday real-world activities that are likely to generate data. This is the big data world of the so-called Sensor Web. It is enabled by the widescale availability of high-performance computing, always-on communications, and mobile computing devices that come equipped with a variety of powerful sensors. This provides for a powerful computing and sensing ecosystem with important applications across all aspects of how we live, work, and play.####The primary challenge for us now is to understand how we can (and whether we should) use this information. On the one hand, the promise of big data analytics is better decisions: better decisions about where we might live or where to send our kids to school; better decisions about the food we eat and the exercise we should take; and better decisions about some of the biggest choices facing modern societies when it comes to health, education, energy, and climate. On the other hand, this potential has a darker side, in the form of a gradual erosion of personal privacy as businesses and even governments seek to exploit our personal data for their own purposes, often without our informed consent.####What is certain is that the combination of mobile computation, cheap but powerful sensors, and big data analytics points to new ways of thinking about some of society’s toughest challenges. But to take advantage of these benefits we must reconcile the promise of big data with the pitfalls of privacy. Only then can these technologies can have a meaningful impact on how we can all benefit from the big data revolution as part of a healthier, safer, fairer world.####[no references]" 1474397929,"Tag Me Maybe: Perceptions of Public Targeted Sharing on Facebook","Savage et al.",1,1,16,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Andres Monroy-Hernandez, Kasturi Bhattacharjee, Saiph Savage, Tobias Höllerer","Saiph Savage","Short paper","","true","Social media, access controls, algorithmic filtering, broadcasting, narrowcast, social networks","true","Social network sites allow users to publicly tag people in their posts. These tagged posts allow users to share to both the general public and a targeted audience, dynamically assembled via notifications that alert the people mentioned. We investigate people’s perceptions of this mixed sharing mode through a qualitative study with 120 participants. We found that individuals like this sharing modality as they believe it strengthens their relationships. Individuals also report using tags to have more control of Facebook’s ranking algorithm, and to expose one another to novel information and people. This work helps us understand people’s complex relationships with the algorithms that mediate their interactions with each another. We conclude by discussing the design implications of these findings." 1474397933,"A Framework to Provide Customized Reuse of Open Corpus Content for Adaptive Systems","Bayomi",2,0,16,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Mostafa Bayomi","Mostafa Bayomi","Consortium Abstract","","false","Content Semantic Slicing, Open Corpus Content, Semantic Web","true","One of the main services that Adaptive Systems offer to their users is the provision of content that is tailored to individual user’s needs. Some Adaptive Systems use a closed corpus content that has been prepared for them a priori, hence, they accept only a narrow field of content. Furthermore, the content is tightly coupled with other parts of the system, which also hinders its re-usability. To address these limitations, recent systems started to make use of open Web content to provide a wider variety of content. Previous approaches have attempted to harness the information available on the web by providing adaptive systems with customizable information objects. Since adaptive systems are evolving towards the Semantic Web and the use of ontologies, existing systems are limited by their ability to service these documents solely through keyword-based queries. In this research we propose a novel framework that extends existing content provision system, Slicepedia. Our framework uses the conceptual representation of content to segment it in a semantic manner. The framework removes unnecessary content from web pages, such as navigation bars, and then semantically reveals the structural representation of text to build a tree-like hierarchy. This tree can be traversed to obtain different levels of content granularity that facilitate content discoverability and adaptivity." 1474397934,"VizTrails: An Information Visualization Tool for Exploring Geographic Movement Trajectories","Becker et al.",0,1,2,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Andreas Hotho, Denis Helic, Florian Lemmerich, Markus Strohmaier, Martin Becker, Philipp Singer","Martin Becker","Demo","","false","","true","Understanding the way people move through urban areas represents an important problem that has implications for a range of societal challenges such as city planning, public transportation, or crime analysis. In this paper, we present an interactive visualization tool called VizTrails for exploring and understanding such human movement. It features visualizations that show aggregated statistics of trails for geographic areas that correspond to grid cells on a map, e.g., on the number of users passing through or on cells commonly visited next. Amongst other features, system allows to overlay the map with the results of SPARQL queries in order to relate the observed trajectory statistics with its geo-spatial context, e.g., considering a city’s points of interest. The systems functionality is demonstrated using trajectory examples extracted from the social photo sharing platform Flickr. Overall, VizTrails facilitates deeper insights into geo-spatial trajectory data by enabling interactive exploration of aggregated statistics and providing geo-spatial context." 1474397935,"'I like ISIS, but I want to watch Chris Nolan's new movie': Exploring ISIS Supporters on Twitter","Magdy, Darwish & Weber",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Ingmar Weber, Kareem Darwish, Walid Magdy","Walid Magdy","Demo","","false","","false","The recent rise of the “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” (ISIS) has sparked significant interest in the group. We explored the tweets of a large number of Twitter users who frequently comment on this subject by either showing support or opposition. ISIS supporters dedicate on average 20% of their tweets to ISIS related content, compared to 4.5% for those who oppose ISIS. Thus, the vast majority of tweets for both groups are on general topics, covering many aspects in life, including politics, religion, and even jokes and funny photos. Our demo allows users to search and explore 123 million tweets of 57 thousands Twitter users who have declared explicit positions towards ISIS. Given a query, our system displays a comparative report that shows the difference in views between supporters and opponents of ISIS on the search topic. The report includes a timeline of per day mentions of query terms in the tweets of each group, the top retweeted tweets, images, videos, and tagcloud of top terms in results for each group. Time navigation allows the exploration of content shared by both groups on specific dates, which can go back in time to the period before ISIS appeared." 1474397937,"Everything is Filed under 'File': Conceptual Challenges in Applying Semantic Search to Network Shares for Collaborative Work","Ahlers & Mehrpoor",1,0,6,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Dirk Ahlers, Mahsa Mehrpoor","Dirk Ahlers","Poster","","false","","true","Lots of professional collaborative work relies on shared networked file systems for easy collaboration, documentation, and as a joint workspace. We have found that in an engineering setting with tens of thousands of files, usual desktop search does not work as well, especially if the project space is huge, contains a large number of non-textual files that are difficult to search for, and is partially unknown by the users due to information needs reaching into previous years or projects.####We therefore propose an approach that joins content and metadata analysis, link derivation, grouping, and other measures to arrive at high-level features suitable for semantic similarity and retrieval to improve information access for this case of professional search." 1474397938,"On Recommending Newly Published Academic Papers","Ha, Kwon & Kim",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Jiwoon Ha, Sang-Wook Kim, Soon-Hyoung Kwon","Jiwoon Ha","Poster","","false","","false","To recommend newly-published papers that did not receive any citations yet, this paper proposes a novel method by using the authors’ interest on the papers cited in the newly-published paper. Compared to citation-network based methods, the empirical validation shows a significant improvement with our method in accuracy of 11%-41% in precision and 8%-34% in recall." 1474380690,"Evaluating hypertext: the quantitative-qualitative quandary","Chignell et al.",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Elaine Toms, Mark Chignell, Peter Brusilovsky, Steve Szigeti","Mark Chignell","Panel","","false","","false","This panel will examine issues regarding the evaluation of hypertext research. The panelists will begin by contrasting four different viewpoints on the role of evaluation in hypertext research. The discussion will then consider questions relating the what evaluation methods should be used and when." 1474380700,"SnoopyDB: narrowing the gap between structured and unstructured information using recommendations","Gassler et al.",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Eva Zangerle, Günther Specht, Michael Tschuggnall, Wolfgang Gassler","Wolfgang Gassler","Poster","","false","","false","Knowledge is structured - until it is stored to a wiki-like information system. In this paper we present the multi-user system SnoopyDB, which preserves the structure of knowledge without restricting the type or schema of inserted information. A self-learning schema system and recommendation engine support the user during the process of inserting information. These dynamically calculated recommendations develop an implicit schema, which is used by the majority of stored information. Further recommendation measures enhance the content both semantically and syntactically and motivate the user to insert more information than he intended to." 1474380704,"Discovery of information disseminators and receptors on online social media","De Choudhury",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Munmun De Choudhury","Munmun De Choudhury","Poster","","false","","false","Today, there is significant sharing of information artifacts among users on various social media sites, including Digg, Twitter and Flickr. An interesting consequence of such rich and extensive social interaction is the evolving nature of “roles” that are acquired by users over time, in the context of variegated communication activities, such as commenting, replying, uploading a media artifact and so on. In this paper, we investigate the discovery of two roles that define information dissipation: disseminators and receptors. We propose a computational framework based on factorization of stacked representation of activities and test the outcomes on a dataset from Digg. Experiments show that our approach can, interestingly, reveal correlations with user activities occurring at a future point in time." 1474380705,"Adaptation and search: from Dexter and AHAM to GAF","Knutov, De Bra & Pechenizkiy",1,0,3,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Evgeny Knutov, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Paul De Bra","Evgeny Knutov","Poster","","false","","true","Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (AHS) have long been concentrating on adaptive guidance of links between domain concepts. Here we show parallels between navigation and linking in adaptive hypermedia on the one hand and information searching or querying on the other hand. We present a transition towards search in AHS by aligning the web search process with the layered structure of AHS and adaptation process." 1474380706,"Brickstreams: physical hypermedia driven customer insight","Ghosh, Jain & Dekhil",1,0,5,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Jhilmil Jain, Mohamed Dekhil, Riddhiman Ghosh","Riddhiman Ghosh","Poster","","false","","true","Brickstreams is a system that employs hypermedia structures in physical spaces, specifically in brick-and-mortar retail environments, to capture insight into customer behavior. By instrumenting and tracking interactions with tagged products in retail stores, and by using demographic and location intelligence, our system is able to bring the benefits of online clickstream analysis to the brick and mortar world. We have implemented a prototype of Brickstreams, realized through REST web services and mobile device clients." 1474380713,"On the robustness of google scholar against spam","Beel & Gipp",0,0,15,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Bela Gipp, Jöran Beel","Jöran Beel","Poster","","false","","false","In this research-in-progress paper we present the current results of several experiments in which we analyzed whether spamming Google Scholar is possible. Our results show, it is possible: We ‘improved’ the ranking of articles by manipulating their citation counts and we made articles appear in searchers for keywords the articles did not originally contained by placing invisible text in modified versions of the article." 1474380715,"Automatic extraction of structure, content and usage data statistics of web sites","Paparrizos et al.",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Athena Vakali, Ioannis Paparrizos, Lefteris Angelis, Vassiliki Koutsonikola","Ioannis Paparrizos","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper we present a web mining tool which automatically extracts the structure, content and usage data statistics of web sites. This work inspired by the fact that web mining consists of three axes: web structure mining, web content mining and web usage mining. Each one of those axes is using the structure, content and usage data respectively. The scope is to use the developed multi-thread web crawler as a tool to automatically extract from web pages data that are associated with each one of those three axes in order afterwards to compute several useful descriptive statistics and apply advanced mathematical and statistical methods. A description of our system is provided as well as some experimentation results." 1474380717,"Crossmedia personalized learning contexts","Prata, Guimarães & Chambel",2,0,8,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Alcina Prata, Nuno Guimarães, Teresa Chambel","Alcina Prata","Poster","","false","","true","The trends in convergence, integration and co-existence of various media technologies are creating new opportunities for the globalization of learning practices. The emerging era of lifelong learning is calling for flexible environments. Interactive television (iTV) holds a great potential in this scenario, but there is still limited research in terms of cognitive and interaction aspects. With the aim to link these opportunities, in flexible, adequate and effective learning contexts, a new paradigm to generate crossmedia personalized learning contexts from iTV, based on cognitive and affective aspects, is being studied. This paper presents the results obtained from the use of the e-iTV system, designed to illustrate and explore this paradigm." 1474380698,"Past visions of hypertext and their influence on us today","Lunn et al.",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Cathy Marshall, Darren Lunn, Frank Tompa, J. Nathan Matias, James M. Nyce, Mark Bernstein","Darren Lunn","Panel","","false","","false","In July 1945, Vannevar Bush published the seminal paper As We May Think in Atlantic Monthly [2]. In this paper Bush proposed MEMEX, a device where information and records could be stored and linked together through ‘trails’ and ‘associations’ rather than ‘artificial’ indexing mechanisms. This idea is credited with being the inspiration, and precursor, for the modern World Wide Web (WWW) invented by Tim Berners-Lee, but as Harper notes, for most of the article, Bush was not concerned solely with the technical aspects of his MEMEX system. Instead, as with most computer visionaries, he was more concerned with how the computer system and its interfaces could help humanity [3]. We must therefore consider if, as a research field, we are still trying to build MEMEX as Bush envisioned it, or are we more influenced by a vision of information storage and presentation, of which Bush’s paper was one of many?" 1474385993,"Emerging trends in search user interfaces","Hearst",0,1,0,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Marti A. Hearst","Marti A. Hearst","Keynote","","false","","true","What does the future hold for search user interfaces? Following on a recently completed book on this topic, this talk identifies some important trends in the use of information technology and suggest how these may affect search in future. This includes is a notable trend towards more “natural” user interfaces, a trend towards social rather than solo usage of information technology, and a trend in technology advancing the integration of massive quantities of user behavior and large-scale knowledge bases. These trends are, or will be, interweaving in various ways, which will have some interesting ramifications for search interfaces, and should suggest promising directions for research.####[no references]" 1474386005,"Many views, many modes, many tools ... one structure: Towards a Non-disruptive Integration of Personal Information","Jones & Anderson",5,1,39,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Kenneth M. Anderson, William Jones","William Jones","Full paper","","true","PIM, Personal information management, XML schemas, application integration, open hypermedia, structural computing","true","People yearn for more integration of their information. But tools meant to help often do the opposite-pulling people and their information in different directions. Fragmentation is potentially worsened as personal information moves onto the Web and into a myriad of special-purpose, mobile-enabled applications. How can tool developers innovate “non-disruptively” in ways that do not force people to re-organize or re-locate their information? This paper makes two arguments: 1. An integration of personal information is not likely to happen through some new release of a desktop operating system or via a Web-based “super tool.” 2. Instead, integration is best supported through the development of a standards-based infrastructure that makes provision for the shared manipulation of common structure by any number of tools, each in its own way. To illustrate this approach, the paper describes an XML-based schema, considerations in its design and its current use in three separate tools. The schema in its design and use builds on the lessons learned by the open hypermedia and structural computing communities while moving forward with new techniques that address some of the changes introduced by the evolution of the term “application” to move beyond desktop apps to mobile apps, cloud-based apps and various hybrid architectures." 1474388354,"How to do things with triples","Staab",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Steffen Staab","Steffen Staab","Keynote","","false","","false","Representing and computing pragmatics for linked data requires the usage of various models, including ontology patterns and navigation models, as well as new programming language constructs." 1474378353,"MediaJourney: capturing and sharing digital media from real-world and virtual journeys","Nielsen et al.",3,0,9,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Kaj Grønbæk, Kaspar Rosengreen Nielsen, Marianne Graves Petersen, Rasmus Gude","Kaspar Rosengreen Nielsen","Poster","","false","","true","In this poster, we discuss a novel MediaJourney concept and infrastructure with integrated applications for capturing, annotating, and automatically tagging captured media objects during physical journeys as well as virtual journeys on the web or in media collections. The main objective of MediaJourney is to radically reduce overhead in collecting and organizing captured digital media for planned or ad-hoc sharing with family and friends, e.g. in a home setting. This is supported with a mix of automatic tagging and manual selection or keyword tagging of journeys at the time of capture. The idea is to provide automatic and simple mechanisms for structuring while capturing." 1474378357,"Modeling and predicting group activity over time in online social media","De Choudhury",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Munmun De Choudhury","Munmun De Choudhury","Poster","","false","","false","This paper develops a probabilistic framework that can model and predict group activity over time on online social media. Users of social media sites such as Flickr often face the enormous challenge of which group to choose, due to the presence of numerous competing groups of similar content. Determining an empirical measure of significance of a group can help tackle this problem. The proposed framework therefore determines an optimal measure per group based on past user participation and interaction as well as likely future activity in the group. The framework is tested on a Flickr dataset and the results show that this method can yield satisfactory predictions of group activity. This implies that the computed measure of significance of a group can be used by end users to choose groups with rich activity." 1474378361,"When printed hypertexts go digital: information extraction from the parsing of indices","Romanello et al.",3,0,7,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Alison Babeu, Gregory Crane, Matteo Romanello, Monica Berti","Matteo Romanello","Poster","","false","","true","Modern critical editions of ancient works generally include manually created indices of other sources quoted in the text. Since indices can be considered as a form of domain specific language, the paper presents a parsing-based approach to the problem of extracting information from them to support the creation of a collection of fragmentary texts. This paper first considers the characteristics and structure of quotation indices and their importance when dealing with fragmentary texts. It then presents the results of applying a fuzzy parser to the OCR transcription of an index of quotations to extract information from potentially noisy input." 1474378362,"The role of tag suggestions in folksonomies","Bollen & Halpin",1,1,5,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Dirk Bollen, Harry Halpin","Dirk Bollen","Poster","","false","","true","Most tagging systems support the user in the tag selection process by providing tag suggestions, or recommendations, based on a popularity measurement of tags other users provided when tagging the same resource. The majority of theories and mathematical models of tagging found in the literature assume that the emergence of power laws in tagging systems is mainly driven by the imitation behavior of users when observing tag suggestions provided by the user interface of the tagging system. We present experimental results that show that the power law distribution forms regardless of whether or not tag suggestions are presented to the users." 1474378363,"Four measures for the dynamics of coalitions in social networks","Boella, van der Torre & Villata",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Guido Boella, Leendert van der Torre, Serena Villata","Guido Boella","Poster","","false","","false","We introduce four measures for the change of coalitions in social networks. The first one measures the change of the agents in the network over time, The second one measures the change of dependencies among the agents, due to addition or removal of powers and goals of the agents. The third one measures the change in normative dependencies like obligations and prohibitions introduced by norms. The fourth one measures changes in coalitions. If one of the first three measures is high, then the fourth measure is probably high too, if the change in agents and dependencies is a cause for a change in coalitions. If the first three measures are low, but the change in coalitions is high, it is due to internal processes like violations of the coalition agreements." 1474378364,"The redocumentation process of computer mediated activity traces: a general framework","Yahiaoui, Prié & Boufaida",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Leila Yahiaoui, Yannick Prié, Zizette Boufaida","Leila Yahiaoui","Poster","","false","","false","The digital world enables the creation of personalized documents. In this paper we are interested in describing a computer mediated activity by a person throughout a semi-automatic redocumentation process. This process uses traces generated automatically, during a user-system interaction, to assist a person in producing a personalized document describing the traced activity. To support that, a general framework for an authoring tool is proposed through two main phases. During the first phase, an automatic and parameterized transformation is applied on the input activity trace to generate a fragmented document. Each fragment describes one or many observed elements of the modeled trace and relations between fragments are deduced from relations between these elements. The second phase consists in interactive transformations on the intermediate produced document until getting the final hypermedia document. Our authoring tool uses composition of personalized document issues and RST principals to interpret user’s choices and to maintain the coherence of the produced document." 1474378367,"How are web characteristics evolving?","Miranda & Gomes",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Daniel Gomes, João Miranda","João Miranda","Poster","","false","","false","The Web is a hypertextual environment in permanent evolution. There are new technologies and Web publishing behaviors emerging everyday. This study presents trends on the evolution of the Web, derived from the comparison of two characterizations of a web portion performed within a 5 year interval. The Portuguese Web was used as a case study. Several metrics regarding content and site characteristics were analyzed." 1474378368,"User model on a key","Kuflik & Poteriaykina",0,0,12,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Katerina Poteriaykina, Tsvi Kuflik","Tsvi Kuflik","Poster","","false","","false","Provision of personalized services to users requires accurate modeling of their interests and needs. However, such information may not be available to the service provider. Previously suggested solutions, such as user modeling servers and user modeling mediation demonstrate technological possible solution to the problem. However, at the same time they introduce privacy problem. This paper proposes a general framework for enhancing the privacy of user modeling in personalization systems by keeping the user “in control” of his/her personal information. The UM on a Key that combined a user modeling server and mediation mechanism will allow the user to explicitly select what information to disclose to service provider and to do that at the right format." 1474378369,"Named entities for hot topics ranking and ontology navigation aid","Bruckschen, Vieira & Rigo",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Mírian Bruckschen, Renata Vieira, Sandro Rigo","Mírian Bruckschen","Poster","","false","","false","This paper presents an application which relies on Natural Language Processing techniques to identify hot topics in a news portal. Named Entity Recognition, semantic tagging and identity identification are used to acquire knowledge of the domain, generate ontologies automatically and rank hot topics for the news in the portal." 1474378370,"iDYNamicTV: a social adaptive television experience","Carmagnola et al.",0,1,8,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Fabiana Vernero, Federica Cena, Francesca Carmagnola, Luca Console, Monica Perrero, Pierluigi Grillo, Rossana Simeoni","Francesca Carmagnola","Poster","","false","","true","The paper presents an approach to merge Web 2.0 and adaptation with TV contents in order to enrich the user experience. We present iDYNamicTV, a social Web-based recommender system dealing with multimedia contents. iDYNamicTV is part of a larger project by Telecom Italia (DynamicTV) for enhancing user experience in TV fruition. The goal of iDynamicTV is to provide facilities to entertain when exploring and discovering media contents on the Web using a computer interface." 1474378375,"Web 3.0: merging semantic web with social web","Cena, Farzan & Lops",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Federica Cena, Pasquale Lops, Rosta Farzan","Federica Cena","Workshop","","false","","false","Web 2.0 introduced the remarkable phenomenon of user-generated content. Large numbers of most popular sites on the Web are currently mainstream Web 2.0 applications with rich user-generated content. Wikipedia, YouTube, Flickr, and are classical examples of those sites.####Web 2.0 allows users to do more than just retrieving information, since it is based upon architecture of participation that reduces the barriers of online collaboration and encourages the generation and distribution of content. For this reason it is also called as Social Web. Users are encouraged to provide data and metadata in simple ways such as tagging, ratings, comments, and blogging. As a result, Web 2.0 applications are collecting large amount of data. However, this data is poorly structured, highly subjective and often buried in a low-quality content. The more data, the more challenging it becomes for users to find relevant information. Social web applications prefer not to deal with this problem and simply present this content to users as it is, in a form of fuzzy aggregations, such as scattered tag clouds and folksonomies that become very confusing and ineffective for users.####Adding formal semantics to tags can be an important step in the direction of a better navigation and searching and should help to transform tag clouds and folksonomies into valuable aggregations representing a sort of “collective knowledge”.####There is the opportunity to exploit such Web 2.0 collective knowledge (together with the individual user knowledge) in order to achieve the vision of Web 3.0.####[no references]" 1474378378,"Tagging dynamics in online communities","Loreto & Capocci",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Andrea Capocci, Vittorio Loreto","Vittorio Loreto","Workshop","","false","","false","In the last few years, social annotation through the World Wide Web has shifted from its pioneering early stage to its current technological maturity: popular collaborative tagging communities are attended for many purposes by mil-ions of users worldwide. The TAGora FET EU research project, among a wider community of scholars, has closely accompanied this evolution, by analyzing several collaborative networks born at a high rate during this time. Through deep statistical analysis, many common regularities have been uncovered throughout such systems. As a result, features found in such communities are now considered somewhat ”universal”, telling researchers about the underlying social structure and semantics.####Moreover, the research groups involved in TAGora have directly impacted on such evolution, by conceiving and implementing novel projects and algorithms to enhance the power of online collaborative tagging. Websites such as or applications such as MyTag and Tagster embody the wide knowledge developed within TAGora, taking advantage of the theoretical investigation and translating it into practical projects.####However, most of the theoretical work has not fully deployed its applicative potential yet. The study of relevance evaluation techniques, of multiple folksonomy integration and of the sociology of social tagging are still open to scientists’ contribution and the object of ongoing research. Accordingly, the workshop will consist in invited contributions reviewing the work already accomplished within TAGora by the authors themselves and possibly a small number of invited speakers, to disseminate to the general public the main results achieved so far and discuss newborn methods and future applications in such field with the community.####[no references]" 1474380664,"As we may have thought, and may (still) think","Dillon",0,0,8,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Andrew Dillon","Andrew Dillon","Keynote","","false","","false","The promise of electronic documents is long lived yet curiously uninspiring in execution. In this address I will revisit the promises and consider the progress and problems faced over the last two decades in creating the information spaces imagined by the field’s founders." 1474380678,"iMapping: a zooming user interface approach for personal and semantic knowledge management","Haller & Abecker",4,2,30,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Andreas Abecker, Heiko Haller","Heiko Haller","Full paper","","true","human-computer interaction, interaction design, personal knowledge management, semantic desktop, spatial hypertext, visual knowledge mapping","true","We present iMapping, a zooming based approach for visually organizing information objects. It was developed on top of semantic desktop technologies and especially targets the support of personal knowledge management. iMapping has been designed to combine the advantages of spatial hypertext and other proven visual mapping approaches like mind-mapping and concept mapping, which are incompatible in their original form. We describe the design and prototypical implementation of iMapping—which is fundamentally based on deep zooming and nesting. iMapping bridges the gap between unstructured content like informal text notes and semantic models by allowing annotations with the whole range from vague associations to formal relations. First experimental evaluation of the iMapping user-interface approach indicates favorable user experience and functionality, compared with state-of-the-art Mind-Mapping software." 1474388370,"Human navigation in networks","Leskovec",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Jure Leskovec","Jure Leskovec","Keynote","","false","","false","World around us interconnected in giant networks and we are daily navigating and finding paths through such networks. For example, we browse the Web [2], search for connections among friends in social networks, follow leads in citation networks[6, 3], of scientific literature, and look up things in cross-referenced dictionaries and encyclopedias. Even though navigating networks is an essential part of our everyday lives, little is known about the mechanisms humans use to navigate networks as well as the properties of networks that allow for efficient navigation.####We conduct two large scale studies of human navigation in networks. First, we present a study an instance of Milgram’s small-world experiment where the task is to navigate from a given source to a given target node using only the local network information [5]. We perform a computational analysis of a planetary-scale social network of 240 million people and 1.3 billion edges and investigate the importance of geographic cues for navigating the network. Second, we also discuss a large-scale study of human wayfinding, in which, given a network of links between the concepts of Wikipedia, people play a game of finding a short path from a given start to a given target concept by following hyperlinks (Figure 1) [7]. We study more than 30,000 goal-directed human search paths through Wikipedia network and identify strategies people use when navigating information spaces.####Even though the domains of social and information networks are very different, we find many commonalities in navigation of the two networks. Humans tend to be good at finding short paths, despite the fact that the networks are very large [8]. Human paths differ from shortest paths in characteristic ways. At the early stages of the search navigating to a high-degree hub node helps, while in the later stage, content features and geography provide the most important clues. We also observe a trade-off between simplicity and efficiency: conceptually simple solutions are more common but tend to be less efficient than more complex ones [9].####One potential reason for good human performance could be that humans possess vast amounts of background knowledge about the network, which they leverage to make good guesses about possible paths. So we ask the question: Are human-like high-level reasoning skills really necessary for finding short paths? To answer this question, we design a number of navigation agents without such skills, which use only simple numerical features [8]. We evaluate the agents on the task of navigating both networks. We observe that the agents find shorter paths than humans on average and therefore conclude that, perhaps surprisingly, no sophisticated background knowledge or high-level reasoning is required for navigating a complex network." 1474388381,"Understanding and leveraging tag-based relations in on-line social networks","Lipczak, Sigurbjornsson & Jaimes",2,1,23,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Alejandro Jaimes, Borkur Sigurbjornsson, Marek Lipczak","Marek Lipczak","Full paper","","true","explicit social networks, implicit social networks, social tagging, user modeling, user similarity","true","In most social networks, measuring similarity between users is crucial for providing new functionalities, understanding the dynamics of such networks, and growing them (e.g., people you may know recommendations depend on similarity, as does link prediction). In this paper, we study a large sample of Flickr user actions and compare tags across different explicit and implicit network relations. In particular, we compare tag similarities in explicit networks (based on contact, friend, and family links), and implicit networks (created by actions such as comments and selecting favorite photos). We perform an in-depth analysis of these five types of links specifically focusing on tagging, and compare different tag similarity metrics. Our motivation is that understanding the differences in such networks, as well as how different similarity metrics perform, can be useful in similarity-based recommendation applications (e.g., collaborative filtering), and in traditional social network analysis problems (e.g., link prediction). We specifically show that different types of relationships require different similarity metrics. Our findings could lead to the construction of better user models, among others." 1474388383,"Anatomy of a conference","Macek et al.",0,1,20,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Bjoern-Elmar Macek, Christoph Scholz, Gerd Stumme, Martin Atzmueller","Bjoern-Elmar Macek","Full paper","","true","conference, contact network, proximity, rfid, social network analysis","true","This paper presents an anatomy of Hypertext 2011— focusing on the dynamic and static behavior of the participants. We consider data collected by the CONFERATOR system at the conference, and provide statistics concerning participants, presenters, session chairs, different communities, and according roles. Additionally, we perform an in-depth analysis of these actors during the conference concerning their communication and track visiting behavior." 1474388398,"A gender based study of tagging behavior in twitter","Cunha et al.",0,2,2,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Evandro Cunha, Fabricio Benevenuto, Gabriel Magno, Marcos André Gonçalves, Virgilio Almeida","Evandro Cunha","Poster","","false","","true","Gender plays a key role in the process of language variation. Men and women use language in different ways, according to the expected behavior patterns associated with their status in the communities. In this paper, we present a first description of gender distinctions in the usage of Twitter hashtags. After analyzing data collected from more than 650,000 tagged tweets concerning three different subjects, we concluded that gender can be considered a social factor that influences the user’s choice of particular hashtags about a given topic. This study aims to increase knowledge about human behavior in free tagging environments and may be useful to the development of tag recommendation systems based on users’ collective preferences." 1474388399,"Query prediction with context models for populating personal linked data caches","Hartig & Heath",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Olaf Hartig, Tom Heath","Olaf Hartig","Poster","","false","","false","The emergence of a Web of Linked Data [2] enables new forms of application that require expressive query access, for which mature, Web-scale information retrieval techniques may not be suited. Rather than attempting to deliver expressive query capabilities at Web-scale, we propose the use of smaller, pre-populated data caches whose contents are personalized to the needs of an individual user. Such caches can act as personal data stores supporting a range of different applications. Furthermore, we discuss a user evaluation which demonstrates that our approach can accurately predict queries and their execution probability, thereby optimizing the cache population process. In this paper we formally introduce a strategy for predicting queries that can then be used to inform an a priori population of a personal cache of Linked Data harvested from Web. Based on a comprehensive user evaluation we demonstrate that our approach can accurately predict queries and their execution probability, thereby optimizing the cache population process." 1474393242,"Generating contextualized sentiment lexica based on latent topics and user ratings","Krestel & Siersdorfer",0,1,46,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Ralf Krestel, Stefan Siersdorfer","Ralf Krestel","Full paper","","true","Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Rating Prediction, Sentiment Analysis, Sentiment Lexica, Topic Models","true","Sentiment lexica are useful for analyzing opinions in Web collections, for domain-dependent sentiment classification, and as sub-components of recommender systems. In this paper, we present a strategy for automatically generating topic-dependent lexica from large corpora of review articles by exploiting accompanying user ratings. Our approach combines text segmentation, discriminative feature analysis techniques, and latent topic extraction to infer the polarity of n-grams in a topical context. Our experiments on rating prediction demonstrate a substantial performance improvement in comparison with existing state-of-the-art sentiment lexica." 1474394337,"Comparing the pulses of categorical hot events in Twitter and Weibo","Shuai et al.",0,1,25,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Chun Guo, Tian Xia, Xiaozhong Liu, Xin Shuai, Yuqing Wu","Xin Shuai","Full paper","","true","Click Log Mining, Community Comparison, Information Diffusion, Information Retrieval, Social Media, Twitter, Weibo, Wikipedia","true","The fragility and interconnectivity of the planet argue compellingly for a greater understanding of how different communities make sense of their world. One of such critical demands relies on comparing the Chinese and the rest of the world (e.g., Americans), where communities’ ideological and cultural backgrounds can be significantly different. While traditional studies aim to learn the similarities and differences between these communities via high-cost user studies, in this paper we propose a much more efficient method to compare different communities by utilizing social media. Specifically, Weibo and Twitter, the two largest microblogging systems, are employed to represent the target communities, i.e. China and the Western world (mainly United States), respectively. Meanwhile, through the analysis of the Wikipedia page-click log, we identify a set of categorical ‘hot events’ for one month in 2012 and search those hot events in Weibo and Twitter corpora along with timestamps via information retrieval methods. We further quantitatively and qualitatively compare users’ responses to those events in Twitter and Weibo in terms of three aspects: popularity, temporal dynamic, and information diffusion. The comparative results show that although the popularity ranking of those events are very similar, the patterns of temporal dynamics and information diffusion can be quite different." 1474394342,"Asking the right question in collaborative q&a systems","Yang et al.",0,1,25,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Alessandro Bozzon, Claudia Hauff, Geert-Jan Houben, Jie Yang","Jie Yang","Full paper","","true","Classification, Collaborative Question Answering, Stack Overflow","true","Collaborative Question Answering (cQA) platforms are a very popular repository of crowd-generated knowledge. By formulating questions, users express needs that other members of the cQA community try to collaboratively satisfy. Poorly formulated questions are less likely to receive useful responses, thus hindering the overall knowledge generation process. Users are often asked to reformulate their needs, adding specific details, providing examples, or simply clarifying the context of their requests. Formulating a good question is a task that might require several interactions between the asker and other community members, thus delaying the actual answering and, possibly, decreasing the interest of the community in the issue. This paper contributes new insights to the study of cQA platforms by investigating the editing behaviour of users. We identify a number of editing actions, and provide a two-step approach for the automatic suggestion of the most likely editing actions to be performed for a newly created question. We evaluated our approach in the context of the Stack Overflow cQA , demonstrating how, for given types of editing actions, it is possible to provide accurate reformulation suggestions." 1474380691,"Design and evaluation of a hypervideo environment to support veterinary surgery learning","Tiellet et al.",7,2,43,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","André Grahl Pereira, Claudio A.B. Tiellet, Eliseo Berni Reategui, José Valdeni Lima, Teresa Chambel","Claudio A.B. Tiellet","Full paper","","true","Design, Evaluation, High Education, Hypervideo, Surgery, Veterinary, Video","true","In the search of alternative ways to learning veterinary surgery with live animals, hypervideo was considered a promising candidate as a learning tool. Video can enhance the realism and authenticity of a learning environment. By adding structure and interactivity to video, hypervideo allows to navigate video and to explore other related media to complement it. Hypervideo might then support the creation of a rich and realistic learning environment, through the interactive access, construction and communication of knowledge on veterinary surgery. In this paper, we present the design and evaluation of Hvet, a hypervideo environment to support learning of veterinary surgery. Design was based on cognitive and media theories, and evaluation was based on the use of Hvet by veterinary students, in order to test its efficacy in substitution of learning and training with live animals. Results support the hypothesis, showing the potential of hypervideo as a valuable and effective tool to support learning of surgery techniques and revealing the most appreciated design options." 1474380694,"Criticism","Bernstein",14,7,93,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Full paper","","true","Hypertext narrative, criticism, economics, fiction, publishing","true","Our methods for accumulating and testing evidence of a hypertext’s successes and shortcomings are numerous but poorly understood. This paper surveys the most influential approaches to evaluating hypertexts and considers their impact on crafting a new literary economy." 1474380703,"Assessing users' interactions for clustering web documents: a pragmatic approach","Leiva & Vidal",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Enrique Vidal, Luis A. Leiva","Luis A. Leiva","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper we are interested in describing Web pages by how users interact within their contents. Thus, an alternate but complementary way of labelling and classifying Web documents is introduced. The proposed methodology is founded on unsupervised learning algorithms, aiming to automatically find natural clusters by means of users’ implicit interaction data. Furthermore, it also copes with the dynamic nature and heterogeneity of both users’ behaviour and the Web, updating the clustering model over time. We want to show that our framework can be easily integrated in any Website, just employing already-known methods and current technologies." 1474380708,"Visual summaries of data: a spatial hypertext approach to user feedback","Wolff, Mulholland & Zdrahal",1,0,3,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Annika L. Wolff, Paul Mulholland, Zdenek Zdrahal","Annika L. Wolff","Poster","","false","","true","In this paper we describe the SILVER toolkit, which is designed for tasks in which a user learns by analysing and interpreting a set of resources. The user categorises each resource according to the set of properties that they identify as being applicable to it. Due to the large amount of data generated by this type of task, the user may find it hard to identify patterns in their classification and tagging, to recognise their own inconsistencies or make comparisons between themselves and others. Principles of spatial hypertext can be used to provide visual summaries of the data that can assist the above activities." 1474380721,"HVet: a hypervideo environment to support veterinary surgery learning","Tiellet et al.",4,0,17,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","André Grahl Pereira, Claudio A.B. Tiellet, Eliseo Berni Reategui, José Valdeni Lima, Teresa Chambel","Claudio A.B. Tiellet","Demo","","false","","true","In this demo, we present HVet, a hypervideo environment to support learning of veterinary surgery as an alternative to learning with live animals. By adding structure and interactivity, hypervideo allows to navigate video and to explore other related media to complement it, supporting the creation of a rich and realistic learning environment, with interactive access, construction and communication of knowledge." 1474380699,"The social life of hypertext","Grief",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Irene Greif","Irene Greif","Keynote","","false","","false","We live in a world where networks of people mingle with networks of documents, creating networks of ideas that are linked to the people and documents that subscribe to them. New tools are being created that facilitate the interactions between these networks, greatly expanding the role of hypertext as a social media tool. Interactive visualization is a particularly powerful tool that capitalizes on the immense visual processing power of the human brain. With Web 2.0 and related technologies the world of ideas is being shaped by the wisdom of crowds. People understand data better when we scale up the audience. While one can learn a lot simply watching visual displays of information, there is also a pent up desire to analyze. People want their own controls, so that they can see data in their own way by looking at it differently. ManyEyes is a system that features a range of visualizations, where people can upload data and see that data in a variety of ways. When people find interesting views of the data they can annotate them and share their comments with others, thus building a community around visualization and interpretation. Sharing visualizations and interpretations lets people have deeper discussions in the communities that they belong to, facilitating conversations on politics, economics, health, and a host of other issues. We have found that visualizations are particularly powerful when used to analyze words. Dynamic visualizations draw people in and lead to interesting new conclusions. Scalable real world deployments let research keep up with the wisdom of crowds, and this keynote will explore some of the emerging research in this area. More information about the Many Eyes project can be found at[no references]" 1474385991,"From disasters to WOW: using web science to understand and enable 21st century multidimensional networks","Contractor",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Noshir Contractor","Noshir Contractor","Keynote","","false","","false","Recent advances in Web Science provide comprehensive digital traces of social actions, interactions, and transactions. These data provide an unprecedented exploratorium to model the socio-technical motivations for creating, maintaining, dissolving, and reconstituting multidimensional social networks. Multidimensional networks include multiple types of nodes (people, documents, datasets, tags, etc.) and multiple types of relationships (co-authorship, citation, web links, etc). Using examples from research in a wide range of activities such as disaster response, science and engineering communities, public health and massively multiplayer online games (WoW - the World of Warcraft), Contractor will argue that Web Science serves as the foundation for the development of social network theories and methods to help advance our ability to understand and enable multidimensional networks.####[no references]" 1474385994,"Implicit association via crowd-sourced coselection","Ashman et al.",0,2,42,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Gavin Smith, Helen Ashman, Mark Truran, Michael Antunovic, Satit Chaprasit","Helen Ashman","Full paper","","true","implicit association evaluation, implicit relevance feedback, web search analysis","true","The interaction of vast numbers of search engine users with sets of search results sets is a potential source of significant quantities of resource classification data. In this paper we discuss work which uses coselection data (i.e. multiple click-through events generated by the same user on a single search engine result page) as an indicator of mutual relevance between web resources and a means for the automatic clustering of sense-singular resources. The results indicate that coselection can be used in this way. We ground-truthed unambiguous query clustering, forming a foundation for work on automatic ambiguity detection based on the resulting number of generated clusters. Using the cluster overlap by population principle, the extension of previous work allowed determination of synonyms or lingual translations where overlapping clusters indicated the mutual relevance in coselection and subsequently the irrelevance of the actual label inherited from the user query." 1474386000,"GALE: a highly extensible adaptive hypermedia engine","Smits & De Bra",1,3,16,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","David Smits, Paul De Bra","David Smits","Full paper","","true","Authoring, adaptation engine, adaptive hypermedia","true","This paper presents GALE, the GRAPPLE Adaptive Learning Environment, which (contrary to what the word suggests) is a truly generic and general purpose adaptive hypermedia engine. Five years have passed since “The Design of AHA!” was published at ACM Hypertext (2006). GALE takes the notion of general-purpose a whole lot further. We solve shortcomings of existing adaptive systems in terms of genericity, extensibility and usability and show how GALE improves on the state of the art in all these aspects. We illustrate different authoring styles for GALE, including the use of template pages, and show how adaptation can be defined in a completely decentralized way by using the open corpus adaptation facility of GALE. GALE has been used in a number of adaptive hypermedia workshops and assignments to test whether authors can actually make use of the extensive functionality that GALE offers. Adaptation has been added to wiki sites, existing material e.g. from w3schools, and of course also to locally authored hypertext. Soon GALE will be used in cross-course adaptation at the TU/e in a pilot project to improve the success rate of university students." 1474386010,"Identifying relevant social media content: leveraging information diversity and user cognition","De Choudhury, Counts & Czerwinski",1,1,29,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Mary Czerwinski, Munmun De Choudhury, Scott Counts","Munmun De Choudhury","Full paper","","true","Cognition, Information Seeking, Information Selection, Real-time Search, Social Media, Twitter, User Interfaces","true","As users turn to large scale social media systems like Twitter for topic-based content exploration, they quickly face the issue that there may be hundreds of thousands of items matching any given topic they might query. Given the scale of the potential result sets, how does one identify the ‘best’ or ‘right’ set of items? We explore a solution that aligns characteristics of the information space, including specific content attributes and the information diversity of the results set, with measurements of human information processing, including engagement and recognition memory. Using Twitter as a test bed, we propose a greedy iterative clustering technique for selecting a set of items on a given topic that matches a specified level of diversity.####In a user study, we show that our proposed method yields sets of items that were, on balance, more engaging, better remembered, and rated as more interesting and informative compared to baseline techniques. Additionally, diversity indeed seemed to be important to participants in the study in the consumption of content. However as a rather surprising result, we also observe that content was perceived to be more relevant when it was highly homogeneous or highly heterogeneous. In this light, implications for the selection and evaluation of topic-centric item sets in social media contexts are discussed." 1474386020,"A3P: adaptive policy prediction for shared images over popular content sharing sites","Squicciarini et al.",0,2,35,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Anna Cinzia Squicciarini, Dan Lin, Josh Wede, Smitha Sundareswaran","Anna Cinzia Squicciarini","Full paper","","true","Content sharing, Privacy policies","true","More and more people go online today and share their personal images using popular web services like Picasa. While enjoying the convenience brought by advanced technology, people also become aware of the privacy issues of data being shared. Recent studies have highlighted that people expect more tools to allow them to regain control over their privacy. In this work, we propose an Adaptive Privacy Policy Prediction (A3P) system to help users compose privacy settings for their images. In particular, we examine the role of image content and metadata as possible indicators of users’ privacy preferences. We propose a two-level image classification framework to obtain image categories which may be associated with similar policies. Then, we develop a policy prediction algorithm to automatically generate a policy for each newly uploaded image. Most importantly, the generated policy will follow the trend of the user’s privacy concerns evolved with time. We have conducted an extensive user study and the results demonstrate effectiveness of our system with the prediction accuracy around 90%." 1474388375,"Exploring (the poetics of) strange (and fractal) hypertexts","Hargood et al.",5,3,14,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Charlie Hargood, David E. Millard, Matt R. Taylor, Rosamund Davies, Samuel Brooker","Charlie Hargood","Short paper","","true","Fractal Narratives, Hypertext Poetics, Strange Hypertext","true","The ACM Hypertext conference has a rich history of challenging the node-link hegemony of the web. At Hypertext 2011 Pisarski [12] suggested that to refocus on nodes in hypertext might unlock a new poetics, and at Hypertext 2001 Bernstein [3] lamented the lack of strange hypertexts: playful tools that experiment with hypertext structure and form. As part of the emerging Strange Hypertexts community project we have been exploring a number of exotic hypertext tools, and in this paper we set out an early experiment with media and creative writing undergraduates to see what effect one particular form—Fractal Narratives, a hypertext where readers drill down into text in a reoccurring pattern—would have on their writing. In this particular trial, we found that most students did not engage in the structure from a storytelling point of view, although they did find value from a planning point of view. Participants conceptually saw the value in non-linear storytelling but few exploited the fractal structure to actually do this. Participant feedback leads us to conclude that while new poetics do emerge from strange hypertexts, this should be viewed as an ongoing process that can be reinforced and encouraged by designing tools that highlight and support those emerging poetics in a series of feedback loops, and by providing writing contexts where they can be highlighted and collaboratively explored." 1474388389,"On the rise of artificial trending topics in twitter","Recuero & Araujo",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Raquel Recuero, Ricardo Araujo","Raquel Recuero","Poster","","false","","false","We present a quanti-qualitative research about Trending Topics in Twitter. Our goal was to investigate how social networks can interfere in Trending Topics seeking for visibility and based on social capital, using bridging and bonding ties. We collected, analyzed and classified 460 topics from the Brazilian Trending Topics’ List and the social networks associated to 40 of those. Our results point to two types of topics: artificial topics, created by groups of users consciously acting to put their message among the Trending Topics, usually to make statements and gain visibility to their causes; and organic topics, which emerge without effortful coordination by a group of people. While organic topics rely on values such as novelty and spread through bridging ties, artificial topics are based on bonding ties, with associated values such as engagement, cooperation and trust among the actors." 1594849426,"The Narrative of the Image","Odom",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Christopher E. Odom","Christopher E. Odom","Poster","","false","","false","This poster paper explores semiotics and rhetoric as narrative in social media visual culture, specifically with issues of identity and social change on social media platforms such as YouTube. Under the umbrella of semiotics, postmodernism, and poststructuralism, the paper builds upon the work of Roland Barthes, Stuart Hall, and Safiya Umoja Noble by expanding the concepts of visual semiotics, visual rhetoric, postcolonialism, critical race theory, and algorithms to examine the narrative of the image." 1594896696,"A Taxonomy of User Actions on Social Networking Sites","Winter et al.",0,0,2,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Anastasia Salter, Ivan Garibay, Jihye Song, Mel Stanfill, Olivia B. Newton, Rachel Winter, Stephen Fiore, Steve Scheinert, William Rand","Rachel Winter","Poster","","false","","false","The spread of information within and across Social Networking Sites (SNSs) is increasingly impactful on contemporary society. As information (and misinformation) moves across multiple online platforms, it is important to be able to put these platforms in conversation with one another in order to better understand complex phenomena. This article proposes a taxonomy of actions that are consistent across SNSs to provide researchers and other stakeholders with consistent terminology that enables classifying and comparing user activities over a variety of social media platforms. The proposed taxonomy of actions indicates that although SNSs differentiate themselves in the market and at the level of user experience through unique capabilities and forms of interaction, they can be productively understood as varying means to perform the same set of underlying actions: create, vote, follow, and post." 1594901353,"3rd Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext (HUMAN'20)","Atzenbeck & Rubart",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Claus Atzenbeck, Jessica Rubart","Claus Atzenbeck","Workshop","","false","","false","HUMAN’20 is the third workshop of a series for the ACM Hypertext conferences. It has a strong focus on the user and thus is complementary to the strong machine analytics research direction that could be experienced in previous conferences.####The user-centric view on hypertext not only includes user interfaces and interaction, but also discussions about hypertext application domains. Furthermore, the workshop raises the question of how original hypertext ideas (e.g., Doug Engelbart’s “augmenting human intellect” or Frank Halasz’ “hypertext as a medium for thinking and communication”) can improve today’s hypertext systems.####[no references]" 1594901507,"Knowledge-infused Deep Learning","Gaur et al.",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Amit Sheth, Manas Gaur, Ruwan Wickramarachchi, Shweta Yadav, Ugur Kursuncu","Manas Gaur","Workshop","","false","","false","Deep Learning has shown remarkable success during the last decade for essential tasks in computer vision and natural language processing. Yet, challenges remain in the development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) models in real-world cases, such as dependence on extensive data and trust, explainability, traceability, and interactivity. These challenges are amplified in high-risk fields, including healthcare, cyber threats, crisis response, autonomous driving, and future manufacturing. On the other hand, symbolic computing with knowledge graphs has shown significant growth in specific tasks with reliable performance. This tutorial (a) discusses the novel paradigm of knowledge-infused deep learning to synthesize neural computing with symbolic computing (b) describes different forms of knowledge and infusion methods in deep learning, and (c) discusses application-specific evaluation methods to assure explainability and reasoning using benchmark datasets and knowledge-resources. The resulting paradigm of “knowledge-infused learning” combines knowledge from both domain expertise and physical models. A wide variety of techniques involving shallow, semi-deep, and deep infusion will be discussed along with the corresponding intuitions, limitations, use cases, and applications. More details can be found \url" 1569338376,"On Crawling Community-aware Online Social Network Data","Hsu et al.",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Bay-Yuan Hsu, Chia-Lin Tu, Chih-Ya Shen, Ming-Yi Chang","Bay-Yuan Hsu","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper, we make our first attempt to address this issue by proposing a new research problem to identify a group of users from the OSN, such that the group is a socially tight community and the users’ willingness of data contribution is maximized. We propose an effective algorithm, named Community-aware Group Identification with Maximum Willingness (CIW). We conduct extensive experiments on multiple real datasets, and the proposed CIW outperforms the other baselines in terms of both solution quality and efficiency." 1569338379,"Assessing the Bias of Facebook's Graph API","Ho",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Justin Chun-Ting Ho","Justin Chun-Ting Ho","Poster","","false","","false","Facebook research has proliferated during recent years. However, Facebook has introduced a new limitation on the maximum amount of page posts retrievable through the Graph API in November 2017 while there is limited documentation on how these posts are selected. This paper compares two datasets of the same Facebook page, a full dataset obtained before the introduction of the limitation and a partial dataset obtained after, and employs bootstrapping technique to assess the bias caused by the limitation. This paper demonstrates that posts with high user engagement, Photo posts, and Video posts are over-represented while Link posts are under-represented. Top term analysis reveals that there are significant differences in the most prominent terms between the full and partial dataset. This paper also reverse engineered the new API’s ranking algorithm to identify the features of a post that would affect its odds of being selected." 1569338386,"How Do Outstanding Users Differ From Other Users in Q&A Communities?","Pocaci et al.",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Bernardo Pereira Nunes, Sean Siqueira, Thiago Baesso Procaci, Ujwal Gadiraju","Thiago Baesso Procaci","Poster","","false","","false","This paper reports on an investigation into outstanding and ordinary users of two Question & Answer (Q&A) communities. Considering some behavior perspectives such as participation, linguistic traits, social ties, influence, and focus, we found that outstanding users (i) are more likely to engage in discussions; (ii) tend to use more sophisticated linguistic traits; (iii) generate longer debates; (iv) value the diversity of their connections; and (v) participate in several topics, rather than one specialist niche. These findings allow us to use behavioral patterns to predict if a given user is outstanding and predict which answer gives a definitive solution for a question. Then, we present two feature learning methods to automatically generate the inputs for the prediction model to classify users as outstanding or ordinary. Our feature learning approaches outperformed related methods and generated competitive results when compared to feature engineering based on behavioral patterns." 1569338388,"Multi-dataset-multi-task Neural Sequence Tagging for Information Extraction from Tweets","Mishra",3,0,12,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Shubhanshu Mishra","Shubhanshu Mishra","Poster","","false","","true","Multi-task learning is effective in reducing the required data for learning a task, while ensuring competitive accuracy with respect to single task learning. We study effectiveness of multi-dataset-multi-task learning in training neural models for four sequence tagging tasks for Twitter data, namely, part of speech (POS) tagging, chunking, super sense tagging, and named entity recognition (NER). We utilize—7 POS, 10 NER, 1 Chunking, and 2 super sense—tagged publicly available datasets. We use a multi-dataset-multi-task neural model based on pre-trained contextual text embeddings and compare it against single-dataset-single-task, and multi-dataset-single-task models. Even within a task, the tagging schemes may differ across datasets. The model learns using this tagging diversity across all datasets for a task. The models are more effective compared to single data/task models, leading to significant improvements for POS (1-2% acc., 7 datasets), NER (1-10% F1, 9 datasets), and chunking (4%). For super sense tagging there is 2% improvement in F1 for out of domain data. Our models and tools can be found at" 1569338391,"Con2KG-A Large-scale Domain-Specific Knowledge Graph","Goyal et al.",0,0,10,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Nidhi Goyal, Niharika Sachdeva, Nitendra Rajput, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Rijula Kar, Vijay Choudhary","Nidhi Goyal","Poster","","false","","false","This paper presents Con2KG, a large-scale recruitment domain Knowledge Graph that describes 4 million triples as facts from 250 thousands of unstructured data of job postings. We propose a novel framework for Knowledge Graph construction from unstructured text and an unsupervised, dynamically evolving ontology that helps Con2KG to capture hierarchical links between the entities missed by explicit relational facts in the triples. To enrich our graph, we include entity context and its polarity. Towards this end, we discuss Con2KG applications that may benefit the recruitment domain." 1569338399,"ABIS 2019 - 23rd International Workshop on Personalization and Recommendation on the Web and Beyond","Augstein et al.",0,0,1,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Eelco Herder, Enes Yigitbas, Mirjam Augstein, Wolfgang Wörndl","Mirjam Augstein","Workshop","","false","","false","ABIS 2019 is an international workshop, organized by the SIG on Adaptivity and User Modeling of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik. For more than 20 years, the ABIS Workshop has been a highly interactive forum for discussing the state of the art in personalization and user modeling. Latest developments in industry and research are presented in plenary sessions, forums, and tutorials. Related ABIS 2019 Workshop Proceedings are available in the ACM DL at:" 1569338400,"2nd Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext (HUMAN '19)","Rubart & Atzenbeck",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Claus Atzenbeck, Jessica Rubart","Jessica Rubart","Workshop","","false","","false","HUMAN ’19 is the second workshop of a new series for the ACM Hypertext conferences. It has a strong focus on the user and thus is complementary to the strong machine analytics research direction that could be experienced in previous conferences. The user-centric view on hypertext not only includes user interfaces and interaction, but also discussions about hypertext application domains. Furthermore, the workshop raises the question of how original hypertext ideas (e.g., Doug Engelbart’s “augmenting human intellect” or Frank Halasz’ “hypertext as a medium for thinking and communication”) can improve today’s hypertext systems.####[no references]" 1569338405,"SIDEWAYS'19: 5th International Workshop on Social Media World Sensors","Di Caro, Cataldi & Schifanella",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Claudio Schifanella, Luigi Di Caro, Mario Cataldi","Luigi Di Caro","Workshop","","false","","false","Social media services represent freely-accessible social networks allowing registered members to broadcast short posts referring to a potentially-unlimited range of topics, by also exploiting the immediateness of handy smart devices. This workshop wanted to stress the vision of this powerful communication channel as a social sensor, which can be used to detect and characterize interesting and yet unreported information and events in real time, crossing all topics and locations. Future technologies on this connectivity may also provide applications with automatic techniques for the generation of news (filtered over user profiles), offering a sideways to the existing authoritative information media.####[no references]" 1594849418,"How Does Team Composition Affect Knowledge Gain of Users in Collaborative Web Search?","Xu, Zhou & Gadiraju",0,1,43,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Luyan Xu, Ujwal Gadiraju, Xuan Zhou","Luyan Xu","Full paper","","true","collaborative web search, knowledge gain, team composition","true","Studies in searching as learning (SAL) have revealed that user knowledge gain not only manifests over a long-term learning period, but also occurs in single short-term web search sessions. Though prior works have shown that the knowledge gain of collaborators can be influenced by user demographics and searching strategies in long-term collaborative learning, little is known about the effect of these factors on user knowledge gain in short-term collaborative web search. In this paper, we present a study addressing the knowledge gain of user pairs in single collaborative web search sessions. Using crowdsourcing we recruited 454 unique users (227 random pairs), who then collaboratively worked on informational search tasks spanning 10 different topics and information needs. We investigated how users’ demographics and traits, and the interaction between these factors could influence their knowledge gain. We found that in contrast to offline collaboration cases, user demographics such as gender, age, etc. do not significantly effect users’ knowledge gain in collaborative web search sessions. Instead, our results highlight the presence of labor division of queries and particular interaction patterns in communication that facilitate knowledge gain in user pairs. Based on these findings, we propose a multiple linear regression model to predict the knowledge gain of users in collaborative web search sessions from the perspective of team composition." 1594849428,"ate the Artist: A Virtual Date with a Virtual Character","Hmimid & Mosher",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Hanae Hmimid, Matthew Mosher","Hanae Hmimid","Poster","","false","","false","Date the Artist is a video based interactive website that presents people with the opportunity to date a virtual character (VC). Each webpage represents a stage of the relationship. In each page, the user has 2 to 3 choices leading to different videos. By the end, all the videos lead to the same final video representing the end of the relationship. The goal of this paper is to explain the design process, the main metaphor behind the project, as well as highlighting the overall user experience." 1594849429,"What is BitChute? Characterizing the “Free Speech” Alternative to YouTube","Trujillo et al.",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Benjamin D. Horne, Cody Buntain, Maurício Gruppi, Milo Trujillo","Milo Trujillo","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper, we characterize the content and discourse on BitChute, a social video-hosting platform. Launched in 2017 as an alternative to YouTube, BitChute joins an ecosystem of alternative, low content moderation platforms, including Gab, Voat, Minds, and 4chan. Uniquely, BitChute is the first of these alternative platforms to focus on video content and is growing in popularity. Our analysis reveals several key characteristics of the platform. We find that only a handful of channels receive any engagement, and almost all of those channels contain conspiracies or hate speech. This high rate of hate speech on the platform as a whole, much of which is anti-Semitic, is particularly concerning. Our results suggest that BitChute has a higher rate of hate speech than Gab but less than 4chan. Lastly, we find that while some BitChute content producers have been banned from other platforms, many maintain profiles on mainstream social media platforms, particularly YouTube. This paper contributes a first look at the content and discourse on BitChute and provides a building block for future research on low content moderation platforms." 1594896706,"Link Prediction in Signed Networks","Chakraborty, Das & Chakraborty",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Nilotpal Chakraborty, Ritwika Das, Roshni Chakraborty","Roshni Chakraborty","Poster","","false","","false","Signed networks represent the real world relationships, which are both positive or negative. Recent research works focus on either discriminative or generative based models for signed network embedding. In this paper, we propose a generative adversarial network (GAN) model for signed network which unifies generative and discriminative models to generate the node embedding. Our experimental evaluations on several datasets, like Slashdot, Epinions, Reddit, Bitcoin and Wiki-RFA indicates that the proposed approach ensures better macro F1-score than the existing state-of-the-art approaches in link prediction and handling of sparsity of signed networks." 1594896738,"Dash: A Hyper Framework","Yip et al.",0,1,2,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Andries van Dam, Bob Zeleznik, Samuel Wilkins, Stanley Yip, Tyler Schicke","Stanley Yip","Poster","","false","","true","Popular application suites, as well as specialized apps, are designed for workflows in which users focus on a single task for extended periods of time. These application silos slow down the many other workflows that require users to move with agility between tasks in a single working session. This is particularly true for creative people who have personalized patterns of gathering, organizing, and presenting information from a variety of sources. Moreover, each application comes with its own learning curve and data model, restricting users seeking to extend their workflows and in some cases, losing data through poor data transferring mechanisms such as clipboard copy and paste.####Dash is an open component-based hypermedia system that provides what we believe to be a best of breed set of components. While each component can be used in isolation as less full featured versions of an analogous application, Dash allows users to interoperate components and compose their own workflows without losing data or expending effort while switching between tasks. As hypertext allowed users to flexibly move between texts, Dash allows users to flexibly move between tasks." 1594897899,"A Sociolinguistic Route to the Characterization and Detection of the Credibility of Events on Twitter","Patro & Rathore",0,1,0,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Jasabanta Patro, Pushpendra Singh Rathore","Jasabanta Patro","Full paper","","true","credibility detection, event credibility, sociolinguistic approach","true","Although Twitter constitutes as one of the primary sources of real-time news with users acting as the sensors updating the content from all across the globe, yet the spread of rumours via Twitter is becoming an increasingly alarming issue and is known to have caused significant damage already. We propose a credibility analysis approach based on the linguistic structure of the tweets. We not only characterize the Twitter events but also predict their perceived credibility of them by a novel deep learning architecture. We use the huge CREDBANK data to conduct our experiments. Some of our exciting findings are that standard LIWC categories like ‘negate’, ‘discrep’, ‘cogmech’, ‘swear’ and the Empath categories like ‘hate’, ‘poor’, ‘government’, ‘worship’ and ‘swearing-terms’ correlate negatively with the credibility of events. While some of our results resonate with the earlier literature others represent novel insights of the fake and legitimate twitter events. Using the above observations and the current deep learning architecture we predict the credibility of an event (a four-class classification problem in our case) with an accuracy of 0.54 that improves the best-known state-of-the-art (current accuracy 0.43) by ~ 26%. A fascinating observation is that even by looking at the first few tweets of an event, it is possible to make the prediction almost as accurate as in the case where the entire volume of tweets is observed.####[no references]" 1630364995,"Demonstration of Weblinks: A Rich Linking Layer Over the Web","Roßner & Atzenbeck",3,0,6,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Claus Atzenbeck, Daniel Roßner","Daniel Roßner","Late Abstract","","false","Web, Weblinks, browser, hypertext, link service, navigational hypertext","true","Modern browsers, as we know them from the Web, are used to query and present a variety of different resources. This usually happens by traversing links (i.e., URIs) in hypertext documents. The creation of new links however, is impossible to ordinary users, because they usually are recipients, but not owners of the received resource. In this paper, we demonstrate a browser plugin called “Weblinks”, which offers its users an additional and rich linking layer over the existing Web. This enhances the notion of links as strings (i.e., URIs) in today's Web context to links as rich objects (n-ary, unidirectional, or bidirectional), which can be created, traversed or shared by anyone using the Weblinks browser plugin." 1630365278,"Examining Global Mobile Diffusion and Mobile Gender Gaps through Facebook's Advertising Data","Sabri, Kashyap & Weber",0,0,19,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Ingmar Weber, Nazanin Sabri, Ridhi Kashyap","Nazanin Sabri","Late Abstract","","false","Access to mobile phones, Digital Demography, Facebook’s Advertisement Platform, Gender Gaps, Online Advertising","false","Social media advertising data, particularly data from Facebook's advertising platform, have been successfully used for monitoring population and development indicators, with an emphasis on monitoring digital gender inequality. This paper contributes to this literature by assessing the feasibility of the attribute of user behavior of “using a mobile device for X months” available from Facebook's advertising platform to understand short-term global mobile diffusion dynamics and mobile phone gender gaps. We compare this attribute with other features of the platform to form a better understanding of the data and the digital behaviours they capture, and show how this Facebook attribute relates to mobile phone penetration rates and gender gaps in mobile access. We find that this “Uses a mobile device (X months)” advertising targeting attribute can be used as a proxy for changes in mobile phone penetration rates, especially among younger users, and that it captures cross-national variation in mobile gender gaps. We further find that countries with larger gender gaps disfavoring women are comparatively more gender-equal among the most recently joined cohort." 1630365710,"Exploring the Links between Personality Traits and Susceptibility to Disinformation","Barman & Conlan",0,0,23,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Dipto Barman, Owen Conlan","Dipto Barman","Consortium Abstract","","false","Change, Disinformation, Personality Trait, Susceptibility","false","The growth of online Digital/social media has allowed a variety of ideas and opinions to coexist. Social Media has appealed users due to the ease of fast dissemination of information at low cost and easy access. However, due to the growth in affordance of Digital platforms, users have become prone to consume disinformation, misinformation, propaganda, and conspiracy theories. In this paper, we wish to explore the links between the personality traits given by the Big Five Inventory and their susceptibility to disinformation. More specifically, this study is attributed to capture the short-term as well as the long-term effects of disinformation and its effects on the five personality traits. Further, we expect to observe that different personalities traits have different shifts in opinion and different increase or decrease of uncertainty on an issue after consuming the disinformation. Based on the findings of this study, we would like to propose a personalized narrative-based change in behavior for different personality traits." 1531002416,"Predicting Twitter User Socioeconomic Attributes with Network and Language Information","Aletras & Chamberlain",0,1,48,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Benjamin Paul Chamberlain, Nikolaos Aletras","Nikolaos Aletras","Short paper","","true","graph embeddings, social media, user profiling","true","Inferring socioeconomic attributes of social media users such as occupation and income is an important problem in computational social science. Automated inference of such characteristics has applications in personalised recommender systems, targeted computational advertising and online political campaigning. While previous work has shown that language features can reliably predict socioeconomic attributes on Twitter, employing information coming from users’ social networks has not yet been explored for such complex user characteristics. In this paper, we describe a method for predicting the occupational class and the income of Twitter users given information extracted from their extended networks by learning a low-dimensional vector representation of users, i.e. graph embeddings. We use this representation to train predictive models for occupational class and income. Results on two publicly available datasets show that our method consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in both tasks. We also obtain further significant improvements when we combine graph embeddings with textual features, demonstrating that social network and language information are complementary." 1531046387,"Data and Design in International Development","Sage",0,0,1,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Leslie Sage","Leslie Sage","Keynote","","false","","false","Foreign aid is a $150 billion dollar industry[1], but the skills and tools for using data in international development are in their infancy. Herculean efforts to overhaul systems of agriculture, education, sanitation, and health go unexamined because collecting that information is hard. Governments and NGOs are tracking information that doesn’t begin in electronic format, like school refurbishments and job trainings, then storing it in unstructured documents on inaccessible hard drives around the globe. DevResults is a private software company with the objective of providing best-in-class tools for managing data in international development. The aim is to enable data-driven decision-making by international development practitioners and the communities they serve. If properly captured, shared, and interpreted, international development data offer insights on how to reduce disease, improve education, and lift people out of poverty. DevResults is approaching this problem with a Software as a Service (SaaS) model, paired with consulting and training on designing metrics, structuring data, and using web-based tools. Over the last decade, DevResults has developed an iterative approach based on user feedback from thousands of users of over 100 product instances. This has produced an increasingly sophisticated application and complex data model as demand grows for linked, interoperable data. Among other lessons learned, DevResults has identified a key precept of only revealing complexity where needed, as organizations and users express a wide range of needs and capacities. The result is a commercially viable product that’s modular in design. DevResults’ software is in use at all organizational levels and has dramatically improved data management and analysis for user organizations." 1531046409,"Content Driven Enrichment of Formal Text using Concept Definitions and Applications","Jain et al.",0,1,15,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Abhinav Jain, Nitin Gupta, Rishi Madhok, Sameep Mehta, Shashank Mujumdar","Abhinav Jain","Short paper","","true","Application Identification, Concept Graph, Content Enrichment, Deep Learning, Definition Extraction, Key Concepts","true","Formal text is objective, unambiguous and tends to have complex sentence construction intended to be understood by the target demographic. However, in the absence of domain knowledge it is imperative to define key concepts and their relationship in the text for correct interpretation for general readers. To address this, we propose a text enrichment framework that identifies the key concepts from input text, highlights definitions and fetches the definition from external data sources in case the concept is undefined. Beyond concept definitions, the system enriches the input text with concept applications and a pre-requisite concept graph that showcases the inter-dependency within the extracted concepts. While the problem of learning definition statements is attempted in literature, the task of learning application statements is novel. We manually annotated a dataset for training a deep learning network for identifying application statements in text. We quantitatively compared the results of both application and definition identification models with standard baselines. To validate the utility of the proposed framework for general readers, we report enrichment accuracy and show promising results." 1531052851,"The StoryPlaces Platform: Building a Web-Based Locative Hypertext System","Hargood, Weal & Millard",12,5,35,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Charlie Hargood, David E. Millard, Mark J. Weal","Charlie Hargood","Full paper","","true","Location-Based Narrative, Sculptural Hypertext","true","Locative narrative systems have been a popular area of research for nearly two decades, but they are often bespoke systems, developed for particular deployments, or to demonstrate novel technologies. This has meant that they are short-lived, the narratives have been constructed by the creators of the system, and that the barrier to creating locative experiences has remained high due to a lack of common tools. We set out to create a platform based on the commonalities of these historic systems, with a focus on hypertext structure, and designed to enable locative based narratives to be created, deployed, and experienced in-the-wild. The result is StoryPlaces, an open source locative hypertext platform and authoring tool designed around a sculptural hypertext engine and built with existing Web technologies. As well as providing an open platform for future development, StoryPlaces also offers novelty in its management of location, including the separation of location and nodes, of descriptions from locations, and of content from pages, as well as being designed to have run-time caching and disconnection resilience. It also advances the state of the art in sculptural hypertext systems delivery through conditional functions, and nested, geographic and temporal conditions. The StoryPlaces platform has been used for the public deployment of over twenty locative narratives, and demonstrates the effectiveness of a general platform for delivering complex locative narrative experiences. In this paper we describe the process of creating the platform and our insights on the design of locative hypertext platforms." 1531053738,"Intelligent Generative Locative Hyperstructure","Hargood, Charles & Millard",5,2,21,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Charlie Hargood, David E. Millard, Fred Charles","Charlie Hargood","Short paper","","true","Location Querying, Location-Based Narrative, Narrative Generation","true","Locative Hypertext Narrative has seen a resurgence in the Hypertext and Interactive Narrative research communities over the last five years. However, while locative hypertext provides significant opportunities for rich locative applications for both education and entertainment, many applications in this space are tied to very specific locations, restricting their utility to local users. While this is necessary for some locative applications (such as tour guides), others make use of location as a thematic or contextual backdrop and as such could be effectively read in similar locations elsewhere. However, many locative systems are restricted to use specific prescribed locations, and systems that do generate locations do so in a simplistic manner, and often with mixed results. In this paper we propose a more intelligent generative approach to locative hypertext that will generate a locative structure for the user’s local area that both respects the thematic location demands of the piece and the effective patterns and structures of locative narrative.####[Winners of Blue Skies paper]" 1531053743,"A Villain's Guide To Social Media And Web Science","Bernstein & Hooper",1,1,25,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Clare Hooper, Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, fiction, history of computing, implementation, literature, politics, social media, villainy","true","If we have not yet achieved planetary super-villainy on the desktop, it may be feasible to fit it into a suburban office suite. Social media and Web science permit the modern villain to deploy traditional cruelties to great and surprising effect. Because the impact of villainous techniques is radically asymmetric, our fetid plots are difficult and costly to foil." 1569268719,"Hypertext as Method","Atzenbeck & Nürnberg",27,5,57,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Claus Atzenbeck, Peter J. Nürnberg","Claus Atzenbeck","Full paper","","true","AI, augmentation, context, hypertext, hypertext history, infrastructure, intellect, intelligence, man-machine, research communities, structures","true","Historically, there has been a tendency to consider hypertext as a type of system, perhaps characterized by provision of links or other structure to users. In this paper, we consider hypertext as a method of inquiry, a way of viewing arbitrary systems. In this view, what are traditionally called “navigational hypertext systems” might be considered as information retrieval systems, “spatial hypertext systems” as brainstorming systems, etc., while their “hypertext” nature results from the way in which such systems are conceived, developed, and/or presented. The benefit of such a shift is the ability to apply this hypertextual method of inquiry to systems not normally considered part of the hypertext community. In this paper, we specifically apply this view to artificial intelligence, and examine how this application can be productive." 1474400440,"Storyspace 3","Bernstein",15,3,43,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Short paper","","true","Storyspace, design, education, fiction, history of computing, hypermedia, hypertext, implementation, links, literature, maps, support","true","Storyspace was introduced in one of the first papers presented at the first ACM Workshop of Hypertext, and gave rise to a number of significant hypertexts, both fiction and nonfiction. A new implementation of Storyspace for contemporary computing environments is clearly desirable. This has been undertaken, with modest resources and in a short time frame. A number of surprising new facilities, many of them originally proposed in contrast or opposition to Storyspace, can be supported without altering or complicating the underlying Storyspace node and link model." 1474400441,"Classical Hypermedia Virtues on the Web with Webstrates","Bouvin & Klokmose",12,1,41,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose, Niels Olof Bouvin","Niels Olof Bouvin","Short paper","","true","Web, collaboration, dynamic documents, hypermedia","true","We show and analyze herein how Webstrates can augment the Web from a classical hypermedia perspective. Webstrates turns the DOM of Web pages into persistent and collaborative objects. We demonstrate how this can be applied to realize bidirectional links, shared collaborative annotations, and in-browser authorship and development." 1474400452,"Analyzing the Perceptions of Change in a Distributed Collection of Web Documents","Meneses et al.",0,1,28,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Frank Shipman, Luis Meneses, Richard Furuta, Sampath Jayarathna","Luis Meneses","Short paper","","true","Web resource management, distributed collections, web change classification","true","It is not unusual for documents on the Web to degrade and suffer from problems associated with unexpected change. In an analysis of the Association for Computing Machinery conference list, we found that categorizing the degree of change affecting digital documents over time is a difficult task. More specifically, we found that categorizing this degree of change is not a binary problem where documents are either unchanged or they have changed so dramatically that they do not fit within the scope of the collection. It is in part, a characterization of the intent of the change. In this paper, we present a case study that compares change detection methods based on machine learning algorithms against the assessment made by human subjects in a user study. Consequently, this paper will focus on two research questions. First, how can we categorize the various degrees of change that documents endure? And second, how did our automatic detection methods fare against the human assessment of change in the ACM conference list?" 1474400465,"Improving Website Navigation with the Wisdom of Crowds","Nizam, Watters & Gruzd",1,0,10,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Anatoliy Gruzd, Carolyn Watters, Naureen Nizam","Naureen Nizam","Poster","","false","","true","In this paper, we explore how user-generated content, such as links (web page URLs) shared on social media can be used to recommend relevant and popular web pages to the website visitors. Based on our preliminary findings [8, 9], we have developed a set of guidelines and a prototype called the Social Media Panel (SMP). The SMP displays popular web pages as page thumbnails based on the aggregate information trending on social media sites. We evaluate the SMP via a focus group and a controlled user study, and compare it against conventional website navigation tools (i.e., menus, search, links, and browser tools), for effectiveness, efficiency and user engagement. We found SMP to be effective, efficient and engaging for browsing tasks. Subsequently, ANOVA tests were employed which proved that it took fewer clicks to complete the task using SMP. However, the use of SMP did not prove to make a significant difference in expediting the completion of the task." 1513449540,"A Meme is Not a Virus: The Role of Cognitive Heuristics in Information Diffusion","Lerman",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Kristina Lerman","Kristina Lerman","Keynote","","false","","false","The many decisions people make about what information to consume affect emerging trends, their popularity, and the diffusion of information through online social networks. Due to constraints of available time and cognitive resources, the ease of discovery strongly affects how people allocate their attention. Through empirical analysis and online experiments, I measure the impact of cognitive biases on collective attention. I show that position of information in the user interface strongly determines whether it is seen, while explicit signals about its popularity increases the likelihood of response. Accounting for these factors simplifies dynamics of information diffusion, allows for more accurate prediction of social behavior, and explains why most memes fail to spread widely online." 1569269736,"What is Hypertext Authoring?","Kitromili, Jordan & Millard",20,1,45,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","David E. Millard, James Jordan, Sofia Kitromili","Sofia Kitromili","Short paper","","true","authoring, authoring tools, digital interactive storytelling, hypertext, hypertext fiction, interactive fiction","true","Despite a proliferation of hypertext systems used for fiction, and accompanying authoring tools for those systems, relatively few studies have looked at what are the distinct activities involved in hypertext authoring. This has meant that research into authoring tools has not sufficiently targeted specific activities, leading to complexity for users, and confusion over what research findings actually mean. In this paper we present a systematic literature review and analysis of all the papers published in ACM Hypertext (since 1987) and the International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS since 2008, and preceding events ICVS and TIDSE 2001-2007) that describe a distinct authoring activity. We discover seventeen papers that between them cover six common activities: Training/Support, Planning, Visualising/Structuring. Writing, Editing, and Compiling/Testing, as well as a seventh category for non-common Advanced activities for specialist domains. Planning and Editing tend to treat structure and content as a duality, while Structuring and Writing treat them as separate aspects of the digital narrative. All six activities have foundations in the Hypertext conference in its first decade, and have seen somewhat of a resurgence of interest in ICIDS in the last decade - although overall numbers are surprisingly low, especially given the size of the proceedings reviewed, indicating how little is known about the human experience of hypertext authoring. Our findings will help structure the work of those studying hypertext authoring and help focus the efforts of those developing new authoring applications." 1569278529,"Mapping Cultural Representations of Machine Vision: Developing Methods to Analyse Games, Art and Narratives","Rettberg, et al.",3,1,30,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Jill Walker Rettberg, Linda Kronman, Linn Heidi Stokkedal, Marianne Gunderson, Ragnhild Solberg","Jill Walker Rettberg","Short paper","","true","Machine vision, computer games, computer vision, digital art, digital humanities, methodology, narratives, network analysis, science fiction","true","Machine vision technologies are increasingly ubiquitous in society and have become part of everyday life. However, the rapid adoption has led to ethical concerns relating to privacy, agency, bias and accuracy. This paper presents the methodology and preliminary results from a digital humanities project that maps and categorises references to and uses of machine vision in digital art, narratives and games in order to find patterns to help us analyse broader cultural understandings of machine vision in society. Understanding the cultural significance and valence of machine vision is crucial for developers of machine vision technologies, so that new technologies are designed to meet general needs and ethical concerns, and ultimately contribute to a better, more just society." 1569278530,"On Links: Exercises in Style","Mason & Bernstein",10,3,55,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Mark Bernstein, Stacey Mason","Stacey Mason","Full paper","","true","Exercises in Style, hypertext, link poetics, links, poetics","true","Links are the most important new punctuation mark since the invention of the comma, but it has been years since the last in-depth discussions of link poetics. Taking inspiration Raymond Queneau’s Exercices De Style, we explore the poetics of contemporary link usage by offering exercises in which the same piece of text is divided and linked in different ways. We present three different exercises—varying the division of a text into lexia, varying links among lexia, and varying links within lexia—while pointing toward potential aesthetic considerations of each variation. Our exercises are intended descriptively, not prescriptively, as a conversational starting point for analysis and as a compendium of useful techniques upon which artists might build." 1569338382,"Privacy Preserving Text Representation Learning","Beigi et al.",1,0,7,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Ghazaleh Beigi, Huan Liu, Kai Shu, Ruocheng Guo, Suhang Wang","Ghazaleh Beigi","Poster","","false","","true","Online users generate tremendous amounts of textual information by participating in different online activities. This data provides opportunities for researchers and business partners to understand individuals. However, this user-generated textual data not only can reveal the identity of the user but also may contain individual’s private attribute information. Publishing the textual data thus compromises the privacy of users. It is challenging to design effective anonymization techniques for textual information which minimize the chances of re-identification and does not contain private information while retaining the textual semantic meaning. In this paper, we study this problem and propose a novel double privacy preserving text representation learning framework, DPText. We show the effectiveness of DPText in preserving privacy and utility." 1569338384,"Audience and Streamer Participation at Scale on Twitch","Flores-Saviaga et al.",1,0,9,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Jessica Hammer, Joseph Seering, Juan Pablo Flores, Saiph Savage, Stuart Reeves","Claudia Flores-Saviaga","Poster","","false","","true","Large-scale streaming platforms such as Twitch are becoming increasingly popular, but detailed audience-streamer interaction dynamics remain unexplored at scale. In this paper, we perform a mixed methods study on a dataset with over 12 million audience chat messages and 45 hours of streamed video to understand audience participation and streamer performance on Twitch. We uncover five types of streams based on size and audience participation styles, from small streams with close streamer-audience interactions to massive streams with the stadium-style audiences. We discuss challenges and opportunities emerging for streamers and audiences from each style and conclude by providing data-backed design implications that empower streamers, audiences, live streaming platforms, and game designers." 1569338395,"User Identity Linking Across Social Networks by Jointly Modeling Heterogeneous Data with Deep Learning","Hadgu & Gundam",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Asmelash Teka Hadgu, Jayanth Kumar Reddy Gundam","Asmelash Teka Hadgu","Poster","","false","","false","People have presence across different information networks on the social web. The problem of user identity linking, is the task of establishing a connection between accounts of the same user across different networks. Solving this problem is useful for: personalized recommendations, cross platform data enrichment and verifying online information among others. In this paper, we propose a deep learning based approach that jointly models heterogeneous data: text content, network structure as well as profile names and images, in order to solve the user identity linking problem. We perform experiments on a real world problem of connecting the social profile (Twitter) and academic profile (DBLP) of researchers. Our experimental results show that our joint model outperforms state-of-the-art results that consider profile, content or network features only." 1594732945,"Games, Hypertext, and Meaning","Wardrip-Fruin",0,0,2,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Noah Wardrip-Fruin","Noah Wardrip-Fruin","Keynote","","false","","false","It might seem that games can address almost any topic. There are versions of Monopoly and Tetris that, alone, seem to address subjects ranging from pop music, bass fishing, and sex to mass murder, slavery, and predatory real estate development. Yet for all but the last of these, the actual play of these games is at odds with the intended theme.####So what topics can games meaningfully address? One powerful way that games can address topics is by having playable models that resonate with their intended themes. Monopoly is actually an example of such a game, with a playable model of real estate development ripped off from a game intended as a critique of capitalism’s approach to resources. So is the less philosophical DOOM, with playable models of combat and space that match its “death travelogue” theme.####The foundation of any playable model is a set of operational logics, which combine communication and computation with opportunities for play. (Monopoly’s real estate model includes resource, pattern matching, and chance logics.) Video games depend on a relatively small vocabulary of such logics [1]. This restricts the playable models available, which is a challenge faced by those seeking to meaningfully address personal, cultural, and political topics through games [2].####One conspicuous counter-example, however, is the linking logic. The communicative role of the hypertext link is flexible enough that it can be used to address a wide range of topics. Yet the very flexibility of linking logics pushes the burden of systemic use onto game developers, which itself produces limits. Greater connection between video game research and hypertext research communities could be a path to address this." 1594732959,"Augustine as “Naturalist of the Mind”","Simpson",5,1,15,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Rosemary M. Simpson","Rosemary M. Simpson","Short paper","","true","conceptual synthesis in a multi-dimensional concept space, digital humanities, representation of non-linear structure in humanities literature, scholarly research, scientific analysis of philosophical writing","true","This paper, Augustine as “Naturalist of the Mind”, is a linear portal to its associated graph-structured Tinderbox hypertext. The hypertext is one component of a research project arising out of a Philosophy seminar on Augustine as the preeminent bridge philosopher between the ancient world of Greece and Rome and the subsequent 1000 years of Western philosophy. The research project explores some surprising insights that emerged during this seminar from a deep study of Augustine’s Confessions: Book 10-Memory. The purpose of the Augustine as “Naturalist of the Mind” Tinderbox hypertext is not only to be a multi-dimensional resource base for the research but also to provide an exploratorium where new materials can be added, new relationships created, and new research directions can be discovered and pursued." 1531046388,"Insecure Machine Learning Systems and Their Impact on the Web","Zhao",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Ben Y. Zhao","Ben Y. Zhao","Keynote","","false","","false","Increasingly powerful machine learning models are often seen as a panacea to a wide range of computational problems today. There is an unsustainable level of excitement over recent results in solving systems problems using deep learning techniques, leading to a rush to deploy ML-based systems in countries around the world. In this talk, I will consider some of the negative implications of these powerful but opaque models from two angles. I will discuss vulnerabilities inherent in many of today’s deep learning models, as well as the dangers of advanced ML tools used by malicious attackers. I believe that these critical issues must be addressed adequately before the wide-spread adoption of deep learning tools in today’s security critical applications.####[no references]" 1531046390,"Bootstrapping Web Archive Collections from Social Media","Nwala, Weigle & Nelson",0,1,39,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Alexander C. Nwala, Michael L. Nelson, Michele C. Weigle","Alexander C. Nwala","Full paper","","true","Collection evaluation, News, Social Media, Web Archiving","true","Human-generated collections of archived web pages are expensive to create, but provide a critical source of information for researchers studying historical events. Hand-selected collections of web pages about events shared by users on social media offer the opportunity for bootstrapping archived collections. We investigated if collections generated automatically and semi-automatically from social media sources such as Storify, Reddit, Twitter, and Wikipedia are similar to Archive-It human-generated collections. This is a challenging task because it requires comparing collections that may cater to different needs. It is also challenging to compare collections since there are many possible measures to use as a baseline for collection comparison: how does one narrow down this list to metrics that reflect if two collections are similar or dissimilar? We identified social media sources that may provide similar collections to Archive-It human-generated collections in two main steps. First, we explored the state of the art in collection comparison and defined a suite of seven measures (Collection Characterizing Suite - CCS) to describe the individual collections. Second, we calculated the distances between the CCS vectors of Archive-It collections and the CCS vectors of collections generated automatically and semi-automatically from social media sources, to identify social media collections most similar to Archive-It collections. The CCS distance comparison was done for three topics: “Ebola Virus,” “Hurricane Harvey,” and “2016 Pulse Nightclub Shooting.” Our results showed that social media sources such as Reddit, Storify, Twitter, and Wikipedia produce collections that are similar to Archive-It collections. Consequently, curators may consider extracting URIs from these sources in order to begin or augment collections about various news topics." 1531053746,"Efficient Auto-Generation of Taxonomies for Structured Knowledge Discovery and Organization","Ajwani et al.",0,0,15,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Alessandra Sala, Deepak Ajwani, Luca Maria Aiello, Pat Nicholson, Sourav Dutta","Deepak Ajwani","Tutorial","","false","","false","This tutorial introduces the audience to the latest breakthroughs in the area of interpreting unstructured content through an analysis of the key enabling scientific results along with their real-world applications. With technical presentations of problems like named-entity disambiguation and dynamically updating the knowledge hierarchy with domain-specific vocabulary, it would provide the fundamentals to the building-blocks of various applications in Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Data Mining." 1569103250,"Tear Down the Walls: An Exhibition of Hypertext & Participatory Narrative","Grigar",0,2,0,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Dene Grigar","Dene Grigar","Invited Talk","","false","","true","What does it mean to reunify different areas of scholarship surrounding hypertext and social media? The response this exhibition offers is: Reunification would include, not only papers by researchers, but also creative output by artists who use various hypertextual strategies and participatory involvement for producing highly experimental narratives. Included in this exhibition, therefore, are eight leading artists from Europe, North America, and Australia who explore 3D animation, mobile technology, hypertext platforms like Storyspace and Twine, and web languages for the purpose of storytelling. Coordinating with the conference theme, the exhibition shows how hypertext and social media can be used for human creative expression and so extends our understanding of these technologies. Works include John Barber & Greg Philbrook, Sound Spheres: Hyper Sound-Based Narratives; Mark Bernstein, Those Trojan Girls; Mez Breeze, A Place Called Ormalcy and V[R]ignettes: A VR Microstories Series; Serge BOUCHARDON and co-authors: Marion Coisnard, Martin Delabre, Maxime Garnier, Huichuan LI, Marie Margerand, Marion Schildknecht, Alexandre Truong, Nicolas Vigne, and Yihui Yang, “fred:-)”; J-B-W-E-L-L, TRAINING TO BE KING WHEN YOU BLOWN IT ONCE ALREADY: A short novel on the crime(s) of usurpation; Judy Malloy, The Yellow Bowl II; and John McDaid, We Knew The Glass Man.####[no references]" 1569103546,"Reflections on a Half-Century of Hypertext","van Dam",0,2,0,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Andries van Dam","Andries van Dam","Keynote","","false","","true","2019 marks not only the 30th anniversary of the falling of the Berlin Wall, but also the 50th anniversaries of equally momentous events of 1968-1969 in the US and elsewhere. Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were assassinated. Hippie “flower power” and the closely related anti-Vietnam war movement were socio-political revolutions. In Europe, 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the end of the “war to end all wars” and the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Counterpointing this societal turmoil, technology gave us hope. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. Doug Engelbart and his team presented the “Mother of All Demos” of NLS at the ’68 Fall Joint Computer Conference. Ivan Sutherland’s pioneering Sketchpad (that demo’d interactive graphics in 1963) and Engelbart’s NLS demo were two landmark events that were early examples of interactive computing in an era of batch computation. Interactive computing on time-sharing systems, combined with microminiaturization, would lead more than a decade later to the birth of the personal computer. It caused a revolution in the dominant model of computing that was centered on large mainframes and minicomputers used for science and engineering, finance and commerce. Interactive computing based on computer graphics and its use in hypermedia systems characterizes most of my research career. In 2019, it is difficult to remember the impact that interaction-based information structuring and sharing had on society; it certainly shaped my research career. In this presentation, I will reflect on the development of five decades of hypermedia systems and will demo three systems that have been highlights of my journey in hyperland. First, I’ll show our FRESS hypertext system (still running 50-year old assembly code!), with the database of poetry used by a class of English students in 1976 in what is arguably the first online scholarly community. Next, I will demo our TAG (Touch Art Gallery) used by the Nobel Foundation a few years ago for a traveling exhibition on Alfred Nobel and all the Nobel Laureates. Finally, I’ll interweave the hypertext-centric parts of my talk with some source material stored in an unbounded 2D workspace, using our current hypermedia system Dash, which is still under development and in an early but already useful state. These systems will be presented in the context of the research trends that led, ultimately, to the interconnected society in which we live. All of us working on our first hypertext systems in the ‘60s understood the potential of this technology. What I did not predict is that 50 years later the revolution in human-centered computing would remain far too unfinished in terms of its positive societal impact. Indeed, that impact and utility are increasingly in jeopardy from a variety of forces, both economic and political. I will close with some thoughts on both deliberately designed and unanticipated societal issues of social media that I feel we technologists must urgently help address.####[no references]" 1569103730,"Getting Our Bearings","Barnet",0,0,1,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Belinda Barnet","Belinda Barnet","Keynote","","false","","false","Navigation is pointless unless you remember where you’ve been. As we steer full tilt into a horizon line of machine learning, social media, and data analytics, it is time to take our bearings.####This is the 30th ACM Hypertext conference, and with that in mind, I’ve decided to gather some memories from hypertext pioneers about the early vision of those first conferences three decades ago. Where have we been?" 1569278525,"Visualization of the Relevance: Using Physics Simulations for Encoding Context","Roßner, Atzenbeck & Gross",10,2,34,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Claus Atzenbeck, Daniel Roßner, Tom Gross","Daniel Roßner","Full paper","","true","Mother, semantics visualization, spatial hypertext","true","The task of organizing and retrieving knowledge is often elaborative and involves different types of media including digital or analog. In this paper we describe a system that is based on related research in the fields of spatial hypertext, information retrieval, and visualization. It utilizes a 2D space on which users can add, remove, or manipulate information entities (so-called user nodes) visually. A spatial parser recognizes the evolving structure and queries a knowledge base for helpful other information entities (so-called suggestions nodes). Similar to user nodes, those suggestions are presented as visual objects in the space. We propose a physics model to simulate their behavior. Their characteristics encode the relevance of suggestions to user nodes and to each other. This enables human recipients to interpret the given visual clues and, thus, identify information of interest. The way users organize nodes spatially influences the parsed spatial structures, i.e., the placement of suggestion nodes. This allows the creation of complex queries without any prior knowledge, yet the users do not have to be aware of that, because they can express their thoughts implicitly by manipulating their nodes. We discuss the strengths of a physics based simulation to encode context visually and point to open issues and potential solutions. On the basis of an implemented demonstrator we show the benefits compared to similar and related applications in the field of information visualization, especially when it comes to tasks where a high portion of creativity is involved and the information space is not well known." 1569278531,"All We Do is 'Stalking': Studying New Forms of Reading in Social Networks","Antonini, Mejia, & Lupi",0,1,15,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Alessio Antonini, Gustavo Gomez Mejia, Lucia Lupi","Alessio Antonini","Short paper","","true","Digital Humanities, Digital Reading, Profile Staking, Reading Experience, Social Media, Social Networks","true","A particular use of the term “stalking” is emerging in social networks to indicate a wide range of reading practices aimed to gain insight on a subject. As a new type of reading, “stalking” does not always have a negative connotation and it is not limited to the personal sphere but ranging from ludic to professional aims. Considering the preliminary results of a case study in the READ-IT project, this contribution wishes to engage the hypertext research community in considering “stalking” as a type of reading activity emerging from the unique features of social networks related both to “stalkers” (as hypertext readers), and to the “stalked” (as a type of contents) within the context of social networking platforms (as a type of medium and environment for reading)." 1569278532,"Narrating the Sociality of the Database: A Digital Hermeneutic Reading of The Atlas Group Archive and haikU","Ackermans",5,1,25,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Hannah Ackermans","Hannah Ackermans","Short paper","","true","Database Narratives, Databases, Digital Hermeneutics, Digital Humanities, Electronic Literature","true","In this paper, I investigate the database characteristics of electronic literature that makes them into social forms. Database structures are both fragmented and relational, displaying hypertext characteristics. I approach The Atlas Group Archive [15] and haikU [24], two works of electronic literature, as examples of material and conceptual databases in order to explore the database function so saturated in our daily life. Both works highlight a database aesthetics [19], although the ways they do so are polar opposites. I analyze the works within the framework of digital hermeneutics [18], continuously considering the relationship between text and context, between parts and whole. I demonstrate how AGA is an explicit database, supposedly showing a ‘complete’ archive, whereas haikU is an implicit database that hides the corpus of sentences. I show the sociality of the databases, thematizing both the human process behind database formation as a whole, as well as how the individual elements influence the perception of the overall database. Finally, I take my findings to a broader perspective and consider what AGA and haikU can teach us about the materiality, conceptuality, and sociality of the omnipresent structure of the database." 3154184500,"HyperStorM: An Extensible Object-oriented Hypermedia Engine","Bapat et al.",7,4,32,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Ajit Bapat, Jörg M. Haake, Jürgen Wäsch, Karl Aberer","Ajit Bapat","Full paper","","true","Hypermedia engine, database management system support for hypermedia applications, open extensible hypermedia systems","true","It is a well-known problem that developers of hypermedia applications need assistance for modeling and maintaining application-specific hypermedia structures. In the past, various hypermedia engines have been proposed to support these tasks. Until now, hypermedia engines either provided a fixed hypermedia data model and left extensions to the hypermedia application or they left the modeling of the hypermedia data completely to the application developer and only provided storage functionality which had to be plugged into the data model by the application developer. As an alternative, we propose an extensible object-oriented hypermedia engine which supports the specification of application semantics as application classes within the hypermedia engine, thereby supporting complex operations maintaining application-specific as well as application-independent constraints.####In the HyperStorM hypermedia engine, the storage layer and the application layer of a hypermedia system are implemented within the object-oriented database management system VODAK. Only the presentation layer is kept outside the 00DBMS. This approach facilitates both the reuse of database functionality as well as the flexibility necessary to support the efficient development of different kinds of hypermedia applications. First evaluations show that our approach presents a much more powerful hypermedia engine than previous approaches, thus giving a new quality to hypermedia application development." 3154184507,"The Process of Discovery: Hypertext and Scholarship","Bernstein et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Elli Mylonas, George P. Landow, John B. Smith, Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Panel","","false","","false","We have all seen hypertext applied to teaching and publication, and certainly as an object of research in itself. What is far more rare are examples of hypertext systems and documents integrated into the research process in other fields. Where are the scholars who are taking notes and organizing their thoughts and data using a hypertext system? Why do so many hypertext researchers still work with conventional word processors? Is This lack due to intrinsic problems with the systems? Or is it a problem of the scholars and researchers? Will this change in a generation? The participants will discuss these questions based on their own experience both positive and negative, with an especial focus on the use (or non-use) of hypertext(s) as laboratory, or “sandbox” for scholarship and scientific work.####[no references]" 3154184509,"Evaluation","Ficarra et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Blair Nonnecke, Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra, Gary Marchionini, Jenny Preece, Kim Nguyen, Punyashloke Mishra","Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra","Panel","","false","","false","Evaluation is one of the most important aspects of application system design. This is especially so for hypertext systems and documents since they are user centered at a fundamental level. This is apparent in the basic hypertext model of user-controlled navigation. These perspectives will focus on different aspects of evaluating hypertext, with a focus on the integration of multimedia components into a hypertext system.####[no references]" 3154184514,"Workspaces: The HyperDisco Approach to Internet Distribution","Wiil & Leggett",16,12,43,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","John J. Leggett, Uffe Kock Wiil","Uffe Kock Wiil","Full paper","","true","Distributed workspaces, Internet distribution, hypermedia infrastructure, hypermedia presentation, link replication, name service, open hypermedia system","true","Hypermedia concepts are currently being deployed in a variety of information systems such as the World Wide Web, software development environments, large engineering enterprises, collaborative authoring systems, and digital library systems. The complex requirements of these application areas have resulted in extensive research into hypermedia infrastructures.####The HyperDisco project is about design, development, deployment and assessment of hypermedia infrastructures. Previous HyperDisco experiments have dealt with integration of a small set of tools supporting authoring and extension of the integrated tools to support multiple collaborating users and multiple versions of shared files. These experiments were conducted on a local area network using a single centralized workspace. The latest version of Hyper-Disco supports collaboration and versioning over multiple workspaces distributed across the Internet. This paper gives a brief overview of HyperDisco, describes the workspace concept and reports on the latest experiments: (1) an experiment that allows the use of multiple workspaces on a local area network, (2) an experiment that allows workspaces to be distributed across the Internet, and (3) an experiment focusing on hypermedia modeling and presentation issues of distributed workspaces." 3154184518,"Initial Design and Evaluation of an Interface to Hypermedia Systems for Blind Users","Petrie et al.",2,2,17,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Anne-Marie O'Neill, Dennis Majoe, Helen Petrie, Peter McNally, Sarah Morley","Helen Petrie","Full paper","","true","Blind users, usability evaluation, user interfaces for hypermedia, user testing","true","Access to information in electronic forms is currently difficult for blind people, but electronic information, particularly hypermedia, provide great potential to overcome the difficult ies that blind people have in accessing information. The E.U. funded ACCESS Project is developing tools to facilitate user interfaces which will be adaptable to the needs of different user groups. One demonstrator developed with these tools is a hypermedia system for blind students. This paper presents the initial designs for the hypermedia system which has a non-visual interface named DAHNI (Demonstrator of the ACCESS Hypermedia Non-visual Interface). DAHNI can be used with a variety of assistive input/output systems for blind users. Output from the system includes synthetic and digitised speech, non-speech sounds and refreshable Braille; input to the system can be via a small or large touchtablet, joystick, and/or conventional keyboard. This paper presents an evaluation of DAHNI by seven blind and partially sighted students. Plans for further development and evaluation of the system are also discussed." 3154184525,"Supporting User-defined Activity Spaces","Wang & Haake",10,3,28,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Jörg Haake, Weigang Wang","Weigang Wang","Full paper","","true","activity space, hypertext model, intelligent system, object-oriented system, schema definition, schema integration, semantic net","true","Activity spaces are usually task-specific and only common to a group of people who work together in a certain application domain, It is desirable to enable users to define and modify activity spaces according to their needs. However, many users are unable to use a pre-defined activity space correctly or incapable of formally defining an activity space. This work tries to solve these problems 1) by developing a flexible hypertext meta-model which can represent activity space semantics, 2) developing an example-based definition tool for users to create task-specific activity spaces, 3) providing intelligent aid in using these activity spaces, and 4) providing a flexible space for adopting existing and emergent patterns. A system (COWFISH) with the above components had been implemented and tested at GMD-IPSI. Examples and initial applications have shown that using the system users can easily define the schemata of many activity spaces and hyper-documents. They can also create new activity spaces with stepwise structure transformation and through reusing existing activity spaces. The system then uses the schema knowledge to maintain the semantic consistency of the activity space instances and to provide users with context-sensitive examples, choices, and explanations." 3154184541,"Hyper-news: Revolution or Contradiction?","Engebretsen",0,1,3,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Martin Engebretsen","Martin Engebretsen","Short paper","","true","","true","Journalism as a form of text and communication is confronted with great challenges when going online and meeting the technology of hypertext. Old ideals concerning objectivity and authenticity may experience a renewal when journalists start replacing the traditional news narrative with the distribution of various source material in the form of separate nodes. A practice such as this will, however, have serious consequences for the inner coherence of the elements of news, and new principles for evaluating journalistic products will have to be developed." 3154184542,"Improving the Usability of Hypertext Courseware Through Adaptive Linking","Calvi & de Bra",1,2,6,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Licia Calvi, Paul De Bra","Licia Calvi","Short paper","","true","adaptive interaction, dynamic link structure, hypertext courseware","true","Hypertext is being used more and more for on-line course texts. But the navigational freedom offered by a rich link structure is a burden for students who need guidance throughout the learning process. This paper presents a framework for adaptive link structures. By enabling links when a student is ready to read the pages these links lead to, and by disabling links to pages that are no longer needed, the student can be assured that links always lead to interesting new information she is ready to read. This framework is illustrated by means of courseware for an on-line course on “Hypermedia structures and systems”, developed at the Eindhoven University of Technology, and currently offered at six different universities in the Netherlands and Belgium." 3154184549,"Hypertext & Hypermedia in Organizational Memory Systems (Panel)","Boy et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Brigitte Daniel, Edouard Belin, Guy Boy, Jose Dos Santos, Martin Hollender, Norbert Streitz, Yannick Maignien","Guy Boy","Panel","","false","","false","Increasingly, organizations have to rely on a common knowledge base which embodies all the information that is relevant for operating an organization. Radical changes in the workplace and the rise of new organizational forms, together with the availability of powerful new infrastructural technology (e.g., Internet, Intranet) require a new approach to the design and use of information systems in organizations. What kind of hypertext/media technology available and necessary should support organizational memory systems? Panelists will examine the extent to which hypertext/media are appropriate for this task. Targets for organizational memories are, for example, strategic planning, project proposals and management, patents, product design cycle documentation, marketing strategies and in each case the underlying design decision rationales. Although large quantities of information exist in corporate databases, they are not readily accessible, not in an adequate format, often not up-to-date, not well organized for reuse, and not well integrated in the overall work process. This becomes even more of a problem when individuals and teams of an organization are distributed in different locations, work in different time zones, and are often (re)assigned to different tasks in new projects.####Several issues are important, such as capturing, representing, documenting, tracing, and updating corporate information focusing on design decisions and requirements; support for creating and maintaining corporate memories in a cooperative and coordinated fashion in small groups and large organizations, annotation and versioning management, accessing and using corporate memories via support from advanced information retrieval, full text search, case-based reasoning in documentation management. And, last but not least, the psychological and social aspects/implications of organizational memory systems.####[no references]" 3154184565,"Adaptive Narrative Abstraction","Crampes, Veuillez & Ranwez",3,2,20,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Jean Paul Veuillez, Michel Crampes, Sylvie Ranwez","Michel Crampes","Full paper","","true","Narratives, abstraction, adaptivity, causality, context, granularity, hypermedia","true","Narrative abstraction consists in selecting and assembling meaningful events from an original set of related events. This acquisition of information hinges on several requirements. This paper deals with some of them, namely the viewer’s intention, the viewer’s resource constraint, particularly the time constraint, and the narrative coherence.####We present a foundation of narrative abstraction and several algorithms that can be used to build up abstracts compliant with the requirements. Our evaluation of these algorithms in a prototype leads to some questioning about their performance. We propose and discuss several solutions to improve them with regard to the flexibility of the abstract building process." 3154184585,"Automatic Creation of Hypervideo News Libraries for the World Wide Web","Boissière",2,3,9,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Guillaume Boissière","Guillaume Boissière","Short paper","","true","Hypervideo server, closed caption, digital libraries, news segmentation","true","This paper presents the design of a server offering up-to-date hypervideo news to World Wide Web users. The novel advantage of this system is that it combines simplicity to maintain: all the tasks are automated, accessibility: everyone with a widely used browser can access the interactive videos and view them inside the browser, and extensibility: new video databases or links can be easily added to the database. The segmentation of news video is done automatically by using the closed caption information extracted from the broadcast, and the hyperlinks are defined with a simple scripting language." 3154184652,"Naming As a Fundamental Concept of Open Hypermedia Systems","Tzagarakis et al.",6,4,37,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Dimitris Christodoulakis, Manolis Tzagarakis, Nikos Karousos, Siegfried Reich","Manolis Tzagarakis","Full paper","","true","Component-based Open Hypermedia System (CB-OHS), Naming System, Reference Architecture","true","Names play a key role in distributed hypertext systems, for two main reasons: Firstly, because accessing and managing system services require finding and locating the relevant components. Secondly, because managing structures between hypertext resources, such as nodes, anchors and links, requires that these resources are named and addressed.####We argue that naming services are endemic to hypertext systems and therefore, form a core part of any hypertext system’ s infrastructure. In particular, the current move towards interoperable component-based Open Hypermedia Systems (CB-OHS) demonstrates the need for naming components." 3154184734,"Website link structure evaluation and improvement based on user visiting patterns","Zhou et al.",0,1,3,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Baoyao Zhou, Hongjiang Zhang, Jin Shi, Jinlin Chen, Qiufeng Wu","Baoyao Zhou","Short paper","","true","User Visiting Pattern, evaluation, improvement, website link structure","true","Link structure evaluation and improvement is a significant hard problem for Hypertext system. In this paper a novel approach for evaluating and improving website link structure based on User Visiting Patterns instead of complex semantic analysis is proposed. By optimizing and re-evaluating the link structure to increase the Average Connectivity, our approach can effectively improve website link structure. Experiments have shown satisfactory results." 3154184394,"Hypertext Paradigm in the Field of Information Retrieval: A Neural Approach","Lelu & Francois",3,4,21,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Alain Lelu, Claire Francois","Alain Lelu","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, cluster analysis, graphic user interface, information retrieval, neural networks","true","Applicationof the hypertext paradigm to information retrieval requires 1) an automatic generation of hypertext links, 2) a compact graphical representation of the data. After a brief review of the family of neural algorithms required for deriving a compact and relevant representation of a documentary database, as well as links between synthetic “topics” and documents, we present a user interface based on these grounds. This representation is two-step : 1) a global topics map, 2) local topic axes, ranking both terms and documents according to the values of their “centrality index”. A prototype, running in a Macintosh environment and implementing a basic version of this browser, is then described and commented." 3154184418,"Concurrency Control in Collaborative Hypertext Systems","Wiil & Leggett",5,8,27,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","John J. Leggett, Uffe Kock Wiil","Uffe Kock Wiil","Full paper","","true","Collaborative work, concurrency control, distributed hypertext systems, events, extensibility, hyperbases, open architectures, supporting technologies, transaction management, user-controlled locking, version control","true","Traditional concurrency control techniques for database systems (transaction management based on locking protocols) have been successful in many multiuser settings, but these techniques are inadequate in open, extensible and distributed hypertext systems supporting multiple collaborating users, The term “multiple collaborating users” covers a group setting in which two or more users are engaged in a shared task. Group members can work simultaneously in the same computing environment, use the same set of tools and share a network of hypertext objects. Hyperbase (hypertext database) systems must provide special support for collaborative work, requiring adjustments and extensions to normal concurrency control techniques. Based on the experiences of two collaborative hypertext authoring systems, this paper identifies and discusses six concurrency control requirements that distinguish collaborative hypertext systems from multiuser hypertext systems, Approaches to the major issues (locking, notification control and transaction management) are examined from a supporting technologies point of view. Finally, we discuss how existing hyperbase systems fare with respect to the identified set of requirements. Many of the issues discussed in the paper are not limited to hypertext systems and apply to other collaborative systems as well." 3154184419,"Designing Dexter-based Cooperative Hypermedia Systems","Grønbæk et al.",4,5,18,"Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '93","1993","","Jens A. Hem, Kaj Grønbæk, Lennert Sloth, Ole L. Madsen","Kaj Grønbæk","Full paper","","true","CSCW, Dexter model, Object Oriented Database, Open Hypermedia, Shared materials","true","This paper discusses issues for the design of a Dexter-based cooperative hypermedia architecture and a specific system, DeVise Hypermedia (DHM), developed from this architecture. The Dexter Hypertext Reference Model [Hala90] was used as basis for designing the architecture. The Dexter model provides a general and solid foundation for designing a general hypermedia architecture. It introduces central concepts and proposes a layering of the architecture. However, to handle cooperative work aspects, such as sharing material and cooperative authoring, we have to go beyond the Dexter model concepts. TO deal with such aspects we have extended our implementation of the Dexter concepts with support for long-term transactions, locking and event notification as called for by Halasz [Hala88]. The result is a platform independent architecture for developing cooperative hypermedia systems. The architecture consists of a portable kernel that constitutes an object oriented framework for developing Dexter compliant hypermedia systems. It is a client/server architecture including an object oriented database (OODB) to store the objects implementing the Dexter Storage Layer. We use a general 00DB being co-developed to support long term transactions, flexible locking, and event notification. The transaction and locking mechanism support several modes of cooperation on shared hypermedia materials, and the notification mechanism supports the users in maintaining awareness of each others’ activity, The portable kernel was used to implement the DHM system on two quite different platforms: UNIX/X-windows and Apple Macintosh." 3154184456,"Composites in a Dexter-based Hypermedia Framework","Grønbæk",1,12,20,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Kaj Grønbæk","Kaj Grønbæk","Full paper","","true","Composites, Dexter model, GuidedTour, Hierarchies, Object Oriented Framework, Structure","true","This paper discusses the design and use of a generic composite mechanism in the object oriented DEVISE Hypermedia (DHM) development framework. The DHM development framework is based on the Dexter Hypertext Reference Model, which introduces a notion of composite to model editors with complex or multiple types of contents. The original Dexter notion of composites is, however, insufficient to cover structural composites including or referencing other components. Thus the DHM framework has been extended with generic composite classes suited to support structures within the hypermedia network itself. The paper presents and discusses the design of the generic composite classes belonging to the STORAGE and RUNTIME layers of the framework. A central aspect of the design is that the structuring mechanism is a true composite with a collection of components as its contents rather than an atomic component with links to other components as in the classical systems such as NoteCards, Intermedia, and KMS. It is also shown how the powerful generic classes can be used to implement a variety of useful hypermedia concepts such as: hierarchy by inclusion, hierarchy by reference, virtual and computed browsers, TableTops and GuidedTours." 3154184510,"Future (Hyper)Spaces","Cramer et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Cathy Marshall, Kathryn Cramer, Mark Pesce, Sam Epstein, Tom Meyer","Kathryn Cramer","Panel","","false","","false","As the Internet has emerged into common consciousness, the notion of hypertext, especially as illustrated by the World Wide Web, has prospered. However, with the creation of other Internet-based media, such as MUDs and VRML, we are encountering new types of textual/narrative/hyper paradigms. These are close enough to hypertext that they can be discussed in similar terms, but they nevertheless represent something new, and are perhaps as far removed from traditional hypertext as hypertext is from flat text. The key aspects of these new forms that we will discuss include: reactivity, feeling of presence, shared spaces, wide range of interaction.####[no references]" 3154184513,"An Architectural Model for Application Integration in Open Hypermedia Environments","Whitehead",11,8,21,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","E. James Whitehead, Jr.","E. James Whitehead, Jr.","Full paper","","true","Open hypermedia systems, integration, software architecture, third-party applications","true","This paper provides an architectural framework for modeling third-party application integrations with open hypermedia systems, which collects and extends the integration experience of the open hypermedia community. The framework is used to characterize applications prior to integration, and describe the qualities of a complete integration. Elements of the architectural model are artists, which are used to manipulate anchors, links, and native application objects; communicators, which manage information flow to and from the open hypermedia system; and containers which group the other elements. Prior integration experience is collected in a standard way using the model, Guidance in selecting the final integration architecture is provided by this prior integration experience, in conjunction with the degree of difficulty of an integration, which is related to the integration architecture." 3154184520,"What the Query Told the Link: The Integration of Hypertext and Information Retrieval","Golovchinsky",14,8,37,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Gene Golovchinsky","Gene Golovchinsky","Full paper","","true","Dynamic hypertext, browsing, information exploration, information retrieval, newspaper metaphor, relevance feedback","true","Traditionally hypertext have been limited in size by the manual effort required to create hypertext links. In addition, large hyper-linked collections may overwhelm users with the range of possible links from any node, only a fraction of which may be appropriate for a given user at any time. This work explores automatic methods of link construction based on feedback from users collected during browsing. A full-text search engine mediates the linking process. Query terms that distinguish well among documents in the database become candidate anchors; links are mediated by passage-based relevance feedback queries. The newspaper metaphor is used to organize the retrieval results.####VOIR, a software prototype that implements these algorithms has been used to browse a 74,500 node (250MB) database of newspaper articles. An experiment has been conducted to test the relative effectiveness of dynamic links and user-specified queries. Experimental results suggest that link-mediated queries are more effective than user–specified queries in retrieving relevant information. The paper concludes with a discussion of possible extensions to the linking algorithms." 3154184523,"As We Should Have Thought","Nürnberg, Leggett & Schneider",13,21,21,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Erich R. Schneider, John J. Leggett, Peter J. Nürnberg","Peter J. Nürnberg","Short paper","","true","hyperbases, hypermedia models, hypermedia operating systems, models of computation, open hypermedia systems, spatial hypertext, structural computing, taxonomic hypertext","true","The hypermedia field has long realized the need for first-class structural abstractions. However, we have failed to generalize the concept of ubiquitous structure management to problem domains other than navigation of information spaces. In this paper, we argue for the recognition of such a generalization, called structural computing, in which we assert the primacy of structure over data. We provide examples of four problem domains that are more naturally modeled with structure than data. We argue that support for structural computing must come in the form of new models, operating systems, and programming languages. We also assert that the experience gained by hypermedia researchers over the last decade may be naturally extended to form the basis of the new field of structural computing, and furthermore, the broadening of the applicability of our work is necessary for the continued vitality of our research community." 3154184658,"Toward an Organic Hypertext","Kendall & Réty",3,3,25,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Jean-Hugues Réty, Robert Kendall","Robert Kendall","Full paper","","true","Hypertext literature, adaptive hypermedia, hypertext structure, organic form, theory","true","The Connection System is an adaptive hypermedia system for hypertext poetry and fiction. Its adaptive features can help maintain the large-scale structural integrity of the text that emerges during a reading, no matter what local navigational choices the reader makes. Authors can define structural components and specify adaptive behaviors for the textual and navigational elements within them. By establishing criteria for displaying links or text fragments conditionally, authors can encapsulate their understanding of structural possibilities to better guide the formation of the emergent structure without reducing the reader’s agency or freedom of interaction. The system models the reader’s knowledge of textual components and uses this model to guide adaptive behavior and give the reader a better sense of how structural elements are unfolding. We consider the problems involved with modeling the knowledge of a literary text, and we offer specific examples of how adaptivity can give the reader more control over the reading and make it more satisfying." 3154184665,"More Than Legible: On Links That Readers Don't Want to Follow","Bernstein",4,4,18,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Short paper","","true","animation, design, links, montage, navigation, patterns, rhetoric","true","Clear, complete, and accurate link descriptions may cause hypertext readers to avoid links we very much want them to follow. Link anchors must simultaneously explain what will happen after they are followed and why readers ought to follow them; this dual message may be conveyed through multivalence, montage, or collage." 3154184670,"Posties: A WebDAV Application for Collaborative Work","Feise",0,1,7,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Joachim Feise","Joachim Feise","Short paper","","true","WWW, WebDAV","true","Collaboration among several groups in geographically distant locations is increasingly common in today’s workplace. However, managing this kind of collaboration tends to be a difficult and cumbersome task. The most common tool is the e-mail notification to keep the project members informed, and to distribute the workload among the project members. This paper presents WebDAV Posties, a tool designed to facilitate collaboration between geographically distant groups." 3154184671,"Designing User Interfaces for Collaborative Web-based Open Hypermedia","Bouvin",7,1,12,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Niels Olof Bouvin","Niels Olof Bouvin","Short paper","","true","Audio/Video conferencing, Event Notification, IRC Chat, OHSWG, Open Collaborative Hypermedia, Peripheral Awareness, Sessions, WWW, WebDAV","true","The paper presents the design of a user interface to support collaboration work in the Arakne Environment, a Web-oriented component-based open hypermedia system. The main objective of the user interface has been to provide a seamless integration between a single user and a collaborative work situation, and the paper describes how this has been accomplished, and how peripheral awareness can be supported using event-based notifications. The system utilises the Construct servers, which are Open Hypermedia Systems Working Group compliant." 3154184675,"From Cinematographic to Hypertext Narrative","Mancini",4,6,12,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Clara Mancini","Clara Mancini","Short paper","","true","cinematography, juxtaposition, narrative","true","This paper argues that cinematographic language may provide insights into the construction of narrative coherence in hypertext. Brief examples of cinematic representation models are mapped onto the hypertext domain." 1615390277,"Kipling’s Heritage","Calvi",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Licia Calvi","Licia Calvi","Demo","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615491221,"InfiniTe: Hypermedia-Supported Information Integration","Anderson & Sherba",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Kenneth M. Anderson, Susanne A. Sherba","Kenneth M. Anderson","Demo","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390279,"Leiki—a platform for personalized content targeting","Pennanen & Alatalo",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Petrus Pennanen, Toni Alatalo","Petrus Pennanen","Demo","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390280,"The Adelard Safety Case Editor","Emmet",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Luke Emmet","Luke Emmet","Demo","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390282,"Using Continuous Metadata to aid Navigation of Ontological and Temporal Information Spaces","Don Cruickshank et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","David De Roure, David Millard, Don Cruickshank, Gareth Hughes, Kevin Page, Luc Moreau, Mark Weal","Don Cruickshank","Demo","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390289,"A common hypertext versioning scenario","Whitehead",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Jim Whitehead","Jim Whitehead","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390291,"Literature Growth Patterns in the Field of Hypertext","Ramaiah & Eusope",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Asmah Eusope, Chennupati K. Ramaiah","Chennupati K. Ramaiah","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390292,"Different Level Service for Hypermedia data on the Web","Rhee et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Eun-Sil Hyun, Tae-Woo Kim, Tai-Yun Kim, Yoon-Jung Rhee","Yoon-Jung Rhee","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390293,"Fairness Service Mechanism for Busy Web Server","Rhee et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Chang-Won Choi, Jeong-Beom Kim, Tai-Yun Kim, Yoon-Jung Rhee","Yoon-Jung Rhee","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 3154184700,"Building narrative structures using context based linking","Weal et al.",5,8,7,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Danius T. Michaelides, David C. De Roure, David E. Millard, Mark J. Weal","Mark J. Weal","Short paper","","true","Adaptive Hypermedia, Context, Fundamental Open Hypermedia Model (FOHM), Narrative, Open Hypermedia","true","This paper discusses initial progress in the construction of a hypertext short fiction engine using a context based link service. The link service, Auld Leaky, is based around the Fundamental Open Hypermedia Model (FOHM). Context and behaviour are used to provide adaption in the story as well as progressing the narrative." 3154184703,"And And: conjunctive hypertext and the structure acteme juncture","Rosenberg",17,5,45,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Jim Rosenberg","Jim Rosenberg","Full paper","","true","","true","In conjunctive hypertext, activities are combined into a whole as opposed to being alternatives. A single localized construct may contain several actemes. Their relationship may be ambiguous, they may be peers, may have space relationships or time relationships. The conjunction must be actualized, by such devices as co-presentation, delegated presentation, peer traverse, and subscreening. An incomplete conjunction contains pending structure which must be indicated. Actemes may have generalized boolean relationships. Larger-scale conjunctivity is related to narration issues, gathering, and other issues related to secondary structure." 3154184707,"Organizing shared enterprise workspaces using component-based cooperative hypermedia","Rubart et al.",7,4,31,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Daniel A. Tietze, Jessica Rubart, Jörg M. Haake, Weigang Wang","Jessica Rubart","Full paper","","true","Shared hypermedia workspaces, cooperative hypermedia, extended enterprises, process support, software components, virtual enterprises","true","Cooperative work in Extended Enterprises needs a flexible shared workspace for team members to access and manipulate shared information objects in a well-coordinated working process. Current shared workspace systems do not adequately support the evolving character of shared workspaces as needed by Extended Enterprises, i.e. the dynamic cooperation processes, various kinds of shared information contents and the set of cooperative tools. In this paper, the usage scenarios and requirements developed in a European Extended Enterprise project are used to derive the requirements for shared enterprise workspaces.####Our approach utilizes component-based cooperative hypermedia to organize shared enterprise workspaces that contain team and process structures, information contents and their corresponding tools. The approach extends classical hypertext models to shared hypermedia objects as well as dynamic bindings between these and the Groupware Components working on them. To demonstrate the approach, a prototype system and a prototypical usage scenario are presented." 3154184709,"Its about time: link streams as continuous metadata","Page, Cruickshank & De Roure",5,2,25,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","David De Roure, Don Cruickshank, Kevin R. Page","Kevin R. Page","Full paper","","true","metadata, open hypermedia, streamed media, temporal linking","true","As enabling technologies become available there is an increasing use of temporal media streams, such as audio and video, within a hypertext context. In this paper we present the rationale and requirements for delivering continuous metadata alongside the media stream, and focus on linking as our case study. We consider the mechanism for delivery of the metadata across a distributed system, the format and content of the metadata flow itself, and the presentation of the media and augmenting metadata to the user. Two initial proof of concept applications have been developed to demonstrate these concepts, which we describe. Finally we propose a framework for highly distributed delivery and processing of multicast continuous metadata, as a part of the infrastructure necessary to provide a more complete multimedia environment for hypermedia systems." 3154184727,"Design spaces for link and structure versioning","Whitehead",10,4,38,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","E. James Whitehead, Jr.","E. James Whitehead, Jr.","Full paper","","true","Hypertext versioning, configuration management, containment, link and structure versioning","true","This paper reflects upon existing composite-based hypertext versioning systems, and presents two high-level design spaces that capture the range of potential choices in system data models for versioning links, and versioning hypertext structure. These two design spaces rest upon a foundation consisting of a containment model, describing choices for containment in hypertext systems, and the design space for persistently recording an object’s revision history, with applicability to all versioning systems. Two example points in the structure versioning design space are presented, corresponding to most existing composite-based hypertext versioning systems. Using the presented design spaces allows the data models of existing hypertext versioning systems to be decomposed and compared in a principled way, and provides new system designers significant insight into the design tradeoffs between various link and structure versioning approaches." 3154184730,"Hypertext and knowledge management","Ricardo",4,2,32,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Francisco J. Ricardo","Francisco J. Ricardo","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, representation, rhetoric","true","This paper is a functional survey of knowledge management systems and characteristics from the standpoint of the contribution and relevance of hypertext to this discipline. There is the description of a typical KM architecture as well as some of the current KM and KM-like systems deployed in production at large corporations. This discussion will introduce the perceptions of KM and then emphasize the role of hypertext systems in tackling problems in processing distributed and collaborative knowledge. Although at the moment, hypertext is not seen as an architectural component of KM systems, its potential as an epistemic aid presents opportunities. Finally, I will show the appropriateness of hypertext research to KM development." 3154184528,"Designing Dexter-based Hypermedia Services for the World Wide Web","Grønbæk, Bouvin & Sloth",3,19,26,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Kaj Grønbæk, Lennert Sloth, Niels Olof Bouvin","Kaj Grønbæk","Full paper","","true","ActiveX, Dexter hypertext reference model, HTML, Java, JavaScript, OLE, Open hypermedia service, World Wide Web, link objects","true","This paper discusses how to augment the WWW with a Dexter-based hypermedia service that provides anchors, links and composites as objects stored external to the Web pages. The hypermedia objects are stored in an object-oriented database that is accessible on the Web via an ordinary URL. The Dexter-based hypermedia service is based on the Devise Hypermedia framework. Three client solutions are described and discussed, one that is platform independent based on Netscape Navigator 3.0, utilizing Java, JavaScript, and LiveConnect, and two that are platform dependent, one utilizing Netscape plug-ins, and another using Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0, utilizing mainly ActiveX. The server part is developed as a specialization of the Devise Hypermedia framework accessible through CGI scripts. Thus the system provides the full power of Dexter-based hypermedia to arbitrary Web pages on the Internet. This includes the ability for multiple users to create links from parts of HTML Web pages they do not own and support for creating links to parts of Web pages without writing HTML target tags. Support for providing links to/from parts of non-HTML data, such as Quicktime movies or VRML documents will also be possible in the future provided that appropriate open plug-in modules become available." 3154184530,"Hypertext Paths and the World-Wide Web: Experiences with Walden's Paths","Furuta et al.",3,17,17,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Catherine C. Marshall, Donald Brenner, Frank M. Shipman, III, Hao-wei Hsieh, Richard Furuta","Richard Furuta","Full paper","","true","Walden’s Paths, educational applications, hypertext tours and paths, meta-structure","true","Walden’s Paths applies the concept of hypertextual paths to the World-Wide Web. Walden’s Paths is being developed for use in the K-12 school environment. The heterogeneity of the Web coupled with the desirability of supporting the teacher-student relationship make this an interesting and challenging project. We describe the Walden’s Paths implementation, discuss the elements that affected its design and architecture, and report on our experiences with the system in use." 3154184534,"Distributed Link Service in the Aquarelle Project","Rizk & Sutcliffe",6,1,17,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Antoine Rizk, Dale Sutcliffe","Antoine Rizk","Short paper","","true","Link service, Open Hypermedia Systems","true","The aim of this paper is to describe briefly the Aquarelle project and the type of distributed link service we are implementing to meet its requirements." 3154184537,"An User Adaptive Navigation Metaphor to Connect and Rate the Coherence of Terms and Complex Objects","Husemann et al.",0,1,5,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Christian Kanty, Hans-Dieter Kochs, Holger Husemann, Jörg Petersen, Peter Hase","Holger Husemann","Short paper","","true","Navigation metaphor, adaptive user interface, filtering agents, open hypertext, spatial hypertext","true","In many aspects research in the area of hypertext trends from static to dynamically created structures due to vast amounts of offered information. To dynamically generate relevant information nodes knowledge about an individual user and his actual task together with intelligent filtering methods can be used. Terms, organized in hierarchies, describe employees, groups of employees, machines, objects, products, processes and functions. Choosing terms specifying the actual task defines a special context which describes the relation and connection of units of information and therefore the user’s individual view of the hypertext. Simultaneously it will be meaningful to look at similar contexts of other users or working groups to compare and possibly add further units of information into the user’s private area. A system can be adaptive in the sense that units of information will be copied into a working group area if more than a certain percentage of its members will regard this information as important and vice versa. The described navigation metaphor was designed to enable the maintenance crew of a steel mill to access company-wide (hypermedia) information systems." 3154184546,"Hypertext-assisted Video Indexing and Content-based Retrieval","Ip & Chan",0,2,5,"Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '97","1997","","Horace Ho-Shing Ip, Siu-Lok Chan","Horace Ho-Shing Ip","Short paper","","true","Video segmentation, content-based retrieval, educational video system, video indexing","true","An effective approach has been designed for the construction of on-line educational video systems. We have made use of the assistance of HTML text for accurate video parsing and complete content extraction. A video system with segmentation/indexing module and browsing/query modules are implemented to demonstrate the idea." 3154184557,"Patterns of Hypertext","Bernstein",15,59,76,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Full paper","","true","criticism, design, hypertext structure, navigation, pattern languages, patterns, rhetoric","true","The apparent unruliness of contemporary hypertexts arises, in part, from our lack of a vocabulary to describe hypertext structures. From observation of a variety of actual hypertexts, we identify a variety of common structural patterns that may prove useful for description, analysis, and perhaps for design of complex hypertexts. These patterns include:####Cycle####Counterpoint####Mirrorworld####Tangle####Sieve####Montage####Split/Join####Missing Link####Feint" 3154184559,"Toward an Ecology of Hypertext Annotation","Marshall",7,15,32,"Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '98","1998","","Catherine C. Marshall","Catherine C. Marshall","Full paper","","true","annotation, consensus, reading-oriented systems, spatial hypertext, study","true","Annotation is a key way in which hypertexts grow and increase in value. This paper first characterizes annotation according to a set of dimensions to situate a long-term study of a community of annotators. Then, using the results of the study, the paper explores the implications of annotative practice for hypertext concepts and for the development of an ecology of hypertext annotation, in which consensus creates a reading structure from an authorial structure." 3154184627,"AHAM: A Dexter-based Reference Model for Adaptive Hypermedia","De Bra, Houben & Wu",3,18,23,"Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Returning to Our Diverse Roots","HT '99","1999","","Geert-Jan Houben, Hongjing Wu, Paul De Bra","Paul De Bra","Full paper","","true","","true"," Hypermedia applications offer users the impression that there are many meaningful ways to navigate through a large body of information nodes. This rich link structure not only creates orientation problems, it may also be a source of comprehension problems when users follow paths through the information which the author did not foresee. Adaptive techniques have been used by a number of researchers [1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,17,19,20,22] in an attempt to offer guidance through and orientation support for rich link structures. The majority of these adaptive hypermedia systems (AHS) have been used in educational applications. The terminology used in this paper also has an educational “flavor”. However, there are some adaptive on-line information systems (or “kiosk”- systems), adaptive information retrieval systems, and other adaptive hypermedia applications.####In this paper we describe a reference model for adaptive hypermedia applications, called AHAM, which encompasses most features supported by adaptive systems that exist today or that are being developed (and have been published about). Our description of AHS is based on the Dexter model [l-5, 161, a widely used reference model for hypermedia. The description is kept somewhat informal in order to be able to explain AHAM rather than formally specify it. AHAM augments Dexter with features for doing adaptation based on a user model which persists beyond the duration of a session, Key aspects in AHAM are:####- The adaptation is based on a domain model, a user model and a teaching model which consists of pedagogical rules. We give a formal definition of each of these (sub)models (but only describe the pedagogical rules informally through examples).####- l We distinguish the notions of concept, page and fragment. In some AHS these notions are confused.####- We provide a formalism which lets authors write pedagogical rules (about concepts) in such a way that they can be applied automatically.####We illustrate various aspects of AHAM by means of some features of some well-known AHS [6, l0]." 3154184651,"FOHM: A Fundamental Open Hypertext Model for Investigating Interoperability Between Hypertext Domains","Millard et al.",7,27,30,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Dave E. Millard, Hugh C. Davis, Luc Moreau, Siegfried Reich","Dave E. Millard","Full paper","","true","Component-based Open Hypermedia System (CB-OHS), Fundamental Open Hypertext Model (FOHM), Hypertext Domains, Interoperability, Open Hypermedia Protocol (OHP)","true","The Open Hypermedia Systems community has largely been concerned with the interoperability between hypertext systems that share the same paradigm. It has evolved a component based framework for this purpose, in which specific but incompatible middleware components are designed for each hypertext domain, such as navigational hypertext, spatial hypertext or taxonomic hypertext. this paper investigates the common features of these domains and introduces FOHM, a Fundamental Open Hypertext Model, which defines a common data model and set of related operations that are applicable for all three domains. Using this layer the paper explores the possible semantics of linking between different hypertext domains, and shows that each can introduce features which benefit other domains." 3154184653,"Hypermedia in the Virtual Project Room - Toward Open 3D Spatial Hypermedia","Mogensen & Grønbæk",6,3,37,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Kaj Grønbæk, Preben Mogensen","Preben Mogensen","Full paper","","true","3D Workspace, CSCW, Collaborative Virtual Environments, Open Hypermedia, Spatial Hypermedia","true","This paper discusses hypermedia aspects of the design of a Virtual Project Room. Based on ethnographic and participatory design studies of landscape architects’ and architects’ work, prototypes for a notion of virtual project rooms, supporting remote collaboration, is developed. Since (landscape) architects work with 3D objects and environments a natural first step is to design a virtual project room as a 3D virtual environment. The current prototype, Manufaktur, utilizes open hypermedia technology to integrate documents with design models in the virtual project room. Manufaktur provides hot-linking of arbitrary MS Windows documents into the virtual project room, it supports spatial arrangement and categorization of (sub) workspaces by means of proximity, and it provides “classical” open hypermedia linking between segments of documentation. Finally, support for two modes of tightly coupled collaboration in the virtual project room is being provided by means of a session management service. Based on the experiences from design of Manufaktur we discuss design issues for the integration of hypermedia and collaborative virtual environments." 3154184290,"Thoth-II: Hypertext with Explicit Semantics","Collier",0,8,31,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","George H. Collier","George H. Collier","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper describes a hypertext system — Thoth-II. This system provides a rich means for modeling semantic interconnections among texts. It allows a user to browse texts, exploring their relations with other texts. These relations are modeled by a directed graph. The texts are embedded in the graph. Connections among specified phrases in the text and the graph structure are automatically formed. In the browsing mode the user is presented with an interactive graphic display of the directed graph. In the text mode the user can use multiple windows to display and interact with the stored text." 3154184352,"ABC: A Hypermedia System for Artifact-based Collaboration","Smith & Smith",4,5,14,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","F. Donelson Smith, John B. Smith","John B. Smith","Full paper","","true","","true","Our project is studying the process by which groups of individuals work together to build large, complex structures of ideas, and we are developing a distributed hypermedia system to support that process. This description includes a brief overview of the system, but emphasizes three components: a hypermedia data management system or graph server, a set of browsers for working with graph objects, and a set of applications for working with data contents of graph nodes. A number of research issues are raised and discussed in context, including: composite objects; anchored links; scaling up for large applications; partitioning the hypermedia graph consistency and completeness across subgraphs; and an open, extensible architecture for applications." 3154184354,"Issues in Modeling a “Dynamic” Hypertext Interface for Non-hypertext Systems","Bieber",4,4,29,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Michael Bieber","Michael Bieber","Full paper","","true","Bridge Laws, Decision Support Systems, Document Interchange, Hypertext Computation, Hypertext Virtual Structures, Information Systems, Knowledge-based System Shell Architecture","true","Many hypertext systems are primarily “static” systems that were designed specifically to apply a hypertext interface to a particular domain. For us, hypertext is a tool for augmenting “dynamic”, non-hypertext information systems such as decision support systems and expert systems. Many information systems require a dynamic implementation of hypertext, one that relies primarily on virtual structures and computation to generate a hypertext network in real time. This paper explores the demands our dynamic view of hypertext makes on hypertext standards from two angles. First, what coordination is necessary to establish a dynamic hypertext interface to an arbitrary front-end or back-end information system? Here we introduce the concept of bridge laws to map application components to hypertext structures. Second, how does a dynamic view of hypertext affect document interchange among hypertext systems and between a hypertext and non-hypertext systems?" 3154184365,"From Memex to Hypertext: Understanding the Influence of Vannevar Bush","Kahn et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Gregory Crane, James M. Nyce, Linda C. Smith, Norman Meyrowitz, Paul Kahn, Randy Trigg, Tim Oren","Paul Kahn","Panel","","false","","false","The history of hypertext is often traced back to the description of Memex in “As We May Think by Vannevar Bush. Despite its common use in citations, Bush’s work is not well understood by the hypertext community. The moderator and James M. Nyce have edited From Memex to Hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the Mind’s Machine (1991, Academic Press), collecting all of Bush’s writings on Memex. The book features critical essays on Bush and his influence on today’s hypertext software by members of the panel.####The moderator will present some solid historical background on the machines Bush developed in the 1930s and the technologies such as analog computers, microfilm selectors, and early phototypesetters that were the basis of the Memex design. This will include a film of Bush speaking about the influence of computers (circa 1965) and slides of some of the machines developed in Bush’s M.I.T. lab.####The moderator will then challenge the panelists with a number of provocative questions raised by Bush’s work:####• Is Bush’s idea that “one might have the contents of a thousand volumes located in a couple of cubic feet in a desk, so that by depressing a few keys one could have a given page instantly projected before him” any more plausible today than it was in 1933?####• Are today’s hypertext systems designed to mirror the way we think?####• Are we any closer today to guarding against inaccessible or lost information or forgotten connections than we were in 1945 when “As We May Think was first published?####• Why should ideas inspired by analog computers and microfilm still influence our work with digital information today?####[no references]" 3154184366,"Structure, Navigation, and Hypertext: The Status of the Navigation Problem","Bernstein et al.",6,1,11,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","George Landow, Mark Bernstein, Mark Frisse, Peter J. Brown, Polle Zellweger, Robert Glushko","Mark Bernstein","Panel","","false","","true","Are hypertexts intrinsically confusing, disorienting, and distracting? Is disorientation a danger which skilled writers can avoid, or which technological tools can ameliorate? Or is the Navigation Problem a myth, an artifact of early efforts, a misunderstanding? These questions lie at the center both of current hypertext research and of current technical writing practice; the answers will profoundly influence the design of human-machine interfaces.####This panel will engage in an informal, free-wheeling discussion of hypertext structure and navigation, addressing questions that will include:####• Is hypertext disorientation distinguishable from bad writing?####• Does a restricted vocabulary of hypertext structure prevent tangled webs? Or does limiting the web compromise the essence of hypertext?####• Which orientation tools help readers? Which readers do they assist effectively?" 3154184369,"Hypertext and Pen Computing","Meyrowitz",0,1,0,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Norman Meyrowitz","Norman Meyrowitz","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","[no references]Some of the original goals of hypertext were accessibility, seamlessness, and connectivity. Yet most implementations of hypertext are still bound to large, immobile workstations, are operated with keyboards and mice and a reasonably complex interface, and are often focused on standalone, other than connected, tasks.####With the advent of pen-computing, we are beginning to see linking as a fundamental operating system and user interface component. In GO’s PenPoint operating system, any selection in any notebook page can be linked to a selection on another page through the means of a simple pen gesture. The ability to create and follow links with a mere gesture creates a new level of accessibility to hypertext.####Similarly, applications built on PenPoint are exploiting the pen interface for new generations of electronic book technology, in which browsing and search for information can be done without keyboard and mouse, in which annotation can be done with computerized “ink,” and in which remote, wireless connectivity serves as a major new component.####The demonstration will show each of these technologies and explain the fundamental basis behind each of these technologies.####[no references]" 3154184373,"Intermail: A Prototype Hypermedia Mail System","Jackson & Yankelovich",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Nicole Yankelovich, Shari Jackson","Shari Jackson","Technical Briefing","","false","","false","The IRIS Intermedia system [Meyr90, Walt89, Yank88] is designed to support groups of users working with a shared hypermedia database, whether to share reference materials, collaborate on a document or project, or just to access the same set of resources. Within this environment, we have prototype an electronic mail system, called InterMail, to support users’ everyday communication needs, including informal conversations, group announcements, requests, bug reports, scheduling, and on-going discussions. In this technical briefing, we provide an overview of the features of InterMail and a discussion of several key issues raised by the development and use of the InterMail prototype.####InterMail is a uniquely hypermedia electronic mail tool in which users can send multimedia messages which may include links to any Intermedia document and which uses links to maintain threads of an electronic conversation." 3154184384,"SEPIA: A Cooperative Hypermedia Authoring Environment","Streitz et al.",12,37,36,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Andreas Lemke, Helge Schütt, Jörg Haake, Jörg Hannemann, Manfred Thüring, Norbert Streitz, Wolfgang Schuler","Norbert Streitz","Full paper","","true","","true","In this paper, we report about the design, development, and implementation of the SEPIA cooperative hypermedia authoring environment. It provides results on the following aspects of SEPIA: persistent and shared data storage, hypermedia data model with composites, sophisticated and comprehensive authoring functionality, support for anew rhetoric and for cooperative work. We start by identifying the challenge of hypermedia authoring and production which serves as the driving force for our development. Using interacting problem spaces as the vehicle for modelling the dynamic aspects of authoring, we arrive at a set of requirements answered by the concept of “activity spaces”. The design of coherent hyperdocuments is facilitated by our “construction kit”. Furthermore, we describe the extensions and modifications necessary to support multiple authors with the cooperative version of SEPIA. The central issue of the paper is the system architecture and its implementation. We describe the basis for access to shared hyperdocuments, the activity space browsers, the integration of multimedia functionality (audio, graphics, pictures), and the integration of a video conferencing system." 3154184387,"CoVer: A Contextual Version Server for Hypertext Applications","Haake",7,11,24,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Anja Haake","Anja Haake","Full paper","","true","","true","Key problems of version support for hypertext systems arise from the fine-grained, heavily interlinked structure of hyperdocuments. Integration of version support aggravates cognitive overhead problems during version creation and disorientation during version selection. Starting from the need to support versioning in our hypermedia publishing environment, we designed the CoVer hypermedia version. server. CoVer maintains context information with the versions that guides version creation and in particular helps in version identification.####The key concept is task tracking: Users change their network in order to perform a task. These tasks can guide meaningful, automatic version creation. Being stored persistently as contextual version information they serve version identification. Moreover, CoVer maintains the derivation history of hyperdocuments across document boundaries and tracks the influence of annotations on the creation of new versions and the start-up of new tasks." 3154184395,"Information Retrieval from Hypertext Using Dynamically Planned Guided Tours","Guinan & Smeaton",4,6,18,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Alan F. Smeaton, Catherine Guinan","Catherine Guinan","Full paper","","true","","true","In using any hypertext system a user will encounter many technical problems which have been well-documented in the literature. Two of the more serious problems with using hypertext are user disorientation and the retrieval of information. Another less often addressed problem is that of the logical sequencing of nodes. In the work reported in this paper we address these three problems by combining Hammond and Allinson’s guided tour metaphor and Frisse’s information retrieval techniques to dynamically create guided tours for users in direct response to a user’s query. One of the features of our method is that we take advantage of typing of information links in the hypertext to generate a tour which has a judicious sequencing of nodes rather than a simple presentation of hypertext nodes in order of similarity to the user’s query. Our method was empirically tested on a population of 125 users who generated a total 973 individual tours and all user actions and responses to questions were logged. The results of this evaluation are presented in this paper." 3154184402,"Design Issues for a Dexter-based Hypermedia System","Grønbæk & Trigg",3,8,20,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1993","","Kaj Grønbæk, Randall H. Trigg","Kaj Grønbæk","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper discusses experiences and lessons learned from the design of an open hypermedia system, one that integrates applications and data not “owned” by the hypermedia. The Dexter Hypertext Reference Model [8] was used as the basis for the design. Though our experiences were generally positive, we found the model constraining in certain ways and underdeveloped in others. For instance, Dexter argues against dangling links, but we found several situations where permitting and supporting dangling links was advisable. In Dexter, the data objects making up a component’s contents are encapsulated in the component; in practice, references to objects stored apart from the hypermedia structure should be allowed. We elaborate Dexter’s notion of composite component to include composites that “contain” other components and composites with structured contents, among others. The paper also includes a critique of Dexter’s notion of link directionality, proposes a distinction between marked and unmarked anchors, and discusses anchoring within a composite." 3154184403,"Gram: A Graph Data Model and Query Languages","Amann & Scholl",4,8,20,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Bernd Amann, Michel Scholl","Bernd Amann","Full paper","","true","","true","We present a model for data organized as graphs. Regular expressions over the types of the node and edge labels are used to qualify connected subgraphs. An algebraic language based on these regular expressions and supporting a restricted form of recursion is introduced. A natural application of this model and its query language is hypertext querying." 3154184407,"Using Statecharts to Model Hypertext","Zheng & Pong",2,4,17,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Man-Chi Pong, Yi Zheng","Yi Zheng","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper describes how to use statecharts to model hypertext. Statechart is a formal graphical model based on state transition diagram and hypergraph. The statechart model is compared with other models for hypertext based on simple node-and-link graph, first-order logic formulae, hypergraph, and petri net. The features of statecharts relevant to the modeling of hypertext are described. Statecharts for the common features in frame-based and scrolling-based hypertext are given. Then statecharts are used to model the various buttons supported in a real-life production hypertext system, Guide (both the Unix version and the version marketed by Owl International Inc.). These examples illustrate that statecharts can be used to abstract the structure from the content of hypertext, and to model the structure and the browsing semantics of hypertext clearly and vividly." 3154184459,"Chimera: Hypertext for Heterogeneous Software Environments","Anderson, Taylor & Whitehead",10,27,37,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","E. James Whitehead, Jr., Kenneth M. Anderson, Richard N. Taylor","Kenneth M. Anderson","Full paper","","true","heterogeneous hypertext, hypertext system architectures, link servers, separation of concerns, software development environments","true","Emerging software development environments are characterized by heterogeneity: they are composed of diverse object stores, user interfaces, and tools. This paper presents an approach for providing hypertext services in this heterogeneous setting. Central notions of the approach include the following. Anchors are established with respect to interactive views of objects, rather than the objects themselves. Composable, n-ary links can be established between anchors on different views of objects stored in distinct object bases. Viewers (and objects) may be implemented in different programming languages afforded by a client-server architecture. Multiple, concurrently active viewers enable multimedia hypertext services. The paper describes the approach and presents an architecture which supports it. Experience with the Chimera prototype and its relationship to other systems is described." 3154184457,"Adding Multimedia Collections to the Dexter Model","Garzotto, Mainetti & Paolini",8,6,29,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Franca Garzotto, Luca Mainetti, Paolo Paolini","Franca Garzotto","Full paper","","true","Active Media, Collection, Composite, Design, Dexter Model, Guided Tour","true","The Dexter Model defines the notion of atomic components and composite components, but it does not prescribe, nor it suggests, any particular structure for composite components. This paper proposes a specific type of composite component, called “collection”. A collection is a container holding several members. Collections can contain other collections (nested collections). Collections can be regarded as sets, but they can also have an inner structure. Collections can be created in several ways: manually, through queries, by operations on other collections, by exploiting links, etc. Collections introduce a navigational pattern, based on their structure, that is different from the standard node&link navigation. If active media are considered, collections allow the design and implementation of complex synchronisation strategies, difficult to obtain otherwise. The paper describes the motivations for using collections, their structure, their navigational capabilities and a number of possible authoring mechanisms. It also examines the interplay between standard navigation and collection navigation, possible synchronization strategies for collections, as well as the requirements for the definition of a runtime support (which could be used to extend the runtime layer of the Dexter Model)." 3154184460,"SIROG: A Responsive Hypertext Manual","Simon & Erdmann",2,1,17,"Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology","","ECHT94","1994","","Jochen Erdmann, Lothar Simon","Lothar Simon","Full paper","","true","hypertext manual, process control, process monitoring, situation-dependence, task model","true","Power plant operation and control in modern screen-based control rooms takes place using computer displays which are directly coupled to the plant state. However, operators are provided with operational instructions and background information by means of paper manuals or at best hypertext manuals with fixed structure and contents. Thus, information presentation is independent of the current situation. To improve information accessibility we developed a situation-dependent information medium: responsive manuals. A responsive manual consists of a “standard” hypertext-based operational manual and a task description. It monitors the changing situation and based on this is able to point to relevant information. To show the advantages of the responsive manual approach in the domain of power plant operation we implemented the SIROG (situation-related operational guidance) system in close cooperation with Siemans. It covers all parts of an operational manual for accidents in a Siemans nuclear power plant, and is coupled directly to the plant state. The article discusses the basics of the responsive manuals approach and the role of “responsiveness” in SIROG." 3154184495,"Toward a Dexter-based Model for Open Hypermedia: Unifying Embedded References and Link Objects","Grønbæk & Trigg",7,15,22,"Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext","Docuverse Takes Form","HYPERTEXT '96","1996","","Kaj Grønbæk, Randall H. Trigg","Kaj Grønbæk","Full paper","","true","Dexter hypertext reference model, dynamic hypermedia, embedded links, generic links, link objects, open hypermedia","true","Computing support for large engineering enterprises provides an example of the need for hypermedia-based collaborative computing systems composed of a large number of distributed heterogeneous tools. These computing environments place complex requirements on the underlying hypermedia platform. To support integration of independently written tools for these environments, hypermedia platforms must address several important issues such aa scalability y, openness, distribution, heterogeneity, interoperability, extensibility and computation.####This paper describes the HyperDisco approach to open hypermedia systems. HyperDisco provides an extensible object-oriented hypermedia platform supporting inter-tool linking, computation, concurrency control, notification control, version control, access control, query and search, and various other features. The present work has two main objectives: 1) to provide a platform to integrate existing and future distributed heterogeneous tools and data formats and 2) to provide a platform to extend integrated tools to handle multiple collaborating users and multiple versions of shared artifacts. The paper presents important dimensions of hypermedia platforms that helped to formulate the goals for HyperDisco, the HyperDisco prototype, and two integration examples to illustrate the distinctive features" 3154184271,"All for One and One for All","Nelson",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '87","1987","","Theodore H. Nelson","Theodore H. Nelson","Keynote","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 3154184346,"Screen Management in Hypertext Systems with Rubber Sheet Layouts","Kaltenbach, Robillard & Frasson",0,4,14,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Claude Frasson, François Robillard, Marc Kaltenbach","Marc Kaltenbach","Full paper","","true","Collage, Graph, Hypertext, Motion Picture, Rubber Sheet Layout, Scale Factor, Tack Point","true","This paper addresses the issue of screen management in hypertext systems. It presents a new way of placing windows, or any graphical object delimited by rectangular boundaries, in the context of an existing set of windows. The heart of the technique presented is a particular re-scaling of the display which changes the locations of objects while maintaining their sizes and avoiding object overlapping. This functionality has uses both for authoring and browsing hypertext documents. In particular it enables the display of hierarchically structured information at various levels of detail and complements other visual graph management functions. More generally, the objective is to attenuate the feeling of disorientation users experience when related information obtained through hypertext browsing are stacked upon a display screen. This work suggests extending hypertext systems by enabling users to create well structured information “collages” and to program animated presentations on the basis of browsing through ill or differently structured collections of documents." 3154184353,"The Nested Context Model for Hyperdocuments","Casanova et al.",0,3,13,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","José L. Rangel Netto, Luiz F. G. Soares, Luiz Tucherman, Marco A. Casanova, Maria Julia D. Lima, Noemi Rodriquez","Marco A. Casanova","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper describes the nested context model, a conceptual framework for the definition, presentation and browsing of documents. The model carefully combines hypertext links with the concept of context nodes, used to group together sets of nodes. Context nodes can be nested to any depth and, thus, generalize the classical hierarchical organization of documents. The nested context model also defines an abstract and flexible application program interface that captures the idea that different applications may observe the same node in different ways. Finally, the model offers a rich set of operations to explore the double structure of a hyperdocument - that defined by the links and that induced by the nesting of context nodes." 3154184370,"Storyspace As a Hypertext System for Writers and Readers of Varying Ability","Joyce",4,13,20,"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Hypertext","","HYPERTEXT '91","1991","","Michael Joyce","Michael Joyce","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","Storyspace [Storyspace 91], a powerful general purpose hypertext system, is designed to function as a writing environment for developmental, experienced and professional writers alike. Obviously the task domains of each of these populations vary considerably. Even so, contemporary compositional, rhetorical and literary theory as well as pedagogical practice provide some consistency regarding design requirements and constraints across domains within the writing process.####For instance there is a broad consensus among compositional theorists that implicit or explicit interpretive communities intervene within the writing process ([Becker 86] lJ.,eFevre 87] ). This intervention can range from the scientific writer’s recognition of the formal requirements of technical prose Eazerman 81], to the creative writer’s awareness of culture [Olson 74], to the beginning writer’s awareness that her immediate audience extends beyond the teacher to the classmates with whom she collaborates and who function as her readers. [Joyce 88] In order to accommodate and represent these varied interventions, system design requires an interplay between hierarchical and other organizational structures as well as an annotational capability which crosses these organizational structures at relatively low cost in terms of cognitive overhead or computation.####Another instance of broad consensus among compositional theorists is that some form of tokenizing, information-hiding, or progressive disclosure performs a valuable function for developmental, experienced and professional writers. For developmental writers an awareness that ideas can be tokenized is a critical first step toward development of hierarchical thinking skills, abstraction, and consideration of audience. [Shaughnessy 77] Concrete representations of fuzzy ideational structures are especially important to developmental writers because they know how such representations are used against them (cf., [Shneiderman 83 ]). Likewise journalists, intelligence analysts, planners and legislators constantly filter and organize texts to convey new understanding, formulating coherent stones from incoherent information or reformulating existing structures to convey new perspective. [Bernstein 91]" 3154184390,"Design Strategies for Scenario-based Hypermedia: Description of Its Structure, Dynamics, and Style","Ogawa et al.",8,1,12,"Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext","","ECHT '92","1992","","Daigo Taguchi, Eiichiro Tanaka, Komei Harada, Ryuichi Ogawa","Ryuichi Ogawa","Full paper","","true","","true","This paper describes design strategies for scenario-based hypermedia, which presents media composite nodes according to timed scripts. In order to translate an author’s story into timed scripts within a hypermedia framework, we present a design model with four different levels of scenario specifications. In these levels an author specifies details of 1) global structure described as the hierarchy of composite nodes with sequencing relationship between them, 2) detailed structure of a composite node described as a set of sub-nodes and navigation flow between them, 3) content specification of multimedia data, and 4) time and spatial presentation style of media data included in each node. Design strategies based on the model were applied to the authoring of a CD-ROM based English listening course for Japanese students. The design work was accomplished as a joint project with English teachers, and our scenario-based hypermedia system, Videobook, was used as the authoring platform. This paper reports the details of the design strategies in each level and discusses how they made the authoring efficient while promoting the quality of the course." 1474373924,"LLAMA: automatic hypertext generation utilizing language models","Zhou et al.",1,5,8,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Dong Zhou, James Goulding, Mark Truran, Tim Brailsford","Dong Zhou","Short paper","","true","Automatic Hypertext Generation, Bipartite Graph, Clustering, HITS, Language Models","true","Manual hypertext construction is labour intensive and prone to error. Robust systems capable of automatic hypertext generation (AHG) could be of direct benefit to those individuals responsible for hypertext authoring. In this paper we propose a novel technique for the autonomous creation of hypertext which is dependent upon language models. This work is strongly influenced by those algorithms which process the hyperlinked structure of a corpus in an attempt to find authoritative sources. The algorithm was evaluated by experimental comparison with human hypertext authors, and we found that both approaches produced broadly similar results." 1474373935,"Adaptive incremental browsing of ontology structure","Bieliková & Jemala",0,1,5,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Michal Jemala, Mária Bieliková","Mária Bieliková","Poster","","false","","true","We present a method for effective navigation in structure of large information spaces. The method employs incremental browsing of the information space structure and visualizes in every moment only specific part of the space (a window) where its content is selected adaptively according to evaluations of the presented entities. Entity evaluations are gained from interactions with entities (manual browsing of people or automatic browsing by applications). We describe proposed method in the context of ontology structure navigation." 1474373937,"Transforming DITA topics for speech synthesis output","Kehoe & Pitt",0,0,10,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Aidan Kehoe, Ian Pitt","Aidan Kehoe","Poster","","false","","false","Speech technology can be used to enhance user assistance systems by making help information more accessible. In this paper we describe our implementation of a transform that converts DITA topics to SSML/SAPI documents, thus allowing the assistance topics to be presented to users via speech synthesis." 1474373944,"Dynamic link service 2.0: using wikipedia as a linkbase","Sinclair, Martinez & Lewis",1,0,8,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Kirk Martinez, Patrick A. S. Sinclair, Paul H. Lewis","Patrick A. S. Sinclair","Poster","","false","","true","This paper describes how a Web 2.0 mashup approach, reusing technologies and services freely available on the web, have enabled the development of a dynamic link service system that uses Wikipedia as its linkbase." 1474375489,"An empirical study of the learning effect of an ontology-driven information system","Heo & Yi",1,0,7,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Misook Heo, Myongho Yi","Misook Heo","Poster","","false","","true","This paper investigates the effect of an ontology-driven information system on users’ learning the content of the domain covered by the system. While there have been quite a number of research studies on ontology systems’ design, development and evaluation, its impact on users has not been a popular research topic. An experimental system has been developed and constructed with pluralistic, non-linear representations of metadata and relationships. While the expected learning effect did not occur among differently trained participant groups, previous online search experience showed a positive correlation with the performance of the participants." 1474375493,"Spatial annotation and social navigation support for electronic books","Kim, Farzan & Brusilovsky",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Jae-Kyung Kim, Peter Brusilovsky, Rosta Farzan","Jae-Kyung Kim","Poster","","false","","false","Modern efforts on digitizing electronic books focus on preserving authentic “spatial” representation of the original sources. The new format requires new tools to help users to access, process, and make sense of digital information. This paper presents an approach which assists users of these new “spatial” sources by giving them a combination of annotation and social navigation support. This approach is currently fully implemented and under evaluation in a classroom study." 1474375496,"Improving the usability of web 2.0 applications","Pilgrim",0,0,13,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Chris J. Pilgrim","Chris J. Pilgrim","Poster","","false","","false","Web 2.0 is revolutionizing the way that users access content and interact with each other on the Web. Unfortunately, many developers are inspired by what is technologically possible possibly disregarding good design practice and fundamental theory. Very little research on Web 2.0 usability is reported in the literature. This paper reports progress on an investigation into the usability of Web 2.0 applications through an empirical study of the level of disorientation and cognitive overhead that users might experience. The outcomes of this project aim to provide an empirical basis for the development of design guidelines to improve Web 2.0 usability." 1474375498,"Hypermedia design patterns","Rubart",10,0,16,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Jessica Rubart","Jessica Rubart","Poster","","false","","true","This poster aims at motivating the hypermedia community to identify and describe hypermedia patterns focusing on software design. Design patterns support a shared vocabulary and a shared understanding about design models. In addition, they facilitate reusing prior experience for new designs. An example hypermedia design pattern is provided." 1474375499,"Hyperlinks visualization using social bookmarking","Tomša & Bieliková",1,0,4,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Marek Tomša, Mariá Bieliková","Marek Tomša","Poster","","false","","true","We present a method for navigation support by visualization of actual web page context. We browse and incrementally visualize a graph representing an abstraction of web navigation where nodes represent web pages and edges represent relationships between them expressed either by explicit links (one page linking to another through the content) or implied relationships (relevant pages several clicks away). We proposed several metrics for edge relevance evaluation. In the metrics, existing metadata in form of tags associated with bookmarks offered by collaborative social bookmarking sites is employed and user preferences represented by their tag usage are taken into account." 1474375501,"Mapping visualization on-demand onto a virtual globe: an appealing complement to browser-based navigation","Vuillemot & Rumpler",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Béatrice Rumpler, Romain Vuillemot","Romain Vuillemot","Poster","","false","","false","Current browser-based navigation is a universal and powerful tool, but lacks of three useful features: overview of the global website structure, efficient history browsing and an alternative to link-link navigation. By combining Visualization on-demand (Vizod) with an interactive virtual globe, we tackled these issues by means of multi-resolutions maps displayed according to user’s interactions and preferences. We provided in this way a contextual hypertext navigation, each page being assigned locations and links on top a a virtual map. We built up and performed experiments of a prototype providing a smooth, appealing and promising complement to browser-based navigation.####Also in Student Research competition (SRC)" 1474375503,"Writing on the blog: an assemblage analysis","Yalcin",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Senom T. Yalcin","Senom T. Yalcin","Poster","","false","","false","By examining two academic blogs over a period of 3 months, this study aims to understand blog writing by defining writing as constructing dynamic trajectories and a function of its environment. An analysis for identifying the constructed trajectories, which provide information on the location and nature of the connections, as well as the content; yield both information on the parts (the blog) that construct the network, and the network as a whole (the blog+its environment)." 1474378311,"Comparing spatial hypertext collections","Matias & Williams",4,1,17,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","David P. Williams, J. Nathan Matias","J. Nathan Matias","Short paper","","true","ShyWiki, Spatial hypertext, Tinderbox, VKB, VUE, Webspiration, collaboration, comparison, model merging, siDiff, version management","true","This paper proposes an approach to comparison of spatial hypertext collections which avoids becoming entangled in complexities of version management and merging. We also propose and illustrate principles for presenting comparisons of spatial hypertext without losing important implicit information.####We argue that multiple view options, distinct areas for different collections, and dependency lists are all necessary if comparison is to retain the kinds of meaning fundamentally important to spatial hypertext." 1474378324,"From XML inclusions to XML transclusions","Di Iorio & Lumley",1,2,15,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Angelo Di Iorio, John Lumley","Angelo Di Iorio","Full paper","","true","Composite Documents, Hot-links, Transclusions, XML Inclusions, XSLT","true","Modularized documents, composed of fragments from multiple sources, provide users high maintainability and reuse. In the world of XML, powerful and widely-supported solutions exist to create such documents. Surprisingly enough, a lot of interesting features - especially those envisioned by the pioneers of the hypermedia community - are still missing for XML inclusions. The goal of this paper is to investigate these issues and identify possible improvements in this area. Our main inspiration is the Xanadu project and the concept of transclusions. This paper proposes an enhanced model to describe and interact with XML inclusions. We identify multiple classes of inclusions and multiple views of multi-source documents. Particular attention is also given to the idea of making inclusions transparent to both users and applications. An engine producing composite documents, with rich information about inclusions, and a viewer for modularized XML documents are presented as well." 1474378325,"Interpreting the layout of web pages","Francisco-Revilla & Crow",4,1,26,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Jeff Crow, Luis Francisco-Revilla","Luis Francisco-Revilla","Full paper","","true","Adaptive Hypermedia, Assistive Technology, Modular Layouts, Sighted Users, Spatial Hypermedia, Visually Impaired Users","true","Web pages such as news and shopping sites often use modular layouts. When used effectively this practice allows authors to present clearly large amounts of information in a single page. However, while sighted people can visually parse and understand these complex layouts in seconds, current assistive technologies such as screen readers cannot. This puts visually impaired users at a great disadvantage. In order to design better assistive technologies, we conducted a study of how people interpret modular layouts of news and shopping Web pages. The study revealed that when the layout complexity increases, the interpretation process gets longer and the reading gets more varied. Also, before looking at the main content, users first frame the Web page by looking for familiar structural elements that can be used as references and entry points. These elements include navigational bars, search boxes, and ads. This implies that assistive technologies can reduce the time required to frame the pages if they help users identify reference points and entry points." 1474367010,"Improving adaptation in web-based educational hypermedia by means of knowledge discovery","Krištofič & Bieliková",1,1,21,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Andrej Krištofič, Mária Bieliková","Andrej Krištofič","Full paper","","true","Adaptive web-based educational hypermedia, adaptive navigation, concept recommendation, knowledge discovery, usage patterns","true","Most adaptive web-based hypermedia systems adapt presentation of the content and/or navigation using predefined set of rules. Considering different behavior and preferences of each user it may be hard to generalize and construct all appropriate rules in advance. This problem is more noticeable in educational adaptive hypermedia systems, where adaptation to individual learning style of a student is important for the student to effectively assess particular domain. In this paper we present techniques for data mining, which can be used to discover knowledge about students’ behavior during learning, as well as techniques, which take advantage of such knowledge to recommend students lessons they should study next. We also describe a process of recommendation based on knowledge discovery and present an architecture of a web-based system, which uses proposed approach to improve adaptation. Proposed architecture is independent of actual adaptive hypermedia system used." 1474367018,"What the geeks know: hypertext and the problem of literacy","Moulthrop",0,1,33,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Stuart Moulthrop","Stuart Moulthrop","Short paper","","true","Theory, archive, literacy, pedagogy, remediation","true","Recent theories of hypertext usefully emphasize continuity with earlier media; but in the general social environment, this continuity is not well understood, and may even be opposed in some quarters. The paper argues that we should define hypertext as the basis for a new version of general literacy and place greater emphasis on teaching in our agenda for applications and research." 1474367025,"Towards enterprise frameworks for networked hypermedia: a case-study in cultural tourism","Garzotto & Megale",0,1,29,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Franca Garzotto, Luca Megale","Franca Garzotto","Full paper","","true","Enterprise framework, data intensive dynamic web application, e-tourism","true","An enterprise framework denotes a “reusable, “‘semi-complete” application skeleton that can be easily adapted to produce custom applications in a specific business domain. This paper presents the requirements, design, and implementation of MEDINA, an enterprise framework for content intensive networked hypermedia in the domain of cultural tourism. MEDINA provides a user-friendly customization tool that can be used without any implementation effort, and is integrated within a modular, highly portable software architecture for dynamic application generation." 1474367032,"Towards a hypertext navigation language","Hauber",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Ralf Hauber","Ralf Hauber","Poster","","false","","false","Hypertext is a paradigm for user-driven access to information, and the task of the user is to navigate hypertext. This poster suggests to treat navigation as an independent dimension by explicitly describing the navigation space in a dedicated navigation language. The language has three major applications: (1) Describing paths through hypertext. Those paths can be used as recommendations or prescriptions that users may or must follow. (2) Building specialized information access paths to cope with specific information needs. (3) Enabling the automation of recurring navigation patterns. All three cases are related by the notion of a path. We introduce an abstraction that captures the idea of a “path through hypertext”, so-called hypertracks, which are concise, quick to author, and easy to communicate (e.g. via e-mail or Web). This poster motivates the navigation language and introduces the concepts behind it (hypertracks, stateful navigation situations, navigation context, navigation actions, navigation history, predicates for conditional navigation, and an event-based processing model). The concrete syntax of the language and its integration into a browser are under development." 1474367037,"Cruising the semantic web with noadster","Rutledge & van Ossenbruggen",0,0,1,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Lloyd Rutledge","Lloyd Rutledge","Demo","","false","","false","This demonstration presents Noadster, a hypermedia-oriented Semantic Web browser. Noadster applies the tradition Web search-then-browse to the Semantic Web. It also generates document structure over the search returns to further facilitate browsing." 1474368990,"CUTS: CUrvature-based development pattern analysis and segmentation for blogs and other Text Streams","Qi & Candan",0,1,27,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","K. Selçuk Candan, Yan Qi","Yan Qi","Full paper","","true","Curve segmentation, Topic development patterns, Topic segmentation, Weblogs","true","Weblogs (blogs) are becoming prominent forms of information exchange in the Internet. A large number and variety of blogs, like personal journals or commentaries, are available for general consumption. However, effective indexes and navigation structures (like the table of content in a book) are not available for blogs. Therefore, it is generally not possible to navigate among entries in a given collection of blog entries in an informed manner. This paper focuses on the segmentation of entries in filter-type [9] blogs, with the aim of using this information for developing hypertext and navigational helps. In particular, we are interested in the analysis of topic development patterns that can provide information about not only the entries themselves, but how these entries develop and relate to each other. The proposed algorithm, CUTS, maps entries into a curve in a way that makes apparent a variety of topic development patterns. We then use curve analysis for automatic segmentation of topics. The resulting base topic segments are classified into different topic development patterns that can be visualized and indexed. Experimental results show that the proposed technique has very good performance in identifying boundaries in text streams, especially filter style blogs, versus existing schemes. Furthermore, compared with other topic segmentation methods, the proposed mechanism highlights not only topic boundaries, but also topic development patterns." 1474373914,"Tags, networks, narrative: exploring the use of social software for the study of narrative in digital contexts","Mason & Thomas",5,0,10,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Bruce Lionel Mason, Sue Thomas","Bruce Lionel Mason","Poster","","false","","true","This poster reports on a project in progress that is assessing the potential of social software for trans-disciplinary research into narratives in a digital context. One aspect of the project is study of whether folksonomy can be of use in transdisciplinary communication. The study features 30 participants who are tagging 40 websites using ( and then taking part in a series of tasks that involve re-examining their tags. In the poster we will present the background to the project, the methodology of the folksonomy study and the findings that may emerge from it. Through so doing, we aim to contribute to the emerging debate about the utility and role of folksonomy in the arts and the academy [3,7,9,10]." 1474373915,"Using forum in an organizational learning context","Leblanc & Abel",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Adeline Leblanc, Marie-Hélène Abel","Adeline Leblanc","Poster","","false","","false","Information and Communication Technologies have a growing impact on long life learning. Organizational Learning is an increasingly important area of research that concerns the way organizations learn and thus augment their competitive advantage, innovativeness, and effectiveness. Within the project MEMORAe2.0, we are interested by the capitalization of knowledge in the context of an organization, but also by the externalization and capitalization of tacit knowledge that’s why we use a forum in an organizational learning context. We developed the E-MEMORAe2.0 environment which is based on the concept of learning organizational memory." 1474373921,"Progressive enhancement in the real world","Wells & Draganova",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Chrisina Draganova, John Wells","John Wells","Poster","","false","","false","Progressive Enhancement is a modern approach for developing web documents that are accessible across any browser or device that has access to the Internet. Based on the idea of separating a document’s content, presentation, and behaviour, progressive enhancement embraces accessibility, semantics, forward-compatibility and usability. This poster illustrates a real world implementation of the progressive enhancement technique by following the steps in building a restaurant food menu that elegantly scrolls within a fixed page design." 1474373932,"Breathalyzing physio-cybertext","Ensslin",0,0,8,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Astrid Ensslin","Astrid Ensslin","Poster","","false","","false","This poster investigates the creative interplay between readerly intentionality and corporeality in ‘physio-cybertext’, exemplified by Kate Pullinger et al.’s The Breathing Wall. This gothic murder mystery uses the reader’s respiratory system as driving force for disclosing essential referential meaning, or ‘clues’. TBW deviates from - and thereby reconfirms metagenerically - the rules of the conventional thriller by leaving the solution of the mystery not only to the reader’s intention-driven, cognitive engagement with the plot, but chiefly to his or her very physical condition. Drawing on Aarseth’s (1997) ‘text/machine’ and notions of intentionality and physical situatedness, I introduce the concept of ‘cybertextual retro-intentionalization’." 1474373936,"Incorporating culture in user-interface: a case study of older adults in malaysia","Hisham & Edwards",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Alistair D. N. Edwards, Syariffanor Hisham","Syariffanor Hisham","Poster","","false","","false","As people age they will hold the same pattern of thinking, acting, communication style and behaviours which they learn from living in a specific social environment. Regardless of demographics and geographic differences, older adults share similar age-related changes in perception, cognition and mobility that profoundly affect their daily activities including computer tasks. The problem is more apparent for Malaysian older adults who are not only struggling with their age-related difficulties but at the same time need to use a user-interface which has been designed out of their culture. As localization is not well-practised in Malaysia, the English user-interface is one of the biggest barriers for older adults who could not read the language. Thus, this paper reports the current trend of computer usage among Malaysian older adults and the roles of culture in user-interface design for this fast-growing user group in Malaysia." 1474373938,"Toward interactive learning by concept ordering","Godbole et al.",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Sachindra Joshi, Sameep Mehta, Shantanu Godbole","Shantanu Godbole","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper we present a visual education tool for efficient and effective learning. The toolkit is based on a simple premise: simple concepts should be learned before advanced ones. We propose algorithms to automatically capture such pre-requisite dependence relationships between concepts. We extract concept definitions from the web’s hyperlinked environment and create a concept graph arranged in a hierarchical structure and presented to the user in an interactive fashion. Thereafter, the user guides the learning process in a hyperlinked environment, by selecting a target concept, exploring the associated learning graph, learning pre-requisite concepts, and repeating this process till her learning goal is reached. To measure usefulness and correctness of our approach, we conducted a user study with 25 users using precision and recall measures. Overall, the feedback from users was encouraging. We believe this is a positive step toward building user driven interactive learning systems." 1474373942,"A study of publisher, writer, and reader: different perspectives on digital fiction","Wright & Petrelli",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Daniela Petrelli, Hazel Wright","Hazel Wright","Poster","","false","","false","This paper describes a study set up to investigate and map the landscape of digital writing today. Writers, readers and publishers have been interviewed and questioned for their opinions on different issues. Results show the area is still unsettled though much excitement surrounds experimentations and freedom of publishing online. Publishers are not yet involved in digital writing and this is seen simultaneously as a blessing and a curse. All interviewees agree that digital fiction will come, likely prompted by new reading technology." 1474378327,"What's in a session: tracking individual behavior on the web","Meiss et al.",0,1,21,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Bruno Gonçalves, Filippo Menczer, John Duncan, José J. Ramasco, Mark Meiss","Mark Meiss","Full paper","","true","Web session, Web traffic, click stream, navigation, popularity","true","We examine the properties of all HTTP requests generated by a thousand undergraduates over a span of two months. Preserving user identity in the data set allows us to discover novel properties of Web traffic that directly affect models of hypertext navigation. We find that the popularity of Web sites—the number of users who contribute to their traffic—lacks any intrinsic mean and may be unbounded. Further, many aspects of the browsing behavior of individual users can be approximated by log-normal distributions even though their aggregate behavior is scale-free. Finally, we show that users’ click streams cannot be cleanly segmented into sessions using timeouts, affecting any attempt to model hypertext navigation using statistics of individual sessions. We propose a strictly logical definition of sessions based on browsing activity as revealed by referrer URLs; a user may have several active sessions in their click stream at any one time. We demonstrate that applying a timeout to these logical sessions affects their statistics to a lesser extent than a purely timeout-based mechanism." 1474378336,"Contextualising tags in collaborative tagging systems","Yeung, Gibbins & Shadbolt",0,2,37,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Ching-man Au Yeung, Nicholas Gibbins, Nigel Shadbolt","Ching-man Au Yeung","Full paper","","true","collaborative tagging, context, folksonomy, semantics","true","Collaborative tagging systems are now popular tools for organising and sharing information on the Web. While collaborative tagging offers many advantages over the use of controlled vocabularies, they also suffer from problems such as the existence of polysemous tags. We investigate how the different contexts in which individual tags are used can be revealed automatically without consulting any external resources. We consider several different network representations of tags and documents, and apply a graph clustering algorithm on these networks to obtain groups of tags or documents corresponding to the different meanings of an ambiguous tag. Our experiments show that networks which explicitly take the social context into account are more likely to give a better picture of the semantics of a tag." 1474378351,"A 3D hypermedia with biomedical stereoscopic images: from creation to exploration in virtual reality","Haouach, Venturini & Guinot",0,0,14,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Christiane Guinot, Gilles Venturini, Mohammed Haouach","Mohammed Haouach","Poster","","false","","false","We present in this paper a new method for building and exploring a 3D hypermedia in virtual reality and for a biomedical domain. Starting from the acquisition of stereoscopic images and from the calibration of cameras, our system offers the user the possibility to visualize these images in 3D and to annotate specific areas with texts or voice recording. Then the user may define links between annotations, and each annotation may point to annotations from the same image or from other images. The user thus constructs a 3D hypermedia. He may have a global view of the images database using a graph display. We present a first graph which was built with images of faces." 1474378352,"The 2LIP model and its implementations","Jankowski & Decker",2,1,9,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Jacek Jankowski, Stefan Decker","Jacek Jankowski","Poster","","false","","true","In this article we present a model for 2-Layer Interface Paradigm (2LIP). 2LIP is an approach for designing simple yet interactive 3D web applications, an attempt to marry advantages of 3D experience with the advantages of the narrative structure of hypertext. The hypertext information, together with graphics, and multimedia, is presented semi-transparently on the foreground layer. It overlays the 3D representation of the information displayed in the background of the interface. We describe implementations of the 2LIP model: 2LIPGarden (HTML context) and Copernicus (wiki context). We want to show that our model can be easily employed to the existing web infrastructure." 1474378358,"Retrieving broken web links using an approach based on contextual information","Martinez-Romo & Araujo",1,0,5,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Juan Martinez-Romo, Lourdes Araujo","Juan Martinez-Romo","Poster","","false","","true","In this short note we present a recommendation system for automatic retrieval of broken Web links using an approach based on contextual information. We extract information from the context of a link such as the anchor text, the content of the page containing the link, and a combination of the cache page in some search engine and web archive, if it exists. Then the selected information is processed and submitted to a search engine. We propose an algorithm based on information retrieval techniques to select the most relevant information and to rank the candidate pages provided for the search engine, in order to help the user to find the best replacement. To test the different methods, we have also defined a methodology which does not require the user judgements, what increases the objectivity of the results." 1474378359,"A cost-benefit evaluation method for web-based information systems","Paris, Colineau & Wilkinson",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Cecile L. Paris, Nathalie F. Colineau, Ross G. Wilkinson","Cecile L. Paris","Poster","","false","","false","Most evaluations of web-based information systems are done with respect to their effectiveness in supporting users in finding and exploring the information they need. We believe (1) that we need to move beyond task effectiveness and look at the whole-of-system effectiveness, and (2) that we must balance benefits with costs. We propose a method that provides guidance in whole-of-system evaluations, explicitly considering all participants and both sides of the “bang for buck” equation." 1474378360,"Automatically annotating textual resources with human intentions","Strohmaier, Kröll & Koerner",0,0,2,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Christian Koerner, Mark Kröll, Markus Strohmaier","Markus Strohmaier","Poster","","false","","false","Annotations represent an increasingly popular means for organizing, categorizing and finding resources on the “social” web. Yet, only a small portion of the total resources available on the web are annotated. In this paper, we describe a prototype - iTAG - for automatically annotating textual resources with human intent, a novel dimension of tagging. We investigate the extent to which the automatic analysis of human intentions in textual resources is feasible. To address this question, we present selected evidence from a study aiming to automatically annotate intent in a simplified setting, that is transcripts of speeches given by US presidential candidates in 2008." 1474378365,"WebNC: efficient sharing of web applications","Denoue et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Gene Golovchinsky, John Adcock, Laurent Denoue, Scott Carter","Laurent Denoue","Poster","","false","","false","WebNC is a system for efficiently sharing, retrieving and viewing web applications. Unlike existing screencasting and screensharing tools, WebNC is optimized to work with web pages where a lot of scrolling happens. WebNC uses a tile-based encoding to capture, transmit and deliver web applications, and relies only on dynamic HTML and JavaScript. The resulting webcasts require very little bandwidth and are viewable on any modern web browser including Firefox and Internet Explorer as well as browsers on the iPhone and Android platforms.####[no references]" 1474378366,"Semiotic design and analysis of hypermedia","Toppano & Roberto",0,0,13,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Elio Toppano, Vito Roberto","Elio Toppano","Poster","","false","","false","The paper proposes a semiotic framework inspired to the Generative Trajectory of Meaning by A.J. Greimas to the design and analysis of hypermedia. The framework is structured into four levels of signification and allows the designer to control the semantic coherence and optimize the communication during the hypermedia development. We investigate its practical feasibility by constructing an instructional hypermedia regarding a collection of ancient mosaics from a roman villa. Our results indicate that the proposed approach opens novel perspectives, and looks promising towards the definition of semiotic methodologies of hypermedia design." 1474378371,"Use noisy link analysis to improve web search","Wang & Chu",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Jingbo Chu, Yitong Wang","Yitong Wang","Poster","","false","","false","Link-based ranking algorithm is very important for current success and popular of Web Search Engine. In order to get high rank, some try to improve contents of web pages while others just put dirty tricks, such as link spam. Link spam is a trick targeting at link-based ranking algorithms by artificially created tight link structures to push some target pages get undeserved high ranks. This problem becomes even worse with the advent of wikis, blogs, forums, which are rich in links. We tackle the problem of improving link-based ranking by more fundamental viewpoint—“noisy link” analysis. Motivated by how “non-voting” hyperlinks affect quality of ranking, we propose an approach and corresponding penalty strategies to both detect and handle “noisy link” effectively and automatically. We also compared our approach with other related works to demonstrate that our approach is rather effective in noisy link filtering and could improve the final search results significantly." 1474378372,"Introducing online reading","Bonacho",0,0,8,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Fernanda Bonacho","Fernanda Bonacho","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper, we develop a discussion about possible profiles of the reader online according to the perception of a new sensitive experience of reading. The experience of reading in front of a computer is already part of our daily routine but still far from a clear standing. Focusing our attention on the reader allows us to embrace a curious challenge that most of us already live on the level of senses (Erlebnis), and only some are able to make it an experience in life (Erfahrung)." 1474378373,"ZEXE.NET, a case study of video-moblog","Mazali",0,0,13,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Tatiana Mazali","Tatiana Mazali","Poster","","false","","false","The information and communication technology system is constantly creating new scenarios, but can still recognise a tendency in them: the blurring of the limits between consumers and producers and the passage from interactivity to participation (web 2.0). In this emerging cultural context, that is constantly redefined and remediated by individual and personalized forms of elaboration, it is important to understand the way in which every single person or group leads his/her own way towards re-appropriation of the technological realm.####My contribution aims to explore potential and real capacities of these new technologies to generate a creative use among individuals or collectivities. For this reason, I’ll analyse a case study, the mobile-blog communities in ZEXE.NET project.####The aim of my contribution is to draw a portrait, to give a picture, of this social platform built by the artist Antoni Abad." 1474380667,"A semiotic approach for the generation of themed photo narratives","Hargood, Millard & Weal",3,1,30,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Charlie Hargood, David E. Millard, Mark J. Weal","Charlie Hargood","Full paper","","true","Folksonomies, Narrative, Narrative Generation, Semiotics, Thematics","true","A wide variety of systems could be considered ‘narrative systems’, either directly working towards generating rich narratives or, more frequently, because they present or handle information in a narrative context. These narratives, generated or otherwise handled, may contain themes; an essential part of the subtext of narrative communicating important concepts outside the capabilities of the literal meaning of the content and forming the thematic cohesion that aids the flow of the presented narrative. However despite this very little work has been undertaken to understand of take advantage of these themes, particularly in narrative generation where the presence of well defined themes may improve the richness of those generated narratives. In this paper we evaluate the performance of a system utilising a thematic model in order to generate simple narratives in the form of photo montages compared to a keyword based system that does not. The experiment demonstrates that the system utilising the thematic model is capable of successfully connoting themes within these narratives. It also shows that the relevance of the resulting narratives to the titles used to generate them is higher in the thematic system than those generated by the other system." 1474380669,"Automatic construction of travel itineraries using social breadcrumbs","De Choudhury et al.",0,1,17,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Cong Yu, Moran Feldman, Munmun De Choudhury, Nadav Golbandi, Ronny Lempel, Sihem Amer-Yahia","Munmun De Choudhury","Full paper","","true","Flickr, geo-tags, mechanical turk, orienteering problem, social media, travel itinerary","true","Vacation planning is one of the frequent—but nonetheless laborious—tasks that people engage themselves with online; requiring skilled interaction with a multitude of resources. This paper constructs intra-city travel itineraries automatically by tapping a latent source reflecting geo-temporal breadcrumbs left by millions of tourists. For example, the popular rich media sharing site, Flickr, allows photos to be stamped by the time of when they were taken and be mapped to Points Of Interests (POIs) by geographical (i.e. latitude-longitude) and semantic (e.g., tags) metadata.####Leveraging this information, we construct itineraries following a two-step approach. Given a city, we first extract photo streams of individual users. Each photo stream provides estimates on where the user was, how long he stayed at each place, and what was the transit time between places. In the second step, we aggregate all user photo streams into a POI graph. Itineraries are then automatically constructed from the graph based on the popularity of the POIs and subject to the user’s time and destination constraints.####We evaluate our approach by constructing itineraries for several major cities and comparing them, through a “crowd-sourcing” marketplace (Amazon Mechanical Turk), against itineraries constructed from popular bus tours that are professionally generated. Our extensive survey-based user studies over about 450 workers on AMT indicate that high quality itineraries can be automatically constructed from Flickr data." 1474375461,"Asap: a planning tool for agile software development","Petersen & Wiil",5,2,14,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Rasmus Rosenqvist Petersen, Uffe Kock Wiil","Rasmus Rosenqvist Petersen","Short paper","","true","Construct, Crystal Clear Blitz Planning, Structural computing, agile software development, collaboration, knowledge management, project planning, spatial hypertext","true","This paper describes the ASAP planning tool. ASAP uses different hypertext structuring mechanisms to provide support for project planning. The design concepts and prototype features are inspired from previous work on structural computing and spatial hypertext. A use scenario demonstrates the capabilities of the tool to support the Blitz Planning activity from the Crystal Clear agile software development methodology. Future work is aimed at broadening the applicability of ASAP towards general project planning." 1474375469,"The revenge of the page","Kolb",2,1,21,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","David A. Kolb","David A. Kolb","Full paper","","true","Hypertext, Web, argument, exposition, rhetoric, style","true","Writers of literary hypertext have urged complexly linked hypertext forms. Some writers have applied this to expository and argumentative hypertext, taking advantage of hypertext’s ability to expand the “margins” of a document in new directions. Where argumentative issues or contexts are complex and self-reflexive enough, these writers urge that hypertexts become complex multi-dimensional expository and argumentative texts with elaborate rhetorical and argumentative structures that take place over sequences of links. However this ideal is challenged by developments on the Web, where argumentative hypertexts are dominated by a linked mini-essay style that uses one-step link patterns for its rhetorical moves. Was the ideal of complex hypertext rhetorical structures mistaken? This essay analyzes the situation, argues for the viability of more complex hypertexts, suggests some causes for the dominance of the single page and single-step rhetorical move, and looks at some developments that may challenge this dominance." 1474375477,"Efficient assembly of social semantic networks","Markines, Roinestad, Menczer",1,2,22,"Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Linking People and Places","HT '08","2008","","Benjamin Markines, Filippo Menczer, Heather Roinestad","Benjamin Markines","Full paper","","true","Aggregation, Annotation, Collaborative Filtering, Folksonomy, Resource, Similarity, Tag, Web 2.0","true","Social bookmarks allow Web users to actively annotate individual Web resources. Researchers are exploring the use of these annotations to create implicit links between online resources. We define an implicit link as a relationship between two online resources established by the Web community. An individual may create or reinforce a relationship between two resources by applying a common tag or organizing them in a common folder. This has led to the exploration of techniques for building networks of resources, categories, and people using the social annotations. In order for these techniques to move from the lab to the real world, efficient building and maintenance of these potentially large networks remains a major obstacle. Methods for assembling and indexing these large networks will allow researchers to run more rigorous assessments of their proposed techniques. Toward this goal we explore an approach from the sparse matrix literature and apply it to our system, We also investigate distributing the assembly, allowing us to grow the network with the body of resources, annotations, and users. Dividing the network is effective for assembling a global network where the implicit links are dependent on global properties. Additionally, we explore alternative implicit link measures that remove global dependencies and thus allow for the global network to be assembled incrementally, as each participant makes independent contributions. Finally we evaluate three scalable similarity measures, two of which require a revision of the data model underlying our social annotations." 1474378305,"The social hyperlink","Adamic",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Lada A. Adamic","Lada A. Adamic","Keynote","","false","","false","Online, hyperlinks connect not just related information, but people who relate to one another. In this talk I will discuss the many dimensions and uses of the social hyperlink across a variety of online communities. Sometimes it is the information that brings the people together, as they are seeking answers to questions, or seeking to answer questions. In online question and answer forums, hyperlinks record a fleeting social interaction, an information exchange. In other instances, for example, in virtual worlds, social hyperlinks may be conduits for social influence, direct transfer of information, or even the sharing of virtual goods. Occasionally, an online tie is established in order to navigate the real world, or more specifically, find a real couch to sleep on. This of course takes a good deal of trust - trust that is expressed in hyperlinks.####[no references]" 1474378315,"Improving recommender systems with adaptive conversational strategies","Mahmood & Ricci",0,1,25,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Francesco Ricci, Tariq Mahmood","Tariq Mahmood","Full paper","","true","Adaptivity, Conversational Recommender Systems, Markov Decision Process, Reinforcement Learning, User Study","true","Conversational recommender systems (CRSs) assist online users in their information-seeking and decision making tasks by supporting an interactive process. Although these processes could be rather diverse, CRSs typically follow a fixed strategy, e.g., based on critiquing or on iterative query reformulation. In a previous paper, we proposed a novel recommendation model that allows conversational systems to autonomously improve a fixed strategy and eventually learn a better one using reinforcement learning techniques. This strategy is optimal for the given model of the interaction and it is adapted to the users’ behaviors. In this paper we validate our approach in an online CRS by means of a user study involving several hundreds of testers. We show that the optimal strategy is different from the fixed one, and supports more effective and efficient interaction sessions." 1474378330,"Social search and discovery using a unified approach","Amitay et al.",0,1,25,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Aya Soffer, David Carmel, Einat Amitay, Nadav Golbandi, Nadav Har'El, Shila Ofek-Koifman, Sivan Yogev","Einat Amitay","Full paper","","true","Social search, enterprise search, multifaceted search","true","This research explores new ways to augment the search and discovery of relations between Web 2.0 entities using multiple types and sources of social information. Our goal is to allow the search for all object types such as documents, persons and tags, while retrieving related objects of all types. We implemented a social-search engine using a unified approach, where the search space is expanded to represent heterogeneous information objects that are interrelated by several relation types. Our solution is based on multifaceted search, which provides an efficient update mechanism for relations between objects, as well as efficient search over the heterogeneous data. We describe a social search engine positioned within a large enterprise, applied over social data gathered from several Web 2.0 applications. We conducted a large user study with over 600 people to evaluate the contribution of social data for search. Our results demonstrate the high precision of social search results and confirm the strong relationship of users and tags to the topics retrieved." 1474378337,"Social recommender systems for web 2.0 folksonomies","Siersdorfer & Sizov",0,3,30,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Sergej Sizov, Stefan Siersdorfer","Stefan Siersdorfer","Full paper","","true","Algorithms, Experimentation, Human Factors","true","The rapidly increasing popularity of Web 2.0 knowledge and content sharing systems and growing amount of shared data make discovering relevant content and finding contacts a difficult enterprize. Typically, folksonomies provide a rich set of structures and social relationships that can be mined for a variety of recommendation purposes. In this paper we propose a formal model to characterize users, items, and annotations in Web 2.0 environments. Our objective is to construct social recommender systems that predict the utility of items, users, or groups based on the multi-dimensional social environment of a given user. Based on this model we introduce recommendation mechanisms for content sharing frameworks. Our comprehensive evaluation shows the viability of our approach and emphasizes the key role of social meta knowledge for constructing effective recommendations in Web 2.0 applications." 1474378342,"Designing hypertext tools to facilitate authoring multiple points-of-view stories","Mitchell & McGee",9,2,25,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Alex Mitchell, Kevin McGee","Alex Mitchell","Full paper","","true","authoring tools, hypertext fiction, interactive storytelling, multiform stories, rashomon, representation","true","How can authoring tools help authors create complex, innovative hypertext narrative structures? Tools for creating hypertext fiction typically represent such narratives in the form of nodes and links. However, existing tools are not particularly helpful when an author wants to create a story with a more complex structure, such as a story told from multiple points of view. In this paper, we describe our work to develop HypeDyn, a new hypertext authoring tool that provides alternative representations designed to make it easier to create complex hypertext story structures. As an initial exploration, the tool has been designed to support authoring of interactive, multiple-points-of-view stories. In order to describe the tool, we describe a simplified transformation of Rashomon into a progressively more interactive narrative. Along the way, we identify useful new representations, mechanisms, and visualizations for helping the author. We conclude with some thoughts about the design of interactive storytelling authoring tools in general." 1474378349," 2.0 peer application for collaborative web search","Lele et al.",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Filippo Menczer, Le-Shin Wu, Namrata Lele, Ruj Akavipat","Namrata Lele","Demo","","false","","false"," is a peer application for social, distributed, adaptive Web search, which integrates the protocol, a topical crawler, a document indexing system, a retrieval engine, a P2P network communication system, and a contextual learning system. With a single click, the application will build your personal Web collection. You can search not only your collection, but also other Sixearch peers. When you submit a query, your Sixearch agent will determine which peers are best suited to answer it based on previous interactions. Your agent will also learn from the results it receives, so that it can continuously improve." 1474378350,"To://: towards an open namespace for web resources","Lopez & Espelt",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Marc Espelt, Pedro Garcia Lopez","Pedro Garcia Lopez","Demo","","false","","false","In this paper we present an open namespace for web resources under the URI scheme to://. It is a web indirection service that converts URLs-to-URLs (i.e. to:// -> http://) and introduces the novel concept of Web Top Level Domains (wTLDs). Every wTLD like to://hypertext refers to an URL like and it is possible to resolve subdomains under these wTLDs (to://2008.hypertext, to://proceedings.2008.hypertext).####The overall architecture is based on browser plugins and web server software using standard protocols like HTTP and XML to resolve domains under the to:// URI scheme. Furthermore, the infrastructure also provides an open search engine over domain names using meta-information like tags or geo-location. We present a running prototype of this system called hosting more than 2,000 domains." 1474378355,"Personalized web browsing experience","Barricelli, Padula & Scala",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Barbara Rita Barricelli, Marco Padula, Paolo Luigi Scala","Barbara Rita Barricelli","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper we propose a Web-based software system that allows the realization of a highly personalized Web browsing experience. The system is based on two relevant elements: the Intelligent Agent and the pCard document. The Intelligent Agent analyzes the Web sites visited by the users collecting information useful to her/his characterization and crosses such information with the personal preferences expressed by the user her/himself. The user profile is stored in a document written in pCard format that we have defined as an evolution of the vCard format." 1474378356,"A scalable, collaborative similarity measure for social annotation systems","Markines & Menczer",1,0,6,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Benjamin Markines, Filippo Menczer","Benjamin Markines","Poster","","false","","true","Collaborative annotation tools are in widespread use. The metadata from these systems can be mined to induce semantic relationships among Web objects (sites, pages, tags, concepts, users), which in turn can support improved search, recommendation, and otherWeb applications. We build upon prior work by extracting relationships among tags and among resources from two social bookmarking systems, and We introduce a scalable and collaborative measure that we name maximum information path (MIP) similarity. Our analysis shows that MIP outperforms the best scalable similarity measures in the literature. We are currently integrating MIP similarity into a number of applications under development in the GiveALink project, including search and recommendation, Web navigation maps, bookmark management, social networks, spam detection, and a tagging game to create incentives for collaborative annotations." 1474378376,"Dynamic and adaptive hypertext: generic frameworks, approaches and techniques","De Bra & Pechenizkiy",2,0,3,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Mykola Pechenizkiy, Paul De Bra","Paul De Bra","Workshop","","false","","true","Dynamic generation of hypertext and its adaptation and personalization to particular users is a powerful and useful concept. It is particularly helpful for the reduction of the information overload such as is frequently experienced on the Internet. But it is equally helpful for guiding users towards “interesting” topics, products, artifacts or descriptions thereof in electronic shops, libraries or museums, or for filtering appropriate items from a general or domain-specific news feed.####Reference models and generic architectures unify a community and provide a leading generic model and/or architecture that spawns research activities in many directions. Examples of such generic models are AHAM [2] for adaptive hypermedia and FOHM for open hypermedia. A nice example of a resulting generic implementation is the AHA! system [1] that was last described in ACM Hypertext’06.####The research fields of hypertext and adaptive hypermedia (or adaptive web-based information systems) however, have been growing rapidly during the past ten years and this has resulted in a plethora of new terms, concepts, models and prototype systems [3]. As a result the established models no longer include many of the recent new concepts and phenomena. In particular, open corpus adaptation, ontologies, group adaptation, social network analysis and data mining tools for adaptation are not or at least insufficiently supported." 1474378377,"New forms of Xanalogical storage and function","Vitali, Di Iorio & Blustein",0,0,1,"Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '09","2009","","Angelo Di Iorio, Fabio Vitali, James Blustein","Fabio Vitali","Workshop","","false","","false","Xanalogical storage and transclusions were proposed in the earliest days of modern hypertext to create a global document space where users could freely share, customize and reuse content [1]. A Xanalogical document can be thought of as a virtual list of linked text chunks, which can be permanently identified, retrieved and aggregated within the system. Rich and fine-grained information about who, when and how the chunks were edited allows users to surf and manipulate inter-connected documents in powerful yet safe ways.####Although the World Wide Web (WWW) moved away the original Xanadu vision new forms of Xanalogical editing are being discovered. Active participation of users in writing and linking WWW content is dramatically increasing. Blogs, wikis and mashups all prove we are going towards (or probably we are already into) a new WWW conceived as a writing platform rather than as a reading one. Such active participation was part of the original vision of the hypertext pioneers. The depth and breadth of involvement is more than a social trend—is supported by many new applications, standards and services available today.####Now is the time to find synergies between the original Xanalogical vision and the recent developments in the WWW. Some new ideas and new prototypes have been recently presented by the hypertext community. This workshop is a place to gather researchers and professionals interested in Xanalogical models and Web editing and linking, in order to foster the discussion, provide new research directions, and show other experts their recently developed systems and models." 1474380679,"Modularity for heterogeneous networks","Murata",0,2,16,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Tsuyoshi Murata","Tsuyoshi Murata","Short paper","","true","","true","Online social media such as delicious and digg are represented as tripartite networks whose vertices are users, tags, and resources. Detecting communities from such tripartite networks is practically important. Modularity is often used as the criteria for evaluating the goodness of network divisions into communities. Although Newman-Girvan modularity is popular for unipartite networks, it is not suitable for n-partite networks. For bipartite networks, Barber, Guimera, Murata and Suzuki define bipartite modularities. For tripartite networks, Neubauer defines tripartite modularity which extends Murata’s bipartite modularity. However, Neubauer’s tripartite modularity still uses projections and it will lose information that original tripartite networks have. This paper proposes new tripartite modularity for tripartite networks that do not use projections. Experimental results show that better community structures can be detected by optimizing our tripartite modularity." 3154184755,"On writing sculptural Hypertext","Bernstein, Millard & Weal",5,15,12,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","David E. Millard, Mark Bernstein, Mark J. Weal","Mark Bernstein","Short paper","","true","Authoring, Context, Hypermedia Structure, Narrative, Sculptural Hypertext","true","Sculptural hypertext is proposed as an alternative domain for hypertext writing, proceeding chiefly by the removal of links rather than by adding links to an initially unlinked text. Relatively little is known about authoring sculptural hypertexts. This paper examines some issues that arise in the course of composing sculptural hypertexts and proposes tools which might help support such designs." 3154184760,"On the characteristics of scholarly annotations","Furuta & Urbina",1,1,6,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Eduardo Urbina, Richard Furuta","Richard Furuta","Short paper","","true","Annotations, Cervantes Project, Digital libraries, Electronic Variorum Edition","true","We report on our observations of annotations for use in scholarly communication, rather than for use as personal artifact. Scholarly annotations reflect uses that predate digital representations and benefit from formalized structure. Scholarly annotations may originate from a broader set of sources than personal annotations, and their association with texts may result from inferences rather than from explicit specifications." 3154184743,"Self-assembling hypertexts, weblogs, and wikis","Moulthrop, Bernstein & Carton",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Mark Bernstein, Sean Carton, Stuart Moulthrop","Stuart Moulthrop","Panel","","false","","false","Although most theory and research in the hypertext community has been directed toward systems and implementations with fairly conventional patterns of authorship, hypertext as it has evolved on the Internet contains a number of stranger species: Web logs (or “blogs”) that consist largely of citations or pointers to other Web content; reader-writeable text spaces sometimes called “Wikis”; and in spaces outside the Web, shared writing environments like MUDs and MOOs. This panel brings together several writer/designers who have experience in one or more of these areas. The panelists will consider how open-form and self-assembling texts fit and stretch the hypertext paradigm, and what contribution these writing practices might make to the future of writing on the Net.####[no references]" 3154184775,"Predicting web actions from HTML content","Davison",1,2,60,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Brian D. Davison","Brian D. Davison","Full paper","","true","WWW, information retrieval, prediction, prefetching, textual similarity, user modeling","true","Most proposed Web prefetching techniques make predictions based on the historical references to requested objects. In contrast, this paper examines the accuracy of predicting a user’s next action based on analysis of the content of the pages requested recently by the user. Predictions are made using the similarity of a model of the user’s interest to the text in and around the hypertext anchors of recently requested Web pages. This approach can make predictions of actions that have never been taken by the user and potentially make predictions that reflect current user interests. We evaluate this technique using data from a full-content log of Web activity and find that textual similarity-based predictions outperform simpler approaches." 3154184817,"Enhanced web document summarization using hyperlinks","Delort, Bouchon-Meunier & Rifqi",0,1,19,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","B. Bouchon-Meunier, J.-Y. Delort, M. Rifqi","J.-Y. Delort","Full paper","","true","Context, Hyperlinks, Summarization, Web document","true","This paper addresses the issue of Web document summarization. As textual content of Web documents is often scarce or irrelevant and existing summarization techniques are based on it, many Web pages and websites cannot be suitably summarized. We consider the context of a Web document by the textual content of all the documents linking to it. To summarize a target Web document, a context-based summarizer has to perform a preprocessing task, during which it will be decided which pieces of information in the source documents are relevant to the content of the target. Then a context-based summarizer faces two issues: first, the selected elements may partially deal with the topic of the target, second they may be related to the target and yet not contain any clues about the content of the target. In this paper we put forward two new summarization by context algorithms. The first one uses both the content and the context of the document and the second one is based only on the elements of the context. It is shown that summaries taking into account the context are usually much more relevant than those made only from the content of the target document. Optimal conditions of the proposed algorithms with respect to the sizes of the content and the context of the document to summarize are studied." 1474363708,"Directions for hypertext research: exploring the design space for interactive scholarly communication","Leggett & Shipman",11,2,50,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Frank M. Shipman, III, John J. Leggett","John J. Leggett","Full paper","","true","New media, digital libraries, institutional repositories, interactive fiction, interactive narrative, interactive scholarly communications, storytelling engines","true","This paper is a “call to arms” for the community to take up Van Bush’s original challenge of effecting a transformation of scholarly communications and record keeping. It argues for the necessity of an interactive scholarly communication research agenda by briefly reviewing the rapid development of alternative authoring and publishing models. Seven dimensions of interactive communication that delineate a design space for the area are described. Previous work and existing new media are used to initially populate the design space and show opportunities for new research directions. VKB spaces, Synchrony PADLs, and Walden’s paths are used as foils for describing new media for interactive scholarly communication. This leads to a brief discussion of uncovered areas in the design space and open research questions. A community developed framework for future interactive scholarly communications would be a major contribution and is put forth as the overall goal." 1474363734,"How much is too much in a hypertext link?: investigating context and preview -- a formative evaluation","Harper et al.",10,1,35,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Carole Goble, Robert Stevens, Simon Harper, Yeliz Yesilada","Simon Harper","Full paper","","true","Document Engineering, Evaluation, Hypertext, Web Mobility","true","A high quality of free movement, or mobility, is key to the accessibility, design, and usability of many ‘common-use’ hypermedia resources (Web sites) and key to good mobility is context and preview. This is especially the case when a hypertext anchor is inaccurately described or is described out of context as confusion and disorientation can ensue. Mobility is similarly reduced when the link target of the anchor has no relationship to the expected information present on the hypertext node (Web page). Confident movement with purpose, ease, and accuracy can only be achieved when complete contextual information and an accurate description of the proposed destination (preview) are available. We suggest that sighted people can benefit from additional context and preview information included in hyperlinks and disprove the empirical evidence that suggests these users do not benefit from link descriptions which have this enhanced information. We briefly describe a middleware system to automatically expand context and preview in link descriptions thereby ‘fixing’ terse links, links out of context, and inaccurate or inadequate preview information. Finally, we conduct a formative evaluation which shows us that a system to expand context and preview would be useful in different ways depending on the type of link. collapse" 1474363746,"The molhado hypertext versioning system","Nguyen, Munson & Boyland",8,1,49,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Ethan V. Munson, John T. Boyland, Tien N. Nguyen","Tien N. Nguyen","Full paper","","true","Hypertext Versioning, Software Configuration Management, Software Engineering, Version Control","true","This paper describes Molhado, a hypertext versioning and software configuration management system that is distinguished from previous systems by its flexible product versioning and structural configuration management model. The model enables a unified versioning framework for atomic and composite software artifacts, and hypermedia structures among them in a fine-grained manner at the logical level. Hypermedia structures are managed separately from documents’ contents. Molhado explicitly represents hyperlinks, allowing them to be browsed, visualized, and systematically analyzed. Molhado not only versions complex hypermedia structures (e.g., multi links), but also supports versioning of individual hyperlinks. This paper focuses on Molhado’s hypertext versioning and its use in the Software Concordance environment to manage the evolution of a software project and hypermedia structures." 1474366992,"Constraints in spatial structures","Atzenbeck & Nürnberg",2,1,9,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Claus Atzenbeck, Peter J. Nürnberg","Claus Atzenbeck","Short paper","","true","WildDocs, bindings, collections, hypermedia, knowledge representation, knowledge work, spatial structures, user interface design","true","People have become used to paper as an information carrier over thousands of years. Paper is usually easy to handle and has been adopted as a metaphor for information structures in computer applications. This article gives a brief overview of our analysis on real world bindings. We further compare those to some metaphor-based spatial structure applications. We conclude that the high abstract implementation level in spatial structure applications takes away additional metainformation that may be useful for the user to find information quicker." 1615390275,"XCHIPS:The Cooperative Hypermedia Approach to Engineering and Operation of Virtual Enterprises","Wang, Rubart & Hakke",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Jessica Rubart, Jörg M. Haake, Weigang Wang","Weigang Wang","Demo","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 3154184663,"XLink and Open Hypermedia Systems: A Preliminary Investigation","Halsey & Anderson",4,2,14,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Brent Halsey, Kenneth M. Anderson","Brent Halsey","Short paper","","true","Chimera, World Wide Web, XLink, XML, open hypermedia export","true","XLink is an emerging Internet standard designed to support the linking of XML documents. We present preliminary work on using XLink as an export format for the links of an open hypermedia system. Our work provides insights into XLink’s suitability as a vehicle for extending the benefits of open hypermedia to the rapidly evolving world of XML." 3154184678,"Automatically Linking Multimedia Meeting Documents by Image Matching","Chiu et al.",3,1,9,"Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Communities Centered Around Knowledge","HYPERTEXT '00","2000","","Andreas Girgensohn, John Boreczky, Jonathan Foote, Patrick Chiu","Patrick Chiu","Short paper","","true","Automatic linking, image matching, meeting capture, multimedia, paper interfaces, scanning, video indexing","true","We describe a way to make a hypermedia meeting record from multimedia meeting documents by automatically generating links through image matching. In particular, we look at video recordings and scanned paper handouts of presentation slides with ink annotations. The algorithm that we employ is the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). Interactions with multipath links and paper interfaces are discussed." 1615390273,"Visualizing guided tours with W3D","Poulsen et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Bent Guldbjerg Christensen, Frank Allan Hansen, Mads Fjord-Larsen, Signe Herbers Poulsen","Signe Herbers Poulsen","Demo","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390274,"Open 3D Spatial Hypermedia as Roomware Components for Interactive Workspaces","Ørbæk et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Kaj Grønbæk, Michael Christensen, Peter Ørbæk, Preben Mogensen","Peter Ørbæk","Demo","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390276,"Linking video:Beyond nodes, links and navigation","Varvin & Skjulstad",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Gunhild Varvin, Synne Skjulstad","Gunhild Varvin","Demo","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390281,"ConceptLab:An Information Structures Spatial Hypermedia Environment","Simpson",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Rosemary Michelle Simpson","Rosemary Michelle Simpson","Demo","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 1615390297,"Towards the OWLA methodology for development of Open, Web/Wireless and Adaptive hypermedia information systems","Alatalo & Siponen",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","","2001","","Mikko T. Siponen, Toni Alatalo","Toni Alatalo","Poster","","false","","false","[no file, no abstract, no references]" 3154184695,"The look of the link - concepts for the user interface of extended hyperlinks","Weinreich, Obendorf & Lamersdorf",7,4,47,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Harald Weinreich, Hartmut Obendorf, Winfried Lamersdorf","Harald Weinreich","Full paper","","true","Web, XLink, distributed hypertext, link marker, user interface","true","The design of hypertext systems has been subject to intense research. Apparently, one topic was mostly neglected: how to visualize and interact with link markers.####This paper presents an overview of pragmatic historical approaches, and discusses problems evolving from sophisticated hypertext linking features. Blending the potential of an XLink-enhanced Web with old ideas and recent GUI techniques, a vision for browser link interfaces of the future is being developed. We hope to stimulate the development of a standard for hyperlink marker interfaces, which is easy-to-use, feasible for extended linking features, and more consistent than current approaches." 3154184699,"Awt (Associative writing tool): supporting writing process with a ZigZag based writing tool---work in progress","Wideroos",2,1,14,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Kimmo Wideroos","Kimmo Wideroos","Short paper","","true","GZigZag, ZigZag metastructure, set based hypermedia, spatial hypertext, supporting writing process","true","In this paper a sketch of a tool for supporting writing process is discussed as an example of an application using GZigZag framework. GZigZag as well as Ted Nelson’s ZigZag metastructure are introduced in a nutshell." 3154184714,"Experiences with Web squirrel: my life on the information farm","Simpson",4,3,6,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Rosemary Michelle Simpson","Rosemary Michelle Simpson","Short paper","","true","creativity support, information management, premature linking, spatial hypertext, workflow integration","true","Previous work has shown that spatial hypertext is a useful information management tool for dynamically changing environments where it is necessary to model emergent and volatile information structures. This paper describes several years of experience using Eastgate Systems’ Web Squirrel, a spatial bookmark manager, as a member of a suite of information management tools. It works together in conjunction with word processing, database, and index generation tools to provide a rich and effective Web-based working environment. Some its contributions include: information visualization, organization, and management, the avoidance of premature linking, and creativity support." 3154184721,"Linking in context","El-Beltagy et al.",9,6,27,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","David De Roure, Leslie Carr, Samhaa R. El-Beltagy, Wendy Hall","Samhaa R. El-Beltagy","Full paper","","true","Links, context, dynamic linking, information finding, link generation, navigation assistance, open hypermedia, software agents","true","This paper explores the idea of dynamically adding multi-destination links to Web pages, based on the context of the pages and users, as a way of assisting Web users in their information finding and navigation activities. The work does not make any preconceived assumptions about the information needs of its users. Instead it presents a method for generating links by adapting to the information needs of a community of users and for utilizing these in assisting users within this community based on their individual needs. The implementation of this work is carried out within a multi-agent framework where concepts from open hypermedia are extended and exploited. In this paper, the entities involved in the process of generating and using ‘context links’ as well as the techniques they employ to achieve their tasks, are described. The result of an experiment carried out to investigate the implications of linking in context on information finding, is also provided." 3154184729,"An approach to persistence of Web resources","Feise",0,1,7,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Joachim Feise","Joachim Feise","Short paper","","true","Persistence, Versioning, WWW","true","The growth of the World Wide Web holds great promise for universal online information access. New information is constantly being made available for users. However, the information accessible on the Web changes constantly. These changes may occur as modifications to both the content and the location of previously existing Web resources. As these changes occur, the accessibility to past versions of such Web resources is often lost. This paper presents an approach to provide content persistence of Web resources by organizing collections of historical Web resources in a distributed configuration management system to allow online, read-only access to the versioned resources." 3154184740,"ZigZag (Tech briefing)","Nelson",0,2,0,"Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '01","2001","","Theodor Holm Nelson","Theodor Holm Nelson","Technical Briefing","","false","","true","Computers today basically simulate two things: hierarchy and paper. Hierarchy has been carefully put into the structure of computer files because those who did so considered it right and natural and the only way. Paper has been simulated in the structure of computers because it seemed right and natural and the only way. I believe both of these are forms of imprisonment that constrict and warp our work and our thinking.####Adobe Acrobat and the World Wide Web simulate *both* hierarchy and paper—hierarchy on the left, paper on the right. Acrobat does this in a single package; the Web does it via the URL (which follows the domain name with a hierarchical directory path, then ends in a simulation of paper such as an HTML file). And both these formats glorify appearance over the management of content flow, representing, as it were, the triumph of typesetters over authors.####I would like to propose principled alternatives to both hierarchy and paper.####See[no references]" 1474366994,"Supporting the generation of argument structure within video sequences","Bocconi, Nack & Hardman",8,1,23,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Frank Nack, Lynda Hardman, Stefano Bocconi","Stefano Bocconi","Full paper","","true","Argument Structure, Automatic Linking, Hypermedia, Structured Annotations, Thesaurus","true","We describe our approach to the automatic generation of argument structures in the domain of video documentaries. Our approach releases control of the final video sequencing from the film maker/annotator to the system and thus allows users to select their own documentaries for viewing. Each video segment is annotated using a formal structure filled in with terms from a thesaurus. The annotations are used for finding and combining video segments into a final presentation. In order to influence the documentaries that can be generated, we introduce three methods for the annotator to evaluate the effectiveness of the annotations and to influence the process of automatic link generation." 1474367003,"Processing link structures and linkbases in the web's open world linking","Bry & Eckert",4,1,19,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","François Bry, Michael Eckert","François Bry","Full paper","","true","Hyperlink, Link Modeling and Processing, Linkbase, XLink","true","Hyperlinks are an essential feature of the World Wide Web, highly responsible for its success. XLink improves on HTML’s linking capabilities in several ways. In particular, links after XLink can be “out-of-line” (i.e., not defined at a link source) and collected in (possibly several) linkbases, which considerably ease building complex link structures. Regarding its architecture as a distributed and open system, the Web differs significantly from traditional hypermedia systems. Modeling of link structures and processing of linkbases under the Web’s “open world linking” require rethinking the traditional approaches. This, unfortunately, has been rather neglected in the design of XLink. Adding a notion of “interface” to XLink, as suggested in this work, can considerably improve modeling of link structures. When a link structure is traversed, the relevant linkbase(s) might become ambiguous. We suggest three linkbase management modes governing the binding of a linkbase to a document to resolve this ambiguity." 1474367007,"Activity links: supporting communication and reflection about action","Hsieh & Shipman",8,2,26,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Frank Shipman, Haowei Hsieh","Haowei Hsieh","Full paper","","true","History, history activity, history event, multimedia, reflections, spatial hypertext, time factor","true","Tasks that take place over a long period of time or collaborative tasks where participants are required to develop an understanding of each other’s effort benefit from better communication about activities. We are exploring facilities for linking directly ... expand" 1474367036,"The StorySpinner sculptural reader","Hooper & Weal",4,1,7,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Clare J. Hooper, Mark J. Weal","Clare J. Hooper","Demo","","false","","true","This demo is of a hypertext reading system called StorySpinner. It follows the sculptural hypertext methodology and has been used as a test bed for experimenting with the authoring of narrative flow in automatically generated stories. Readers are able to select and read one of two available stories. Reading a story involves selecting tarot cards which are mapped to chunks of story text based on possible interpretations of the cards and information concerning current story state." 1474369004,"Templates and queries in contextual hypermedia","Anderson, Hansen & Bouvin",8,1,36,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Frank Allan Hansen, Kenneth M. Anderson, Niels Olof Bouvin","Kenneth M. Anderson","Full paper","","true","Structural computing, context-aware systems, search, templates, user interfaces","true","This paper presents a new definition of context for context-aware computing based on a model that relies on dynamic queries over structured objects. This new model enables developers to flexibly specify the relationship between context and context data for their context-aware applications. We discuss a framework, HyConSC, that implements this model and describe how it can be used to build new contextual hypermedia systems. Our framework aids the developer in the iterative development of contextual queries (via a dynamic query browser) and offers support for con-text matching, a key feature of contextual hypermedia. We have tested the framework with data and sensors taken from the HyCon contextual hypermedia system and are now migrating HyCon to this new framework." 1474369005,"Harvesting social knowledge from folksonomies","Wu, Zubair & Maly",1,5,10,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Harris Wu, Kurt Maly, Mohammad Zubair","Harris Wu","Short paper","","true","Collaborative tagging, collaborative filtering, link analysis","true","Collaborative tagging systems, or folksonomies, have the potential of becoming technological infrastructure to support knowledge management activities in an organization or a society. There are many challenges, however. This paper presents designs that enhance collaborative tagging systems to meet some key challenges: community identification, ontology generation, user and document recommendation. Design prototypes, evaluation methodology and selected preliminary results are presented." 1474369007,"Ubiquitous hypermedia and social interaction in physical environments","Grønbæk",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Kaj Grønbæk","Kaj Grønbæk","Keynote","","false","","false","Hypermedia and the Web have been successful means to create global social networks via the Internet. Collaborative hypermedia systems and standards like BSCW, Wikis, and WebDAV enable people to establish formal and informal collaboration patterns across the Internet. The easy to use Blog/Weblog systems have made it possible for people to establish communities, express opinions, and spark debates over the Internet with minimal effort. Open hypermedia and annotation systems have been developed to support linking and commenting on existing Web documents to support scholarly discourse of online material. Many e-learning applications have been built on top of these systems to provide support for remote learning activities in schools and at workplaces. However, this focus on remote and distributed social networks has to some degree taken the focus away from social networks and collaboration among people who share the same physical environment whether face-to-face or over time. Physical environments in this context may be public spaces or buildings such as workplaces, schools, libraries, museums, and homes. Some of the technologies listed above may of course be applied by people who are in close proximity to each other who shares the same space over time, but I will argue that there is a need to focus on and conduct research in new ubiquitous hypermedia infrastructures and interaction techniques to also support social interaction and networking among people who share the same physical environment. In the Center for Interactive Spaces and predecessor projects, we have focused on the development of various kinds of ubiquitous hypermedia infrastructures and applications that support collaboration or social interaction among proximate peers at work, at school, at libraries, at museums, etc. We are applying various augmented reality tagging mechanisms (e.g., geo-tags, RFID, Bluetags, and visual tags) to provide hypermedia links among digital resources, people, objects and places. We are applying various mobile, spatial, and multi-user interaction techniques to provide new types of interfaces for social interaction in physical spaces. In the Center for Interactive Spaces we have developed several examples of ubiquitous hypermedia applications: eBag—an electronic schoolbag system with seamless login based on bluetooth ID; iFloor—an interactive floor for libraries and schools providing hypermedia functionality for collective search, exploration, debate, and knowledge sharing; InfoGallery—an exhibition system for digital resources and debates at libraries, museums, attractions, and cityscapes; HyConExplorer utilizing geo- and RFID-tagging to annotate the outdoor environment for school projects or the like. Related examples from other projects and labs are Slogan-benches from the Presence project in Amsterdam; Informative Art from PLAY at Chalmers University, Sweden; the CatchBob! pervasive game developed at EPFL, Switzerland. The talk will: motivate the research in ubiquitous hypermedia supporting social interaction in physical environments; provide a brief overview of ubiquitous hypermedia techniques; give examples of ubiquitous hypermedia used for social interaction in specific domains; and, finally, outline further research issues for developing novel hypermedia techniques to be integrated in physical spaces.####[no references]" 1474369010,"Journey to the past: proposal of a framework for past web browser","Jatowt et al.",3,1,31,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Adam Jatowt, Katsumi Tanaka, Satoshi Nakamura, Yukiko Kawai, Yutaka Kidawara","Adam Jatowt","Full paper","","true","Web archive, past Web, past Web browser","true","While the Internet community recognized early on the need to store and preserve past content of the Web for future use, the tools developed so far for retrieving information from Web archives are still difficult to use and far less efficient than those developed for the “live Web.” We expect that future information retrieval systems will utilize both the “live” and “past Web” and have thus developed a general framework for a past Web browser. A browser built using this framework would be a client-side system that downloads, in real time, past page versions from Web archives for their customized presentation. It would use passive browsing, change detection and change animation to provide a smooth and satisfactory browsing experience. We propose a meta-archive approach for increasing the coverage of past Web pages and for providing a unified interface to the past Web. Finally, we introduce query-based and localized approaches for filtered browsing that enhance and speed up browsing and information retrieval from Web archives." 1474369013,"Different indexing strategies for multilingual web retrieval: experiments with the EuroGOV corpus","Jensen & Mandl",1,0,8,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","Niels Jensen, Thomas Mandl","Niels Jensen","Poster","","false","","true","Experiments with a multi-lingual web collection are presented. The EuroGOV corpus is the first multi-lingual web corpus for retrieval evaluation. We show how indexes based on words and n-rams are developed for different document parts. Different indexes werde based on the full document content, partial content and the title. The best results were achieved for a title only index based on words." 1474369014,"The Design of AHA!","De Bra, Smits & Stash [Addendum]",5,2,19,"Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Tools for Supporting Social Structures","HYPERTEXT '06","2006","","David Smits, Natalia Stash, Paul De Bra","Paul De Bra","Addendum","","false","","true","[Addendum to short paper at pp.133-134]####AHA! is an Open Source adaptive hypermedia platform, capable of performing content and link adaptation in (x)html and xml documents. Its development started in 1996. During 10 years of research and development different new presentation, adaptation and user modeling methods and techniques have been added, turning AHA! into a general-purpose adaptive hypermedia platform. This paper presents an overview of the design and architecture of AHA!, with parts that have been published before and with recent additions like style adaptation and a new very flexible link annotation mechanism. Unlike other adaptive hypermedia systems, AHA! is not aimed at a single application area and does not prescribe a single fixed presentation style. Creating applications, defining the user models and the adaptive behavior are all done using graphical authoring tools. End-users are presented with what looks like a normal website, and need not be aware of the adaptation that goes on behind the scenes. Their browsing results in updates to a user model that is stored either in an xml file or a mySQL database, and that is thus also (in principle) available to other applications. Apart from providing a design overview this paper highlights two essential parts of AHA!: the reasoning / rule engine that translates the end-user’s actions into user model updates, and the adaptive resource selection, which is used in the conditional inclusion of objects presentation technique and in the conditional link destinations navigation support technique. This paper is itself an adaptive hyperdocument. The order in which the different topics are visited determines the links that are presented and the contents of each (web)page. No matter how you browse through this paper you should end up with a very similar overall impression, and you should have seen all the information the paper contains. However, the actual contents of the pages and the actual link destinations do depend on your browsing order, so different users will not see exactly the same pages and links. Although strictly speaking this paper could be presented using normal linear text, making it an adaptive hyperdocument transforms it from being “just” a paper into being a paper and a demo all in (255.4 KB)####As of this publication, the paper is up and running on The zip file contains the “ahadesign.gaf” file with the conceptual structure and the “ahadesign” directory with the paper content. Unzipping this in an AHA! distribution yields a working paper. The AHA! software is available from, under the GNU Public License (GPL) version 2.0." 1474373906,"The return of the prodigal web: 1","Goble",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Carole A. Goble","Carole A. Goble","Keynote","","false","","false","We argue that the Semantic Web and Web 2.0 herald a return to hypertext’s original visions and provide a means and an opportunity to bring full hypermedia capability to the Web." 1474373911,"Experiments towards web 2.0 accessibility","Stringer, Yesilada & Harper",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Elizabeth C. Stringer, Simon Harper, Yeliz Yesilada","Elizabeth C. Stringer","Poster","","false","","false","Client side dynamic updating within World Wide Web (Web) pages is becoming a prevalent feature across popular websites and services. The problem is that screen readers cannot identify when these updates occur. Our solution proposes that, by analysis of network communication, the underlying information can be extracted and presented to assistive technologies." 1474373912,"Qtag: introducing the qualitative tagging system","Lee & Han",2,0,6,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Steve SanKi Han, Sung Eob Lee","Sung Eob Lee","Poster","","false","","true","Collaborative tagging provides exceptional performance in the domains of IF (Information Filtering) and IR (Information Retrieval). Based on various studies regarding the tagging behavior of users, it can be concluded that there is potential for expansion of this domain to the area of ratings. The paper presents Qtag, a qualitative tagging system that allows users to tag in order to rate and express opinions in more sharable vocabulary. A conceptual model and evaluation are presented." 1474373916,"A study into user perceptions of information sharing and trust in virtual teams","Morgan & Wang",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Stephen Mogan, Weigang Wang","Stephen Mogan","Poster","","false","","false","The effects of trust on the virtual team cannot be overstated. Trust is defined as the extent to which a person is confident in, and willing to act on the basis of, the words, actions and decisions of another [4]. It has been cited as the crucial aspect in virtual team development and effectiveness and has also been directly linked to virtual team efficiency, collaboration and performance [2] [3] [6]. This poster describes a questionnaire study into the types of information that most effectively build trust in the virtual team." 1474373918,"Predicting and solving web navigation problems","Melguizo, van Oostendorp & Juvina",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Herre van Oostendorp, Ion Juvina, Mari Carmen Puerta Melguizo","Mari Carmen Puerta Melguizo","Poster","","false","","false","In the first experiment we explored the ability of different objective and subjective measures to predict user’s success in finding information in a website. The results indicate that the subjective measure of lostness seems to be a better predictor of task performance than any of the objective measures. In the second experiment the probability of getting lost was reduced by presenting navigation support generated by the cognitive model CoLiDeS+, a model of web navigation that describes step-by-step which information presented on the screen is attended to and selected. CoLiDeS+ could be used as a software agent that automatically offers navigation suggestions in real time." 1474373920,"Wiki literacy: sandbox knowledge for the net","Ebersbach & Glaser",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference","HT '07","2007","","Anja Ebersbach, Markus Glaser","Anja Ebersbach","Poster","","false","","false","Wikis are not only a part of the internet but can be seen as a miniature and as an extended WWW. Therefore using a wiki helps training media literacy for the web on various levels and even goes beyond it. As a theoretical basis for this article we use the definition of media literacy by Baacke [1]. It is augmented by the aspect of media democracy." 3154184753,"Reading and writing fluid Hypertext Narratives","Zellweger, Magen & Newman",3,7,32,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Anne Mangen, Paula Newman, Polle T. Zellweger","Polle T. Zellweger","Full paper","","true","Fluid Documents, Fluid Reader, Fluid Writer, Fluid hypertext, authoring, hypertext narrative, stretchtext, treetable, visualization","true","We describe a new way to present and author hypertext narratives. The Fluid Reader constructs a unified interactive text from the content of multiple nodes and allows a reader to explore alternative paths within it. The Fluid Reader has been available as a hands-on museum exhibit for nearly a year to date, where it has been enjoyed by readers of all ages. Its success has prompted further interest and development in Fluid hypertexts. We have designed and implemented an authoring tool called the Fluid Writer that uses a new treetable visualization to help authors construct and manage alternative paths in a Fluid hypertext. Finally, an exploration of the narrative implications of Fluid hypertext suggests that it may be more suitable than conventional hypertext for formulaic fictions such as mystery stories." 3154184764,"On hyperstructure and musical structure","De Roure et al.",9,1,26,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Danius T. Michaelides, David C. De Roure, Don G. Cruickshank, Kevin R. Page, Mark J. Weal","David C. De Roure","Full paper","","true","Hyperstructure, musical structure, narrative structure, open hypermedia","true","In this paper we report on an ongoing investigation into the relationship between musical structure and hyperstructure, based on a series of open hypermedia systems research projects that have featured case studies involving musical content. We provide a general overview of the intersection between hypermedia and musical structure, drawing also on ideas from narrative structure. Through the example systems we consider techniques for building hyperstructure from musical structure and, conversely, building musical structure from hyperstructure. Additionally we describe an experiment in the sonification of hyperstructure." 3154184771,"Goate: XLink and beyond","Martin & Ashman",1,1,9,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Duncan Martin, Helen Ashman","Duncan Martin","Short paper","","true","XLink, extended linking, proxy","true","In this paper, we introduce a platform independent mechanism for implementing both XLink and bespoke linking standards. The paper considers HTML linking as a low-level linking language, and how it can be used to provide a base for high-level linking services. Finally, the paper describes Goate, a HTTP proxy that allows high-level linking to be used with ordinary HTML browsers." 3154184780,"Freenet-like GUIDs for implementing xanalogical hypertext","Lukka & Fallenstein",1,3,14,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Benja Fallenstein, Tuomas J. Lukka","Tuomas J. Lukka","Short paper","","true","P2P, Permanence, Transclusion, Xanadu","true","We discuss the use of Freenet-like content hash GUIDs as a primitive for implementing the Xanadu model in a peer-to-peer framework. Our current prototype is able to display the implicit connection (transclusion) between two different references to the same permanent ID. We discuss the next layers required in the implementation of the Xanadu model on a world-wide peer-to-peer network." 3154184745,"Hypermedia and multimedia","Moulthrop et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '02","2002","","Diana Slattery, Jim Rosenberg, Mark Bernstein, Nick Montfort, Stuart Moulthrop","Stuart Moulthrop","Panel","","false","","false","Though Nelson gave us “hypermedia” practically in the same breath as “hypertext,” initial literary explorations of hypermedia stuck fairly closely to verbal models. Over the last five years this bias has begun notably to decay. As poets, graphic, and narrative artists become more familiar with powerful end-user tools like Macromedia Flash, and as these tools evolve more sophisticated scripting support, the old line between multi-dimensional hypertext and more linear multimedia has considerably blurred. This process raises important questions both for artists and for hypertext theorists. What is the place of verbal forms in a context of dynamic images? How can the spatial agenda of hypertext navigation be reconciled with animation, simulation, and other primarily temporal techniques? What can creators of hypertext systems learn from aesthetic encounters between word and image.####[no references]" 3154184786,"The ambient wood journals: replaying the experience","Weal et al.",3,3,23,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","Danius T. Michaelides, David C. DeRoure, Mark J. Weal, Mark K. Thompson","Mark J. Weal","Full paper","","true","Adaptive Infrastructure, Consolidation, Record and Replay, Storytelling","true","The Ambient Wood project aims to facilitate a learning experience using an adaptive infrastructure in an outdoor environment. This involves sensor technology, virtual world orchestration, and a wide range of devices ranging from hand-held computers to speakers hidden in trees. Whilst performing user trials of the Wood, the activities of children participating in the experiments were recorded in detailed log files. An aim of the project has been to replay these log files using adaptive hypermedia techniques to enable the children to further reflect on their experience back in the classroom environment." 3154184810,"'Pluggable' user models for adaptive hypermedia in education","Zakaria et al.",1,1,10,"Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '03","2003","","A. Moore, C. D. Stewart, M. R. Zakaria, T. J. Brailsford","M. R. Zakaria","Short paper","","true","Adaptive hypermedia, XML, XSLT, education, system architecture, user modeling","true","Most adaptive hypermedia systems used in education implement a single user model - inevitably originally designed for a specific set of circumstances. In this paper we describe an architecture that makes use of XML pipelines to facilitate the implementation of different user models." 1474363711,"Towards digital libraries of virtual hyperbooks","Falquet, Nerima & Ziswiler",3,2,6,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Gilles Falquet, Jean-Claude Ziswiler, Luka Nerima","Gilles Falquet","Short paper","","true","digital library, link inference, ontology, virtual document","true","This paper describes a technique for integrating several (many) virtual hyperbooks in a digital library. We consider a virtual hyperbook model that comprises a domain ontology. By interconnecting the hyperbook’s ontologies, we can create a multi-point of view ontology that describes a set of hyperbooks. A hypertext interface specification language can use this ontology to construct new semantically and narratively coherent hyperdocuments based on the content of several hyperbooks." 1474363712,"Twin media: hypertext structure under pressure","Kolb",3,3,9,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","David Kolb","David Kolb","Short paper","","true","Hypertext rhetoric, argumentation, authorial intentions, link patterns, readers’ intentions, scholarly hypertext","true","This hypertext reports on issues in hypertext rhetoric and presentation that arise in composing a large argumentative hypertext associated with a book version of the same project. It concerns not the old navigation problem for the lost reader, but the construction problem for the uncertain author. The essay discusses link patterns, the intentions of readers and authors, and the pressure of book upon the structure of the hypertext. A hypertext does not need to be associated with a book to feel these pressures from our habits with other media. How can a long expository hypertext be made accessible, and argue for its views, without sacrificing the virtues of hypertextual presentation? The essay attempts to exemplify as well as discuss these issues." 1474363743,"Dynamically growing hypertext collections","Dave et al.",4,1,38,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Frank Shipman, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Paul Logasa Bogen, II, Pratik Dave, Richard Furuta, Unmil P. Karadkar","Pratik Dave","Full paper","","true","Hypertext collections, Path-centric browsing, RSS, WWW, Walden’s Paths, Web Site Syndication","true","Many approaches have been pursued over the years to facilitate creating, organizing, and sharing collections of materials extracted from large information spaces. Little attention, in the context of hypertext collections, has been paid to the addition of new materials to these collections over time. Traditionally, human maintainers manually incorporate new materials into existing collections as they appear in the underlying network. In this paper we address the issues involved in supporting the creation and maintenance of dynamically growing hypertextual collections. We describe a prototype implementation for automatically including additional, relevant materials into Web-based collections. Our prototype uses the metaphor of hypertextual paths, a proven technique for layering metastructure atop existing hypertextual materials, which is particularly well suited to accommodating growing collections." 1474363753,"Rethinking structural computing infrastructures","Nürnberg, Wiil & Hicks",5,2,18,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","David L. Hicks, Peter J. Nürnberg, Uffe K. Wiil","Peter J. Nürnberg","Full paper","","true","EAD, infrastructure, structural atom, structural computing","true","Structural computing asserts the primacy of structure over data. This has often been understood to mean that all levels of a structural computing system architecture should exhibit structure awareness, leading to data models centered around so-called “structural atoms.” While systems based upon structural atoms do provide ubiquitous first-class structural abstractions, they also freeze the “granularity” of the structuring process throughout their architectures at design-time. That is, decisions regarding representations of structures in structural computing architectures based upon atoms cannot be recast at run-time. In this paper, we examine an alternative to atom-based models for structural computing systems that allows exactly such recasting. We demonstrate how this alternative model, which we call EAD, is superior to atom-based models for certain important applications, and describe our initial prototypical implementations." 1474363755,"Unifying structure, behavior, and data with themis types and templates","Lepthien & Anderson",5,4,19,"Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HYPERTEXT '04","2004","","Kenneth M. Anderson, William Van Lepthien","William Van Lepthien","Short paper","","true","Chimera, Themis, structural computing, templates, types","true","Structural computing evolved from work on open hypermedia to aid in the creation of software infrastructure. Open hypermedia had produced software that provided applications with access to hypermedia structures and services. The question was asked if these results could be generalized to create similar tools for other domains. Initial work focused on the development of structure servers that can create and manipulate domain-specific structures, but little work focused on allowing those structures to provide a rich set of behaviors. Indeed, this forced developers to place behaviors on the client rather than having behaviors live within a structure server. This paper presents research on the addition of a type system to the Themis structure server and how these types interact with Themis’s template mechanism to provide a single interface that unifies structure, behavior, and data. This new mechanism lets behaviors live within a structure server allowing them to be shared by client applications. To demonstrate its power, Themis is being used to re-implement the Chimera open hypermedia system." 1474366989,"From the writable web to global editability","Di Iorio & Vitali",3,2,46,"Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","Concepts and Tools for Supporting Knowledge Workers","HYPERTEXT '05","2005","","Angelo Di Iorio, Fabio Vitali","Angelo Di Iorio","Full paper","","true","Web authoring, collaboration, customization, data collection, global editability","true","The technical and competence requirements for writing content on the web is still one of the major factors that widens the gap between authors and readers. Although tools that support an easy approach to web writing, such as blogs and wikis, are becoming increasingly important and mainstream, they still lack in terms of layout and typographical sophistication, and, most importantly, only allow local editing (on the pages that are stored by the application itself). In this paper we re-propose an old paradigm for writing content on the net, directly derived from the Xanadu vision by Ted Nelson: global editability foresees that all documents on the web can be accessed for editing and modified on line, very much as in a global wiki. Global editability needs to address a number of issues, including correct support for intellectual property and legal issues, before it can be accepted as an idea. We provide some considerations on technical issues of global editability, and describe the architecture and implementation of a system, called IsaWiki, that is being developed at the University of Bologna." 1474394360,"A focused crawler for mining hate and extremism promoting videos on YouTube.","Agarwal & Sureka",0,1,6,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Ashish Sureka, Swati Agarwal","Swati Agarwal","Poster","","false","","true","Online video sharing platforms such as YouTube contains several videos and users promoting hate and extremism. Due to low barrier to publication and anonymity, YouTube is misused as a platform by some users and communities to post negative videos disseminating hatred against a particular religion, country or person. We formulate the problem of identification of such malicious videos as a search problem and present a focused-crawler based approach consisting of various components performing several tasks: search strategy or algorithm, node similarity computation metric, learning from exemplary profiles serving as training data, stopping criterion, node classifier and queue manager. We implement a best-first search algorithm and conduct experiments to measure the accuracy of the proposed approach. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective." 1474394364,"TagRec: towards a standardized tag recommender benchmarking framework","Kowald, Lacic & Trattner",0,1,11,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Christoph Trattner, Dominik Kowald, Emanuel Lacic","Dominik Kowald","Poster","","false","","true","In this paper, we introduce TagRec, a standardized tag recommender benchmarking framework implemented in Java. The purpose of TagRec is to provide researchers with a framework that supports all steps of the development process of a new tag recommendation algorithm in a reproducible way, including methods for data pre-processing, data modeling, data analysis and recommender evaluation against state-of-the-art baseline approaches. We show the performance of the algorithms implemented in TagRec in terms of prediction quality and runtime using an evaluation of a real-world folksonomy dataset. Furthermore, TagRec contains two novel tag recommendation approaches based on models derived from human cognition and human memory theories.####[Awarded best poster]" 1474394365,"SocRecM: a scalable social recommender engine for online marketplaces","Lacic, Kowald & Trattner",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Christoph Trattner, Dominik Kowald, Emanuel Lacic","Emanuel Lacic","Poster","","false","","false","This paper presents work-in-progress on SocRecM, a novel social recommendation framework for online marketplaces. We demonstrate that SocRecM is easy to integrate with existing Web technologies through a RESTful, scalable and easy-to-extend service-based architecture. Moreover, we reveal the extent to which various social features and recommendation approaches are useful in an online social marketplace environment." 1474394366,"Cross-hierarchical communication in Twitter conflicts","Liu & Weber",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Ingmar Weber, Zhe Liu","Zhe Liu","Poster","","false","","false","Social hierarchy plays an important role in shaping the way individuals interacting with each other. In this study, we propose three metrics: equality, diversity, and reciprocity to evaluate the social hierarchical differences in cross-ideological communication on Twitter. We do this within the context of three diverse conflicts: Israel-Palestine, US Democrats-Republicans, and FC Barcelona-Real Madrid. In all cases, we collect data around a central pair of Twitter accounts representing the two main parties. Our results show in a quantitative manner that social hierarchy can be considered a factor that impacts individual’s communication in Twitter conflicts. As one of the first literatures in this area, we demonstrate social hierarchy’s effect in online environments." 1474397894,"The Near Future is Hybrid","Laouris",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Yiannis Laouris","Yiannis Laouris","Keynote","","false","","false","The exponential growth of the web, in connection with all its derivatives and all scientific, social, economic and other consequences, created the widely accepted notion that the future(s) is (are) digital. This could not be more wrong and more misleading. Indeed, at least for the next couple of decades, the futures are hybrid in all aspects and in practically all domains. For example, we are still far away from an educational system that operates only in virtual worlds. Friends’ circles in social networking sites turn out to serve primarily the sustainability of existing real world friendships. While simulations and software (virtual instrument) solutions were trendy during the last few decades, we now witness a rapid development in robotics. Flying (i.e., drones), ground robots (i.e., robot dogs), and microcontrollers, fully equipped with sensors and actuators are about to massively populate every natural or man-made environment. This talk will discuss how underlying principles of hybrid futures evade and dictate developments in every aspect of IT, ranging from education and HCI, to visualizations and digital humanities, all grounded in the intelligent linking between software algorithms and physical infrastructures. The implications for the Anthropocene will be highlighted and discussed.####[no references]" 1474397902,"Wisdom of the Crowd or Wisdom of a Few?: An Analysis of Users' Content Generation","Baeza-Yates & Saez-Trumper",0,1,22,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Diego Saez-Trumper, Ricardo Baeza-Yates","Ricardo Baeza-Yates","Short paper","","true","Social networks, user generated content, wisdom of crowds","true","In this paper we analyze how user generated content (UGC) is created, challenging the well known it wisdom of crowds concept. Although it is known that user activity in most settings follow a power law, that is, few people do a lot, while most do nothing, there are few studies that characterize well this activity. In our analysis of datasets from two different social networks, Facebook and Twitter, we find that a small percentage of active users and much less of all users represent 50% of the UGC. We also analyze the dynamic behavior of the generation of this content to find that the set of most active users is quite stable in time. Moreover, we study the social graph, finding that those active users area a highly connected among them. This implies that most of the wisdom comes from a few users challenging the independence assumption needed to have a wisdom of crowds. We also address the content that is never seen by any people (the digital desert), which challenges the assumption that the content of every person should be taken in account in the collective decision. At the end this is not surprising, as the Web is a reflection of our own society, where economical or political power also is in the hands of minorities" 1474393260,"Guided exploration and integration of urban data","Lopez et al.",0,2,21,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Marco Luca Sbodio, Raymond Lloyd, Spyros Kotoulas, Vanessa Lopez","Vanessa Lopez","Short paper","","true","","true","Governments and enterprises are interested in the return-on-investment for exposing their data. This brings forth the problem of making data consumable, with minimal effort. Beyond search techniques, there is a need for effective methods to identify heterogeneous datasets that are closely related, as part of data integration or exploration tasks. The large number of datasets demands a new generation of Smarter Systems for data content aggregation that allows users to incrementally liberate, access and integrate information, in a manner that scales in terms of gain for the effort spent. In the context of such a pay-as-you go system, we are presenting a novel method for exploring and discovering relevant datasets based on semantic relatedness. We are demonstrating a system for contextual knowledge mining on hundreds of real-world datasets from Dublin City. We evaluate our semantic approach, using query logs and domain expert judgments, to show that our approach effectively identifies related datasets and outperforms text-based recommendations." 1474394324,"The wisdom of ad-hoc crowds","Baeza-Yates",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Ricardo Baeza-Yates","Ricardo Baeza-Yates","Keynote","","false","","false","In this keynote we give an introduction to wisdom of crowds in the Web, the long tail of web content, and the bias involved in the generation of user generated content (UGC). This bias creates the wisdom of ad-hoc crowds or the wisdom of a few. Although it is well known that user activity in most settings follows a power law, that is, few people do a lot, while most do nothing, there are few studies that characterize well this activity. In a recent analysis of social network data we corroborated that a small percentage of the active users (passive users are the majority) represent at least the 50% of the UGC. This implies that most of the wisdom comes from a few users, which is not that surprising, as the Web is a reflection of our own society, where economical or political power also is in the hands of minorities." 1474394325,"Big data visualization engines for understanding the development of countries, social networks, culture and cities","Hidalgo",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Cesar Hidalgo","Cesar Hidalgo","Keynote","","false","","false","Big data can be used for more than improving the targeting of marketing campaigns. In this talk I will present five big data visualization engines we have created at the MIT Media Lab’s Macro Connections group and will show how we can use big data and visualizations to improve our understanding of the development of economies, cultures and cities. The data visualization engines I will demo include (i) the Observatory of Economic Complexity (, which is the most comprehensive tool for exploring international trade data created to date; (ii) DataViva (, which is a tool we created to open up data for the entire formal sector economy of Brazil, including data on all of the working force, municipalities, industries, and occupations of Brazil; (iii) Pantheon (, a dataset and visualization engine we created to explore global patterns of cultural production; (iv) Immersion (, which is a tool that inverts the email interface, by focusing it on people rather than messages; and (v) Place Pulse and StreetScore ( &, which are crowd-sourcing and machine learning tools we have developed to help understand the aesthetic aspects of cities and their evolution.####[no references]" 1474394328,"Online popularity and topical interests through the lens of instagram","Ferrara, Interdonato & Tagarelli",0,2,50,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Andrea Tagarelli, Emilio Ferrara, Roberto Interdonato","Emilio Ferrara","Full paper","","true","","true","Online socio-technical systems can be studied as proxy of the real world to investigate human behavior and social interactions at scale. Here we focus on Instagram, a media-sharing online platform whose popularity has been rising up to gathering hundred millions users. Instagram exhibits a mixture of features including social structure, social tagging and media sharing. The network of social interactions among users models various dynamics including follower/followee relations and users’ communication by means of posts/comments. Users can upload and tag media such as photos and pictures, and they can “like” and comment each piece of information on the platform. In this work we investigate three major aspects on our Instagram dataset: (i) the structural characteristics of its network of heterogeneous interactions, to unveil the emergence of self organization and topically-induced community structure; (ii) the dynamics of content production and consumption, to understand how global trends and popular users emerge; (iii) the behavior of users labeling media with tags, to determine how they devote their attention and to explore the variety of their topical interests.####Our analysis provides clues to understand human behavior dynamics on socio-technical systems, specifically users and content popularity, the mechanisms of users’ interactions in online environments and how collective trends emerge from individuals’ topical interests." 1474394338,"Analyzing images' privacy for the modern web","Squicciarini, Caragea & Balakavi",1,1,51,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Anna C. Squicciarini, Cornelia Caragea, Rahul Balakavi","Anna C. Squicciarini","Full paper","","true","","true","Images are now one of the most common form of content shared in online user-contributed sites and social Web 2.0 applications. In this paper, we present an extensive study exploring privacy and sharing needs of users’ uploaded images. We develop learning models to estimate adequate privacy settings for newly uploaded images, based on carefully selected image-specific features. We focus on a set of visual-content features and on tags. We identify the smallest set of features, that by themselves or combined together with others, can perform well in properly predicting the degree of sensitivity of users’ images. We consider both the case of binary privacy settings (i.e. public, private), as well as the case of more complex privacy options, characterized by multiple sharing options. Our results show that with few carefully selected features, one may achieve extremely high accuracy, especially when high-quality tags are available." 1474394344,"Am I More Similar to My Followers or Followees?: Analyzing Homophily Effect in Directed Social Networks","Abbasi et al.",0,1,18,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Huan Liu, Jiliang Tang, Mohammad Ali Abbasi, Reza Zafarani","Mohammad Ali Abbasi","Short paper","","true","Homophily, Preference Prediction, Relational Learning, Social Media Mining","true","Homophily is the formation of social ties between two individuals due to similar characteristics or interests. Based on homophily, in a social network it is expected to observe a higher degree of homogeneity among connected than disconnected people. Many researchers use this simple yet effective principal to infer users’ missing information and interests based on the information provided by their neighbors. In a directed social network, the neighbors can be further divided into followers and followees. In this work, we investigate the homophily effect in a directed network. To explore the homophily effect in a directed network, we study if a user’s personal preferences can be inferred from those of users connected to her (followers or followees). We investigate which of followers or followees are more effective in helping to infer users’ personal preferences. Our findings can help to raise the awareness of users over their privacy and can help them better manage their privacy." 1474394351,"Sociolinguistic analysis of Twitter in multilingual societies","Kim et al.",0,1,34,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Alice Oh, Ingmar Weber, Li Wei, Suin Kim","Suin Kim","Short paper","","true","Multilingualism, Social Media, Sociolinguistics, Topic Modeling","true","In a multilingual society, language not only reflects culture and heritage, but also has implications for social status and the degree of integration in society. Different languages can be a barrier between monolingual communities, and the dynamics of language choice could explain the prosperity or demise of local languages in an international setting. We study this interplay of language and network structure in diverse, multi-lingual societies, using Twitter. In our analysis, we are particularly interested in the role of bilinguals. Concretely, we attempt to quantify the degree to which users are the “bridge-builders” between monolingual language groups, while monolingual users cluster together. Also, with the revalidation of English as a lingua franca on Twitter, we reveal users of the native non-English language have higher influence than English users, and the language convergence pattern is consistent across the regions. Furthermore, we explore for which topics these users prefer their native language rather than English. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest sociolinguistic study in a network setting." 1474394359,"A rating aggregation method for generating product reputations","Abdel-Hafez, Xu & Jøsang",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Ahmad Abdel-Hafez, Audun Jøsang, Yue Xu","Ahmad Abdel-Hafez","Poster","","false","","false","Many websites offer the opportunity for customers to rate items and then use customers’ ratings to generate items reputation, which can be used later by other users for decision making purposes. The aggregated value of the ratings per item represents the reputation of this item. The accuracy of the reputation scores is important as it is used to rank items.####Most of the aggregation methods didn’t consider the frequency of distinct ratings and they didn’t test how accurate their reputation scores over different datasets with different sparsity. In this work we propose a new aggregation method which can be described as a weighted average, where weights are generated using the normal distribution. The evaluation result shows that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods over different sparsity datasets." 1474394361,"Spatio-temporal quality issues for local search","Ahlers",0,0,18,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Dirk Ahlers","Dirk Ahlers","Poster","","false","","false","Geographic search is routinely used in many services and applications that exploit the availability of Web content which is related to a real world place, region or object. However, do you trust the location information? Who has not made the experience that the restaurant you went to has just moved to another part of the city or shut down? Local search returns located results, e.g., extracted entities located in a certain spot or area, but their quality can be difficult to judge. Compared to normal Web search, local Web search has additional inherent issues due to factors such as insufficient semantics, ambiguity of references, imprecise mapping, or unknown status of the real-world entities described in documents. We present selected issues and features of geospatial quality and credibility based on spatial, temporal, and topical indicators as an additional measurement of spatial relevance." 1474394372,"Buon appetito: recommending personalized menus","Trevisiol, Chiarandini & Baeza-Yates",0,2,10,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Luca Chiarandini, Michele Trevisiol, Ricardo Baeza-Yates","Michele Trevisiol","Poster","","false","","true","This paper deals with the problem of menu recommendation, namely recommending menus that a person is likely to consume at a particular restaurant. We mine restaurant reviews to extract food words, we use sentiment analysis applied to each sentence in order to compute the individual food preferences. Then we extract frequent combination of dishes using a variation of the Apriori algorithm. Finally, we propose several recommender systems to provide suggestions of food items or entire menus, i.e. sets of dishes." 1474394373,"AIRCacher: virtual geocaching powered with augmented reality","Tursi, Deplano & Ruffo",0,1,7,"Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '14","2014","","Giancarlo Ruffo, Gianluca Tursi, Martina Deplano","Gianluca Tursi","Poster","","false","","true","Nowadays, smartphones and digital networks are being heavily used as data sources for research on social networks. Our daily experiences, interactions and transactions are recorded thanks to the digital traces that users leave behind their activities, both individual and social. In this work, we describe AiRCacher, a mobile app for virtual geocaching enhanced with Augmented Reality. By following gamification and Game With A Purpose design approaches, the aim is to bring people outside and make them move, by hiding and seeking virtual caches. As a side effect of their gaming activity, they became like social sensors able to provide geo-located social data. Therefore, the aim of our work is to carry out data analyses about users’ outdoor behaviors, by looking for several findings such as trending places for different cache’s typologies, and the detection of interesting events emerging from the concentration of caches in specific places." 1474397895,"Small-Scale Incident Detection based on Microposts","Schulz, Schmidt & Strufe",0,1,27,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Axel Schulz, Benedikt Schmidt, Thorsten Strufe","Axel Schulz","Full paper","","true","Event Detection, Microblogs","true","Detecting large-scale incidents based on microposts has successfully been proposed and shown. However, the detection of small-scale incidents was not satisfyingly possible so far, though the information that is shared during such local events could improve the situational awareness of both citizens and decision makers alike.####In this paper, we propose an approach for small-scale incident detection based on spatial-temporal-type clustering. In contrast to existing work, (1) we employ three distinct properties that define an incident, (2) we use a hybrid approach to reduce the computational overhead, and (3) we extract generalized features to increase robustness towards previously unseen data. Our evaluation in the domain of emergency first response shows that our approach identifies 32.14% of all real world incidents recorded for the city of Seattle just using on tweets. This result greatly outperforms the state of the art, which only detects about 6% of the real-world incidents. Also, a precision of 77% shows that we efficiently discard irrelevant information." 1474397924,"Only One Out of Five Archived Web Pages Existed as Presented","Ainsworth, Nelson & Van de Sompel",0,1,36,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael L. Nelson, Scott G. Ainsworth","Scott G. Ainsworth","Full paper","","true","Digital Preservation, HTTP, Memento, RFC 7089, Resource Versioning, Temporal Coherence, Web Architecture, Web Archiving","true","When a user retrieves a page from a web archive, the page is marked with the acquisition datetime of the root resource, which effectively asserts “this is how the page looked at a that datetime.” However, embedded resources, such as images, are often archived at different datetimes than the main page. The presentation appears temporally coherent, but is composed from resources acquired over a wide range of datetimes. We examine the completeness and temporal coherence of composite archived resources (composite mementos) under two selection heuristics. The completeness and temporal coherence achieved using a single archive was compared to the results achieved using multiple archives. We found that at most 38.7% of composite mementos are both temporally coherent and that at most only 17.9% (roughly 1 in 5) are temporally coherent and 100% complete. Using multiple archives increases mean completeness by 3.1-4.1% but also reduces temporal coherence." 1474400430,"Assessing Review Recommendation Techniques under a Ranking Perspective","Maroun et al.",0,1,41,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Ana Paula C. Silva, Jussara M. Almeida, Luciana B. Maroun, Mirella M. Moro","Luciana B. Maroun","Full paper","","true","Ranking, Review Helpfulness, Review Recommendation, Top-n Recommendation Task","true","Reading online reviews before a purchase is a customary action nowadays. Nevertheless, the increasing volume of reviews works as a barrier to their effectiveness so that many approaches try to predict reviews’ quality, which is not standardized to all users due to different backgrounds and preferences. Thus, recommending reviews in a personalized fashion is probably more accurate. Here, we analyze methods for recommending reviews that have not been compared against each other yet. Our experiments consider parameter tuning and comparison through statistical tests. Such study allows to understand the state-of-the-art and to evidence potential improvement directions. Our results show that assessing under a ranking perspective, model simplicity and observed features are important traits for this problem, being Support Vector Regression the best solution." 1474400442,"ALAT: Finally an Easy To Use Adaptation Authoring Tool","De Bra et al.",5,1,17,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Celine Chen, Egon Verbakel, John Oostrum, Joris Den Ouden, Martijn Kunstman, Natalia Stash, Paul De Bra, Wouter Boereboom","Paul De Bra","Short paper","","true","adaptive hypermedia, authoring, interface design, usability","true","Research papers about adaptive hypermedia systems, frameworks or applications tend to focus on the end-result: how the applications are used by end-users, how adaptation improves user satisfaction, learning, etc. What they do not describe is how difficult and labor-intensive the creation of the applications can be. In this paper we present ALAT, a new authoring tool for the Generic Adaptation Language and Engine GALE, developed at the TU/e. ALAT is specifically designed in close collaboration with an educational software company to ensure that specifying the desired adaptation can be done by non-technical authors. This is achieved by combining a simple responsive authoring-interface with underlying templates that help generate the adaptation code for GALE." 1474400459,"Framework for Sentiment Analysis of Arabic Text","Almuqren & Cristea",0,0,23,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Alexandra I. Cristea, Latifah Almuqren","Latifah Almuqren","Poster","","false","","false","This paper analyses challenges, and provides a model and a framework for mining Arabic tweets to measure customer satisfaction toward telecom companies in Saudi Arabia, to predict the ratio of customer churn and overcome the specific challenges with the semantic sentiment analysis of Arabic text." 1474400461,"A Comparative Study of Visual Cues for Adaptive Navigation Support","Hosseini & Brusilovsky",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Peter Brusilovsky, Roya Hosseini","Roya Hosseini","Poster","","false","","false","Past work in the area of adaptive navigation support assumed no difference between different interface implementations of personalization approaches that are conceptually the same. The goal of this paper was to compare the impact of different implementations of the same adaptive navigation support approach on user perception and performance." 1474400463,"Understanding Language Diversity in Local Twitter Communities","Magdy et al.",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '16","2016","","Amr Magdy, Mashaal Musleh, Mohamed F. Mokbel, Thanaa M. Ghanem","Amr Magdy","Poster","","false","","false","Twitter is one of the top-growing online communities in the last years. In this poster, we study the language usage and diversity in Twitter local communities. We identify local communities in Twitter on a country-level. For each community, we examine: (1) the language diversity, (2) the language dominance and how it differs from local to global views, (3) demographic representativeness of tweets, and (4) the spatial distribution of different cultural groups within the community. We show fruitful insights about language usage on Twitter which can be exploited in language-based applications on top of tweets, e.g., lingual analysis and disaster management. In addition, we provide an interactive tool to explore the spatial distribution of cultural groups, which provides a low-effort and high-precision localization of different cultural groups." 1474397910,"Media Bias in German Online Newspapers","Dallmann et al.",0,2,17,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Alexander Dallmann, Andreas Hotho, Daniel Zoller, Florian Lemmerich","Alexander Dallmann","Short paper","","true","computational social science, media analysis","true","Online newspapers have been established as a crucial information source, at least partially replacing traditional media like television or print media. As all other media, online newspapers are potentially affected by media bias. This describes non-neutral reporting of journalists and other news producers, e.g. with respect to specific opinions or political parties. Analysis of media bias has a long tradition in political science. However, traditional techniques rely heavily on manual annotation and are thus often limited to the analysis of small sets of articles. In this paper, we investigate a dataset that covers all political and economical news from four leading German online newspapers over a timespan of four years. In order to analyze this large document set and compare the political orientation of different newspapers, we propose a variety of automatically computable measures that can indicate media bias. As a result, statistically significant differences in the reporting about specific parties can be detected between the analyzed online newspapers." 1474397931,"Automated Methods for Identity Resolution across Heterogeneous Social Platforms","Jain",1,0,23,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Paridhi Jain","Paridhi Jain","Consortium Abstract","","false","","true","Users create identities on multiple social platforms for various purposes but often do not link them. Unlinked identities raise concerns for enterprises and security practitioners. To address the concerns, we propose novel methods to search and link user identities scattered across heterogenous social networks. Our methods are automated and access only public current and historic data of a user. Evaluation on fairly large datasets from multiple platforms prove our methods’ efficiency in identity resolution of an online user." 1474397936,"Sentiment Analysis with Incremental Human-in-the-Loop Learning and Lexical Resource Customization","Mishra et al.",0,3,20,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Elizabeth Surbeck, Jana Diesner, Jason Byrne, Shubhanshu Mishra","Shubhanshu Mishra","Demo","","false","","true","The adjustment of probabilistic models for sentiment analysis to changes in language use and the perception of products can be realized via incremental learning techniques. We provide a free, open and GUI-based sentiment analysis tool that allows for a) relabeling predictions and/or adding labeled instances to retrain the weights of a given model, and b) customizing lexical resources to account for false positives and false negatives in sentiment lexicons. Our results show that incrementally updating a model with information from new and labeled instances can substantially increase accuracy. The provided solution can be particularly helpful for gradually refining or enhancing models in an easily accessible fashion while avoiding a) the costs for training a new model from scratch and b) the deterioration of prediction accuracy over time." 1474397940,"Collaborative Learning in the Cloud: A Cross-Cultural Perspective of Collaboration","Kirchner & Razmerita",0,0,15,"Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '15","2015","","Kathrin Kirchner, Liana Razmerita","Kathrin Kirchner","Late Abstract","","false","Collaboration, cloud computing, collaborative learning","false","This present study aims to investigate how students perceive collaboration and identifies associated technologies used to collaborate. In particular we aim to address the following research questions: What are the factors that impact satisfaction with collaboration? How do these factors differ in different collaborative settings? Based on data from 75 students from Denmark and Germany, the article identifies collaborative practices and factors that impact positively and negatively satisfaction with collaboration." 1513449541,"What Happened To The Semantic Web?","Mika",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Peter Mika","Peter Mika","Keynote","","false","","false","The idea of the Semantic Web has surfaced in the literature over 20 years ago, and this area has been a major focus of academic research and standardisation for almost as long. In this talk, we look back at the history of the Semantic Web. We discuss what the original aspirations of its creators were, and what has been achieved in practice in these two decades. We also seek to find where the Semantic Web has failed and succeeded, illustrated by usage in web search, e-commerce and online media. Further, we will attempt to understand whether it makes sense to pursue at least some of these ideas in a different age, with new opportunities brought about by recent developments in Big Data, cloud computing, and Deep Learning.####[no references]" 1513449550,"A Measurement Study of Hate Speech in Social Media","Mondal, Silva & Benevenuto",0,1,32,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Fabrício Benevenuto, Leandro Araújo Silva, Mainack Mondal","Mainack Mondal","Full paper","","true","Twitter, Whisper, anonymity, hate speech, pattern recognition, social media","true","Social media platforms provide an inexpensive communication medium that allows anyone to quickly reach millions of users. Consequently, in these platforms anyone can publish content and anyone interested in the content can obtain it, representing a transformative revolution in our society. However, this same potential of social media systems brings together an important challenge—these systems provide space for discourses that are harmful to certain groups of people. This challenge manifests itself with a number of variations, including bullying, offensive content, and hate speech. Specifically, authorities of many countries today are rapidly recognizing hate speech as a serious problem, specially because it is hard to create barriers on the Internet to prevent the dissemination of hate across countries or minorities. In this paper, we provide the first of a kind systematic large scale measurement and analysis study of hate speech in online social media. We aim to understand the abundance of hate speech in online social media, the most common hate expressions, the effect of anonymity on hate speech and the most hated groups across regions. In order to achieve our objectives, we gather traces from two social media systems: Whisper and Twitter. We then develop and validate a methodology to identify hate speech on both of these systems. Our results identify hate speech forms and unveil a set of important patterns, providing not only a broader understanding of online hate speech, but also offering directions for detection and prevention approaches." 1474380683,"Of categorizers and describers: an evaluation of quantitative measures for tagging motivation","Körner et al.",1,2,21,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Christian Körner, Hans-Peter Grahsl, Markus Strohmaier, Roman Kern","Christian Körner","Full paper","","true","measures, social software, tagging, user motivation","true","While recent research has advanced our understanding about the structure and dynamics of social tagging systems, we know little about (i) the underlying motivations for tagging (why users tag), and (ii) how they influence the properties of resulting tags and folksonomies. In this paper, we focus on problem (i) based on a distinction between two types of user motivations that we have identified in earlier work: Categorizers vs. Describers. To that end, we systematically define and evaluate a number of measures designed to discriminate between describers, i.e. users who use tags for describing resources as opposed to categorizers, i.e. users who use tags for categorizing resources. Subsequently, we present empirical findings from qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the measures on real world tagging behavior. In addition, we conducted a recommender evaluation in which we study the effectiveness of each of the presented measures and found the measure based on the tag content to be the most accurate in predicting the user behavior closely followed by a content independent measure. The overall contribution of this paper is the presentation of empirical evidence that tagging motivation can be approximated with simple statistical measures. Our research is relevant for (a) designers of tagging systems aiming to better understand the motivations of their users and (b) researchers interested in studying the effects of users’ tagging motivation on the properties of resulting tags and emergent structures in social tagging systems" 1474380686,"The impact of resource title on tags in collaborative tagging systems","Lipczak & Milios",3,1,26,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Evangelos Milios, Marek Lipczak","Marek Lipczak","Full paper","","true","collaborative tagging, folksonomies, modelling","true","Collaborative tagging systems are popular tools for organization, sharing and retrieval of web resources. Their success is due to their freedom and simplicity of use. To post a resource, the user should only define a set of tags that would position the resource in the system’s data structure—folksonomy. This data structure can serve as a rich source of information about relations between tags and concepts they represent. To make use of information collaboratively added to folksonomies, we need to understand how users make tagging decisions. Three factors that are believed to influence user tagging decisions are: the tags used by other users, the organization of user’s personal repository and the knowledge model shared between users. In our work we examine the role of another potential factor—resource title. Despite all the advantages of tags, tagging is a tedious process. To minimize the effort, users are likely to tag with keywords that are easily available. We show that resource title, as a source of useful tags, is easy to access and comprehend. Given a choice of two tags with the same meaning, users are likely to be influenced by their presence in the title. However, a factor that seems to have stronger impact on users’ tagging decisions is maintaining the consistency of the personal profile of tags. The results of our study reveal a new, less idealistic picture of collaborative tagging systems, in which the collaborative aspect seems to be less important than personal gains and convenience." 1474380696,"Interpretation and visualization of user history in a spatial hypertext system","Kim & Shipman",3,1,25,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","DoHyoung Kim, Frank M. Shipman","DoHyoung Kim","Full paper","","true","History, VKB, asynchronous collaboration, awareness, branching history, spatial hypertext, user activity records, visualization","true","We describe a new history mechanism based on experiences with the use of recorded interaction history in the Visual Knowledge Builder (VKB). Problems with the use of history in prior systems include difficulty in locating activity of interest in large tasks, the problem of history records being at a system activity level rather than a human activity level, and difficulty in supporting navigation and comprehension in the branching histories used to represent alternative directions. To support comprehension of the history, we describe automatic history clustering to group low-level system events into a more human-level representation of activity and the extraction of information for summarizing these groups of events. To further support navigation and comprehension of history, the mechanism includes multiple visualization techniques to match diverse uses of history. The new history mechanism is integrated into VKB 3." 1474380701,"Citation based plagiarism detection: a new approach to identify plagiarized work language independently","Gipp & Beel",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Bela Gipp, Jöran Beel","Bela Gipp","Poster","","false","","false","This paper describes a new approach towards detecting plagiarism and scientific documents that have been read but not cited. In contrast to existing approaches, which analyze documents’ words but ignore their citations, this approach is based on citation analysis and allows duplicate and plagiarism detection even if a document has been paraphrased or translated, since the relative position of citations remains similar. Although this approach allows in many cases the detection of plagiarized work that could not be detected automatically with the traditional approaches, it should be considered as an extension rather than a substitute. Whereas the known text analysis methods can detect copied or, to a certain degree, modified passages, the proposed approach requires longer passages with at least two citations in order to create a digital fingerprint." 1474380702,"Balancing content contextualization and accessibility in engineering assessment","Variawa & McCahan",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Chirag Variawa, Susan McCahan","Chirag Variawa","Poster","","false","","false","It has been suggested that the teaching of engineering content should include integration across subject matter and contextualization of the material. However, contextualization can create a barrier to accessibility when there is a disconnect between the student’s background experience and the context chosen by the instructor. This can have a particular impact when the contextualization is used in the process of assessing student learning. This study investigates the types of words that cause difficulty for students. The assessment shows that there are terms used on engineering tests that present possible barriers for students, such that the test may in part be assessing the student’s cultural knowledge or vocabulary rather than engineering competency. We propose a number of strategies for remediating this situation including the use of hypertext to mitigate this type of accessibility barrier." 1474380707,"Collaborative identification and annotation of government deep web resources: a hybrid approach","Zhang et al.",0,0,8,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Chen Huang, James E. Hayes, John Wells, Paul T. Jaeger, Pengyi Zhang, W. Scott Hayes, Xin Jin, Yan Qu","Pengyi Zhang","Poster","","false","","false","In this extended abstract, we propose a hybrid approach of automatic means and social computing to identify and annotate Deep Web resources - mainly databases and database portals - to provide easy access to and descriptions and instruction on how to use these resources." 1474380712,"Search your interests everywhere!: wikipedia-based keyphrase extraction from web browsing history","Kondo, Tanaka & Uchiyama",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Akimichi Tanaka, Mitsumasa Kondo, Tadasu Uchiyama","Mitsumasa Kondo","Poster","","false","","false","This paper proposes a method that can extract user interests from the user’s Web browsing history. Our method allows easy access to multiple content domains such as blogs, movies, QA sites, etc. since the user does not need to input a separate search query in each domain/site. To extract user interests, the method first extracts candidate keyphrases from the user’s web browsed documents. Second, important keyphrases obtained from a link structure analysis of Wikipedia content is extracted from the main contents of web documents. This technique is based on the idea that important keyphrases in Wikipedia are important keyphrases in the real world. Finally, keyphrases contained in the documents important to the user are set in order as user interests. An experiment shows that our method offers improvements over a conventional method and can recommend interests attractive to the user." 1474380714,"Leveraging multi-faceted tagging to improve search in folksonomy systems","Abel, Kawase & Krause",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Daniel Krause, Fabian Abel, Ricardo Kawase","Fabian Abel","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper we present ranking algorithms for folksonomy systems that exploit additional contextual information attached to tag assignments available. We evaluate the algorithms in the TagMe! system, a tagging front-end for Flickr, and show that our algorithms, which exploit categories, spatial information, and URIs describing the semantics of tag assignments, perform significantly better than the FolkRank that does not consider such contextual information." 1474380716,"Enhancing search applications by utilizing mind maps","Beel & Gipp",0,0,8,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Bela Gipp, Jöran Beel","Jöran Beel","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper we present how sharing and utilizing mind maps could enhance search applications such as document search engines and recommender systems. In addition, we briefly present the first research results which indicate that mind maps can be used to determine document relatedness and therefore can enhance document recommender systems. We also discuss some challenges that information retrieval on mind maps will probably have to overcome." 1474380718,"Webpage relationships for information retrieval within a structured domain","Tam & Shepherd",1,0,3,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","John Shepherd, Vincent W.L. Tam","Vincent W.L. Tam","Poster","","false","","true","In this paper, we describe a technique for improving the effectiveness of information retrieval within individual websites. Our proposed approach exploits the link structures within the site and the idea that relevant content maybe spread across several related pages within the site. We present experiments which compare our approach to other web search techniques." 1474380719,"Show my code in the web","Bae, Ji & Woo",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Gyun Woo, Jeong-Hoon Ji, Min-Jung Bae","Min-Jung Bae","Demo","","false","","false","This paper proposes a method to show the code in the web in a very compact way. The visualization method provides two pictures for a source code, each of which is based on the Flower of Life and the Hilbert Curve. Each visualization result captures the nesting structure and the size of the code. According to the experiment, the complexity of the visualization has a signicant correlation with the traditional software metrics." 1474386014,"Co-authorship 2.0: patterns of collaboration in Wikipedia","Laniado & Tasso",0,1,37,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","David Laniado, Riccardo Tasso","David Laniado","Full paper","","true","Wikipedia, collaboration network, online production, social network analysis","true","The study of collaboration patterns in wikis can help shed light on the process of content creation by online communities. To turn a wiki’s revision history into a collaboration network, we propose an algorithm that identifies as authors of a page the users who provided the most of its relevant content, measured in terms of quantity and of acceptance by the community. The scalability of this approach allows us to study the English Wikipedia community as a co-authorship network. We find evidence of the presence of a nucleus of very active contributors, who seem to spread over the whole wiki, and to interact preferentially with inexperienced users. The fundamental role played by this elite is witnessed by the growing centrality of sociometric stars in the network. Isolating the community active around a category, it is possible to study its specific dynamics and most influential authors." 1474380674,"The next generation authoring adaptive hypermedia: using and evaluating the MOT3.0 and PEAL tools","Foss & Cristea",1,3,23,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Alexandra I. Cristea, Jonathan G.K. Foss","Jonathan G.K. Foss","Full paper","","true","LAG, LAOS, MOT, adaptive hypermedia, authoring tools","true","Adaptive hypermedia allows for customization to the needs of the user. The authoring process however is not trivial, and is often the main hurdle to overcome in order to bring this useful paradigm to a greater number of users. In this paper, we discuss the major problems occurring in authoring of adaptive hypermedia, and propose a set of generic authoring imperatives, to be consulted by any system implementing creation tools for customization of content. Based on these imperatives, in this paper we extensively illustrate and discuss recent extensions and improvements we have implemented in the My Online Teacher (MOT) adaptation authoring tool set, including the MOT3.0 content authoring and labeling tool and the PEAL adaptation strategy author. Furthermore, we evaluate, compare and discuss two long term uses of the MOT tool set, first in 2008 and the second in 2009." 1474380676,"Assisting two-way mapping generation in hypermedia workspace","Hsieh et al.",4,1,37,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Amber Jansen, Frank Shipman, Gautam Nimmagadda, Haowei Hsieh, Katherine Pauls","Haowei Hsieh","Full paper","","true","Information visualization, editable visualizations, information workspace, spatial hypertext, two-way mappings","true","This paper reports our study of a two-way mapping generation tool called Mapping Assistant, as an extension to the Spatial Hypermedia system VITE. Mapping Assistant has been designed to overcome the problem arising due to the difficulty of users in generating an initial two-way mapping for VITE. We have developed VITE to allow users to interact with information in a semi-formal workspace. Creating two-way mapping profiles is a vital step for projecting structured information into a spatial hypermedia system. A previous study of VITE indicated that users spent much of their time developing an initial mapping before working on the information task. We designed the Mapping Assistant to assist users by generating a quick initial mapping from the data entered by the user and reduce the cognitive and mental load on the user. This research studies users’ impression of the Mapping Assistant. The results indicate that the users liked the Mapping Assistant and found it useful, but comments from users also reveal possible directions for further improvement of the tool and its design." 1474380685,"Conversational tagging in twitter","Huang, Thornton & Efthimiadis",3,1,14,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Efthimis N. Efthimiadis, Jeff Huang, Katherine M. Thornton","Jeff Huang","Short paper","","true","Twitter, memes, tagging, trends","true","Users on Twitter, a microblogging service, started the phenomenon of adding tags to their messages sometime around February 2008. These tags are distinct from those in other Web 2.0 systems because users are less likely to index messages for later retrieval. We compare tagging patterns in Twitter with those in Delicious to show that tagging behavior in Twitter is different because of its conversational, rather than organizational nature. We use a mixed method of statistical analysis and an interpretive approach to study the phenomenon. We find that tagging in Twitter is more about filtering and directing content so that it appears in certain streams. The most illustrative example of how tagging in Twitter differs is the phenomenon of the Twitter micro-meme: emergent topics for which a tag is created, used widely for a few days, then disappears. We describe the micro-meme phenomenon and discuss the importance of this new tagging practice for the larger real-time search context." 1474380697,"Visit me, click me, be my friend: an analysis of evidence networks of user relationships in BibSonomy","Mitzlaff et al.",2,1,16,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Andreas Hotho, Dominik Benz, Folke Mitzlaff, Gerd Stumme","Folke Mitzlaff","Short paper","","true","community detection, folksonomies, social networks, user recommendation","true","The ongoing spread of online social networking and sharing sites has reshaped the way how people interact with each other. Analyzing the relatedness of different users within the resulting large populations of these systems plays an important role for tasks like user recommendation or community detection. Algorithms in these fields typically face the problem that explicit user relationships (like friend lists) are often very sparse. Surprisingly, implicit evidences (like click logs) of user relations have hardly been considered to this end.####Based on our long-time experience with running BibSonomy [4], we identify in this paper different evidence networks of user relationships in our system. We broadly classify each network based on whether the links are explicitly established by the users (e.g., friendship or group membership) or accrue implicitly in the running system (e.g., when user u copies an entry of user v). We systematically analyze structural properties of these networks and whether topological closeness (in terms of the length of shortest paths) coincides with semantic similarity between users.####Our results exhibit different characteristics and. provide preparatory work for the inclusion of new (and less sparse) information into the process of optimizing community detection or user recommendation algorithms." 1474380709,"Dealing with the video tidal wave: the relevance of expertise for video tagging","Darvish & Chin",1,0,5,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Alvin Chin, Sara Darvish","Sara Darvish","Poster","","false","","true","The vast amounts of video that need to be tagged preclude the exclusive use of professional indexers. Thus a significant amount of video will need to be tagged by non-experts. Are the tags created by experts demonstrably superior to those of non-experts, and when non-experts have to be used for tagging, is it better to rely on tags created by those who upload videos or on others who watch the videos? Two related studies were carried out, the first where domain experts and others tagged videos, and the second where experts and others rated the relevance of tags that had been assigned to videos in the first study. Expert tags were judged to be more relevant by both experts and non-experts, with non-expert viewers also creating significantly better tags than did owners (i.e., the people who uploaded the videos). While significant differences were observed, the mean overall judged relevance of tags was relatively low, even for experts. Thus there seems to be considerable scope for the use of tag recommendation systems and other tools that can make the tagging process more consistent." 1474380710,"Spatial contiguity and implicit learning in hypertext","Paek, Hoffmann & Saravanos",0,0,10,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Antonios Saravanos, Daniel Hoffmann, Seungoh Paek","Seungoh Paek","Poster","","false","","false","The study is interested in how the spatial contiguity principle mediates implicit learning in a hypertext environment." 1474380711,"Objectivity classification in online media","Lex, Juffinger & Granitzer",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Andreas Juffinger, Elisabeth Lex, Michael Granitzer","Elisabeth Lex","Poster","","false","","false","In this work, we assess objectivity in online news media. We propose to use topic independent features and we show in a cross-domain experiment that with standard bag-of-word models, classifiers implicitly learn topics. Our experiments revealed that our methodology can be applied across different topics with consistent classification performance." 1474380720,"Emberlight: share and publish spatial hypertext to the web","Matias & Cheung",1,2,2,"Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '10","2010","","Frederick Cheung, J. Nathan Matias","J. Nathan Matias","Demo","","false","","true","Emberlight publishes spatial hypertext to the web, providing basic versioning and collaboration for users of desktop spatial hypertext software. In this demo session, we will seek feedback on the system, consider integration collaborations, talk about new research avenues, and discuss funding ideas." 1474385992,"From hypertext to linked data: the ever evolving web","Hall",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Wendy Hall","Wendy Hall","Keynote","","false","","false","In this talk, we will reflect on the evolution of the Web. We will do this by analyzing the reasons why it became the first truly ubiquitous hypertext system against all competitors, and then by looking both at the way it has evolved from a network of linked documents to a system that facilitates social networking on a scale previously unimaginable, and at how it will evolve in the future as a network of linked data and beyond. The study of the Web - its evolution and its impact on society, on business, and on government - is referred to as Web science. We consider some of the major challenges of Web science and discuss possible Web worlds of the future.####[no references]" 1474386001,"Personalisation in the wild: providing personalisation across semantic, social and open-web resources","Steichen, O'Connor & Wade",3,2,25,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Alexander O'Connor, Ben Steichen, Vincent Wade","Ben Steichen","Full paper","","true","Adaptive Hypertext Composition, Adaptive Result Presentation, Hypertext Generation, Personalised Search","true","One of the key motivating factors for information providers to use personalization is to maximise the benefit to the user in accessing their content. However, traditionally such systems have focussed on mainly corporate or professionally authored content and have not been able to leverage the benefits of other material already on the web, written about that subject by other authors. Such information includes open-web information as well as user-generated content such as forums, blogs, tags, etc. By providing personalized compositions and presentations across these heterogeneous information sources, a potentially richer user experience can be created, leveraging the mutual benefits of professionally authored content as well as open-web information and active user communities. This paper presents novel techniques and architectures that extend the personalization reserved for corporate or professionally developed content with that of user generated content and pages in the wild. Complementary affordances of Personalized Information Retrieval and Adaptive Hypermedia are leveraged in order to provide Adaptive Retrieval and Composition of Heterogeneous INformation sources for personalized hypertext Generation (ARCHING). The approach enables adaptive selection and navigation according to multiple adaptation dimensions and across a variety of heterogeneous data sources. The architectures have been applied in a real-life personalized customer care scenario and a user study evaluation involving authentic information needs has been conducted. The evidence clearly shows that the system successfully blends a user’s search experience with adaptive selection and navigation techniques and that the user experience is improved in terms of both task assistance and user satisfaction." 1474386004,"Can we talk about spatial hypertext","Bernstein",17,3,41,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Full paper","","true","Spatial hypertext, diagrams, graphs, hypertext, knowledge representation, patterns, visualization","true","Spatial hypertexts are difficult to explain and to share because we have so little vocabulary with which to discuss them. From examination of actual spatial hypertexts drawn from a variety of domains and created in a variety of systems, we may identify and name several common patterns." 1474386007,"An experience using a spatial hypertext Wiki","Solis & Ali",11,1,29,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Carlos Solis, Nour Ali","Carlos Solis","Full paper","","true","Knowledge Management, ShyWiki, spatial hypertext, wiki","true","Most wikis do not allow users to collaboratively organize relations among wiki pages, nor ways to visualize them because such relations are hard to express using hyperlinks. The Spatial Hypertext Wiki (ShyWiki) is a wiki that uses Spatial Hypertext to represent visual and spatial implicit relations. This paper reports an experience about the use of ShyWiki features and its spatial hypertext model. Four groups, consisting of 3 members each, were asked to use ShyWiki for creating, sharing and brainstorming knowledge during the design and documentation of a software architecture. We present the evaluation of a questionnaire that users answered about their perceived usefulness and easiness of use of the spatial and visual properties of ShyWiki, and several of its features. We have also asked the users if they would find the visual and spatial properties useful in a wiki such as Wikipedia. In addition, we have analyzed the visual and spatial structures used in the wiki pages, and which features have been used." 1474388362,"Measuring the influence of tag recommenders on the indexing quality in tagging systems","Dellschaft & Staab",1,1,19,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Klaas Dellschaft, Steffen Staab","Klaas Dellschaft","Full paper","","true","Collaborative Tagging, Indexing Quality, Tag Recommenders","true","In this paper, we investigate a methodology for measuring the influence of tag recommenders on the indexing quality in collaborative tagging systems. We propose to use the inter-resource consistency as an indicator of indexing quality. The inter-resource consistency measures the degree to which the tag vectors of indexed resources reflect how the users understand the resources. We use this methodology for evaluating how tag recommendations coming from (1) the popular tags at a resource or from (2) the user’s own vocabulary influence the indexing quality. We show that recommending popular tags decreases the indexing quality and that recommending the user’s own vocabulary increases the indexing quality." 1474388364,"Storyspace: a story-driven approach for creating museum narratives","Wolff, Mulholland & Collins",3,2,31,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Annika Wolff, Paul Mulholland, Trevor Collins","Annika Wolff","Full paper","","true","Narrative, events, heritage objects, hypertext, museum, plot, story","true","In a curated exhibition of a museum or art gallery, a selection of heritage objects and associated information is presented to a visitor for the purpose of telling a story about them. The same underlying story can be presented in a number of different ways. This paper describes techniques for creating multiple alternative narrative structures from a single underlying story, by selecting different organising principles for the events and plot structures of the story. These authorial decisions can produce different dramatic effects. Storyspace is a web interface to an ontology for describing curatorial narratives. We describe how the narrative component of the Storyspace software can produce multiple narratives from the underlying stories and plots of curated exhibitions. Based on the curator’s choice, the narrative module suggests a coherent ordering for the events of a story and its associated heritage objects. Narratives constructed through Storyspace can be tailored to suit different audiences and can be presented in different forms, such as physical exhibitions, museum tours, leaflets and catalogues, or as online experiences." 1474388388,"Finding and exploring memes in social media","Ryu, Lease & Woodward",4,1,26,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Hohyon Ryu, Matthew Lease, Nicholas Woodward","Hohyon Ryu","Full paper","","true","MapReduce, automatic hypertext, critical literacy, memes","true","Online critical literacy challenges readers to recognize and question how online textual information has been shaped by its greater context. While comparing information from multiple sources provides a foundation for such awareness, keeping pace with everything being written is a daunting proposition, especially for the casual reader. We propose a new form of technological assistance for critical literacy which automatically discovers and displays underlying memes: ideas represented by similar phrases which occur across different information sources. By surfacing these memes to users, we create a rich hypertext representation in which underlying memes can be explored in context. Given the vast scale of social media, we describe a highly-scalable system architecture designed for MapReduce distributed computing. To validate our approach, we report on use of our system to discover and browse memes in a 1.5 TB collection of crawled social media. Our primary contributions include: 1) a novel technological approach and hypertext browsing design for supporting critical literacy; and 2) a highly-scalable system architecture for meme discovery, providing a solid foundation for further system extensions and refinements." 1474388390,"QualityRank: assessing quality of wikipedia articles by mutually evaluating editors and texts","Suzuki & Yoshikawa",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Yu Suzuki","Yu Suzuki","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper, we propose a method to identify high-quality Wikipedia articles by mutually evaluating editors and texts. A major approach for assessing articles using edit history is a text survival ratio based approach. However, the problem is that many high-quality articles are identified as low quality, because many vandals delete high-quality texts, then the survival ratios of high-quality texts are decreased by vandals. Our approach’s strongest point is its resistance to vandalism. Using our method, if we calculate text quality values using editor quality values, vandals do not affect any quality values of the other editors, then the accuracy of text quality values should improve. However, the problem is that editor quality values are calculated by text quality values, and text quality values are calculated by editor quality values. To solve this problem, we mutually calculate editor and text quality values until they converge. Using this method, we can calculate a quality value of a text that takes into consideration that of its editors." 1474388391,"A real-time architecture for detection of diseases using social networks: design, implementation and evaluation","Sofean & Smith",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Matthew Smith, Mustafa Sofean","Mustafa Sofean","Poster","","false","","false","In this work we developed a surveillance architecture to detect diseases-related postings in social networks using Twitter as an example for a high-traffic social network. Our real-time architecture uses Twitter streaming API to crawl Twitter messages as they are posted. Data mining techniques have been used to index, extract and classify postings. Finally, we evaluate the performance of the classifier with a dataset of public health postings and also evaluate the run-time performance of whole system with respect to latency and throughput." 1474388396,"Towards real-time summarization of scheduled events from twitter streams","Zubiaga et al.",0,1,4,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Arkaitz Zubiaga, Damiano Spina, Enrique Amigó, Julio Gonzalo","Arkaitz Zubiaga","Poster","","false","","true","We deal with shrinking the stream of tweets for scheduled events in real-time, following two steps: (i) sub-event detection, which determines if something new has occurred, and (ii) tweet selection, which picks a tweet to describe each sub-event. By comparing summaries in three languages to live reports by journalists, we show that simple text analysis methods which do not involve external knowledge lead to summaries that cover 84% of the sub-events on average, and 100% of key types of sub-events (such as goals in soccer)." 1474393240,"Canyons, deltas and plains: towards a unified sculptural model of location-based hypertext","Millard et al.",10,9,33,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Charlie Hargood, David E. Millard, Mark J. Weal, Michael O. Jewell","David E. Millard","Full paper","","true","Location Based Hypertext, Mobile Narrative, Narrative Systems","true","With the growing ubiquity of mobile devices, new ways of sensing context and the emergence of the mobile Web, digital storytelling is escaping the confines of the desktop and intertwinging in new and interesting ways with the physical world. Mobile, location aware, narrative systems are being applied to a range of areas including tour guides, educational tools and interactive fiction. Despite this there is little understanding of how these applications are related or how they link with existing hypertext models and theory.####We argue that location aware narrative systems tend to follow three patterns (canyons, deltas and plains) and that it is possible to represent all of these patterns in a conceptual sculptural hypertext model. Our model builds on a general sculptural mechansim (of pre-conditions and behaviours) to include locality and narrative transitions as first class elements, opening the possibility of standardised viewers, formats, and hybrid stories. We show how existing structures can be mapped onto this conceptual sculptural model, and how narratives defined in the model can take advantage of open data sources and sensed contextual data. To demonstrate this we present the GeoYarn system, a prototype which implements the model to create interactive, location aware narratives, using all three patterns." 1474393241,"A sentiment-enhanced personalized location recommendation system","Yang et al.",0,1,33,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Daqing Zhang, Dingqi Yang, Zhiyong Yu, Zhu Wang","Dingqi Yang","Full paper","","true","Location Based Social Networks, Matrix Factorization, Recommendation System, Sentiment Analysis","true","Although online recommendation systems such as recommendation of movies or music have been systematically studied in the past decade, location recommendation in Location Based Social Networks (LBSNs) is not well investigated yet. In LBSNs, users can check in and leave tips commenting on a venue. These two heterogeneous data sources both describe users’ preference of venues. However, in current research work, only users’ check-in behavior is considered in users’ location preference model, users’ tips on venues are seldom investigated yet. Moreover, while existing work mainly considers social influence in recommendation, we argue that considering venue similarity can further improve the recommendation performance. In this research, we ameliorate location recommendation by enhancing not only the user location preference model but also recommendation algorithm. First, we propose a hybrid user location preference model by combining the preference extracted from check-ins and text-based tips which are processed using sentiment analysis techniques. Second, we develop a location based social matrix factorization algorithm that takes both user social influence and venue similarity influence into account in location recommendation. Using two datasets extracted from the location based social networks Foursquare, experiment results demonstrate that the proposed hybrid preference model can better characterize user preference by maintaining the preference consistency, and the proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art methods." 1474386026,"New plots for hypertext?: towards poetics of a hypertext node","Pisarski",3,4,29,"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '11","2011","","Mariusz Pisarski","Mariusz Pisarski","Short paper","","true","Hypertext, coherence, fiction, kernel, lexia, narrative, node, poetics","true","While the significance of hypertext links for the new ways of telling stories has been widely discussed, there has been not many debates about the very elements that are being connected: hypertext nodes. Apart from few exceptions, poetics of the link overshadows poetics of the node. My goal is to re-focus on a single node, or lexia, by introducing the concept of contextual regulation as the major force that shapes hypertext narrative units. Because many lexias must be capable of occurring in different contexts and at different stages of the unfolding story, several compromises have to be made on the level of language, style, plot and discourse. Each node, depending on its position and importance, has a varying level of connectivity and autonomy, which affects the global coherence of text.####After focusing on relations between the notion of lexia (as a coherent and flexible unit) and the notion of kernel in narrative theory, an explanation of rules behind contextual regulation is presented, along with the basic typology of nodes. Then an attempt to enhance existing plot pools for hypertext fiction is undertaken. Several suggestions for the new plots, offered by the node-centered approach, are introduced." 1474388357,"Slicepedia: providing customized reuse of open-web resources for adaptive hypermedia","Levacher, Lawless & Wade",2,1,13,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Killian Levacher, Séamus Lawless, Vincent Wade","Killian Levacher","Full paper","","true","Customized Hypertext Content Generation, Open Corpus Content Processing, User Experience","true","A key advantage of Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (AHS) is their ability to re-sequence and reintegrate content to satisfy particular user needs. However, this can require large volumes of content, with appropriate granularities and suitable meta-data descriptions. This represents a major impediment to the mainstream adoption of Adaptive Hypermedia. Open Adaptive Hypermedia systems have addressed this challenge by leveraging open corpus content available on the World Wide Web. However, the full reuse potential of such content is yet to be leveraged. Open corpus content is today still mainly available as only one-size-fits-all document-level information objects. Automatically customizing and right-fitting open corpus content with the aim of improving its amenability to reuse would enable AHS to more effectively utilise these resources.####This paper presents a novel architecture and service called Slicepedia, which processes open corpus resources for reuse within AHS. The aim of this service is to improve the reuse of open corpus content by right-fitting it to the specific content requirements of individual systems. Complementary techniques from Information Retrieval, Content Fragmentation, Information Extraction and Semantic Web are leveraged to convert the original resources into information objects called slices. The service has been applied in an authentic language elearning scenario to validate the quality of the slicing and reuse. A user trial, involving language learners, was also conducted. The evidence clearly shows that the reuse of open corpus content in AHS is improved by this approach, with minimal decrease in the quality of the original content harvested." 1474388361,"Navigational efficiency of broad vs. narrow folksonomies","Helic et al.",2,2,33,"Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '12","2012","","Christian Körner, Christoph Trattner, Denis Helic, Markus Strohmaier, Michael Granitzer","Denis Helic","Full paper","","true","Algorithms, Experimentation, Measurement","true","Although many social tagging systems share a common tripartite graph structure, the collaborative processes that are generating these structures can differ significantly. For example, while resources on Delicious are usually tagged by all users who bookmark the web page, photos on Flickr are usually tagged just by a single user who uploads the photo. In the literature, this distinction has been described as a distinction between broad vs. narrow folksonomies. This paper sets out to explore navigational differences between broad and narrow folksonomies in social hypertextual systems. We study both kinds of folksonomies on a dataset provided by Mendeley - a collaborative platform where users can annotate and organize scientific articles with tags. Our experiments suggest that broad folksonomies are more useful for navigation, and that the collaborative processes that are generating folksonomies matter qualitatively. Our findings are relevant for system designers and engineers aiming to improve the navigability of social tagging systems." 1474393232,"Composite interests' exploration thanks to on-the-fly linked data spreading activation","Marie et al.",0,2,29,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Fabien Gandon, Myriam Ribière, Nicolas Marie, Olivier Corby","Nicolas Marie","Full paper","","true","DBpedia, Semantic web, composite interest query, discovery engine, exploratory search system, linked data, semantic spreading activation, spreading activation","true","Exploratory search systems are built specifically to help the user in his cognitive consuming search tasks like learning or topic investigation. Some of these systems are built on the top of linked data and use semantics to provide cognitively-optimized search experiences. Thanks to their richness and to their connected nature linked data datasets can serve as a ground for advanced exploratory search. We propose to address the case of mixed interests’ exploration in the form of composite queries (several unitary interests combined) e.g. exploring results and make discoveries related to both The Beatles and Ken Loach.. The main contribution of this paper is the proposition of a novel method that processes linked-data for exploratory search purpose. It makes use of a semantic spreading activation algorithm coupled with a sampling technique. Its particularity is to not require any results preprocessing. Consequently this method offers a high level of flexibility for querying and allows, among others, the expression of composite interests’ queries on remote linked data sources. This paper also details the analysis of the algorithm behavior over DBpedia and describes an implementation: the Discovery Hub application. It is an exploratory search engine that notably supports composite queries. Finally the results of a user evaluation are presented." 1474393238,"Models of human navigation in information networks based on decentralized search","Helic et al.",0,4,22,"Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia","","HT '13","2013","","Denis Helic, Markus Strohmaier, Michael Granitzer, Reinhold Scherer","Denis Helic","Full paper","","true","Decentralized search, Exploitation, Exploration, Navigation","true","Models of human navigation play an important role for understanding and facilitating user behavior in hypertext systems. In this paper, we conduct a series of principled experiments with decentralized search - an established model of human navigation in social networks - and study its applicability to information networks. We apply several variations of decentralized search to model human navigation in information networks and we evaluate the outcome in a series of experiments. In these experiments, we study the validity of decentralized search by comparing it with human navigational paths from an actual information network - Wikipedia. We find that (i) navigation in social networks appears to differ from human navigation in information networks in interesting ways and (ii) in order to apply decentralized search to information networks, stochastic adaptations are required. Our work illuminates a way towards using decentralized search as a valid model for human navigation in information networks in future work. Our results are relevant for scientists who are interested in modeling human behavior in information networks and for engineers who are interested in using models and simulations of human behavior to improve on structural or user interface aspects of hypertextual systems." 1513523997,"Crowdsourcing the Verification of Fake News and Alternative Facts","Sethi",0,0,11,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Ricky J. Sethi","Ricky J. Sethi","Demo","","false","","false","Fake news and alternative facts have dominated the news cycle of late. In this paper, we present a prototype system that uses social argumentation to verify the validity of proposed alternative facts and help in the detection of fake news. We utilize fundamental argumentation ideas in a graph-theoretic framework that also incorporates semantic web and linked data principles. The argumentation structure is crowdsourced and mediated by expert moderators in a virtual community." 1513524013,"Stolperwege: An App for a Digital Public History of the Holocaust","Mehler et al.",4,1,12,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Alexander Mehler, Christian Spiekermann, Giuseppe Abrami, Lisa Felder, Steffen Bruendel, Thomas Ostertag","Alexander Mehler","Demo","","false","","true","We present the Stolperwege app, a web-based framework for ubiquitous modeling of historical processes. Starting from the art project Stolpersteine of Gunter Demnig, it allows for virtually connecting these stumbling blocks with information about the biographies of victims of Nazism. According to the practice of public history, the aim of Stolperwege is to deepen public knowledge of the Holocaust in the context of our everyday environment. Stolperwege uses an information model that allows for modeling social networks of agents starting from information about portions of their life. The paper exemplifies how Stolperwege is informationally enriched by means of historical maps and 3D animations of (historical) buildings." 1531052856,"Mother: An Integrated Approach to Hypertext Domains","Atzenbeck, Roßner & Tzagarakis",15,4,44,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Claus Atzenbeck, Daniel Roßner, Manolis Tzagarakis","Claus Atzenbeck","Short paper","","true","Asgard, CB-OHS, Hel, Midgard, Mother, hypertext infrastructure, navigational hypertext, open hypermedia systems","true","The idea to associate information with so-called links was developed by hypertext pioneers in the 1960s. In the 1990s the Dexter Hypertext Reference Model was developed with the goal to provide a general model for node-link hypertext systems. In the 1990s and 2000s there were important steps made for hypertext infrastructures, which led to component-based open hypermedia systems (CB-OHS). In this paper we provide a detailed description of node-link structures. We argue that Dexter does not match the need of CB-OHS, as it supports a mix of multiple structure domains. Based on the implementation of link support in our system Mother we demonstrate how Dexter needs to be tailored accordingly. We further describe Mother’s ability of node-link structures to interoperate with other available structure services and vice versa." 1531052863,"The US National Library of Medicine: A Platform for Biomedical Discovery & Data-Powered Health","Kittrie",0,0,1,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Elizabeth Kittrie","Elizabeth Kittrie","Keynote","","false","","false","This talk will address the role of the National Library of Medicine in fostering data-powered health and serving as a platform for biomedical discovery. It will examine emerging trends in the biomedical research landscape, such as the rapid growth of biomedical data sources, shifting paradigms for data sharing and open science, and the changing role of libraries in providing access to digital information. The talk will cover the newly developed long-range vision of the National Library of Medicine, with its triple aim of: 1) accelerating discovery and advancing health through data-driven research; 2) reaching more people in more ways through enhanced dissemination and engagement; and 3) its contributions to building a workforce and populace that is empowered to conduct data-driven research and enabled to optimize health and healthcare delivery through access to new types of health information. This talk will also examine the importance of co-creation, though partnerships and crowdsourcing, to achieve solutions that optimize the roles of government and stakeholders in improving health and healthcare through information resources." 1569268720,"Man proposes, God disposes: Re-assessing Correspondences in Hypertext and Anti-Authorist Literary Theory","Brooker",5,2,80,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Samuel Brooker","Samuel Brooker","Full paper","","true","Digital Humanities, Hypertext Fiction, Narrative","true","Second-wave criticism of literary hypertext fiction (2000-2010) consisted largely of reading studies and alternative semiotic models that challenged first wave assumptions (1992-1999) on empirical grounds. Focus on the phenomenology of reading did not directly question inconsistencies in the correspondence between Continental literary and hypertext theory. This paper argues that philosophical approaches to freedom found respectively in 1960s Continental literary theory and the Bay Area counterculture that influenced early digital computing are incompatible, despite being the foundation for early criticism of literary hypertext fiction. 1960s Continental literary theory emphasised a philosophical liberation from the author, with interpretation a demarcated and sacrosanct space outside the impositions of an author; contemporaneous computer and information science theorists, however, emphasised a framework within which the reader could access knowledge according to their need." 1569338373,"Towards Understanding Political Interactions on Instagram","Trevisan et al.",0,1,11,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Ana Paula Couto da Silva, Fabricio Murai, Flavio Figueiredo, Idilio Drago, Jussara M. Almeida, Luca Vassio, Marco Mellia, Martino Trevisan","Martino Trevisan","Short paper","","true","Instagram, Online social networks, Politics, User behaviour","true","Online Social Networks (OSNs) allow personalities and companies to communicate directly with the public, bypassing filters of traditional medias. As people rely on OSNs to stay up-to-date, the political debate has moved online too. We witness the sudden explosion of harsh political debates and the dissemination of rumours in OSNs. Identifying such behaviour requires a deep understaning on how people interact via OSNs during political debates. We present a preliminary study of interactions in a popular OSN, namely Instagram. We take Italy as a case study in the period before the 2019 European Elections. We observe the activity of top Italian Instagram profiles in different categories: politics, music, sport and show. We record their posts for more than two months, tracking “likes” and comments from users. Results suggest that profiles of politicians attract markedly different interactions than other categories. People tend to comment more, with longer comments, debating for longer time, with a large number of replies, most of which are not explicitly solicited. Moreover, comments tend to come from a small group of very active users. Finally, we witness substantial differences when comparing profiles of different parties." 1569338377,"ELD: Event TimeLine Detection -- A Participant-Based Approach to Tracking Events","Mamo, Azzopardi & Layfield",0,0,5,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Colin Layfield, Joel Azzopardi, Nicholas Mamo","Nicholas Mamo","Poster","","false","","false","People all over the world talk as events unfold, but what does it take for a machine to truly track an event? Event TimeLine Detection (ELD) is a real-time Topic Detection and Tracking (TDT) solution to track events using Twitter with the hypothesis that it takes a deeper understanding of the event’s domain for a machine to describe its evolution.####In ELD, understanding takes the form of identifying the participants that would eventually drive the event’s evolution. We propose Automatic Participant Detection (APD) as a way of identifying event participants, which ELD then tracks during the proceedings. TDT then mines the resulting Twitter stream, extracting developments and describing them as a timeline using a summarization algorithm." 1569338378,"An Infrastructure-Agnostic Model of Hypertext","Voß",5,0,14,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Jakob Voß","Jakob Voß","Poster","","false","","true","This short paper summarizes a new interpretation of the original vision of hypertext: infrastructure-agnostic hypertext is independent from specific formats and protocols. References to existing technologies for implementations are included nevertheless." 1569338385,"Characterizing the Spread of Exaggerated Health News Content over Social Media","Patro et al.",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Animesh Mukherjee, Jasabanta Patro, Monojit Choudhury, Pawan Goyal, Sabyasachee Baruah, Vivek Gupta","Jasabanta Patro","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper, we consider a dataset comprising press releases about health research from different universities in the UK along with a corresponding set of news articles. We find that tweets sharing exaggerated news have a significantly different linguistic structure from those that share non-exaggerated news." 1569338390,"Beyond Hostile Linguistic Cues: The Gravity of Online Milieu for Hate Speech Detection in Arabic","Chowdhury et al.",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Aniket Didolkar, Arijit Ghosh Chowdhury, Rajiv Ratn Shah, Ramit Sawhney","Arijit Ghosh Chowdhury","Poster","","false","","false","Religious Hate speech poses grave dangers for the cohesion of a democratic society, the protection of human rights and the rule of law. While previous work has shown that linguistic features can be effectively used for text categorization in Arabic, employing information coming from users’ social networks has not yet been explored for such complex user characteristics. Systems relying on language information tend to have low precision because they tend to rely on messages containing particular terms indicating hate speech. In this paper, we study the novel problem of exploiting social context for detection of religious hate speech in Arabic tweets, given information extracted from their online milieu by learning a low-dimensional vector representation of users." 1569338392,"Rewriting History: Towards Diagrammatic Hypertext for Digital Historiography","Frank",3,0,24,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Ingo Frank","Ingo Frank","Poster","","false","","true","It is argued that historians should make explicit their causal claims in their narrative explanations for better communication of research findings. The poster presents experiments for an approach towards visual historiography to support historical understanding. A case study from historical sociology demonstrates the added value of diagrammatic representation of causal narratives. The advantage of using diagrams with a hypertextual approach is that idiographic details can still be communicated through textual information in the hypertext nodes due to multimodal combination of diagram and written language. I suggest a semantic wiki with suitable domain ontologies as a tool for structured writing—i.e. modeling—of causal processes as described in causal narratives. As the approach enables the (re)presentation of history as diagram by means of diagrammatic reasoning according to Peircean semiotics I propose the label diagrammatic hypertext." 1569338394,"Detecting Toxicity Triggers in Online Discussions","Almerekhi et al.",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Bernard J. Jansen, Haewoon Kwak, Hind Almerekhi, Joni Salminen","Hind Almerekhi","Poster","","false","","false","Despite the considerable interest in the detection of toxic comments, there has been little research investigating the causes—i.e., triggers—of toxicity. In this work, we first propose a formal definition of triggers of toxicity in online communities. We proceed to build an LSTM neural network model using textual features of comments, and then, based on a comprehensive review of previous literature, we incorporate topical and sentiment shift in interactions as features. Our model achieves an average accuracy of 82.5% of detecting toxicity triggers from diverse Reddit communities." 1569338397,"Identifying Tags Describing Image Contents","Maenishi & Tajima",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Keishi Tajima, Taka Maenishi","Taka Maenishi","Poster","","false","","false","On many photo-sharing social media, e.g., Instagram, a user posting a photo can add tags, i.e., words describing it. Tags are used for keyword-based image search. Some tags, however, describe not image contents but some metadata, e.g., camera names. We propose a method of determining which tag is more likely to describe the associated image contents. We determine it based on pairwise comparisons of tags. Given a pair of tags A and B, we compare three sets of images: (1) those associated with A, (2) those associated with B, and (3) those associated with both A and B. If (3) is more similar to (1) than to (2), A is more likely to describe image contents. Our experiment with Instagram data shows that our method is effective." 1569338398,"48 Hour Hypertext Challenge","Bernstein",3,0,10,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Mark Bernstein","Mark Bernstein","Panel","","false","","true","A challenge was issued to members of the hypertext research community to create a complete hypertext fiction in no more than 48 hours of work. Writers were asked to submit the work as well as short reflections on issues of craft and technique they encountered in the course of the project. We expect the results of the challenge will present an opportunity for an engaging panel that could influence hypertext writing, pedagogy and technology." 1569338402,"JobNoW'19 - 1st International Workshop on Job Knowledge Discovery on the Web & Social Media","Gadiraju et al.",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Anoush Margaryan, Gianluca Demartini, Mahdi Bohlouli, Ujwal Gadiraju","Ujwal Gadiraju","Workshop","","false","","false","To gain insights into labor demands or supply, researchers and policymakers have traditionally relied on interviews, trade publications, surveys, and vacancies. Although such traditional data sources have some clear advantages, they are also characterized by limitations that can be addressed by using web-based data available in abundance.####The scope of this workshop includes the vision of an open ‘job knowledge base’ that can be used by employers, employees, job seekers, labor market experts and policy makers. Such a knowledge base could contain different types of information such as responsibilities and roles, required competences, that could be used to develop trainings and identify priorities, wage information, geographical and demographic trends, cultural issues, demands of the job markets in different domains, job announcement information and rates, job popularity and other useful labor market dynamics. This workshop aims at identifying the challenges for job knowledge discovery, and proposing solutions to overcome these challenges. Due to the compelling human factors that play a vital role in decision-making processes related to job search, job satisfaction, etc. we are particularly interested in inter-disciplinary approaches that can support job knowledge discovery.####[no references]" 1513524012,"OnToMap: Semantic Community Maps for Knowledge Sharing","Ardissono et al.",0,0,4,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Adriano Savoca, Angioletta Voghera, Liliana Ardissono, Luigi La Riccia, Maurizio Lucenteforte, Noemi Mauro","Liliana Ardissono","Demo","","false","","false","We present the information retrieval model adopted in the OnToMap Participatory GIS. The model addresses the limitations of keyword-based and category-based search by semantically interpreting the information needs specified in free-text search queries. The model is based on an ontological representation of linguistic and encyclopaedic knowledge, which makes it possible to exploit terms and synonyms occurring in the definitions of concepts to flexibly match the user’s and system’s terminologies. This feature enables users to query the application using their own vocabulary." 1513524014,"Exploring Cross-cultural Crowd Sentiments on Twitter","Wang et al.",0,0,7,"Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '17","2017","","Adam Jatowt, Muhammad Syafiq Mohd Pozi, Toyokazu Akiyama, Yuanyuan Wang, Yukiko Kawai","Yuanyuan Wang","Demo","","false","","false","Twitter is frequently used to express personal opinions and sentiments. This work presents a novel crowd sentiment analysis of Twitter for exploring cross-cultural differences. We aim to find similar meanings but different sentiments between Twitter data collected over diverse geographic places. For this, we detect sentiments and topics of each tweet and assign sentiments to each topic based on the sentiments of the corresponding tweets. This permits finding interesting cross-cultural patterns. We demonstrate a visualization system that supports the interactive analysis of two countries: France and Italy." 1531002413,"Lessons in Search Data","Stephens-Davidowitz",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Seth Stephens-Davidowitz","Seth Stephens-Davidowitz","Keynote","","false","","false","I will discuss ways to use search data to better understand important topics in politics, health, abortion, child abuse, and sexuality.####[no references]" 1531002414,"Detecting the Correlation between Sentiment and User-level as well as Text-Level Meta-data from Benchmark Corpora","Mishra & Diesner",1,1,26,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Jana Diesner, Shubhanshu Mishra","Shubhanshu Mishra","Full paper","","true","Sentiment analysis, Social media data, Social media meta-data, Statistical analysis","true","Do tweets from users with similar Twitter characteristics have similar sentiments? What meta-data features of tweets and users correlate with tweet sentiment? In this paper, we address these two questions by analyzing six popular benchmark datasets where tweets are annotated with sentiment labels. We consider user-level as well as tweet-level meta-data features, and identify patterns and correlations of these feature with the log-odds for sentiment classes. We further strengthen our analysis by replicating this set of experiments on recent tweets from users present in our datasets; finding that most of the patterns are consistent across our analysis. Finally, we use our identified meta-data features as features for a sentiment classification algorithm, which results in around 2% increase in F1 score for sentiment classification, compared to text-only classifiers, along with a significant drop in KL-divergence. These results have potential to improve sentiment analysis applications on social media data." 1531052860,"VAnnotatoR: A Framework for Generating Multimodal Hypertexts","Mehler et al.",7,2,37,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Alexander Mehler, Christian Spiekermann, Giuseppe Abrami, Matthias Jostock","Alexander Mehler","Short paper","","true","augmented relatity, augmented virtuality, discourse annotation, discourse semantics, multimodal hypertexts, virtual reality","true","We present VAnnotatoR, a framework for generating so-called multimodal hypertexts. Based on Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), VAnnotatoR enables the annotation and linkage of semiotic aggregates (texts, images and their segments) with walk-on-able animations of places and buildings. In this way, spatial locations can be linked, for example, to temporal locations and Discourse Referents (ranging over temporal locations, agents, objects, or instruments etc. of actions) or to texts and images describing or depicting them, respectively. VAnnotatoR represents segments of texts or images, discourse referents and animations as interactive, manipulable 3D objects which can be networked to generate multimodal hypertexts. The paper introduces the underlying model of hyperlinks and exemplifies VAnnotatoR by means of a project in the area of public history, the so-called Stolperwege project." 1531053734,"Sentiment-driven Community Profiling and Detection on Social Media","Salehi, Ozer & Davulcu",0,1,47,"Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","","HT '18","2018","","Amin Salehi, Hasan Davulcu, Mert Ozer","Amin Salehi","Full paper","","true","","true","Web 2.0 helps to expand the range and depth of conversation on many issues and facilitates the formation of online communities. Online communities draw various individuals together based on their common opinions on a core set of issues. Most existing community detection methods merely focus on discovering communities without providing any insight regarding the collective opinions of community members and the motives behind the formation of communities. Several efforts have been made to tackle this problem by presenting a set of keywords as a community profile. However, they neglect the positions of community members towards keywords, which play an important role for understanding communities in the highly polarized atmosphere of social media. To this end, we present a sentiment-driven community profiling and detection framework which aims to provide community profiles presenting positive and negative collective opinions of community members separately. With this regard, our framework initially extracts key expressions in users’ messages as representative of issues and then identifies users’ positive/negative attitudes towards these key expressions. Next, it uncovers a low-dimensional latent space in order to cluster users according to their opinions and social interactions (i.e., retweets). We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework through quantitative and qualitative evaluations." 1569104357,"Tearing Down Walls: The European Way of Life","Weber",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Manfred Weber","Manfred Weber","Keynote","","false","","false","Manfred Weber is the leader of the European People’s Party (EPP) in the European Parliament. His main political focus is on bringing Europe back to the people and on uniting them behind concrete common ideas for the future of our continent, such as the fight on climate change, a European master plan against cancer and more fairness in a digitalized economy. In his keynote speech he stressed the need for further democratization of the European Union. Only if the people feel involved, we will be able to jointly take up the big challenges of our time and to defend our freedom, our unity and our “European way of life” instead of creating new divisions. 30 years ago, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain brought freedom and prosperity to the people of Europe. If we want to preserve these huge achievements, we must also break down the walls in other areas or prevent new walls from being built.####[no references]" 1569338380,"","Vieira & Brandão",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Augusto Vieira, Wladmir Brandão","Augusto Vieira","Poster","","false","","false","Video game and interactive media are currently among the most profitable industries in the world. In this competitive marketing, game producers are interested in designing products with aspects that increase user acceptance, such as a well written story, stable servers for multiplayer games, and fluid combat mechanics. Although user-expressed feelings about game aspects seem to correlate with user acceptance, sentiment analysis is under-exploited for video games user acceptance evaluation. In this poster, we propose an approach to evaluate the user acceptance of video games by using convolutional neural networks for aspect-based sentiment analysis of user text reviews." 1569338396,"Measuring the Elusive Engagement in an Academic Facebook Group","Deshmukh",0,0,6,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Ajita Deshmukh","Ajita Deshmukh","Poster","","false","","false","This poster presents the measurement of student engagement in a Facebook group for higher secondary school used as an educational scaffold. This mixed method research uses the student engagement instrument (SEI), adapted for the online environment. The inadequacies of social media analytics necessitated the use of the self-reported tool to measure student engagement in the Facebook group further triangulated by the focus group discussions. Thus, this study calls for comprehensive social media analytics that go beyond ‘views’, ‘likes’ and comments as a measure of engagement." 1594732948,"Climates of Change","Nelson & Salter",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Anastasia Salter, Jason Nelson","Jason Nelson","Exhibit","","false","Electronic literature, generative hypertext, hypertext fiction, interactive fiction","false","Given the global state of crisis, this year’s exhibition was migrated, and a new call was distributed for online works designed to use hypertext to drive engagement with the current challenges. The curators distributed a call for works responding to the overwhelming “climates of change,” with a particular emphasis on the ongoing environmental crisis. Thinking globally can be overwhelming: thus, this exhibition asks artists and viewers to engage with these global concerns through the lens of local and the personal. The exhibit features works that are brief and poetic; works that engage with moments and personal challenges; works that respond to local challenges and warnings for the future that is already here. The curators welcomed works positioned through the lens of the current moment; works that challenge and inspire us; and works that call out for reflection and change.####The curators particularly encouraged those submitting to draw on personal experiences or connections or understandings about climate change, the impacts, causes and effects. Pieces might also engage with how that understanding is changing every day under our growing collective challenges.####Works include:####* Steve DiPaola, “Dueling Rain”####* Alinta Krauth, “Prosthetics for a Changing Climate”####* Mark Sample, “The Infinite Catalog of Crushed Dreams”####* Rachel Donley, “I look but I can’t see”####* Alinta Krauth and Donna Davis, “Mountain Flora Plant Science Rescue”####* Samara Hayley Steele, Dargan Frierson, Mark C. Marino, and Rob Wittig, “DESTINATION WEDDING 2070”####Alex Mitchell, “Monstrous Weathered”####* Alexander Boyd, “Trail”####* Patrick Jagoda, Heidi Coleman, Ashlyn Sparrow, Kristen Schilt, and Marc Downie, “Terrarium: A Climate Change Alternate Reality Game”####* Stephanie Strickland, “Ancient Change-Ringing Algorithms to Remix Text on Multiple Platforms”####* Gretchen Miller, “The Rescue Project”####* Sophie Reid-Singer, “Response”####* Yohanna Joseph Waliya, “Climatophosis”####[no references]" 1594896751,"Towards Extending Wikipedia with Bidirectional Links","Olewniczak, Boiński & Szymański",2,0,5,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Julian Szymański, Szymon Olewniczak, Tomasz Boiński","Szymon Olewniczak","Poster","","false","","true","In this paper, we present the results of our WikiLinks project which aims at extending current Wikipedia linkage mechanisms. Wikipedia has become recently one of the most important information sources on the Internet, which still is based on relatively simple linkage facilities. A WikiLinks system extends the Wikipedia with bidirectional links between fragments of articles. However, there were several attempts to introduce bidirectional fragment-fragment links to the Web, WikiLinks project is the first attempt to bring the new linkage mechanism directly to Wikipedia." 1630361714,"Multimodality and Hypertext: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations","Bateman & Hiippala",0,0,3,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","John Bateman, Tuomo Hiippala","John Bateman","Keynote","","false","","false","One important contribution commonly ascribed to hypertext is the ability to combine different forms of expression, and so be considered 'multimodal' (or, at least, 'multimedial'). On closer analysis, however, theorizing just what this entails has remained limited. Similarly to the situation that long held concerning 'written' texts, it is too easily assumed that different modalities, sometimes labelled with terms such as 'text' or 'image', combine 'naturally' and so users should be able to follow such combinations with relative ease. Research on literacy, particularly with respect to contemporary media configurations, has shown this assumption to be false.####Constructing coherent interpretations of combinations of modalities can be far from straightforward, even when supported by good interface design; with poor design, which from the perspective of displayed 'documents' is unfortunately rather common, finding intended interpretations can present significant challenges. Now, when translated to the even more complex medial environment of hypertext, these potential problems are magnified considerably. Moreover, traditional considerations of where the 'boundaries' of hypertext might lie are now being redrawn as hypertext and the increasingly 'hyper'-connected medial world become increasingly permeable. The entire multimodal world of social media and participatory digital cultures might then be considered from a hypertext perspective, but research on hypertext itself lacks conceptual tools with the power necessary to engage with that world. Simple 'extensions' of traditional notions of hypertext are likely to prove insufficient for a full-blown account of multimodality.####In this talk we address these concerns from the perspective of current developments in multimodality studies, where the starting point is communication as such, regardless of the expressive forms that are used for that communication and whether communication is mediated computationally, via interlinked artefacts and pathways, or by cross-linked practices of digital and non-digital use. In short, current medial practices demand that hypertext be seen not simply as, for example, a shift from page-based documents to video, but as a further computationally supported environment for the development and deployment of core multimodal theoretical constructs such as semiotic modes, media and genres. We introduce these concepts and show several practical examples of processing from ongoing projects with a variety of media." 1569338403,"NHT'19: Narrative and Hypertext 2019","Hargood, Millard & Bernstein",0,0,1,"Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Tear Down The Wall","HT '19","2019","","Charlie Hargood, David E. Millard, Mark Bernstein","Charlie Hargood","Workshop","","false","","false","NHT is a continuing workshop series associated with the ACM Hypertext conference. The workshop acts as forum of discussion for the narrative systems community within the wider audience of the Hypertext conference. The workshop runs both presentations from authors of accepted short research papers, panel discussions of experts, and unstructured unconference sessions to provide a venue for important discussions of issues facing and opportunities for members of the narrative and hypertext community." 1594732944,"Tech Won’t Save Us: Reimagining Digital Technologies for the Public","Noble",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Safiya Umoja Noble","Safiya Umoja Noble","Keynote","","false","","false","Critical information scholars continue to demonstrate how technology and its narratives are shaped by and infused with values, that is, that it is not the result of the actions of impartial, disembodied, unpositioned agents. Technology consists of a set of social practices, situated within the dynamics of race, gender, class, and politics. This talk, stemming from the recent book, Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism, addresses the issues of racial equity and public interest technologies that could foreground civil and human rights in the 21st century movements for AI.####[no references]" 1594732946,"The Hypertext Years?","Moulthrop",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Stuart Moulthrop","Stuart Moulthrop","Keynote","","false","","false","This talk begins with the crazy notion that we might think of hypertext as a signature for the period 1985-2020. The claim is more plausible technically than culturally, but the talk is perversely addressed to culture. Among other things, the discussion revisits Moulthrop’s previous ACM Hypertext keynote in 1998, in which he distinguished between “exoteric” hypertext - the then-novel adaptation of the World Wide Web by Amazon and other online retailers - and “esoteric” applications in things like hypertext fiction and digital art. The talk updates this insight with reference to later developments such as Jill Walker’s “feral hypertext” thesis, the rise of social media, and the recognition of computer games as legitimate channels of ideas.####While these phenomena have arguably displaced hypertextuality in the popular imagination, Moulthrop points to the major interest in complex narratives, counterfactuals, and multiverses as places where the hypertext aesthetic survives. Turning from aesthetics back to the technical, the talk focuses on Twine, the popular text-gaming application that marries what Alexander Galloway would call the “proctological” openness of web technologies with the structure-mapping affordances of graphical hypertext systems. In some ways portraying Twine as a second coming of hypertext is a clear and perhaps intentional misreading. The talk ends by wondering what this misreading might reveal.####[no references]" 1594849425,"Kurios: A Web App for Saving and Sharing Audio Memories with Physical Objects","Tolentino & Mosher",0,0,9,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Cameron Tolentino, Matthew Mosher","Cameron Tolentino","Poster","","false","","false","Kurios is a smartphone web application for saving and sharing audio stories embedded in physical objects. People can use Kurios to preserve their memories sparked by family photos, heirlooms, travel souvenirs, and trophies into the objects themselves. By creating this easily accessed semantic platform, the project seeks to not only preserve past stories but also promote the bonds and sense of community that come with storytelling itself." 1594849427,"Hypertext as a Tool for Exploring Personal Data on Social Media","Herder, Roßner & Atzenbeck",1,0,3,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Claus Atzenbeck, Daniel Roßner, Eelco Herder","Eelco Herder","Poster","","false","","true","Social networks such as Facebook are required to provide users with their personal data. However, these dumps do not provide users insight in overarching themes in their online behavior. In this poster, we discuss the development of Mother, a spatial hypertext system for visual data exploration. First insights include that the less obvious connections are more interesting and relevant to the user than very close semantic or temporal connections." 1594849459,"Wikipedia and Westminster: Quality and Dynamics of Wikipedia Pages about UK Politicians","Agarwal et al.",0,1,18,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Andrew Blick, Edward Wood, Miriam Redi, Nishanth Sastry, Pushkal Agarwal","Pushkal Agarwal","Short paper","","true","editors, polarisation, politics, wikipedia","true","Wikipedia is a major source of information providing a large variety of content online, trusted by readers from around the world. Readers go to Wikipedia to get reliable information about different subjects, one of the most popular being living people, and especially politicians. While a lot is known about the general usage and information consumption on Wikipedia, less is known about the life-cycle and quality of Wikipedia articles in the context of politics. The aim of this study is to quantify and qualify content production and consumption for articles about politicians, with a specific focus on UK Members of Parliament (MPs).####First, we analyze spatio-temporal patterns of readers’ and editors’ engagement with MPs’ Wikipedia pages, finding huge peaks of attention during election times, related to signs of engagement on other social media (e.g. Twitter). Second, we quantify editors’ polarisation and find that most editors specialize in a specific party and choose specific news outlets as references. Finally we observe that the average citation quality is pretty high, with statements on ‘Early life and career’ missing citations most often (18%)." 1594896683,"Man is to Person as Woman is to Location: Measuring Gender Bias in Named Entity Recognition","Mehrabi et al.",0,0,2,"Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","HYPERTEXT for Social Good","","2020","","Aram Galstyan, Fred Morstatter, Nanyun Peng, Ninareh Mehrabi, Thamme Gowda","Ninareh Mehrabi","Poster","","false","","false","In this paper, we study the bias in named entity recognition (NER) models—specifically, the difference in the ability to recognize male and female names as PERSON entity types. We evaluate NER models on a dataset containing 139 years of U.S. census baby names and find that relatively more female names, as opposed to male names, are not recognized as PERSON entities. The result of this analysis yields a new benchmark for gender bias evaluation in named entity recognition systems. The data and code for the application of this benchmark is publicly available for researchers to use." 1630361712,"Towards an Archive of the Future: Reconstructing Ireland's Lost History through the Beyond 2022 Project","Crooks & Munnelly",0,0,0,"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media","Hypertext in a Multimodal World","","2021","","Gary Munnelly, Peter Crooks","Peter Crooks","Keynote","","false","","false","In 1922, the 'Record Treasury' of the Public Record Office of Ireland in Dublin was destroyed in the opening engagement of Ireland's Civil War. The Treasury contained millions of historical documents filling 100,000 square feet of shelving organised into 5,500 series of records accumulated over seven centuries. It was destroyed in one afternoon.####Beyond 2022 is an international collaborative research project based at the ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin, and funded by the Government of Ireland. We are working to create a virtual reimagining of this lost national archive. Many millions of words from destroyed documents will be linked and reassembled from copies, transcripts and other records scattered among the collections of our archival partners. We will bring together this rich array of replacement items within an immersive 3-D reconstruction of the destroyed building.####In this keynote address, we will discuss the Digital Humanities and Knowledge Engineering challenges presented by the project, and also reflect on how this reimagining of a lost archive will provide deeper search and discoverability than was possible one hundred years ago when the archive was still in existence."